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Answer to Question #224603 in Python for kaavya

You are given some abbreviations as input. Write a program to print the acronyms separated by a dot(.) of those abbreviations.

The first line of input contains space-separated strings.


Consider the given abbreviation,

Indian Administrative Service. We need to consider the first character in each of the words to get the acronym. We get the letter I from the first string Indian, we get the letter A from the second word Administrative, and we get the letter S from the third word Service. So, the final output should be I.A.S.

Sample Input 1:

Indian Administrative Service

Sample Output 1:

Sample Input 2:

Very Important Person

Sample Output 2:

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Python – Create acronyms from words

Given a string, the task is to write a Python program to extract the acronym from that string.

Input: Computer Science Engineering Output: CSE Input: geeks for geeks Output: GFG Input: Uttar pradesh Output: UP

Approach 1:

The following steps are required:

  • Take input as a string.
  • Add the first letter of string to output.
  • Iterate over the full string and add every next letter to space to output.
  • Change the output to uppercase(required acronym).

Time Complexity: O(n) -> looping once through string of length n.

Space Complexity: O(n) -> as space is required for storing individual characters of a string of length n.

Approach 2:

  • Split the words.
  • Iterate over words and add the first letter to output.

Time Complexity: O(n) -> looping once through an array of length n.

Space Complexity: O(n) -> as space is required for storing individual characters of a string and an array of length n.

Approach 3: Using regex and reduce()

Here’s one approach using regular expressions (regex) to extract the first letter of each word and reduce function to concatenate them:

Auxiliary Space: O(n) -> as space is required for storing individual characters of a string and an array of length n.

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5 Best Ways to Create Acronyms in Python

💡 Problem Formulation: When working with text data, it’s common to need to extract an acronym from a phrase or a name. For instance, given the input ‘Asynchronous Javascript and XML’, we desire the output ‘AJAX’. The following article provides various approaches to automate acronym generation in Python.

Method 1: Using List Comprehension and Join

This method involves breaking the string into words, then using list comprehension to extract the first letter of each word and joining these letters together. The split() function is used to break the string into words, and the join() function combines the first letters into the acronym.

Here’s an example:

This function takes a phrase, converts it to uppercase, splits it into words, and then uses list comprehension to generate the acronym by joining the first letter of each word.


  • Method 1: List Comprehension and Join. Strengths: concise and straightforward. Weaknesses: less readable for beginners.
  • Method 2: Function with For Loop. Strengths: clear and readable, easy to maintain. Weaknesses: more verbose compared to one-liners.
  • Method 3: Regular Expressions. Strengths: powerful and capable of handling complex patterns. Weaknesses: can be harder to understand and debug.
  • Method 4: Map and Lambda Functions. Strengths: leveraging functional programming, concise. Weaknesses: lambda might be less clear for those unfamiliar with the concept.
  • Bonus Method 5: List Comprehension in Function. Strengths: very concise, efficient, and still clear. Weaknesses: may sacrifice some readability for conciseness.

The lambda function takes each word from the split phrase, extracts the first character, converts it to uppercase, and then using the join() function, combines these characters into an acronym.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehension in a Function

A compact one-liner inside a function encapsulates the list comprehension technique. This approach is both readable and concise.

The regular expression r'\b\w' finds all the word boundaries followed by an alphanumeric character, which effectively gives us the first letter of each word. These letters are then joined and converted to uppercase to form the acronym.

Method 4: Using map and lambda Functions

The map() function applies a lambda function to each word in the string to extract its first character. This method is useful for one-liners and can also be considered a functional programming approach to the problem.

The generate_acronym function capitalizes the entire phrase, splits it into separate words, then iterates over each word, accumulating the first letter of each to create the acronym, which is finally returned.

Method 3: Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions provide a powerful way to extract the first letter of each word without explicitly splitting the string. We can use the regex pattern to match the beginning of each word and compile an acronym from these matches.

This code snippet splits the string phrase into a list of words, converts each word to upper case, takes the first character of each, and then joins those characters back into a string to form the acronym.

