How to Write a Study Plan for Applying to Chinese Universities

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This guide is designed to assist you in creating an effective study plan for studying in China. If you are interested in pursuing your education in China, one of the requirements is to develop a study plan specifically tailored to your goals. You might be wondering what a study plan entails and how to go about creating one. This guide aims to guide you through the process of navigating and creating the best study plan for your studies in China.

What to Avoid in a Study Plan

  • Grammar Mistakes: It is important to avoid grammatical errors in your study plan.
  • Lack of Structure: Starting your statement without a clear plan is not recommended.
  • Lengthy Statements: Ensure that your study plan does not exceed the specified length.
  • Teacher Assistance: Do not ask your teachers to write your study plan for you. While they can offer guidance in choosing and discussing universities, the document should be written by you.

What to Include in Your Study Plan

Your study plan should cover the following topics:

  • Self-introduction: Introduce yourself by providing information such as your name, age, nationality, previous educational background, and the major you wish to apply for.
  • Personal Background: Share your past learning experiences, insights gained from those experiences, the source of funds for studying abroad, family background, income, and highlight your strengths and why the school should choose you.
  • Reasons for Choosing China: Explain your knowledge and perception of China, your thoughts on studying in China, and your understanding of international education in China.
  • Reasons for Choosing the Major and University: Clarify why you have chosen your specific major and how you became aware of the university. Share your expectations from the university. When applying to multiple universities, make sure to customize this part according to each institution.
  • Detailed Study Plan in China: Outline how you plan to manage your academic life once you arrive at the university. Describe your preparations for studying and living in China, as well as your goals for each academic year.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: Acknowledge the possible challenges you may face during your study plan. Discuss strategies to address these obstacles. For example, you could mention the language barrier and explain your commitment to learning Chinese.
  • Post-Graduation Plans: Share your career plans and interests after graduation. Additionally, if you are applying for a Ph.D. program, discuss your future research plans in detail, particularly regarding sociological and scientific subjects.

How to Write Your Study Plan

When applying to Chinese universities, it is essential to include a study plan. This concise description plays a crucial role in the selection process, allowing prospective universities to assess your English proficiency, educational goals, and motivations. Follow these guidelines to create a study plan that will enhance your chances of receiving a scholarship:

  • Customize Your Work: Ensure that your study plan is personalized and reflects your strengths and needs. Avoid using generic statements, as Chinese universities receive a large number of applications.
  • Stay Relevant: Do not discuss irrelevant topics or make promises that you cannot keep. A well-crafted study plan will help you stay focused on your study schedule and avoid skipping study sessions, which can lead to decreased efficiency.
  • Use Simple Language: Aim to write a study plan between 800-1000 words using clear and straightforward language. A realistic and enthusiastic plan, devoid of clichés, will leave a positive impression and contribute to your future prospects upon returning to your home country.
  • Proofread Your Report: After completing your study plan, thoroughly review it to eliminate any errors. Revision may also allow you to include any missed points from the initial draft. Consider seeking assistance from a teacher or professor experienced in evaluating reports for their valuable recommendations to improve the approval of your study plan.

By investing extra effort into preparing an impressive study plan for your Chinese university application, not only will you ensure effective time management for your studies, but you will also enhance your chances of admission. Remember to keep your plan realistic and review it before submission to create a professional look that will impress the reviewers.

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How to Write a Study Plan for Chinese Scholarship

  • 9 minute read

How to Write a Study Plan for Chinese Scholarship

  • January 8, 2024
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Making a study plan for a Chinese scholarship is an essential first step in ensuring that your academic adventure in China goes well. We’ll go over all the important factors to think about in this guide, from comprehending the scholarship criteria to adjusting to Chinese culture.

Reaching for higher education in China means more than merely doing well academically. Creating a successful study plan is essential to guaranteeing a rewarding and enlightening experience in addition to achieving the scholarship requirements.

To write a study plan for a Chinese scholarship, follow these key steps:

Understand Scholarship Requirements

Familiarize yourself with the specific criteria and requirements of the Chinese scholarship you’re applying for.

Set Clear Goals

Define academic and personal goals, aligning them with the objectives of the scholarship.

Research Universities and Programs

Explore Chinese universities and programs, considering the language of instruction, faculty, and resources.

Create a Realistic Schedule

Develop a detailed study schedule, balancing academic commitments and personal activities.

Language Preparation:

Improve Chinese language skills through courses, language exchange, and daily practice.

Financial Planning

Budget for tuition, accommodation, and living expenses, and explore available financial aid options.

Draft a Compelling Personal Statement

Showcase your passion for your field of study and alignment with the scholarship’s values.

Secure Strong Recommendations

Approach professors or professionals for strong letters of recommendation well in advance.

Prepare Necessary Documents

Compile accurate and up-to-date documents, including transcripts and identification.

Submit a Careful Application

Avoid common mistakes, ensuring all forms and documents are complete before submission.

Prepare for Interviews

If required, practice responses to potential questions, emphasizing your suitability for the scholarship.

Handle Rejections and Acceptances Gracefully

Learn from rejection, seek feedback if possible, and prepare for the next steps upon acceptance.

Adapt to Chinese Culture

Research and embrace cultural differences, preparing for a smooth transition to life in China. Following these steps will help you create a comprehensive study plan tailored for a Chinese scholarship application.

Understanding the Scholarship Requirements

Prior to starting the complex process of creating your study plan, you should thoroughly understand the requirements specified by the Chinese scholarship you are hoping to obtain. This initial stage is similar to building a strong base for an application that succeeds.

Academic Achievements:

Begin by scrutinizing the academic prerequisites stipulated by the scholarship. This involves understanding the minimum GPA requirements, preferred academic disciplines, and any specific achievements or coursework that the scholarship provider values.

Language Proficiency

Many Chinese scholarships necessitate a certain level of proficiency in the Chinese language. Discern the language requirements, whether through standardized tests like HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) or other specified evaluation methods. Understand the proficiency level expected and strategize on how to meet or exceed these expectations.

Field of Study Alignment

Explore how well your intended field of study aligns with the scholarship’s focus. Some scholarships may prioritize certain disciplines or research areas, so it’s vital to ensure your academic aspirations are in harmony with the scholarship’s objectives.

Research and Project Expectations

Certain scholarships may require a research proposal or a description of your intended projects. Familiarize yourself with these expectations and ensure your study plan reflects a clear understanding of how you plan to contribute to the academic community.

