
Top 200+ Engaging Culture Research Topics: Ideas to Explore

Culture is all about the beliefs, traditions, art, and ways of living that make up different groups of people worldwide. Cultural studies open up interesting paths for learning. Researchers can explore how people express themselves, their identity, and their interactions. 

Cultural research gives a view into our diverse world, whether studying traditions over time, how cultures mix, or the impacts of globalization. This blog lists the top 200+ engaging cultural research topics from varied topics and perspectives to excite researchers, students, and anyone interested in exploring questions that highlight human cultural diversity.

Studying culture covers art, stories, social rules, beliefs, and how communities shape their environments. By exploring cultural research, we gain insights into shared experiences, histories, and worldviews that unite people and cultural uniqueness. 

Researchers untangle complex threads weaving a culture’s identity and meaning through expressions like religion, language, food, and art.

As our world interconnects, understanding cultural differences grows important. Digging into these areas builds cross-cultural understanding, appreciates diverse views, and works towards inclusive societies. 

This blog explores potential research paths, encouraging scholars and students to take learning journeys highlighting the rich tapestry of human cultures.

How Does Culture Impact Various Aspects Of Society?

Table of Contents

Culture deeply affects nearly every part of society. It influences how we interact, build communities, govern, teach, create art, approach healthcare, and make economic choices. Understanding the role of culture is key to analyzing social issues and dynamics.

  • Social Rules and Beliefs

Culture lays the foundation for the shared beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that define what is considered okay or not okay within a society. It shapes gender roles, communication styles, concepts of privacy, rules of politeness, and moral principles.

  • Family and Relatives

Cultural traditions largely decide family structures, parenting styles, marriage practices, and generational relationships. Rituals surrounding birth, becoming an adult, marriage, and death are deeply rooted in culture.

  • Education Systems

Cultural contexts and education philosophies heavily influence the subjects taught, teaching methods, classroom setup, grading approaches, and even the idea of learning itself.

  • Religious and Spiritual Beliefs

Culture and religion are closely linked, with faith and spiritual practices playing a profound role in an individual’s identity, worldview, ethics, and community connections.

  • Art and Stories

Creative expression through art, music, dance, folklore, and literature reflects a culture’s collective identity, history, and artistic values passed down over generations.

  • Food and Eating 

Food is intimately tied to culture, with food traditions, ingredients, cooking methods, and dining customs reflecting agricultural practices, values, and social hierarchies.

  • Health and Medicine 

Cultural backgrounds shape attitudes towards physical and mental health, preferred treatment methods, views on the human body, and institutional structures around healthcare delivery.

By understanding how culture underpins so many areas of society, we gain critical insights into resolving conflicts, bridging gaps between communities, and creating policies and initiatives that resonate across all groups of people.

Topical Diversity in Culture Research

Cultural research covers various fascinating topics and angles that give us insight into human societies worldwide. Researchers explore everything from the arts and traditions to belief systems, languages, social structures, etc.

Exploring Various Sides of Culture

  • Art and Creative Expression (music, dance, stories, visual arts, theater, etc.)
  • Traditions and Customs (holidays, rituals, milestone celebrations, folk practices)
  • Food and Eating Ways (ingredients, cooking methods, dining customs)
  • Language and Communication Styles
  • Clothing and Decorative Styles
  • Social Rules and Value Systems
  • Gender Roles and Family Structures
  • Spiritual and Religious Beliefs
  • Cultural Identity and Sense of Belonging

Different Ways to Study Culture

  • On-the-Ground Research: Observing and documenting cultural practices and perspectives firsthand by living in the community
  • Historical and Archaeological Study: Examining artifacts, records, and evidence to understand cultural evolution
  • Comparing Cultures: Identifying similarities and differences across cultures.
  • Sociological and Anthropological Views: Studying cultures through theoretical frameworks
  • Mixed Methods: Combining insights from fields like psychology, linguistics, economics, and more
  • Personal Stories and Oral Histories: Exploring culture through first-hand accounts and stories
  • Digital Research: Researching cultures and communities online and in digital spaces

By considering the diverse topics and varied approaches, cultural researchers gain a multi-angle understanding of the rich tapestry of human experience worldwide.

Recommended Readings: “ Top 201+ Narrative Project Ideas To Spark Your Creativity! “.

Top 200+ Culture Research Topics For Students

Here is the list of the top 200+ culture research topics, provided in different categories; let’s look. 

Arts and Literature

  • Evolution of modern art movements.
  • Impact of digital technology on literature.
  • Representation of gender in classical literature.
  • Role of art in social change movements.
  • Cultural significance of traditional folk music.
  • Influence of literature on societal norms.
  • The intersection of art and politics.
  • Comparative analysis of different art forms.
  • Cultural implications of street art.
  • Depiction of war in literature and art.

Media and Communication

  • Effects of social media on cultural identity.
  • The portrayal of race and ethnicity in mainstream media.
  • The role of memes in contemporary culture.
  • Influence of advertising on consumer behavior.
  • Evolution of journalism in the digital age.
  • Cultural impact of reality TV shows.
  • Representation of the LGBTQ+ community in media.
  • Cultural appropriation in fashion and media.
  • Role of censorship in shaping cultural narratives.
  • The rise of streaming services and cultural consumption.

Language and Linguistics

  • Evolution of slang and its impact on language.
  • Language revitalization efforts and their effectiveness.
  • Influence of colonialism on indigenous languages.
  • Sociolinguistic variations in different cultures.
  • Language acquisition in multicultural societies.
  • Impact of globalization on language diversity.
  • Language and identity formation.
  • Cultural implications of bilingualism.
  • Role of language in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Linguistic relativity and cultural cognition.

Religion and Belief Systems

  • Rituals and ceremonies in different religions.
  • The role of religion in shaping moral values.
  • Impact of globalization on religious practices.
  • Interfaith dialogue and cultural understanding.
  • Evolution of religious art and architecture.
  • Influence of religion on political ideologies.
  • Religious syncretism and cultural fusion.
  • Sacred texts and their interpretation across cultures.
  • Secularization and its effects on cultural norms.
  • Religion and cultural conflicts throughout history.

History and Heritage

  • Cultural impact of colonialism and imperialism.
  • Oral history and its role in preserving culture.
  • Cultural significance of historical monuments.
  • Impact of migration on cultural identity.
  • Evolution of family structures over time.
  • Cultural exchange along ancient trade routes.
  • Archaeological discoveries and cultural insights.
  • Cultural legacy of ancient civilizations.
  • Historical trauma and its effects on culture.
  • Preservation of intangible cultural heritage.

Sociology and Anthropology

  • Cultural differences in concepts of beauty.
  • Social hierarchies and cultural stratification.
  • Cultural perceptions of mental health.
  • Gender roles and expectations in different cultures.
  • Cultural aspects of food and culinary traditions.
  • Rituals surrounding birth, marriage, and death.
  • Cultural expressions of love and intimacy.
  • Impact of globalization on cultural homogenization.
  • Cultural practices related to education.
  • Cross-cultural communication and misunderstandings.

Politics and Governance

  • Cultural factors influencing voting behavior.
  • Nationalism and its impact on cultural identity.
  • Cultural diplomacy and soft power.
  • Role of culture in international relations.
  • Cultural policies and government funding.
  • Indigenous rights and cultural preservation.
  • Cultural dimensions of conflict resolution.
  • Impact of authoritarian regimes on culture.
  • Cultural movements and political activism.
  • Cultural implications of refugee crises.

Technology and Innovation

  • Cultural attitudes towards emerging technologies.
  • Digital divides and cultural disparities.
  • Cultural appropriation in technology design.
  • Impact of AI on cultural production.
  • Virtual reality and cultural experiences.
  • Ethical considerations in technological advancements.
  • Technological innovations in cultural preservation.
  • Cultural resistance to technological change.
  • Cultural implications of genetic engineering.
  • Technological determinism and cultural evolution.

Education and Learning

  • Culturally relevant pedagogy in education.
  • Indigenous knowledge systems in education.
  • Role of cultural competence in teaching.
  • Cultural factors influencing learning styles.
  • Education and cultural reproduction.
  • Multicultural education and curriculum development.
  • Cultural barriers to access education.
  • Language diversity in educational settings.
  • Cultural perspectives on childhood and adolescence.
  • Impact of globalization on educational systems.

Identity and Diversity

  • Intersectionality and cultural identity.
  • Cultural assimilation versus cultural preservation.
  • Cultural hybridity and identity negotiation.
  • Cultural stereotypes and their impact.
  • Cultural identity and belonging in diaspora communities.
  • Cultural representations of disability.
  • LGBTQ+ rights and cultural acceptance.
  • Cultural dimensions of age and aging.
  • Cultural perceptions of beauty standards.
  • Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

Environment and Sustainability

  • Indigenous perspectives on environmental stewardship.
  • Cultural attitudes towards climate change.
  • Impact of consumer culture on the environment.
  • Traditional ecological knowledge and conservation.
  • Cultural practices promoting sustainability.
  • Environmental justice and cultural disparities.
  • Cultural dimensions of food security.
  • Indigenous land rights and cultural survival.
  • Cultural influences on consumption patterns.
  • Eco-tourism and cultural exchange.

Health and Wellness

  • Cultural variations in healthcare practices.
  • Traditional medicine and cultural beliefs.
  • The stigma surrounding mental health in different cultures.
  • Cultural factors influencing diet and nutrition.
  • Cultural representations of illness and disability.
  • Cultural rituals related to healing and well-being.
  • Access to healthcare in diverse cultural contexts.
  • Cultural attitudes towards body image and health.
  • End-of-life care and cultural practices.
  • Cultural barriers to health education and promotion.

Migration and Transnationalism

  • Cultural adaptation and acculturation processes.
  • Transnational communities and cultural exchange.
  • Impact of remittances on cultural dynamics.
  • Diaspora identities and cultural preservation.
  • Cultural challenges faced by immigrants.
  • Cultural hybridization in multicultural societies.
  • Cultural dimensions of refugee resettlement.
  • Transnational media and its cultural effects.
  • Cultural nostalgia and longing in migrant communities.
  • Cultural integration policies and their effectiveness.

Economics and Globalization

  • Cultural dimensions of economic development.
  • Globalization and cultural homogenization.
  • Cultural branding and marketing strategies.
  • Cultural industries and creative economies.
  • Cultural value chains and commodification.
  • Cultural entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Cultural tourism and economic impact.
  • Intellectual property rights and cultural heritage.
  • Global supply chains and cultural production.
  • Cultural implications of income inequality.

Leisure and Recreation

  • Cultural significance of sports and games.
  • Festivals and celebrations across cultures.
  • Cultural norms surrounding leisure activities.
  • Tourism and cultural authenticity.
  • Cultural representations in entertainment media.
  • Indigenous forms of entertainment and recreation.
  • Cultural rituals of relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Impact of technology on leisure habits.
  • Cultural perspectives on outdoor recreation.
  • The role of leisure in community building.

Family and Kinship

  • Cultural variations in family structures.
  • Cultural expectations of parenthood.
  • Intergenerational transmission of cultural values.
  • Cultural rituals surrounding marriage and partnership.
  • Cultural attitudes towards child-rearing.
  • Kinship systems and cultural identity.
  • Cultural perceptions of caregiving.
  • Family dynamics in multicultural households.
  • Cultural practices related to eldercare.
  • Cultural representations of family in media.

Urbanization and Urban Culture

  • Cultural diversity in urban environments.
  • Urbanization and the erosion of traditional culture.
  • Cultural gentrification and displacement.
  • Street art and graffiti as cultural expressions.
  • Cultural communities within urban spaces.
  • Urban legends and folklore.
  • Cultural aspects of urban planning.
  • Impact of migration on urban culture.
  • Cultural revitalization projects in cities.
  • Subcultures and countercultures in urban settings.

Governance and Policy

  • Cultural rights and human rights discourse.
  • Multiculturalism policies and their effectiveness.
  • Cultural diplomacy in international relations.
  • Cultural heritage preservation laws.
  • Indigenous land rights and sovereignty.
  • Cultural dimensions of public policy.
  • Cultural sensitivity training in government.
  • Cultural impact assessments in policy-making.
  • Cultural representation in political institutions.
  • Cultural heritage protection in conflict zones.

Memory and Commemoration

  • Cultural memory and collective trauma.
  • Commemorative practices and cultural identity.
  • Museums and cultural representation.
  • Oral history projects and cultural preservation.
  • Memorialization of historical events.
  • Cultural heritage sites and tourism.
  • Digital archives and cultural heritage.
  • Cultural monuments and their meanings.
  • Cultural responses to historical revisionism.
  • Rituals of remembrance in different cultures.

Cultural Capital and Social Mobility

  • Cultural capital and its role in social stratification.
  • Cultural barriers to upward mobility.
  • Cultural capital and educational attainment.
  • Cultural capital and access to resources.
  • Cultural capital and employment opportunities.
  • Cultural dimensions of social capital.
  • Cultural capital and political participation.
  • Cultural mobility and globalization.
  • Intergenerational transmission of cultural capital.
  • Cultural capital and urban development.
  • Cultural capital and well-being outcomes.

These topics cover various cultural aspects and can be a starting point for further research and exploration.

Tips For Choosing the Right Culture Research Topic

Picking a good topic is super important when researching culture. The topic you choose decides what your whole project will be about. If you pick the wrong topic, you might get bored or not learn anything useful. 

But if you pick a cultural topic that interests you, your research will be more fun and valuable. With so many fascinating cultural issues, choosing just one to study can feel overwhelming. But by considering a few key points, you can find the perfect research topic that fits your interests, goals, and resources as a cultural researcher.

  • Pick a topic you’re genuinely interested in and passionate about. Your enthusiasm will make the research process much more engaging.
  • Consider cultural issues or phenomena that puzzle you, or you’ve personally experienced and want to understand better.
  • Look for gaps in existing research on cultural topics. Identifying an understudied area can make your work more novel and valuable.
  • Think about the practical applications of your research. Work that provides insights into reducing cultural misunderstandings or conflicts can greatly impact.
  • Choose a topic that is narrow enough to explore in-depth within the scope of your project yet still broadly relevant.
  • For a cross-cultural study, select cultures that provide an interesting contrast to compare and analyze.
  • Ensure you have access to the necessary data sources, whether archival materials, interview subjects, survey populations, etc.
  • Consider the ethical implications of your research, especially if studying vulnerable populations. Prioritize, not harm.

The right topic sparks your curiosity, fills a need, and is feasible to execute thoroughly and responsibly with your resources.

Trends To Come in Culture Research

Researchers are looking at lots of new and interesting cultural topics these days. Here are some of the latest areas scholars are studying when it comes to culture:

Culture and Technology Research Topics

  • How social media is changing cultural values and norms
  • Comparing how different cultures use and adopt new technologies
  • Whether technology helps preserve cultural traditions or makes them disappear
  • The rise of global digital cultures and subcultures online
  • Cultural impacts of artificial intelligence and automation

Environmental Culture Research Topics

  • What indigenous cultures know about living sustainably in the environment
  • How climate change is affecting cultural practices and traditions
  • Where environmental justice and cultural identity overlap
  • The role culture plays in environmental-friendly (or unfriendly) behaviors
  • Different cultural views on humanity’s relationship with nature

Contemporary Cultural Issues Research Topics

  • Cultural experiences of immigrants, migrants, and refugees
  • How popular culture (movies, TV, music, etc.) shapes cultural attitudes
  • The cultural side of social movements like #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights
  • Impacts of globalization on mixing and blending cultures
  • How culture factors into political conflicts and clashing worldviews

These new and emerging cultural topics give researchers a chance to learn things that are very relevant to today’s world.

How can I choose the right culture research topic?

Consider your interests, societal relevance, and the availability of resources. Choose a topic that resonates with you and contributes to existing discourse.

Are there any ethical considerations in cultural research?

Researchers must respect cultural sensitivities, obtain informed consent, and avoid misrepresenting or exploiting cultural practices.

Can I conduct cross-cultural research as an undergraduate student?

Absolutely! Cross-cultural research offers valuable insights and can be conducted at various academic levels with proper guidance and supervision.

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abstract collection of different colored arrows pointing up

Research into the value and impact of the arts is a core function of the National Endowment for the Arts. Through accurate, relevant, and timely analyses and reports, the Arts Endowment elucidates the factors, conditions, and characteristics of the U.S. arts ecosystem and the impact of the arts on other domains of American life.

The NEA has four priority areas of research:

  • Health and wellness for individuals
  • Cognition and learning
  • Economic growth and innovation
  • In what ways do the arts contribute to the healing and revitalization of communities ?
  • What is the state of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the arts ?
  • How is the U.S. arts ecosystem adapting and responding to social, economic, and technological changes and challenges to the sector?

NEA Research Agenda: FY 2022-2026

Infographic of high-level research priorities

Research Agenda Planning Study

Research Stories

  • Quick Study Podcast : This monthly audio feature uses research to explore the arts sector and to demonstrate the arts’ value in everyday life.
  • Measure for Measure : Monthly arts research blog post.

Arts Research & Data

Research Publications NEA-produced in-depth reports and analyses of research topics in the arts, such as:

  • Arts Participation Patterns in 2022: Highlights from the Survey of Public Participation in the Arts
  • Online Audiences for Arts Programming: A Survey of Virtual Participation Amid COVID-19
  • Tech as Art: Supporting Artists Who Use Technology as a Creative Medium
  • Arts Strategies for Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Examining the Evidence

National Arts Statistics and Evidence-based Reporting Center (NASERC)  

An online hub for monitoring the U.S. arts ecosystem through a series of national indicators, and for accessing data-driven guides and reports aimed at arts practitioners. See NASERC's launch webinar . 

National Archive of Data on Arts & Culture (NADAC) An online repository of arts and cultural datasets, for analysis by scholars, arts managers, and policy leaders. A webinar tour is now  available . 

Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account (ACPSA)   The NEA partners with the Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S. Department of Commerce) to provide annual reports of the economic impact of arts and culture in the United States. 

Arts Data Profile Series Collections of statistics, graphics, and summary results from data-mining about the arts. Examples include datasets from the Survey for Public Participation on the Arts (SPPA), the Arts Basic Survey (ABS), the American Community Survey (ACS), and more.

Research Grants in the Arts Study Findings Working papers, publications, and presentations that so far have resulted from NEA Research Grants in the Arts funding. Topics include economy/workforce, arts participation, health, and education.

Research Labs Information on the NEA's current Research Labs, transdisciplinary research teams, grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, engaging with the NEA five-year research agenda. 

The NEA’ Research Awards cover two funding opportunities for research projects that engage with the NEA’s  five-year research agenda :

Research Grants in the Arts: Support for research studies that investigate the value and/or impact of the arts, either as individual components of the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other and/or with other domains of American life.

Research Labs: Transdisciplinary research teams investigating the value and impact of the arts.


Sound Health Network A partnership of the NEA with the University of California, San Francisco in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and Renée Fleming, the center’s artistic advisor. The Sound Health Network (SHN) was established to promote research and public awareness about the impact of music on health and wellness. Visit SHN’s website for a database of key scientific publications on music and health research, webinars, funding opportunities, and more.

Creative Forces: NEA Military Healing Arts Network An initiative of the NEA in partnership with the U.S. Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs that seeks to improve the health, well-being, and quality of life for military and veteran populations exposed to trauma, as well as their families and caregivers. Creative Forces is investing in research on the impacts and benefits—physical, social, and emotional—of these innovative treatment methods. Visit Creative Forces’  National Resource Center  to learn more and to read all research associated with Creative Forces.

Arts & Human Development Task Force From 2011-2023, this federal interagency task force encouraged research on the arts and human potential.

Additional Resources

Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement Links to online resources about program evaluation and performance measurement for arts organizations.

UMass Amherst NEA Archives Collection A digitization of more than 40 years of publications on the arts and arts management.

Research Convenings  (archived) National gatherings with researchers and arts and community experts.

OLD TEXT Research Agenda: FY 2022‐2026

This document sets forth a five‐year research agenda for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). In preparing this agenda, the NEA’s Office of Research & Analysis supervised a planning study that included a review of NEA research activities in the past decade, and arts-related research supported by other federal agencies. The study also used focus group meetings and interviews with field experts to gather views on priority research areas. These activities preceded a public comment period. The resulting agenda aligns with the NEA’s FY 2022-2026 strategic plan, to be published in early 2022. The agenda is based on results from a planning study conducted in 2019-2020.

