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Uryu's new schrift power is one of bleach's most broken abilities.


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  • Uryu's new power in Bleach's Thousand-Year Blood War makes him extremely overpowered and a serious threat to the plot.
  • Uryu's "A" Schrift power, Antithesis, allows him to reverse outcomes, making him nearly unbeatable in battle.
  • Uryu's abilities, combined with his Vollstandig and other Quincy powers, make him one of the most formidable characters in Bleach's Soul Society.

Warning: Spoilers for Bleach: The Thousand-Year Blood War Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War 's second part wasted no time getting down to the plot, with its opening scenes promoting Uryu to a position of prominence in the Quincy organization, as well as granting him a new power. It's the nature of this new power, however, that just might make Uryu too overpowered for the plot.

In Thousand-Year Blood War , Quincy leader Yhwach gives his subordinates a special power, known as a "schrift," which each corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. These powers can be quite strong, as seen with Bleach's Stern Ritter Y , who disguised himself as Yhwach and was able to fight at an incredible level while in that state. While most other Stern Ritter and their schrift abilities have yet to be demonstrated on screen, they're all enough to make their wielders a serious threat, and that goes for Uryu, too. There is one noteworthy aspect to Uryu receiving his schrift, though, and that's the fact that Yhwach says it is the same as his own.

Uryu's "A" Schrift Is One Of Bleach 's Strongest Powers

Uryu was given the "A" Schrift, which in the manga is said to stand for "Antithesis." The Antithesis ability allows its wielder to take what has happened and reverse the outcome. If Uryu were losing and taking a lot of damage, for example, he could use the Antithesis ability to transfer all the damage he had taken to his opponent, while whatever had been dealt to his opponent would be transferred to him. Uryu isn't just limited to using this on himself, or even just on injuries; any two objects that have interacted are eligible for this reversal.

It's not hard to see how this ability could become story-breaking very soon. In some ways, it's similar to Orihime's ability to "reject" the occurrence of events, but the ability to not only undo, but reflect it back at one's opponent makes it far more powerful. While Uryu has yet to use this ability on screen in the Thousand-Year Blood War anime, his first opportunity to do so will soon arrive, as the Quincy launch their final war on Bleach's Soul Society . While the ability in Uryu's hands is scary enough, the thought that Yhwach has a similar ability makes him go from nearly impossible to completely unbeatable, barring the development of an even more overpowered technique.

How Uryu's Schrift Power Stacks Up Against Ichigo

Of course, fans are very much looking forward to the inevitable moment when Uryu clashes with Ichigo. Antithesis is very powerful, and it's especially useful in the hands of someone as intelligent as Uryu. Ichigo, however, has gotten some major power-ups of his own since they last spoke, reforging his Zanpakuto and undergoing some brutal training in the Soul King's Palace. Ichigo's upgraded Bankai has yet to be used on-screen, so it's impossible to say just how powerful he has become, and whether it will be enough to defeat Uryu. One can't forget, however, that Uryu has access to Vollstandig and other Quincy powers in addition to his schrift, and that combination of powers makes him extremely formidable.

Uryu Gets One Of The Many Broken Powers That Appear In Thousand-Year Blood War

As manga readers know, many of the abilities shown by the Sternitters in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc are absolutely broken, or sometimes not explained enough - as is the case with Yhwach's powers that will be showcased later. Uryu has often struggled to keep up with power creep in Bleach , but with this ability at his disposal, that certainly won't be a problem any further. As Yhwach's successor and wielding the Antithesis ability, Uryu has gone from a run-of-the-mill Quincy to one of the Soul Society's greatest threats in all of Bleach .

  • Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War (2022)

uryu ishida antithesis power

Uryu Ishida

Character » Uryu Ishida appears in 220 issues .

Uryu Ishida is a human with high level spiritual powers called a Quincy. Uryu has a deep hatred for the Soul Reapers and fights using bow and arrow style spirit manifestation.

Summary short summary describing this character..

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Appearance & Personality

  • Birthday: 06 November
  • Hair: Black
  • Height: 5'7" (171cm)
  • Weight: 121 lbs

Uryu has a flare for being rather dramatic as he tends to give long speeches and constantly act ups when others overlook him. Uryu even makes his own Quincy uniform for when he joins the other humans to invade the Soul Society. Uryu is very meticulous too, making sure he has a spare cape to wear in case he loses his first one during a battle in the Soul Society.

Quite possibly Uryu's most admirable quality is his disdain for the mistreatment of woman and weaker people. During several points in the series Uryu attacks characters that pick on Orihime , Rukia , or non- spiritually powered people.

During the Battle of the Rubicon story Uryu fights in an everyday school uniform. He wear his glasses and even carries around a sewing kit in his back pack. After he joins Ichigo and the others to invade the Soul Society he wears the traditional Quincy uniform. This is made up of a white outfit that has a high neck collar jacket that hangs down close to his knees.

The outfit also has white pants and shoes, again Uryu is rather dramatic so he chose to wear a uniform that has a useless cape that he has to replace after nearly getting devoured by a spirit entity that roams the connection between our world and the Soul Society.

