Essay on Television for Students and Children

500+ words essay on television.

Television is one of the most popular devices that are used for entertainment all over the world. It has become quite common nowadays and almost every household has one television set at their place. In the beginning, we see how it was referred to as the ‘idiot box.’ This was mostly so because back in those days, it was all about entertainment. It did not have that many informative channels as it does now.

Essay on Television

Moreover, with this invention, the craze attracted many people to spend all their time watching TV. People started considering it harmful as it attracted the kids the most. In other words, kids spent most of their time watching television and not studying. However, as times passed, the channels of television changed. More and more channels were broadcasted with different specialties. Thus, it gave us knowledge too along with entertainment.

Benefits of Watching Television

The invention of television gave us various benefits. It was helpful in providing the common man with a cheap mode of entertainment. As they are very affordable, everyone can now own television and get access to entertainment.

In addition, it keeps us updated on the latest happenings of the world. It is now possible to get news from the other corner of the world. Similarly, television also offers educational programs that enhance our knowledge about science and wildlife and more.

Moreover, television also motivates individuals to develop skills. They also have various programs showing speeches of motivational speakers. This pushes people to do better. You can also say that television widens the exposure we get. It increases our knowledge about several sports, national events and more.

While television comes with a lot of benefits, it also has a negative side. Television is corrupting the mind of the youth and we will further discuss how.

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How Television is    Harming the Youth

television in essay writing

Additionally, it also makes people addict. People get addicted to their TV’s and avoid social interaction. This impacts their social life as they spend their time in their rooms all alone. This addiction also makes them vulnerable and they take their programs too seriously.

The most dangerous of all is the fake information that circulates on news channels and more. Many media channels are now only promoting the propaganda of the governments and misinforming citizens. This makes causes a lot of division within the otherwise peaceful community of our country.

Thus, it is extremely important to keep the TV watching in check. Parents must limit the time of their children watching TV and encouraging them to indulge in outdoor games. As for the parents, we should not believe everything on the TV to be true. We must be the better judge of the situation and act wisely without any influence.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How does television benefit people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Television offers people a cheap source of entertainment. It saves them from boredom and helps them get information and knowledge about worldly affairs.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the negative side of television?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Television has a negative side to it because it harms people’s health when watched in excess. Moreover, it is the easiest platform to spread fake news and create misunderstandings between communities and destroy the peace and harmony of the country.”} }] }

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Essay on Television for Students [100, 150, 200, 350 Words]

Essay on Television: Television is one of the most influential innovations of modern times. In this article, you are going to learn to write a paragraph or essay on Television (100, 150, 200 and 350 Words). You’ll learn what are the uses and abuses of television or what are the advantages and disadvantages of television. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Television: 100 Words

Television is based on a highly sophisticated science of vision and sound. A man can see as far the horizon. He hears as far as the sound is audible to him. But television takes his vision to a place far beyond his horizon. He sees a thing or person long beyond his actual physical reach. It brings to him also sound from a very remote place.

In fact, television brings vision and sound together from a distance which is beyond the range of human sight and hearing. It is a powerful and very useful invention of modern science. It has conquered space for human eye-sight. It has brought about a great development in the science of communication. It can well be used for entertainment and knowledge.

Essay on Television in English

Television Essay: 150 Words

One of the latest wonders of science is Television. It is an effective medium of communication and entertainment. We can watch live important political, sports and other events happening at distant places. This enables us to have a direct knowledge of the things, places and events far away. TV has thus brought the whole world into the drawing room.

Television is also a powerful medium of mass education. Educational programmes on healthcare and family planning, general knowledge can be sent to millions of viewers through audio-visual presentation in the TV. It also keeps off loneliness.

But TV has its bad effects too. Watching TV sometimes becomes an addiction, People remain glued to the TV and it makes them idle- particularly the students and young people. They neglect sports and games and their studies. Too much of viewing affects our vision. Programmes, if not properly selected, cast bad effects on young minds. Social visits become very rare and people become unsocial.

Television Essay in English

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Essay on the Television: 200 Words

No other thing is as familiar as Television in our present times. It was invented by John Baird in 1925. It first appeared in India in 1959. It is really a wonder of science today. It is a two-in-one. It is the radio on one side and the cinema on the other. Television is a very useful instrument in many ways. It is a powerful medium for education and recreation. It gives lessons on the subjects like science and mathematics and also on geography and history.

It shows us cinema and live telecast on games and sports. On its screen we have a delightful scenery of nature and thrilling sights of animals roaming in the jungles and in the deep waters of the seas. We can amuse the shows of serials. It is also a mighty medium of advertisement.

Sometimes it has bad effects on children. In most cases, they sit tight with it to witness their favorite items which captivate them greatly. Sometimes they neglect their bounden duties as students. They try to copy the most interesting show-style. In some cases they even face their death. Many things are very good with television but its price is very high and the poor cannot benefit by it.

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Television Essay in English: 350 Words

Television is a modern invention. When television was first invented, people of the world were very happy because they had the scope to know the world around them and to entertain themselves in the best possible ways. Television is no doubt something which ushered progress of civilization. Some electronic media like BBC took over the most important role to make the people of the world aware of the society to which they were belonging and the environment by which they were being nourished. It is quite well known that, BBC produced all of the plays of Shakespeare as films. Even this world famous electronic media focused on the two World Wars so much so that people of the world came to know how horrible was war and warfare. Thus social consciousness was an important factor that was first aroused by the aid of television.

But this television is now being abused constantly by some commercially debased people. In West Bengal, television is so abused that the young generation is now misguided. The young people follow the bad culture and become oblivious of the hoary tradition of our country. Mere entertainment has been presented on the different television channels. Meaningless serials and reality shows are heart-throbbing without any moral impact. Crimes and social disorder are presented so crudely that the minds of the young people are overwhelmed with frustration, dilapidation, and despair. It seems that there is no escape from despair. The ultimate result is social alienation which brings about moral dilemma.

Yet, the concerned authority is really callous to the problems. Advertisement, sponsors, etc. are the sources of the economic structure of the different channels. Thus, the producers intend to draw the attention of the businessman by claiming the popularity of the channels. The inevitable result of this kind of commercial debasement is of Course disintegration that causes serious disbelief in the sphere of culture and education. Therefore, we must be conscious of the fact that television is not merely a media for entertainment; rather it is a source of important social and cultural messages.

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The Seven Ways To Write About Television

Linda Holmes

Linda Holmes

A hand with a remote looking at many screens.

Perhaps it's the combination of Sunday night's Mad Men finale and the flurry of Sopranos discussion that followed the death of James Gandolfini, but it's hard not to be struck by the explosion of writing about television that's occurred in the last 15 years or so, facilitated (of course) by the ability to go from rolling credits to publication in an hour (if necessary). After any major episode, there will be a flurry of commentary, and even after minor episodes of minor shows, there are write-ups here and there.

But while these pieces — whether you call them recaps, reviews, essays, commentaries, whatever — may look the same, there are a bunch of different ways to do them, and understanding the kinds that are out there might help you find the kind you like. So here they are: the seven ways people commonly write about television.*

The Craft model . In a lot of ways, this is the kind of criticism with which people are most familiar. It's focused on the quality of work that goes into a show — how strong is the directing, writing, acting, lighting, scoring, and so forth. The higher-brow the show is, the more Craft writing there is; nobody spends a lot of time writing about the direction on NCIS or The Big Bang Theory , even if they like those shows.

That doesn't mean there is no craft — it just means either writers are usually not interested in writing about it or they don't have the familiarity with the form to analyze it effectively. Craft writing probably requires the most background knowledge and the most experience, and it's where you're most likely to fall into a hole if you don't actually know which pieces of a show's quality are the result of direction, for instance, versus writing. To give you an example of Craft done well, Matt Zoller Seitz is a Craft writer, mostly. (Although, I should note, everyone I know who's a good writer incorporates elements of all these models. But Matt is a Craft guy.)

The Ethical model. It's almost a subspecies within the Craft model, but it deserves its own section, I think. The Ethical model is where writers address the sociological implications of how the show is made. In the reality setting, this is pretty obvious — were people subjected to terrible conditions, and so forth. But Ethical writing also tends to incorporate issues of gender, race, sexuality, politics, and so forth. Perpetuating stereotypes, representation behind and in front of the camera — this is where Ethical writing gets its strength. Alyssa Rosenberg does a lot of Ethical writing at Think Progress; she's probably the only writer I can think of where that's what she sees as her primary beat (perhaps unsurprisingly).

The Puzzle model. This is the writing that tries to uncover hidden meanings and explain symbolism. The idea is to take your sharp eye, as the writer, and note things that other people perhaps wouldn't notice. The absolute best Puzzle writing I'm aware of at the moment is Mad Style , the weekly column breaking down the costuming of Mad Men , found at the fashion site Tom and Lorenzo . Most costume commentary, other than this, is part of the Craft model — admiring the sheer beauty of wardrobe choices or the skill in matching them to the period. But Mad Style treats fashion like other writing treats any other kind of messaging and applies specialized knowledge to surface pieces of the storytelling that aren't obvious.

But whenever writers are pointing out callbacks, metaphors, symbolism, lines that have double meanings — that's all Puzzle stuff. In many, many episode recaps, you'll find bullet points at the end, some of which will be Puzzle content that doesn't fit anywhere else.

The Maker model. These are the pieces of writing that focus on the relationship between a show and its creator, in spite of the fact that lots of people's work go into the final product. It's kind of like auteur theory in film, although it tends to be a little more from-the-hip with television, and it doesn't necessarily indicate that anyone is sophisticated enough to be considered an auteur. These are things like Emily Nussbaum's marvelous New Yorker piece on Ryan Murphy, "Queer Eyes, Full Heart." There are makers who attract much more Maker writing than others — Shonda Rhimes, oddly enough, attracts less of it than you might expect, given her massive impact on the ABC lineup, while Lena Dunham attracts outrageous tons of it, despite her relatively small audience. (Aaron Sorkin gets more of it the more he complains about it, which is sweet justice for someone, but I'm not sure who.)

The Riff model. This is writing that sees television primarily as a jumping-off point for jokes. It's what Television Without Pity was when I worked there, it's what is, and it's what a lot of Vulture recaps are, including (for instance) Dave Holmes writing about American Idol .