Extracurricular or Leadership Criteria

Some scholarships place importance on extracurricular activities, community involvement, or leadership experiences. Identify and understand any such criteria, preparing to highlight relevant experiences that showcase your holistic capabilities.

Duration and Renewal Criteria

Take note of the scholarship duration and any criteria for renewal. Understanding these factors will help you structure a long-term study plan that aligns with the scholarship’s expectations and ensures your continued eligibility.

Specific Application Procedures

Each scholarship may have unique application procedures. This could involve specific forms, online portals, or additional documentation. Thoroughly comprehend these procedures to avoid oversights and ensure a seamless application process.

Eligibility and Restrictions

Identify any eligibility criteria or restrictions imposed by the scholarship provider. This could include age limits, nationality requirements, or restrictions on simultaneous applications to other scholarships. By meticulously understanding these scholarship requirements, you lay the groundwork for a tailored study plan that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of the Chinese scholarship you aim to pursue. This proactive approach enhances your chances of a successful application and a fulfilling academic experience in China.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

Crafting a study plan that serves as a roadmap for success begins with the intentional process of setting clear and well-defined academic and personal goals. This stage is pivotal in ensuring that your educational journey aligns seamlessly with your aspirations, creating a purposeful framework for achievement.

Define Academic Goals

Start by articulating your academic aspirations. Identify the specific knowledge and skills you aim to acquire during your academic tenure in China. Consider whether your goals involve research, practical experience, or mastering a particular subject area.

Establish Short-Term and Long-Term Objectives

Break down your academic goals into short-term and long-term objectives. Short-term objectives could include achieving specific grades, completing coursework, or gaining proficiency in a particular aspect of your field. Long-term objectives may involve pursuing advanced degrees, contributing to research, or entering a specific career path.

Align Goals with Chosen Program

Evaluate how your chosen program contributes to your overarching objectives. Analyze the curriculum, faculty expertise, and available resources to ensure they align with your academic goals. Consider how the program’s unique features will enhance your learning experience and contribute to your professional development.

Consider Personal Development:

Beyond academics, consider personal development goals. These might involve building leadership skills, enhancing communication abilities, or fostering a global perspective. Reflect on how the overall experience of studying in China can contribute to your personal growth.

Reflect on Cultural and Language Objectives:

If studying in a foreign country, such as China, language and cultural goals become essential. Outline how you plan to improve your language skills, immerse yourself in the local culture, and develop a nuanced understanding of the cultural context.

Tailor Goals to Scholarship Criteria

Ensure that your goals align with the specific criteria set by the scholarship provider. If the scholarship emphasizes certain areas of study or expects a particular level of academic achievement, tailor your goals to meet these criteria, demonstrating a clear alignment with the scholarship’s objectives.

Create Measurable Milestones

Transform your goals into tangible, measurable milestones. This allows you to track your progress systematically and make adjustments to your study plan as needed. Measurable milestones provide a sense of achievement and help you stay motivated.

Review and Adjust Regularly

Recognize that goals and objectives may evolve over time. Regularly review and adjust your study plan to accommodate changes in your academic and personal aspirations. Flexibility ensures that your plan remains dynamic and responsive to your evolving needs.

By rigorously setting and refining your academic and personal goals, you create a study plan that is not only purposeful but also adaptable. This intentional approach enhances your focus, motivation, and overall success in navigating the academic landscape in pursuit of a Chinese scholarship.

Researching Chinese Universities and Programs

Take the time to research potential universities and programs. Consider the language of instruction, faculty expertise, and available resources. This step ensures you choose an environment that supports your academic and personal growth.

Creating a Realistic Schedule

Developing a detailed study schedule is crucial for effective time management. Ensure your schedule is realistic, allowing for a balance between study commitments and personal activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Language Preparation

Most Chinese scholarships require a certain level of proficiency in the Chinese language. Focus on improving your language skills through courses, language exchange programs, and daily practice to meet the scholarship’s language requirements.

Creating a comprehensive budget for your study period is essential. Consider tuition, accommodation, and living expenses, and explore scholarship-specific financial aid opportunities that may alleviate the financial burden.

Drafting a Personal Statement

Craft a compelling personal statement that showcases your passion for your chosen field of study and your alignment with the scholarship’s values. Highlight relevant experiences, achievements, and aspirations for the future.

Letters of Recommendation

Secure strong letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can attest to your academic and personal qualities. Approach them well in advance and provide them with any necessary information to write a compelling recommendation.

Preparing Necessary Documents

Compile all necessary documents, ensuring they are accurate and up-to-date. This may include academic transcripts, certificates, identification documents, and any other materials required by the scholarship application.

Application Submission Tips

Submit your application with care, paying attention to detail. Avoid common mistakes such as incomplete forms or missing documents. A well-prepared and error-free application increases your chances of success.

Interview Preparation

If an interview is part of the application process, prepare thoroughly. Anticipate potential questions and practice your responses. Showcase your passion for your chosen field and your suitability for the scholarship.

Handling Rejections and Acceptances

Coping with rejection is a part of the application process. Learn from the experience, seek feedback if available, and use it to improve your future applications. If accepted, prepare for the next steps, such as visa applications and travel arrangements.

Cultural Adaptation

Obtaining a Chinese scholarship invites a cultural odyssey in addition to academic pursuits. The key to a successful and rewarding stay in China is cultural adaptability as you get ready for this life-changing event. It takes intentional effort to comprehend and value the subtleties of customs, traditions, and social standards to fully embrace the chance to immerse oneself in Chinese culture.

Research Cultural Customs:

Initiate your cultural exploration by delving into the rich tapestry of Chinese customs. Familiarize yourself with traditional greetings, gift-giving etiquette, and the significance of rituals. Understanding these customs lays the groundwork for respectful interactions within the local community.

Explore Festivals and Celebrations

China boasts a myriad of vibrant festivals and celebrations. Research and familiarize yourself with major events such as the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival. Recognizing and participating in these festivities not only fosters cultural understanding but also allows you to connect with the local community.

Learn about Traditional Values

Chinese culture is deeply rooted in traditional values such as filial piety, respect for elders, and the importance of harmony. Gain insights into these values to navigate social interactions with sensitivity and cultural awareness. Understanding the significance attached to these values enhances your ability to integrate seamlessly into the community.