See an infographic of high-level research priorities, as discussed in the agenda.

Research Publications The Arts Endowment produces in-depth reports and analyses of research topics in the arts that demonstrate the value and impact of the arts in communities throughout the country.

Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account The National Endowment for the Arts partners with the Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S. Department of Commerce) to provide annual reports of the economic impact of arts and culture in the United States. 

Arts Data Profile Series Collections of statistics, graphics, and summary results from data-mining about the arts.

Research Grants in the Arts Study Findings Working papers, publications, and presentations that so far have resulted from NEA Research Grants in the Arts funding.

National Endowment for the Arts Research Labs Transdisciplinary research teams investigating the value and impact of the arts.

Sound Health Network A partnership of the Arts Endowment with the University of California, San Francisco in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and Renée Fleming, the center’s artistic advisor. The Sound Health Network was established to promote research and public awareness about the impact of music on health and wellness.

Creative Forces: NEA Military Healing Arts Network Creative arts therapies at the core of patient-centered care for military members, veterans, and their families.

Arts & Human Development Task Force The federal interagency task force established in 2011 to encourage research on the arts and human potential.

Quick Study Podcast

A new monthly audio feature using research to explore the arts sector and to demonstrate the arts’ value in everyday life. Listen

Research Convenings National gatherings with researchers and arts and community experts.

Creative Forces National Resource Center/Clinical Research Findings Creative Forces invests in research on the impacts and benefits – physical, emotional, social, and economic – of creative arts therapies as innovative treatment methods.

National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture Hosted by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan. A webinar tour around the latest data on arts and culture at the National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture is now available . 

Recent Research News

Logo for ACPSA

Arts & Cultural Sector Hit All-Time High in 2022 Value Added to U.S. Economy 

National Arts Statistics and Evidence-Based Reporting Center. Measuring the Arts

New Resource from the NEA Will Monitor the Health and Vitality of the Arts in the U.S.

 A group of children celebrate the arts in Boston Public Schools. They are outside with their hands raised high, some holding signs that say "iCreate" and "Creative Mind at Work." Many are wearing tie-dyed t-shirts and some hold musical instruments.

National Endowment for the Arts Announces More Than $32 Million in Arts Funding to Organizations Nationwide

Research blog posts.

graphic that says Measure for Measure. On the left side of the graphic, there are hatchmarks that suggest bar graphs

Momentum Gains with Small-Scale Studies about the Arts and Mental Health

Performing arts “crossover” strategies fail to diversify core audiences, according to new report, can the arts fortify state economies in times of financial crisis yes, apparently, stay connected to the national endowment for the arts.

research topics on art and culture

Who We Serve

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  • Voicing the Legacy
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  • Creative Sovereignties
  • View All Reports
  • Columbia University Oral History Archives
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Visit the PERFORMING ARTS LEGACY website, a platform that documents the careers of professionals in the performing arts and entertainment.

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Announcing the Elder Artists' Legal Resource , a unique online tool to help artists protect their life's work »

research topics on art and culture

Explore the exhibition catalog and meet the artists from ART CART: Saving the Legacy through recent panel discussions . »

research topics on art and culture

RCAC research examines the circumstances and needs of artists in America. Browse reports by art form »

research topics on art and culture

ART CART is an intergenerational, multidisciplinary initiative to preserve and document the work of aging visual artists. Learn more »

The Research Center for Arts and Culture (RCAC) is an archive that provides data, information, and programming in service of artists and the arts.

Our research.

Explore the RCAC's research reports, which document the circumstances and needs of artists in America — and address topics including cultural policy, education, participation in the arts, and creative aging.

research topics on art and culture

The RCAC was founded in 1985 at Columbia University and created over three decades of research, mostly on individual artists from many disciplines and in many cities in the United States, nationally and with some international work.  While its data are housed at ICPSR at the University of Michigan, this website acts as an archive to preserve its history, activities, oral histories, videos, and reports in the service of artists and the arts.

Legacy work in the visual and performing arts, “what is honored in a country is cultivated there.”.

— Plato,  Republic, Book VIII

« Meet the artists, educators, fellows and partners who are working together to preserve artistic legacies in ART CART  …

« Meet the professionals who are working together to preserve artistic legacies in the Performing Arts Legacy Project …

Our call to action.

The Research Center for Arts and Culture (RCAC) is an archive that provides data and ideas for applied research, education, advocacy, policy making, and action. The imperiled legacy of older professional  visual artists , the complex challenges facing  dancers  as they transition out of performance careers, the communities and support structures of jazz  musicians , are critical to the arts’ sustainability. Cultural policy, labor relations, and legal issues give us a platform for our data; curriculum development, leadership training and public events link us to the future.  Read more  »

Artists, arts institutions, academics, researchers, private funders, policy makers and students all use RCAC research and resources  for a variety of purposes. Although the data are distributed to a wide array of constituents, a frequent request for data comes from individual artists. These data show that many artists have similar career paths, goals, and obstacles, particularly in relation to their status in society.

Current Work

Entertainment Community Fund

Latest News

Podcast on career transition for dancers based on the rcac study, with kealan mclaughlin, pal featured in sag-aftra magazine, pal performer susan lehman featured in journal gazette, latest research.

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Sep 19, 2014

Still Kicking: Aging Performing Artists in NYC and LA

Aug 29, 2013

Research Center for Arts and Culture Entertainment Community Fund 729 Seventh Avenue, 10th floor New York, NY 10019

phone: 212-221-7300 extension 187 email: [email protected]

research topics on art and culture

Cultural Research Paper Topics: Exploring Heritage and Society

Culture is interconnected and ever-changing. It influences how we think, behave, and interact with everything around us. It is also a significant source of variation, as various cultures have varying values, beliefs, and practices.

Understanding different cultures is more important than ever in today’s globalized world. Cultural research can aid in creating a more inclusive and tolerant society by bridging cultural divisions.

Through a range of cultural research paper themes, such as  pop culture essay topics , this article investigates the characteristics of human civilizations and diversity. These issues cover everything from the significance of culture in developing human identity to the influence of cultural variety on disagreements and partnerships.

How to Choose Research Paper Topics about Culture?

Culture is a vast and complex topic, so it can be difficult to choose a research paper topic that is both interesting and manageable.

Listed are a few tips for choosing research paper topics about culture:

  • Consider your own interests

What aspects of culture are you most interested in? What do you know a lot about? Choosing a topic you are interested in will make the research process more enjoyable and rewarding.

  • Consider your target audience.

Who is going to read your paper? What background in culture do they ask for? Choosing a topic that is intriguing and helpful to your readers will improve the quality of your paper.

  • Conduct preliminary research .

Once you’ve developed a few concepts, perform some early research. This will assist you in selecting your topic and figuring out the sources you will use.

  • Make it specific .

To what extent do you want the subject to go? A broader topic will allow you to examine more facets of culture, though it will also be more difficult to investigate.  

  • Consult with your lecturer.

Talk to your professor if you need help deciding on a cultural research topic. They can assist you in filtering your alternatives and selecting the best topic for you.

List of Interesting Culture Topics to Write About

Culture is a diverse and intriguing subject that may be approached from various perspectives. There are several interesting cultural research topics to write about, ranging from multiple civilizations’ history to culture’s influence on the arts and media.

This list is an excellent place to begin if you’re looking for fascinating cultural research topics to write about.

Cultural Anthropology Research Topics

The study of human societies and their traditions is known as cultural anthropology. Cultural anthropology research subjects might range from the study of distinct civilizations to the study of cross-cultural comparisons. These subjects in anthropological perspectives go into the cultural practices, rites, and norms of multiple cultures across all nations worldwide. They may include studies on kinship systems, gender roles, religious ceremonies, language development, and cultural adaptation.

Some examples of cultural research topics include;

  • Cultural Adaptation and Assimilation of Immigrants in Modern Society
  • The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Cultures and Traditional Knowledge Systems
  • Cultural Expressions and Identity Formation Among Marginalized Communities
  • The Role of Rituals and Ceremonies in Shaping Cultural Beliefs and Practices
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Gender Roles and Sexuality
  • Cultural Responses to Environmental Change and Sustainability
  • The Influence of Technology on Cultural Performance and Communication Process
  • Cultural Perspectives on Healthcare Practices and Healing Rituals
  • Cultural Preservation and the Role of Museums in Safeguarding Intangible Heritage
  • Comparative Study of Cultural Practices Related to Death and Mourning

Cultural Psychology Research Paper Topics

Cultural psychology research paper topics focus on the intersection between culture and human psychology. These subjects explore how cultural factors shape our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and mental processes.

By examining these topics, researchers aim to unravel the complex interplay between cultural psychology, shedding light on the cultural influences that shape our individual and collective experiences.

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Cultural research topics in this section are:

  • Cultural Variations in Cognitive Processes and Perception
  • The Influence of Culture on Personality Development and Individual Differences
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Emotion Expression and Regulation
  • Cultural Factors in the Development and Treatment of Mental Disorders
  • Cultural Influences on Parenting Styles and Child Development
  • Cultural Variations in Moral Reasoning and Ethical Decision-Making
  • The Role of Cultural Narcissism in Shaping Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Authority
  • Cultural Differences in Motivation and Achievement
  • The Impact of Acculturation and Bicultural Identity on Psychological Well-Being
  • Cultural Factors in Intergroup Relations and Prejudice

Socio-Cultural Essay Topics

Socio-cultural topics explore a wide range of issues related to society and culture. The essays in the socio-cultural context examine the relationship between humanity and culture. Research topics in this field can range from the study of social institutions to the norms and values of cultural studies.

Among the possible cultural research topics are:

  • The Societal Fabrication of Race and Its Consequences for Identity and Inequality
  • Mass Media’s Involvement in Creating Cultural Norms and Values
  • Perspectives on Economic Disparity and Hardship From a Socio-Cultural Perspective
  • Social Media’s Influence on Interpersonal Relationships and Self-Esteem
  • The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Academic Success in Schooling
  • Socio-Cultural Variables Influence Health Inequalities and Access to Healthcare
  • Religious Beliefs Influence Societal Attitudes and Behaviors
  • Migration and Refugee Integration Have Socio-Cultural Elements
  • Cultural Phenomena Influence Environmental Views and Sustainable Practices
  • Race, Class, and Gender Intersectionality in Human Beings’ Socioeconomic Inequity

Cultural Diversity Research Topics

This area of study may investigate the impact of cultural diversity on healthcare inequalities, the role of cultural characteristics on psychological outcomes, or the efficacy of ethnically customized therapies in enhancing patient care and health results.

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Being aware of various cultural aspects is essential for establishing inclusive and equitable healthcare systems that meet the specific requirements of varied groups.

The following are some cultural research topics to write on:

  • The Effect of Cultural Diversity on Workplace Efficiency and Fulfillment
  • The Impact of Ethnic Diversity on the Medical Industry and How Patients Respond
  • Investigating the Importance of Cultural Phenomenon in Developing the Education System and Practices
  • Cultural Diversity’s Impact on Team Dynamics and Collaboration in a Social Organization
  • Cultural Diversity and Its Consequences for International Advertising Tactics
  • The Link Between Cultural Diversity and Technological Innovation
  • Understanding the Upsides and Challenges of Cultural Diversity in a Multicultural Society
  • The Influence of Cultural Competence on Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Initiatives
  • Multicultural Diversity’s Impact on National Identity and Social and Emotional Development
  • Investigating and Preserving Native Culture Uniqueness

Cross-Cultural Research Paper Topics

Intercultural studies compare and analyze different cultures and their effects on many parts of society. Exploring disparities in healthcare beliefs and practices, investigating the efficacy of cross-cultural perspectives in hospital settings, or researching the influence of globalization on cultural practices and medical behaviors are all possible research subjects.

Cultural studies facilitate competence in healthcare and ensure culturally sensitive and effective care to individuals from a particular culture.

Writing a very good research paper is tedious, so you may need to find the  best research paper topics  to get ideas flowing.

Cultural research paper topics in this category include:

  • A Comparative Analysis of Cross-Cultural Business Communication Across World Culture
  • Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges and Strategies in International Business Negotiations
  • The Impact of Cross-Cultural Interactions on Intercultural Competence Development
  • Economic Classes in Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Child Development
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Stigma and Its Implications for Non-verbal Communication
  • Exploring Cross-Cultural Fashion Trends Variations and Experiences of Beauty and Body Image
  • The Influence of Culture on Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Environmental Sustainability
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Aging and Elder Care Practices
  • Understanding Cross-Cultural Psychology in Ethical Decision-Making Processes
  • The Role of Western Culture History in Shaping Attitudes Towards Gender and Sexuality

Art Culture Research Topics for Assignments

The intersection of art and culture provides a rich landscape for research. Research in this field contributes to our understanding of art’s therapeutic and cultural significance and highlights its potential as a tool for healing, self-expression, and cultural values.

Potential cultural research paper topics are:

  • The Influence of Ancient Art on Contemporary Artistic Expressions
  • Exploring the Cultural Significance of Street Art and Graffiti in Urban Environments
  • Female Culture in Art Throughout Ancient Britain
  • Art as a Form of Cultural Resistance and Social Activism
  • Analyzing How Traditional Food Reflects the Cultural Heritage
  • Cultural Appropriation Versus Cultural Appreciation in Art and Its Ethical Implications
  • The Intersection of Art and Technology: Exploring Digital Art and Its Cultural Implications
  • The Importance of Museums in Maintaining and Displaying Various Works of Art and Cultural Artifacts
  • The Study of How Art Reflects and Affects the Stories of Culture
  • Therapeutic Art as a Technique for Boosting Mental Health and Well-Being Across Different Cultures

Good Essay Topics about Culture

Culture is an enthralling and varied part of human society. Cultural essay topics include customs, cultural interchange, cultural identity, cultural appropriation, and cultural preservation. Exploring these themes provides a more in-depth understanding of the values, religious practices, cultural clashes, and conventions that define different cultures.

The following are the best cultural studies selections in this category:

  • Globalization’s Influence on Indigenous Cultural Practices
  • A Critical Appraisal of Cultural Theft
  • The Impact of Cultural Background on Individual Growth
  • Language’s Impact on Cultural Norms and Values
  • Issues and Benefits of Preserving Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
  • A Systematic Examination of Gender Roles and Cultural Expectations
  • Protection of Historic Resources in the Face of the Modern World
  • Finding an Equilibrium Between Cultural Integration and Maintaining Culture
  • Gender Stereotypes and Their Effects on Intercultural Relationships
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Societal Norms and Values

Topics on Globalization

The process of globalization has changed the global culture into an interlinked village. Globalization essay themes can cover a wide range of issues, including its influence on economics, politics, technology, interpersonal relationships, and cultural interaction in modern society.

Evaluating globalization’s good and bad consequences, investigating its place in influencing global politics, and debating the difficulties and possibilities it brings may provide significant insights into the complex dynamics of our increasingly linked world and mitigate cultural ignorance.

Among the more intriguing cultural research topics include:

  • The Impact of Economic Globalisation on Developing Countries
  • Viral Diseases Spread and Globalization
  • Multinational Corporations’ Role in Globalization
  • The Impact of Globalisation on Isolated Communities
  • Cultural Diversity Versus Globalization in a Modern Society
  • Environmental Sustainability and Globalization
  • Globalization and Trends of Labor Migration
  • Globalization’s Political Implications
  • The Age of Technology and Its Impact on Globalization
  • The Growth of Global Governing Institutions Is a Result of Globalization

American Culture Research Paper Topics

The richness and diversity of American culture make it an appealing subject for study. American culture research paper topics may include the global impact of American pop culture, the development, and history of American cuisine, the representation of American identity in movies and novels, the impact of immigration on modern United States society, or the part of Christian traditions in defining American and African culture.

Popular cultural research topics include:

  • American Political Culture’s Development
  • The Influence of Hollywood on American Culture
  • The Role of Mass Media in Shaping American Societal Norms
  • The Impact of Immigration on American Cultural Diversity
  • American Exceptionalism: Myth or Reality?
  • American Pop Culture and Its Consequences
  • The History and Significance of Jazz Music in African Culture
  • The Portrayal of Race and Ethnicity in American Pop Culture
  • The Influence of American Literature on National Identity
  • The American Dream: Its Changing Meaning and Societal Implications

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research topics on art and culture

Bates College

* Art and Visual Culture

  • Reference Materials
  • Subject-Specific Databases
  • Image Databases
  • Exhibition Reviews
  • Exhibition Catalogs
  • Documentaries and Films

Special Topics in Art and Visual Culture

Additional relevant research guides.

  • Photography
  • Iconography
  • Art Crime and Art Law
  • Architecture
  • Archaeology
  • AVC321 - Representations of Gender, Labor, and Craft in the Mediterranean
  • AVC276 / AMST276 - True or False Documentary Photography
  • AVC267 - From Silhouette to Selfie: Portraiture as a Medium
  • AVC233 - Decolonizing the Museum
  • AMST 329 / AVC 329 - Politics of Place
  • Chicago Citation Style

Special topics in Art and Visual Culture refer to specific, focused areas of study within the broader field of art and visual culture that delve into particular themes, time periods, artistic movements, or regions, offering in-depth analysis and research opportunities to explore the nuanced aspects of visual expression and its relationship with society, history, and culture.

  • * Art and Visual Culture by Marianne Williams Updated Feb 27, 2024 211 views this year
  • AMAV 288 - Visualizing Race by Christopher Schiff Updated Feb 7, 2024 2 views this year
  • Archaeology by Marianne Williams Updated Sep 27, 2023 21 views this year
  • Architecture by Marianne Williams Updated Nov 7, 2023 24 views this year
  • Art Crime and Art Law by Marianne Williams Updated Sep 27, 2023 224 views this year
  • AVC 233 - Decolonizing the Museum by Marianne Williams Updated Feb 13, 2024 0 views this year
  • AVC 329 / AMST329 - The Politics of Place: Global Perspectives on American Art by Marianne Williams Updated Feb 15, 2024 0 views this year
  • AVC267 - From Silhouette to Selfie: Portraiture as a Medium by Marianne Williams Updated Feb 13, 2024 0 views this year
  • AVC276 / AMST276 - True or False Documentary Photography by Marianne Williams Updated Oct 9, 2023 0 views this year
  • AVC321 - Representations of Gender, Labor, and Craft in the Mediterranean by Marianne Williams Updated Feb 7, 2024 1 views this year
  • Barbie by Marianne Williams Updated Sep 25, 2023 53 views this year
  • Bates Museum of Art: Neue Slowenische Kunst by Marianne Williams Updated Oct 4, 2023 48 views this year
  • Film, Recording, Arts and Performance Reviews by Christopher Schiff Updated Jul 10, 2023 10 views this year
  • Iconography by Marianne Williams Updated Feb 7, 2024 41 views this year
  • Landscape by Marianne Williams Updated Oct 11, 2023 4 views this year
  • MLK Day 2024: Food and Food Justice by Marianne Williams Updated Dec 27, 2023 82 views this year
  • Photography by Marianne Williams Updated Feb 14, 2024 51 views this year
  • Thesis Writers' Guide by Research Librarian Updated Oct 4, 2023 457 views this year
  • << Previous: Documentaries and Films
  • Next: Photography >>
  • Updated: Feb 27, 2024 2:16 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.bates.edu/AVC

Microbiomes of Art and Their Importance in Preserving Cultural Heritage

Cover image for research topic "Microbiomes of Art and Their Importance in Preserving Cultural Heritage"

Loading... Editorial Frontiers in Microbiology Editorial: Microbiomes of Art and Their Importance in Preserving Cultural Heritage António Portugal , Xiaobo Liu , Adam Pyzik  and  João Trovão 900 views 0 citations

research topics on art and culture

Original Research 02 November 2023 Xerophilic fungi contaminating historically valuable easel paintings from Slovenia Polona Zalar ,  9 more  and  Katja Kavkler 1,400 views 1 citations

Original Research 25 October 2023 Differences of airborne and mural microorganisms in a 1,500-year-old Xu Xianxiu’s Tomb, Taiyuan, China Jiangyun Liu ,  8 more  and  Huyuan Feng 1,013 views 1 citations

Methods 03 August 2023 Touching the (almost) untouchable: a minimally invasive workflow for microbiological and biomolecular analyses of cultural heritage objects Cecilia G. Flocco ,  3 more  and  Jörg Overmann 1,424 views 1 citations

Loading... Original Research 09 June 2023 Science for art: multi-years' evaluations of biocidal efficacy in support of artwork conservation Flavia Bartoli ,  3 more  and  Giulia Caneva 1,366 views 4 citations

Loading... Original Research 23 March 2023 The Neolithic site “La Marmotta”: DNA metabarcoding to identify the microbial deterioration of waterlogged archeological wood Marzia Beccaccioli ,  4 more  and  Massimo Reverberi 1,598 views 4 citations

Loading... Review 16 March 2023 New frontiers review of some recent conservation techniques of organic and inorganic archaeological artefacts against microbial deterioration Neveen S. Geweely 3,290 views 2 citations

Exploring Global Cultures: Topics for Your Next Cultural Research Paper


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose a Cultural Research Topic to Write About 
  • 2.1 Cultural Diversity Research Topics
  • 2.2 Anthropology Research Topics
  • 2.3 Subculture Study Ideas
  • 2.4 Heritage and Preservation Studies
  • 2.5 Identity Research Topics
  • 2.6 Socio-Cultural Essay Ideas
  • 2.7 Psychology Research Topics
  • 2.8 Western Civilization Essay Ideas
  • 2.9 Cross-Cultural Study Topics
  • 2.10 Stereotypes and Misconceptions Studies

Cultural research papers are a gateway to exploring the intricate web of human societies and their diverse practices. Such papers cover a broad range of cultural analysis topics, each offering a unique perspective on how communities shape and are shaped by their civilizational norms and values. 