The Vignette model. On a personal note, this is probably the model I use the most. Monday's piece about the Mad Men finale falls into this category; on a less serious note, so does the Scandal piece I wrote about how everyone in the world should dump Fitz. In the Vignette model, you look at a piece of television as a little story, and then you address a bunch of discussion questions. Can Don be saved? Is Megan misunderstood? Can Walter White turn his life around? Should Alicia Florrick get back together with her husband? These aren't really about the quality of the product, exactly, they're questions the product provokes . The episode, in this case, just exists — it's like an essay question on a test. "Discuss."

A lot of people are completely baffled by Vignette writing. This is where you get the "What are you talking about THESE ARE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!" stuff, as if you'd never talk about what the people in a story did unless it was true. The irony is that Vignette writing freaks people out, but it was the first literary analysis most of us ever learned: Why does this character lie? What should this person have done? What motivated Iago?

Vignette writing is also what animates just about everyone who likes writing about reality TV, because while there's a lot of craft involved in differentiating good reality from bad, that's not what most of the writing is about. Most of the writing, whether serious or funny, is about the people in the story and what their behavior says about the way people act. I don't remember ever having an incredibly fascinating conversation about the crafting of reality shows except with people who make them or appear on them, but I've had many, many great discussions about (for instance) the distinction between the kinds of men who win Survivor and the kinds of women who win, or why The Bachelor contestants act like being divorced is scandalous, or why you can't have alliances on The Amazing Race . Again, you just take the story as a story. Discuss .

The Service model. There are people who really do spend a lot of time just telling you what happened without comment, where the primary purpose of the piece is to fill you in if you missed it. This is basically a human taking the place of your DVR if you forgot to set it.

So there you have it: the seven ways to write about television. Of course, this is less a set of distinct areas with sharp boundaries and more a color wheel where one thing blends into another, because you'll usually see elements of all of them in a good and comprehensive piece of writing, but most of us are more interested in some of these kinds of writing than others, and it's good to have a sense of the landscape when you're looking for a home.

*These are ways, I should note, to write commentary. There is also a world of more traditional reporting, including profiles and breaking news, that's a separate issue entirely. That, in turn, is subdivided into business reporting (who's got a deal with which studio), show reporting (stories about production and creation), and the weird world of plot reporting (news stories about fictional characters — so-and-so will die, so-and-so will have an affair with so-and-so).

Writing for Television — Format, Genre and Structure - Featured

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Writing for Television — Format, Genre and Structure

W ith new streaming platforms emerging every year and binge watching becoming an art form, the television industry needs more writers than ever. Unfortunately, there is also more competition than ever. Breaking into the TV industry can be tough, but here are the fundamentals you need to know about becoming a television show writer as well as some actionable tips that will help you get that much closer to writing for television.

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Television script writing

Writing for television vs. film.

Although feature film screenplays and television screenplays have many similarities such as scene headings , formatting techniques , dialogue, and character descriptions there are many differences between writing for television and writing for film. To understand the differences, it's first important to understand how a TV show gets made. This Vox video conveniently breaks down the TV making process.

Understanding writing for television

1. Script Length: Most obviously, writing for television involves much shorter scripts than writing for features. The run time of a television show ranges from 30 minutes to 60 minutes while a feature film is at least 90 minutes long resulting in the difference in script length.

2. Story Engine: Feature films are meant to be resolved by the end of the film. Television shows, on the other hand, are meant to last multiple seasons. This means that writing for television is dependent on creating different driving forces than a film.

Films that last a whopping six to nine seasons are often very character driven, relying more on the audience's investment in the characters rather than the plot points themself.

Writing for television: Character and Develop Their Arc  •   Subscribe on YouTube

TV shows often have multiple central characters that move the show forward unlike features that typically have a single central protagonist. TV shows utilize multiple story lines otherwise known as A, B, and C story lines.

3. Structure: Because both the length and engine of a television show both differ from that of a film, the structure of a television show also differs. Writing for television aims to retain the audience's attention and set up following episodes.

4. Lack of immediate resolution: The episodic format of a television show means that each central narrative lasts over the course of multiple episodes or even seasons. For that reason, TV shows do not need to tie a neat bow on every episode with a resolution unlike a film.

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How to write for tv

Television script structure.

In the past, writing for television has been formulaic across the board to fit the form of weekly episode releases. With the advent of streaming services and the phenomenon of binge watching, nearly every story structure is possible to achieve through television. 

Some TV series have even been described as ten-hour movies broken into episodes. Other TV series still follow the traditional sitcom format. No matter what, understanding the story structure that best serves your story is important. 

Among the best television series in history is Breaking Bad pilot script which uses a common four act structure. Check out this breakdown of the structure of Breaking Bad in this video from Lessons from the Screenplay.

Breaking Bad  •  Writing for television pilots

Next time you watch a great TV pilot, take note of how this structure applies. This will help you structure your TV show in similar ways that best serve the story. Once you understand the mechanisms of your show’s structure, you will need to create the necessary materials to pitch your TV show.

TV show writing format

Tv script format.

Structure also entails understanding how to format a script. Before you send out any script whether it is a spec or a pilot, you must make sure it follows standard script format. This will make it easier to read, more engaging, and more professional. 

To better understand TV script format and writing for television professionally, check out our formatting video below. We dive into everything from scene headers to slug lines to dialogue. Of course, when you use dedicated screenwriting software like StudioBinder, the formatting is done automatically.

How to Format a Screenplay: Writing for television  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Learning how to write for TV means understanding both story and TV script format. Understanding various formatting techniques such as parentheticals and slug lines will add to your repertoire of TV screenwriting tools. This will effectively make you a better television writer. 

TV Writing and Pitching

Components of a tv show pitch.

There is fundamental advice when it comes to learning how to pitch a TV show , but the quintessential tip is to be prepared . This means that you know your TV show inside and out and have materials that prove it and communicate it clearly.

1. Treatment

A story treatment helps get your concept or show in front of more readers. Television show concepts can be large and complex. Distilling your idea into a simpler, more condensed treatment will increase your chances that someone will read about your show.

How to Write a TV Show Treatment  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Treatments will help get your foot in the door. But when someone bites onto a treatment, it’s important to be prepared to have a full pilot script ready.

2. Pilot Script

Your pilot script is a huge determining factor to the success of your TV show idea. It conveys the story, your TV screenwriting style, and should prove the potential for future episodes. The pilot is the foundational building block for the entire show. So how do you write a great one? Check out our video breakdown that analyzes the Breaking Bad pilot and what made it successful.

How to Write a TV Show Pilot Script That Sells  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Finally, you need to be able to clearly and effectively pitch the concept of your show to TV executives when you’re not even in the room. This is where the show bible comes in.

3. Show Bible

Show bibles are used to present to TV and digital executives in order to get a show commissioned or picked-up for distribution. They should break down the entire concept of a show in a clear way. Learning how to make a TV show bible is a lot easier than you might think as long as you have fleshed out the idea of your show well enough.

How to Make a TV Show Bible  •   Subscribe on YouTube

TV show bibles should allow executives, writers, and readers to understand the concept of a show without you having to explain everything to them.

If you do get into a room to pitch your show, there are a few other tips that will help you beyond the materials you bring. Your presence and how you pitch are incredibly important to your pitch’s success. Here are a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to pitching a TV show idea .

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Now that you understand the necessary information of TV screenwriting, it's time to learn about the actionable steps you can take to get you that much closer to a career in TV writing.

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How to write for TV

Tips to break into the tv industry.

Screenwriting for television and preparing a pitch does not happen overnight. In fact, it might take a lot of nights. But there are things you can do that will move your forward in your TV writing career outside of writing your own show.

1. Do your TV homework

Being well versed on television is the best way to learn about your craft. Keeping up to date with trending television series as well as watching classic television shows and dissecting how and why they work will help you better understand the mechanisms of a television show.

2. Write everyday

To get better at screenwriting for television, the only way to get better at your craft is to write. Whether it's writing your pilot, writing a treatment, or writing in a journal. Writing everyday will exercise the creative muscles you will need in the television industry where turn around times are fast and bright ideas need to appear out of thin air.

3. Write a spec

A spec script is written independent of any production entity with the intention to showcase your ability as a writer. Spec scripts can lead to the purchase of the script or even future assignments as a writer. Learning how to write a spec script is useful for anyone trying to break into the TV industry. It will also educate you on how to write for TV based on a pre-existing show. 

4. Move to Los Angeles

This may not be news, but it is worth reiterating. A majority of production companies for both film and television as well as the writing jobs. Getting out there will give you a better chance at our next tip. Screenwriting for television involves a lot of our next tip — networking. And being in the hub of television is a great way to network.

Of course it's not all about who you know, but it certainly has a big impact. Rubbing shoulders with those already in the television industry as well as those in your shoes trying to break in will help open up doors to present and future opportunities.

6. Get a writer’s assistant job

Getting a job as an assistant to a television writer will help you get your foot in the door of the industry while also learning from those already working in it. It will also help you build relationships that will work in your favor.

7. Enter writing contests

There are plenty of writing contests out there with some heavy competition. While the odds may not work in your favor, someone does win. At the very worst writing for these competitions is great practice for any aspiring screenwriter to learn how to write for TV.

8. Have a positive attitude

In the world of film, people often work with each other for long hours and even longer months or even years. Being someone with a genuinely positive attitude will make you someone people want to work with which helps your odds at finding TV writing work.

How to Write a TV Treatment

Do you already have an idea for a television show, but have yet to flesh it out or put it on paper? Get started by creating a treatment. A treatment is a great way to determine whether your idea has legs to be a full blown television series.

Up Next: How to Write a TV Treatment →

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Essay On Television: In 100 Words, 150 Words, 200 Words

television in essay writing

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 22, 2023

Essay On Television

Television, often referred to as the “idiot box” in its early days, has undergone a remarkable transformation since its invention . It has evolved into a powerful medium of entertainment, information dissemination , and education . This essay delves into the multifaceted role of television in our lives, exploring its history, impact, and the advantages and disadvantages it brings.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Television in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Television in 150 words
  • 3 Essay on Television in 200 words

Essay on Television in 100 words

Television, a ubiquitous electronic device, has become an integral part of modern life. Its journey from being merely a source of entertainment to a medium of knowledge and connectivity has been extraordinary. With the advent of technology, television has evolved into high-definition screens and smart TVs, offering a plethora of channels and content. It serves as a window to the world, providing news, educational programmes, and entertainment for people of all ages. While television enriches our lives, it also presents challenges, such as the risk of addiction and exposure to inappropriate content. Nevertheless, when used judiciously, television remains a powerful tool for learning and relaxation.

