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  • Cover Letters

How to Structure a Cover Letter

What to include in each part of a cover letter.

a cover letter is which of the following

The Structure of a Cover Letter

  • What to Include in a Cover Letter

Sending an Email Cover Letter

Cover letter template and example.

When  writing a cover letter  to apply for a job, it's important to include all the requisite information clearly and efficiently.

Your cover letter is a way to grab the hiring manager's attention and it's important to be sure that it's polished, professional, and complete with the information the reader expects to see. If any elements are missing, it could even disqualify you from consideration for the job.

A cover letter is comprised of several sections: your contact information, a salutation, the body of the cover letter, an appropriate closing, and a signature.

Review the structure of a cover letter, what to include in each part, and examples.

Your Contact Information

  • What to include: The first section or header includes your contact information: name, address, phone or cell phone number, and your email address. It has also become common to include your LinkedIn address so that employers can immediately access your professional profile, resume, and networking contacts.  In an email, you can also list your contact info below your signature.
  • Choose a style: Go with a simple block, centered header, or get a little fancy with the design if you're sending a hard copy. 
  • Keep it professional: Also, keep in mind that your email address should sound simple and professional. Ideally, it would look like “[email protected].” Never use a “cutesy” email address that refers to your hobbies or political opinions or is off-color—your email address needs to reflect your professional identity, not your sense of humor.

You may want to create an email account dedicated solely to your career search. It can be easier to track all your correspondence when you have a dedicated email address for job hunting.

Employer Contact Information

  • You can also include the employer's contact information. This is most appropriate to include on a formal, hard copy cover letter submitted through snail mail or by hand.
  • If you are sending a job application by email or through an employer’s online application system, it is not as necessary to include this contact information.
  • As a general rule of thumb for email applications, use the formal contact address if you know it, but don’t worry too much about omitting it otherwise.

Cover Letter Salutation

Although you may not need to know whom to address when sending a cover letter via email, getting a name to address your letter to is important. Do your research to avoid having to use the generic " To Whom It May Concern " or "Dear Sir or Madam," which can make things look like you didn't make an effort to learn more about the job or the employer. The best ways to learn contact names are to call an organization’s front office or to review their website.

To get in gear, review samples of  cover letter salutations . If you can't find a contact person, there are options you can use instead .

Cover Letter Body

The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow up. This section of your cover letter includes:

  • First paragraph : Why you are writing. This is "the grab," your chance to grasp your reader by the collar and get their attention. Offer some specific, focused information regarding the job you're seeking and a few core strengths that demonstrate your suitability for the position.
  • Second paragraph : What you have to offer the employer .  This is your hook where you highlight examples of the work performed and achieved results. Draw on your key competencies from your resume, although don't copy it word for word. Bullet points in this paragraph are extremely effective in drawing your reader's eye to your successes.
  • Third paragraph : Your knowledge of the company. Show that you did your research and know something about the business and how you can contribute to its mission.
  • Fourth paragraph : Your closing. Summarize what you would bring to the position and suggest next steps by requesting a meeting or suggesting a call.

You can boldface quantifiable achievements like YOY sales figures in order to make these “pop” on the page.

Finish your letter with a formal closing like "Sincerely" or "Yours truly." A cover letter is professional correspondence, so don't use informal closings like "Cheers" in the letters you write to apply for jobs.

Your Signature 

How you sign your cover letter will depend if you're sending a paper or email letter. If you're sending a paper letter, type your name after the salutation, leaving a space for your handwritten signature. If you're sending an email cover letter, type your name and contact information after your salutation.

Signature for a Hard Copy Letter Example

Mary Barnes (Your Signature)

Mary Barnes

Email Letter Signature Example

Mary Barnes Address City, State Zip Email Phone

When you're sending a cover letter via email, include your name and the job you're applying for in the subject line of the message. That way, you'll be sure your message gets opened and read.

