Operations Management Research Paper Topics

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Operations management research paper topics encompass a wide array of subjects related to the effective planning, organizing, and supervision of business operations. These topics offer a rich field of inquiry for scholars and practitioners alike, reflecting the complexity and centrality of operations management in modern business. This page is designed to provide students with comprehensive guidance on operations management research, including a categorized list of research topics, insights into choosing and writing on these topics, and exclusive writing services by iResearchNet. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced researcher in the field, this resource aims to support your exploration of the diverse and dynamic world of operations management.

100 Operations Management Research Paper Topics

Operations management is a multifaceted field that integrates various aspects of business like production, logistics, quality control, and much more. For students looking to delve into research, here’s an extensive list of topics categorized into ten different sectors.

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  • The role of technology in enhancing production efficiency.
  • Sustainable production practices and their impact on profitability.
  • Mass customization in modern manufacturing.
  • Just-in-time (JIT) production: Pros and cons.
  • Managing production lines for optimal workflow.
  • The influence of automation on manufacturing processes.
  • Ergonomics and production management.
  • The future of 3D printing in manufacturing.
  • Outsourcing production: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Lean manufacturing principles and their application.

Supply Chain Management

  • The importance of information sharing in the supply chain.
  • Risk management in global supply chains.
  • Ethical considerations in supply chain management.
  • Impact of e-commerce on traditional supply chain models.
  • Inventory management: Best practices.
  • The role of transportation in the supply chain.
  • Achieving sustainability through green supply chain practices.
  • The influence of big data on supply chain decisions.
  • Cross-border supply chain challenges.
  • Vendor management and strategic partnerships.

Quality Control and Assurance

  • Total Quality Management (TQM) in the 21st century.
  • Six Sigma methodology in operations management.
  • Quality assurance in the food and beverage industry.
  • Role of continuous improvement in quality management.
  • Balancing cost and quality in manufacturing.
  • Role of customer feedback in quality assurance.
  • Impact of quality control on brand reputation.
  • Quality assurance standards in healthcare.
  • The relationship between employee training and quality control.
  • Quality management systems: ISO 9001 and others.

Logistics Management

  • Technological advancements in logistics and distribution.
  • Managing logistics in e-commerce.
  • Impact of globalization on logistics management.
  • Third-party logistics (3PL) vs. in-house logistics.
  • Green logistics: Integrating sustainability.
  • Humanitarian logistics in disaster management.
  • Role of government regulations in logistics.
  • Challenges of urban logistics.
  • Reverse logistics: Principles and practices.
  • The future of drone technology in logistics.

Service Operations Management

  • The importance of customer experience in service operations.
  • Managing service quality in the hospitality industry.
  • Service blueprinting as a tool for service design.
  • Role of technology in enhancing service efficiency.
  • Balancing supply and demand in service industries.
  • The application of lean principles in service operations.
  • Innovations in healthcare service operations.
  • Ethical considerations in service provision.
  • Outsourcing services: A strategic perspective.
  • Transforming traditional services with digital technologies.

Strategic Operations Management

  • Aligning operations strategy with business goals.
  • The role of operations management in organizational success.
  • Developing a competitive advantage through operational excellence.
  • Integrating innovation into operations strategy.
  • Global strategies in operations management.
  • The role of leadership in strategic operations management.
  • Operations strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Evaluating the performance of an operations strategy.
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Integrating operations.
  • Strategic considerations in outsourcing operations.

Sustainability and Environmental Considerations

  • Incorporating sustainability into operations management.
  • Environmental regulations and their impact on operations.
  • Waste management practices in manufacturing.
  • Achieving energy efficiency in operations.
  • Sustainable practices in supply chain management.
  • The role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in operations.
  • Life cycle assessment in product design.
  • Sustainable procurement practices.
  • The green factory: Myths and realities.
  • Social sustainability in operations management.

Technology and Innovation Management

  • The impact of Industry 4.0 on operations management.
  • Implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in operations.
  • Challenges of integrating IoT in manufacturing.
  • The role of innovation in competitive advantage.
  • Managing technology-driven change in organizations.
  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in operations.
  • The future of robotics in manufacturing.
  • Innovation culture: Fostering creativity in operations.
  • Technology management in healthcare operations.
  • Digital transformation and its impact on operations.

Project Management

  • Agile project management in operations.
  • Risk management in project execution.
  • The role of project management offices (PMOs).
  • Project portfolio management: An integrated approach.
  • Tools and technologies for efficient project management.
  • Stakeholder management in project execution.
  • The psychology of project management.
  • Cross-cultural considerations in global projects.
  • Managing virtual teams in projects.
  • Project failure: Analysis and lessons learned.

Human Resources and Operations

  • Managing diversity in operations management.
  • The role of team dynamics in operational success.
  • Talent management in operations.
  • Employee motivation and performance in operations.
  • Human factors in safety management.
  • The importance of organizational culture in operations.
  • Training and development in operations management.
  • Employee engagement and its impact on operational efficiency.
  • Managing remote work in operations.
  • Labor relations and negotiations in operations.

Operations management remains an evolving and essential field in both academia and industry. The above topics reflect the breadth and depth of areas one could explore. Each subject offers unique insights and challenges, enabling students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. These topics are designed to inspire critical thinking and provide a starting point for those embarking on research in operations management. Whether you are looking for a topic that aligns with your interests or seeking to address current issues in the field, this comprehensive list offers diverse paths to contribute to the body of knowledge in operations management.

Operations Management and the Range of Research Paper Topics

Operations management is a vital aspect of business that deals with the design, administration, and optimization of business processes. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that an organization operates efficiently and effectively. From manufacturing to services, operations management transcends various sectors and industries. In this article, we’ll delve into the multifaceted world of operations management, explore its significance, and elucidate the range of research paper topics it offers.

Introduction to Operations Management

Operations management is all about the planning, oversight, and control of processes that transform inputs such as materials, labor, and technology into outputs like goods and services. It’s a dynamic field that requires a blend of analytical thinking, problem-solving, and practical skills.

Operations managers focus on improving efficiency, reducing costs, maintaining quality, and ensuring that products or services are delivered on time. The scope of operations management is broad, encompassing areas like:

  • Production Management : Deals with the creation of goods and services.
  • Supply Chain Management : Focuses on the flow of materials from suppliers to customers.
  • Quality Control : Ensures products meet specified quality standards.
  • Logistics : Concerned with the movement, storage, and flow of goods.
  • Project Management : Involves planning and overseeing projects to ensure they are completed on time and within budget.

Significance of Operations Management

Operations management is at the heart of any organization, impacting several critical areas:

  • Efficiency : By optimizing processes and eliminating waste, operations management helps in utilizing resources more efficiently.
  • Cost Reduction : Through continuous improvement and innovation, costs can be reduced, leading to higher profitability.
  • Customer Satisfaction : By ensuring quality and timely delivery, operations management plays a key role in customer satisfaction.
  • Competitive Advantage : Organizations that excel in operations management often have a competitive edge in the market.

The Ever-Evolving Nature of Operations Management

The field of operations management continues to evolve, driven by technological advancements, globalization, environmental concerns, and changing consumer preferences. Topics such as sustainability, automation, digital transformation, and global supply chain challenges are becoming increasingly relevant.

Range of Research Paper Topics

Given the diverse and complex nature of operations management, the range of research paper topics is vast and can be categorized into several areas:

  • Production Management : From lean manufacturing to the use of artificial intelligence, research can focus on how to make production more efficient and adaptable.
  • Supply Chain Management : Topics could include risk management, ethical considerations, green practices, and the influence of e-commerce on traditional supply chains.
  • Quality Control and Assurance : Research in this area could explore methodologies like Six Sigma, continuous improvement, and the relationship between training and quality control.
  • Logistics Management : With the growing importance of e-commerce and sustainability, research in logistics management is thriving.
  • Service Operations Management : This includes the design and management of processes that create and deliver services, with potential research focusing on customer experience, technology, and innovation.
  • Strategic Operations Management : Research topics can explore how operations strategy aligns with business goals and contributes to competitive advantage.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Considerations : This is an emerging area focusing on how operations management can contribute to a more sustainable future.
  • Technology and Innovation Management : From Industry 4.0 to digital transformation, this category looks at how technology is reshaping operations management.
  • Project Management : Topics might include agile methodologies, stakeholder management, risk mitigation, and cross-cultural considerations in global projects.
  • Human Resources and Operations : This could include topics like managing diversity, team dynamics, employee motivation, and training in operations management.

Operations management is a vibrant and multifaceted field with a wide array of research possibilities. From traditional manufacturing to modern service industries, from small businesses to multinational corporations, operations management is at the core of organizational success.

The broad range of topics reflects the evolving nature of the field and the challenges and opportunities that come with it. For students seeking to contribute to this essential area of business, these topics offer a rich and diverse avenue for exploration and innovation.