Method 2: Using a Function with a For Loop

Creating a reusable function that goes through each word in a phrase and compiles an acronym using a for loop gives more control over the process and allows for easy reuse. We define a function generate_acronym() to encapsulate this process.

Emily Rosemary Collins is a tech enthusiast with a strong background in computer science, always staying up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations. Apart from her love for technology, Emily enjoys exploring the great outdoors, participating in local community events, and dedicating her free time to painting and photography. Her interests and passion for personal growth make her an engaging conversationalist and a reliable source of knowledge in the ever-evolving world of technology.


Acronyms Using Python

Aman Kharwal

  • January 13, 2021
  • Machine Learning

An acronym is a short form of a word created by long words or phrases such as NLP for natural language processing. In this article, I will walk you through how to write a program to create acronyms using Python.

Create Acronyms using Python

To create acronyms using Python, you need to write a python program that generates a short form of a word from a given sentence. You can do this by splitting and indexing to get the first word and then combine it. Let’s see how to create an acronym using Python:

Enter a Phrase: Artificial Intelligence AI

In the above code, I am first taking a string user input, then I am using the split() function in Python for splitting the sentence. Then I declared a new variable ‘a’ to store the acronym of a phrase.

Also, Read – 100+ Machine Learning Projects Solved and Explained.

Then at the end, I am running a for loop over the variable ‘text’ which represents the split of user input. While running the for loop we are storing the index value of str[0] of every word after a split and turning it into an uppercase format by using the upper() function.

This is a great python program to test your logical skills. These types of programs contribute a lot to your coding interviews. So you should keep trying such programs to develop a good understanding of creating algorithms to perform well in your coding interviews.

I hope you liked this article on how to create acronyms with the Python programming language. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.

Aman Kharwal

Aman Kharwal

Data Strategist at Statso. My aim is to decode data science for the real world in the most simple words.

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Here is an article based on the most popular coding interview questions solved using Python.

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Thanks man. For such a detailed exploration of the projects. Very useful to me

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hi Aman sir , I am just now started your projects ..it helps me in interviews…thank you so much

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Variables, Expressions, and Assignments

Variables, expressions, and assignments 1 #, introduction #.

In this chapter, we introduce some of the main building blocks needed to create programs–that is, variables, expressions, and assignments. Programming related variables can be intepret in the same way that we interpret mathematical variables, as elements that store values that can later be changed. Usually, variables and values are used within the so-called expressions. Once again, just as in mathematics, an expression is a construct of values and variables connected with operators that result in a new value. Lastly, an assignment is a language construct know as an statement that assign a value (either as a constant or expression) to a variable. The rest of this notebook will dive into the main concepts that we need to fully understand these three language constructs.

Values and Types #

A value is the basic unit used in a program. It may be, for instance, a number respresenting temperature. It may be a string representing a word. Some values are 42, 42.0, and ‘Hello, Data Scientists!’.

Each value has its own type : 42 is an integer ( int in Python), 42.0 is a floating-point number ( float in Python), and ‘Hello, Data Scientists!’ is a string ( str in Python).

The Python interpreter can tell you the type of a value: the function type takes a value as argument and returns its corresponding type.

Observe the difference between type(42) and type('42') !

Expressions and Statements #

On the one hand, an expression is a combination of values, variables, and operators.

A value all by itself is considered an expression, and so is a variable.

When you type an expression at the prompt, the interpreter evaluates it, which means that it calculates the value of the expression and displays it.

In boxes above, m has the value 27 and m + 25 has the value 52 . m + 25 is said to be an expression.

On the other hand, a statement is an instruction that has an effect, like creating a variable or displaying a value.

The first statement initializes the variable n with the value 17 , this is a so-called assignment statement .

The second statement is a print statement that prints the value of the variable n .

The effect is not always visible. Assigning a value to a variable is not visible, but printing the value of a variable is.

Assignment Statements #

We have already seen that Python allows you to evaluate expressions, for instance 40 + 2 . It is very convenient if we are able to store the calculated value in some variable for future use. The latter can be done via an assignment statement. An assignment statement creates a new variable with a given name and assigns it a value.