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Essay on Television in 150 words

Television, originally known as the “idiot box,” has come a long way since its inception. Invented by John Logie Baird, it was initially designed solely for entertainment. Over the decades, technology has transformed it into a multifaceted medium. The word “television” itself reflects its essence, with “tele” meaning far-off and “vision” pertaining to seeing. It has become a device with a screen that receives signals, offering a wide array of channels and programmes.

Television is no longer confined to being a source of amusement; it’s a vital tool for education and information dissemination. News channels keep us informed about global events, and educational programmes expand our knowledge horizons. It’s also a source of inspiration, with motivational speakers and skill-building programmes motivating viewers.

However, television isn’t without its drawbacks. Inappropriate content, addiction, and the spread of misinformation are concerns. Yet, its advantages, including affordability and accessibility, outweigh the disadvantages when used responsibly.

Essay on Television in 200 words

Television, an electronic marvel, has evolved dramatically from its early days. Initially dubbed the “idiot box,” it was primarily a source of entertainment. However, with technological advancements, it has transformed into a versatile medium. The word “television” combines “tele,” meaning far-off, and “vision,” the act of seeing, reflecting its purpose as a device for receiving distant signals.

Television is now an indispensable part of modern life. It offers a multitude of channels and programs catering to diverse interests. News channels keep us updated on current events, while educational programs expand our knowledge in various fields. It’s also a source of motivation, with programs featuring inspirational speakers and skill development.

The affordability of televisions makes them accessible to a wide range of people. They provide a cost-effective means of entertainment and education, making them a valuable asset in many households.

Despite these advantages, television is not without its drawbacks. Inappropriate content can be easily accessed, posing risks to younger viewers. Excessive television watching can lead to addiction, resulting in reduced physical activity and social interactions. Furthermore, some programs spread misinformation, which can have lasting negative effects.

In conclusion, television, with its evolution and widespread use, offers a blend of entertainment, education, and information. Its benefits are immense, but users must exercise responsibility to maximize its potential while minimizing its drawbacks.

To improve your essay writing skills, practice regularly, read extensively, and pay attention to grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, seek feedback from peers or educators to identify areas for improvement.

A well-structured essay should have a clear introduction, a body with well-organized paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea, and there should be smooth transitions between them.

To make your essay more engaging, start with a captivating hook in the introduction, use descriptive language and examples, and maintain a clear and logical flow of ideas throughout the essay. Additionally, consider the reader’s perspective and aim to address their interests and questions.

We hope that this essay blog on Television helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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The Importance of Television

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Published: Mar 16, 2024

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Entertainment, information and education, cultural influence.

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  • Television Essay


The Television

The television is a popular entertainment device. It is very common and is found in almost all households. When the television first started broadcasting, it was known as the "Idiot Box” because at that time, the only purpose of television was to provide entertainment. Now, with the advancement of technology and creativity, television has emerged as an important mass media. There are many learning and informative channels on the TV today which act as the source of knowledge as well as entertainment.

The word "Television" comprises two words: "tele" and "vision". Tele is a prefix of Greek origin, which means far-off, which is used in creating names of instruments for operating over long distances, whereas vision means the act or faculty of seeing. “Television” can be termed as a device with a screen for receiving signals. 

The Perspectives of Television

The television was first invented by a Scottish scientist, John Logie Baird. Originally, it was capable of displaying monochromatic motion images (or videos). With advances in technology now, we have coloured TVs and even smart TVs. Children and adults depend on television for their entertainment. People spend a lot of their leisure time watching television. This may lead one to wonder whether it is really a good practice to spend so much time on the television. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of television beyond doubt.

The Advantages of Watching Television

An Inexpensive Source of Entertainment: Television is now a very cheap mode of entertainment. Televisions are not very costly, and apart from a very minimal service fee, one needs nothing more to be entertained. Televisions are a great entertainment option for people who live alone or cannot go out often. Televisions are cheap enough to be affordable for all.

Provides Knowledge: Television has a number of services, like news channels and so on. These channels and services help us stay up-to-date with the latest news all around the world. Television also offers educational programs, which help us expand the horizon of our knowledge. We get to learn about science, wildlife, history, and so on.

Gives Motivation: There are programs on television which motivate people to develop certain skills. There are programs of motivational speakers which inspire the viewers to push themselves to excel in their line of work.

The Disadvantages of Television

Like every other device, television too has some demerits alongside its advantages. 

Inappropriate Content: Television has barely any measures to prevent segregation of mature and adult audiences from younger audiences. Thus, when a piece of content is aired, it can be viewed by all. As a result, the younger section of the audience is exposed to inappropriate content.

Addiction: Studies have shown that watching a lot of television can get addictive. Television addiction helps lower social activities and promotes inactivity. This makes children more susceptible to mental as well as physical illnesses.

Fake Information: A lot of television content is aimed to spread misinformation for views and ratings. This kind of misinformation can hinder social and communal harmony. The misinformation can also leave a lasting impression on the audience who are of a vulnerable age.

Short Essay on Television in English (200 words)

Television is a great medium of entertainment for people from every age group. It provides enjoyment for the whole family. There are many channels, including news channels, sports channels, and channels of films, cartoons, or songs. Television also contains many programs and shows for kids. Television is a device that entertains the public and informs us about the country and the world.

Television is an amazing invention of science. Watching television makes us fresh, and we forget our worries and fatigue with its magic. Nowadays, the satellite technology and the cable network are far more powerful than ever. A variety of content is available on television and we can watch a channel of our choice. Television also has a great educational value as there are so many channels reserved for educational purposes. Many companies in the world prepare graded programmes.

However, television has a dark side too. Watching too much television can be harmful. Generally, kids are very fond of watching television, but continuously watching television can affect their eyes. Furthermore, it has an adverse effect on their studies. Students will not get enough time to study well if they stay busy watching television, and it makes them less imaginative. In spite of its dark side, television has become a vital means of transmitting both education and entertainment. 

10 lines on a Television Essay in English

Television is an effective medium for communication. 

Television is a vast medium of entertainment, information, and education of the modern age.

Television was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird.

Television enables children to learn moral lessons in a fun way with special channels and programs meant for children.

The television shows, live matches, movies, music, cartoons, etc. are sources of our entertainment.

Television is considered an amazing invention of science.

We can enjoy a cinema, a football or cricket match, news, serials, and many other programs.

It is called Doordarshan in Hindi because it gives the vision of distant objects.

Television is also used to teach children in school

We can watch and hear the news of the world through television.

Whether television is good or bad for the viewers can be a long debate. However, one must always bear in mind that a device is not good or bad, it is merely a device. How one uses that device is what determines its effect. If we judicially use the television and control our television viewing time, we can get the benefits while avoiding the shortcomings.


FAQs on Television Essay

1. What is the importance of television?

Television has helped immensely in broadcasting a lot of information since its inception. Television is a great medium for people, which is used as a means of delivering entertainment, advertising products, and services, right in the comfort of the home. Television is also helpful in delivering news swiftly across the people and many programs are designed to serve as education and a source of knowledge, which is designed for all the age groups. Recently, most households have a television set and many of them have more than one television.

2. What is the history of television?

Television comprises both hearing and watching. Things can be seen from a great distance by means of the television. Television enables us to watch the live images of a person dancing, singing, or talking at a great distance. The television was invented by a scientist named Baird in 1925. Since its invention, television has gone through a lot of development and improvements. Initially, the sound and picture were not clear, and even images were mono-colored. But today, televisions have crystal clear sounds and images in actual color.

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Best topics on Television

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2. How Television Has Changed Our Lives

3. Exploring Positive and Negative Effects of Television

4. Effects of Watching Too Much TV: Mindful Consumption for Well-Being

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6. The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2: A Riveting Legal Thriller Returns with New Twists