Whether it’s delving into the realms of cultural diversity topics, examining cross-cultural psychological patterns, or investigating specific phenomena, these subjects provide a rich ground for academic inquiry. 

Research topics on culture not only deepen our understanding of human interactions and beliefs but also highlight the importance of nuances in shaping societal dynamics. Engaging and informative, they encourage a deeper exploration of the ethical fabric that weaves together the global human experience, making them both fascinating and essential for a comprehensive understanding of the world.

How to Choose a Cultural Research Topic to Write About 

Choosing a topic for a cultural research paper is a strategic and thoughtful process. Start by identifying your interests in this vast field. Are you fascinated by cross cultural psychology research topics, intrigued by diverse communication practices, or curious about specific cultural phenomenon topics? Pinpointing an area that genuinely interests you is crucial for sustained engagement with your research.

  • Consider the scope of your chosen topic. Aim for a balance, selecting a specific subject to be manageable yet broad enough to provide ample material for exploration. For instance, within the realm of cultural psychology research topics, you might focus on how different civilizations perceive mental health.
  • Ensure there is sufficient information available. Conduct preliminary research to confirm the availability of resources and data. This step is vital, especially for topics like social analysis or cultural diversity, where empirical evidence is key to a robust paper.
  • Think about the relevance and originality of your topic. Strive to contribute new insights or perspectives, particularly in fields like anthropology, where there is always room for fresh interpretations of ethical phenomena.
  • Lastly, consider the academic and societal implications of your topic. Select a subject that not only adds value to academic discourse but also has the potential to enlighten and inform broader societal understanding, like studies in diversity or society communication practices. This approach ensures that your work is intellectually fulfilling and socially impactful.

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List of Cultural Research Paper Topics

Embarking on an ethnic research journey opens doors to a world of interesting anthropology research topics. From the complicated field of cross-cultural psychology to the beautiful tapestry of diversity, these cultural topics for research paper cover various areas related to anthropology, communication, and social phenomena, giving you a wide range of interesting culture to research.

Cultural Diversity Research Topics

  • Language’s Role in Shaping Identity Across Cultures
  • Norms Comparison: Eastern and Western Societies
  • Indigenous Civilizations’ Response to Globalization
  • Diversity in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Media Representation of Varied Societies and its Effects
  • Multiculturalism’s Evolution in Urban Environments
  • Educational Systems’ Approach to Global Diversity
  • Music’s Influence on Ethnical Integration
  • Culinary Traditions as a Reflection of Societal Diversity
  • Festivals as a Platform for Promoting Diversity

Anthropology Research Topics

  • Varied Traditions of Healing in Global Civilizations
  • Marriage Customs Across Different Societies
  • Kinship and Family Structures: An Anthropological View
  • Societal Responses to Natural Disasters: A Comparative Study
  • Local Cultures’ Adaptation to Tourism
  • Birth and Death Rituals in Diverse Societies
  • Religion: Beliefs and Practices Worldwide
  • Technology’s Impact on Traditional Societal Roles
  • Non-Western Perspectives on Time
  • Clothing and Adornment from an Anthropological Lens

Subculture Study Ideas

  • Hip-Hop’s Social Influence and Evolution
  • Cyberpunk: Blending Technology and Aesthetic
  • Skateboarding’s Cultural Journey
  • LGBTQ+ Community’s Internal Subcultures
  • Gaming’s Social and Cultural Impact
  • Punk Fashion and Identity
  • Coffee Culture’s Shift from Niche to Mainstream
  • Teen Subcultures in the Age of Social Media
  • Green Movements: Environmental Awareness as a Subculture
  • Fitness Trends and Digital Age Subcultures

Heritage and Preservation Studies

  • Ancient Manuscripts’ Digitization for Heritage Preservation
  • Museums’ Role in Protecting Ethnical Legacies
  • Intangible Heritage Threats in the Modern Era
  • Historic Sites’ Architectural Conservation
  • War’s Effects on World Heritage
  • Indigenous Languages and Oral Traditions’ Preservation
  • Heritage Tourism: Balancing Benefits and Risks
  • Legal Strategies for Heritage Protection
  • Traditional Arts and Crafts Revival
  • Post-Colonial Societies’ Heritage Perspectives

Identity Research Topics

  • Diaspora’s Impact on Identity Formation
  • Bicultural Existence in a Globalized Era
  • Art’s Reflection of Societal Identity
  • Language Loss and its Effect on Identity
  • Social Media Influences on Youth Identity
  • Fashion as a Cultural Expression Tool
  • Gastronomy’s Role in Defining Societal Identity
  • Race and Identity Intersections
  • Second-Generation Immigrants’ Identity Challenges
  • Popular Culture’s Influence on National Identity


Socio-Cultural Essay Ideas

  • Bilingualism and Multilingualism’s Societal Effects
  • Gender Roles: A Global Cultural Comparison
  • Mass Migration’s Social Impact
  • Social Hierarchies: A Global Cultural Analysis
  • Global Economic Inequality’s Cultural Dimensions
  • Social Media as a Cultural Change Agent
  • Urbanization’s Societal Consequences
  • Religion’s Influence on Socio-Cultural Norms
  • Aging Populations and Societal Shifts
  • Education’s Influence on Societal Values

Psychology Research Topics

  • Superstitions’ Psychological Underpinnings in Various Societies
  • Emotional Expression: A Cross-Cultural Study
  • Decision-Making Influences Across Cultures
  • Childhood Development in Diverse Environments
  • Personality Shaping through Societal Norms
  • Mental Health Approaches in Different Societies
  • Immigrant Families and Acculturation Challenges
  • Resolving Ethnical Conflicts: A Psychological Perspective
  • Behavioral Norms’ Cultural Foundations
  • Cultural Communication Practices Paper Proposal: Human Motivation from a Global Perspective

Western Civilization Essay Ideas

  • The Renaissance’s Influence on Western Civilization
  • Democracy’s Roots in Ancient Greece and Rome
  • Industrial Revolution’s Societal Transformations
  • Christianity’s Impact on Western Societies
  • Philosophical Foundations of Modern Western Thought
  • Enlightenment’s Role in Modernity Shaping
  • Western Art Evolution from Baroque to Modernism
  • Western Societies’ Ecological Footprint
  • Colonial Legacy in Western History
  • Science’s Progression in Western Context

Cross-Cultural Study Topics

  • Work Ethic Comparisons Across Societies
  • Effective Communication in Diverse Settings
  • Leading in Multicultural Environments
  • Love and Marriage: Global Insights
  • Parenting Styles’ Ethnical Variations
  • International Business Adaptations
  • Health Practices: A Global View
  • Educational Systems: International Comparisons
  • Negotiation Styles in Diverse Contexts
  • Eldercare Approaches in Different Civilizations

Stereotypes and Misconceptions Studies

  • Hollywood’s Role in Perpetuating Stereotypes
  • Racial Stereotypes’ Origins and Impacts
  • Gender Assumptions in Societal Contexts
  • Media’s Influence in Stereotype Formation
  • Stereotypes in International Diplomacy
  • Misconceptions’ Psychological Aspects
  • Socioeconomic Assumptions in Urban Life
  • Stereotyping in Educational Environments
  • Youth Culture’s Battle with Stereotypes
  • Society’s Age-Related Assumptions and Realities

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research topics on art and culture

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Research Topic Ideas

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Dance Topics

Fine art & design topics, music topics, theater topics.

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Related Guides

  • Research Process by Liz Svoboda Last Updated May 21, 2024 9127 views this year
  • African dance
  • Ailey, Alvin
  • Athleticism in dance
  • Copeland, Misty
  • Dance as meditation
  • Dance as ritual
  • Diversity in dance
  • Duncan, Isadora 
  • Folk dances
  • Gaga movement
  • Graham, Martha
  • Pointe shoes
  • Praise dance
  • Regional dances
  • Square dances
  • Tharp, Twyla

Related subject guide and suggested database

  • Theatre & Dance: A Guide to Library Research by Reference Librarians Last Updated Mar 6, 2024 61 views this year

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1864-present; index of articles in theatre, dance, & film.

  • Abstract Expressionism
  • Anime / Manga
  • Art as protest
  • Arts & Crafts movement
  • Comic strips
  • Ecology in art
  • Dance of Death
  • Graphic novels
  • Harlem Renaissance
  • Heidelberg Project
  • Interactive art
  • Kinetic sculpture
  • Mixed media
  • Neo-romanticism
  • Post-modern architecture
  • Reverse graffiti
  • Rose windows
  • Street photographers
  • Sustainable design
  • Textile arts
  • Urban sculpture
  • Women photographers
  • Art & Art History: A Guide to Library Research by Reference Librarians Last Updated Mar 8, 2024 117 views this year

Comprehensive resource for art information, including articles and indexing of art dissertations & art reproductions.

Art Full Text: 1984-present. Provides examples of styles and art movements, including works by emerging artists. Covers fine, decorative, and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and a database-specific thesaurus. Art & Architecture Source: The largest full-text art research database covering fine, decorative and commercial art, architecture and architectural design. Strong international coverage, art journals, magazines and books, detailed indexing and abstracts, and thousands of images.

  • Artist rights
  • Beatles, cultural impact
  • Bono, activism
  • Computer composed music
  • Electronic music
  • Folk music revival of 1960s
  • History of an instrument
  • Jazz, contemporary
  • Music festivals
  • Musical satire
  • Saxophone in the symphony
  • Therapy and music
  • Third Stream music
  • Troubadours
  • Vocal vibrato
  • Music: A Guide to Library Research by Reference Librarians Last Updated Apr 30, 2024 27 views this year

Abstracts and full text of music-related articles, both scholarly and popular.

  • Actor's Studio
  • Broadway flops
  • Colorblind casting
  • The Living Theatre
  • Method acting
  • Mystery plays
  • Pop-up performance
  • Punch and Judy
  • Regional theaters
  • Superstitions in theater
  • Theatre in the round
  • Theater of the absurd
  • Yellow face
  • << Previous: Area & Interdisciplinary Studies
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  • Last Updated: Mar 1, 2024 1:06 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.umflint.edu/topics

Cultural History Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Exploring cultural history research paper topics opens the door to understanding humanity’s diverse societal heritage. This comprehensive guide, presented by iResearchNet, is a valuable resource for students tasked with writing a research paper on this rich and wide-ranging subject. Through this guide, you will delve into an extensive list of cultural history research paper topics categorized into ten distinctive areas. We provide a deep-dive into what cultural history encompasses, offering you a range of exciting research paper topics. Moreover, we guide you on selecting the most suitable topic, as well as tips on writing an exceptional research paper. iResearchNet takes a step further to offer professional writing services, presenting an array of features that guarantee top-quality, custom research papers. Ultimately, we aim to equip you with the tools to excel in your academic journey. This guide extends an invitation for you to uncover the vibrancy of cultural history.

100 Cultural History Research Paper Topics

Cultural history is a fascinating field of study that delves into the various aspects of human culture, including beliefs, customs, traditions, arts, and social practices. Researching cultural history provides valuable insights into the development and evolution of societies and helps us understand the complexities of human civilization. In this section, we present a comprehensive list of cultural history research paper topics, covering a wide range of categories. These topics will inspire students to explore different dimensions of cultural history and uncover intriguing research possibilities.

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Cultural Identity and Representation

  • The construction of cultural identity in colonial societies.
  • Depictions of cultural diversity in art and literature.
  • The influence of cultural identity on political movements.
  • Cultural appropriation and its impact on marginalized communities.
  • Cultural heritage preservation and its significance in contemporary society.
  • Cultural symbols and their role in shaping collective identity.
  • Cultural assimilation and the preservation of indigenous traditions.
  • Representations of gender and sexuality in popular culture.
  • The role of language in cultural preservation and identity.
  • Cultural memory and its portrayal in museums and exhibitions.

Rituals and Festivals

  • The significance of religious rituals in ancient civilizations.
  • The cultural meanings behind traditional wedding ceremonies.
  • The evolution of holiday celebrations and their cultural implications.
  • Folklore and storytelling traditions in different cultures.
  • Rituals of passage and their cultural significance.
  • Cultural festivals as a means of cultural expression and community bonding.
  • Indigenous rituals and their survival in modern society.
  • The role of music and dance in cultural celebrations.
  • Symbolism and symbolism in traditional ceremonies.
  • The transformation of rituals and festivals in the modern world.

Cultural Exchange and Cross-Cultural Influences

  • The impact of globalization on cultural homogenization.
  • Cultural exchange and trade routes in ancient civilizations.
  • The influence of colonialism on indigenous cultures.
  • Cultural diffusion and the spread of ideas and practices.
  • Intercultural communication and its role in promoting understanding.
  • The cultural exchange between East and West in the modern era.
  • Diaspora communities and their cultural contributions.
  • Cultural fusion in contemporary art, music, and fashion.
  • Transnationalism and its effects on cultural identity.
  • The role of technology in facilitating cross-cultural interactions.

Art, Literature, and Culture

  • The portrayal of cultural values in visual arts.
  • Literary movements and their reflection of cultural shifts.
  • Architecture as a representation of cultural identity.
  • The impact of cinema on cultural perceptions.
  • The role of music in cultural expression and preservation.
  • Theater and performance arts as cultural showcases.
  • Cultural artifacts and their significance in museums.
  • The evolution of fashion and its connection to cultural trends.
  • Cultural icons and their impact on popular culture.
  • The intersection of art, politics, and cultural movements.

Cultural Transformation and Resistance

  • Cultural responses to social and political revolutions.
  • The role of cultural institutions in challenging power structures.
  • Cultural movements and their impact on social change.
  • Cultural resistance against colonial rule.
  • Cultural preservation as a means of resistance.
  • Indigenous cultural revitalization and its impact on communities.
  • The role of cultural leaders in promoting social justice.
  • Artistic expressions of protest and dissent.
  • Cultural memory and resistance in post-conflict societies.
  • The impact of digital media on cultural activism.

Language and Cultural Communication

  • The role of language in shaping cultural identity.
  • Language revival and its impact on cultural preservation.
  • Multilingualism and its effects on cultural interactions.
  • Translating cultural nuances and challenges in intercultural communication.
  • Sign language as a cultural mode of expression.
  • The influence of language on cultural perception and worldview.
  • The evolution of slang and its cultural implications.
  • Language policies and their impact on cultural diversity.
  • The role of storytelling in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Language barriers and their impact on cross-cultural understanding.

Social Movements and Cultural Change

  • The impact of the civil rights movement on cultural attitudes.
  • Feminism and its influence on cultural norms and gender roles.
  • LGBTQ+ rights movements and their effect on cultural acceptance.
  • Anti-war movements and their impact on cultural consciousness.
  • Cultural responses to environmental activism and sustainability.
  • Disability rights and the challenge to cultural perceptions.
  • Cultural movements for racial equality and social justice.
  • Youth subcultures and their influence on cultural trends.
  • Countercultural movements and their impact on mainstream culture.
  • The role of social media in facilitating cultural mobilization.

Material Culture and Everyday Life

  • The cultural significance of food and culinary traditions.
  • The impact of technology on material culture.
  • Housing and architectural styles as reflections of cultural values.
  • Clothing and fashion as expressions of cultural identity.
  • The significance of religious artifacts and symbols.
  • Tools and technology in ancient civilizations.
  • Cultural meanings of body adornments and jewelry.
  • Sports and games as cultural practices.
  • Transportation and its influence on cultural development.
  • The role of consumerism in shaping cultural practices.

Cultural History of Specific Regions

  • Cultural history of ancient Egypt.
  • The impact of colonialism on African cultures.
  • Indigenous cultures of the Americas before European contact.
  • Cultural history of medieval Europe.
  • Cultural transformations in Asia: From feudalism to modernity.
  • The cultural legacy of ancient Mesopotamia.
  • The influence of religion on cultural practices in the Middle East.
  • Cultural developments in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.
  • Cultural history of the Pacific Islands.
  • Cultural diversity in contemporary Australia.

Cultural Heritage Preservation and Museums

  • The role of museums in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Challenges in repatriating cultural artifacts to their countries of origin.
  • Cultural heritage sites and their preservation.
  • The impact of tourism on cultural heritage preservation.
  • Digital technologies and their role in cultural heritage conservation.
  • Cultural heritage and indigenous rights.
  • The ethical considerations in curating cultural artifacts.
  • Museums as spaces for intercultural dialogue.
  • Cultural heritage and sustainable development.
  • The role of education in promoting cultural heritage awareness.

This comprehensive list of cultural history research paper topics provides students with a diverse range of possibilities for their research endeavors. Whether exploring cultural identity, rituals, art, language, social movements, or material culture, there is an abundance of fascinating topics to delve into. By delving into these subjects, students can gain a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of human culture and its impact on societies past and present.

Cultural History: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Cultural history is a vibrant field of study that examines the ways in which societies have shaped and been shaped by their unique cultural practices, beliefs, values, and expressions. It delves into the rich tapestry of human experiences, exploring everything from art, literature, and music to language, rituals, and social movements. Researching cultural history allows us to better understand the complexities of human existence and the diversity of human cultures throughout time. In this section, we will embark on a journey through the vast range of research paper topics within cultural history, showcasing the diverse aspects of human culture that you can explore in your own research.