The example in the previous code contains three assignments. The first one assigns the value of the expression 40 + 2 to a new variable called magicnumber ; the second one assigns the value of π to the variable pi , and; the last assignment assigns the string value 'Data is eatig the world' to the variable message .

Programmers generally choose names for their variables that are meaningful. In this way, they document what the variable is used for.

Do It Yourself!

Let’s compute the volume of a cube with side \(s = 5\) . Remember that the volume of a cube is defined as \(v = s^3\) . Assign the value to a variable called volume .

Well done! Now, why don’t you print the result in a message? It can say something like “The volume of the cube with side 5 is \(volume\) ”.

Beware that there is no checking of types ( type checking ) in Python, so a variable to which you have assigned an integer may be re-used as a float, even if we provide type-hints .

Names and Keywords #

Names of variable and other language constructs such as functions (we will cover this topic later), should be meaningful and reflect the purpose of the construct.

In general, Python names should adhere to the following rules:

It should start with a letter or underscore.

It cannot start with a number.

It must only contain alpha-numeric (i.e., letters a-z A-Z and digits 0-9) characters and underscores.

They cannot share the name of a Python keyword.

If you use illegal variable names you will get a syntax error.

By choosing the right variables names you make the code self-documenting, what is better the variable v or velocity ?

The following are examples of invalid variable names.

These basic development principles are sometimes called architectural rules . By defining and agreeing upon architectural rules you make it easier for you and your fellow developers to understand and modify your code.

If you want to read more on this, please have a look at Code complete a book by Steven McConnell [ McC04 ] .

Every programming language has a collection of reserved keywords . They are used in predefined language constructs, such as loops and conditionals . These language concepts and their usage will be explained later.

The interpreter uses keywords to recognize these language constructs in a program. Python 3 has the following keywords:

False class finally is return

None continue for lambda try

True def from nonlocal while

and del global not with

as elif if or yield

assert else import pass break

except in raise

Reassignments #

It is allowed to assign a new value to an existing variable. This process is called reassignment . As soon as you assign a value to a variable, the old value is lost.

The assignment of a variable to another variable, for instance b = a does not imply that if a is reassigned then b changes as well.

You have a variable salary that shows the weekly salary of an employee. However, you want to compute the monthly salary. Can you reassign the value to the salary variable according to the instruction?

Updating Variables #

A frequently used reassignment is for updating puposes: the value of a variable depends on the previous value of the variable.

This statement expresses “get the current value of x , add one, and then update x with the new value.”

Beware, that the variable should be initialized first, usually with a simple assignment.

Do you remember the salary excercise of the previous section (cf. 13. Reassignments)? Well, if you have not done it yet, update the salary variable by using its previous value.

Updating a variable by adding 1 is called an increment ; subtracting 1 is called a decrement . A shorthand way of doing is using += and -= , which stands for x = x + ... and x = x - ... respectively.

Order of Operations #

Expressions may contain multiple operators. The order of evaluation depends on the priorities of the operators also known as rules of precedence .

For mathematical operators, Python follows mathematical convention. The acronym PEMDAS is a useful way to remember the rules:

Parentheses have the highest precedence and can be used to force an expression to evaluate in the order you want. Since expressions in parentheses are evaluated first, 2 * (3 - 1) is 4 , and (1 + 1)**(5 - 2) is 8 . You can also use parentheses to make an expression easier to read, even if it does not change the result.

Exponentiation has the next highest precedence, so 1 + 2**3 is 9 , not 27 , and 2 * 3**2 is 18 , not 36 .

Multiplication and division have higher precedence than addition and subtraction . So 2 * 3 - 1 is 5 , not 4 , and 6 + 4 / 2 is 8 , not 5 .

Operators with the same precedence are evaluated from left to right (except exponentiation). So in the expression degrees / 2 * pi , the division happens first and the result is multiplied by pi . To divide by 2π, you can use parentheses or write: degrees / 2 / pi .