Master Basic Mandarin Phrases

While many Chinese citizens may speak English, making an effort to learn basic Mandarin phrases can significantly enhance your cultural experience. Locals appreciate the effort to communicate in their language, even if it’s just simple greetings and expressions.

Adapt to Social Norms

Social norms in China may differ from those in your home country. Take note of appropriate behavior in various settings, whether it’s in academic environments, public spaces, or social gatherings. Adapting to these norms demonstrates cultural respect and aids in forging positive relationships.

Explore Local Cuisine

Chinese cuisine is diverse and tantalizing. Immerse yourself in the culinary landscape by exploring local markets, trying regional specialties, and engaging in communal dining experiences. Sharing meals is a cultural cornerstone and provides opportunities for connection with fellow students and locals.

Participate in Cultural Exchange Programs

Many universities offer cultural exchange programs, providing a structured platform to engage with Chinese traditions. These programs may include language classes, cultural workshops, and excursions. Actively participating in these initiatives broadens your cultural perspective and fosters meaningful connections.

Connect with Local Communities

Establish connections with local communities beyond the academic setting. Attend community events, join clubs or interest groups, and engage in volunteer activities. This not only enriches your cultural experience but also contributes positively to the communities hosting you.

Be Open-Minded and Respectful

Cultural adaptation requires an open mind and a spirit of respect. Be receptive to different perspectives, embrace diversity, and approach cultural differences with curiosity rather than judgment. This mindset creates an inclusive environment and facilitates positive cross-cultural interactions.

Seek Guidance from Locals:

Residents can be valuable guides to cultural adaptation. Seek advice from fellow students, faculty members, or local mentors who can provide insights into navigating daily life, cultural nuances, and enriching your overall experience.

By proactively engaging with and adapting to Chinese culture, you not only ensure a smooth transition but also lay the foundation for a profound and transformative academic journey. Embrace the diversity, learn from cultural exchanges, and let the experience of immersion in Chinese culture become an integral part of your scholarship adventure.

The importance of creating a thorough study plan in the pursuit of a Chinese scholarship cannot be emphasized. It’s a procedure that calls for meticulous planning and a laser-like concentration on the details. You increase your chances of winning the desired scholarship by learning the nuances of comprehending the requirements, setting specific, well-defined goals, and handling the application procedure with care and precision.

this, the hard work put into this procedure is the key to a fruitful academic career in China. It makes the goal of studying in a vibrant, culturally diverse setting a reality and guarantees that your time in China will be a life-changing and rewarding experience for you as a student.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How do I find the right Chinese scholarship for me?

Research various scholarship opportunities online, consult academic advisors, and explore scholarship databases to find programs that align with your goals.

Q2: What should I include in my statement for a Chinese scholarship?

Highlight your academic achievements, relevant experiences, and future aspirations. Emphasize how the scholarship aligns with your goals.

Q3: Can I apply for multiple Chinese scholarships simultaneously?

Yes, you can apply for multiple scholarships, but ensure that you meet the specific requirements for each program and submit high-quality applications.

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Blessing Etim

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Study in China 🇨🇳 The Ultimate Guide for International Students

✈️ china is open for international students.

China is open for international students, explore our platform for more information for international students.

You can register for updates here , and also make sure to click subscribe to our Youtube channel! Explore some of our online events to meet universities online in near you.

Get ahead of the rest and give your career a head start by building a greater understanding of China.

Studying in China will be an adventure that you will never forget, and it will put you in good stead for China’s economic rise, while also providing you with sought-after transferable skills and cultural experience that will give you an edge in the job market.

This guide is designed to give you all the information you need to find the most suitable programs and so you can make one of the most important decisions of your life: choosing where to study.

👍 8 Reasons to Study In China in 2024:

  • Get quality education: Chinese universities are rising in global rankings.
  • Affordable tuition fees
  • High employability rate
  • The center of the world is shifting east – be at the heart of the world’s most modern cities and booming economies!
  • China is growing in regional ang global importance–knowledge of language and culture is essential for future business, politics, and travel!
  • Learn Mandarin Chinese to communicate with over 1 billion speakers
  • Broaden your network: connect with classmates and professionals from around the world
  • Challenge yourself, grow, become a better version of you

Read more and about Why study in China in our 8 reasons to study in China!

👎 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Study in China in 2024!

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🌏💡How Will Studying Abroad in China Transform Your Future?

Studying in China will provide you with unparalleled growth opportunities and amazing adventures! You will…

  • Learn a new language
  • Make friends from around the world
  • Get new business and career opportunities
  • Experience a totally new culture
  • See a modern and advanced culture building the future
  • Enjoy traditions and history preserved from the past
  • Become more confident and independent

Read more details about how studying abroad in China can change your life!

👩‍🏫Can You Study in China in English in 2024?

Can you study in China in English? Yes–there are programs taught in English at Bachelor, Master, PhD, and non-degree levels. Most Chinese universities will offer some courses taught in English specifically for international students. There are thousands of high-quality English-taught programs in a variety of subjects, from medicine to literature to engineering.

If you want to study in China in English, you will need to prove your English proficiency. You can do this by taking the IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo English Test. If you are a native English speaker or have studied a previous degree in English, you may not need to take these exams.

Whether you want to take a short-term Chinese language program or complete a formal degree in Economics, Business, Finance, Law, or Chinese, Chinese universities have available programs for every student. You can also study for one semester, one year, or take a master’s or PhD program.

What kind of international student are you? What is your perfect program? Take the short quiz here to find your perfect program!

🎯 Choose a Program

There are three main ways that students choose where to study. 1) By Subject, 2) By Level, and 3) By City

📚 Choose a Subject

Check out some of the most popular subjects below.

You can see more subjects here .

🎓Choose by Level

You can also choose Online Programs here.

There are also  dual-degree programs, programs that allow you to graduate with 2 diplomas! Learn more about dual degrees in China here .

🌆 Choose By City

Some of the most popular programs in China include:

There are many cities available with excellent Chinese language programs as well. Learn more here:

📈 Chinese Universities are Rising in the Rankings

China is developing fast and Chinese universities are rising very rapidly up the international rankings

With over 2,000 universities, and over 7 million Chinese students graduating from university each year, China has the largest network of universities and most graduates in the world.

There are two different kinds of universities in China. Chinese universities, and International Universities. There are choices for everyone. Tsinghua University has recently been ranked as No.1 for Computer Science in the world.

See our list of the top 10 Chinese universities and Top 16 International Universities .