  • Art and Culture : Art has always been an integral part of human expression, reflecting cultural values, beliefs, and societal norms. Within this category, you can explore a multitude of cultural history research paper topics, including the influence of art movements on cultural perceptions, the role of art in social and political commentary, the representation of cultural identity in visual arts, and the impact of technology on artistic practices. You can also investigate specific artists or art forms that have significantly contributed to the cultural landscape.
  • Literature and Culture : Literature provides us with a window into the past, offering insights into the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of people from different cultures and time periods. Within this category, you can delve into various aspects of literature, such as the representation of cultural values in literary works, the influence of literature on cultural and social movements, the role of storytelling in cultural preservation, and the exploration of cultural identity in literary texts. You can also examine the impact of translation and cross-cultural literary influences.
  • Music and Culture : Music has the power to transcend language barriers and convey cultural expressions. Within this category, you can explore cultural history research paper topics such as the role of music in cultural rituals and ceremonies, the influence of music on cultural identity formation, the impact of globalization on music and cultural fusion, and the relationship between music and social movements. You can also examine specific genres or musicians that have made significant contributions to the cultural history of a particular region or era.
  • Language and Culture : Language is a fundamental aspect of culture, shaping our worldview and serving as a medium for communication and expression. Within this category, you can explore topics such as the relationship between language and cultural identity, the impact of language policies on cultural diversity, the role of language in cultural preservation, and the influence of language on social and political movements. You can also delve into the study of dialects, slang, and language variations within specific cultural contexts.
  • Rituals and Traditions : Rituals and traditions play a vital role in shaping cultural practices and beliefs. Within this category, you can explore topics such as the significance of religious rituals in different cultures, the evolution of cultural traditions over time, the role of rituals in cultural identity formation, and the impact of globalization on traditional practices. You can also investigate the cultural meaning behind specific rituals or explore the preservation of indigenous rituals in contemporary society.
  • Gender and Sexuality : The study of gender and sexuality within cultural history offers insights into the ways in which cultural norms and expectations have shaped the experiences of individuals throughout history. Within this category, you can explore topics such as the representation of gender and sexuality in art, literature, and popular culture, the impact of cultural beliefs on gender roles, the history of LGBTQ+ movements and their influence on cultural acceptance, and the intersectionality of gender and other aspects of identity within different cultural contexts.
  • Social Movements and Cultural Change : Cultural history is intertwined with social movements that have challenged the status quo and brought about cultural transformations. Within this category, you can explore topics such as the impact of civil rights movements on cultural attitudes, the role of cultural resistance against colonial rule, the influence of countercultural movements on mainstream culture, and the cultural responses to environmental activism and sustainability. You can also investigate the role of social media in facilitating cultural mobilization and the cultural legacy of specific social movements.
  • Material Culture and Everyday Life : Material culture refers to the physical objects and artifacts that reflect the values, practices, and beliefs of a particular culture. Within this category, you can explore topics such as the cultural significance of food and culinary traditions, the influence of technology on material culture, the relationship between clothing and cultural identity, and the impact of consumerism on cultural practices. You can also investigate housing and architectural styles as reflections of cultural values, the significance of religious artifacts and symbols, and the role of transportation in shaping cultural development.
  • Colonialism and Postcolonial Studies : The legacy of colonialism has had a profound impact on cultural history. Within this category, you can explore topics such as the cultural implications of colonial encounters, the influence of colonialism on indigenous cultures, and the processes of decolonization and cultural revitalization. You can also investigate the representation of colonial experiences in literature and art, the role of museums in preserving and interpreting colonial history, and the impact of postcolonial theories on cultural studies.
  • Globalization and Cultural Exchange : The era of globalization has facilitated the exchange of ideas, practices, and cultural expressions across borders. Within this category, you can explore cultural history research paper topics such as the impact of globalization on cultural homogenization and hybridization, the role of cultural diplomacy in fostering international relations, the influence of transnational media on cultural values, and the cultural implications of migration and diaspora. You can also investigate the challenges and opportunities that arise from cultural interactions in the globalized world.

The field of cultural history offers an expansive range of research paper topics that allow students to explore the intricate connections between culture, society, and human experiences. By delving into the diverse aspects of cultural history, students can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of human culture and its impact on societies throughout time. Whether you are interested in art, literature, music, language, rituals, social movements, material culture, colonialism, or globalization, there is a wealth of fascinating topics waiting to be explored. So, embark on your research journey and unravel the captivating stories that cultural history has to offer.

Choosing Cultural History Research Paper Topics

Choosing a research paper topic in cultural history can be an exciting yet challenging task. With the vast array of cultural practices, beliefs, and historical periods to explore, it’s essential to narrow down your focus and select a topic that aligns with your interests and academic goals. In this section, we will provide you with expert advice on selecting cultural history research paper topics that are engaging, relevant, and offer ample opportunities for exploration and analysis.

  • Follow Your Passion : When choosing a research paper topic, it’s important to select a subject that genuinely interests you. Consider your personal passions, curiosities, and areas of expertise. Think about the cultural aspects that intrigue you the most—whether it’s art, literature, music, social movements, or any other cultural facet. By selecting a topic that aligns with your passion, you will be motivated to delve deeper into the subject and produce a well-researched and engaging paper.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before finalizing your research paper topic, conduct preliminary research to familiarize yourself with the existing scholarship in the field of cultural history. Read scholarly articles, books, and research papers to gain an understanding of the current debates, gaps in knowledge, and emerging trends. This will help you identify potential research areas and refine your topic to ensure its relevance and originality.
  • Consider Chronological and Geographical Scope : Cultural history encompasses a wide range of historical periods and geographical regions. Consider the chronological and geographical scope that interests you the most. Do you prefer to focus on a specific time period, such as ancient civilizations, the Renaissance, or the 20th century? Are you drawn to a particular region, such as Asia, Europe, Africa, or the Americas? Narrowing down the chronological and geographical scope will help you create a more focused and manageable research paper topic.
  • Explore Understudied or Emerging Areas : One way to contribute to the field of cultural history is by exploring understudied or emerging areas of research. Look for topics that have received limited attention or have recently gained significance in cultural studies. For example, you can investigate the cultural history of marginalized communities, explore the impact of technology on cultural practices, or analyze the cultural dynamics of globalization in a specific region. By delving into these uncharted territories, you can make a unique and valuable contribution to the field.
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches : Cultural history is a multidisciplinary field that intersects with various disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, literature, art history, and more. Consider incorporating interdisciplinary approaches into your research paper topic. For example, you can examine the intersection of cultural history and gender studies, explore the relationship between cultural practices and environmental history, or analyze the cultural significance of technological advancements. By embracing interdisciplinary perspectives, you can offer a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of cultural phenomena.
  • Analyze Primary Sources : To enhance the authenticity and depth of your research, incorporate primary sources into your analysis. Primary sources can include historical documents, artworks, literary works, music recordings, oral histories, and archival materials. Analyzing primary sources allows you to directly engage with the cultural artifacts and voices of the past, providing firsthand insights into the cultural practices and beliefs of a specific time and place. Incorporating primary sources can add richness and authenticity to your research paper.
  • Consider Ethical and Social Implications : Cultural history research often raises ethical and social implications, especially when studying sensitive topics or marginalized communities. It’s important to consider the ethical dimensions of your research and approach your topic with sensitivity and respect. Take into account the potential impact of your research on communities, ensure that your research adheres to ethical guidelines, and consider ways to present diverse perspectives and voices in your analysis.
  • Consult with Your Advisor or Instructor : Don’t hesitate to consult with your advisor or instructor during the topic selection process. They can provide valuable guidance, suggest relevant sources, and offer insights based on their expertise. Discuss your research interests, proposed topics, and research goals with them to receive feedback and refine your ideas. Their support and expertise can greatly enhance your research paper.
  • Be Open to Revision : As you delve deeper into your research, be open to revising your research paper topic if necessary. Sometimes, new insights or challenges may arise that require you to adjust or refine your focus. Embrace this iterative process and remain flexible in adapting your topic to ensure its coherence and relevance throughout your research journey.
  • Stay Organized and Manage Your Time : Researching and writing a cultural history research paper requires careful organization and time management. Create a research plan, establish a timeline, and allocate sufficient time for conducting research, analyzing sources, and writing. Break down your research paper into manageable tasks, set deadlines for each stage, and make sure to leave ample time for revisions and proofreading.

Choosing a cultural history research paper topic requires careful consideration, passion, and a solid research plan. By following these expert tips, you can select a topic that aligns with your interests, engages with the current scholarship, and offers opportunities for original analysis and contribution to the field of cultural history. Remember to stay organized, consult with your advisor, and approach your research with intellectual curiosity and sensitivity to the cultural contexts you explore. With the right topic and diligent research, you can produce a compelling and impactful research paper in cultural history.

How to Write a Cultural History Research Paper

Writing a cultural history research paper requires a systematic and thoughtful approach to ensure a comprehensive and engaging analysis of your chosen topic. In this section, we will provide you with guidance on how to write a cultural history research paper, from developing a strong thesis statement to effectively analyzing primary and secondary sources. By following these steps, you can craft a well-structured and compelling paper that contributes to the field of cultural history.

  • Define Your Research Question : Before diving into the writing process, it’s crucial to define a clear and focused research question. Your research question will guide your investigation and provide a framework for your paper. Consider the specific aspects of cultural history you want to explore and formulate a research question that encapsulates the key issues or themes you aim to address. A well-defined research question will ensure the coherence and direction of your research paper.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : A successful cultural history research paper relies on thorough and comprehensive research. Explore a range of primary and secondary sources, including books, scholarly articles, archival materials, oral histories, artworks, and other relevant cultural artifacts. Analyze and critically evaluate these sources to gather evidence and support your arguments. Take comprehensive notes and organize your research material to facilitate the writing process.
  • Develop a Strong Thesis Statement : Crafting a strong thesis statement is essential to guide your research paper and present a clear argument. Your thesis statement should reflect your research question and articulate the main argument or perspective you intend to explore in your paper. It should be concise, specific, and capable of generating insightful analysis and discussion. Your thesis statement will serve as the foundation upon which you build your research paper.
  • Outline Your Paper : Creating an outline is an effective way to structure your cultural history research paper and ensure a logical flow of ideas. Start with an introduction that provides background information on your topic, introduces your thesis statement, and outlines the main points you will address in your paper. Divide the body of your paper into sections or paragraphs, each focusing on a particular aspect of your research. Finally, include a conclusion that summarizes your findings, restates your thesis, and offers insights for further research.
  • Analyze Primary and Secondary Sources : In cultural history research, the analysis of primary and secondary sources is crucial to support your arguments and provide a deeper understanding of the cultural phenomena you are studying. When analyzing primary sources, consider their historical context, authorship, intended audience, and cultural significance. Use these sources to provide direct evidence and insights into the cultural practices, beliefs, and values of a specific time and place. Secondary sources, such as scholarly articles and books, offer critical perspectives and interpretations that enrich your analysis.
  • Engage with Theory and Scholarship : Cultural history research benefits from engaging with relevant theoretical frameworks and scholarly debates. Familiarize yourself with the key concepts and theories in cultural history that are applicable to your research. Analyze the work of prominent historians and cultural theorists in the field and consider how their ideas inform your analysis. Engaging with theory and scholarship will provide depth and context to your research paper and demonstrate your understanding of the broader intellectual discourse.
  • Structure Your Arguments and Evidence : Organize your arguments and evidence in a coherent and logical manner. Present your ideas in a way that supports your thesis statement and contributes to the overall narrative of your research paper. Use topic sentences to introduce new sections or paragraphs and provide smooth transitions between ideas. Incorporate evidence from your research, such as direct quotations, statistical data, or visual representations, to support your arguments and add credibility to your analysis.
  • Provide Context and Analysis : While presenting facts and evidence is important, a cultural history research paper also requires critical analysis and interpretation. Contextualize your findings within the broader historical, social, and cultural contexts. Explain the significance of the events, practices, or phenomena you are examining and consider their impact on the culture and society of the time. Analyze the motivations, beliefs, and ideologies that underpin the cultural practices you are studying. This analytical approach will add depth and nuance to your research paper.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language : Write your research paper using clear and concise language to ensure your ideas are effectively communicated. Avoid jargon or overly complex language that may hinder understanding. Use precise terminology and define key terms to facilitate reader comprehension. Maintain a consistent writing style and ensure your sentences and paragraphs flow logically from one to another.
  • Revise and Edit : Once you have completed the initial draft of your research paper, take the time to revise and edit your work. Review your paper for clarity, coherence, and logical organization. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Trim any unnecessary or repetitive content. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to gain fresh insights and identify areas for improvement. Revision and editing are crucial steps to ensure your research paper meets high academic standards.

Writing a cultural history research paper requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective communication of ideas. By defining a clear research question, conducting in-depth research, developing a strong thesis statement, and engaging with primary and secondary sources, you can produce a compelling and insightful research paper in cultural history. Remember to analyze and interpret your findings, provide context, and revise and edit your work for clarity and coherence. With these guidelines, you will be well-equipped to craft a research paper that contributes to the understanding of cultural history.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges and complexities of writing a cultural history research paper. Our team of expert writers is here to offer their knowledge, skills, and experience to assist you in producing a high-quality research paper that meets your academic goals. With our custom writing services, you can unleash your potential and embark on a rewarding journey of exploring cultural history research paper topics. Let us be your trusted partner in crafting exceptional research papers that showcase your understanding and passion for cultural history.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : Our writing team consists of highly qualified professionals with advanced degrees in history and related fields. They possess in-depth knowledge of cultural history and are well-versed in conducting thorough research and analysis. Our writers are dedicated to delivering top-notch papers that reflect their expertise and passion for the subject matter.
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  • In-Depth Research : Cultural history research papers demand extensive research to uncover relevant sources, analyze primary and secondary materials, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Our writers are adept at conducting in-depth research using credible sources and scholarly databases. They will gather a wide range of materials to support your arguments and provide a well-rounded analysis of cultural history.
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  • Top Quality : At iResearchNet, we prioritize quality in every aspect of our writing services. Our experienced writers pay attention to detail, ensuring that your research paper is meticulously crafted with accurate information, well-structured arguments, and coherent analysis. We strive to exceed your expectations and deliver research papers that demonstrate a deep understanding of cultural history.
  • Customized Solutions : We recognize that every research paper is unique, with its own set of requirements and objectives. Our writers provide customized solutions to address your specific research needs. Whether you require an in-depth analysis of a particular cultural phenomenon, a comparative study of multiple cultures, or an exploration of cultural interactions, our team will tailor their approach to meet your research goals.
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At iResearchNet, we are committed to providing exceptional writing services for cultural history research papers. With our team of expert writers, custom-tailored solutions, in-depth research, and commitment to quality, we are your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of cultural history. Unleash your potential and elevate your academic journey with our comprehensive writing services. Place your order today and experience the benefits of working with a dedicated team that understands and values the significance of cultural history research.

Unleash Your Potential with iResearchNet’s Writing Services

Are you ready to delve into the captivating world of cultural history and embark on a journey of discovery? Look no further than iResearchNet, your trusted partner in crafting exceptional research papers on cultural history topics. Our experienced writers, comprehensive services, and commitment to excellence make us the ideal choice for students seeking assistance with their cultural history research papers. Unleash your potential and achieve academic success with our specialized writing services.

With iResearchNet’s cultural history writing services, you have the opportunity to unleash your potential and embark on a captivating exploration of the past. Our expert writers, customized solutions, commitment to quality, and dedication to your academic success set us apart as your trusted partner in cultural history research papers. Unlock the rich tapestry of cultural history and achieve excellence in your academic endeavors. Place your order with iResearchNet today and experience the difference of working with professionals who share your passion for cultural history.


research topics on art and culture

373 Culture Research Topics & Ideas for Essays and Papers

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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Culture research topics include various human behaviors and beliefs, offering a deep dive into societal norms, values, traditions, and symbols that have shaped and continue to shape civilizations across time and space. Themes encompass many areas, such as linguistics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, and arts. Topics also may include investigating the effects of globalization on indigenous cultures, the role of pop culture in shaping societal values, impacts of cultural assimilation, or tracing the evolution of language in a particular region. Studies in this field illuminate the tapestry of human existence, providing rich insights into unique human histories. Thus, culture research topics are not only intrinsically fascinating but also have crucial implications for policy, education, and understanding of identity, community, and coexistence in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Hot Cultural Topics

  • Unearthing Indigenous Histories Through Technology
  • Cryptocurrency’s Influence on Art and Culture
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Genomic Data Sharing
  • The Intersection of Environmentalism and Fashion Trends
  • Debating Authenticity in Social Media Influencer Culture
  • Exploring Minority Representation in Hollywood
  • Augmented Reality as a Cultural Experience
  • Redefining Gender Norms in Video Gaming
  • Street Art as a Political Commentary
  • Future of Libraries in the Digital Age
  • Culinary Trends Sparked by Plant-Based Movements
  • Cultural Shifts in Privacy Perception Post-Social Media
  • Language Preservation in a Globalized World
  • AI and the Transformation of Creative Industries
  • Mental Health Narratives in Popular Music
  • Eco-Cities: Blending Urbanism and Sustainability
  • Cross-Cultural Understanding Through Travel During Pandemic
  • Consumerism and Minimalism: Contrasting Cultural Phenomena
  • Unconventional Family Structures in Contemporary Literature
  • Futurism in Architectural Design and Cultural Identity

Culture Research Topics & Ideas for Essays and Papers

Easy Cultural Essay Topics

  • Influence of Digital Art on Cultural Identity
  • Food Traditions as Cultural Symbols
  • Relationship Between Language and Cultural Heritage
  • Rise of E-Sports and Its Cultural Significance
  • Virtual Reality in the Realm of Cultural Preservation
  • Social Media as a Tool for Cultural Exchange
  • Influence of Climate Change on Cultural Practices
  • Anime and Manga: Japanese Culture’s Global Reach
  • Cultural Perception of Privacy in the Era of Big Data
  • Reality TV’s Effect on Cultural Stereotypes
  • Cultural Implications of Urban Green Spaces
  • Nostalgia and Culture in Retro Fashion Trends
  • Understanding Cultural Context in Classic Literature
  • Cultural Diversity in Modern Cinema
  • Significance of Cultural Festivals in Building Community
  • Influence of Sci-Fi on Our Perception of Future Cultures
  • Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health in Popular Literature
  • Globalization’s Effect on Indigenous Cultures
  • Street Food and Its Connection to Local Culture

Interesting Culture Topics to Research for Essays and Papers

  • Maori Culture and Traditions
  • Intricacies of Japanese Tea Ceremony
  • Voodoo Practices in Haitian Culture
  • Celtic Traditions and Mythology
  • Arab Bedouin Traditions and Nomadic Lifestyle
  • Native American Tribes and Their Cultural Diversity
  • Balinese Rituals and Spiritual Practices
  • The Complexity of Tibetan Buddhism
  • Greek Orthodox Customs and Traditions
  • Culture of the Sami People in Scandinavia
  • Andean Cultures: Incas and Their Descendants
  • Mayan Civilization: Ancient Practices and Beliefs
  • Yoruba Religion and Cultural Traditions in West Africa
  • Nomadic Culture of the Mongolian Steppes
  • Diverse Cultural Practices of Australian Aboriginals
  • Culture of the Maasai Tribes in East Africa
  • Persian Poetry and Its Cultural Significance
  • Dance Forms and Culture of Polynesian Islands
  • Cultures of the Amazon Rainforest Tribes
  • Korean Hanbok and Traditional Dress Culture

Cultural Anthropology Topics for a Research Paper

  • Decoding Symbolism in Ancient Mayan Art
  • Understanding Power Structures in Tribal Societies
  • Exploring Ritualistic Practices of the Australian Aborigines
  • Influence of Globalization on Indigenous Cultural Practices
  • Rituals and Customs: A Comparative Study Between Maasai and Zulu Tribes
  • Investigating Linguistic Diversity in the Amazon Rainforest
  • Dynamics of Cultural Adaptation in Refugee Communities
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Comparative Study of Death Rituals Across Cultures
  • Cultural Contexts of Folklore and Mythology in Slavic Societies
  • Digital Anthropology: Social Media and Cultural Practices
  • Cultural Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality in Pacific Island Societies
  • Transcultural Psychiatry: Mental Health Across Cultures
  • Insights into Cultural Healing Practices of Native American Tribes
  • Foodways and Culture: A Study of Mediterranean Societies
  • Dynamics of Social Change in Post-Colonial Societies
  • Material Culture: Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Artifacts
  • Cultural Interpretations of Climate Change in Arctic Communities
  • Cultural Factors in Public Health: A Case Study of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Sacred Spaces and Cultural Identity: An Exploration of Hindu Temples

Cultural Criticism Essay Topics

  • Postmodernism and Cultural Representation in Media
  • Interrogating Orientalism: Western Perception of Eastern Cultures
  • Deconstructing the Beauty Standard in Pop Culture
  • Eco-Criticism and Interpretation of Environmental Narratives
  • Analyzing Power Structures in Classic Literature
  • Cultural Bias in Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • Culture and Censorship: Freedom of Expression in Various Societies
  • Unpacking Gender Stereotypes in Advertising
  • Culture of Fear: Media Representation of Terrorism
  • Colonial Narratives and Indigenous Voices in History Textbooks
  • Cyber Culture: The Dark Side of Online Communities
  • Cultural Appropriation vs. Appreciation: A Thin Line
  • Cultural Hegemony and Minority Representation in Film Industry
  • Ethnocentrism in Anthropological Research: A Critique
  • Understanding Whiteness: Critique of White Privilege
  • Body Image and Self-Esteem: A Critique of the Fashion Industry
  • Religion and Cultural Bias in Western Feminist Discourses
  • Consumer Culture and Critique of Fast Fashion
  • Mental Health Stigma: Cultural Perspectives and Criticisms