By understanding and engaging with these various aspects, scholars, practitioners, and students can appreciate the importance of operations management in today’s global economy and contribute to its future development. Whether through academic research or practical application, operations management remains a critical field that continues to shape the way businesses operate and thrive.

How to Choose Operations Management Research Paper Topics

Choosing the right topic for a research paper in operations management is a critical step that can significantly impact the quality and relevance of your work. It can be both an exciting and daunting task, given the wide array of topics available in this dynamic field. In this section, we’ll provide an introductory paragraph, 10 practical tips, and a concluding paragraph to guide you in selecting the ideal operations management research paper topic.

Operations management is a multifaceted field that encompasses various aspects of business processes, from production to logistics, supply chain to quality control. As such, it offers a wide range of intriguing research paper topics. The right topic not only aligns with your interests and academic goals but also has the potential to contribute to the broader field of operations management. Here are some tips to assist you in making an informed choice.

10 Tips for Choosing Operations Management Research Paper Topics

  • Identify Your Interests : Start by listing areas within operations management that intrigue you the most. Passion for the subject can fuel your research and make the process more enjoyable.
  • Understand the Scope : Consider the breadth and depth of the topic. A topic that’s too broad may be unmanageable, while a too narrow focus may lack sufficient material for research.
  • Check for Relevance : Ensure that the topic aligns with current industry trends and challenges. A relevant topic will have a greater impact and may open opportunities for further study or career advancement.
  • Consult Academic Sources : Look through academic journals, textbooks, and other scholarly publications in operations management to discover prevailing research themes and gaps in the literature.
  • Consider Practical Implications : If possible, choose a topic that has practical applications in real-world scenarios. This connection between theory and practice can make your research more compelling.
  • Assess Available Resources : Evaluate the resources you have at your disposal, including access to data, software, labs, or industry experts. Some topics might require specialized tools or contacts.
  • Seek Guidance from Advisors : Consult with professors, mentors, or industry professionals who have expertise in operations management. Their insights can help refine your topic and provide direction.
  • Evaluate Your Skill Set : Reflect on your skills and expertise in the subject area. Selecting a topic that complements your strengths will facilitate a smoother research process.
  • Consider Ethical Implications : Ensure that the chosen topic adheres to ethical standards, especially if it involves human subjects, sensitive data, or controversial issues.
  • Think about Future Opportunities : Your research paper can be a stepping stone for further studies, publications, or career opportunities. Consider how the chosen topic might align with your long-term goals.

Concluding Thoughts

Choosing a research paper topic in operations management is a delicate balance between your interests, the academic and industry relevance, the feasibility of research, and alignment with ethical standards. By adhering to these tips, you can select a topic that not only resonates with your passion and capabilities but also contributes to the field of operations management.

Remember that the right topic is a catalyst that can ignite your creativity and analytical abilities, leading to a meaningful and rewarding research experience. Whether you’re exploring sustainable supply chain practices or innovative quality control techniques, your choice of topic is the foundation upon which your entire research project is built. Make it a strong, informed one, and you’ll set yourself up for success in the vibrant world of operations management.

How to Write an Operations Management Research Paper

Writing a research paper in operations management is a systematic process that requires careful planning, in-depth research, and coherent presentation. This endeavor involves not only an understanding of the operations management concepts but also the ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply them in various real-world contexts. Below, you will find an introductory paragraph, 10 essential tips, and a concluding paragraph to guide you through the process of writing an operations management research paper.


Operations management is a complex field that integrates various aspects of production, quality control, logistics, and supply chain management. Writing a research paper on a topic within this discipline demands a clear understanding of both theoretical principles and practical applications. The task may seem overwhelming, but with the right approach and adherence to specific guidelines, you can craft a paper that stands out in quality and relevance.

10 Tips for Writing an Operations Management Research Paper

  • Choose the Right Topic : Refer to the previous section for tips on selecting a relevant and engaging topic that aligns with your interests and the broader field of operations management.
  • Conduct Thorough Research : Utilize reputable academic sources such as journals, textbooks, and industry reports. Gather sufficient data and insights that relate to your chosen topic.
  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement : Your thesis should clearly articulate the main idea or argument of your paper. It serves as the guiding star for your entire research.
  • Develop an Outline : Before diving into writing, create a detailed outline that maps out the structure of your paper. It should include an introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion, and references.
  • Write a Compelling Introduction : Start your paper with an engaging introduction that provides background on the topic, states the problem, and introduces the thesis statement.
  • Include a Literature Review : Summarize existing research on the topic, highlighting key theories, models, and empirical findings. This section establishes the context for your study.
  • Explain Your Methodology : Describe the research design, methods, and tools you used to collect and analyze data. Be meticulous in explaining how you ensured the reliability and validity of your study.
  • Present Findings Clearly : Organize and present your research findings in a logical manner. Use charts, graphs, and tables where necessary to visualize the data.
  • Discuss the Implications : In the discussion section, interpret the results, compare them with existing research, and explore the implications for operations management practice and future research.
  • Edit and Revise : Spend ample time revising and proofreading your paper. Consider seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or professional editing services to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness.

Writing a research paper in operations management is a rewarding yet challenging task. It requires a fusion of technical knowledge, analytical thinking, and writing skills. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to craft a paper that is not only academically rigorous but also relevant to the dynamic and multifaceted world of operations management.

Remember, writing a research paper is a process that demands time, effort, and perseverance. Be patient with yourself and stay committed to excellence at every stage of the journey. The final product – a well-researched, well-written paper – is a testament to your intellectual curiosity, hard work, and contribution to the ever-evolving field of operations management. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a student just starting out, these guidelines are designed to empower you to write with confidence and integrity in the domain of operations management.

iResearchNet Writing Services

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The field of operations management is multifaceted, combining elements of logistics, supply chain management, quality control, and production. Creating a research paper that captures all these aspects can be a daunting task. iResearchNet, a leading academic writing service provider, is here to help students craft impeccable operations management research papers. With a team of expert degree-holding writers, state-of-the-art research methods, and top-notch customer support, iResearchNet offers a full suite of services tailored to your needs. Below, you will find an introductory paragraph, details of our 13 standout features, and a concluding paragraph.

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges students face when tasked with writing a research paper on a complex subject such as operations management. That’s why we have designed our services to offer a customized solution that caters to your unique requirements. Whether you need assistance with topic selection, research, writing, or formatting, our team of professional writers and researchers is ready to provide comprehensive support.

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iResearchNet is committed to empowering students in their academic journey by providing top-tier writing services tailored to the complex world of operations management. Our comprehensive approach, attention to detail, and dedication to excellence set us apart in the industry.

Our aim is not just to meet your expectations but to exceed them. By choosing iResearchNet for your operations management research paper, you are investing in a service that values quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction. Trust us to be your academic ally, and we will work diligently to help you achieve success in your studies and beyond. Whether it’s a short-term assignment or a major research project, we are here to support you every step of the way. Partner with us and experience the iResearchNet difference.

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With a vast ocean of research topics in operations management, the task of writing an insightful and comprehensive paper might seem overwhelming. But fear not! iResearchNet is here to turn your academic challenges into achievements. Our dedicated team, world-class services, and unwavering commitment to quality are just a click away.

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research topics for mba operations management

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Research Topics & Ideas: Business

50+ Management Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Business/management/MBA research topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a business/management-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of  research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the management domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Business Research Topics

  • Business /management strategy
  • Human resources (HR) and industrial psychology
  • Finance and accounting
  • Operations management
  • International business
  • Actual business dissertations & theses

Strategy-Related Research Topics

  • An analysis of the impact of digital transformation on business strategy in consulting firms
  • The role of innovation in transportation practices for creating a competitive advantage within the agricultural sector
  • Exploring the effect of globalisation on strategic decision-making practices for multinational Fashion brands.
  • An evaluation of corporate social responsibility in shaping business strategy, a case study of power utilities in Nigeria
  • Analysing the relationship between corporate culture and business strategy in the new digital era, exploring the role of remote working.
  • Assessing the impact of sustainability practices on business strategy and performance in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry
  • An analysis of the effect of social media on strategic partnerships and alliances development in the insurance industry
  • Exploring the role of data-driven decision-making in business strategy developments following supply-chain disruptions in the agricultural sector
  • Developing a conceptual framework for assessing the influence of market orientation on business strategy and performance in the video game publishing industry
  • A review of strategic cost management best practices in the healthcare sector of Indonesia
  • Identification of key strategic considerations required for the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 to develop a circular economy
  • Reviewing how Globalisation has affected business model innovation strategies in the education sector
  • A comparison of merger and acquisition strategies’ effects on novel product development in the Pharmaceutical industry
  • An analysis of market strategy performance during recessions, a retrospective review of the luxury goods market in the US
  • Comparing the performance of digital stakeholder engagement strategies and their contribution towards meeting SDGs in the mining sector

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Human Resources (HR)