Which are the most popular universities? We also have a list of the top 100 most popular universities in China for international students.

From the beautiful campus and cherry blossoms of Wuhan University , to studying at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the bustling streets of Shanghai, and studying Chinese at the Central Academy of Drama in the old city of Beijing – you are sure to have a unique experience in China. For more information on Chinese Universities, click the university page here .

Cherry blossoms at Wuhan University in China’s central Hubei province.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University has been regarded as the fastest developing university in the country for the last decade.

🔝How Are Chinese Universities Ranked?

Chinese universities are ranked by five organizations, three are from China and two are international. ARWU, CUAA, and Wu Shulian Rankings are from China while QS World and Times Higher Education Rankings are international organizations.

Chinese universities are internationally recognized. China also produces one of the largest bodies of graduates every year with the majority excelling in different fields, especially in science and technology, engineering, medicine, and information technology. More information on Chinese university rankings here .

🙋‍♂️🎬 Student Experiences In China

What is life like in China for international students? We interviewed a bunch of our students to get their perspectives!

Did you know that almost 500,000 foreign students are studying in China? and this number is increasing by 10% each year. China is becoming one of the most popular study-abroad destinations in the world. In fact, it has overtaken the United Kingdom in international student population.

Most of the international students are from South Korea, the remaining are from Asia. Africa is one of the fastest-growing. There are also many international students from Europe and the Americas.

Read more about students from these countries below:

Living in China is a fascinating experience and can suit many different types of people. With China’s rapid economic growth, there are many opportunities for work or business.

Chinese people are generally very welcoming and friendly to foreigners. Students can learn Chinese, Kung Fu, table tennis, and visit the many tourist sites in China and the surrounding region.

You can also enjoy the many varieties and specialties of Chinese cuisine, from hotpot to dumplings and roast duck. Studying in China makes for a rich life, and huge opportunities for personal growth.

Frederick Leclarcq from the UK studied the Master of Laws (LLM) Program at China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), here is what he said about his experience.

“CUPL has an excellent reputation in the legal world. It is interesting and exciting studying law here in Beijing. Studying law in China is an excellent opportunity and I can’t think of any better place to do it than CUPL. My classes here are always interesting, students from different cultures and legal backgrounds discuss law in China with insightful and helpful professors.”

Read more student experience here .

💰 Costs of Studying in China

Chinese university tuition fees are lower compared to Western Universities. This is the reason why many international students are attracted to studying in China.

The cost of living is also fairly low compared to other countries. With a wide variety of accommodation options, there is something available to suit different budgets. Food is also affordable. Check out our cost of living breakdown . You can check here also!

You can also try our cost calculator here to find out how much it will cost based on your budget.

We also have some blog articles to help you find affordable universities for your budget:

  • Cheapest Master’s Degrees in China
  • 15 Cheapest Universities In China For International Students

💸 Scholarships to Study in China 2024

China offers a wide range available scholarships for international students. Students need to be sponsored by an institution in order to get a scholarship. The institution can be the Chinese embassy in your country or university. You can learn more about scholarships to study in China here .

  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships in China

📮 How To Apply?

China Admissions is an online platform authorised by top Chinese Universities. You can find the information about the programs, choose courses and apply online. We also have a support team available to help answer your questions. You can apply in one form, in one place, and we will submit to your chosen university.

China Admissions online platform is free, fast and easy.

3-Step Application Process

  • Choose a course .
  • Complete the application form.
  • Pay the application fee.

You can find more details about the application process here .

🤝👩‍💼Internships in China

Are you interested in getting an internship in China? Check out our Internships guide here .

If you want to learn about finding full time-employment in China, you can also check out this article: Find a Job in China .

🛬🍜 Arriving in China Guide

We wrote an arrival guide for international students. You can download the guide here .

🤔 Questions about Studying in China

The documents you need varies according to each university and the program and you can see on the application form when you apply on China Admissions. You can also see the full list here . For Chinese language programs you normally need the fewest documents, normally you need to submit your passport, highest and academic transcript and a personal statement.

For PhD you need to find a supervisor and you will need to write a proposal. You can find more information about the application documents here .

If you don’t have all the application documents ready, you can still apply, and then send the other documents later when you have it. The recommendation letter, for example, can take some time. We also have a recommendation letter tool which you can use.

You can get the X visa after you have been accepted by the university. They will normally send you the acceptance letter by email first. Then, they will ask you to send an advance deposit towards your tuition fee.

After you have paid this they will then send you the acceptance letter and visa documents to your home country. You will get a form called a JW202 form. Take this form to the Chinese embassy in your home country. More information about the student visa is here .

If you have other questions such as about the entrance requirements for each university, you can find the information on our support center here .

About China Admissions

China Admissions is an online platform for international students to choose courses and apply to Chinese universities. Founded by Richard Coward from UK, he was previously a student in Peking University. China Admissions has received investment, and funding from Beijing City Government. China Admissions has been ranked as one of the top 100 Edtech companies in China, and the CEO as a top 30 Foreign CEO in China.

Learn more about us here .

China Admissions has a free service , because we are funded by Chinese universities, you can also use our Quiz to find the perfect program for you. We also have guaranteed and VIP service to help students get into the top universities and for competitive MBBS and MBA programs. Learn more about our services.

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How to Create Study Plan for China? [Guide]

Maybe you have a great interest in Chinese history and culture. Maybe you are in search of an institution with cutting edge technological resources for its students, or maybe you just need a new experience away from home. Whatever the reason, studying in China will provide you with the opportunity to do this and much more.

However, if you hope to acquire a scholarship to study in China, one of the requirements to do so is to create a study plan for China. You may be curious as to what a study plan is and how to go about creating one. This guide is aimed at helping you navigate and create the best study plan for China.

What is a study plan?

A study plan refers to an organized schedule that students create outlining study periods, learning goals, and objectives . Study plans are great tools aimed at helping students stay organized in regards to their studies by creating set times for studying as such building their devotion. Study plans also help students stay accountable to their academic goals and outcomes. The China Scholarship Council , CSC, will require prospective candidates to create a study plan while applying for a scholarship to study in China

When creating a study plan for China, you will need to consider a few things, such as your goals and interests, your learning objectives, and even your beliefs about China and the Chinese culture.

What to write?

You should start by introducing yourself by giving your full name and any past academic references. For instance, if you are applying for a post-graduate program, it is crucial that you state any academic achievements that you?ve made: if you ranked top in your class or won any relevant academic award.