Subject: Mary Barnes - Marketing Assistant Position

Download a cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Cover Letter Example

Lucius Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 lucius.applicant@email.com

August 12, 2020

William Lee Lead Mechanic Acme Auto 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321 

Dear Mr. Lee:

I’m writing to apply for the position of diesel mechanic at the City Transit Agency, as advertised on the city’s careers web page. I’ve included my resume for your consideration.

In addition to experience as a diesel mechanic, I have an excellent knowledge of gasoline engines and electric systems, and I hold a CDL drivers license. Most recently, I worked for Trailer Transfer in Middletown as their lead diesel mechanic. While I was there, I developed a training program for new hires. However, I had to leave my job due to a move to your city.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I will follow up next week to see if I can offer any more information about my skills and experience. My cell phone is 555-555-5555 and my email is lucius.applicant@email.com. 

Best regards,

Lucius Applicant (Signature hard copy letter)

Lucius Applicant

Need more examples? Here are more cover letter examples , including templates you can customize to create your own cover letters.

Parts of a Cover Letter: A Detailed Breakdown of 6 Must-Have Sections

Nathan Thompson

3 takeaways

  • Learn each part of a cover letter and proper cover letter structure
  • Discover how to correctly write each section of your cover letter 
  • The best method for generating personalized cover letters in seconds with the Teal AI Resume Builder

When you’re job searching, writing a cover letter can be one of the most discouraging tasks on the list. After all, you’ve already bookmarked the job you want, researched the company, and tailored the perfect resume to match the job description. 

And now, you need to find the time (and energy) to fit all that information into a single-page cover letter.

But by knowing all the parts of a cover letter, along with how to write them, you’ll have a massive head start in the application process. 

What are the parts of a cover letter?

Before you get started creating your cover letter sections, it's important to know the main parts of a professional cover letter. Here they are in order:

  • Salutation (or greeting)
  • Opening paragraph
  • Closing paragraph

Struggling to land interviews with your current resume and cover letter? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder today.

Just like there are resume sections , cover letters have sections, too.  So, first things first: should a cover letter have a header? Absolutely. 

More than just a list of ways to reach you, the header of your cover letter is your first branding opportunity. It should mirror the header of your resume to frame your application as a polished and cohesive package. 

This symmetry isn't just visually appealing; it shows a deliberate and meticulous approach to your job application.

But what should be on a cover letter header?

The key elements of a cover letter header include your:

  • Email address
  • LinkedIn URL (Optional)
  • Phone number

Here’s an example: 

Parts of a cover letter showing the header

Consider adding a link to your professional online profile, like LinkedIn, especially if you’re applying for a remote job. 

Note: Even if you’re sending an email cover letter, you should attach your letter as a PDF. First, it’s just easier to format. Second, it helps the hiring manager print or share this document with other decision-makers. 

Following the date, you’ll want to add the:

  • Name of the hiring manager 
  • The company you’re applying to 

Here’s what this looks like: 

Parts of a cover letter showing hiring manger details in the header

2. Salutation

When you’re on the hunt for a new job, first impressions matter. This is what makes the cover letter salutation so important.

This is where writing a personalized cover letter begins and where you demonstrate your interest and effort in connecting with the company on a human level. Directly addressing the hiring manager is highly recommended when you know their name. It signals respect, shows that you've done your homework, and positions you as a candidate who values personal engagement.

Why not just start your cover letter as “To whom it may concern”? 

Because in today's job market, where a lot of applications flood an inbox, a personalized greeting helps you stand out. It sets a tone of attentiveness and immediately tells the hiring manager that you pay attention to detail. 

Even this little gesture can transform a generic cover letter from a one-size-fits-all document into a tailored conversation starter that resonates with the person responsible for filling the role.

How to find the hiring manager's name

Finding the hiring manager’s name may seem difficult, but it’s often simpler than you think. 