  • Exploring the impact of digital employee engagement practices on organizational performance in SMEs
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • An evaluation of remote employee training and development programs efficacy in the e-commerce sector
  • Comparing the effect of flexible work arrangements on employee satisfaction and productivity across generational divides
  • Assessing the relationship between gender-focused employee empowerment programs and job satisfaction in the UAE
  • A review of the impact of technology and digitisation on human resource management practices in the construction industry
  • An analysis of the role of human resource management in talent acquisition and retention in response to globalisation and crisis, a case study of the South African power utility
  • The influence of leadership style on remote working employee motivation and performance in the education sector.
  • A comparison of performance appraisal systems for managing employee performance in the luxury retail fashion industry
  • An examination of the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction in blue-collar workplaces, A systematic review
  • Exploring HR personnel’s experiences managing digital workplace bullying in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the success of HR team integration following merger and acquisition on employee engagement and performance
  • Exploring HR green practices and their effects on retention of millennial talent in the fintech industry
  • Assessing the impact of human resources analytics in successfully navigating digital transformation within the healthcare sector
  • Exploring the role of HR staff in the development and maintenance of ethical business practices in fintech SMEs
  • An analysis of employee perceptions of current HRM practices in a fully remote IT workspace

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Finance & Accounting

  • An analysis of the effect of employee financial literacy on decision-making in manufacturing start-ups in Ghana
  • Assessing the impact of corporate green innovation on financial performance in listed companies in Estonia
  • Assessing the effect of corporate governance on financial performance in the mining industry in Papua New Guinea
  • An evaluation of financial risk management practices in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia
  • Exploring the role of leadership financial literacy in the transition from start-up to scale-up in the retail e-commerce industry.
  • A review of influential macroeconomic factors on the adoption of cryptocurrencies as legal tender
  • An examination of the use of financial derivatives in risk management
  • Exploring the impact of the cryptocurrency disruption on stock trading practices in the EU
  • An analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in academic publishing houses
  • A comparison of financial ratios performance in evaluating E-commerce startups in South Korea.
  • An evaluation of the role of government policies in facilitating manufacturing companies’ successful transitioning from start-up to scale-ups in Denmark
  • Assessing the financial value associated with industry 4.0 transitions in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
  • Exploring the role of effective e-leadership on financial performance in the Nigerian fintech industry
  • A review of digital disruptions in CRM practices and their associated financial impact on listed companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Exploring the importance of Sharia-based business practices on SME financial performance in multicultural countries

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Ideas: Operations Management

  • An assessment of the impact of blockchain technology on operations management practices in the transport industry of Estonia
  • An evaluation of supply chain disruption management strategies and their impact on business performance in Lithuania
  • Exploring the role of lean manufacturing in the automotive industry of Malaysia and its effects on improving operational efficiency
  • A critical review of optimal operations management strategies in luxury goods manufacturing for ensuring supply chain resilience
  • Exploring the role of globalization on Supply chain diversification, a pre/post analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • An analysis of the relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription-based business models
  • Assessing the cost of sustainable sourcing practices on operations management and supply chain resilience in the Cocao industry.
  • An examination of the adoption of behavioural predictive analytics in operations management practices, a case study of the
  • Italian automotive industry
  • Exploring the effect of operational complexity on business performance following digital transformation
  • An evaluation of barriers to the implementation of agile methods in project management within governmental institutions
  • Assessing how the relationship between operational processes and business strategy change as companies transition from start-ups to scale-ups
  • Exploring the relationship between operational management and innovative business models, lessons from the fintech industry
  • A review of best practices for operations management facilitating the transition towards a circular economy in the fast food industry
  • Exploring the viability of lean manufacturing practices in Vietnam’s plastics industry
  • Assessing engagement in cybersecurity considerations associated with operations management practices in industry 4.0 manufacturing

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: International Business

  • The impact of cultural differences in communication on international business relationships
  • An evaluation of the role of government import and export policies in shaping international business practices
  • The effect of global shipping conditions on international business strategies
  • An analysis of the challenges of managing multinational corporations: branch management
  • The influence of social media marketing on international business operations
  • The role of international trade agreements on business activities in developing countries
  • An examination of the impact of currency fluctuations on international business and cost competitiveness
  • The relationship between international business and sustainable development: perspectives and benefits
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in emerging markets such as the renewable energy industry
  • An analysis of the role of internationalisation via strategic alliances in international business
  • The impact of cross-cultural management on international business performance
  • The effect of political instability on international business operations: A case study of Russia
  • An analysis of the role of intellectual property rights in an international technology company’s business strategies
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and international business strategy: a comparative study of different industries
  • The impact of technology on international business in the fashion industry

Topics & Ideas: Leadership

  • A comparative study of the impact of different leadership styles on organizational performance
  • An evaluation of transformational leadership in today’s non-profit organizations
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and productivity
  • An analysis of the relationship between leadership style and employee motivation
  • The influence of diversity and inclusion on leadership practices in South Africa
  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence technology on leadership in the digital age
  • An examination of the challenges of leadership in a rapidly changing business environment: examples from the finance industry
  • The relationship between leadership and corporate culture and job satisfaction
  • An evaluation of the role of transformational leadership in strategic decision-making
  • The use of leadership development programs in enhancing leadership effectiveness in multinational organisations
  • The impact of ethical leadership on organizational trust and reputation: an empirical study
  • An analysis of the relationship between various leadership styles and employee well-being in healthcare organizations
  • The role of leadership in promoting good work-life balance and job satisfaction in the age of remote work
  • The influence of leadership on knowledge sharing and innovation in the technology industry
  • An investigation of the impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural leadership effectiveness in global organizations

Business/Management Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a business-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various management-related degree programs (e.g., MBAs, DBAs, etc.) to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Sustaining Microbreweries Beyond 5 Years (Yanez, 2022)
  • Perceived Stakeholder and Stockholder Views: A Comparison Among Accounting Students, Non-Accounting Business Students And Non-Business Students (Shajan, 2020)
  • Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Ecological Paradigm among Business Students in Southern California (Barullas, 2020)
  • Entrepreneurial opportunity alertness in small business: a narrative research study exploring established small business founders’ experience with opportunity alertness in an evolving economic landscape in the Southeastern United States (Hughes, 2019)
  • Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study (Culver, 2021)
  • Analyzing the Drivers and Barriers to Green Business Practices for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ohio (Purwandani, 2020)
  • The Role of Executive Business Travel in a Virtual World (Gale, 2022)
  • Outsourcing Security and International Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Human Rights Violations (Hawkins, 2022)
  • Lean-excellence business management for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq (Mohammad, 2021)
  • Science Data Sharing: Applying a Disruptive Technology Platform Business Model (Edwards, 2022)
  • Impact of Hurricanes on Small Construction Business and Their Recovery (Sahu, 2022)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

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Hi, Your work is very educative, it has widened my knowledge. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for helping me understand how to craft a research topic. I’m pursuing a PGDE. Thank you


Effect of Leadership, computerized accounting systems, risk management and monitoring on the quality of financial Reports among listed banks

Denford Chimboza

May you assist on a possible PhD topic on analyzing economic behaviours within environmental, climate and energy domains, from a gender perspective. I seek to further investigate if/to which extent policies in these domains can be deemed economically unfair from a gender perspective, and whether the effectiveness of the policies can be increased while striving for inequalities not being perpetuated.

Negessa Abdisa

healthy work environment and employee diversity, technological innovations and their role in management practices, cultural difference affecting advertising, honesty as a company policy, an analysis of the relationships between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription based business model,business corruption cases. That I was selected from the above topics.

Ngam Leke

Research topic accounting

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86 Operations Management Topics

Operations management orchestrates all the processes to produce goods and deliver services efficiently. On this page, we suggest operations management research topics for you to explore the multifaceted dimensions of this field. Go through these operations management topics to discover the role of operations management in organizational success.

🔀 TOP 10 Operations Management Topics

🏆 best operations management research topics, 👍 examples of topics in operations management, 🌶️ more operations management topics.