7. ESPN’s Financial Struggles: Navigating Layoffs and the Changing Media Landscape

8. Controversial Impact of Reality Television Shows

9. The Impact Of Television Movies And The Advertisement On Audience

10. The Impact Of Television On One’s Travel Preference

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  • The Increase in the Number of Television Networks Besides, the increase in the number of users meant that the service providers had to optimize the quality of their service to better compete for clients. In conclusion, increase in the number of cable TV […]
  • The “16 and Pregnant” Reality TV Show The audience gets to know the characters and sees part of the pregnancy, preparation for childbirth, the process of birth, and the postpartum period.
  • Anatomy & Physiology in ”House, M.D.” TV Series The scenes related to Anatomy and Physiology were evaluation of the brain MRI and X-ray of her lower extremities and tracheostomy when the patient developed an anaphylactic shock to the contrast.
  • Reality Television Phenomenon in American Culture I think that it lacks the intensity of emotional excitation delivered by other forms of entertainment, such as movies or big TV series, but it provides large volumes of content to engage with.
  • Broadcast Television and Advertising in the US Television has had a significant impact on the advertising industry, and despite the competition from other media, it is still a viable and successful way to advertise. Thus, identifying the link between media and its […]
  • Ethics of Television Reality Shows From the audience’s perspective, these shows should preserve the principles of honesty and responsibility to show behavior that could become a universal law in accordance with Kant’s categorical imperative.
  • Leadership in Lost TV Series For instance, at the end of the plot, he volunteers to sacrifice his life to save other people on the island.
  • Dominant-Minority Relations in Television As for the topic, I want to discuss the relationship between the minority and dominant groups on TV. The topic can be seen as a more thorough discussion on the portrayal of power and society […]
  • TV Media and Reality Observation In the show, the hosts give financial advice to callers on how-to and the importance of achieving debt-free life. The skin tone of media characters is lightened in the media compared to authentic images.
  • Netflix: The Largest Supplier of Films and TV Series in the World In the age of the rapid development of technology, people do not have to go to the cinema, buy CDs, or turn on the TV to get acquainted with new products of the film industry.
  • Representation of People of Color in Film and Television However, the lives of people of color have never been represented truthfully without imposing any racial stereotypes and perpetuating the supremacy of the white race. The ideology of the 19th century presumed that the West […]
  • Community Television of Santa Cruz County Board Meeting Analysis The Community Television of Santa Cruz County Board of Directors Meeting was observed and analyzed from the point of efficiency of communication and participants’ language styles.
  • Impact of Television on American Culture In the middle 20th century, however, the active spread of the brand new medium created a considerable sensation and was able to change the society.
  • KTLA5 vs. ABC7 TV Channels: Comparative Analysis While the stations were observed live, the nature of the assignment required a further examination of the content. For example, the second segment is three times as short as the first and the third ones, […]
  • Women in Society Through the Prism of TV Shows At the center of the plot of the current British project, Fleabag is the story of the life of an unnamed young woman suffering from nymphomania and friend loss syndrome.
  • Homosexuality and Feminism in the TV Series The depiction of these complex topics in the TV series of the humoristic genre implies both regressive and progressive impulses for the audience.
  • The Popular TV Shows: Political and Social Topics The Laugh-In and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour make counter-cultural ideas more accessible to Middle America by acknowledging the racial tensions and the Vietnam war, unlike mainstream television.
  • Music and Advertising in Television The changing nature of the music industry has presented a new challenge to the new program producers: breaking into the limelight and drawing a good number of audiences to attract many companies yearning for such […]
  • Constructing Femininity on TV The concept of femininity in its relation to the behavior of women and their treatment is a difficult topic to address.
  • Development of Successful TV Programs The author suggests that the process of TV programs development is quite challenging since the projects’ directors are always vulnerable to the customers’ unresponsiveness and inattention.
  • “Does TV Viewing During Toddlerhood Predict Social Difficulties and Conduct Problems?”: Analysis The most significant conclusion of Jackson is that the development of toddlers depends not on the amount of time they spend watching TV per se but on the content they consume.
  • Close-Circuit Television: Crime Control vs. Privacy The reason for that might be a deterring effect of the cameras since possible offenders found that the risk of getting spotted and arrested is not worth the potential benefits from the crime.
  • Analysis of “Brigerton” TV Show I think that this TV series is art because it is made in a form of a novel and contains various elements of art.
  • Marx’s Ideas in Relation to the TV Series Through the lens of popular culture, the notion of upholding The Simpsons as a segment of the civilization that lingers in people’s minds all through a nuclear apocalypse appears strange and ironic.
  • Youngsters Not Abandoning Live TV This wears a person out more quickly and just to relax the person will eventually go and sit in front of a TV.
  • TV Advert: “2020 Inspire Change” Inspire Change aims to spread the message of social justice in the wake of increasing cases of police brutality that have led to the deaths of many Americans.
  • The Depiction of Birth in Reality TV Show Given the advent of hospitals, the need for midwifery decreased and eventually, the majority of women lacked the know-how on childbirth.
  • The Wire: A Crime-Drama Television Series This relationship highlights the structure of inequality in America and the role of the “system” in contributing to the social and economic challenges of the urban poor.
  • Popular Culture and TV Shows: Analysis of American Idol The positive aspect of the show is the interactive aspect that is essential in all popular cultures. The first group is comprised of the judges who guide and monitor the performance of the contestants.
  • Watching Television: Genetic Influence This can be testified by the manner the research question correlates to the dynamics of examining why watching TV has such a huge influence on genetics.
  • Definition of 3D Television Technology The first one of course is to wear eyeglasses, which will do the work of filtering offset images before they reach the eye, and secondly, we can use a light source to divide the images […]
  • Gender Roles in TV Commercials and Values in the Society Each of them will watch, code, and analyze the TV commercials separately; at the end of the procedure, their results will be compared in order to ensure the inter-observer reliability of the chosen research method.
  • ER TV Series and Healthcare System Issues In particular, it is necessary to discuss the episode Viable Options, and the questions, explored in this film, namely 1) the consumerism of Medicare and the relations between physicians and patients; 2) the distribution of […]
  • The Monitor Convergence and the Television Consumption Explain what those are used for, history on what development on TV and monitor and how the 2 have in common and how they are different The monitor and the television are both viewing devices […]
  • History of Cable Television From 1948, in Pennsylvania Thus the first cable television emerged and inspired the world for the creation of a vast network. It provided a significant rise in the popularity of cable.
  • History of Television: Business and Technology Pantelegraph led to the invention of the Nipkow disk, which was crucial to the development of mechanical television. Advertising-supported programming, which made television affordable and led to the development of consumer culture in America.
  • TV Violence Programs: Finding Common Ground The articles, “Honey, I warped the kids”, and “The Hollow Crusade against TV Violence” elaborate on the impacts of TV violence programs.
  • TV and Hollywood Flats on a Theatre Stage The draught of these two kinds of units is similar; the main difference is in the location of constructing materials and the joint.
  • Influence of Television on People’s Happiness The idea of mass culture influencing the development of society is closely connected with a concept of a need to be happy.
  • Shuga’ TV Series: Reasons to Watch These stations are Kenyan citizen, Nation Television and Kenya Television Network.”The series aims to lift the lid on the reckless sex lives and loves that many Kenyan youths and their partners live”.
  • TV Presence in the Life of Infants The issue of the effect of TV on the distribution of their attention during the play was raised. During the first half of the procedure, the TV was on, and the rest of the time […]
  • The SCI Effect of TV By the example of the article, derived from this journal, one may see that the impact of the “SCI effect” is tracked in the minds of regular television viewers.
  • Watching TV: Is It Good or Bad? The general perceptions and explanations that are attributed to the effects of television in the social life tend to incline on the negative aspects thereby disregarding the other factors that bring about the positive effects […]
  • Television, Movies and Electronic Games in Culture It also determines the effects of electronic games on the culture and mentions the name of most influential games released over the last few years.
  • Philosophical Aspect of “Judge Judy” TV Show The reason why this approach is the most appropriate when analyzing the case of a traffic officer and a speed driver is that it focuses on the immorality of the young girl’s behaviour and situation […]
  • Sex and Violence on Television: Negative Effects Though it is responsible of him to mention the realities of the opposition’s argument, it is incredibly irresponsible of him to leave key terms undefined before venturing more deeply into the context of the issue, […]
  • Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in Canada This paper will look at the role of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in the aboriginal communities. APTN describes itself as the first aboriginal television channel formed by the aboriginal people, for aboriginal people, and […]
  • “Super Nanny” and “Wife Swap”: Analysis of Episodes From TV Shows The main behavioral problem of this family is the mother’s inability to make the children respect her. The head of the Wiggins family is ex-marine; the family has a high socio-economic status; they are respected […]
  • Broadcast on Television Analysis The fact remains that the news channels need to be directed in a manner that would allow them to ensure that the sort of information being broadcasted is according to the needs and requirements of […]
  • Should the Fcc’s Indecency Restriction Be Extended to Cable Television? The FCC needs to regulate cable television to ensure that indecent material is not broadcast because this kind of material is harmful to consumers especially children who tend to copy what they see.
  • Three Episodes of “Friends” Television Program The three episodes of this program to be analyzed are the following: ‘The One Where Nana Dies Twice’, ‘The One Where Eddie Wo not Go’ and ‘The One Where Ross is Fine’.
  • Death in TV-Series “Six Feet Under” The paradox that is based on the conventional fear of death and the perception of death almost as one more member of the family cannot but leave a significant sign on each member of the […]
  • Reality TV Genre in Australian Television Programming Reality television entered into the general usage of television programming in the early decades of the 1990s through the footage of Fox’s Cops and other emergency programs.
  • “Desperate Housewives”: The Television Comedy Drama’s Connection and the Gender Theories There has been a distinct subjugation of women in the hand of the male and society and women’s role in the household has been strictly demarcated.
  • The American People & Television The show is one of many that are related to healthcare and have kept its charm in the eyes of the American public.
  • The Impact of Television on Today’s America The common opinion is that TV is so harmful that it may be considered the root of all evil because it is one of the main causes of poor eye-sight, fatness, and even an increase […]
  • Film and Television’s History and Magic Both mediums require the use of technical hardware such as cameras for capturing the images, projectors for film presentation, lenses that allow the director to present various aspects of story sequences and scenes, and a […]
  • Influence of Television Advertising on the People The focal point of this paper is to present a debate on the issue of negative influence of television advertising on people of the country in the context of sex and violence.
  • How TV Showed the Vietnam War At the dawn of television media emergence, the coverage of the Vietnam War was subjective as the opinion of the public was manipulated by the government to get the desired reaction from the Americans to […]
  • Vietnam War on Television Thus, the research paper will be written in accordance with the following working thesis statement: At the dawn of television media emergence, the coverage of the Vietnam War was subjective as the opinion of the […]
  • Television Plus Junk Foods Equal Childhood Obesity Not coincidentally, the percentage of obese Americans began rising in the 1960s, when the television became a babysitter to the youth of the nation.
  • Macas World Company’s Pay TV: Business Plan The impact of the amendment in the Broadcast industry is focused on the ownership and content. The idea is to set up a Pay TV service that is focused on movies.
  • TV Commercials and Their Psychological Impact The aim of the article is not to measure the influence of advertising on women, but to examine the ideological and cultural messages that are disseminated through advertising in relation to black female beauty.
  • Gender Differences by Television According to Durkin, K, female especially between the age group 8 and 12 give more attention to the male characters than the female one, while boys are not ideally influenced by the sex of the […]
  • Popular Culture Since the 50’s: Drivers for Popular Culture, Music, TV and Literature The lyrics of the songs appealed to the common teenager and there was nothing highbrow or high language in the songs and this became a part of the popular culture.
  • Nielsen Media Research Company The present name of the group is The Nielsen Company. The Company provides products and services to the following categories of customers.
  • Television Systems: Innovation and Evolution The invention and subsequent innovation and evolution of the television may not be the greatest since ‘the invention of the wheel’.
  • The Dynamics of the Television Industry Most of the time, customers are in need of watching programs on the television to be entertained and are interested in learning about the new products in the market and services.
  • Communications. Monitor and Television Convergence
  • Should Sex and Violence on Television or in Movies Be Restricted?
  • “Ugly Betty”: Race and Ethnicity in TV
  • How Digital Technology Revolutionized Television News
  • The Reality TV Shows Addiction: Cause-Effect
  • Development of High Definition Television Technology
  • Global Mass Communication: Web Television
  • Television Families: What Do They Tell Us About Race Relations?
  • Homosexual Stereotypes in Film and TV
  • Equality: The Use of TV to Develop Our Gender Roles
  • Psychology: Persuasion in Bigpond TV Advertisement
  • Reality Television, Its Nature and Effect
  • Television Maintaining Class Division in Society
  • Non-Verbal Communication in “When They See Us” TV Show
  • “Gossip Girl” the TV Show Analysis
  • What’s Inside TV Commercial by FedEx
  • Violence Against Women in the TV Shows
  • Al Ghad TV Company’s Internship Experiences
  • The ‘Dangerous’ Advertisement in the 2016 Presidential Campaign
  • The Television Show “Law and Order: SVU”
  • Northern Exposure TV Show of Medical Dramedy Genre
  • Chicana and Mexican in Films and TV Shows
  • Television Pros and Cons Assessment
  • TV Programming Analysis: Gendered Themes
  • Commercial Advertisements in Television
  • Netflix’s Business: Renting Movies and TV Episodes
  • Reality Television Definition and Impact
  • Vietnam as the First Television War
  • Direct Response Television and Its Requirements
  • Trisha TV Show Analysis and Pop Culture Issues
  • “Pepsi Next Baby” TV Commercial Analysis
  • “Insecure” Comedy-Drama TV Series by Rae and Wilmore
  • Utopia Fantasia in the “Black Mirror” TV Show
  • Vietnam: The First Television War. Media and Public
  • French Specific Content in Media and Television
  • Historical TV Channels Strategies in Broadcasting
  • SmartBridge Company’s Smart TV System
  • The American TV Series: Characters and Themes
  • Television Show Suggestion: M*A*S*H
  • Ford Explorer’s TV Commercial Advertising
  • Television, Its Invention and Technical Evolution
  • Closed-Circuit Television Cameras in Crime Reduction
  • Northern Exposure: TV Medical Comedy Series
  • Television and Communication with Viewers
  • TFC TV Company’s Competition Problem
  • TV Content: “The Walking Dead”
  • Samsung as Color TV Manufacturer in China
  • Surveys for Creating TV Campaign Ads
  • Aggression and Violence in the “Vikings” TV Series
  • Crime Television Series: “Al Fin Cayó!”
  • TV Visual Analysis: Boardwalk Empire
  • “The Walking Dead” Television Series
  • Arab Stereotypes in the “Tyrant” TV Series
  • Douyu TV and Young People in the Virtual Community
  • Quite Interesting, British Television Programme
  • Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance and Security
  • Bridgestone’s “Hands” TV Advertising
  • Amy Zimmerman: It Ain’t Easy Being Bisexual on TV
  • TV Shows: House, Scrubs and Quincy
  • Coordination Issues in High-Definition Television
  • Sampson Television Company: Change Management
  • The Fashion Channel: Cable TV Network
  • Natural and Artificial Selection in Cosmos TV Series
  • Television Show: “Wil Time Bigtime”
  • Television News Coverage Analysis
  • E-Learning: Video, Television and Videoconferencing
  • Political Issues of “The American Idol” Television Show
  • TV Shows’ Influence on Families
  • Robert Abelman: Why Do People Watch Religious TV?
  • TV Soap Operas: Reasons of Popularity
  • Watching TV Makes You Smarter?
  • Devious Maids – How Television Portrays Race?
  • TV Cartoons and Children’s Behavior – Psychology
  • The Value of Reanalysis: TV Viewing and Attention Problems
  • Reality TV Role in Human History
  • Television Show “What’s My Line?”
  • Sony PlayStation TV Micro-Console Marketing Project
  • Does TV Shows Have a Negative Influence on the Children?
  • Technologies: High-Speed Internet vs. the Cable Television
  • The Oprah TV Show
  • Television Desensitizing of Modern Children
  • Newspaper Report and TV Report: Comparison and Contrast
  • Television Shows and Obscene Language
  • Digital TV and Its Consequences: A Changing Media Industry
  • Is the Television Series, Friday Night Lights Literary?
  • Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commissions
  • “10 Years Younger” and “How to Look Good Naked” Television Shows
  • Market Opportunity Assessment for Apple TV Box
  • Marketing Design and Innovation: Smart TV’s
  • Television in Emirati Culture
  • Influence of Television on Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • How TV Affects Your Child: Article Rhetoric
  • Literature Review and Methodology for the Case of Violence on TV
  • Central China Television’s (CCTV)
  • Framing Effects of Television News Coverage of Social Protest
  • “Viewing and Avoidance of Al Jazeera 24 Hour Satellite Television Channel” by Jamal, A., & Melkot, S. R.
  • Effects of Food Advertising in Australian Television on Children Aged 5-12 Years
  • Australian Advert Banned on UK TV
  • Is TV Advertising Dying as Mass Media in the EU?
  • Persuasive portfolio of Net-A-Porter and Samsung Smart TV
  • American Television History
  • Legal Themes in the Good Wife TV Series
  • What Is “Real” About Reality TV Through Susan Boyle’s Debut On Britain’s Got Talent
  • Motivation Theories in the TV Comedy Series “Sex and the Sally”
  • Cable TV Provider Marketing Management
  • China’s Flat Screen TV Industry
  • The Role of Interactivity to the Success of Reality Television Shows
  • Change in the TV Station
  • Television as a Domestic Technology
  • Television and Cultural Change and Fragmentation of Audiences in the 21st Century
  • Japanese TV Drama “14 Sai no Haha”
  • TV Show’s Influence on Perception
  • The Effects of Background Television on the Toy Play Behavior of Very Young Children
  • TV Show Analysis: The Simpsons
  • Television Criticism in Advert
  • Need for Reality TV on Television Programming
  • Television Genres and New Media Technologies
  • Convergence in the Television Stations
  • Change Management within Direct TV Business
  • Television Shows Taxonomy
  • Al Jazeera TV: A Propaganda Platform
  • TV News Role in Citizens Life
  • Bridalplasty Television Show
  • Television Effects & Freedoms
  • Relationship between Indirect and Physical Aggression on Television and in Real Life
  • Influence of Television on the American Society
  • Psychological TV Programs Doctor-Patient
  • The History of the Coldstream Guards: TV Programme
  • Media Control and Censorship of TV
  • TV Advertising as the Most Appropriate Communication System
  • Does TV Increase Violence Among Children and Teenagers?
  • Influence of Television Advertising on Children’s Eating Behavior
  • The Cultivation Effects on the Watching Television
  • Shopping Diaries: Brand New Flat Screen 47-inch TV
  • What MTV Hath Wrought: A Change in Network Television and Advertising
  • Popular Culture of TV Watching in USA and China
  • TV Reality and People’s Lifestyle
  • How TV Affects Kids
  • Two Poems with TV Drama 24
  • Censorship for Television and Radio Media
  • Gender Stereotypes on Television
  • Al-JAZEERA “Arabic Television Network”
  • Why Are Television Ads for Alcohol Misleading Viewers?
  • What Influences Advertising Price in Television Channels?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Violence on Television and Violence in Real Life?
  • Why Will Television Ultimately Ruin Sports?
  • What Impact Does Television Have on Children’s Lifestyles?
  • How Does Television Influence the Moral Thinking of Children?
  • What Are the Positive and Negative Prospects for the Impact of Television on the Development of Children?
  • What Is the Connection Between Television and Childhood Obesity?
  • How Does Television Negatively Affect Education?
  • Why Should Children Be Restricted From Watching Television?
  • How Has Television Destroyed the Communication Between Friends and Family?
  • Why Did the Dramatic Growth in Radio and Television Advertising Come About?
  • How Has Television Influenced the Development of Pop Culture?
  • What Negative Conventions Does Television Show and Their Impact on People?
  • How Does Television Affect Our Social Life?
  • Why Shouldn’t Parents Encourage Their Children to Become Famous Movie or Television Star?
  • How Has Television Evolved From the Sixties to the Present?
  • What Is the Role and Significance of Music in Television Show?
  • How Has Television Made Our Lives Better?
  • Why Can’t Television Replace Books as a Teaching Tool?
  • How Does Television Affect American Culture?
  • What Are Some Anti-Black Bias That Pops Up on Television News All the Time?
  • How Has Television Influenced Society Since Its Inception?
  • Why Shouldn’t People Spend Too Much Time Watching Television?
  • How Has Television Affected the Population of India?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Television as a Means of Communication?
  • What Was the Significance of Television in the Vietnam War?
  • What Effect Does Television Have on the Brain?
  • How Do Television Commercials Reinforce Gender Stereotypes?
  • What Is the Argument for the Liquidation of Television?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 334 Topics about Television & Examples.