As earlier stated, the CSC will need to know how you plan to study before awarding you with a scholarship. Therefore you must establish some academic goals for yourself. These goals must answer a number of questions such as what you want to study as well as your reasons and motivations for the same. How you plan to achieve the goals you will set and why it is important to you.

You must remember to answer these questions in a manner that is personalized to who you are as an individual as this gives you a unique edge over everyone else. You must also remember to be detailed and give information relevant to the requirements.

Set your Educational Goals

Now that you know what to write, your next step is to decide on your goals. This means stating both what you want to study and the reason you want to study in China.

However, it is not enough to just state what you want to study; the CSC is also interested in your motivation for making that choice. Here, you must personalize your response to ensure that it fits your application. This can be achieved by writing down what motivated you to choose that particular institution and course.

This allows you to narrow down your motivations while giving a reason why that institution is a good fit for you.

Think long term

As a student, it is important to think long term about your education. This involves finding ways to connect your current studies to the future of your life and that of others.

Even beyond academia, the program you apply should have a direct impact on what you do.

How Will You Do It

Now that you have decided on the goals you hope to achieve; it is important to present how you plan on going ahead to achieve the set goals. Many people can dream, but having a solid plan for success will set you ahead of the rest.

In addition to finding ways to improve your skill set, anticipating possible challenges and figuring out how you will overcome them will also go a long way in both impressing the CSC as well as avoiding possible pitfalls for you.

However, taking time to see parts of the country and immersing themselves in some of the traditions so as to acquire a deeper understanding of the culture will go a long way in helping one work around that.

Put a Timer on it

When you make a time chart, you are basically listing out the most favorable and least favorable times to study. Creating a time chart for your activities helps show your dedication to your studies as well as how you plan to carve out your time given the scholarship.

As such, you must set a timeline for the goals you have decided on in the course of your study.

Establishing a schedule or a methodology also serves as reminders for you, which in the long run, make you look and become more efficient and organized. It also helps in building that much-needed accountability for your goals by ensuring you stick within your deadlines and avoid the dreadful feelings of anxiety when time catches up with you and you cannot deliver on a project.

At this point, you have introduced yourself, stated your reasons for choosing the institution and your course. You have also expressed why you want to study in China, how you plan to do so and even created strategies to deal with the possible challenges you might face along the way. It is at this point that you may want to add why this scholarship is so important to you. Here, your goal is to show the CSC that the opportunity means a great deal to you, and you would do whatever is in your power to ensure you achieve your goals.

Now that you have a good idea of what writing a study plan involves, it is important that you remember to consider a few of the following things;

Personalize your work

Personalizing your work ensures that it remains authentic to you. When you write a generic plan, the CSC will know, as it is their job to sift through a massive number of applications. You must also remember that when you personalize, you are creating a plan that is unique to you and your strengths as well as your needs. It also appeals to the humane side of the panelist reading through your application. You, however, have to remember to stay professional and genuine.

Stay Reasonable

When people are desperate, they tend to do unreasonable things and make promises or assurances they cannot keep. You can avoid falling into this trap by being reasonable while creating a study plan for China. For instance, when creating your schedule, don?t list out seven or even eight hours of study with no breaks so that you can seem hardworking. This will not work and will often result in burn out, which will frustrate your course of study.

You are much better off creating a reasonable study plan with pre-scheduled study periods breaks in between to ensure that you do not get frustrated by your own plan. A reasonable study plan will also encourage you to stay on track when it comes to the set study times as skipping sessions can cause anxiety. It can also make you more likely to continue skipping them, which in the long run, affects your efficiency.

Keep the Language Simple

It can be tempting to try and seem knowledgeable by filling your study plan for China with jargon from your field of study. This rarely ever gets the desired effect and can sometimes make you come across as snobbish and off-putting. As such, it is critical to keep the language in your study plan as simple as possible such that someone outside of your discipline or area of specialization can understand clearly all the points you are trying to put across.

Plans written in simple language also go a long way in speaking to the kind of person you are as most people prefer someone who is able to put forth their ideas in a manner that is simple to comprehend.

Have a Well-Detailed Plan

This application is what will introduce you to the CSC. As such, you want to ensure that is has all the relevant details It is as such vital that you provide as much information as you can about what you want to study and how you plan to go about that. This information helps the CSC better understand who you are as a candidate, and this understanding will definitely affect their decision. It also sets you apart from the rest of the aspirants who are vying for the same slot you are.

There is, however, a limited number of words you can write the actual study plan. As such you must be careful what details you put there. Nonetheless, they allow you to attach relevant documents and papers, and this provides you an opportunity to continue to set yourself apart from the rest.

Here is good sample of study plan

Applied Environmental Sciences

Proofread your plan

After putting in the work of creating a study plan, you must edit it. Submitting unedited work that is full of typing errors can be the hole in your otherwise perfect plan. It is, therefore, paramount that you go through your work and check for grammatical errors or other small mistakes that could have been made while creating a study plan for China.

When you have gone through it sufficiently, give it to someone you trust who is also likely conversant with a study plan such as your teacher or professor. Doing this will allow them to capture errors you might have missed while going through it the first time. They might also have some pointers on ways to improve your plan, especially if they have previous experience with the same.

Now You Know

If you have made it this far, then you can consider yourself amply prepared to create a study plan for China. As long as you use the steps highlighted above, you should be able to see that writing a study plan is not an impossible task. Going forward you must ensure that any study plan you write while applying for a scholarship in China should also include a list of personal ambitions and goals to attach and serve as proof of activities you have been a part of.

In addition to this, your past qualifications must also show and your motivations and reason for choosing China should also come into play. Do not forget that the commitment you show to your goals and dreams must also be presented astutely in the plan.

Nevertheless, writing a successful study plan just needs a focused candidate and the right kind of tips and tricks and you are a shoe in. We wish you all the best as you create your own study plan. Contact us today to answer any questions or for more information.

Useful links:

Types of Scholarships available to study in China

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How to write a study plan for Chinese scholarship?

Outline your academic goals, research interests, cultural adaptation plans, and demonstrate commitment and motivation.

Table of Contents

Structuring Your Study Plan

Defining clear academic goals.

It’s crucial to establish precise academic objectives when constructing a study plan for a Chinese scholarship. Consider setting a target GPA, perhaps aiming between 3.5 to 4.0, to demonstrate academic excellence. Additionally, identify key courses relevant to your field of study, ensuring they align with the latest advancements and contribute to your overall expertise.