Here are some strategies to uncover this key piece of information:

  • LinkedIn : The professional network is your first port of call. Search for the company and sift through employee listings, focusing on those with titles like “Hiring Manager,” “Recruitment Officer,” or specific department heads if you’re applying for a specialized position.
  • Company website : Sometimes, the information is hidden in plain sight on the company’s ‘Team’ or ‘About Us’ page. Larger companies might list their staff, job titles, and contact information.
  • Calling in : A direct approach can be the most effective. Call the company’s front desk or HR department. Be polite, introduce yourself, and explain that you wish to address your cover letter appropriately. Most will be happy to help.
  • Networking outreach : Rely on your network. Ask colleagues or mentors if they know who the hiring manager might be for the position you're eyeing. A mutual connection can often provide you with the name you need.
  • Social media scan : Companies often post about their team and new hires on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. A quick search might yield the right name.

If you can’t find the hiring manager's name despite your best efforts, opt for a polite and general salutation like “Dear hiring manager” or “Dear hiring team” over the impersonal “To whom it may concern.” 

This retains a level of personalization and respect for the team's collaborative hiring effort. It also sets you apart from the many others who simply wrote: “to whom it may concern.”

Write the elements of a cover letter with Teal's AI

Before you start writing the main parts of your cover letter, consider using Teal instead.

Teal’s cover letter generator pulls from the information you added to a specific resume (also extracting the main keywords and details from the job posting you’re applying to) to align your content. Then, in just a click, you’ll have a great cover letter written before your eyes.

All of the parts of a cover letter written with AI

3. Opening paragraph

The opening paragraph of your cover letter is your chance to captivate the reader's interest and set the stage for your narrative. 

When it comes to your cover letter format , this section should include a succinct introduction of who you are, a brief mention of the position you’re applying for, and a compelling reason why the role aligns perfectly with your skills and career aspirations. 

How to grab your reader’s attention in the opening paragraph

To make your entrance memorable, the opening paragraph must do more than introduce – it must intrigue. Here’s how to ensure it does that:

  • Start with a bang : Lead with a strong statement or a striking fact about your career achievements. Alternatively, a concise, bold expression of your enthusiasm for the company can be just as effective.
  • Show, don't tell : Use a mini anecdote or a powerful example from your experience that reflects your capabilities and mirrors the values or needs of the company.
  • Tailor your tone : Match the tone of your writing to the culture of the company. A startup might appreciate a more casual and innovative opener, while a traditional firm might respect a formal and straightforward approach.
  • Add some flair : Add a touch of your personality without overshadowing your professionalism. Make sure it’s a blend that conveys your unique professional identity.
  • Research results : Mention something recent about the company that impressed you, showing you’re up-to-date and genuinely interested in what they do.
  • Give the why and the what : Clearly articulate why you’re excited about the role and what you bring to the table – this is your unique value proposition.

Example of cover letter content for an opening paragraph

“Imagine a marketing strategy so engaging that it doesn't just capture attention but creates a movement. That's been the hallmark of my approach as a Marketing Manager for the past decade, where I've increased brand engagement by an average of 65% year-over-year. Inspired by [Company Name]'s recent groundbreaking campaign on sustainability—a subject close to my heart since I was just a kid—I am eager to bring my expertise in crafting compelling narratives to the role of Head of Marketing.”

You can find more cover letter samples in these marketing manager cover letter examples .

What makes this a strong opening:

  • Engages with storytelling: The opening verb is “Imagine,” which is much more engaging than something more traditional, like “My name is…”
  • Quantifiable achievements: It includes a specific, measurable achievement (increasing brand engagement by 65% year-over-year), which adds credibility to the applicant’s claims and showcases a track record of success.
  • Personal connection: There’s a personal touch with the mention of a lifelong passion for sustainability, making the applicant’s interest in the company feel genuine and deeply rooted.
  • Alignment with company values: The reference to the company’s campaign on sustainability suggests that the applicant has done their research and shares the company’s values, implying a natural cultural fit.
  • Focus on contribution: By stating a desire to bring expertise in crafting compelling narratives, the applicant immediately addresses how they can contribute to the company’s success rather than just what they wish to gain from the position.