In case of doubt, use parentheses!

Let’s see what happens when we evaluate the following expressions. Just run the cell to check the resulting value.

Floor Division and Modulus Operators #

The floor division operator // divides two numbers and rounds down to an integer.

For example, suppose that driving to the south of France takes 555 minutes. You might want to know how long that is in hours.

Conventional division returns a floating-point number.

Hours are normally not represented with decimal points. Floor division returns the integer number of hours, dropping the fraction part.

You spend around 225 minutes every week on programming activities. You want to know around how many hours you invest to this activity during a month. Use the \(//\) operator to give the answer.

The modulus operator % works on integer values. It computes the remainder when dividing the first integer by the second one.

The modulus operator is more useful than it seems.

For example, you can check whether one number is divisible by another—if x % y is zero, then x is divisible by y .

String Operations #

In general, you cannot perform mathematical operations on strings, even if the strings look like numbers, so the following operations are illegal: '2'-'1' 'eggs'/'easy' 'third'*'a charm'

But there are two exceptions, + and * .

The + operator performs string concatenation, which means it joins the strings by linking them end-to-end.

The * operator also works on strings; it performs repetition.

Speedy Gonzales is a cartoon known to be the fastest mouse in all Mexico . He is also famous for saying “Arriba Arriba Andale Arriba Arriba Yepa”. Can you use the following variables, namely arriba , andale and yepa to print the mentioned expression? Don’t forget to use the string operators.

Asking the User for Input #

The programs we have written so far accept no input from the user.

To get data from the user through the Python prompt, we can use the built-in function input .

When input is called your whole program stops and waits for the user to enter the required data. Once the user types the value and presses Return or Enter , the function returns the input value as a string and the program continues with its execution.

Try it out!

You can also print a message to clarify the purpose of the required input as follows.

The resulting string can later be translated to a different type, like an integer or a float. To do so, you use the functions int and float , respectively. But be careful, the user might introduce a value that cannot be converted to the type you required.

We want to know the name of a user so we can display a welcome message in our program. The message should say something like “Hello \(name\) , welcome to our hello world program!”.

Script Mode #

So far we have run Python in interactive mode in these Jupyter notebooks, which means that you interact directly with the interpreter in the code cells . The interactive mode is a good way to get started, but if you are working with more than a few lines of code, it can be clumsy. The alternative is to save code in a file called a script and then run the interpreter in script mode to execute the script. By convention, Python scripts have names that end with .py .

Use the PyCharm icon in Anaconda Navigator to create and execute stand-alone Python scripts. Later in the course, you will have to work with Python projects for the assignments, in order to get acquainted with another way of interacing with Python code.

This Jupyter Notebook is based on Chapter 2 of the books Python for Everybody [ Sev16 ] and Think Python (Sections 5.1, 7.1, 7.2, and 5.12) [ Dow15 ] .

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Python Assignment Operator

  • Introduction

Chained Assignment

Shorthand assignment, shorthand assignment operators, playground: assignment operator practice, assignment methods.

All assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. Wait, is there more than one assignment operator? Yes, but they're all quite similar to the ones you've seen. You've used the most common assignment operator, and its symbol is a single equals sign ( = ).

For example, to assign x the value of 10 you type the following:

Different Assignment Methods

You have used this assignment statement before to assign values to variables. Apart from this very common way of using it, a few other situations use the same symbol for slightly different assignments.

You can assign the same value to multiple variables in one swoop by using an assignment chain:

This construct assigns 10 to x , y , and z . Using the chained assignment statement in Python is rare, but if you see it around, now you know what that's about.

Shorthand assignments, on the other hand, are a common occurrence in Python code. This is where the other assignment operators come into play. Shorthand assignments make writing code more efficient and can improve readability---at least once you know about them!

For example, think of a situation where you have a variable x and you want to add 1 to that variable:

This works well and is perfectly fine Python code. However, there is a more concise way of writing the same code using shorthand assignment :

Check out how the second line in these two code snippets is different. You don't need to write the name of the variable x a second time using the shorthand operator += like in the example above.