How to write a study plan for Chinese scholarship

  • Set Target GPA : Aim for a GPA between 3.5 to 4.0.
  • Select Key Courses : Choose courses that are pivotal to your field, ensuring they reflect the most recent advancements.

Budgeting for Educational Materials : Allocate a specific budget for academic resources, such as books and online materials. A budget ranging from $200 to $500 per semester can cover the costs of essential texts and subscriptions to industry-relevant journals.

  • Budget Range : $200 – $500 per semester for educational materials.

Time Management for Academic Tasks : Break down your weekly study hours, aiming for 15 to 20 hours of dedicated study time. This should include attending lectures, participating in group studies, and conducting individual research.

  • Weekly Study Hours : Allocate 15 – 20 hours for study-related activities.

Outlining Your Research Interests

Detailing your research interests involves specifying the field of study, the anticipated research outcomes, and the methodologies you plan to employ. Emphasize the significance of your research by highlighting how it addresses current gaps or introduces innovative approaches.

Specify Research Field and Objectives : Focus on a niche within your field that promises substantial academic contribution. For instance, if your field is renewable energy, you might focus on improving solar panel efficiency. Target a specific increase, like enhancing efficiency by 10 to 15%, using advanced materials or novel technologies.

  • Research Focus : Enhance solar panel efficiency by 10 – 15%.
  • Methodology : Employ advanced materials or cutting-edge technologies.

Resource Allocation for Research : Estimate the costs associated with your research, including equipment, materials, and any required travel. A detailed budget plan, ranging from $2,000 to $5,000, can demonstrate your financial preparedness and project feasibility.

  • Research Budget : Plan for $2,000 – $5,000 to cover all research-related expenses.

Balancing Quality and Speed : Ensure your research timeline allows for thorough analysis without compromising quality. Set milestones for each research phase, aiming to complete the project within a 1 to 2-year timeframe, depending on the complexity and scope.

  • Research Timeline : Complete the project within 1 – 2 years, ensuring thorough analysis and quality results.

Detailing Your Academic Background

Highlighting relevant education and achievements.

Your academic background is a testament to your dedication and capability. Emphasize the quality of your education by mentioning the esteemed institutions you’ve attended and the rigorous programs you’ve completed.

  • Institutional Excellence : Graduated from Top-tier University .
  • High GPA : Maintained a GPA of 3.8 or above.

Showcase your scholarships and awards to highlight your academic prowess.

  • Scholarships and Awards : Received [Name of Prestigious Scholarship], awarded to the top 2% of applicants.

Relevant Projects and Publications

Illustrate your hands-on experience in your field through the projects you’ve undertaken. Detail the objectives, the methodologies, and the outcomes. Highlight the practical applications of your projects , especially if they resulted in efficiency improvements or cost savings.

  • Project Impact : Developed a circuit reducing power consumption by 20%.
  • Cost Efficiency : Achieved a cost saving of $1,000 in the first year of implementation.

Enumerate your publications and research papers , focusing on those that are most relevant to your field. Detail the impact of your research by mentioning citations or how your findings have been applied in practice.

  • Influential Publications : Authored a paper on [Topic], which has been cited 50 times and received [Name of Award or Recognition].
  • Research Application : Proposed a method that improved process efficiency by 25%, now adopted by [Industry or Academic Institutions].

Relevant Projects and Publications

Mapping Out Your Scholarship Journey

Timeline for academic milestones.

Crafting a detailed timeline is essential to stay on track throughout your scholarship. Start by setting clear academic milestones , such as completing your thesis or achieving proficiency in a specific skill set. For example, if your thesis requires extensive research, allocate a specific timeframe, like 6 months, for data collection and analysis.

  • Thesis Completion : Allocate 6 months for data collection and analysis.
  • Skill Set Proficiency : Aim to achieve proficiency in [Specific Skill] within the first year.

Budgeting time and resources efficiently is key. If your project involves fieldwork, estimate the time and costs involved.

  • Fieldwork Budgeting : Set aside $1,000 for travel and accommodations.
  • Fieldwork Duration : Plan for a 2-month fieldwork period.

Plans for Cultural Immersion and Language Skills Improvement

Immersing yourself in the culture and language of your host country can significantly enrich your scholarship experience. Develop a plan for cultural integration , such as participating in community events or joining local clubs related to your field of study.

  • Cultural Integration : Participate in community events and join local clubs related to your field.

Invest time in language improvement , as proficiency in the local language can open up numerous opportunities for research and networking.

  • Language Proficiency : Dedicate 6 hours per week to language studies.
  • Fluency Goal : Aim to achieve conversational fluency within 6 months.

Demonstrating Your Commitment and Motivation

Aligning your goals with the scholarship’s objectives.

To resonate with the scholarship committee, articulate how your personal and academic goals align with the scholarship’s mission . If the scholarship aims to foster innovation in renewable energy, detail how your project or research directly contributes to this field. For instance, if your research aims to increase the efficiency of photovoltaic cells, specify your target efficiency increase, such as a 15% improvement within the next two years.

  • Direct Contribution : My project aims to increase the efficiency of photovoltaic cells by 15% within the next two years, directly contributing to the scholarship’s mission of fostering innovation in renewable energy.

Budgeting for project alignment is also crucial. If your research requires specific materials or resources, present a concise budget that aligns with the scholarship’s funding capabilities. For example, if your project needs advanced materials, estimate their cost, like $3,000, and explain how this investment is crucial for achieving the project’s goals.

  • Budgeting Alignment : The advanced materials required for my project cost around $3,000, a necessary investment for reaching the desired 15% efficiency improvement in photovoltaic cells.

Expressing Your Passion for the Field of Study

Your passion is the driving force behind your academic pursuits. Share personal anecdotes or experiences that sparked your interest in your field of study. If a particular event or person inspired you to pursue renewable energy, mention this, highlighting how it has shaped your academic journey and research focus.

  • Personal Anecdote : My passion for renewable energy was ignited when [describe a personal experience or encounter], driving me to dedicate my academic career to this vital field.

Discuss the broader impact of your work , emphasizing how your research or project not only contributes to your field of study but also addresses global challenges. If your research on renewable energy has the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions, quantify this impact, such as a projected reduction of 10,000 tons of CO2 annually.

  • Broader Impact : My research in renewable energy has the potential to reduce carbon emissions significantly, with a projected annual reduction of 10,000 tons of CO2.