Part of this uniform is the sanrei gloves which help concentrate his powers and amplify the potency of his arrow's attack. During his battle with the Soul Reaper captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi , Uryu lets his full spirit power lose to defeat the mad scientist captain. At that point his powers manifest themselves as a samurai like armor. He has a chest plate that covers his upper body and baggy pants that tighten at the knees.

Uryu grew up learning to be a Quincy from his grandfather, Soken Ishida. Uryu learned about the destruction of the Quincies from his grandfather and becomes a little bitter.

Uryu Ishida is a young human with high spirit powers. As a young child Uryu was one of the last surviving member of the human equivalent to the Soul Reapers, the Quincies. Uryu was trained to embody his powers to resemble a bow and arrow even though he could also manifest it as a sword. When Uryu first appears he demonstrates his spiritual abilities by killing several Hollows and then tracking Ichigo and Rukia using the spiritual ribbons that are attached to everyone.

Soken Ishida corrects Uryu by explaining that he has no right to hate the Soul Reapers, and that he has to get past these feelings to learn to work with the Soul Reapers. Ishida was stabbed by Ichigo Kurosaki when he tried to prevent Ichigo from decapitating Ulquiorra. Shoken explains that the hatred for each other is the reason the the Quincies were wiped almost completely out. Soken tries to pass on his desire to work with the Soul Reapers so that the response time when Hollows attack can be reduced so less humans are killed.

Soken is killed when Uryu is young though, and Uryu didn't help because he wasn't strong enough, by several powerful Hollows. Uryu grows up and has to finish training himself since he father Ryuken Ishida gave up being a Quincy to become a doctor. Uryu went to school with Ichigo and the others, but doesn't stick out to them much. Uryu is the top student in the class though and part of the school sewing club.

Battle of the Rubicon

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Uryu tracks down Ichigo after he becomes a Soul Reaper and challenges him to a battle to determine who is greater, Soul Reapers or Quincy. Uryu brings out Hollow bait and releases it in the city. The bait attracts more and more Hollows as it spreads, causing the Hollows to attack anyone with high level spirit powers. Uryu hides the fact that he knows Ichigo's friends have high spiritual power like Ichigo's sister Karin. Uryu kills the Hollows from a distance using his spirit powered bow and arrow (he calls it Lone Sparrow.) while letting Ichigo run about the city. When it becomes too difficult to handle Uryu and Ichigo join together to kill the Hollows. The bait works so well though that it attracts a Menos Grande, a giant Hollow with an unbelievably high power level. Uryu can only stand by after the Menos Grande attacks and Ichigo beats it. After the battle though Ichigo's powers go rampant and Uryu has to absorb and release all the excess power through his Lone Sparrow. Uryu comes to realize that his grandfather was right about the bond that should be made between Quincy and Soul Reapers.

Soul Society

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During the Soul Society arc Uryu decides to train by himself to gain the next level of Quincy combat power. Uryu joins the others in their raid on the Soul Society and becomes separated from the others with Orihime. Uryu fights two different Soul Reapers, one a loud bully who attacks Orihime and the other the Soul Reaper captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi. The first Soul Reaper tries to pick on Orihime and ends up being quickly beaten by Uryu.

In his battle with Mayuri Kurotsuchi Uryu becomes paralyzed from one of Mayuri's attacks and listens as Mayuri taunts him and reveals that he in fact took his grandfather's body and began experimenting on him.

This combined by Mayuri's continous abuse of his lieutenant, Nemu Kurotsuchi, pushes Uryu too far and he breaks his sanrei glove to pull out all of his power and defeat Mayuri. Unfortunately Uryu is poisoned during the battle and is only minutes away from dying as he watches Mayuri Kurotsuchi turn into a puddle and escape. He is saved by Nemu though as she reveals that she carries an antidote under her lieutenant's badge. Uryu, being the gentleman that he is insists that she drink half of it first. Nemu however reclines and informs him that she is immune to the poison since she is made of Mayuri's poison. Uryu gratefully takes the medicine and begins to move on towards the White Tower to find Rukia, joking that he is gonna get there before Ichigo as his wounds start to slowly kill him.

As he turns climbs the last set of stairs leading to the Tower's courtyard Uryu is left face to face with Tosen, another Soul Reaper captain that easily defeats Uryu by using his Soul Pressure release only.

Captured with Familiar Faces

While in the Soul Society prison Uryu is greeted by two familiar faces, Ganju and Sado. Uryu begins to try and reason with the two of them on how they will escape, but is saved the effort as Kenpachi Zaraki, Orihime, and the highest seats in the 11th division break them out of jail. Uryu joins them as they begin to make their way to the execution grounds.

Sitting the Bench

After the team is confronted by the truth behind the plot Aizen set in motion in the Soul Society they return home with a bittersweet victory. Uryu leaves the group first and heads home so that he won't be seen by his father accompanying a Soul Reaper. At school Uryu can sense and see all the spirits that he used too, he just no longer has the ability to form and use his powers. When the Hollow alert goes off Uryu hangs back because he isn't sure he can fight with others now that he has no powers.