"334 Topics about Television & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '334 Topics about Television & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "334 Topics about Television & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "334 Topics about Television & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "334 Topics about Television & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Television Essay

Television is very useful. There are many advantages to the development of television. It was useful in giving the average person access to a low-cost kind of entertainment. Now that televisions are so inexpensive, everybody can buy one and have access to entertainment. Additionally, it keeps us informed on the most recent world events. Here are a few sample essays on ‘television’.

Television Essay

100 Words Essay on Television

Television is one of the most recent scientific wonders which connects people to the world. Television works well as a communication and entertainment medium. We may watch live broadcasts of significant sporting events, political news and other events taking place throughout the world. This gives us a direct understanding of things, places, and events that are far away. Thus, television has brought the entire globe into the living room. Through watching television we also become knowledgeable.

Television is also another effective tool for widespread teaching. Millions of people can receive educational programmes on health care, family planning, and general knowledge via audio-visual presentation on TV.

200 Words Essay on Television

Television connects the world. In the modern world, nothing is more familiar than television. In 1925, John Baird invented it. It was introduced in India in 1959. It is truly a wonder to behold in science. Television has two functions. On one side is the radio, and on the other is a movie theatre. Radio was listened to in the past but nowadays people go to movie theatres to see movies on the big screen. In many ways, television is a very beneficial tool. It is an effective tool for both instruction and entertainment. Through television people can study and gain knowledge.