  • Starbucks Operations and Inventory Management
  • Samsung Group’s Supply Chain and Operation Management
  • Operations Management: Apple Case Study
  • The Role of Technology in Operations Management
  • Human Resource Strategy in Operations Management
  • McDonald’s Operations: Self-Service Kiosk Case Study
  • Air New Zealand Airline’s Operations Management
  • Operational Management: the Case of Apple, Inc.
  • Samsung Electronics: Operations Management Performance Objectives
  • Apple Inc.’s Strategic Operations Management
  • Operations Management: The Case of Concept Design Services Operations management is the approach to managing a range of resources that are used in order to manufacture certain products or propose specific services.
  • Nissan Motor Company: Operations Management To ensure financial stability and a strong position in the target market, recently, Nissan has decided to reorganize its operations strategy.
  • Hard Rock Café’s Operations Management and Productivity The case deals with Hard Rock café, the modest pub in London, which has grown exponentially within a very short span of 30 years.
  • Linear Programming Operations Management Linear programming operations management is a mathematical strategy that is employed for arranging scarce or limited resources effectively while performing various tasks.
  • Kodak: Operations and Innovations Management This paper provides analysis of Kodak’s situation using the 3S model, application to Kodak, providing strategic analysis, systematic analysis, and situational analysis.
  • Toyota’s vs. Coca-Cola’s Operations Management The adoption of proper operations management is an important success factor for leading global companies, namely Coca-Cola and Toyota.
  • Financial Operation Exposure Management Principles There are many principles that a company can implement to counter financial operation exposure. The definition of operating exposure affirms that it involves unexpected changes.
  • Lenovo Group Ltd.’s Operations and Information Management The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of operations and information management and related concepts.
  • General Motors Operation Analysis: Project Management Speaking of General Motors, the company’s operational objective is improving performance and the level of customers’ satisfaction.
  • Heathrow Airport’s Service Operations Management The study evaluates service management at Heathrow airport and evaluates actions and measures that have been taken to improve the service quality at the airport.
  • General Motors Company: Operations Management Concepts The present essay analyzes the current situation at General Motors and provides some recommendations for effective operations management.
  • McDonald Corporation: Operations Management and Productivity In all the restaurants under McDonald Corporation around the world, there are a number of operations that are related to the overall organizational strategy.
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industry’s Operation and Management The paper regards the non-alcoholic beverages sustainability in the context of company analysis. It discusses organizational hierarchy development and finance raising.
  • Hard Rock Café: Operations Management and Productivity This paper describes ten operations and performance management solutions at Hard Rock Café that help create the link between raw data processing and the final product.
  • WalMart Stores’ Operation Management Operation management is the process that transfers inputs such as raw materials and labor into output in the form of finished goods and services.
  • Operations Management Trends and Future Operations management has evolved and changed over the years, affecting areas such as manufacturing and service.
  • Operations Management in Business Operations management is described as the organization of processes used to produce and distribute products and services. There are five main objectives of operations management.
  • Franklin Equipment Ltd Company’s Operations Management The purpose of this paper is to discuss the criteria used by FEL to assign members of the project team, the importance of international projects and possible ethical dilemmas.
  • Local Food Venture and Its Operations Management Building a small business enterprise is a complex task. This case study examines a model of expanding a local food venture to a permanent location and franchise.
  • Airbus Company Systems and Operations Management In the context of the Airbus and its integration within business, systems and operations management is of significant importance in diverse ways.
  • Operations Management and Productivity Operation management aims at ensuring that functions in a business are conducted in the most efficient manner, so as the end results are satisfied customers and reduced cost of production.
  • Oman Refinery Company’s Operations Management T report aims to analyse critically ORPIC’s existing operations management practices, focusing on such areas as HR, quality management, and supply chain.
  • Transport Efficiency Through Operation Management Operations management is one of the management fields which are increasingly becoming relevant in the competitive business environment.
  • Construction Company’s Operational Risk Management This work presents an operational risk assessment connected to standard masonry techniques and procedures in the development of five-story apartment blocks.
  • Operations Management of a Care Facility for the Elderly Any institution dealing with the provision of care to dependent elderly persons should ensure that its strategies are broad enough to cover the wide range of needs of the elderly.
  • Operations Management Research Operations management is connected directly to the value stream and is thus tasked to maximize its effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Azure: Service Operations Management Overview The operation that Microsoft nurtures provides customers with numerous cloud services that are assembled under the name of Azure.
  • Thai-Lay Fashion Company’s Operations Management The paper reviews operations management in business with reference to the Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd., which is situated in Hong Kong.
  • Metrics and Performance Measurement in Operations Management Metrics is indeed a powerful management tool in aligning company strategies and objectives and ensuring people are working towards a common direction.
  • Lean Process and Operation Management The lean process applied along with the operations management is the popular paradigm that affects the functioning of companies and results in the rise of positive shifts in them.
  • The Concept of Operations Management Operations management (OM) is defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products.
  • Combat Stress and Operational Stress Management Combat and operational stress is emotional and physiological stress which is a direct result of dangers faced in combat or the mere tension of being in combat.
  • Operations Management of Logistics and Supply Chain The effective operations management of logistics and supply chain can deliver various goals such as cost reduction, timely response, waste reduction, and improved profitability.
  • Operation Management and Value Chain in Healthcare One of the main challenges in healthcare is that service cost reduction should not affect health outcomes in patients.
  • Strategic Shipping Operations Management: Liquefied Natural Gas This research analyzes some commercial and technical strategies most beneficial to facilitate the transportation of LNG with specialized designed LNG tankers.
  • Online Grocery Business: Operations Management The project can have one and more critical paths. When a project has multiple critical paths, project risks increase according to the number of paths.
  • Production and Operations Management Depreciation of products means lower prices for goods produced in mainland China. Products with a lower price may increase exports from both Hong Kong and mainland China.
  • Aspects of Operations Management Operations management is a vast and encompassing term used to collectively describe all business activities, which drive its internal processes.
  • Operations Management: Ford vs. Firestone This paper is an analysis of Ford vs. Firestone case “Death on the Highway: Quality Problems at Ford and Firestone” to unearth the operations management crisis in the two companies.
  • Introduction to Operations Management Course The “Introduction to management” course built a strong foundation of knowledge connected with the organization’s peculiarities, management strategies, and organization operations.
  • Operations Management and Production System: Case of Olive Garden Restaurant The presented paper is devoted to the discussion of operations management and production system using the case of Olive Garden restaurant
  • Launching an Airline: Operations and Management Launching an airline requires a deep understanding of the market forces. The industry has many challenges, from stiff competition, to fluctuating oil prices, and policies that may hurt profitability.
  • Big Bone BBQ and Wicked Wings Restaurants’ Operations Management The current system of Big Bone BBQ is successful, but it does not realize its full potential due to a lack of automation that leads to imprecision and considerable wastage.
  • Roche Company’s Operations Management This report examines three of Roche’s OM decision areas, compares and contrasts the organisation with another firm using the 4Vs of operations.
  • Canbide Corporation Operations Management Tools This paper focuses on individual problems and potential solutions of Canbide Corporation with an emphasis on the need to have managers who are experienced to use analysis tools efficiently.
  • Operations Management and Productivity It is certain that operations management is crucial for every business that strives for development. This field addresses an array of organizational processes.
  • Operational Management in Large Organizations Using the example of Zara and Kohl stores, the paper analyzes the most effective strategies that allowed companies to realize themselves as profitably as possible.
  • Operations Management Definition Operations management is an essential process that uses raw materials to turn them into goods and services. This phenomenon is connected with the supply chain.
  • Operations and Information Management of CC Music The given report outlines the main features of CC Music, a company founded by Chris and Clive. It focuses on the provision of specific services to bands that include social media marketing.
  • The Operations Process and Types of Training Management in the Army Training is a significant aspect of improving the skills of soldiers and preparing them for upcoming or potential operations.
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management The principal task of this essay is to explain what can happen if a project stage is not completed and if a stakeholder decides not to participate in the project implementation.
  • Innovation in Operation Management – Personal Experience To overcome the different challenges faced by companies, they must put in place some strategies like differentiating their products or services from those of the competition.
  • Operations Management in Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. Thai-Lay is a textile manufacturing company in Hong Kong with its markets situated mainly in Europe. The company produces a wide range of ready-made garments for adults and children of both sexes.
  • CB&I Firm’s Operations and Supply Chain Management CB&I is an American construction and building company that also supplies raw materials to various small and medium-sized firms.
  • Emergency Operations and Its Management This essay discusses emergency operations centers, and plans, preparing the populace, the press role, risk communication, and training and preparedness exercises.
  • Operations Management: Factors and Approaches Operations management is critical for any business because it can be used for effective work that ensures the possibility to meet the overall business objectives.
  • “Operations Management” Term in Academic Literature This paper is aimed at discussing the way in which the business notion of “operations management” is introduced in the academic literature.
  • Project and Operation Management Essentials Operation management can be defined as a system of theories and strategies aimed at optimizing the processes occurring in the setting of entrepreneurship or aimed at completing a specific project.
  • Azzaz Shop’s Operations and Information Management Azzaz is a mobile phone and accessories retailer based in England, owned by Lewis. The business started with a single shop, which Lewis has grown into a chain of eleven.
  • Nutmeg Enterprises’ Operations Management In the case study of Nutmeg Enterprises, the operational framework of the beverage manufacturer and distributor is provided.
  • Worldwide Chemical Company’s Operations Management The current “fix it” approach maintained by the Worldwide Chemical Company is ultimately faulty. It leads to the decreased first-quality product yields and on-time deliveries.
  • American Workplace and Operations Management The paper reviews “State of the American Workplace” analysis by Gallup and provides applications of operations management concepts to improving employee engagement.
  • Abasco Company: Operations Management Although Abasco, Inc. has been developing at a rather fast pace in the manufacturing department, it has been showing comparatively low performance rates since recently.
  • EBags Company: Operations Management Analysis EBags had big expectations for the opportunities that the European market supposedly had in store for the company since there was a niche that the entrepreneurship was going to fill.
  • The Oasis Company Operations Management The Oasis Company has been in business for quite a while (since the 1990s). The essential purpose of the organization under analysis concerns providing flowers.
  • Operations and Supply Chain: Management Course The course serves as a real eye-opener in terms of what gravity the choice of the operation strategy and framework has on the overall efficacy of an organization.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, June 5). 86 Operations Management Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/operations-management-essay-topics/

"86 Operations Management Topics." StudyCorgi , 5 June 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/operations-management-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '86 Operations Management Topics'. 5 June.