One night he goes to Ichigo's to repair Kon, who was apparently mauled by something while Ichigo and the others were gone. His first attempt was too girlie for Kon, who hits him for adding lace to him, so he just repairs him and leaves a Quincy symbol sewn to the back of Kon's head. After leaving Uryu wanders into a park where he is attacked by a pair of Hollows that were attracted by Ichigo when he is fighting Shinji. Uryu mistakes them as one Hollow and tries to use a few small silver charms that he has stored the energy he gained before he broke his glove. Unfortunately the Hollow is also a regenerator and heals almost instantly from the wound and goes on the attack. As Uryu is staring at possible defeat he is saved by Ryuken Ishida, his father.

The True Quincy

Ryuken explains to Uryu that he is ashamed by the fact that Uryu would lose his powers so easily after claiming he was the last Quincy. Uryu becomes angry with his father, but stares in disbelief as his father reveals that he is the true final Quincy. Ryuken admits that he may not like his Quincy background, but he does accept that he is the last true Quincy. Uryu is offered help by his father to regain his powers. Uryu is ready to accept his father's help, but he has to make a promise first. Uryu has to agree not to ever help the Soul Reapers again.

Path to Recovery

Uryu accepts his fathers help and goes into training where he has to avoid his father while also trying to defeat him. Uryu gives his all and even manages to lock his father away in a silver prism. Ryuken quickly breaks the prism and goes back on the attack, shooting Uryu point blank in the chest with one of his own arrows. Uryu passes out from the attack connecting, but when he wakes up he isn't dead. Instead his father's attack has revived all his former spirit powers. Ryuken explains that once a Quincy has lost their powers they can only gain them back by using what little remains of strength they have and then taking a shot from another Quincy to the chest, 19mm to the right of the heart.

Return to Battle

Uryu lays low training to improve his Quincy powers so that he can surpass his father. Than when Urahara comes and asks for his help Uryu only agrees because he wants to go against his father, but uses the loop hole that he isn't helping the Soul Reapers as much as he is helping his friend Orihime. Uryu shows up with Sado and demonstrates to Ichigo that he is more than capable of fighting. Ichigo accepts the help and the three move into the passage way set up by Urahara. Along the way they have to travel along a path made of energy (Ichigo makes on for him and Sado). Uryu spends a part of the trip making fun of Ichigo for not being able to control his energy as well.

Battle against Ulquirra

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When Yammy tries to attack Orihime Uryu arrives and shoots him with a arrow.

When Yammy tries to retaliate, a landmine Uryū uses (which was developed by Mayuri, specifically designed for Arrancar) explodes and heavily injures him. However, Yammy is not dead yet, and is barely hanging on to the crumbling floor. Uryū tells him it's too bad the Espada ran into him, as he could have fought a little longer. He then says " Mala Suerte " (bad luck) as he shoots an arrow into Yammy, making him fall through every floor of Las Noches since Uryū broke all the pillars on the way up. Uryū then takes over protecting Orihime as Ichigo continues to finish his fight with Ulquiorra. Elsewhere, Uryū saved Loly by shooting her onto the side of the tower. Shortly after Ulquiorra attacks Ichigo with his Cero Oscuras , releasing an unbelievable amount of reiatsu, Orihime begins to worry even more. She asks Uryū to take her above Las Noches' dome, to which Uryū reluctantly agrees. Oddly enough, he thinks to himself that, "It was easy enough to guess what she would ask. I couldn't say no. But, I would immediately regret agreeing." This seems to imply that he is thinking back on his decision. He then takes Orihime up to the top of the dome using the same method of Hirenkyaku as he did while passing through the Garganta . He comments that the reiatsu above the dome (Ulquiorra's) is so strong it doesn't feel like normal reiatsu at all, as if there's an ocean in the sky. They arrive just in time to see Ulquiorra send an Instantaneous Cero Oscuras through Ichigo's chest, seemingly killing him. In order to buy Orihime time to heal Ichigo, Uryū faces off against Ulquiorra and fires a thousand arrows. They have no effect, to which Ulquiorra remarks how he thought Uryū was the calmest of all Ichigo's friends. Uryū states that he is fighting him because he is calm. During his fight with the Espada he suffers great injuries, including the loss of his left hand. However, Uryū had already applied anesthesia and stopped the bleeding from his injury. Telling Orihime to focus on Ichigo, Uryū draws out a Seele Schneider and continues to fight. Ulquiorra shoots him with a variation of Cero to knock him out, and Orihime panics. What they both fail to notice is that the seemingly dead Ichigo is moving, and his hair is extending into a mane. Uryu is later healed by Orihime as Ichigo leaves with Retsu Unohana.

Joining the Wandenreich

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In the Thousand Year Blood-War, Uryu joins the Wandenreich Army. He drinks Yhwach's blood and given the letter "A". He is chosen as Yhwach's successor to the shock of many members. During the night, Uryu attempts to go into Yhwach's room but is stopped by The Sternritter Grandmaster, Jugram Haschwalth, who pushes Uryu against the wall and tells him about Yhwach's history.

Uryu, Haschwalth and Yhwach go towards the Soul King Palace and Ichigo finds Uryu with The Wandenreich. Uryu tells a surprised Ichigo to go home and watches as Yhwach attempts to absorb the Soul King. Uryu shoots an arrow at Yoruichi and Yhwach then successfully absorbs the Soul King and begins changing Soul Society.