Television shows us cinema and live telecast on games and sports. On its screen we have delightful scenery of nature and thrilling sights of animals roaming in the jungles and in the deep waters of the seas. We can enjoy many shows and serials and movies. It is also a mighty medium of advertisement.

People should watch television a minimum of half an hour a day. Sometimes television has a bad effect on children because they sit the whole day in front of television and see their favourite show which is very bad for them. Television is good for professional people and bad for unprofessional people.

500 Words Essay on Television

Television is the best thing to have in house. One of the most widely used technologies for entertainment in the world today is the television. Nowadays, practically every home has a television, and it has become fairly widespread. In the beginning people didn't want to use it but now everyone wants it in their house. This was primarily due to the focus on entertainment during that time. There weren't as many educational channels as there are now. Nowadays what you see on television is because of technology.

After the invention of television, the craze attracted many people to spend all their time watching TV. Parents started considering it harmful as it attracted the kids the most. Because kids spend most of their time watching television and not studying. However, as times passed, the channels of television changed. More and more channels were broadcasted with different specialties. Thus, it gave us knowledge along with entertainment.

Benefits of Watching Television

There are many advantages to the development of television. Television gives the average person access to a low-cost kind of entertainment and knowledge about the world. Now that televisions are not so expensive, everybody can buy one and have access to entertainment.

Television keeps us informed on the most recent world events. News from various parts of the world can now be obtained from television. Similarly, television also provides instructional shows that advance our understanding of science, animals, and other topics.

People are inspired to learn new skills by television as well. Additionally, television has a number of shows that feature presentations from motivational speakers. This show encourages people to improve their skill and lifestyle. You may also argue that television increases our exposure. Television broadens our understanding of many sports, world events, and other topics.

While television comes with a lot of benefits, television also has a negative side.

Disadvantage of Watching Television

We see that television broadcasts unsuitable material that encourages various social evil acts, like violence, eve-teasing, and more. Additionally, watching television for long periods is bad for our health. Our eyesight will deteriorate if we watch television for long periods of time. Our neck and back will also be painful as a result of our bad posture while watching TV.

Television also turns people into addicts. People avoid social connection because of their TV addiction. As a result, kids spend more time alone in their rooms, which has an impact on their social life. They become vulnerable due to their addiction and take their programmes way too seriously.

My Life Experience

When I was kid I used to watch television very much which affected my studies and physical health. After that my mother gave me some valuable tips about health and told me the disadvantages of television. I reduced the hours I spent watching TV and went to play games on the ground. After some time I noticed my health getting better and my mind becoming clearer. Television is good when people watch in their limits. But when people exceed their number of hours, then it will affect their mental health and body health. Television is beneficial because it gives knowledge about all the world and shows low cost entertainment.

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Essay On Television – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Television For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the television for kids, a paragraph on the television for children, short essay on the television in 200 words for kids, long essay on the television for kids, what will your child learn from these essays.

Before the birth of the internet, television was the most popular mass media globally. An essay on television has been a popular topic for writing articles. Children must know what a television is to write an essay on this device. This device was once a window into the world. It has slowly taken a back seat with the introduction of mobile phones. In this essay on television for classes 1, 2, & 3, we will discuss how to write about this device.

Here are important tips on how to write an essay on the television:

  • Gather facts on the television, such as its history, working mechanism, and advancements made.
  • Keep the essay informative and relatable to the general reader.
  • Add introductory and concluding lines to long-form essays.
  • Avoid stuffing the essay with technical information unless it is required.

One-line essays are easy for children as an introduction to writing. Below is an essay for classes 1 and 2 on television:

  • Television is one of the most popular sources of entertainment and information about the world.
  • The word television comes from the ancient Greek word “tele”, meaning far and the Latin word “visio”, which means sight.
  • TV was coined as a short form for television in 1948.
  • Television in the old days used CRT monitors. Modern televisions use LED or LCDs.
  • John Logie Baird invented the colour television in 1937.
  • Old televisions operated on simple antennas or cable networks.
  • Modern televisions are smart and very similar to mobile phones.
  • Televisions have been a source of endless entertainment for people for decades.
  • Television has both advantages and disadvantages.
  • As per the BARC report, 6.9% more Indian households owned a TV between 2018-2020.

Essays take practice to perfect. Here is an example of how to write a paragraph about the television:

Entertainment is a necessity in everyone’s life. Ever since the invention of the TV by John Logie Baird in 1926, people slowly realized its potential to act as mass media. The television revolutionized entertainment by creating a whole industry around it in the form of movies, game shows, series and documentaries. It is loved by adults and children alike as it has become a window to the world. People have been glued to their television sets, watching one show after another. It has become a centrepiece in everybody’s life. But, television watchers have declined since the introduction of computers, mobile phones and the internet. However, it continues to be relevant in the modern era.

A short essay is a great place to start learning essay writing. Here is an essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 on the television:

When it comes to inventions that have had the most impact on modern civilization, the television has earned a spot at the top of the list. While many people demonstrated a device that could display pictures, John Logie Baird came up with coloured television in 1937 that became popular. The device consisted of a cathode-ray tube and a screen that could project images and audio. For a long time, television was black and white in most people’s homes, and they had one or two channels that were a popular source of news and entertainment.

Once cable TV started worldwide, the entertainment industry moved to television production. Reality shows, movies and 24 hours news became a thing that began shaping the world and how people spent their time. Before the invention of the personal computer, the TV was also part of the gaming industry as a display unit. Most children had gaming consoles that displayed graphics on the TV.

Television has gone through major changes in the last few decades, and entertainment has mostly diversified into the internet, with the TV taking a back seat. However, it continues to be one of the most trusted and viewed mass media devices globally.

Short paragraph writing needs to be practised before children can take on the task of writing the long ones. Here is an example essay on television for class 3:

The television is one of the most popular and loved inventions in the world. This device is not only a source of news and entertainment but also a window to the world. Almost a century ago, television’s invention revolutionized the entertainment sector and how people viewed the world.

In 1926, John Logie Baird demonstrated the first television as we know it now and later developed the colour television. People from the older generations would recall that televisions looked nothing like what they do now. They were mostly made of a huge wooden box that contained a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) connected to a glass screen.

Colour televisions were harder to find, especially in developing countries, until the 1990s. Thanks to technology becoming cheaper, it was widely seen in most houses by the early 2000s. The flat-screen TV, which started becoming popular during the 2000s, had better picture quality, and some even had inbuilt games. By the decade’s end, the LCD and LED display screens replaced CRT television sets, and television became slimmer and more energy-efficient. Fast forward to the 2020s, televisions are smarter with internet connectivity and new features.

Throughout history, television viewers have mixed sentiments regarding its influence on people. Some thought of it as a wonderful source of information and connectivity, while many saw it as a distraction that wasted students’ time. Regardless of people’s opinions, the effect television has on the modern world cannot be overstated, and it continues to be a favourite window to the world for most people.

History Of Television

The history of television can be traced back to the 1800s. Before the invention of electronic television, mechanical televisions existed to scan an image and transmit it to a screen. John Logie Baird demonstrated his mechanical television in 1926, and it would take ten more years before the commercial production of televisions. Philo Farnsworth demonstrated the first successful electronic television in 1927. India first saw television as an experiment on 15th September 1959.

Advantages Of Watching Television

Here are some benefits of watching television:

  • Source Of Knowledge:  News channels and educational programs on television are excellent sources of information on events worldwide, science and technology. Educational programs on television also help people learn new things.
  • Entertainment:  Television is the most inexpensive source of entertainment for people, and it gives them the option to choose from entertainment such as music, movies, documentaries and reality shows.
  • It Is Motivational:  Television gives people new ideas and informs them about what goes on. Many people are motivated by what they see on television and go on to make inventions and discoveries.

Disadvantages Of Watching Television

Some disadvantages of television:

  • It Is Addictive:  Television’s endless shows can be addictive to many, and it can make people waste time when they binge-watch.
  • Fake Information:  Television channels often create content with a plan, and people can also misuse them as a tool to spread false information.
  • Inappropriate Content:  Televisions give little control over the type of content children watch when parents are not around, which can sometimes be harmful.

The essays above are examples of different formats children are asked to write in schools. They can gain information on the subject and learn how to write their composition on television.

1. Who Invented The First Television and In Which Year?

John Logie Baird demonstrated the first television in the year 1926.

2. What Was The First Colour TV Called?

The first television was called the RCA CT-100.

Television is one of the most loved inventions of humanity. Over a century since its invention, it has undergone numerous changes to become a sophisticated device today.

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television in essay writing

What Is a Capstone Project vs. Thesis

television in essay writing

As students near the end of their academic journey, they encounter a crucial project called the capstone – a culmination of all they've learned. But what exactly is a capstone project? 

This article aims to demystify capstone projects, explaining what they are, why they matter, and what you can expect when you embark on this final academic endeavor.

Capstone Project Meaning

A capstone project is a comprehensive, culminating academic endeavor undertaken by students typically in their final year of study. 

It synthesizes their learning experiences, requiring students to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained throughout their academic journey. A capstone project aims to address a real-world problem or explore a topic of interest in depth. 

As interdisciplinary papers, capstone projects encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. They allow students to showcase their mastery of their field of study and demonstrate their readiness for future academic or professional pursuits.

Now that we’ve defined what is a capstone project, let’s discuss its importance in the academic landscape. In case you have short-form compositions to handle, simply say, ‘ do my essay for me ,’ and our writers will take care of your workload.

Why Is a Capstone Project Important

A capstone project is crucial because it allows students to combine everything they've learned in school and apply it to real-life situations or big problems. 

It's like the ultimate test of what they know and can do. By working on these projects, students get hands-on experience, learn to think critically and figure out how to solve tough problems. 

Plus, it's a chance to show off their skills and prove they're ready for whatever comes next, whether that's starting a career or going on to more schooling.

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What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Here are three key purposes of a capstone project:

What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Integration of Knowledge and Skills

Capstones often require students to draw upon the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic program. The importance of capstone project lies in helping students synthesize what they have learned and apply it to a real-world problem or project. 