If you can get all of those qualities to shine through in your cover letter, you’ll be more likely to get the reader over to the body of your cover letter. 

Your cover letter body is the meat of your message. It's where you dive into your professional journey, aligning your skills and experiences with the needs of the job at hand. 

This part should be structured in a clear and compelling manner, usually composed of one to three paragraphs, each serving a distinct purpose. 

The first paragraph should connect your past successes to the potential future contributions you'll make to the company. Subsequent paragraphs , like the second or third paragraph , can be used to go further into your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements while also reflecting your knowledge of the company’s goals and challenges.

How to showcase relevant skills and experiences

Here’s how to write a cover letter body that resonates with hiring managers:

  • Customize and contextualize : Tailor each example of your experience to mirror the job description. It’s about relevance—show the reader why and how your background prepares you for the specific role.
  • Quantify your impact : Use numbers and metrics to give weight to your achievements. Whether it’s increasing sales by a certain percentage or reducing costs through innovative solutions, numbers speak louder than words .
  • Problem, action, result (PAR) method : For each skill or experience you share, present the problem you encountered, the action you took, and the result of your efforts. This method illustrates your thought process and problem-solving skills.
  • Align with the company's vision : Show that you’ve done your homework by relating your experience to the company's current projects or goals. This demonstrates not just alignment but also initiative and forward-thinking.
  • Storytelling with substance : Craft your experiences into a narrative that’s engaging. Your goal is to lead the reader on a journey that showcases growth, impact, and relevance to the role.
  • Be concise, be clear : Avoid jargon and overly complex language. The body of your cover letter should be easy to read and understand, ensuring that your points are made without confusion.

Example of what should be in a cover letter body

During my tenure with XYZ Corp, a pioneer in eco-friendly packaging, I spearheaded a transition that faced significant initial resistance both internally and from our customer base. The challenge was formidable: to reframe the public's perception of sustainable packaging from a costly alternative to a savvy, consumer-driven choice. My strategy was to launch an educational campaign that highlighted not just the environmental impact but also the long-term economic benefits. This initiative not only garnered a 120% increase in consumer engagement but also positioned XYZ Corp as a thought leader in the market. In my most recent project, I led a cross-functional team to address a 15% slump in market share due to increased competition. By instituting a thorough competitor analysis and customer feedback loop, we identified key areas where our messaging fell flat. I orchestrated a brand revitalization campaign focused on our core strengths, infused with customer success stories. The result was a 25% market share rebound within the first quarter post-campaign. In each role, I've aligned my actions not only with the company's immediate goals but with a visionary outlook. For instance, anticipating the rise of AI in marketing, I initiated a successful pilot program at XYZ Corp that utilized machine learning to personalize customer interactions, leading to a 30% uptick in customer retention rates.

But remember, not every cover letter will focus on the same information. You’ll need to craft your cover letter according to the specific job you’re applying to. 

While this level of personalization may seem tedious, it’s absolutely necessary. 

5. Closing paragraph

One of the last main parts of a professional cover letter , the closing paragraph, isn’t just a summary but a strategic push to get you into the interview room. This part should reiterate your interest in the position, succinctly summarize why you’re the right fit, and express your enthusiasm about the potential to contribute to the company. 

It's also the place to include a call to action, such as expressing your desire to discuss your application in more detail in a personal interview.

How to end the cover letter on a strong note

  • Reaffirm your value : Concisely restate how your skills and experiences align with the job and can benefit the company.
  • Personal touch : Express genuine enthusiasm and confidence in your ability to perform the role. Let them feel your eagerness and readiness to take on the challenges it presents.
  • Call to action : Encourage the hiring manager to take the next step. You can say you look forward to the opportunity to discuss how you can contribute to their team or that you're eager to provide further details on how you can help achieve their goals.

Closing paragraph example in a cover letter

I am excited to contribute to [Company Name]'s innovative marketing efforts. My skill set aligns seamlessly with the objectives of the Head of Marketing position. I am eager to apply my expertise in strategic planning and digital engagement to drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your brand's vision, and I look forward to discussing how my experience and insights can support your company's success. Thank you for considering my application, and I am hopeful for the opportunity to discuss collaboration in person.