Battle with Haschwalth

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Uryu and the other Schutszaffel are tasked with fighting against the Shinigami and Uryu plants various bombs around the area and is confronted by Haschwalth who wonders why Uryu is doing this before sending Uryu flying a considerable distance. He encounters Ichigo, Orihime and Chad. He is then forced to attack Ichigo in order to prove his loyalty and later tells Ichigo his true intentions which is to destroy Yhwach but unknown to them, Haschwalth knows about the plan and confronts both of them.

Uryu decides to take on Haschwalth alone while Ichigo, Orihime and Chad leave. Haschwalth dominates Uryu and activates "The Balance". Uryu then activates "The Antithesis" and this in turn heavily injures Haschwalth while Uryu is completely healed. Haschwalth states that "The Antithesis" is capable of hurting Yhwach and Uryu decides to run away. Unfortunately for Uryu, Haschwalth's Balance makes Uryu have the same damage as Haschwalth with Haschwalth transferring his injuries to his shield thus healing him and getting him back to full health. Even worse, the injuries that Haschwalth got due to Uryu's Antithesis is sent back to Uryu thus causing even more damage.

Uryu attempts to crawl away but is attacked by Haschwalth. Haschwalth begins talking to Uryu and Uryu angers Haschwalth by saying that he had friends. Before Haschwalth could kill Uryu, he is hit by a bright light which steals his powers and injuries him. Haschwalth tells Uryu to transfer his injuries to Haschwalth of which he does before leaving Haschwalth.

As he is going towards Ichigo, he encounters his father and Isshin. His father gives him a silver arrow which he uses successfully against Yhwach only for Yhwach to survive but is later defeated by Ichigo.

In the epilogue, Uryu becomes a doctor.

Powers & Abilities

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The Quincy are a clan of people with spiritual powers who are dedicated to protecting humanity from the Hollow. They train to manifest their powers into energy bows, and also use other spiritually powerful weapons, all of which are intended for use at range (though some can also be used in melee combat). Though their intentions were noble, the Quincies powers are quite possibly the most evil of all: their attacks literally destroy souls (unlike the blades of Shinigami, which merely purifies a Hollow soul and sends it to the afterlife, or the bite of a Hollow, which turns a soul into another Hollow). They were nearly wiped out by the Shinigami due to this destruction of souls, which while being morally horrifying, also was upsetting the balance between life and death.

Uryu is a very powerful Quincy who likes to manifest his powers as a bow and arrow most of the time.

In the first form it looks like a regular bow and energy but is made of raw soul pressure. Its size is completely dependent on the amount of energy that Uryu is controlling at that time.

While in the Soul Society Uryu unleashes his second form for his bow and arrow. In the second stage of manifestation the now is still energy and Uryu gains an energy wing over his shoulder. Unlike the first form Uryu's arrows manifest as a solid form before firing and turn back to energy once they are released. Also in his second form Uryu's power cover him with an almost samurai looking armor.

After Uryu loses his powers during the Soul Society Arc and regains his powers from his father his bow evolves. In its third form Uryu's bow can transform into a spider web looking energy field around his hand. In this form he can fire faster or manifest his bow in its true form as a sword.

Uryu can also manifest his energy as a sword if he chooses, but he seems to like the advantage of long range attacks.

Uryu can make energy blast as strong as the energy that he takes in from what is available in his surroundings.

When Uryu is fighting the Hollows before the invasion of the Soul Society he uses a pendent to aim and focus his attacks through.

Uryu later increases his attack ability when he uses the Sanrei gloves that he makes.

Uryu is very efficient at taking out enemies when he uses his Lone Sparrow, winding the Hollows numbers down during his challenge against Ichigo.

With the training that Uryu received from his grandfather Uryu can also track others by sensing their spirit ribbons.

Uryu is very intelligent and even ranks as the number one seated student in his school.

Despite his rather thin build Uryu actually takes quite a bit of damage and keeps fighting when he is in the Soul Society.

His heightened stamina is more than likely due to his high spirit level and training to fight against stronger and faster enemies like the Hollows.

His strongest ability is "The Antithesis" which is that he is able to reverse any occurrences that happened between two things or two people. An example being if he is injured grievously in a fight against an opponent who is lightly injured, he can switch his injuries with the opponent which ends with the opponent being grievously injured and Uryu being only lightly injured.

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uryu ishida antithesis power

Bleach: Uryu Ishida Is a LOT Stronger Than You Think

Bleach's most prominent Quincy warrior started off strong but faded fast in the series. But by the manga's end, he became a force to be reckoned with.

The Quincies in Bleach are some of the most fearsome foes that have been ever introduced in the series. In the  Bleach  manga, fans got more of a chance to see just how powerful they are, and among them, Uryu Ishida is easily one of the strongest of them all.

When Uryu was first introduced in  Bleach , he was without a doubt a spectacular character. But it was made clear as the series rolled along that he wasn't as strong as others in the franchise. While he did have some impressive moments, such as taking down the Captain of Squad 12 , Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Uryu otherwise regressed as a character from his first appearance. Fans of the show and manga got to see Ichigo's frightening potential continue to skyrocket while Uryu seemed to fall further by the wayside. It wasn't long before he became an afterthought -- a sidekick at best for some of the most intense battles in the  Bleach  universe.