This integration helps students demonstrate their proficiency and readiness for graduation or entry into their chosen profession.

Culmination of Learning

Capstone projects culminate a student's academic journey, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. 

tackling a significant project or problem, students demonstrate their understanding of concepts and their ability to translate them into practical solutions, reinforcing their learning journey.

Professional Development

Capstone projects allow students to develop skills relevant to their future careers. These projects can also be tangible examples of their capabilities to potential employers or graduate programs.

Whether it's conducting research, presenting findings, or collaborating with peers, students gain valuable experience that enhances their professional readiness. 

Types of Capstone Projects

Capstones vary widely depending on the academic discipline, institution, and specific program requirements. Here are some common types:

What Is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Capstone Project

Here's a breakdown of the key differences between a thesis and a capstone project:

How to Write a Capstone Project

Let's dive into the specifics with actionable and meaningful steps for writing a capstone project:

1. Select a Pertinent Topic

Identify a topic that aligns with your academic interests, program requirements, and real-world relevance. Consider issues or challenges within your field that merit further exploration or solution. 

Conduct thorough research to ensure the topic is both feasible and significant. Here are some brilliant capstone ideas for your inspiration.

2. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly articulate the objectives of your capstone project. What specific outcomes do you aim to achieve? 

Whether it's solving a problem, answering a research question, or developing a product, ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

3. Conduct Comprehensive Research

Dive deep into existing literature, theories, and empirical evidence related to your chosen topic. Identify gaps, controversies, or areas for further investigation. 

Synthesize relevant findings and insights to inform the development of your project and provide a solid foundation for your analysis or implementation.

4. Develop a Structured Plan

What is a capstone project in college without a rigid structure? Outline a comprehensive plan for your capstone project, including key milestones, tasks, and deadlines. 

Break down the project into manageable phases, such as literature review, data collection, analysis, and presentation. Establish clear criteria for success and regularly monitor progress to stay on track.

5. Implement Methodological Rigor

If your project involves research, ensure methodological rigor by selecting appropriate research methods, tools, and techniques. 

Develop a detailed research design or project plan that addresses key methodological considerations, such as sampling, data collection, analysis, and validity. Adhere to ethical guidelines and best practices throughout the research process.

6. Analyze and Interpret Findings

Analyze your data or findings using appropriate analytical techniques and tools. Interpret the results in relation to your research questions or objectives, highlighting key patterns, trends, or insights. 

Critically evaluate the significance and implications of your findings within the broader context of your field or industry.

7. Communicate Effectively

Present your capstone project clearly, concisely, and compellingly. Whether it's a written report, presentation, or multimedia deliverable, tailor your communication style to your target audience. Clearly articulate your research questions, methodology, findings, and conclusions. 

Use visuals, examples, and real-world applications to enhance understanding and engagement. Be prepared to defend your project and answer questions from peers, faculty, or stakeholders.

In wrapping up, what is a capstone project? It’s like the grand finale of your academic journey, where all the knowledge and skills you've acquired come together in one big project. 

It's not just about passing a test or getting a grade – it's about proving you've got what it takes to make a real difference in the world. So, if you ever need capstone project help , our writers will gladly lend you a hand in no time.

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What Is a Capstone Project in College?

How to do a capstone project, how long does a capstone project take to complete.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • T. (2023, June 16). What Is a Capstone Project? National University.
  • Lukins, S. (2024, May 12). What is a capstone project? And why is it important? Top Universities.
  • Capstone Project vs. Thesis: What’s the Difference? (2021, December 9). UAGC.

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Pune Porsche accident: From essay writing punishment to remand in observation home - Here's what we know so far

Pune porsche accident: cctv footage showed the minor, son of real estate developer, driving drunk. his father and pub employees sent to police custody. excise department sealed bars for serving liquor to the minor..

Pune: The Porsche car found without number plate, in Pune, Tuesday, May 21, 2024. The car was allegedly driven by a 17-year-old boy who knocked down two motorbike riders on Sunday, causing their death in Kalyani Nagar of Pune city, as the police claim. (PTI Photo)

In a shocking drunk driving case in Pune, the 17-year-old minor speeding his Porsche took the lives of two people on a motorbike in the Kalyani Nagar area. What led to an uproar was the leniency as the Juvenile Justice Board had earlier granted him bail just 15 hours after his arrest. Then on May 22, the board cancelled the minor's bail and sent him to an observation home till June 5, reported ANI .

Here's what we know so far in the case

1. On May 19, the Porsche car, which was driven by the juvenile, killed two motorbike riders, named Anish Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta. Both were IT professionals and were residents of Madhya Pradesh.

Also Read: Porsche Pune accident: How come bail was granted within 15 hours even after killing 2? Cop explains reasons

2. The CCTV footage revealed that the teenager, who is the son of 50-year-old real estate developer Vishal Agarwal, was drunk. 

3. On May 22, a senior sessions court remanded the boy's father and employees of Black Club pub, Nitesh Shevani and Jayesh Gavkar to police custody until May 24.

Also Read: Pune Porsche accident: Lodged at remand home, accused teen to ‘pray, watch TV, play outdoor games’

4. On May 21, the Pune Excise Department also sealed the Cosie Bar and the Black Bar in the city as officials reported that these establishments allegedly served liquor to the minor before the accident.

5. Earlier, the JJB had granted him the minor bail under certain conditions: he must work with traffic police in Yerwada for 15 days, write an essay on accidents, undergo treatment for his drinking habit, and attend counselling sessions. However, after the police approached the board to seek a review of its order, the JJB then cancelled the minor's bail and sent him to an observation home.

6. On May 23, the lawyer of the accused told news agency ANI that the JJB will also be deciding whether or not the teenager should be tried as an adult. Prashant Patil while addressing the media said, "The Juvenile Justice Act has procedures to determine whether the accused Child in Conflict with Law (CCL) be considered a minor or an adult. It takes almost 90 days to conduct this procedure. The lawyer added that it takes 90 days as reports of psychiatrists and counsellors among others are called for, and then the JJB gives its decision.

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7. Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut demanded the removal of Pune police commissioner Amitesh Kumar and alleged, "The Pune police commissioner should be sacked. Whom has he helped in this case? Two innocent persons lost their lives. The boy can be seen drinking in the pub," he said. However, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis denied any police negligence and added that there was no kind of pressure on cops to probe the case.

8. According to an India Today report , Surendra Kumar Agarwal, the grandfather of the accused, is currently on trial for allegedly paying gangster Chhota Rajan in connection with a shootout case.

9. According to a Hindustan Times report, Ashwini’s mother, Mamata had claimed that her daughter was planning to visit her hometown in Jabalpur to surprise her father on his birthday. She said, “Just a day before the accident, Ashwini informed me that she would be returning home to Jabalpur and had booked her ticket for June 18 to surprise her father on his birthday. However, it ended this way," as quoted by HT . Mamata who was inconsolable after performing her daughter's last rites told PTI , “We were supposed to send her off in a palanquin (to the groom's house) after her marriage (in future), but now we were forced to carry her body on a bier."

10. Mourning the loss of his son Anish, father Om Awadhiya mentioned that his son not only supported himself but also took care of his younger brother, who lived with him in Pune. "The culprit will get punishment...That is okay...But how can we bring back our child now? He had spoken to his mother just two days before the incident and told us that he would come soon. He was a big support for the family. What will happen to my younger son now? Who will take care of his expenses in Pune?" he told news agency PTI .

(With inputs from ANI, PTI)

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Guest Essay

It’s Time to End the Quiet Cruelty of Property Taxes

A black-and-white photograph of a beaten-up dollhouse sitting on rocky ground beneath an underpass.

By Andrew W. Kahrl

Dr. Kahrl is a professor of history and African American studies at the University of Virginia and the author of “The Black Tax: 150 Years of Theft, Exploitation, and Dispossession in America.”

Property taxes, the lifeblood of local governments and school districts, are among the most powerful and stealthy engines of racism and wealth inequality our nation has ever produced. And while the Biden administration has offered many solutions for making the tax code fairer, it has yet to effectively tackle a problem that has resulted not only in the extraordinary overtaxation of Black and Latino homeowners but also in the worsening of disparities between wealthy and poorer communities. Fixing these problems requires nothing short of a fundamental re-examination of how taxes are distributed.

In theory, the property tax would seem to be an eminently fair one: The higher the value of your property, the more you pay. The problem with this system is that the tax is administered by local officials who enjoy a remarkable degree of autonomy and that tax rates are typically based on the collective wealth of a given community. This results in wealthy communities enjoying lower effective tax rates while generating more tax revenues; at the same time, poorer ones are forced to tax property at higher effective rates while generating less in return. As such, property assessments have been manipulated throughout our nation’s history to ensure that valuable property is taxed the least relative to its worth and that the wealthiest places will always have more resources than poorer ones.

Black people have paid the heaviest cost. Since they began acquiring property after emancipation, African Americans have been overtaxed by local governments. By the early 1900s, an acre of Black-owned land was valued, for tax purposes, higher than an acre of white-owned land in most of Virginia’s counties, according to my calculations, despite being worth about half as much. And for all the taxes Black people paid, they got little to nothing in return. Where Black neighborhoods began, paved streets, sidewalks and water and sewer lines often ended. Black taxpayers helped to pay for the better-resourced schools white children attended. Even as white supremacists treated “colored” schools as another of the white man’s burdens, the truth was that throughout the Jim Crow era, Black taxpayers subsidized white education.

Freedom from these kleptocratic regimes drove millions of African Americans to move to Northern and Midwestern states in the Great Migration from 1915 to 1970, but they were unable to escape racist assessments, which encompassed both the undervaluation of their property for sales purposes and the overvaluation of their property for taxation purposes. During those years, the nation’s real estate industry made white-owned property in white neighborhoods worth more because it was white. Since local tax revenue was tied to local real estate markets, newly formed suburbs had a fiscal incentive to exclude Black people, and cities had even more reason to keep Black people confined to urban ghettos.

As the postwar metropolis became a patchwork of local governments, each with its own tax base, the fiscal rationale for segregation intensified. Cities were fiscally incentivized to cater to the interests of white homeowners and provide better services for white neighborhoods, especially as middle-class white people began streaming into the suburbs, taking their tax dollars with them.