Cultural Diversity Topics for an Essay

  • Navigating Cultural Diversity in Multinational Corporations
  • Multilingualism and Cultural Identity in Diverse Societies
  • Cultural Diversity in Urban Design and City Planning
  • Influence of Cultural Diversity on Public Health Policies
  • Diverse Cultures: Integration Challenges in Immigration Policies
  • Cultural Diversity and Ethical Considerations in Clinical Trials
  • Understanding Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education
  • Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Literature: A Critical Analysis
  • Representation of Cultural Diversity in the Animation Industry
  • Multiculturalism and Its Influence on National Identity
  • Promoting Cultural Diversity through Public Broadcasting
  • Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity in Tech Industry
  • Managing Cultural Diversity in International Space Missions
  • Challenges of Cultural Diversity in Peacekeeping Missions
  • Influence of Cultural Diversity on Artistic Expression
  • Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Preservation
  • Cultural Diversity in Global Climate Change Dialogues
  • Cultural Diversity and Adaptation Strategies in Sports Teams
  • Diversity in Cuisine: Culinary Traditions Across Cultures
  • Cultural Diversity and Conflict Resolution in Global Diplomacy

Culture Heritage Research Topics

  • Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Exploring Cultural Landscapes and Their Conservation
  • Digital Archiving and Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Cultural Heritage Tourism: Balancing Preservation and Promotion
  • Intersections of Cultural Heritage and Climate Change
  • Restitution of Cultural Artifacts: Ethical Considerations
  • Reconstructing Cultural Heritage in Post-War Regions
  • Maritime Cultural Heritage: Underwater Archaeology Challenges
  • Cultural Heritage and Memory: Significance of Oral Histories
  • Revitalization of Endangered Languages: Strategies and Challenges
  • Historic Urban Landscapes: Conserving Cultural Heritage in Cities
  • World Heritage Sites and Their Sustainability Issues
  • Conservation of Ancient Manuscripts and Rare Books
  • Sacred Sites and Cultural Heritage: Managing Religious Tourism
  • Cultural Heritage and Identity in Diaspora Communities
  • Management of Archaeological Sites: Balancing Research and Preservation
  • Investigating Looting and Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property
  • World Cuisine as an Element of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Cultural Phenomena Topics

  • Unraveling the K-Pop Phenomenon: Cultural and Global Implications
  • Cryptocurrency Culture: A New Financial Phenomenon
  • Cross-Cultural Analysis of Conspiracy Theories
  • Spread of Internet Memes: A Modern Cultural Phenomenon
  • Cultural Aspects of the Global Wellness Movement
  • Globalization and the Cultural Phenomenon of Fast Food
  • Cyberculture and the Emergence of Virtual Communities
  • Reality TV and Its Cultural Repercussions
  • Influence of Celebrity Culture on Youth Values
  • Pandemic Culture: Changes in Behavioral Patterns Due to COVID-19
  • Examining the Cultural Phenomenon of Social Activism in Digital Spaces
  • Coffee Culture: A Global Phenomenon With Local Variations
  • Influence of Anime and Manga on Global Pop Culture
  • Cultural Phenomena of Aging Societies in Developed Countries
  • Nerd Culture and Its Influence on Entertainment Industry
  • Fashion Trends as Reflections of Cultural Change
  • Online Gaming Communities as Cultural Phenomena
  • Cultural Shifts in Attitudes Toward Mental Health
  • The Phenomenon of Remote Work and Cultural Implications
  • Cultural Perception and Adoption of Renewable Energy Solutions

Cultural Psychology Research Topics in Culture Studies

  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Emotional Expression
  • Psychology of Superstitions in Various Cultures
  • Analysis of Collectivist vs. Individualistic Cultural Psychologies
  • Cultural Factors Influencing Child Development
  • Cultural Psychology of Grief and Mourning Rituals
  • Understanding Perception of Time in Different Cultures
  • Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication Across Cultures
  • Examining the Cultural Context of Dreams
  • Cultural Influences on Human Memory
  • Cultural Diversity and Its Effects on Learning Styles
  • Cognitive Biases and Cultural Influences: A Comparative Study
  • Cultural Influences on Risk Perception and Decision-Making
  • Psychological Perspectives on Folklore and Mythology Across Cultures
  • Understanding the Cultural Aspects of Empathy
  • Interplay of Language and Thought in Cultural Psychology
  • Cultural Differences in Coping Strategies for Stress
  • Cultural Influences on Perception of Pain
  • Influence of Culture on Self-Esteem and Self-Concept
  • Psychological Analysis of Taboos Across Different Cultures

Environmentalism and Culture Research Topics

  • Cultural Practices in Biodiversity Conservation
  • Green Architecture: Cultural and Environmental Interactions
  • Cultural Perceptions of Climate Change in Island Nations
  • Understanding Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Environmental Stewardship
  • Environmental Ethics in Native American Cultures
  • Ecotourism and Its Influence on Local Culture
  • Influence of Environmental Movements on Contemporary Art
  • Cultural Factors Affecting Renewable Energy Adoption
  • Influence of Traditional Farming Practices on Biodiversity
  • Cultural Aspects of Waste Management Practices
  • Sacred Natural Sites and Their Role in Conservation
  • Cultural Landscapes and Strategies for Their Preservation
  • Impact of Climate Migration on Cultural Identity
  • Rituals and Myths Related to Nature Across Cultures
  • Impact of Environmental Policies on Indigenous Cultures
  • Understanding Cultural Dimensions of Urban Green Spaces
  • Influence of Culture on Perceptions of Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Culture and the Transition to a Circular Economy
  • Perceptions of Water Scarcity in Different Cultures
  • Cultural Responses to Deforestation in Rainforest Communities

Gender and Culture Research Topics

  • Exploring the Cultural Construction of Masculinity
  • Perception of Beauty Standards Across Different Cultures
  • Cultural Interpretations of Transgender Identities
  • Influence of Cultural Norms on Gender Equity in Education
  • Understanding Gender Roles in Indigenous Cultures
  • Implications of Matrilineal Societies for Gender Equality
  • Cultural Factors Affecting Women’s Political Participation
  • Gender Dynamics in Traditional Rituals and Festivals
  • Intersectionality of Gender, Culture, and Religion
  • Gender Representation in Global Advertising
  • Investigating Gender Stereotypes in Children’s Literature
  • Cultural Perception of Non-Binary Gender Identities
  • Influence of Gender Roles on Career Choices Across Cultures
  • Cultural Factors Influencing Maternal Health
  • Gender Dynamics in Migration and Displacement
  • Influence of Culture on Men’s Mental Health
  • Gendered Spaces: A Cultural Perspective
  • Culture and Gender Inequity in Access to Healthcare
  • Cultural Perspectives on Domestic Roles and Responsibilities

Globalization and Culture Topics

  • Understanding the Cultural Implications of Globalized Media
  • Cultural Resistance to Globalization in Indigenous Communities
  • Globalization and the Spread of English: Implications for Linguistic Diversity
  • Influence of Globalization on Local Music Genres
  • Exploring Cultural Homogenization in Global Cities
  • Food Culture in the Age of Globalization: A Case Study
  • Globalization and the Commodification of Indigenous Cultures
  • Globalization and the Transformation of Traditional Art Forms
  • Diaspora Communities: Navigating Globalization and Cultural Identity
  • Transnational Cinema: Cross-Cultural Influences and Globalization
  • Implications of Globalization for Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Globalization and Changing Gender Norms: A Cross-Cultural Study
  • Cultural Hybridity in Globalized Fashion Trends
  • Internet Culture and Globalization: A Complex Relationship
  • Globalization and Its Effect on Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Influence of Globalized Education on Cultural Diversity
  • Cultural Adaptation in Global Marketing Strategies
  • Globalization and Transformation of Religious Practices
  • Impact of Global Migration on Cultural Diversity
  • Understanding Globalization’s Effect on Cultural Autonomy

Intercultural Communication Topics

  • Intercultural Communication in Multinational Corporations
  • Exploring Communication Barriers in Intercultural Marriages
  • Interpretation of Non-Verbal Cues Across Cultures
  • Intercultural Communication in Virtual Teams
  • Analysis of Humor in Intercultural Communication
  • Influence of Cultural Stereotypes on Intercultural Communication
  • Examining Intercultural Communication in Healthcare Settings
  • Challenges of Intercultural Communication in Diplomacy
  • Influence of Social Media on Intercultural Communication
  • Impact of Language Proficiency on Intercultural Communication
  • Intercultural Communication in International Development Projects
  • Implications of Cultural Taboos in Intercultural Communication
  • Intercultural Miscommunication: Case Studies and Analysis
  • Influence of Cultural Dimensions on Communication Styles
  • Intercultural Communication in Refugee and Immigrant Integration
  • Strategies for Effective Intercultural Communication in Education
  • Investigating the Role of Empathy in Intercultural Communication
  • Impact of Intercultural Communication on Global Marketing Strategies
  • Ethics in Intercultural Communication: A Critical Review

List of Culture Research Topics

  • Cultural Perspectives on Death and Afterlife
  • Influence of Pop Culture on Youth Identity Formation
  • Understanding Culturally Specific Healing Practices
  • Martial Arts as Cultural Phenomena: A Comparative Study
  • Street Art and Its Cultural Significance
  • Dynamics of Food Culture: Traditional vs. Modern
  • Exploring the Cultural History of Tattoos
  • Cultural Aspects of Aging: East vs. West
  • Cultural Factors Influencing Childbirth Practices
  • Language Revitalization in Endangered Cultures
  • Cultural Significance of Traditional Dress Codes
  • Examining Body Modification Practices Across Cultures
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Agriculture
  • Analysis of Cultural Aspects in Cybersecurity
  • Influence of Culture on Parenting Styles
  • Representation of Culture in Animated Films
  • Cultural Practices in Disaster Management and Preparedness
  • Cultural Transformation in Post-Colonial Societies
  • Cultural Understanding of Mental Health Disorders
  • Decoding Cultural Symbolism in Mythology and Folklore

Multiculturalism and Diversity Research Topics

  • Multiculturalism in Children’s Literature: A Content Analysis
  • Exploring the Dynamics of Multicultural Teams in Organizations
  • Multicultural Education and Student Achievement: An Empirical Study
  • Influence of Multiculturalism on Urban Design and Architecture
  • Multiculturalism and Its Effect on National Identity
  • Implications of Multiculturalism for Social Justice Education
  • Perceptions of Diversity in the Media Industry
  • Understanding the Challenges of Multicultural Counselling
  • Cultural Diversity and Innovation in Start-Up Ecosystems
  • Effect of Multiculturalism on Interpersonal Relationships in Diverse Societies
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Tech Industry: Case Studies
  • Cultural Diversity in the Judiciary: An International Comparison
  • Multilingual Education in Multicultural Societies: Best Practices
  • Multiculturalism and Its Influence on Public Health Policies
  • Social Cohesion in Multicultural Neighborhoods: A Field Study
  • Cultural Diversity in Political Representation: A Global Perspective
  • Inclusion of Minority Cultures in National History Curriculum
  • Multiculturalism and Its Influence on Contemporary Art Movements
  • Challenges of Managing Diversity in Higher Education Institutions
  • Multiculturalism and the Transformation of Urban Food Culture

Sociology of Culture Research Topics

  • Sociological Perspectives on Cultural Taboos
  • Culture and Social Class: Interplay and Implications
  • Cultural Factors in the Sociology of Deviance
  • Exploring Cultural Capital in Educational Achievement
  • Sociological Analysis of Food Culture and Social Status
  • Subcultures and Their Influence on Mainstream Society
  • Sociology of Cultural Assimilation in Immigrant Communities
  • Cultural Factors Affecting Social Mobility: An Empirical Study
  • Sociological Dimensions of Popular Culture
  • Understanding Cultural Factors in Health Disparities
  • Sociology of Aging in Different Cultural Contexts
  • Exploring the Sociology of Cultural Trauma
  • Cultural Context of Social Movements
  • Sociological Analysis of Celebrity Culture
  • Cultural Dimensions of Urban Sociology
  • Influence of Culture on Social Networks
  • Sociological Perspectives on Cultural Appropriation
  • Cultural Factors in Gender Inequality: A Sociological View
  • Understanding the Cultural Aspects of Gentrification
  • Sociology of Culture and Social Change: Case Studies
  • Cultural Transformation and Its Sociological Implications
  • Understanding Cultural Stigma in Mental Health
  • Body Image Perceptions Across Different Cultures
  • Cultural Influences on Societal Trust and Cohesion
  • Sociology of Music: Exploring Cultural Genres
  • Cultural Factors in Youth Gangs and Deviance
  • Cultural Nuances in the Sociology of Emotions
  • Exploring the Cultural Context of Aging Societies
  • Cultural Perspectives on Social Stratification
  • Sociological Implications of Intercultural Marriages
  • Cultural Narratives in Gender Identity Construction
  • Sociology of Art: Understanding Cultural Expressions
  • Understanding Cultural Perspectives on Human Rights
  • Cultural Factors in Environmental Sociology
  • Cultural Interpretations of Religious Symbols
  • Sociology of Language and Cultural Identity
  • Cultural Influences on Children’s Socialization Processes
  • Exploring the Cultural Dynamics of Social Protests
  • Sociological Perspectives on Cultural Heritage and Identity
  • Cultural Context of Intergenerational Relationships

Subculture Research Ideas

  • Gothic Subculture: A Sociological Perspective
  • Exploring the Culture of eSports Enthusiasts
  • Punk Rock: An Ethnographic Study of Rebellion and Resistance
  • Exploring the Vegan Subculture: Beliefs and Lifestyle
  • Cosplay Subculture: Identity and Community
  • Street Art: A Study of Subcultural Expression
  • Influence of Hip-Hop Subculture on Urban Fashion
  • In-Depth Study of the Online Gaming Subculture
  • Psychedelic Subculture: Perception, Art, and Social Norms
  • Understanding the Straight Edge Subculture: Music and Morality
  • Subculture and Identity Formation in Adolescents
  • Tattoo Subculture: Expressions of Individuality or Conformity?
  • Exploring the Subculture of Comic Book Fandom
  • Bodybuilding Subculture: Discipline, Lifestyle, and Body Image
  • Subcultural Study of Skateboarders: Rebellion or Recreation?
  • Hacker Subculture: Values, Beliefs, and Ethos
  • Exploring the Subculture of Minimalist Lifestyle
  • The Culture of Craft Beer Enthusiasts: A Subcultural Analysis
  • Unveiling the Mysterious World of Secret Societies

Western Civilization Essay Topics in Culture Research

  • Democracy and Its Origins in Ancient Greece
  • Influence of Renaissance Art on Western Culture
  • Exploring the Cultural Significance of the Magna Carta
  • Western Civilization and the Emergence of Scientific Thinking
  • Christianity’s Influence on Western Morality and Ethics
  • Enlightenment Thought and Its Influence on Modern Western Society
  • Fall of the Roman Empire: A Pivot Point in Western Civilization
  • Imperialism and Western Civilization: A Historical Analysis
  • Historiography of the French Revolution in Western Discourse
  • Industrial Revolution: The Engine of Western Progress
  • Influence of Western Civilization on Global Legal Systems
  • The Age of Exploration: Western Civilization Expands
  • Western Civilization: From Gutenberg’s Press to the Internet
  • Interpretations of the American Revolution in Western Thought
  • Historical and Cultural Analysis of Western Romanticism
  • Contribution of Western Civilization to Modern Medicine
  • Development and Influence of Western Classical Music
  • The Influence of Western Philosophy on Modern Thought
  • The Role of Western Civilization in Shaping Modern Economics
  • Western Civilization and Its Influence on Modern Democracy

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Essay Writing Guide

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Art Topics - 200+ Brilliant Ideas to Begin With

By: Nova A.

14 min read

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Apr 23, 2019

Art Topics

Are you a student struggling to find interesting and engaging art topics for your assignments or projects?

The world of art is vast and diverse, offering countless possibilities for exploration and creative expression. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to narrow down your focus. But fret not, as we're here to help you navigate this artistic maze! 

In this blog, we will provide you with a curated list of fascinating art topics that will inspire your creativity and make your assignments stand out. Whether you're interested in exploring different art movements or delving into the cultural and historical significance of art, we've got you covered.

So let’s get started!

Art Topics

On this Page

Art Topics For Students

Here are some engaging art topics to write about that will spark your creativity and deepen your understanding of the artistic world.

  • The Impressionist movement and its impact on art.
  • Exploring the use of color in abstract art.
  • The influence of nature in landscape painting.
  • The evolution of portraiture throughout history.
  • The symbolism in still life paintings.
  • The role of art in social and political activism.
  • Exploring different art mediums: painting, sculpture, photography, etc.
  • The connection between art and emotions.
  • Exploring cultural diversity in art.
  • The representation of mythology in art.

Art Topics for Elementary Students

Here's a table with three columns containing art topics suitable for grades 3, 4, and 5:

Art Topics For Elementary School Students -WriteMyEssay.help

History Art Topics

We always turn back and refer to history in hopes of avoiding past mistakes and learning new things. The same goes for art history. It provides us with a great number of exciting subjects and topics.

You can write about any art movement, time period, and school, talk about their origin and uniqueness, etc. Following are some amazing topics related to history that can help you draft an exceptional piece of writing. 

  • Egyptians used the same art canon for 3000 years. Why?
  • The history and techniques used in printmaking.
  • What is the philosophy of art? Explain the relationship between art and philosophy.
  • African countries and the return of cultural property post World War II.
  • Discuss primeval musical instruments.
  • Stained glass in Medieval France.
  • Venetian carnival masks and their history.
  • Human sacrifice in Mayan culture and its depiction in art.
  • Components of sculptures in Ancient Greece.
  • Draw a comparison between Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramids.
  • The history and origin of Greek theater.
  • Biblical motives in the early paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The significance of Christian symbols in Renaissance art.
  • The beauty standards of Renaissance women.
  • The significance of Raphael’s work.

Art Topics on Artist Bibliography

Artist’s bibliographies make up for interesting essay topics. You never know what you might find going deep into their personal and professional lives, struggles, childhood, and their thinking and ideas.

We have gathered a list of artists from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, respectively, for you to choose for your upcoming art essay.

18th Century

  • William Blake
  • Francisco Goya
  • J. M. W. Turner
  • Samuel Morse
  • Jacques-Louis David
  • Eugene Delacroix
  • Thomas Gainsborough
  • Mikhail Lomonosov
  • John James Audubon
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Katsushika Hokusai
  • Marie Tussaud
  • E. T. A. Hoffmann
  • Grandma Moses

19th Century

  • Vincent Willem Van Gogh
  • Claude Manet
  • Gustav Klimt
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse
  • Hilaire Germain Edgar
  • Auguste Renoir
  • Georges Seurat
  • Alfred Sisley
  • Edgar Degas
  • Paul Cezanne
  • John Everett Millais
  • Frederic Remington
  • Thomas Lawrence
  • Adolf Menzel

20th Century

  • Louise Bourgeois
  • Marcel Duchamp
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Judy Chicago
  • Cindy Sherman
  • Andy Warhol
  • Henry Spencer Moore
  • Georgia Totto O’Keeffe
  • Alberto Giacometti
  • David Smith
  • Vanessa Bell
  • Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Benny Andrews

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Art Topics on Different Epochs

The 18th century was an era of lavish architecture and musicians.

  • Influence of industrial revolution on art development.
  • Late Baroque architecture.
  • Rococo interior design.
  • Importance of Denis Diderot’s critiques of French art in the 18th century.
  • Neoclassicism sculpture: A combination of new and old ideas.
  • Comparison between Baroque and Rococo art designs.
  • Well-known composers of First Viennese School.
  • Marquis de Sade and its contribution to literature.
  • Significance of Denis Diderot’s criticism of French Art.
  • History of the famous Eugene Delacroix’s paintings.