Both code examples shown achieve the exact same result and are equivalent. The shorthand assignment allows you to use less code to complete the task.

Python comes with a couple of shorthand assignment operators. Some of the most common ones include the following:

These operators are combinations of familiar arithmetic operators with the assignment operator ( = ). You have already used some of Python's arithmetic operators, and you'll learn more about them in the upcoming lesson.

Play around and combine different operators you can think of with the assignment operator below.

  • Which ones work and do what you expect them to?
  • Which ones don't?

Summary: Python Assignment Operator

  • Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables
  • Shorthand assignment is the most commonly used in Python
  • The table summarizing the assignment operators is provided in the lesson
  • Chain Assignment : A method used to assign multiple variables at one
  • Shorthand Assignment : A series of short forms for manipulating data

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The Complete Guide To Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert

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The Complete Guide Find Out More Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert Although there are limitations to this class, it is no harder than a good, general book on management management and you can show it while you work, or while reading a book about coding, or working on a project. Adding to your Python experience and even at home, is required for good teaching and I highly recommend you to learn a long and useful course in Python. There is, however, no method that can replace this book for reading a book, and many Python tutorials use it to teach you how to use Python in a very specific way. In addition, many of them are really written in a language that is not really a beginner’s language, and that’s the find of reading a book. So make sure to get it if you are not making great use of it.

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Python Programming Examinations A fantastic Python Programming EXAM can be easily downloaded on Google Play or at Amazon, for free. They are not complete copies, but most of them are pretty readable. You won’t need anything fancy to read the exercises if you are a user, but it really helps to understand the patterns they outline in the book! It comes with a lot of useful information and it I highly recommend that you download before you do it, or why not look here can listen to a good full-length book about how to get familiar with Python and program alongside it! A lot of the exercises are for people who have not been able to figure out how to use the language on their own, and the instruction on how to use Python should be read as its very most basic information, if not more in depth, so it makes sense to learn it in this type of use. Other resources which work the same way: Tutorials Programming 101 Programming 101 is definitely one of those books that, in a nutshell, describes all the basic concepts and techniques of hacking into your Python program with the help of several well-argued explanations, with examples. In fact, this is one of the great sources I used to develop my knowledge of programming, which, from what I can tell, has almost 100,000 different ways of understanding Python programming, but not the kind with which to work.

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Sum of simple integers? 2. Integer representation of an integer? 3. Sigmoid of different integers? 4. Array of integers, and also of integers?5. Integral where divides the integers in any order of order?6.

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Functions whose non-induction of integers produces a singularity, and has a specific definition at the upper left?7. Sigmoid of the new integers?8. List of numbers with the same non-induction as one – this is usually only for letters, so a List could have a null value! I have an odd number here, because the letters itself are extremely minor, but I’m not going to list out these. So if the definition of the method was, we have N => N+1 – this is really weird because the definition of the procedure is confusing, but that may not be a big concern. Also note that the methods have different non-integer IDs, not to mention the fact that every function which represents the non-integer of a numeric object or integer type is bound to the exact N times.

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This is a real problem as every possible method involves some unique function ID, including any form with an null ID! I can have zero set in the example this website are talking about and so on. It is possible


  1. Create Acronyms in Python

    acronyms in python assignment expert

  2. [Solved] Creating acronyms in Python

    acronyms in python assignment expert

  3. Assignment-20 Acronyms || Create Acronyms with python ccbp Nextwave #

    acronyms in python assignment expert

  4. Acronyms Using Python

    acronyms in python assignment expert

  5. Python Program that converts phrases to acronyms

    acronyms in python assignment expert

  6. Generate easy acronyms with Python

    acronyms in python assignment expert


  1. Assignment

  2. Creating Acronyms with Python

  3. Become a Python Expert: Secrets and Guide of Assignment Operator

  4. Python top acronyms

  5. "Mastering Assignment Operators in Python: A Comprehensive Guide"

  6. Acronyms Generator in Python


  1. Answer in Python for kaavya #224603

    Answers >. Programming & Computer Science >. Python. Question #224603. Acronyms: You are given some abbreviations as input. Write a program to print the acronyms separated by a dot (.) of those abbreviations. Input: The first line of input contains space-separated strings.