One way to cater to wealthy and white homeowners’ interests is to intentionally conduct property assessments less often. The city of Boston did not conduct a citywide property reassessment between 1946 and 1977. Over that time, the values of properties in Black neighborhoods increased slowly when compared with the values in white neighborhoods or even fell, which led to property owners’ paying relatively more in taxes than their homes were worth. At the same time, owners of properties in white neighborhoods got an increasingly good tax deal as their neighborhoods increased in value.

As was the case in other American cities, Boston’s decision most likely derived from the fear that any updates would hasten the exodus of white homeowners and businesses to the suburbs. By the 1960s, assessments on residential properties in Boston’s poor neighborhoods were up to one and a half times as great as their actual values, while assessments in the city’s more affluent neighborhoods were, on average, 40 percent of market value.

Jersey City, N.J., did not conduct a citywide real estate reassessment between 1988 and 2018 as part of a larger strategy for promoting high-end real estate development. During that time, real estate prices along the city’s waterfront soared but their owners’ tax bills remained relatively steady. By 2015, a home in one of the city’s Black and Latino neighborhoods worth $175,000 received the same tax bill as a home in the city’s downtown worth $530,000.

These are hardly exceptions. Numerous studies conducted during those years found that assessments in predominantly Black neighborhoods of U.S. cities were grossly higher relative to value than those in white areas.

These problems persist. A recent report by the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy found that property assessments were regressive (meaning lower-valued properties were assessed higher relative to value than higher-valued ones) in 97.7 percent of U.S. counties. Black-owned homes and properties in Black neighborhoods continue to be devalued on the open market, making this regressive tax, in effect, a racist tax.

The overtaxation of Black homes and neighborhoods is also a symptom of a much larger problem in America’s federated fiscal structure. By design, this system produces winners and losers: localities with ample resources to provide the goods and services that we as a nation have entrusted to local governments and others that struggle to keep the lights on, the streets paved, the schools open and drinking water safe . Worse yet, it compels any fiscally disadvantaged locality seeking to improve its fortunes to do so by showering businesses and corporations with tax breaks and subsidies while cutting services and shifting tax burdens onto the poor and disadvantaged. A local tax on local real estate places Black people and cities with large Black populations at a permanent disadvantage. More than that, it gives middle-class white people strong incentives to preserve their relative advantages, fueling the zero-sum politics that keep Americans divided, accelerates the upward redistribution of wealth and impoverishes us all.

There are technical solutions. One, which requires local governments to adopt more accurate assessment models and regularly update assessment rolls, can help make property taxes fairer. But none of the proposed reforms being discussed can be applied nationally because local tax policies are the prerogative of the states and, often, local governments themselves. Given the variety and complexity of state and local property tax laws and procedures and how much local governments continue to rely on tax reductions and tax shifting to attract and retain certain people and businesses, we cannot expect them to fix these problems on their own.

The best way to make local property taxes fairer and more equitable is to make them less important. The federal government can do this by reinvesting in our cities, counties and school districts through a federal fiscal equity program, like those found in other advanced federated nations. Canada, Germany and Australia, among others, direct federal funds to lower units of government with lower capacities to raise revenue.

And what better way to pay for the program than to tap our wealthiest, who have benefited from our unjust taxation scheme for so long? President Biden is calling for a 25 percent tax on the incomes and annual increases in the values of the holdings of people claiming more than $100 million in assets, but we could accomplish far more by enacting a wealth tax on the 1 percent. Even a modest 4 percent wealth tax on people whose total assets exceed $50 million could generate upward of $400 billion in additional annual revenue, which should be more than enough to ensure that the needs of every city, county and public school system in America are met. By ensuring that localities have the resources they need, we can counteract the unequal outcomes and rank injustices that our current system generates.

Andrew W. Kahrl is a professor of history and African American studies at the University of Virginia and the author of “ The Black Tax : 150 Years of Theft, Exploitation, and Dispossession in America.”

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10 Must-Have Requirements For The DCU's Green Lantern Costumes

Homelander actor antony starr has perfect response to jack quaid's superman fight claims, marvel's newest movie & show changes make its biggest recent successes even more promising.

  • The official creative team for the upcoming Lanterns TV show was revealed by DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn.
  • Chris Mundy, Tom King, and Damon Lindelof are leading the charge on the Max series development.
  • Gunn puts rumors to rest with an Instagram announcement about the new DC Studios TV show.

DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn revealed the official creative team for one of the big DC Universe TV shows that is currently in development. While Gunn's DC Universe is currently in the works with the Superman movie, there are a lot more films and TV shows being worked on by DC Studios. One of the Max dramas that are being developed is the Green Lantern series, Lanterns , focusing on the Emerald Knights. Rumors floated around this week about a creative team being set for the TV show, as it has been over a year since it was announced for Chapter 1, "Gods and Monsters."

However, Gunn has officially confirmed that Chris Mundy, Tom King, and Damon Lindelof are officially running the Max series .

Three other writers who had been reported to be part of Lanterns were Justin Britt-Gibson, Breannah Gibson, and Vanessa Baden Kelly . However, at the time of Gunn's posting, none of them were mentioned, leaving it unknown if they are part of Lanterns or not.

Who Are The Lanterns Writing Team?

What their hiring means for dc studios' lanterns tv show.

Mundy and Lindelof's previous shows are also very focused on ensembles, which is fitting as Lanterns will focus on John Stewart and Hal Jordan as the leading characters.

As Gunn mentioned, King is no stranger to the DC Universe franchise , with the comic book scribe working as part of DC Studios' creative team. King is also working on the Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow movie as an architect, with the film adapting his comic book run of the same name. It's unknown what other DC Universe projects King is working on outside the Lanterns TV show .

DC's 2011 live-action Green Lantern proved that perfecting the costume is important. The DCU's Lanterns give them a second chance to get it right.

Mundy's body of work includes serving as the showrunner on the Netflix series Ozark , which ran for four seasons. Lanterns is influenced by True Detective, as that is another show Mundy worked on as an executive producer and writer . Lindelof's boarding the new show marked a return for him at Warner Bros. Discovery after his successful run as the showrunner for the Watchmen TV show on HBO, where he also created The Leftovers .

With these three confirmed to shepherd Lanterns , it shows that DC Studios wanted a combination of writers who have experience with handling mystery and science-fiction, as well as the superhero genre. Mundy and Lindelof's previous shows are also very focused on ensembles, which is fitting as Lanterns will focus on John Stewart and Hal Jordan as the leading characters . Hopefully, with the creative team set, casting will start later this year for the DC Universe show.

Lanterns (DCU)

Lanterns is a detective show based on DC Comics' Green Lanterns. It started as an HBO Max series centered around Alan Scott, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, and Simon Baz. However, James Gunn confirmed that the project was redesigned to focus on Hal Jordan and John Stewart in the new interconnected DC Universe franchise.

Source: James Gunn /Instagram


  • Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Television

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television

500+ words essay on advantages and disadvantages of television.

In today’s world, communication is a crucial aspect of life. Technological advancements made communication more accessible and cheaper. Among all the communication devices such as smartphones, radios, and emails, television is the prominent and common medium for communication. We get to see television in every household. It is an integral part of our society that significantly impacts our social, educational, and cultural life. It reaches a mass audience and provides information about the daily happenings in the world. Furthermore, it is a common source of entertainment among family members.

John Logie Baird invented the television in the 1920s. The word “tele” means distance, and “vision” means to see, which means to watch it from a distance. When television was invented, it showed only pictures of low resolution. But, later on, televisions were modified with the latest technologies. Televisions that we purchase today come with multiple features. We can connect our phone, laptop, tab, and internet access various online apps, HD/UHD quality pictures, 4k-8k resolutions, etc.

We can also watch various educational channels on television. It also keeps us updated by providing news about the world through different news channels. Along with information, it also entertains us with movies, serials, dramas, reality shows, music channels, yoga channels, etc.

So, having a television at home seems to be a great advantage, but the disadvantages are also threatening. The time it consumes from our day-to-day life is more. You can see people going out of routine or postponing schedules if they become addicted to watching television.

Here, in the essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of watching television.

Advantages of Television

Television comes with enormous advantages. The most important is it gives us information about current affairs and events across the globe. This information is broadcasted through various news channels, which helps us to keep ourselves updated about recent happenings. It also shares information about multiple programmes or facilities launched by the government. The government also take the help of news channels to communicate with the mass.

We can watch daily soaps, reality shows, music channels, movies, etc. We can also watch food channels and try out recipes at home. During the morning time, if you switch on the television, you will get to watch telemarketing ads. Specific channels broadcast only ads for multiple products, and people can also buy them.

Children can watch various cartoons on the television. Some cartoons teach children about moral values and lessons. It also keeps us informed about the economic condition and the stock market. We also get to watch various fashion shows and keep updated about the latest trends on television.

Earlier, television was costly, but now it comes at an affordable price with multiple features. Now, we get the option to subscribe to our favourite channels and only need to pay for those channels. Educational programmes are also available on television. We can also watch live cricket shows and cheer for our country. Television also telecasts interviews of various political leaders, celebrities, influencers, famous personalities, etc. We can also gain knowledge by watching various quiz programmes.

Television provides opportunities to spend time with our family and friends. We can enjoy watching a movie together. Various channels telecast comedy shows that help us keep positivity in our lives. We also watch movies in different regional languages like Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, etc. It helps us connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

Nowadays, we can also play games on the television and watch agricultural programmes specially designed for the farmers. It promotes national integration.

Disadvantages of Television

There are advantages of watching television, but it also comes with disadvantages. Watching too much TV affects our mental and physical health. When we watch television continuously, it affects our eyes and makes us lazy. Even there are some programmes which are not suitable for kids. We even compromise our sleep to watch TV. Children lose their concentration on their studies by watching too much television. Children prefer to watch TV over reading books to spend their leisure time.

Conclusion of Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television

There are advantages and disadvantages of television. If television is helpful, it is harmful too. One should not watch television excessively.

We hope you found this essay on the advantages and disadvantages of television helpful. Check BYJU’S for more such CBSE Essays on different topics. You can also find CBSE study materials and resources for Classes 1 to 12.

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