If you're looking for more inspiration, check out this comprehensive database of 1300+ cover letter examples .

6. Sign-off

A professional sign-off sets the tone for how your cover letter is received. It's the equivalent of the final handshake after a successful meeting—it should convey respect and formality. 

Here's how you can ensure your sign-off strengthens your application:

  • Choose the right closing : "Sincerely," "Best regards," and "Kind regards" are safe and professional options. If the company culture is more casual, "Best" or "Warm regards" may be suitable.
  • Include your full name : Your sign-off should always include your full name to ensure clarity and formality. If you've established a personal connection with the hiring manager, adding a handwritten signature above your typed name can add a personal touch.
  • Professional contact details : Beneath your name, include your professional contact details, such as your phone number and email address, and LinkedIn profile URL to facilitate easy follow-up.

The best way to write a cover letter 

Again, if writing a cover letter is your least favorite part of the job application, you’re not alone. It can be difficult to take all the bullet-point information from a resume and turn that into a single page of compelling and persuasive text. 

From getting the cover letter format just right to writing the actual information, it’s not an easy task. 

That’s why, with a tool like Teal’s cover letter generator , there’s simply no excuse for not having a personalized cover letter with each application. 

Simply build your resume, and with the click of a button, you can have a polished and personalized cover letter in seconds. 

Sign up for Teal today to give it a try!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should each section of a cover letter be to maintain the reader's interest, can i include bullet points in the body of my cover letter to highlight my achievements, is it necessary to address the cover letter to a specific person, and what if i can't find a name.

a cover letter is which of the following

Nathan Thompson

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What do I include in my cover letter heading?

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The heading provides your contact information, the date you are writing, and the address of the company to which you are applying.

For your contact information, you will want to include the following:

  • The address where you can be reached ( if you live at college, will it be more accessible to include the local address or your permanent address? )
  • Phone number
  • Fax number (if applicable)
  • E-mail address

Then, you will skip a line and write the full date ( month, day, year ). Follow this by skipping a space and writing the contact information for the person to whom you are writing:

  • Name of the specific person
  • Title of that person (if available)
  • Address of the company

Craig M. Leroix 2987 W. Taylor Dr. Portland, OR 45720 890-372-1262 [email protected]

February 2, 2005

Amy Kincaid, Human Resource Director Western Electric, Inc. 387 Collier Lane Atlanta, Georgia 30051

Job seekers at Purdue University may find value in the Purdue career Wiki here .

The following are additional Purdue OWL resources to help you write your cover letter:

  • Cover Letter Workshop- Formatting and Organization
  • Example Employment Documents
  • Cover Letters 1: Quick Tips
  • Cover Letters 2: Preparing to Write a Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter Presentation
  • Job Search Documents for Working Class Positions

a cover letter is which of the following

A Comprehensive Guide to the Job Application Process

I n today's competitive job market , having a thorough understanding of the job application process is essential for standing out from the crowd and securing employment opportunities.

By familiarizing yourself with each stage of the proceedings from the recruiting process through the interview process, you can approach it strategically and increase your chances of success.

Comprehending the intricacies of the application process can help you navigate it with confidence and set yourself apart from other job seekers.

Related: Building Your Brand Is How You Will Stand Out When Applying for a Job | Entrepreneur

What are the first steps to take when applying for a job?

Successfully navigating the initial stages of the job application process will significantly impact the chances of landing the job of your choice.

Here are a few of the most important steps to follow when you're first applying for a job:

Craft an effective cover letter

Crafting an effective cover letter is a critical step in the job application process. It serves as your introduction to potential employers and provides an opportunity to highlight your qualifications and enthusiasm for the specific role.