1. StudyCorgi . "86 Operations Management Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/operations-management-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "86 Operations Management Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/operations-management-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "86 Operations Management Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/operations-management-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Operations Management were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 21, 2024 .

200+ Subject-Wise MBA Dissertation Topics to Check Out This Year

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Master Your Degree with These Top MBA Dissertation Topics of 2024

Research, Discuss, Dissert

Feeling the dissertation pressure mounting? Don't let writer's block turn your thesis into a 'to-do' list!  Here’s a list of 200+ MBA dissertation topics that go beyond the usual suspects.  From unique tech trends to the future of sustainability, we've got ideas to start your research passion and impress the professors. So, forget the generic, and let's craft MBA dissertation ideas that make your thesis stand out!

3 Key Considerations when Selecting MBA Dissertation Topics

Picking an MBA dissertation idea isn't everyone's favourite task, but knowing how to select the best MBA research topics is crucial. Three key things to remember when searching for MBA dissertation ideas are:

1. Choosing Unique MBA Dissertation Topics

Selecting MBA dissertation ideas may seem daunting, but don't fret if they've been explored before. The key lies in infusing your unique perspective into existing topics. Be innovative in your research approach to stand out.

2. Ensuring Availability of Secondary Data

Avoid last-minute topic changes by ensuring ample secondary data for your chosen MBA thesis topics. Don't delay the search for secondary data; confirm its availability during topic selection to streamline your research process.

3. Inculcating Quantitative Study

While textual analysis is appealing, integrating quantitative study enhances the depth of your MBA thesis topics. Numbers provide credibility and engage readers effectively. Strike a balance between theory and numerical analysis for impactful research.

Pursuing an MBA will help you advance your career in the business world. Many of the top universities and colleges in the world offer MBA programs in various fields. 

Subject-Wise Best Research Topics for MBA Students

The possibilities for MBA thesis topics are vast, covering all facets of business administration. To narrow down options, consider various subjects. Despite constraints, here's a list of excellent research topics for MBA students for your research and exploration.

research topics for mba operations management


1. Investigating the influence of industry and public knowledge on market share index fluctuations

2. Assessing the significance of auditing for large corporations

3. Analysing the country’s tax scheme

4. Factors to consider when investing in financial markets

5. Evaluating risk-taking in companies from an accounting perspective

6. Providing recommendations for circular debt management in business firms

7. Exploring the differences and similarities between external and internal auditors

8. Examining the challenges faced by external audits due to equal value calculations

9. Analysing taxation as a human rights policy and supporting it with evidence

10. Understanding the impact of the current tax structure on lower-income individuals

Operations Management Dissertation Topics

1. Defining the concept of ‘Legality’ in supply chain design

2. Exploring the role of virtual supply chains in facilitating short-term business collaborations

3. Assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of self-driving cars in supply chain management

4. Impact of big data analytics on efficient inventory management

5. Significance of RFID in Toyota's inventory management

6. E-commerce inventory management strategies

7. Production scheduling strategies in manufacturing environments

8. Production scheduling strategies in the automobile industry

9. Case study: Toyota's production scheduling strategies in the UK

10. Utilising AI for quality control: A case study of Amazon.com

Business Management Dissertation Topics

1. Strategies for supporting gender equity in traditionally male-dominated industries

2. Impact of management's socio-cultural background on leadership relationships

3. The effect of employment benefits on employee and company productivity

4. Adaptation of small business strategies to globalisation

5. Role of feedback in cultural shifts within multinational corporations

6. Assessing team performance in multinational corporations

7. Examining small business strategies in the context of globalisation

8. Analysing team performance in multinational corporations

9. Human resource management and policies in non-profit organisations

10. Role of foreign direct investment in the economy of developing countries

Finance Dissertation Topics

1. Exploring the swift expansion of international microfinance

2. Investigating the growth of microfinance within the UK banking sector

3. Analysing the impact of microfinance on emerging economies

4. Assessing the role of credit and financial services in investment

5. Examining microfinance's contribution to poverty alleviation and economic growth

6. Contrasting FDI strategies between Europe and Asia

7. Studying emerging market stock synchronicity and analyst coverage

8. Evaluating the influence of foreign direct investment on developing nations

9. Assessing the effects of European financial regulations on cross-border investments

10. Scrutinising ongoing banking sector reforms in emerging economies: the Brazilian case

We also have a list of different finance dissertation topics in brief. You can also check out these topics for more information.

Marketing Dissertation Topics

1. Evaluating the significance of personalization in digital relationship marketing during the COVID-19 era

2. A case study on UK fitness brands building customer loyalty through high-value content

3. Analysing obstacles facing Tesco’s loyalty card scheme in today's market dynamics

4. Leveraging social media for customer acquisition through relationship marketing

5. Investigating the impact of product quality on consumer satisfaction

6. Assessing consumer understanding of brand values through a Starbucks vs. McDonald’s case study

7. Using digital methods to enhance brand salience: a case study approach

8. Exploring the impact of product availability on SME brand image

9. Transitioning a brand's reputation across industries: lessons from Virgin Cola

10. Assessing beauty brands' direct marketing efficacy using YouTube

Information Technology Management Dissertation Topics

1. Predicting the future impact of information technology on global business

2. Assessing the pace of technological advancement in meeting global financial system demands

3. Analysing the impact of the Sony hack on international market transactions

4. Exploring how technological advancements enhance global trade

5. Investigating the influence of religion on IT adoption in Yemeni universities

6. Assessing the impact of mobile technology on international students in British universities

7. Examining online discussions' role in promoting interaction and collaboration in blended learning environments

8. Applying instructional techniques to improve problem-solving abilities

9. Evaluating the effectiveness of automated tools in literature reviews for students

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Strategic Risk Management Dissertation Topics