Related: Bleach: The Quincy, 'Monks of Destruction', Explained

Uryu has, without a doubt, shown himself to be a valuable and useful ally, but unfortunately, his value is placed more on his intelligence and not strength, which is too easy to overlook. But Mangaka Tite Kubo gave fans hope that Uryu would once again return and become an integral, action-oriented part of  Bleach  again when the Quincy finally regained his lost powers just in time for the "Hueco Mundo" Arc . He fought valiantly, defeating the powerful Arrancar, Ciruci Sanderwicci before being bested by the more skilled 8th Espada, Szayelaporro Granz. These two battles revealed that Uryu had indeed gotten much stronger -- but it also proved that he had a long way to go before he could be considered one of the strongest fighters in the anime.

In his next major appearance, Uryu was reduced to playing caretaker for Orihime while Ichigo fought to the death against the 4th Espada, Ulquiorra Cipher. While he did have some cool moments, such as momentarily taking down Yammy Llargo  -- who was considered to be one of Aizen's strongest Espada -- Uryu was once again proven to be mere cannon fodder. This cycle would continue on for some time as Uryu's true potential continued to be hidden from both the viewers and readers of  Bleach . In an almost annoying fashion, it seemed that battle after battle, Uryu was destined to forever play the role of scapegoat for the stronger and more important characters. That was, until the " Thousand-Year Blood War " arc.

Related: Bleach: The Powers & Symbolism of the Arrancar, Explained

With the arrival of the Quincies, fans saw a shift in Uryu's character. One of his fellow Quincies, Quilge Opie, even remarked to Ichigo that it was impossible for even his powerful Quincy abilities to even come close to Uryu's. This revealed that either Uryu had been holding back, or he didn't have access to his full abilities during the course of the anime. What is even more impressive is the fact that Quilge was able to lay waste to multiple powerful Arrancar while also almost successfully detaining Ichigo. Furthermore, when Uryu makes the decision to officially join the Quincies in their war against Soul Society, there are even more secrets about his strength that are revealed.

When the Quincy king, Yhwach finally made his return after centuries, he specifically chose Uryu as his successor. It was revealed that Uryu was a half-blood Quincy who survived Ywach's attempt on his life as a baby. This was so that the Quincy king could regain his powers, but Uryu was the lone half-blood Quincy that was unaffected, making him a very unique case, even amongst full-blood Quincies.

Uryu was the only Quincy in existence to ever be able to resist the king's immense power. This skill is known as Antithesis -- a dangerous ability that allows Uryu to reverse something that has already happened between two targets. The ability was so powerful that even Yhwach himself stated that Uryu's powers would one day evolve and surpass his own. The best example of Antithesis being used is when Uryu was mortally wounded by the king's Grandmaster, Haschwalth, where he was able to use his powers to reverse the damage and heal himself while transferring his grievous wounds onto his enemy. It is a terrifying feat to have at someone's disposal; one that essentially makes Uryu one of the most dangerous and powerful characters in all of  Bleach.

Uryu Ishida's character path in  Bleach  took many twists and turns, even the loss of his powers completely at one point. But though he has been vastly underpowered at some points in the series, he ended up becoming far more than just Ichigo's underappreciated sidekick by the manga's end.

KEEP READING:  The Boruto Manga Reveals The Truth About The Otsutsuki Clan & Chakra

Bleach Wiki

  • Wandenreich
  • Important Terms
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  • 3 List of Schrift
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Overview [ ]


Uryu Ishida's Engraving Ritual.

When promoted to the ranks of Sternritter , a Quincy of the Wandenreich undergoes a ceremony called the Engraving Ritual (刻印の儀式, Kokuin no Gishiki ), involving the Quincy in question drinking a cup of Yhwach 's blood, after which Yhwach is able to carve an initial of the power he wishes to bestow directly into the select individual's soul . In addition, the granted power returns to Yhwach should the Sternritter die. [2]

History [ ]

Yhwach had the ability to share part of his soul with other Quincy to empower them from when he was born. [3] At some point in his later life, Yhwach discovered how to improve upon this ability and thus grant unique powers to other Quincy. [4] Lille Barro was the first Quincy to ever be bestowed a Schrift by Yhwach. [5]

List of Schrift [ ]

  • General Trivia
  • Klub Outside Trivia
  • In the original release of Chapter 646, Lille says he is the last Quincy to be given a Schrift . It was changed to first Quincy in Chapter 656. The Japanese release of Volume 71 corrected 646 and changed it to first ; however, the official English release of Volume 71 keeps the mistake.
  • Despite being ranked amongst the Sternritter, Pernida Parnkgjas and Gerard Valkyrie do not possess an actual Schrift , as they already had their powers before encountering Yhwach. [28]

References [ ]