To create an impactful cover letter, experts recommend using a template as a starting point and customizing it for each application:

  • Address the hiring manager by name if possible, and clearly articulate why you are interested in the position and how your skills align with the job requirements.
  • Share specific examples of your achievements and experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the role.
  • Remember to keep the letter concise, engaging and always proofread before sending it.

Include crucial information in the application

When filling out an online job application, it's crucial to provide accurate and relevant information that showcases your qualifications:

  • Start by including your contact information, including your full name, phone number, email address and professional social media information (such as your LinkedIn profile).
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of your work history, starting with your most recent position and including relevant responsibilities and achievements.
  • Highlight any certifications or specialized training pertinent to the specific job you are applying for.
  • Take the time to tailor your responses to the job requirements, demonstrating how your skills and experiences align with the position.
  • Pay attention to any additional questions or sections in the application form, as they may provide an opportunity to showcase your unique qualifications.

Maximize the impact of your resume

Your resume is a crucial tool for making a strong first impression on potential employers.

To maximize its impact, start by tailoring your resume to the specific job you are applying for:

  • Carefully review the job description and highlight the skills, experiences and qualifications that align with the requirements of the position.
  • Use bullet points and concise language to clearly articulate your work experience, focusing on achievements and measurable results.
  • Consider using a professional template to ensure a clean and organized layout that is easy to read.
  • Emphasize any relevant certifications, training programs or professional development activities that showcase your dedication to continuous learning.
  • Proofread your resume thoroughly to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors.

Related: 6 Creative and Out There Ways People Have Applied for Jobs | Entrepreneur

Which job searching strategies work the best?

When it comes to job searching, it's essential to employ effective strategies that yield positive results.

Find and evaluate job postings

Finding and evaluating job postings is a critical step in the job search process. Start by exploring reputable job boards, company websites and professional networking platforms. Narrow down your search using keywords, location and specific job titles.

As you come across job postings, thoroughly evaluate them to determine if they align with your qualifications, career goals and values. Look for key details such as job responsibilities, required qualifications and desired skills. Take note of application deadlines, contact information and any additional instructions.

Use LinkedIn to further your search

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers, providing access to a vast network of professionals and job opportunities. To leverage LinkedIn effectively, optimize your profile to highlight your skills, experiences and career goals.

Connect with industry professionals, join relevant group and actively engage in conversations to expand your network. Use the platform's job search features to discover open positions that align with your interests and qualifications. Reach out to hiring managers or recruiters directly through LinkedIn messaging.

Additionally, consider sharing relevant articles or insights to establish your expertise and increase your visibility. LinkedIn can be a valuable resource for finding and connecting with potential employers.

Tap into your network for more opportunities

Your existing network can be a valuable source of job opportunities. Inform your friends, family, former colleagues and mentors about your job search and the type of positions you are seeking. They may have insights or connections that can lead to potential opportunities.

Attend industry events, job fairs and networking meetups to expand your professional network. Engage in conversations, exchange business cards and follow up with new contacts. Additionally, consider reaching out to alumni associations or professional organizations related to your field.

Related: 4 Ways to Make High-Quality Connections on LinkedIn | Entrepreneur

How does the hiring process work?

The hiring process involves multiple stages designed to assess candidates and select the most qualified individual for a position:

  • After submitting your application, it undergoes review by human resources professionals and hiring managers who assess candidate experience, eligibility and qualifications.
  • Shortlisted job candidates are typically invited for virtual or in-person interviews.
  • Following interviews, employers often conduct background checks to verify information provided and ensure suitability for the role.
  • Finally, a hiring decision is made, and the selected candidate becomes the new hire for the job opening.

Related: How to Separate the Champs From the Chumps in the Hiring Process | Entrepreneur

What's the secret for nailing a job interview?

The secret to nailing a job interview lies in thorough preparation, effective communication and showcasing your qualifications and fit for the role. By combining these elements and presenting yourself authentically, you can leave a lasting positive impression and increase your chances of securing the job:

Research the company and position

Researching the company and position is crucial for interview preparation. Start by visiting the company's website, exploring its mission, values, products and services. Familiarize yourself with recent news or developments related to the organization.