The work of the artists of the 19th century.

  • Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night and its colorists.
  • Why is the carving of the Veiled Virgin by Giovanni Strazza so special?
  • How were the Victorian beauty standards portrayed in their art?
  • Monet’s Sunrise: what is so special about the light?
  • Dancing paintings by Edgar Degas.
  • Changes in the methodology of Impressionism paintings.
  • Artists and their depiction of Victorian beauty standards.
  • The relation between Goya’s prints and French caricatures.
  • The historical significance of Francisco de Goya’s paintings.
  • Paul Gauguin's savage art.

20th-century movements

  • Art Deco and Art Nouveau: similarities and differences.
  • Surrealism in Salvador Dali’s sculptures.
  • Basic principles of futurism.
  • Frida Kahlo’s paintings and the most commonly used symbol in them.
  • Techniques used in Jackson Pollock’s art?
  • The Kiss by Gustav Klimt: discuss its styles.
  • Jasper Johns Flag: realistic and artificial motifs.
  • Futurism and its basic principles.
  • Unusual techniques in the art of Jackson Pollock.
  • Evolution of mannerism in Pablo Picasso’s paintings.

Art Therapy Topics

Art therapy is a worthwhile resource to explore. Here is an interesting list of art therapy topic ideas that you can consider before starting your writing process.

  • Art therapy as an industry.
  • Art Therapy a Form of Psychotherapy.
  • Art Therapy in Abused Children.
  • Art for Communities and Families.
  • Art therapy and the creative process.
  • Benefits of art therapy.
  • Art Therapy in Group Setting.
  • Art Therapy in Children and its Effectiveness.
  • Quantitative Research in Art Therapy.
  • The Power of Art Therapy.
  • Techniques Used For Art Therapy.
  • Losing Yourself in Art.
  • Art Therapy Resources.
  • Art Therapy Activities.
  • Art therapy and mental health.

Art Debate Topics

Coming up with an interesting Art debate topic can be tricky. There are a number of things that you need to consider when coming up with an interesting topic. Following are some of the unique  debate topics  ideas that you can consider choosing.

  • Should abstract be considered a type of art?
  • Should art be recognized more academically?
  • Should kids draw horror art?
  • The purpose of art.
  • Is it possible to appreciate art without liking it?
  • Art vs. Design.
  • How important is art for children's education?
  • How art affects and reflects the world.
  • Is Art Really Necessary Anymore?
  • Was Hitler’s contribution to the arts powerful?
  • Modern art and its legitimacy.
  • Critiquing styles of Harold Rosenberg and Clement Greenberg.
  • The uniqueness of Russian artists.
  • How is primitivism real art?

Art Persuasive Speech Topics

When given to come up with a persuasive speech, it is often up to students to choose a topic.

Choosing the right topic is not an easy task. Here you can find some of the interesting art persuasive speech topic ideas to help you start the process.

  • Do some pets pose a danger to the community?
  • Is battery farming ethical?
  • Why should art classes be enforced in all public schools?
  • How can one benefit from having a pet?
  • What makes a dog a perfect pet?
  • How are dolphins important to the environment?
  • Reasons why you should not raise wild animals as pets
  • What we lose when animals go extinct.
  • Reasons why students should be taught to play musical instruments in school.
  • Significance of learning different languages.
  • Why should graffiti be considered art?
  • Why should museums be free for citizens?
  • Significance of cultural art education in schools
  • Effectiveness of music therapy.
  • How cultural interactions can make people successful professionally?

You can also explore articles to find more  persuasive speech topic ideas  on  5StarEssays.com  and write compelling essays.

Art Topics on Different Cultures

  • How has pop art influenced American culture?
  • Styles and material used in Japanese calligraphy.
  • How does the henna pattern differ in the Middle East, India, and Africa?
  • Asian tribes: their fashion and textile.
  • Maori culture: war dance haka.
  • Bollywood and the Hindi film industry.
  • Why should inappropriate language in English literature be removed?
  • Bollywood dance routines Vs. Americans.
  • History and significance of pop music culture.
  • Why should art therapy be covered in medical health insurance in different parts of the world?
  • Pros and cons of watching Sci-Fi films.
  • Comparison between the romantic comedy of Hollywood Vs. Bollywood.
  • Features of Irani cinema.
  • Significance of sitar in Hindu culture.
  • Contemporary dance forms in different cultures.

Art Topics on Ancient Civilization

  • Influence of science on Ancient Greek sculptures
  • Explain the main reasons for the shift in Roman artistic style in the 4th century.
  • The Great Wall of China and its construction.
  • Women and Politics in Ancient Rome.
  • Female representation in Ancient Art.
  • Art and architecture in Ancient Times.
  • The story behind the art and architecture of Ancient Rome.
  • Describe Ancient Greek literature and theater.
  • Contribution of Ancient Civilizations to the modern art
  • Depiction of beauty in Ancient Art

Art Research Paper Topics

Despite the fact that art cannot be measured with figures as its value depends on personal impressions, it still can be a subject for research.

It is quite a challenging task to study something full of emotions. But don’t worry, as there is much credible data that you can include in your research paper only if you choose the right topic.

Following are some of the interesting topic ideas that you can choose to start with.

  • Gothic and Neo-Gothic.
  • Comparison of Nazi and Soviet art.
  • Can abstract art be decoded?
  • The art of disgusting.
  • Bauhaus movement.
  • Surrealist movement.
  • Photography as art.
  • History and origin of Abstract Expressionism.
  • Similarities and differences between Claude Monnet and Edouard Manet.
  • How cultural identity affects the creation of art?
  • Breaking stereotypes through art and literature.
  • Limitations of the performance art.
  • Mysterious photography and artwork of Vivian Maier.
  • Jazz music of the 19th century.
  • Hidden meanings in the famous paintings.

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Modern Art Topics

Modern art consists of interesting movements, styles, and forms. Choose any of the below topics to write on.

  • The abstract expressionism movement.
  • Pablo Picasso, founder of cubism.
  • Impressionism Vs. Cubism.
  • Development of American pop art.
  • Is contemporary art merely a way for greedy capitalists to make money?
  • Political cartoons as an art form.
  • Are people scared of modern art?
  • History and techniques of printmaking.
  • The definition of “Philosophy of Arts.”
  • The artistic styles of Art Deco.

Art History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Writing a compare and contrast essay isn’t easy, but it allows you to learn a great deal about different time periods, artists and their work and movements, etc.

  • Picasso’s blue and rose periods: similarities and differences.
  • Baroque and Rococo design styles: compare and analyze.
  • Traditional vs. Modern Caribbean music.
  • Renaissance vs. Baroque Epoch
  • What are the main differences between Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci?
  • Roman Vs. Greek mythology.
  • Venus de Milo Vs. The Thinker.
  • Similarities and differences between the artworks of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • The artwork of India and Africa.
  • Styles and techniques of painting landscapes.

We have added a variety of more compare and contrast essay topics in this blog; go check it out.

Art Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The most significant piece of art of the 20th century and why?
  • Graffiti art or vandalism?
  • Banksy artist or vandal?
  • What contributed to making Paris a center of art in the 20th century?
  • Why do we need art in our lives?
  • Why is TV becoming obsolete?
  • Significance of print media in current times.
  • Advantages of listening to classical music.
  • How painting can help treat mental illnesses.

Need more argumentative essay topics? Check out our blog on  argumentative essay topics .

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Art

  • Did iconoclasm affect Muslim art, and how?
  • Causes of the decline of art in Medieval Europe?
  • How has the cultural revolution influenced Chinese art?
  • The invention of the printing press changed the status of the mass media. Examples must be provided to support your position.
  • Raphael’s influence on the art of the Renaissance.
  • Influence of Hitler’s work on literature.
  • Influence of WWI of art.
  • Influence of WWII on literature.
  • How the work of William Blake paved the path for modern art?
  • How did art influence the people during Hitler’s time?

Art Topics For Presentation

  • The evolution of street art: From graffiti to mainstream acceptance.
  • The impact of technology on contemporary art.
  • Art therapy: The healing power of creativity.
  • Women artists throughout history: Challenging gender norms and making their mark.
  • Exploring cultural appropriation in art: Appreciation vs. exploitation.
  • Art and environmental activism: Raising awareness through creative expression.
  • The influence of ancient civilizations on modern art.
  • Art as a form of storytelling: Narrative elements in visual arts.
  • The role of art museums in preserving and promoting artistic heritage.
  • The intersection of art and science: The fusion of creativity and innovation.

Performing Arts Topics

  • The influence of dance in different cultures
  • The evolution of musical theater
  • The impact of technology on contemporary dance performances.
  • The portrayal of social issues in modern dance
  • The role of improvisation in theater
  • Exploring different styles of classical music
  • The significance of costume design in theater
  • How music influences our feelings and experiences.
  • The power of storytelling through puppetry
  • The fusion of traditional and contemporary elements in multicultural performances.

Literary Arts Topics

  • Exploring the use of symbols to convey deeper meanings.
  • The evolution of the novel: From its early forms to modern genres.
  • The impact of postcolonial literature
  • Exploring magical realism in literature: Blending reality and the fantastical.
  • The role of satire in social critique
  • Women writers and the feminist literary movement
  • The portrayal of mental health in literature
  • The influence of mythology in contemporary literature
  • Analyzing the portrayal of bleak future societies.
  • The power of storytelling in oral traditions

Art and Society Topics

  • Art as a vehicle for social change
  • How art shapes and revitalizes communities.
  • Exploring the intersection of art, capitalism, and consumer culture.
  • Analyzing instances of art being censored or restricted due to societal or political factors.
  • Examining the benefits and challenges of arts education in schools.
  • Exploring the therapeutic benefits of engaging with art.
  • How artists express and challenge notions of race, gender, sexuality, and culture.
  • Examining the relationship between art, digital media, and technological advancements.
  • Exploring how artists respond to and raise awareness about ecological issues.
  • Analyzing art projects that promote dialogue, collaboration, and inclusivity within communities.

Art Topics for Personal Development

  • Art journaling for self-reflection and growth
  • The power of imagination and artistic expression to manifest personal goals and aspirations.
  • Exploring art techniques as a form of meditation and cultivating present moment awareness.
  • Using art-making as a means to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance well-being.
  • Creating visual representations of personal stories and experiences.
  • Using different art mediums to process and communicate emotions.
  • Utilizing collage or mixed media techniques to visually represent personal goals and aspirations.
  • Engaging in artistic activities to explore personal identity, values, and beliefs.
  • Using art-making as a means to cope with and overcome challenges and adversity.
  • Experimenting with different art styles and mediums to discover one's unique artistic voice.

Miscellaneous Art Essay Topics

  • Contemporary artists, you like and why?
  • What is your opinion on true art: what is it?
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  • Original Article
  • Open access
  • Published: 01 February 2022

Researching arts, culture, migration and change: a multi (trans)disciplinary challenge for international migration studies

  • Marco Martiniello   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8707-1578 1  

Comparative Migration Studies volume  10 , Article number:  7 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

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The paper first discusses why it is important to research the relations between migration, arts, and cultures. Second, it discusses the most promising methodological options to do it fruitfully. It concludes by claiming that the additional value of such investigations is both to allow a more comprehensive understanding of the migration process, and to move away from the victimization of migrants “rehumanize” them.


The links between arts, culture and migration have long been studied in cultural studies and the Humanities. This research area, however, has been relatively neglected in the growing international field of migration studies in Europe. The field has historically been dominated by demography, sociology, and political science (Martiniello, 2015 ). The reasons for this neglect reflect the dominant approach to migration and migrants since the end of WWII. First, for decades, migration was essentially perceived as a conjunctural economic phenomenon. Migrants were considered mainly as workers and as forces of production in a globalizing economy. As Sayad ( 1991 ) reminds us, the legitimacy of their presence was exclusively based on work, on their status as workers and on their direct contribution to the economy. In that context, their cultural activities and participation were almost totally ignored. The only function of migrants was to work and not to be consumers or producers of arts and culture. Furthermore, as most migrants only enjoyed a low level of formal education and were coming from deprived areas of the south (Europe and beyond), the idea that they could have artistic tastes or that they could be artists, in addition to being manual workers, was not taken seriously. Second, the lack of interest in migrants’ artistic and cultural life also mirrored a more general neglect of arts and culture in general, both in policy debates and in social sciences. If we take the example of sociology, sociology of arts and culture is often considered a minor and marginal subdiscipline that deals with trivial topics.

With the progressive recognition of the fact that migration was not conjunctural but structural, the issue of integration emerged, in most countries of immigration, both as a policy and as an academic issue. Culture, in an anthropological sense, became a contested variable used to explain the difficulties of integration encountered by migrants and their descendants. Lots of debates opposing the “culturalist” perspective on integration, and those stressing the structural and institutional dimensions of it, as well as mechanisms of exclusion and discrimination (Martens, 1975 ), developed. However, it is only in the second half the decade of 2000–2010 that the connections between arts, migration, migrants, and their descendants started to seriously catch the attention of an increasing number of European researchers in migration studies. The European research network IMISCOE [International Migration Research Network] played a pioneering role in that respect Footnote 1 by trying to bring together migration researchers interested in arts and culture and by trying to define together news research areas.

In the initial construction of the Network of Excellence in 2004, one of the research clusters led by Steven Vertovec was labelled “Ethnic, Cultural and Religious Diversity.” The second stream of the cluster was led by Marco Martiniello and was named “Ethnic Minorities’ and Immigrants’ Cultural Productions as Forms of Political Expression”. Its first publication was a special issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies edited by Martiniello and Lafleur ( 2008 ). It focused mainly on the links between arts, culture, and politics in the field of migration from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. It presented a state of the art of the research examining the political relevance of migrant practices in different artistic and cultural domains (music, literature, radio, clubbing, dance, visual arts, and theatre). All the contributors to the special issue were working on the links between arts, ethnicity, and migration. They found in the newly created IMISCOE cluster an opportunity to present and discuss their work and to engage in new collaborations.

In the framework of the restructured IMISCOE, the research clusters were replaced by standing committees. In 2010, POPADIVCIT [Popular Art, Diversity and Cultural Policies in Post-migration Urban Settings] was created under the auspices of Marco Martiniello, Wiebke Sievers and Ricard Zapata. The standing committee expanded as did the interest in arts and culture in the field of migration beyond IMISCOE. For example, in a book released in 2014 on immigration and the new urban landscape in New York and Amsterdam (Foner et al. (eds.), 2014 ), two chapters were dedicated to the impact of children of immigrants on cultural life in the two cities. Kasinitz presented his hypothesis of the “Second-Generation advantage” in New York City ( 2014 ). Sawitri Saharso with members of POPADICVIT, Christine Delhaye and Victor van de Ven ( 2014 ) showed the importance of immigrant youths for the development of urban culture in Amsterdam. In that period, more links were established with researchers working outside IMISCOE. The standing committee published two special issues (Martiniello, 2014 ; Zapata et al., 2017 ). Finally, a further restructuring of the IMISCOE Research infrastructure in 2019 led to the replacement of POPADIVCIT by DIVCULT [Superdiversity, Migration and Cultural Change]. The new standing committee is led by Marco Martiniello and Wiebke Sievers. The objectives of the new Standing Committee are to pursue and expand the work of POPADIVCIT in three ways. First, POPADIVCIT had mainly worked on arts and more specifically on music, literature, cinema and theatre. The scope of DIVCULT is broader. It includes other artistic forms and defines culture in a broader sense. This leaves space to include sports, fashion, clothing, design, food, leisure, etc. Second, the multidisciplinary character of POPADIVCIT included sociology, anthropology, cultural and literary studies, policy studies and political science. DIVCULT aims to also include economists and lawyers in the debates on superdiversity, migration, and cultural change. Third, DIVCULT also wishes to engage more actively in methodological development by continuing previous initiatives in visual studies and participatory arts-based research. In addition, the COVID-19 crisis has forced researchers in this field to develop and use on-line research methods to compensate for the impossibility to conduct traditional fieldwork during the lockdown periods.

In accordance with the objectives of DICVULT, the present article addresses two issues that are often posed when we present our work. First, it discusses why it is important to examine the links between migration, arts, and cultures. What is the additional value of such investigations to the field of ethnic and migration studies? Second, it discusses how to study those links. What are the dimensions of a fruitful methodological perspective to study the multidimensional links between arts, culture, and migration? These questions are also discussed by Wiebke Sievers in an article in this special issue. Sievers presents a different perspective and has a different disciplinary departure point.

Why is it important to examine the links between migration, arts, and culture?

At first sight, it might seem futile to research the manifold links between migration, arts, and culture for at least two reasons. First, for the past 20 years, and even more so since the refugee reception crisis of 2015 (Rea et al., 2019 ), a lot of academic attention has focused on two issues. There is a focus on the growing number of migrants losing their lives in the crossing to Europe because of restrictive European migration policies. There is also growing attention for the inhuman conditions in the encampment of asylum seekers and migrants at points of entry to Europe, like Lesvos, or in the middle of Europe, like Calais. The dramatic human consequences of immigration and asylum policies have been a priority in migration research. One could say that studying the relations between arts and migration while people die at sea or freeze in camps is not only useless but may also be morally and ethically flawed. Second, most cultural, and artistic activities have been totally frozen since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It would therefore not be the appropriate moment to explore the links between arts, culture, and migration.

Despite these considerations, I claim that it is as important as ever to research the links between arts, culture, and migration. Even though the artistic and cultural world have suffered immensely since the beginning of the pandemic, artistic and cultural activities have totally stopped only for a short period of time. In a recent ethnographic study on cultural participation in five districts of the canal zone in central Brussels, it has been shown that, after a short period of total cessation, some socio-cultural workers and artists have invented new ways to pursue activities, both on-line and sometimes outdoors. These activities have proven to be very important in combatting social isolation and in fostering solidarity between the inhabitants, migrants or not, living in the research area (Mescoli & Martiniello, 2021 ).

Furthermore, since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has largely replaced migration and asylum at the top of the media agenda and as the most prominent issue in European political debates. Migrants and refugees are among those forgotten in the management of the global health crisis, which has further increased their precariousness and, all too often, their suffering. The solidarity practices developed by parts of the local populations in European countries have been hampered by the many measures taken to fight the spread of the virus (Martiniello & Mazzola, 2020 ). On the one hand, migrants and refugees on European territory must try to survive with very limited rights in a state of forced immobility on the fringes of the society. On the other hand, regular access routes to Europe are still restricted, forcing many candidates for asylum and migration to attempt the near-impossible. This means they try to reach Europe by sea via increasingly dangerous routes, for instance between the coast of Senegal and the Canary Islands. Clearly, the health crisis has not put an end to either the reception crisis of migrants in Europe, or to the migratory movements whose underlying causes (social, economic, political, etc.) remain. How, in this socially and economically difficult and politically tense context, does art allow us to talk about migration and migrants? Is there an art to talking about migration? The following two case-studies drawn from my research respond concretely to these questions and demonstrate the importance of paying attention to arts in migration studies. The first presents the work and commitment of a Senegalese painter and plastic artist in Brussels. The second presents the work and commitment of an action-theatre company in the Liège region of Belgium (Martiniello, 2021 ). Footnote 2

Taaw, Footnote 3 the eldest in the Wolof language, is a Senegalese painter and plastic artist who has been living in Europe for several years. He lived in Germany and France before moving to Belgium. The son of a filmmaker and documentarian, Taaw closely follows the evolution of African societies and, in particular, the Senegalese society. We came into contact by chance, in the middle of the second lockdown in 2020. A mutual virtual acquaintance once sent me photos of about forty of Taaw’s paintings that he was trying to sell. During this period, the cultural world was once again at an almost complete standstill. The galleries were closed, and the exhibitions were interrupted, but the bills still had to be paid. Taaw, or someone close to him, thought that social networks could be used to advertise his work and maybe find some buyers. My migration sociologist eye was particularly interested in many of the superbly colourful works that I felt had a strong focus on the realities of migration. This was the origin of a strange but very rich encounter, which took place in my open garage to respect the health rules. The exchange was between two men, one a Senegalese painter and the other an Italian–Belgian sociologist, both with specific migration histories, both interested in migration and migrants, and both concerned about human rights and the glaring inequalities in the world.