1. Exploring the Influence of Current Global Supply Chain Trends on Risk Management Strategies

2. Investigating Social Risks' Impact on Multinational Corporations and Shareholder Value

3. Assessing Liquidity and Credit Risk Management in Financial Markets

4. Best Practices in Operational Risk Management for Warehousing

5. Comparative Analysis of Risk Management in Financial Sectors

7. Critical Factors for Operational Management Success in Financial Services

8. Analysis and Mitigation of Social Risks

9. Overcoming Obstacles in Operational Risk Management

10. Utilising Risk Assessment to Manage Medical Errors

11. Long-term Risk Management in the Banking Sector

Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

1. Consequences of Chronic Unemployment in Major Economies

2. Government Bailouts vs. Corporate Responsibility

3. Profit Dynamics of Insurance Firms

4. Subsidised Loans and Business Practice Ethics

5. Risk and Reward in High-Risk Investments

6. Tactics for Long-term Financial Security in Small Companies

7. Real Estate Investment Risks and Myths

8. Investment Opportunities During Economic Downturns

9. Strategies for Risk-free Profits in the Stock Market

10. Factors Influencing Business Bankruptcy Probability

11. Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics

Implementing HR Philosophies in the Workplace

1. Collaboration Between Corporate Management and HR

2. Choosing Interpersonal Skills: Soft vs. Hard

3. Objectivity vs. Subjectivity in Employee Appraisal

4. Employee Engagement and Incentive Impact

5. HR Departments' Role in Organisational Change

6. Performance Improvement Strategies for Employee Evaluation

7. Employee Perspectives on Performance Reviews

8. Impact of Motivation Programs on Productivity

9. Enhancing the Employee Selection Process

E-Commerce Dissertation Topics

1. Investigating New Businesses' E-Commerce Strategies

2. Analysing Traditional Businesses' E-Commerce Migration

3. E-Commerce Strategies: Serendipity or Strategy?

4. Components of a Successful E-Commerce Strategy

5. Examining Payment Processing Models

6. Evaluating Social Media's Role in E-Commerce

7. Strengthening Customer Relationships through E-Commerce Tactics

8. The Significance of Unique Selling Points in E-Commerce Growth

9. E-Commerce Marketing Mix: Online vs. Hybrid Presence

10. Comparing Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Economics Dissertation Topics

1. Impact of Market Competition on Corporate Growth Strategies

2. COVID-19's Influence on Corporate Market Entry

3. Non-Profit Financing Models and Long-Term Viability

4. Privatisation's Economic Policy Ramifications

5. Challenges Posed by Digitalization in Industries

6. Brexit's Effects on UK Industrial Policies

7. COVID-19's Impact on the Entertainment Industry

8. Global Perspectives on Alternative Energy Markets

9. Shifting Consumer Preferences Over Two Decades

10. Cultural Influence on Entrepreneurial Behavior and Business Initiatives

Health Care Management Dissertation Topics

1. Examining Mid-Level Providers' Role in Healthcare

2. Telemedicine's Impact on Healthcare Administration

3. Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Healthcare

4. Growth and Consequences of Urgent Care Clinics

5. Supporting Families Caring for Dementia Patients

6. Health Literacy's Influence on Prostate Cancer Outcomes

7. Governance and Ethics in Patient Portal Use by Guardians

8. Employee Turnover Due to Tuition Reimbursement Programs

9. Follow-Up Procedures After Medical Errors

10. State Legislation's Effects on Medical Malpractice Insurance

International Business Dissertation Topics

1. Investigating the Success of Global Business Teams in Multinational Companies: Testing an Interfering Process Model.

2. Exploring Corporate Governance's Role in Globalization and Firm Performance.

3. Assessing Brexit's Impact on British SMEs: An Examination of Likely Effects.

4. Analysing Business-Government Relations: Contingency Theory Perspective.

5. Understanding Globalization's Method and Impact on Business Collaboration.

6. Retail Management Dissertation Topics

7. The Contribution of Visual Merchandising to Clothing Brand Income in UK Malls.

8. Management's Role in Revenue Generation in Automotive Retail.

9. Evaluating Store Location Effects on Apparel Brand Sales in UK Malls.

10. Assessing the Impact of Retail Promotions on Inventory Turnover.

11. Applied Retail Analysis in B2B Industries: Optimal Store Placement.

Rural Management Dissertation Topics

1. Examining Media Influence on Rural Development.

2. Rural Development and Community Health Administration: Exploring Roles.

3. Cooperative Societies' Impact on Rural Development.

4. Community Banks' Contribution to Rural Development.

5. Identifying Socioeconomic Barriers to Rural Growth.

Change Management on Dissertation Topics

1. Dissertation Topics on Managing Change

2. Incorporating Change Management Education in Universities

3. Identification of Tools and Techniques for Change Management in Construction Projects

4. Critical Analysis of Organisational Change Management in UK-based Companies

5. Impact of Change Management Processes on Performance in Mega Programme Projects

6. Change Management Perspectives among Veterinary Nurses

7. Inter-organisational System Performance and Change Management

8. Examining Africa's Change Management Approaches: The Ubuntu Values

9. The Influence of Business and IT Functions on Organisational Change Management

10. Evolution of Change Management Perspectives over Time

11. Change Management and Cultural Revitalisation Movements in Organisations

12. Change Management in Healthcare Nursing: A Comprehensive Review

13. Hexagonal vs. Pentagonal Models in Change Management

14. Significance of Grounded Theory Approach in Change Management

15. Ethics, Values, and Leadership in Change Management

1. Entrepreneurship Trends: A Recent Boom

2. Impact of Increasing Entrepreneurs on the UK Economy

3. Entrepreneurial Adoption of Cloud Technology for Quality Control and Cost Savings

4. Scope of Entrepreneurship in the UK: Implications for Competition and Productivity

5. Technological Developments and Entrepreneurship Effects

6. Gender Dynamics in Developing Entrepreneurial Skills

7. Government Policy Influence on Entrepreneurship

8. Entrepreneurial Role in Economic Development

9. Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Creativity

10. Entrepreneurship Education's Impact on Skill Development

11. Public Support for Technology-based Ventures

12. Factors Affecting New Ventures' Growth

13. Legislative and Fiscal Policies Encouraging Entrepreneurship

14. Alternative Marketing Tactics for Small-scale Food Entrepreneurs

15. Crowdsourcing: Definition and Functionality

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Dissertation Topics

1.  Investigating the Importance of Supply Chain Management in Company Outsourcing

2. Assessing Risks within a Supply Chain

3. Analysis of Technology's Role in Present Supply Chain Structures

4. Examining the Connections Between Supply Chain and Company Logistics

5. Investigating Tax Evasion in Car Supply Chains and Its Impact on Procurement Costs

6. Challenges to Implementing an Effective Supply Management System

7. Evaluation of Information Dissemination and Sharing Among Supply Chain Intermediaries

8. Evaluating Cost Reduction Measures in China's Car Exports and Imports

9. Importance of Logistics Management in UK Clothing Reorders

10. Coping with Supply Chain and Logistics Changes: A Study on UK Businesses

So, there you have it! A diverse buffet of MBA dissertation topics to tantalise your intellectual taste buds. Remember, choosing the right one is key. Don't be afraid to get creative and explore uncharted territory. After all, your dissertation is your chance to shine, showcase your expertise, and leave a lasting mark on the business world. Dive in, research, analyse, and remember, the perfect MBA dissertation idea awaits!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Top 50 Operations Management Dissertation Topics Trending in the Year 2021

  • July 9, 2021 July 15, 2021

Operations management is the field of management that is concerned with the blueprint designing, production at the assembly line and control of the whole process. The process of the production as well as the redesigning of the business operations is done in accordance with the changing supply and demand ratio of the goods and services as well as the projected growth plan.

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(since 2006)

It is the branch of management that is dedicated to the planning, controlling and supervision of the manufacturing, production process and service delivery. It is the stream of a business that is responsible for effective management of the manpower and materials to supervise and control the production of the goods and services as per the set pattern of deadline. The practice is the backbone of any functional business unit and safeguard the production cycle from deviating its actual objectives.

research topics for mba operations management


The success as well as the survival of an organization is directly dependent on its efficiency and output. Meeting the periodically set goals within the organization charter is the passport to sustain in a ruthlessly competitive environment. The management of all the business operations would administer a practice that ignite the strategy to match the highest level of efficiency. The conversion of the quality raw materials and pain and sweat of the labour in the desired number of quality-based goods and services could create an environment full of zeal and competence. When the profit of the organization is rightfully achieved, all the stakeholders could earn their rightful stake. Moreover, it promotes a sense of belongingness in the employees and bestow them with the opportunities to hone their skills time and again.

Operations management is one of the pivotal subjects in management that constantly feature dissertations and case studies in their semester curriculum. These assignments help students to realise the practicality of the subject and help them understand how things materialise on the ground apart from inculcation of the bookish concepts.

The assignment help provided by the experts could help in the completion of the given homework tasks as per the expected standards on time. Here, we are sharing the list of top 50 dissertation topics that can be chosen from absolutely for free. If you are keen to let the professionals choose the topic and get the complete assignment done on your behalf, then also assignment writing services from the best in business could get the job done.

The Levels of Operations Management Implementation

The management of the operations is primarily done at the following three levels –

  • Strategic Level: Work on the broader terms, where the goals of the company are defined, and the operations managers are assigned the task to develop the strategies accordingly. For example, if we try to define all the three levels with respect to an organization engaged in furniture business, then the strategic level of operations management would include the preparation of blueprint for the location and the layout of the furniture factory.
  • Tactical Level:  The tactics are used by the employees at the managerial level to accomplish those strategies step by step. These include the tasks or the steps that are defined to successfully implement the strategies. The tactical level shall incorporate the hiring and training of the workforce to function as per the strategic needs and set the roadmap of executing the third level. 
  • Operations Level: The final level where all the components of production are brought together and materialised. These include the purchase of wood and fabric, the availability of raw materials and cutting tools and all the other fabrication equipment. It is widely regarded and practised as the final level of operations management before the final product or service gets its final shape.

The students who frequently reach us for dissertation help are assigned with the operations management homework somehow revolving around these three levels only. When experts having real-life practical understanding of the things get involved in the assignment writing process, it reflects in the submitted work word-by-word.

Working hard, yet failing to achieve an ‘A’ in your dissertation assignment? Read the below article to cover all loopholes to make your next submission catchy to the eyeballs!!

Must read: all you need to know about how to get an ‘a’ in your next dissertation submission, what are we expecting to achieve out of the recommended list of topics.

We are surely not expecting the students to submit a miracle of an assignment homework once they go through the provided set of dissertation topics below. The quality of the work still be dependent upon the consistency with the language, syntax proficiency, delivery of citation in instructed referencing style, and conducting plethora of concrete research to back each argument. Not to mention, crisp editing chops and seamless proofreading of the final draft is also somehow not related to the selection of the topic.

But what we are expecting out of this whole effort is to ensure that our students do have a wide range of pertinent topics to pick from. Our efforts are directed to the fact that our students pick a topic that is trending in the contemporary age and does make sense in the eyes of the evaluator.

Additionally, our prima-facie motto is to help our management students to save time, energy, and resources. The most complex dilemma faced by our students is the exploration and selection of the right topic. What, and why? Most of the students fight these conundrums to reach the most suited topic selection and spend an exhaustive amount of time and research. Exploring the topic at the personal level of the student could be a relevant choice in case he or she have months at disposal before the final submission of work. It is the privilege accessible to the scholars submitting their paper or thesis for research purpose only.