Review the job description in detail, understanding the specific responsibilities and requirements. Research the industry and competitors to gain a broader context. Use resources like LinkedIn and professional networks to gather insights and connections within the organization.

Handle reference checks and background investigations

Reference checks and background investigations are common steps in the hiring process. Provide a list of references with their contact information to the employer. Inform your references about the possibility of receiving a call or email from the employer.

Ensure your references are aware of your job search and can provide positive insights into your qualifications and character. Cooperate with background investigations, providing accurate information and complying with required documentation.

Answer common interview questions effectively

Interview questions are designed to assess your qualifications, skills and fit for the job.

Common interview questions may include those related to your work experience, strengths and weaknesses, problem-solving abilities and future goals. To answer them effectively, prepare concise and structured responses using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) .

Highlight specific examples that demonstrate your achievements and how you have overcome challenges. Practice your answers to ensure clarity and confidence during the interview. Additionally, research industry-specific or role-specific questions that may arise.

Make a positive impression during the interview

Making a positive impression during the interview is essential for securing the job. Here are a few tips to make the best first impression possible:

  • Dress professionally, maintain good body language and engage actively with the interviewer.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and organization through your tone and responses.
  • Show active listening skills by attentively responding to questions.
  • Ask thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest and understanding of the position. Display confidence in your abilities, but also be humble and open to feedback.

Follow up after the interview

Following up after the interview is an often overlooked but fundamental step in the job application process. Send a thank-you email or letter within 24 hours, expressing gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the position. Personalize the message to reflect key points discussed during the interview.

Maintain a professional tone and attention to detail. Timeliness is crucial in showing your professionalism and continued interest in the role.

Negotiate a job offer and consider career goals

When a job offer is extended, it's essential to carefully consider your career goals and the terms of the offer. Evaluate the compensation package, benefits and opportunities for growth and advancement. Assess how the offer aligns with your long-term aspirations and consider negotiating certain aspects if needed.

Communicate your expectations and desired outcomes professionally and respectfully. Carefully weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision that supports your career goals and overall well-being.

Related: Nailing the Job Interview: 3 Leadership Skills That Are in Demand | Entrepreneur

Finding career success

Navigating the job application process requires careful attention to each stage and element. You can increase your chances of success by following best practices, conducting thorough research, preparing for interviews and effectively showcasing your qualifications.

Remember to follow up after interviews, handle reference checks with professionalism and carefully consider job offers in line with your career goals. Apply these insights and continue your journey towards career success.

By applying the insights gained from this comprehensive guide, you can enhance your job search strategies, present yourself effectively during interviews and make informed decisions about your career path.

For further guidance and resources, we invite you to explore additional insights at Entrepreneur , where you'll find a wealth of information to support your journey towards career success.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Job Application Process

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Research & Instruction Librarian and Assistant Professor

University of Mississippi

Job Details

Ole Miss II

Founded in 1848, The University of Mississippi, affectionately known to alumni, students and friends as Ole Miss, is Mississippi's flagship university. Included in the elite group of R-1: Doctoral Universities - Highest Research Activity by the Carnegie Classification, it has a long history of producing leaders in public service, academics and business. With more than 24,000 students, Ole Miss is the state's largest university and is ranked among the nation's fastest-growing institutions. Its 15 academic divisions include a major medical school, nationally recognized schools of accountancy, law and pharmacy, and the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, renowned for a blend of academic rigor, experiential learning and opportunities for community action. The University of Mississippi embraces diversity and inclusion as core values and seeks to empower all members of the University community.