Expressing Your Passion for the Field of Study

Preparing a Compelling Conclusion

Reinforcing your main points.

In the conclusion of your study plan, it’s crucial to summarize the key elements of your proposal to reinforce your main points. Concisely reiterate your academic goals, research objectives, and how they align with the scholarship’s mission. For instance, remind the committee of your commitment to advancing renewable energy and how your project’s aim to improve photovoltaic cell efficiency by 15% aligns with their objectives.

  • Summarize Key Goals : My academic goal to advance renewable energy through a 15% improvement in photovoltaic cell efficiency directly aligns with the scholarship’s mission.

Emphasize the feasibility and impact of your plan by briefly revisiting your budgeting and timeline, showing that your project is well-thought-out and achievable within the scholarship’s framework.

Highlight Feasibility

With a detailed budget of $3,000 for advanced materials and a clear 2-year timeline, my project is not only ambitious but also grounded in practicality and achievable within the scholarship’s framework.

Leaving a Lasting Impression on the Review Committee

End your study plan with a powerful and memorable statement that encapsulates your passion and the potential impact of your work. Express your dedication to your field of study and how receiving the scholarship would be instrumental in achieving your goals.

Powerful Closing Statement

Receiving this scholarship would be more than financial support; it would be an affirmation of my dedication to renewable energy and a catalyst for innovation that transcends academic boundaries, driving real-world change.

Invoke the broader implications of your research to leave the committee with a sense of the significance and urgency of your work. Highlight how your project not only contributes to the field of study but also addresses larger global challenges.

Emphasize Global Impact

The success of my research will extend beyond academic achievements, contributing to a global movement towards sustainable energy and a cleaner, more resilient future.

What should the study plan's academic goals include?

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How to Write a Study Plan for Bachelor and Master’s Study?

woman with curly hair wearing eyeglasses reading book

A study plan is a document that outlines the courses you plan to take and the activities you will participate in during your undergraduate or graduate studies. It is an important part of the application process when applying for a bachelor or master’s degree program, as it provides the admissions committee with a clear understanding of your academic goals and how you plan to achieve them.

Here are some steps to help you write a comprehensive study plan:

Research the program: Before you start writing your study plan, research the program you are applying to in order to understand the requirements, course offerings, and available resources.

Outline your academic goals: Begin by outlining your academic goals for the program. This includes the specific courses you plan to take, any research projects you plan to undertake, and any extracurricular activities you plan to participate in.

List your relevant experiences: Include any relevant experiences you have had that have prepared you for the program. This might include previous coursework, research experience, or relevant work experience.

Explain how the program aligns with your career goals: Explain how the program aligns with your long-term career goals and how it will help you achieve them.

Discuss any challenges you anticipate and how you plan to overcome them: If there are any challenges you anticipate during your studies, such as language barriers or cultural differences, discuss how you plan to overcome them.

Be Specific and use numbers: Be specific about the number of courses you plan to take each semester or each year.

A sample study plan for a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration might look like this:

Introduction: I am applying for the Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at XYZ University. I have always been interested in business and finance, and I am excited about the opportunity to study at XYZ University.

Academic Goals: I plan to take the following courses during my first year: Introduction to Business, Microeconomics, Financial Accounting, and Marketing. In my second year, I plan to take courses in Management, Organizational Behavior, and Corporate Finance. During my third year, I plan to take courses in International Business, Business Ethics, and Strategic Management. I also plan to participate in a study abroad program during my third year to gain international experience and perspective.

Relevant Experience: I have taken several business and finance courses in high school, and I have also completed an internship at a local financial institution where I gained experience in financial analysis and customer service.

Career Goals: I plan to use my degree in Business Administration to pursue a career in investment banking or management consulting. I believe that the coursework and international experience offered by XYZ University will help me achieve this goal.

Challenges and Solutions: I anticipate that one of the challenges I may face during my studies is adjusting to the new academic environment. To overcome this, I plan to take advantage of the resources offered by the university, such as tutoring services and study groups.

In summary, a study plan should be well-structured, detailed, specific and demonstrate your understanding of the program you are applying to, your goals, and the steps you will take to achieve them. It should also explain any challenges you anticipate and how you plan to overcome them.

If you would like to study in China and looking for a professional resources to process your documents and apply for scholarships then you may prepare your documents and contact us!

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Chinese Government Scholarship 2024 | Apply Online Logo

Study Plan | Study Plan Template | Study Plan Sample | Study Plan Example

A study plan is a critical component of any scholarship application, especially for the Chinese Government Scholarship. This scholarship is highly competitive, and only a limited number of students are selected each year. By having a well-crafted study plan, you can demonstrate to the selection committee that you are a serious and committed student who is dedicated to achieving their academic goals.

The Chinese Government Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships in the world, offering students from all over the globe the opportunity to study in China. By following this guide, you will be able to create a comprehensive and effective study plan that will increase your chances of being selected for the scholarship.

Study Plan Example

Study Plan Example

Steps to Create a Study Plan

Step 1: determine your goals.

The first step in creating a study plan is to determine your academic and career goals. This will help you choose the right program and courses that will enable you to achieve those goals. For example, if you are interested in pursuing a career in engineering, you might want to apply for a program that specializes in engineering.

Step 2: Choose the Right Program and University

After determining your goals, the next step is to choose the right program and university that will help you achieve them. You should research different universities and programs, their requirements, and the courses they offer. This will help you identify the most suitable university and program for you.

Step 3: Identify the Courses You Need to Take

Once you have chosen the program and university, you need to identify the courses you need to take. You should research the courses offered and choose the ones that align with your academic goals. You should also consider the prerequisites and any language requirements.

Step 4: Create a Study Schedule

After identifying the courses, you need to take, the next step is to create a study schedule. This schedule should outline the time you will spend on each course, including studying, completing assignments, and taking exams. You should also factor in time for extracurricular activities, socializing, and any other commitments you may have.

Step 5: Set Realistic Goals

It is essential to set realistic goals for your study plan. This will help you stay focused and motivated, and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. You should set goals for each course and break them down into smaller tasks that are achievable within a given time frame.

Step 6: Review and Revise Your Study Plan

Your study plan should be reviewed and revised regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. You should update your plan as you progress through your studies and adjust it as needed to account for any changes in your circumstances.