Management students following a conventional curriculum are required to submit their homework assignments with a stringent deadline. That is the point where not only days, even the hours count! Here, the accessibility to strong dissertation topics, and that too for free could become a real game-changer for the students. Besides, their request for online assignment help is served on priority right from topic selection to the dispatch of purely refined final homework draft.

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Must read: essay writing tips that have earned thousands of students the passport to their dream college. read now.

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Top 50 Operations Management Dissertation Topics for your Next Assignment Reference

We have classified the operations management dissertation topics into 10 sub-categories to make the search of the students much easier. Let us look at the list derived by the experts for the convenience of operations management students worldwide hereunder –

  • Supply Chain Control and Design Dissertation Topic
  • Understanding virtual supply chain and its role in shaping the short-term business partnerships
  • Blockchain technology and its impact on the supply chain in the UK: Issues and challenges
  • The influence of information technology on the manufacturing firms in Canada
  • Big data and its function in revolutionising the operations management for online retailers
  • I Robot: The utility of robotic automation and picking by Alibaba and its impact on the supply chain efficiencies
  • Inventory Management Operations Dissertation Topics
  • Inventory management is the backbone of supply chain management: Discuss
  • The significance of RFID in the inventory management at the unit of Toyota UK
  • Conduct an assessment of the inventory management in an organization from car manufacturing sector
  • Inventory management featuring multiple procurement modes: A US case study
  • The function of AI resulting in precise stock decisions at eBay.com
  • Production Scheduling Dissertation Topics
  • Production scheduling techniques in a pharma manufacturing unit in India
  • Production scheduling pattern in steel industry: A Mittal Steel case study
  • How AI is improving quality control? An Amazon.com case study
  • How real time communication is significant in operations management amidst multi-site manufacturers?
  • How productivity and employee motivation can be increased through cross-employee communication and integrated production planning?
  • Product Development Dissertation Topics
  • How do they get it done? A critical analysis of the NPD strategy and process at Apple
  • How 3D printing technology is transforming the NPD process and what is its scope for small scale businesses?
  • Product life cycles and the digital age: Is the need for a new approach inevitable?
  • Product development strategy: A Microsoft case study
  • New product development through crowd funding: How people are empowering innovation?
  • Service Design Dissertation Topics
  • How big data analytics result in effective service design?
  • How the dynamic technological change in the future could impact service design?
  • Customer empathy is the new service mantra, or is it merely the new bottles and old wine?
  • Sequencing the journey of customers to enhance the service design experience
  • Customer service journey at Tesla Motors: Partnerships and alliances
  • Dynamic Pricing Dissertation Topics
  • How price guarantees an integral part of dynamic pricing strategies?
  • Competition-oriented dynamic pricing in the e-commerce industry
  • Dynamic pricing in B2B environment in the United States
  • Dynamic pricing in airline and retail sector: A comparative study
  • The significance of dynamic pricing in ‘the auctioning’
  • Industry Risk Management Dissertation Topics
  • Risk management in the construction industry in Australia: A case study
  • How risk management in banking is unique in comparison of other sectors?
  • Industrial risk management: The influence of internal and external factors
  • How the impact of risk could hamper the production decisions?
  • Discuss industrial risk management by distinguishing the rural from the urban part in India
  • Logistics Dissertation Topics
  • Discuss the vehicle route optimisation in the city of London
  • Discuss last mile logistics in the successful delivery of fresh vegetables and fruits across the cities
  • How to optimise third part logistics with the help of Big Data?
  • How value chain strategy is impacting the logistic industry in Canada?
  • Logistics management delivering a competitive edge: An Asda and Tesco case analysis
  • Manufacturing Dissertation Topics
  • Human rights abuses in the automobile manufacturing sector in China
  • The manufacturing strategy of Boeing: An analysis
  • Bringing manufacturing assembly line management with respect to environmental management: A BMW case study
  • ERP: Is it a boon to the supply chain strategy?
  • Improving the manufacturing strategy and standard with the help of the Cloud
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) Dissertation Topics
  • What is the influence of TQM on the modern innovation?
  • How quality evolved over a period of time? First 50 years of the production and the operations management in the United Kingdom
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) and customer satisfaction in the homebuilding operations
  • Discuss the setbacks associated with the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) Model
  • To what extension and limitation can the implementation of TQM be done in the public sector?

Dissertation Help

Wish to come across top 50 best organizational behaviour topics to choose from? Visit the below article  to make your next OB dissertation submission worth every word!

Must read: top 50 organizational behaviour dissertation topics trending in 2021.

Well, with that we conclude our list of the latest dissertation topics dedicated to the assignments related to operations management. The best part is that these titles can be customised to suit the assignment writing formats other than dissertations. The requirements of the management students related to case study help , essay help , research paper writing help or thesis help . If you have already chosen your desired topic but struggling to move ahead, then you can always hire the experts for paid assignment help to get the assignment done as per the instructions on your behalf.

Operations management is widely regarded as one of the most complex yet interesting subjects that a b-school aspirant could pursue. The dissertations and case studies associated with the subject do have a touch of finance, mathematics, and information systems to deliver a combined package of knowledge. It is one of the few major subjects in the field of management that do have ground-level, practical implication to begin with. The assignments related to the subject are not only pivotal in terms of quality grades to pass-out with, but also fetch the lessons that can turn out to be productive in the entire lifetime of their careers.

Visit operations management assignment help at Thoughtful Minds to come across the services of the management academicians turned writers serving students for the last 15 years. Get in touch with the service representative and avail the finest online homework help at the most reasonable prices ever!

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100s of Free Management Dissertation Topics and Titles

Published by Grace Graffin at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024


The subject of management involves an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of business management, such as employee management, risk management, organisational behaviour, and many more.

When choosing a topic for your management dissertation, make sure to consider diverse topics that explore both the theoretical and practical aspects of management.

We understand that getting a dissertation topic approved can be extremely challenging as academic supervisors require students to research a unique case.

This is where our team of writers comes into play. Our writers can up with exciting and manageable management dissertation topics to help get the juices flowing in your head so you can write your dissertation on a unique and engaging topic.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for here.

How to Select the Best Management Dissertation Topic?

A dissertation topic must be selected based on research interests, availability of data, time limitations, and the research’s scope and significance. The following management dissertation topics are carefully shortlisted while considering all these parameters. Please review these topics and let us know if you have any queries.

Also Read: Operations Management Dissertation Topics

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  • Operations Management Dissertation Topics

2024 Management Research Topics

Topic 1: an evaluation of organizational change management- why do people tend to oppose change.

Research Aim: The research will aim to assess the structure of organizational change management and to find the reasons why people resist or oppose the changes in an organization. There are many reasons through which change in organization’s management becomes important but some employees’ does not accept that changes. There are many reasons why people resist changes on organization. In certain circumstances, resistance to change might be beneficial. Resistance to change is, in fact, a crucial feedback mechanism that must not be neglected.

Topic 2: Investigating the effectiveness of customer relationship management in airlines

Research Aim: The research will aim to study the efficiency of CRM in airlines. Customer relationship management has evolved into a critical technique used by every corporation to better its operations and obtain a competitive advantage over competitors. Customer relationship management has evolved into a key priority for airline firms and an integral part of airline businesses’ corporate strategy to distinguish themselves from rivals in the eyes of the consumer. The goal of facility organisations, such as airlines, is to provide services that attract and maintain satisfied, loyal customers who promote the airline.

Topic 3: How does leadership affect employees’ productivity? A case of IT firms

Research Aim: This research will focus on leadership positions in IT organisations with the goal of increasing staff productivity and performance. Leadership is essential for increasing employee retention, career drive, and efficiency. Most companies’ progress is accelerated by effective leadership. As a result, it is critical to organisational success. Employee performance, on the other hand, is a critical pillar of every firm, and companies must examine the variables that contribute to great performance. Leadership is based on confidence, which is based on skill, sincerity, ethics, transparency, reactivity, empathy, and kindness.

Topic 4: The effect of organisation advancement tools on business performance

Research Aim: The research will aim to find the effect of organization advancement on business performance. Organizational tools are objects that assist you in organising your workspace, resources, and tasks in order to make your workday more effective. Physical instruments, planners, and software platforms are examples of what they can be. Organization advancement tools are a great source to improve your business performance as they help you in managing your daily tasks and workforce.

Topic 5: The importance of leadership and social skills in new entrepreneurs: An investigative study

Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate the importance of leadership and social skills in new entrepreneurs. Developing talent, introducing innovative goods and services, delivering efficiency, and gaining market share all benefit from improved leadership qualities. If you wish to stay small, you might be able to get away with not growing your leaders. Otherwise, it will restrict your progress. Social skills enable entrepreneurs to interact with customers more effectively, resulting in more agreements and more profitability.

Covid-19 Management Research Topics

Crisis management during covd-19.

Research Aim: This study will identify crisis management aspects during COVD-19, including its challenges and solutions.

Business management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will review business executives’ challenges in various scale industries and how they are recovering from the loss. How far did they succeed?

Hospital and medicine management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will highlight the role of hospital management during COVID-19, the challenges they came across, and the ways to overcome those challenges.