  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 543, page 17
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, pages 11-13
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, pages 3-6
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, pages 10-12
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 646, page 14
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 679, page 8
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 679, page 5
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 599, page 8
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 556, page 4
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 566; page 14
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, page 9
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 548, page 7
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 552, page 5
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 500, page 15
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 594, pages 7-11
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 503, page 12
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, page 11
  • ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Bleach manga; Chapter 503, page 3
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 560, page 17
  • ↑
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, page 2
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 623, page 9
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 573, page 10
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 597, page 15
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 599, page 7
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, page 7
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, page 14
  • ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 656, pages 3-4
  • ↑ Beginning of the Revive of Tomorrow
  • ↑ Klub Outside official site

Navigation [ ]

  • 2 Ichigo Kurosaki

uryu ishida antithesis power

10 Best Anime Characters That Wear Glasses

A nime has a wide array of vibrant characters, each with unique styles and traits. Among these, characters who wear glasses often stand out, providing mystery and intrigue. The glasses can symbolize various things, such as intelligence, seriousness, or mystery, and accentuate the character's personality.

RELATED: Smartest Anime Characters Of All Time

From strategists to fighters, anime characters like the mastermind Zoe Hange from Attack on Titan to Uryu Ishida, a formidable Quincy from Bleach , wear glasses. They inhabit roles across the spectrum, often leaving a lasting impression on viewers due to their distinctive traits and development. Let's explore the 10 best anime characters who wear glasses.

Gendo Ikari

Gendo Ikari is a prominent character in Neon Genesis Evangelion. As the commander of NERV, he often gives off a cold, stern demeanor, and his reflective glasses are a key part of his intimidating presence. Gendo is often portrayed as stern and manipulative, willing to sacrifice anything for his goals.

He's also the father of the protagonist, Shinji, although their relationship is distant and strained. Gendo's motives and actions form the backbone of the series' intricate narrative. His convoluted character and controversial decisions make Gendo a captivating figure.

Leorio Paradinight

Leorio Paradinight is a central character in Hunter x Hunter . He's a member of the main quartet alongside Gon, Killua, and Kurapika. He is easily recognizable by his tall stature, suit, and round glasses. Leorio initially appears materialistic, aiming to become a Hunter for wealth.

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However, it's revealed that his true intention is to become a doctor to provide free medical care, driven by the tragic loss of a friend who couldn't afford treatment. Although he lacks combat skills, his strategic thinking often aids in challenging situations.

Gowther is an intriguing character from The Seven Deadly Sins . As the Sin of Lust, Gowther possesses immense power and a unique personality. Despite his human appearance, Gowther is a doll created by a great magician.

He often appears emotionless and analytical due to his lack of understanding of human emotions, which is reflected in his characteristic glasses and detached demeanor. Gowther has a unique magical ability called Invasion, which allows him to manipulate memories and emotions, often causing trouble but sometimes helping in unexpected ways.

Kyoya Ootori

Kyoya Ootori is a key character from the Shoujo anime Ouran High School Host Club. He's the third son of the wealthy and influential Ootori family and serves as the Vice President of the titular club. Often viewed as cool-headed, calculating, and pragmatic, Kyoya is the brains behind the club's operations, managing finances and logistics.

His glasses are a part of his sophisticated and intellectual persona. His character explores the pressures of living up to family expectations and maintaining appearances. Kyoya's shrewdness and unexpected moments of kindness make him an engaging character.

Silvers Rayleigh

Silvers Rayleigh, known as the Dark King, is a pivotal character in One Piece who wears glasses. As the former first mate of the legendary Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, Rayleigh is a powerful character with vast knowledge about the world's secrets.

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Now retired, he resides on the Sabaody Archipelago, where he initially appears as a humble, bespectacled coating mechanic. Despite his relaxed demeanor and fondness for gambling and drinking, Rayleigh exhibits a sharp intellect. He is an adept user of Haki, a spiritual energy that grants various combat abilities.

Ranpo Edogawa

Ranpo Edogawa is a character from Bungou Stray Dogs. As a detective in the Armed Detective Agency, Ranpo stands out with his distinct black-rimmed glasses and remarkable deductive abilities. Despite having no supernatural powers in a world filled with gifted individuals, Ranpo's superior intellect allows him to solve cases that even those with abilities can't.

His self-proclaimed Ultra-Deduction is so impressive it's often mistaken for a power. Ranpo is typically cheerful, confident and loves eating sweets. His exceptional mind and quirky personality make Ranpo Edogawa an interesting character.

Zoe Hange is a central character from Attack on Titan. As a high-ranking member and later the leader of the Survey Corps, Hange plays a crucial role in humanity's struggle against the Titans. Known for intellectual curiosity, Hange is often seen wearing glasses while conducting research.

Hange is deeply interested in understanding Titans, often risking personal safety. Despite having eccentricities and somewhat manic enthusiasm for Titans, Hange possesses a keen intellect and a tactical mind. Hange's blend of scientific curiosity and strategic thinking makes them a standout character.

Shiroe, the main protagonist of Log Horizon, is known for wearing glasses, which contributes to his intellectual image. He is a seasoned player of the MMORPG Elder Tale, who, along with thousands of others, becomes trapped in the game world after an update.

Recognized for his tactical brilliance and strategic mindset, he's called the Villain in Glasses and becomes the leader of the Log Horizon guild. As a high-level Enchanter, Shiroe's strength lies not in direct combat but in support and control, manipulating the battlefield to his team's advantage.