The university’s path to becoming the flagship university it is today has been marked by two decades of accelerated growth and prosperity. Student enrollment at UM has increased over 40 percent over the past seven years — illustrating the growing reputation and national draw of the university. We were the 10th-fastest growing university among public doctoral institutions over the period of 2005–2015. Over the past few years, the university has instituted dynamic new academic programs and greatly expanded its campuses with the completion of multiple major construction projects.  The 2018 U.S. News & World Report annual rankings of Best (Undergraduate) Colleges and Universities ranked the University of Mississippi No. 73 in the Top Public National Universities category.  The rankings reflect 15 indicators of academic excellence, including faculty resources, financial resources, and undergraduate academic reputation.  In 2016, indicating a major milestone, the university was elevated to the Carnegie R1 Highest Research Activity classification — placing it in the top 2.5 percent of colleges and universities nationwide. 

For ten consecutive years, The University of Mississippi has been voted by our staff as one of the great colleges to work for in the Chronicle of Higher Education’s survey, and has been widely recognized as one of the most beautiful campuses in America by Newsweek, the Princeton Review and USA Today. Sometimes called the “Cultural Mecca of the South,” Oxford has been the home of William Faulkner, John Grisham, Willie Morris, Barry Hannah and many more outstanding writers. In recent years, it has become known for its award-winning chefs and restaurateurs. Oxford is often recommended by many publications as a bucket list place to visit.

We build leaders, serve our community and our neighbors, and compete to win. We are a literary mecca, a research center, a launchpad for careers across the professions, a home away from home, and so much more. We are Ole Miss.

Committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse and talented workforce, the university offers competitive salaries and benefits, an extensive support network, and above all, an enriching and highly collaborative community that is deeply passionate about our vision for higher education and public service.

The University of Mississippi offers exciting opportunities for career development and continuous learning. Every day is different, with new ideas, challenges, and benefits just around the corner—no matter which department you’re a part of. It’s an exciting place to build a meaningful career at any level.

Our University, like all institutions, is only as strong as our people. Our faculty, staff, and students represent an exceptional group of people with a rich diversity of talents and backgrounds. There’s no better place to start a great career than in Oxford, Mississippi.

Ole Miss

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John mayer sets the record straight on his friendship with andy cohen.

In a letter to The Hollywood Reporter, the rocker takes exception to a "flawed" question in this week’s cover interview with the Bravo host.

By THR Staff

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It’s no surprise that this week’s The Hollywood Reporter cover story on Andy Cohen would garner some attention — in it, the Watch What Happens Live host and Bravo producer spoke candidly with Co-Editor in Chief Maer Roshan about the accusations that had been swirling around the Real Housewives franchise, from on-set sexism to racism to alcohol and drug abuse, breaking his long silence about the controversy .

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“Your friendship with Mayer has been the subject of intense speculation,” Roshan noted. “People seem dubious that a straight rock star can have a close, platonic relationship with a gay TV personality.”

“Let them speculate” Cohen replied. “I honestly love John Mayer, and he loves me. But because we are so affectionate to each other, people don’t know what box to put that in. They assume we are sleeping with each other, which we are most definitely not.”

That snippet in a 5,000-word interview quickly went viral, with dozens of news outlets, from CNN to the Daily Mail to Yahoo News, picking it up. More surprisingly, the question caught the eye of a certain rock guitarist — Mayer himself — who was moved to write  THR the following response, which is printed here in full:

Hi Mr. Roshan,

I read your interview with Andy Cohen , and was intrigued by your line of questioning regarding our friendship. You posited that “your friendship with Mayer has been a subject of intense speculation. People seem dubious that a straight rock star can have a close platonic relationship with a gay TV personality.”

I think this is somewhat of a specious premise. First, there is a long and storied history of “rock stars” (not mocking, just won’t refer to myself as one) befriending gay icons and artists.

I love intelligent discourse — as I hope you’ll find this email to be — but I bristle at your selectively flimsy logic meant to coax an answer, when the premise itself is so deeply flawed, and quite possibly not even quantitatively true. 

Quite simply, if someone is dubious of a platonic relationship between a straight man and a gay man, I don’t think that shallow a view deserves clarification by anyone with self respect, be it Andy or your publication. Reinforcing the idea that any gay/straight relationship needs qualification that it’s not sexual devoids everyone involved of their dignity. 


John Mayer 

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