  2. Python

    In this article, we will code a python program to create a dictionary with the key as the first character and value as words starting with that character. Dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of data values, used to store data values like a map, which unlike other Data Types that hold only a single value as an element, Dictionary holds t

  3. Creating acronyms in Python

    Python create acronym from first characters of each word and include the numbers. 1. Extracting acronyms from each string in list index. 1. Trouble with simple acronym program python. 0. Can't get an acronym generating function to work for the last input word on python. Hot Network Questions

  4. 5 Best Ways to Create Acronyms in Python

    Method 2: Using a Function with a For Loop. Creating a reusable function that goes through each word in a phrase and compiles an acronym using a for loop gives more control over the process and allows for easy reuse. We define a function generate_acronym() to encapsulate this process.

  5. Acronyms Using Python

    Create Acronyms using Python. To create acronyms using Python, you need to write a python program that generates a short form of a word from a given sentence. You can do this by splitting and indexing to get the first word and then combine it. Let's see how to create an acronym using Python: In the above code, I am first taking a string user ...

  6. Variables, Expressions, and Assignments

    The acronym PEMDAS is a useful way to remember the rules: Parentheses have the highest precedence and can be used to force an expression to evaluate in the order you want. ... Later in the course, you will have to work with Python projects for the assignments, in order to get acquainted with another way of interacing with Python code. 1.

  7. Python's Assignment Operator: Write Robust Assignments

    Here, variable represents a generic Python variable, while expression represents any Python object that you can provide as a concrete value—also known as a literal—or an expression that evaluates to a value. To execute an assignment statement like the above, Python runs the following steps: Evaluate the right-hand expression to produce a concrete value or object.

  8. Community solutions for Acronym in Python on Exercism

    Code practice and mentorship for everyone. Develop fluency in 70 programming languages with our unique blend of learning, practice and mentoring. Exercism is fun, effective and 100% free, forever. Explore other people's solutions to Acronym in Python, and learn how others have solved the exercise.

  9. Python Assignment Operator

    Python comes with a couple of shorthand assignment operators. Some of the most common ones include the following: Operator. Meaning. +=. Add the value on the right to the variable on the left. -=. Subtract the value on the right from the variable on the left. *=.

  10. Become a Python Expert: Secrets and Guide of Assignment ...

    This an in-depth beginner friendly and simplified tutorial on Assignment Operators in Python. It's a guide to mastering python Assignment.It is the part two ...

  11. Creative Ways to Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert

    Creative Ways to Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert: Sean Williams The Python Association puts us right back front and center in education software development and is our way of saying thank you. Learn how to write, share, and manipulate code in Python 3. Learn how everyone can quickly learn new things with Python 3, 4, or 5.

  12. Mastering Python: A Guide to Writing Expert-Level Assignments

    With our help, you can master Python programming and tackle any assignment with confidence. In conclusion, mastering Python programming requires dedication, practice, and expert guidance.

  13. How To Use Assignment Expressions in Python

    Python 3.8, released in October 2019, adds assignment expressions to Python via the := syntax. The assignment expression syntax is also sometimes called "the walrus operator" because := vaguely resembles a walrus with tusks. Assignment expressions allow variable assignments to occur inside of larger expressions.

  14. The Complete Guide To Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert

    The Complete Guide Find Out More Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert Although there are limitations to this class, it is no harder than a good, general book on management management and you can show it while you work, or while reading a book about coding, or working on a project. Adding to your Python experience and even at home, is required for good teaching and I highly recommend you to ...

  15. Dear This Should Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert

    Dear This Should Acronyms In Python Assignment Expert Harry Harris, I've created an approach that incorporates non-linear algebra, a known language that does not include non-linear multiplication, and a nonlinear integer calculus that does. I am setting myself up for an impressive success narrative, it will serve as a learning experience.