Kusuo Saiki

Kusuo Saiki is the protagonist of The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Born with an array of psychic abilities, Saiki navigates everyday high school life while trying to keep his powers secret. He wears signature green glasses, which prevent his powers from running wild.

Saiki is highly intelligent and pragmatic but somewhat aloof, preferring to avoid the spotlight and live a peaceful, ordinary life. However, his attempts at normalcy often result in humorous and chaotic situations due to his powers and the eccentric characters around him.

Uryu Ishida

Uryu Ishida is a vital character in Bleach. As a Quincy, a race of humans who can see and fight Hollows (malevolent lost souls), Uryu is distinguished by his intellect, precision, and glasses. He initially presents as an aloof rival to the protagonist, Ichigo Kurosaki.

He holds a grudge against Soul Reapers (Shinigami) due to their role in the near-extinction of the Quincy. However, as the story progresses, he becomes a valuable ally. Uryu is renowned for his expert archery skills, harnessing spiritual energy to create powerful bows and arrows.

NEXT: Bleach: Most Emotional Battles, Ranked

10 Best Anime Characters That Wear Glasses



    uryu ishida antithesis power

  2. The Immortal "A" Antithesis Uryu: Gameplay Review w/ Best Builds

    uryu ishida antithesis power

  3. Bleach Uryu Full Power

    uryu ishida antithesis power

  4. The Immortal "A" Antithesis Uryu: Max Transcended Gameplay

    uryu ishida antithesis power

  5. Uryû Ishida

    uryu ishida antithesis power

  6. Uryu Ishida: THE SPECIAL QUINCY

    uryu ishida antithesis power


  1. TEAM 7 vs KARAKURA TEAM Power Levels

  2. Ichigo Kurosaki (True Shikai) VS Uryu Ishida (Antithesis) #anime #bleach #ichigo #uryuishida #tybw

  3. Ошо

  4. Uryu Ishida Vs Everyone He Faced Power Levels

  5. Uryu Ishida Vs All Gotei 13 Captains bleach

  6. |Yamamoto vs Ishida Uryu ||#anime #bleach #shorts|


  1. Uryū Ishida

    Uryū Ishida in "WHITE TOWER ROCKS"I swear on the pride of the Quincy, I will kill you. Uryū Ishida (石田 雨竜, Ishida Uryū) is a Gemischt Quincy residing in Karakura Town. He is a doctor at Karakura Hospital and a friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. He is a former Sternritter of the Wandenreich with the designation A: Antithesis,[5] formerly one of Yhwach's Schutzstaffel,[6] and had been named ...

  2. What's A Schrift? What Is Uryu Ishida's Schrift's ...

    For Yhwach, the Schrift A stands for The Almighty. An apt name for the kind of ability he has. Whereas, Uryu's Schrift A stands for The Anti-thesis. The Antithesis grants Uryu the ability to reverse and alter events happening between two targeted points. These two target points can be anything.

  3. Sternritter Talk: Uryū, The Antithesis : r/bleach

    Sternritter Talk: Uryū, The Antithesis. Now who could forget the Prince of Light. The would-have-been future Quincy King. The four-eyes of the Schutzstaffel. So let's talk Dr. Ishida (the son, not the father). What do you like or don't like about his character/powers/ect (preferably during his time in the final arc).

  4. Uryu's New Schrift Power is One of Bleach's Most Broken Abilities

    Uryu's new power in Bleach's Thousand-Year Blood War makes him extremely overpowered and a serious threat to the plot. Uryu's "A" Schrift power, Antithesis, allows him to reverse outcomes, making him nearly unbeatable in battle. Uryu's abilities, combined with his Vollstandig and other Quincy powers, make him one of the most formidable ...

  5. Bleach: What Is Uryū Ishida's Schrift, "A"?

    Keep reading to find out. The Schrift is a signification of a Sternritter's ability, and in the case of Uryu Ishida, the "A" means Antithesis, a very special power that was also quite powerful. Antithesis allowed Ishida to pick any two targets and then completely change what happened to them, i.e., he could transfer any injuries from one ...

  6. The PERFECT COUNTER To Yhwach

    Uryu Ishida awakens his schrift ability The Antithesis during the Thousand Year Blood War arc of BLEACH. Uryu Ishida's Schrift 'A', known as the Antithesis i...

  7. ANTITHESIS : The Only Power In Bleach That Can Directly ...

    NOTE: I have really not gone in depth into the antithesis in this video but let me know if you'd like an indepth study of this ability! So yeah, antithesis i...

  8. Uryu Ishida: THE SPECIAL QUINCY

    Uryu Ishida the special last impure quincy plays a key role during the tybw arc of bleach. This is the third video in a series of videos titled THE ROAD TO ...

  9. Bleach TYBW: How did Uryu Survive Auswahlen? explained

    Uryu's Schrift "Antithesis" is the ability to reverse a situation. Thus, when Yhwach used his Auswahlen nine years ago, Ishida Uryu's dormant power might have gotten triggered.

  10. Uryu Ishida (Character)

    Uryu Ishida is a human with high level spiritual powers called a Quincy. ... Uryu then activates "The Antithesis" and this in turn heavily injures Haschwalth while Uryu is completely healed ...