We discussed the difficulties of life in these troubled times. I told him about my research in the field of migration and the multiple relationships between art and migration that I was trying to understand. I briefly presented him some of the papers, research, and collaborative projects I was developing. We also talked about his paintings, particularly those that depict an aspect of migratory realities. I remembered a short, but crucial sentence Taaw said to me during our first conversation. "I write with my painting". And in fact, Taw’s art tells the story of the often tragic, epic migration of young Senegalese migrants and travellers. Some paintings tell of the preparation for departure, others evoke the risky journey to Europe on makeshift boats. The art of Taaw speaks of migration in colour, with strength and without concessions.

At the time of our first meeting in November 2020, the press sometimes timidly reported the reopening of the clandestine maritime migration route between the Senegalese coast and the Canary Islands, the gateway to Europe. Taaw was touched in the depths of his heart by the reality of hundreds, even thousands, of deaths of young Senegalese and other Africans at sea in their quest for the European Eldorado, their mirage. For Taaw, this deadly exodus must come to an end as quickly as possible. It must be explained to the young candidates for departure that the European Eldorado does not exist and that responding to sufferings in Senegal by risking death at sea is not a good solution. As an artist and a citizen, Taaw has set himself the task of raising awareness both in Senegal and in Europe. He also considers this as an obligation of the eldest child towards his younger brothers and sisters. Furthermore, it is important to make European governments aware of the importance of putting in place win–win migration policies that would facilitate trips between African and European countries for training and work. Is this message being heard? Will it be heard? The question remains open to this day. What is clear, however, is that his paintings can be a powerful tool to raise awareness about the tragedy of migration, which he accurately depicts while also respecting human dignity.

The second case-study deals with En Cie du Sud , Footnote 4 an action-theatre company that produces plays linking the history of migration with contemporary migration situations. The region of Liège in French-speaking Belgium has a migratory history linked to its industrial past, reminiscent of the mining basins of the Ruhr region in Germany and of Northern France. Unlike the latter, Liège has so far been spared from a strong presence of extreme right-wing political formations. One of the reasons for this is the existence of a dense and committed network of associations and civil society organizations. In Belgium, Liège, a mid-size superdiverse city of about 200,000 people (Vertovec, 2007 ), remains an antifascist bastion despite the visible impoverishment of a part of the population which is, moreover, highly diverse and multicultural.

French-speaking Belgium in general, and Liège in particular, also has a strong tradition of action-theatre, which is part of the policies of cultural democracy and permanent education promoted by the government authorities responsible for culture. Themes related to migration have been dealt with by action-theatre groups since the 1970s and 1980s. In 1996, the Théâtre de la Renaissance de Seraing, a city of 60.000 inhabitants adjacent to Liège, staged a show with the mysterious title, at least for spectators from outside of Liège, Hasard, Espérance et Bonne Fortune (Chance, Hope and Good Fortune). These are in fact the names of three collieries in the region where Italian miners arrived as early as 1946. This was the period when the Belgian and Italian governments signed a bilateral agreement for temporary migration between the two countries in exchange for a lower price on coal exported from Belgium to Italy. This agreement is still regularly referred to as the 'arms against coal deal' (Morelli, 1988 ). The agreement stipulated that Belgium would send coal to Italy at a competitive price in exchange for workers that would come from Italy and stay in Belgium for a limited period of 5 years. These workers extracted coal from mines that had been abandoned by Belgian workers because they were perceived as being too dangerous and because the salaries were too low.

The play, which was imagined and designed by young amateur actors, most of them of Italian origin, told the story of this migratory “adventure”, which was largely forgotten at the time. Based on precise documentary research in collaboration with historians and social scientists, the play was produced on a very original stage configuration made of a railway track. The track crosses the room and evokes the arrival of immigrant workers in railway convoys. The main roles were held by four former miners of Italian origin. They played themselves and presented a narrative and anecdotes of their migratory journey in a twirling atmosphere that went from joy to tears in an instant.

Two decades later, the troupe En Cie du Sud and its director, Martine De Michele, who was part of the first play as an actress, decided to revive it, updating the play while respecting the spirit of the original work. Les fils de Hasard, Espérance et Bonne Fortune ( The Sons of Chance, Hope and Good Fortune ) opened in autumn 2016 in Liège, 70 years after the signing of the Belgian-Italian agreement of 1946 on temporary migration. The four miners from the original play had died, so they were replaced by actors. The Sons of Chance, Hope and Good Fortune faithfully reproduces the approach of the first play. The strength of the testimonials remains impressive, while the link between the migration stories of the immediate post-war period and today’s migrations is very clearly established. The 2018 and 2019 editions of the play offered an exhibition for spectators to view before the performance. It included both historical documents relating to past migrations and photos of today's migrants. The troupe is also more diverse than in 1996. The actors are far from being entirely of Italian origin. A young refugee recently arrived in Belgium from Afghanistan plays the role of a young Italian immigrant in the 1950s. Other actors are Belgian, Portuguese and from Yugoslavian descent. The play evokes migration and its ruptures, reception, work, relations with local populations, life, and death. One of the final scenes of the play is particularly icy. It talks about the tragedy of Marcinelle, a colliery near Charleroi in which more than 200 miners perished in 1956, most of them Italians, due to a gas blast. The spectator, through the magic of the theatre, is led to make the link with today's tragedies in the Mediterranean Sea, in which thousands of young migrants have died.

The play was performed in Liège in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 for three weeks in November of each year. The 2020 session was cancelled due to the pandemic, but the 2021 has taken take place in November. The play has also be produced in two other cities of immigration (La Louvière and Mons). So far it has been seen by more than 23,000 people. It is a moment eagerly anticipated by many each year. Because of its historical and commemorative aspects, it attracts many Italian-origin spectators from the region. However, the play is far from being an annual nostalgic rendez-vous for the Italian–Belgian community. With its profoundly contemporary elements, it attracts a public interested in the dynamics of current migrations. Finally, due to its purely theatrical and aesthetic aspects, it attracts regulars of the theatre stages who are as much interested in the professional qualities of the show as they are in its theme.

In 2018, 2019 and 2021, En Cie du Sud and the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies of the University of Liège [CEDEM] organized post-show discussions with the actors, the spectators, and researchers. The spectators could express their feelings about the play, offer their testimony, ask questions about the historical dimensions or current aspects of migration or just comment as they wished. These discussions were always very rich. Everybody felt safe to speak from her/his point of view (artistic, academic, activist, citizen, etc.). Together we showed that an informed and respectful debate on migration is still possible, even in a period often characterized by a stigmatization of migration and migrants in the media and in political arenas.

These two case-studies show that some artists have become masters in the art of talking about migration but also that scholars cannot ignore or neglect these artistic narratives on migration. Often, artists who have personally experienced the migratory process or who are descendants of migrants, draw on their personal experience and expertise to build and convey a sensitive, true and credible discourse on migration. This discourse may be easier to decipher than, for example, our scientific books and articles. Studying their work as part of migration studies is not only crucial because of the content of their expression and discourse, but also because researching the links between arts, culture and migration helps us to look at the multidimensional and complex character of migration. It highlights that migration is not only an economic, demographic, and political phenomenon, but also a cultural one. Migrants are not only muscles and arms, workers, and factors of production, but also agents of artistic and cultural change. They can have a strong social and cultural impact, both on the countries of origin and on the countries of transit and arrival. Let’s now turn to the second question addressed in this article.

How to study the links between, arts, culture, and migration?

In previous publications (Martiniello, 2015 ) I suggested a general framework, constituted by five domains, to study the multiple links between arts, culture, and migration. First, at the cultural level, I suggested focusing on the ways in which artistic productions of immigrants and ethnicized, and racialized artists change the mainstream local, national, and even transnational artistic and cultural landscape . Second, at the social level , I proposed exploring to what extent artistic expressions can help build bridges between groups and facilitate encounters (Vertovec, 2009 ) between populations with different ethnic, racial and migratory origins living in the same city or the same neighbourhood. Third, at the policy level, I suggested examining how cultural institutions and cultural policies respond to the diversification of arts and culture. Are they more inclusive or exclusionary? Is there a public recognition of the cultural input of migrant and minority artists? Fourth, at the political level, I suggested examining to what extent arts and culture can be resources in political mobilization with the aim of redressing the balance of power in superdiverse countries and cities. Finally, at the economic level, the impact of immigrant and ethnic artistic expressions on the local economy also needs careful attention. In each of the five domains, several theoretical frames can be constructed and used. The aim of this paper, however, is not to discuss these theoretical constructions.

To better examine the links between arts, culture and migration at these five levels, I claim that research should be more multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and comparative. First, it is obvious that transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are needed to encompass the five levels of analysis briefly presented above. No single academic discipline can provide enough theoretical and methodological tools to cover them all. More specifically, cultural studies, literary studies and anthropology could take the lead on the first level of investigation dedicated to cultural and artistic change linked to migration. Footnote 5 Sociology, social psychology and again anthropology can provide valuable contributions to the study of the second level on social interactions through arts and culture. Logically one thinks of policy studies and, to a certain extent, legal studies to pave the way for examining the third level dealing with policy framing and change in the field of arts and culture. With the fourth level, political mobilization through art and culture in migration and post-migration situations, we certainly need political sociology and political science, including social movement studies. Finally, to understand the fifth level, the contribution of economic and urban geography is crucial. This list of useful academic disciplines is of course not exhaustive. There is no specific limitation to multidisciplinarity in this research field.

But beyond multidisciplinarity, I suggest that we engage in collaborative transdisciplinary research endeavours. Transdisciplinarity implies that each scholar ventures outside the comfortable borders of her/his academic discipline to learn from and understand other points of view and perspectives. This, I claim, can potentially provide additional value, and simultaneously allow us to locate our research at several of the levels described above. For example, the paper Refugees for Refugees: Musicians between Confinement and Perspectives (Martiniello & Sechehaye, 2019 ) is the result of a collaboration between me, a political sociologist of migration and ethnic relations, and Hélène Sechehaye, an ethnomusicologist. It deals with a musical project launched by a non-profit music organization, Muziekpublique , in Brussels, Belgium. Muziekpublique specializes in the promotion of so-called “world music”, a disputed category. The Refugees for Refugees project features traditional musicians from different countries who have found refuge in Belgium. Through this case study, we examine the complexity of elaborating a project that is based on the common identity of “refugees” while simultaneously valuing their diversity. It also discusses the impact of such participatory projects on the musicians’ careers and integration in the host country. Hélène Sechehaye was involved in the process from its onset. She was a temporary worker at Muziekpublique while preparing her PhD in ethnomusicology. Her input was very important. She showed that the idea that music is a universal language needs to be deconstructed, or at least be imbued with more nuance. The musicians involved in the Refugees for Refugees project were coming not only from different countries (Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tibet, etc.), but also from different musical traditions. Forming the group was an exercise in co-integrating human beings but also in creating a common musical language. Without the scholarship of Sechehaye in musicology, this aspect, which has had an impact on the career of the musicians and on the reception of their work, would have been overlooked.

Besides transdisciplinarity, comparisons can also be very useful in studying the links between art, culture, and migration. In an article dedicated to comparisons in migration studies, I discussed three different modes of comparisons: comparing people, comparing places, and comparing periods of time (Martiniello, 2013 ). In this specific case, I would also add the need to compare different artistic forms. Let me briefly illustrate these different modes of comparisons. First, in my article on the place of music in the political mobilization of second and third generation immigrants in Liège, I compare two multicultural groups of people: a rap crew and a group of football ultras Footnote 6 who both use rap as a mode of political expression, identity construction and protest (Martiniello, 2020 ). Second, Aksoy ( 2020 ) compared the music of Alevi immigrants from Turkey in the cities of Cologne and Wuppertal in Germany. Third, it would be interesting, for example, to compare the place of arts in the political mobilization of second and third generation immigrants in the EU in the seventies and eighties with the contemporary period. The contemporary period has seen the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, in which arts and culture play a central role. Fourth, even though specialized artistic studies have their own merits (theatre studies, hip-hop studies, etc.), it is also interesting to compare different artistic disciplines to answer specific questions. For example, to understand the place of arts in the political mobilization of immigrants, it is more useful to compare music, theatre, literature, and painting than to focus on one specific discipline or genre. This is because the main objective is to contribute to migration studies and not so much to specialized artistic studies.

Finally, the issues of reflexivity and positionality of the researcher, as well as the construction and reproduction of categories, are as crucial in this subfield of research as they are in any other social science research (Dahinden et al., 2021 ). The fact that we might sometimes research artistic processes involving stigmatized and even dehumanized populations invites the researcher to be extra cautious and to pay attention to a series of important questions that are mentioned but not discussed in this article: what is the impact of the researcher’s presence in the field on the self-perception of the social actors we encounter? More generally, what is the impact of the presence of the researcher and of the research on the life of the people we interact with in the research process? To what extent is there a risk of unwillingly reproducing the stigmatizing categories often used in migration debates? How can researchers avoid speaking on behalf of the persons we interview? What impact does the research process have on the researcher’s self-definition and social position? Those questions and several others should be considered in any research project.

In the two case studies I am presenting in the article, my own history played an important role not only on the access to the field but also of the mode of collaboration both with Taaw and with the theatre troupe En Cie du Sud. I was born in Belgium in a family of immigrant workers from the South of Italy. My father arrived in Belgium in 1947 to work in a colliery in the Charleroi region. He ended up in a stone quarry near Liège. My mother arrived in 1950. She worked part time for a big cleaning company. Besides, she was also cleaning private homes and doing all sorts of low paid care jobs for rich families. This typical immigrant workers’ family story has no specific interest, but it is important and relevant simply because my intellectual path and career are deeply rooted in this immigrant working-class environment, materially poor but so rich in humanistic values, family love, community solidarity and socio-political engagement. In the two cases I have presented, I have discussed this personal and family migration experience with Taaw and with the theatre troupe. It helped very much to create trust between us and the reciprocal feeling that we were largely they on the same wavelength when talking about arts and migration.

Migration and ethnic studies have dramatically changed over the past three decades. There has been a process of enlargement, institutionalization, professionalization, and internationalization around the study of migration and ethnic relations, and maybe also the constitution of a real multidisciplinary academic field of research. It has its own networks, journals, books series, academic degrees and so on. The range of research topics becomes broader and broader beyond the traditional pillars of migration studies, such as migration flows and migration policies, just to mention two examples. But some topics remain less developed than others. This is the case with the links between arts, culture, and migration. In this article, I have tried to explain why this topic is important and how we can try to better research it. Studying the relations between arts, culture, migration, and change is a way to acknowledge that migration is a multidimensional total social fact (Mauss, 2021 ). It also affects, and is affected by, arts and culture. This needs to be studied if we want to have a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of migration and its consequences. Furthermore, looking at migrants and their descendants as consumers and producers of artistic goods is also a way move beyond the victimising and stigmatising approaches that are very common nowadays. The lens of arts and culture acknowledges migrants’ agency. In other words, it helps to “rehumanize” migrants, who are too often “dehumanized” and reduced to statistics in current debates and policies.

Availability of data and materials

No applicable.

The handbook published by Dogramaci and Mersmann ( 2019 ) gives a comprehensive picture of this recent subfield of research in international migration studies.

This part of the article is translated and adapted from my 2021 article.

A press cut on Taaw: https://www.igfm.sn/between-bonn-and-dakar-pour-repandre-son-message?random


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Ultras as associations of football fans known for their constant passionate support.


International migration research network

Popular art diversity and cultural politics in post-migration urban settings

Superdiversity, migration and cultural change

Centre for ethnic and migration studies

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Martiniello, M. Researching arts, culture, migration and change: a multi (trans)disciplinary challenge for international migration studies. CMS 10 , 7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878-022-00281-5

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Received : 24 February 2021

Accepted : 20 January 2022

Published : 01 February 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878-022-00281-5

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research topics on art and culture

179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/contemporary-art-essay-topics/

"179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/contemporary-art-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/contemporary-art-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/contemporary-art-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/contemporary-art-essay-topics/.

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Arts Dissertation Research Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On August 11, 2023


Arts is an important academic subject. It has a range of subdisciplines including Economics , History , Political Science , Geography , Sociology , Philosophy , Psychology , Computer Science , Linguistics , Law , Journalism & Media and Tourism & Hotel Management . If you are looking for some exciting yet manageable arts dissertation topics then you definitely landed on the right page.

This blog post provides twenty arts dissertation topic examples so you can come up with an idea that will enable you to achieve a high academic grade in your arts dissertation project. These topics have been proposed by our expert art writers so you can be confident that they will make a great dissertation paper.

Without further ado, here are the top five arts dissertation topics.

Topic 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Modern Art: An Exploratory Study to Find Advancements AI can Bring in Modern Art

Topic 2: what’s wrong with mona lisa a critical review of mona lisa’s painting from various artists’ lens, topic 3: performing arts and cultural development- a study to find the impact of performing arts on the youth cultural development in ancient germany, topic 4: the role of arts in the cultural invasion- a case of western culture penetrating in asian societies, topic 5: the influence of oil-based portrait painting on portrait photography.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

2022 Arts Dissertation Research Topics

Research Aim: This research aims to find the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on modern art advancements. It will show how AI-based models such as Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning models can help to create more dynamic visual arts? It will test these models against real artists to show whether they can create new art based on the previous data? Lastly, it will assess the current work in the area and improve existing models to create better art.

Research Aim: This study intends to critically evaluate Mona Lisa’s painting from various artists’ viewpoints. It will try to dig deep into the picture from the painters’ imagination to the colors used in the painting. Moreover, it will utilize arts literature to draw a framework to analyze Mona Lisa’s painting critically. It will show the greatness and uniqueness in the painting and its problems, which can be modified through ideas and tools used in modern art and literature.

Research Aim: This research analyzes the impact of performing arts on the youth cultural development in ancient Germany. It will show artists and various organizations intentionally and unintentionally used performing arts to affect the youth in old Germany. It will assess the effects of performing arts on multiple aspects of youth lifestyle in Ancient Germany. It will also explore the impact of performing arts on other elements of youth, such as their imagination, productivity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Research Aim: This study assesses the role of arts in the cultural invasion. It will find how various individuals and organizations, even states use different art (performing arts, liberal arts, visual arts, etc.) to invade other cultures? Moreover, it will analyze the western nations to see how they used their culture to change mindsets in Asian societies. It will calculate the difference in fashion, activities, lifestyles, employments, traditions, norms, etc., pre and post cultural invasion times in Asian societies.

Research Aim: This research finds the influence of oil-based portrait painting on portrait photography. It will show how the introduction of oil-based portrait painting influenced various aspects of portrait photography? It will assess the change in portrait photography methods due to changes in oil-based portrait painting over time. Moreover, it will show whether oil-based portrait painting has a role in portrait photography? Or is there no empirical relationship between both? Lastly, it will show through an academic lens how both can be combined to make photography better in terms of concepts, colors, content, photography methods, etc.,?

Research on Cultural Hybridity in the UK's Contemporary Art

Research Aim: This research paper aims to analyze the cultural hybridity found in UK art culture. The UK’s various art reproduces creative work, which enhances the art culture of the entire UK. The UK’s artistic practise creates an opportunity for its art culture to expand all over the world.

Looking through a New Glass: The American Film in the Modern World

Research Aim: This research paper aims to explore American films’ future possibilities by evaluating American films in this modern era. A different perspective is implemented to analyze the entire topic.

Impressionistic Painting: A Drive to another World

Research Aim: The focus of this dissertation is to situate impressionistic painting in the contemporary era. The application of the impressionistic technique gives a new dimension to the art of the contemporary period. The features of impressionism are the insights of the paintings.

Position of Aesthetic art in UK's Tradition

Research Aim: The paper focuses on evaluating the current position of aesthetic art in the UK’s modern culture. It also tries to express how the UK relates aesthetic arts with its tradition.

Idols in Painting Practice

Research Aim: This research paper aims to evaluate the practices of Idol painting in modern art. The abstract paintings of the idol are innovative art techniques to express in-depth knowledge regarding the piece of art. Finding out the reason behind the culture of idol painting is another aim.