  • Chinese Simplified

Study Plan for Chinese Scholarship Application: Study Plan Samples, Examples and Template

Study plan for scholarship application.

Photo of admin

The plan made by a student to advance in studies by obeying a specific schedule is called a study plan. Usually, these plans tell in detail about the content and duration of the studies along with the extent to which a student has to study. The degree structure of a student helps in making this study plan. This is because it makes the student punctual in studies. One thing to keep in mind is that always update the study plan with progress in the studies. It is this study plan that speaks much about the abilities of the students. This is because no one can explain himself/herself through words. Substantial planning is necessary in this regard.

How to Write a Study Plan for a Chinese Scholarship?

Writing a study plan for a Chinese Scholarship is not at all difficult if you have enough information on the paper. It is necessary to organize the information and prepare a rough draft or two of the plan. Address different sections of your plan in different paragraphs. Also, arrange these paragraphs in a logical order to make sense. The most important part of your study plan is the structure of your personal statement and much thinking is needed on it. Always follow the examples and remain concise in writing your plan because only this way you will be able to express yourself. Although English may not be your first language, yet try to avoid grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Writing short and simple sentences may help you avoid these mistakes.

Steps to Draft a Study Plan:

The study plan is always about your studies and research schedule. for example, it would be impossible for you to write a study plan for a scholarship. this is because the study plan tells about the area of study and the purpose behind it. china scholarship council (csc) is one such committee that always demands a study plan with the candidate’s application material. in general, specify your goals in the study plan and also explain different ways to achieve those goals. revising and refining your study plan is always good once you conclude it. a good study plan should have the following basic points..

  • Full name of the student making that plan.
  • His educational level.
  • Achievements in his/her educational career.
  • Learning objectives for the next class and the schedule for assignment submission.
  • The expected results of the study plan.
  • Goals for future studies.
  • Outline changes in study habits.
  • The strength of the students in the field of study.

Goal Setting and Showing Interest in those Goals

#1 Briefly Explain your Educational Goals

A study plan always bears fruit if we start by specifying the area of study and the objectives behind it. For example, you can start your study plan by describing the area of study and also the objectives behind it if you are living in China. If your main goals to study are learning the Chinese language and getting a bachelor’s degree you can start your study plan in the following way.

“The main objectives behind my studies in China are learning the Chinese language and completion of by business graduation. Learning Chinese is necessary because it is going to be the world’s number 1 language in the future.

#2 Explain Your Choice of a Particular School or Program

You cannot merely disclose your choice of school by saying that it is a good school. Instead, you will have to prove with arguments why you want to study in that particular school and also the area of your studies.

Always make your response personalized. Write about the factors that inspired you to study business and also your thoughts about some particular school that suits your degree.

For example, you can write that you were born in the United States. But, you want to learn Chinese because your grandfathers live in China, and also China is one of the fast-growing economies. You can also explain that studying in China will also keep you connected with your cultural heritage and help you develop good relations between China and the United States in terms of business.

#3 Postgraduate Students should also discuss their Future Research

Research is much important if you are going to learn a Ph.D. degree. In your study plan, you will have to describe your future plans for conducting that research. This becomes much important if you are doing research in some sociological and scientific subjects.

For instance, is a Ph.D. student you may write about the influences of rituals and ancient Chinese traditions on their culture. You can include literature reviews, the sampling of the Chinese population, and also your interviews with historians.

#4 Discuss how your Study will help you achieve your long term Goals

As the study plan includes the establishment of certain goals, you can discuss how your studies will contribute to achieving those goals. This will help the scholarship committee to make a judgment about you. This is because they will come to know about you and your objectives to study business in the school of your choice.

For example, you can express your intention to start a business between China and the United States and learn in China will prove helpful to fulfill your business requirements.

#5 Describe your Plans to Meet each Goal

Telling the scholarship committee about your goals is not enough to let them decide about you. Instead, briefly explain to them your plans to achieve that particular goal. This is because most of the students fail in their Ph.D. scholarship because they do not have a plan and the scholarship committee thinks that they may lose their way before completion of their Ph.D. program. Thus, discuss your plans to achieve your goals one by one.

For example, as a Ph.D. scholar, you may need several participants. You will have to explain your plans to get those participants. You can tell them that you will attract participants by sending requests through emails and a phone call to historians. You may also succeed in getting participants through advertisement.

#6 Talk about your Plans to Handle Obstacles

It is an admitted reality that you may have to face various hurdles during your research program. Therefore, it would be wise to discuss some of those obstacles in your study plan and also describe the ways you will handle those obstacles.

For example, you can say that the language barrier is one of the top hurdles you may have to face. In this regard, you can write that you will work hard to learn the language first. Telling the scholarship committee that you have already started learning the Chinese language may impress them.

#7 If you want to use Sampling Strategy, Write about it briefly

The sampling strategy means your choice of a certain population segment that will represent the whole population. The scholarship committee will intend to know your plans to perform this sampling. Therefore, explain to them that you will select the population segment according to the area of your research.

For instance, you can choose various sampling techniques such as random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling depending on the variables for your studies. If the population is similarly based on your variables for studies, you will use either random or systematic sampling. But, stratified sampling is always good if your population differs depending on the variables for your studies.

#8 Try Your Best to be detailed

Although you are not writing a dissertation, yet try to write everything in brief. Especially, write briefly about your objectives of studies and the plans to achieve your goals in the studies. This will help the scholarship committee to reach a decision easily.

Here, one thing worth mentioning is that there is not enough space under the CSC column in the form. Therefore, the experts suggest that attach additional papers to briefly explain your plans and objectives. Never remain confined to that space because it may render you disable for the scholarship.

#9 Write a Summary of Your Report

Always wrap up your report by summarizing the important goals and your plans to achieve those goals. Here, you can also mention some of the benefits of the scholarship for the completion of your study goals.

For example, you can summarize your report in the following words. “Thank you for your consideration. If I were selected, I assure you that I will always concentrate on my studies. This is because only the hard work and concentration in my studies will help me to achieve my goal to be a successful businessman.”

#10 Proofread your Report

After you have written the study plan report, thoroughly read it to remove any errors. Revision may also help you add certain points that you may have missed in your first draft. It would be even better to take the services of a teacher or a professor because they have enough experience in analyzing the reports. Their recommendations may prove helpful in the approval of your report.

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Study Plan in China: Invaluable Knowledge and Opportunities from the Program

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  • Topic: Knowledge , Opportunity , Study Plan

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