  11. Theories on Uryu's Anti-Thesis. : r/bleach

    Well, there are 2 main methods Yhwach can "regenerate." The first is by using the Auswahlen to absorb the life force of Quincies, in which case Uryu could just cut him down. The second is by using The Almighty to rewrite the future. But here's the kicker: Antithesis rewrites events which have already happened.

  12. Bleach: Uryu Ishida Is a LOT Stronger Than You Think

    Uryu was the only Quincy in existence to ever be able to resist the king's immense power. This skill is known as Antithesis -- a dangerous ability that allows Uryu to reverse something that has already happened between two targets. The ability was so powerful that even Yhwach himself stated that Uryu's powers would one day evolve and surpass ...

  13. Let's talk about Uryu Ishida. : r/bleach

    Uryu Ishida, in betraying Yhwach, would need only one. ... And thus concludes my thesis for the one with the ultimate power. The one who is the personification of the very word he was given as an epithet which would reach above of the highest power of all. He is The Antithesis. He is Uryu Ishida. Were it not for him, it would have been the end.

  14. Bleach: How Did Ishida Survive Auswahlen?

    Keep reading to find out! The exact process has not been explained, but Uryu Ishida has been confirmed as the only Gemischt Quincy (impure Quincy) in the series who has immunity to Yhwach's Auswahlen. Why and how he has it was not explained in the manga (although the anime could remedy that), but he not only survived Auswahlen, he also ...

  15. Schrift

    Overview []. Uryu Ishida's Engraving Ritual. When promoted to the ranks of Sternritter, a Quincy of the Wandenreich undergoes a ceremony called the Engraving Ritual (刻印の儀式, Kokuin no Gishiki), involving the Quincy in question drinking a cup of Yhwach's blood, after which Yhwach is able to carve an initial of the power he wishes to bestow directly into the select individual's soul.

  16. Bleach: Will Uryu Ishida Die During the Thousand-Year Blood War? Here's

    Yhwach's blood activated Ishida's innate ability, The Antithesis, which would soon prove to be one of the most powerful Quincy power-ups. When Uryu asked why he was chosen as his successor, Yhwach replied that Uryu was the only "impure" Quincy (Gemischt Quincy) to survive the Auswahlen technique nine years prior. For Yhwach, this means ...

  17. Everything Bleach Manga Readers Expect in Thousand-Year Blood War ...

    Uryu Ishida and the Schutzstaffel Fight Ichigo's Team Ichigo's good friend Uryu Ishida struggled with his true allegiance earlier in this anime arc, since Uryu was determined to rejoin his Quincy ...

  18. Does Uryu still have the "Antithesis" Schrift after the 10 years later

    Even Sternritters who have been hit by the Auswhallen still have their shrifts , like Bazz-B, they just lost their vollstanding. In the novels , the quincies that survived still can use their shrifts like candice and littoto. So Uryu should be the same . Probably yeah, because the remain sterns girl on hueco mundo still can use their schrift.

  19. 10 Best Anime Characters That Wear Glasses

    Uryu Ishida Uryu Ishida is a vital character in Bleach. As a Quincy, a race of humans who can see and fight Hollows (malevolent lost souls), Uryu is distinguished by his intellect, precision, and ...

  20. Local Elites in The Rural Areas of The Perm Krai in The Context of

    The article presents the findings from an empirical study of local elites in the context of the transformation of the municipal structure, conducted in 2021 in three rural areas of the Perm Krai. One of the first regions of Russia in which there was a mass creation of municipalities of a new type named "municipal districts" was Perm Krai. Changes in the local self-government system in the ...


    The article presents the findings from an empirical study of local elites in the context of the transformation of the municipal structure, conducted in 2021 in three rural areas of the Perm Krai.

  22. Did Uryu used Antithesis on himself to put the Arrow on Yhwach ...

    Like the title says, Uryu seems to be down in front of Yhwach who is looking at him, but the Arrow stabbed Yhwach from the back, and Uryu seems to be holding his bow backwards because of the smoke. Did he Antithesis work? And why is Uryu immune to the Almighty? Uryu is using the Antithesis to counteract the almighty. Basically he's reversing.

  23. (PDF) Fossil flora and stratigraphy of the Terrigenous Kungurian beds

    Naugolnykh S.V. Fossil flora and stratigraphy of the terrigenous Kungurian beds (Lower Permian) of the basin of the Barda River (Urals, Perm krai) // Stratigraphy and Geological correlation. 2014.

  24. How is Uryu supposed to eclipse the power of The Almighty ...

    Both Yhwach and Jugram said he might surpass Yhwach's power, while The Antithesis seems like a rather mediocire Shrift in comparison to the likes of The Almighty, The Balance, The Miracle or The Visionary. ... but Uryu would just get crushed anyway if he fought Yhwach in a 1v1 because of how much Yhwach outstats him.

  25. (PDF) Approximation of Regional Gravity Anomalies by ...

    At present, the computing power of personal computers makes it possible to quickly carry out iterative solution of large SLAE containing up to 10 5 and more unkno wns by iterative methods [ 12 , 13 ].