The Altering Perception towards Art in Contemporary Culture

Research Aim: This research paper aims to seek out the changing perception of people to art in modern culture. Art is changing in itself, which develops contemporary art, hence the changing perception of people. A comparative study is also provided between traditional art and modern art.

Music in Australia: A Development in Art Culture

Research Aim: The objective of this dissertation paper is to explore the possibilities of modern music culture in Australia. The creative works in music give Australian art an innovative way to express it in the contemporary world, enhancing the position of Australian art.

History of Sculpture Art: A Comparative Study between the East and the West

Research Aim: This dissertation aims to form a comparative study regarding the history of sculpture art between the East and the West. The history of sculpture art of both the East and the West is analyzed to develop the aspects of comparison for the research study.

A War of Photography: Retro Version Modern

Research Aim: The research paper seeks to evaluate the comparison between the war of photography between modern and retro. The black and white tradition of photography is embraced by modern people. The importance of retro in the contemporary world is like innovation in art culture. So, the paper aims to divide the features of both retro and modern photography.

The needs of Modern Painting Techniques: Human vs. Nature

Research Aim: This paper aims to compare the needs of modern painting techniques. The human-centric paintings and the paintings of nature are the comparison topics, which is contemporary painters’ preference. Modern art develops depending on current techniques in painting.

Portrait Art and its Development in Western Culture

Research Aim: This dissertation paper aims to trace the origin of portrait art and its gradual development in western culture. The innovative portrait art is the need of modern civilization.

Classroom Creativity Development through Art and Craft

Research Aim: This dissertation paper is written to analyze the importance of art in the creative development of the classroom. The students in the school are instructed to do art and craftwork to develop their creative insight. Developing creativity is the beginning of innovation.

Visual art: a Communicator of Creative Genius

Research Aim: This dissertation aims to evaluate the significance of visual art as a communicative medium of creative genius. Visual art develops creativity. The impact of visual art can extract creativity from a thoughtful mind.

Art of Ancient Era: A Reflective Study of the East

Research Aim: The objective of this research is to trace the history of ancient art in the East. The importance of ancient art is invaluable through which the culture came into existence. Ancient art helps in developing modern art.

Modern Art: A Tool to Expand the Region of Art Culture

Research Aim: This paper aims to explore the possibilities of modern art and how it can expand the dimensions of art in the future. Through a complete evaluation of contemporary art and its role in the contemporary era, the dissertation seeks the importance of modern art.

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How to find art dissertation topics based on different cultural trends.

  • Research diverse cultural movements.
  • Examine artistic influences.
  • Explore cross-cultural intersections.
  • Analyze art’s reflection of societies.
  • Consider emerging cultural expressions.
  • Select a topic resonating with your passion and research scope.

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How Art and Science Intersect

On this rebroadcast of The Pulse - We often think of art and science as existing in different — even opposite — spheres. One revolves around creativity and imagination; the other around observable facts and data — and never the twain shall meet. But really, art and science aren't as far apart as we might think. For centuries, artists have drawn on the natural sciences, and the wonders of the natural world, as inspiration for some of our most celebrated works. On this episode, we explore the hidden architecture of science that often underlies music, literature, and more. We talk with a mathematician who makes the case that math is key to appreciating literature on a whole new level; a pianist who reveals how the natural world inspired some of classical music's most iconic composers; and an artist whose work on water blurs the lines between art, ecology, and activism.


Singing researchers find cross-cultural patterns in music and language

Language and music may share evolutionary functions. Both speech and song have features such as rhythm and pitch. But are similarities and differences between speech and song shared across cultures?

To investigate this question, 75 researchers -- speaking 55 languages -- were recruited across Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific. Among them were experts in ethnomusicology, music psychology, linguistics, and evolutionary biology. The researchers were asked to sing, perform instrumentals, recite lyrics and verbally describe songs. The resulting audio samples were analysed for features such as pitch, timbre and rhythm.

The study provides " strong evidence for cross-cultural regularities ," according to senior author Patrick Savage of Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland, a psychologist and musicologist who sang 'Scarborough Fair'.

MPI's Limor Raviv, co-author on the study, recorded the Hebrew song 'Yerushalayim Shel Zahav'. Fellow author Andrea Ravignani from the MPI recorded the Italian song 'Bella Ciao', playing the saxophone. The collection also featured the Dutch songs 'Hoor de wind waait' and 'Dikkertje Dap'.

A three-minute video [ https://youtu.be/a4eNNrdcfDM ] of researchers singing, speaking, and playing traditional instruments from their cultures is available.

Speculating on underlying reasons for the cross-cultural similarities, Savage suggests songs are more predictably regular than speech because they are used to facilitate synchronisation and social bonding. "Slow, regular, predictable melodies make it easier for us to sing together in large groups," he says. "We're trying to shed light on the cultural and biological evolution of two systems that make us human: music and language."

  • Language Acquisition
  • Child Development
  • Social Psychology
  • Arts and Culture
  • Popular Culture
  • Great Ape language
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Hearing impairment
  • Ethnic group
  • Entertainment
  • Communication
  • Scientific method

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Materials provided by Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Yuto Ozaki, Adam Tierney, Peter Q. Pfordresher, John M. McBride, Emmanouil Benetos, Polina Proutskova, Gakuto Chiba, Fang Liu, Nori Jacoby, Suzanne C. Purdy, Patricia Opondo, W. Tecumseh Fitch, Shantala Hegde, Martín Rocamora, Rob Thorne, Florence Nweke, Dhwani P. Sadaphal, Parimal M. Sadaphal, Shafagh Hadavi, Shinya Fujii, Sangbuem Choo, Marin Naruse, Utae Ehara, Latyr Sy, Mark Lenini Parselelo, Manuel Anglada-Tort, Niels Chr. Hansen, Felix Haiduk, Ulvhild Færøvik, Violeta Magalhães, Wojciech Krzyżanowski, Olena Shcherbakova, Diana Hereld, Brenda Suyanne Barbosa, Marco Antonio Correa Varella, Mark van Tongeren, Polina Dessiatnitchenko, Su Zar Zar, Iyadh El Kahla, Olcay Muslu, Jakelin Troy, Teona Lomsadze, Dilyana Kurdova, Cristiano Tsope, Daniel Fredriksson, Aleksandar Arabadjiev, Jehoshaphat Philip Sarbah, Adwoa Arhine, Tadhg Ó Meachair, Javier Silva-Zurita, Ignacio Soto-Silva, Neddiel Elcie Muñoz Millalonco, Rytis Ambrazevičius, Psyche Loui, Andrea Ravignani, Yannick Jadoul, Pauline Larrouy-Maestri, Camila Bruder, Tutushamum Puri Teyxokawa, Urise Kuikuro, Rogerdison Natsitsabui, Nerea Bello Sagarzazu, Limor Raviv, Minyu Zeng, Shahaboddin Dabaghi Varnosfaderani, Juan Sebastián Gómez-Cañón, Kayla Kolff, Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden, Meyha Chhatwal, Ryan Mark David, I. Putu Gede Setiawan, Great Lekakul, Vanessa Nina Borsan, Nozuko Nguqu, Patrick E. Savage. Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower and higher and use more stable pitches than speech: A Registered Report . Science Advances , 2024; 10 (20) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adm9797

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Humanities scholars research free speech, AI, sports culture and the Supreme Court

Humanities Scholars Program

By | Kathy Hovis , A&S Communications

Elizabeth Rene ’24 has had an interest in the court system since her high school days watching “Law and Order,” but she became particularly attentive to what was going on in the Supreme Court when Donald Trump became president.

“It was the greatest attack on our democracy and a lot of students my age felt this,” she said. “We started seeing invalidations of landmark precedents, such as Roe vs. Wade, and you don’t see that happening very often in democracies, where you establish a constitutional precedent and then get rid of it.”

That curiosity to understand what was going on in the court, an institution that is supposed to be impartial, sparked Rene to focus on the court for her senior thesis in the Humanities Scholars Program (HSP). She presented her work, along with 34 other students at the HSP Spring Research Conference May 3 at the A.D. White House.

“This year’s HSP conference was spectacular. The range of topics covered, the diversity of approaches, and the level of mastery demonstrated by the students were inspiring,” said Lawrence B. Glickman , Stephen and Evalyn Milman Professor of American Studies in the Department of History and interim director of the Humanities Scholars Program. “So too was the support that their friends, classmates, and teachers demonstrated with their presence and their questions. It was a marvelous demonstration that humanistic scholarship at Cornell is thriving.” 

VerityPlatt , professor of classics, will take over as HSP director this fall. 

“It has been very exciting to see the HSP develop under the inspired leadership of Durba Ghosh and Larry Glickman into a dynamic program that nurtures undergraduate research in the humanities,” she said. “I am honored to be taking on this new role and look forward to working closely with the dedicated, creative, and inspiring students of the HSP.”

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At the May event, students covered topics focused on countries around the globe and ranging from immigration, home care workers and female sports culture to the U.S.-China relationship, the repatriation of cultural objects and AI and literature.

Victoria Rinn ’24 used the resources of the Cornell Law Library, as well as an interview with her grandmother, as she compared the way legal language impacts identity politics and freedom of expression in China and Hong Kong.

“I've always been interested in the history of Hong Kong because my family escaped communist China—when Mao Zedong began persecuting the land-owning members of society—to Hong Kong not only because of the economic freedoms but also due to the larger degree of individual autonomy due to its colonial status,” she said. “Following the 2019 National Security Law protests in Hong Kong, I began to question the intersection between legislation and individual expression.”

Rinn, who plans to attend law school, said the research methods course offered to HSP students, as well as many of her classes in the China and Asia-Pacific Studies Program, were instrumental as she worked on her project.

“My government major seminar focused on China, Tibet and Xinjiang, thereby granting me the research tools necessary for my Humanities Scholars research topic,” she said. “Moreover, the Humanities Scholars Program granted me a cohort of intellectually-alike students who share a passion for the arts as I do.”

Ethan Kovnat ’24, a philosophy major, centered his work on autism and moral psychology, responding to a paper by philosopher Jeanette Kennett, who argued that since people with autism experience empathy in a different way, they cannot be considered “moral agents” under the traditional philosophical definition put forth by philosopher David Hume.

“I read this paper and thought ‘something doesn’t seem quite right,’ “ Kovnat said. “One of the things that I appreciate about Kennett is that she cites myriad psychological evidence to support her conception, but I encountered more recent literature and found empirical evidence that better reflected the actual experiences of autistic people. 

“I’m arguing that Hume’s conception of agency, slightly amended, is able to accommodate autistic moral agents.”

Kovnat said his HSP cohort provided a valuable network for peer review. “Whenever I wrote something, I had this community I could go to for advice and feedback,” he said.

Rene’s research project focused on two justices, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia, and their different understandings of “originalism,” a way of interpreting the U.S. Constitution following how it would have been understood at the time it was written.

“Originalism rose as a theory after the conservative backlash following the Warren court,” Rene said, referring to the period between 1953-1969 when Earl Warren served as chief justice of the court and the court handled such landmark cases as Brown v. Board of Education, Plessy v. Ferguson and Miranda v. Arizona.

Rene studied five major cases that set precedent during the Warren court, including 15 others to better understand the actions and motivations of Thomas and Scalia.

“Clarence Thomas has a tendency to encourage the court to reverse a whole bunch of precedents set decades and decades ago,” she said. “My analysis consisted of looking back and forth at moments in history to see why that precedent was so important to be established in the first place and then looking at the modern era to see how it’s been threatened by the conservative supermajority on the court today.”

The conservatives on the court, Rene argues, claim that their opinions are neutral using originalism at their defense, but the numerous inconsistencies in the way these interpretations happen allow strong polarizations to impact the court’s decisions.

“Justices are always going to possess some degree of political bias, but the degree to which the supreme court is intertwined with other branches is a recent development,” she said. 

Her classes in constitutional law, along with a class taught by Alexander Livingston , associate professor of government and a member of the HSP Faculty Advisory Board, focused on W.E.B. DuBois and Martin Luther King, helped her craft her work, as they “taught me how to extrapolate someone’s writing, but also the background of the life they lived before writing that,” she said.

Rene said she also appreciated the close relationship she developed with her advisors because of HSP. 

“As HSP students, we were actively seeing our advisors, who were really making sure we were using all of the resources available to us,” she said.

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Your Team Members Aren’t Participating in Meetings. Here’s What to Do.

  • Luis Velasquez

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Ask yourself: What do people need to feel that their contributions are valued?

Traditional advice for leaders who want to increase meeting participation call for clarifying expectations, setting clear agendas, and asking open-ended questions. While these strategies have their merits, they might not always work because they’re usually based on the leader’s assumptions about what the team needs, rather than facts about what they actually need. Managers who want their teams to be more engaged in meetings need to foster a safe, inclusive team culture, which requires a deep understanding of their team’s unique dynamics. The author presents several strategies for encouraging employees to engage during meetings.

Sue, a former client of mine, was starting a new VP role at a fintech organization. She found out quickly that the team she inherited had a lower level of participation, collaboration, questioning, and general engagement than the one she had left behind. This was particularly evident in team meetings.

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  • Luis Velasquez , MBA, Ph.D. is an executive coach who works with senior leaders and their teams to become more cohesive, effective, and resilient.  He is the founder and managing partner of  Velas Coaching LLC , a leadership facilitator at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, a former University professor, and research scientist. Connect with him on  LinkedIn.

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    Abstract. Ever since the earliest forms of mass media, the dichotomy of mass culture/popular arts and high culture/fine art has been a topic of debate. The discussion has focused on the value and ...

  7. Home

    The Research Center for Arts and Culture (RCAC) is an archive that provides data, information, and programming in service of artists and the arts. Our Research. Explore the RCAC's research reports, which document the circumstances and needs of artists in America — and address topics including cultural policy, education, participation in the ...

  8. Cultural Research Paper Topics: Exploring Heritage and Society

    Art Culture Research Topics for Assignments. The intersection of art and culture provides a rich landscape for research. Research in this field contributes to our understanding of art's therapeutic and cultural significance and highlights its potential as a tool for healing, self-expression, and cultural values. ...

  9. Arts-Based Research

    Introduction. The term arts-based research is an umbrella term that covers an eclectic array of methodological and epistemological approaches. The key elements that unify this diverse body of work are: it is research; and one or more art forms or processes are involved in the doing of the research.How art is involved varies enormously. It has been used as one of several tools to elicit ...

  10. Research Guides: *Art and Visual Culture: Special Topics in Art and

    Special topics in Art and Visual Culture refer to specific, focused areas of study within the broader field of art and visual culture that delve into particular themes, time periods, artistic movements, or regions, offering in-depth analysis and research opportunities to explore the nuanced aspects of visual expression and its relationship with society, history, and culture.

  11. 333 Art Research Paper Topics & Ideas

    Modern Art Research Topics. Decoding Cubism: Understanding Picasso and Braque. Surrealism: An Investigation Into the World of Dreams. Expressionism: Manifestation of Emotions in Modern Art. Analyzing Futurism: Speed, Technology and the Modern World. Exploring Dadaism: A Reaction to World War I. Conceptual Art: Ideas Over Aesthetics.

  12. Art History Research Paper Topics

    100 Art History Research Paper Topics. Art history, as a field of study, covers thousands of years and countless cultures, offering an expansive array of topics for research papers. When embarking on an art history project, you can focus on certain eras, explore individual artists or art movements, investigate the role of art in specific ...

  13. Microbiomes of Art and Their Importance in Preserving Cultural Heritage

    Adam Pyzik. and. João Trovão. Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest surrounding the " Microbiomes of art and their importance in preserving cultural heritage .". Advances in science and technology have led to the development of several innovative strategies in the restoration and conservation of artwork and cultural ...

  14. Culture Research Topics: Explore Topics on Culture Tapestry

    2 List of Cultural Research Paper Topics. 2.1 Cultural Diversity Research Topics. 2.2 Anthropology Research Topics. 2.3 Subculture Study Ideas. 2.4 Heritage and Preservation Studies. 2.5 Identity Research Topics. 2.6 Socio-Cultural Essay Ideas. 2.7 Psychology Research Topics. 2.8 Western Civilization Essay Ideas.

  15. Arts

    Astronomy; Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Engineering; Geography, Planning, & Environment; Mathematics; Physics

  16. Ancient Art History Research Paper Topics

    African Art: The art of ancient Africa is characterized by its diversity, creativity, and cultural significance. Research paper topics in African art might focus on the spiritual symbolism of masks and sculptures, the aesthetics of body adornment and textiles, the representation of power and authority in royal art, and the cultural exchange and ...

  17. Cultural History Research Paper Topics

    Cultural History Research Paper Topics. Exploring cultural history research paper topics opens the door to understanding humanity's diverse societal heritage. This comprehensive guide, presented by iResearchNet, is a valuable resource for students tasked with writing a research paper on this rich and wide-ranging subject.

  18. 373 Culture Research Topics & Ideas for Essays and Papers

    Interesting Culture Topics to Research for Essays and Papers. Maori Culture and Traditions. Intricacies of Japanese Tea Ceremony. Voodoo Practices in Haitian Culture. Celtic Traditions and Mythology. Arab Bedouin Traditions and Nomadic Lifestyle. Native American Tribes and Their Cultural Diversity.

  19. 200+ Interesting Art Topics Ideas By Professionals

    Art therapy is a worthwhile resource to explore. Here is an interesting list of art therapy topic ideas that you can consider before starting your writing process. Art therapy as an industry. Art Therapy a Form of Psychotherapy. Art Therapy in Abused Children. Art for Communities and Families. Art therapy and the creative process.

  20. Arts & Culture Topic

    Countering Isolation With Creativity. By Teresa Bonner 1. Arts programming specially designed to help older adults access and benefit from quality lifelong learning can foster connection with others and restore a sense of purpose and joy to their lives. Arts & Culture.

  21. Researching arts, culture, migration and change: a multi (trans

    This is the case with the links between arts, culture, and migration. In this article, I have tried to explain why this topic is important and how we can try to better research it. Studying the relations between arts, culture, migration, and change is a way to acknowledge that migration is a multidimensional total social fact (Mauss, 2021). It ...

  22. 179 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Guernica is a depiction of the airborne devastation of a Basque city by the fascists in the period of the Spanish Civil war. Classical and Contemporary Art as Influenced by Kate Beynon. In Li Ji's drawing, Beynon creates the image of a strong, stout and bold warrior completely in control of the mountain next to her.

  23. Arts Dissertation Research Topics

    Introduction. Arts is an important academic subject. It has a range of subdisciplines including Economics, History, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Computer Science, Linguistics, Law, Journalism & Media and Tourism & Hotel Management.If you are looking for some exciting yet manageable arts dissertation topics then you definitely landed on the right page.

  24. How Art and Science Intersect : The Pulse : NPR

    On this rebroadcast of The Pulse - We often think of art and science as existing in different — even opposite — spheres. One revolves around creativity and imagination; the other around ...

  25. Singing researchers find cross-cultural patterns in ...

    Singing researchers find cross-cultural patterns in music and language. ScienceDaily . Retrieved May 20, 2024 from www.sciencedaily.com / releases / 2024 / 05 / 240515164218.htm

  26. Humanities scholars research free speech, AI, sports culture and the

    "My government major seminar focused on China, Tibet and Xinjiang, thereby granting me the research tools necessary for my Humanities Scholars research topic," she said. "Moreover, the Humanities Scholars Program granted me a cohort of intellectually-alike students who share a passion for the arts as I do."

  27. 'Rainmaker' Review: A Sports Agent Remembers

    Two of his clients, Greg Norman and Tiger Woods, had very different priorities, and most pro golfers were clueless about business.

  28. The Art Market Is Down. A Cyberattack at Christie's May Make Things

    This could disrupt its sales of at least $578 million worth of art up for bid this week, starting tonight with a pair of contemporary art auctions amid New York's major spring sales.

  29. Why Bruce Springsteen's America Was Never Real

    The author Steven Hyden's new book, "There Was Nothing You Could Do," unpacks "Born in the U.S.A."

  30. Your Team Members Aren't Participating in Meetings. Here's What to Do

    Sue, a former client of mine, was starting a new VP role at a fintech organization. She found out quickly that the team she inherited had a lower level of participation, collaboration, questioning ...