Educational management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the issues faced by students and educational institutes. How are they trying to overcome the challenges of imparting education during the coronavirus pandemics?

Maternal health care management during COVID-19

Research Aim: The lockdown situation has been an issue of concern for the patients, including pregnant women. This study will address the role of Maternal health care management during COVID-19.

Management Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: analyzing the traditions and trends in public administration and management in post-wwii europe.

Research Aim: The purpose of the research will be to analyze the characteristics of cultural and national communities that have influenced public administration and management in the 1970s and 1980s in Europe. The study will be carried out using a systematic literature review.

Topic 2: The Impact of Gender-inclusive Gatekeeping and Predecessors Influence on the Success of Female CEOs

Research Aim: The purpose of the research will explore how local organisational agents and contexts can help women leaders overcome barriers and achieve success at higher levels in corporate firms. The study will focus on CEO succession events and predecessor CEOS factors and their influence on women post-succession. The research design will be developed qualitatively.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Daily Psychological Power on Organisational Leaders

Research Aim: The research will use quantitative techniques to analyze power-holders relational and interdependent work contexts. The study will examine the effect of daily psychological power using the factors of abusive behaviour and perceived incivility.

Topic 4: Examining the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Interaction Process and Performance

Research Aim: Using quantitative techniques, the research will analyse the interaction process and performance factors in two groups of employees in the services industry – homogenous and culturally diverse. The effectiveness in operation and arrangements will be examined.

Topic 5: Analyzing the Impact of ‘Voice’ and ‘Silence’ on Destructive Leadership

Research Aim: The research will examine the limited and biased view of silence in management literature. The study will also analyse the impact of silence in an organisation in terms of a functional value using quantitative research techniques. Furthermore, how silence in organisations can be used as a strategic response will be discussed.

Topic 6: Examining the Relationship between Productivity, Management Practices, and Employee Ability in the UK Setting

Research Aim: Using quantitative techniques, the study will analyse a relationship between productivity, management practices, and employee ability using data from management practices surveys and employees’ longitudinal earnings records.

Topic 7: Analysing the Factors that Impact International Differences in Gender Pay Gap

Research Aim: The research will use quantitative techniques to analyse microdata from various countries between 1980 and 2010. The study will use the factors of wage structures, net supply, wage compression, collective bargaining coverage, and unionised wage setting to identify the lower gender pay gap internationally.

Topic 8: The Impact of Psychosocial Hazards on Workplace Risk Management

Research Aim: The study will investigate workplace risk management practices in industry sectors with a high risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and mental health disorders (MHDs) and the extent to which they may rise from psychosocial hazards. The research will be conducted using qualitative research techniques.

Strategic Management and Organisational Behavior Dissertation Topics

Strategic management and organisational behaviour can be described as the actions a firm takes to achieve its business objectives primarily derived from competitive markets’ dynamic behaviour. Following are some interesting dissertation topics under this field of study;

Topic 1: The Impact of Organisational Goals on Organisation Behavior

Research Aim: The primary focus of this research will be to combine factors from the theory of action, phases and self-determination theory to develop a motivational model that will explain the relationship between organisational goals setting process that lead to organisational behaviour. The research will be conducted using mixed methods of research techniques.

Topic 2: Integrating the Principles of Strategic Human Capital and Strategic Human Resource Management to Improve Organisational Performance

Topic 3: comparing the impact of family and non-family firm goals on strategy, family and organisational behavior.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the differences between family and non-family business goals and their impact on how businesses develop strategies. Also, the research will assess how these developed strategies would affect family and organisational behaviour. This research will use quantitative research techniques.

Topic 4: Analyzing the Effect of Strategy, Innovation, Networks and Complexity on Organisational Adaptability – The Mediating Effect of Leadership

Research Aim: The current study will use empirical analysis to examine the effects of strategy, innovation, networks, and complexity of organisational adaptability using leadership as a mediation factor.

Topic 5: Examining the Effect of Appointment of a Racial Minority Female CEO on White Male Top Manager Intrapsychic and Behavioral Responses

Research Aim: This research will examine white male managers’ behavioural responses to a female racial minority CEO’s appointment. The behaviour that the research will analyse is the amount of help that the white male top manager provides to their fellow executives. The research will be conducted using quantitative techniques.

Topic 6: Analysis of the Effectiveness of an Affect-Based Model to Portray Recipients Responses to Organisational Change Events

Research Aim: The study will use the Affect-Based Model developed by Oreg et al. (2016) to analyse if it is useful in documenting and portraying the recipient responses to organisational change events. The research will use factors of valence and activation to assess the effectiveness of the model. The study will be conducted using quantitative techniques.

Topic 7: Evaluating the Relationship between the personality of a CEO and Employee Motivation

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between a CEO’s personality and employee motivation. The core of this study will be to assess whether a CEO’s character possesses the power to influence employee motivation or not. Case studies from various companies will be used in this study.

Topic 8: Assessing the Role of Managers in Bringing and Implementing Technological Change in an Organisation

Research Aim: This research will focus on how managers implement technological change in their organisations. Change management is challenging as not all employees are open to accepting change. This research will focus on various ways through which managers successfully implement technological change in their companies.

Topic 9: An Analysis of Organisational Change Management: Why Employees Resist Change?

Research Aim: This research will focus on why employees resist change in organisations, i.e., why employees dislike change. Different causes and factors will be discussed in this study, and the research will conclude why employees do not wholeheartedly accept the change.

Knowledge Management Dissertation Topics

The importance of knowledge management for organisations can’t be understated because this aspect of management enhances the workforce’s capabilities and overall productivity. It leads to a competitive advantage and provides the basis for differentiating an organisation from its competitors. Some interesting dissertation topics under this field are;

Topic 1: Examining the Impact of Enterprise Social Networking Systems (ESNS) on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning

Research Aim: The research will investigate the effect of ESNS on knowledge management processes and organisational learning. The research will use knowledge creation and sharing to play the mediating role in analysing the proposed relationship. The proposed study will use empirical research methods.

Topic 2: A Review of Knowledge Management Research

Research Aim: The research paper will use a systematic literature review technique for the proposed study. The research will review the last twenty years of knowledge management literature to assess the presence of bias in explaining knowledge integration over research by exploring knowledge differentiation processes.

Topic 3: The Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Innovation and Knowledge Management Capacity

Research Aim: The purpose of this research will be to investigate the plausible relationship between knowledge management systems, open innovation, knowledge management capacity, and innovation capacity in firms. The research will be conducted using empirical techniques to draw reliable conclusions.

Topic 4: The Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management on MNC and their Subsidiaries Performance

Research Aim: The research will develop a model to test the possibility of a relationship between strategic knowledge management (SKM) processes and organisation performance compared between multinational companies and their subsidiaries. The research will also analyse the impact of relational context on knowledge creation and transfer.

Topic 5: Analyzing the Relationship between Knowledge Management Practices and Knowledge Worker Performance - The Mediating Role of Organisational Commitment

Research Aim: The study will analyse the role of knowledge management practices to address the issues of insufficient organisational commitment and knowledge workers’ performance in the UK’s public sectors. The proposed study will use quantitative research techniques to fulfil its aim and objectives.

Topic 6: The Relationship between Knowledge Management Processes and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Private Business Schools in the UK

Research Aim: The proposed research will explore the impact of knowledge management processes on sustainable completive advantages by using knowledge-based view (KBV) and resource-based view (RBV) as mediators in the relationship. The research will be conducted using quantitative techniques of data collection (i.e. questionnaire) and analysis (i.e. structural equation modelling).

Topic 7: The Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management on Manufacturing Firm’s Performance

Research Aim: The purpose of the study will be to empirically investigate the relationship between the availability and use of IT solutions for strategic knowledge management and a manufacturing firm’s performance, which will be measured in unit production. The research will use the resource-based view and the knowledge-based theory to develop a conceptual framework to analyze this relationship’s effect.

Topic 8: Evaluating how Knowledge Management Impacts Company Performance: A Case Study of Sainsbury

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basic concepts of knowledge management. The study will also discuss the impact knowledge management has on a company’s performance, i.e. how it helps companies achieve their goals. The main focus of this research work will be on Sainsbury’s knowledge management framework.

Topic 9: Knowledge Management as a Core Competency? Evaluating the Application and Benefits of Knowledge Management

Research Aim: This research will uncover how companies utilise knowledge management as their core competency and how it benefits their business operations. This study’s main focus will be on applying the various concepts of knowledge management and their implication for businesses.

Topic 10: Exploring the Managerial Concerns and Issues in Knowledge Management and Their Impact on Organisations

Research Aim: This research will explore the managerial concerns and issues related to knowledge management. The study will also focus on assessing the impact of these issues on businesses and how they can influence day-to-day operations. This will be an evidence-based study where evidence from different companies and various situations will be evaluated.

Leadership and Management Information System Dissertation Topics

Leadership drives the organisational agenda and is regarded as one of the most influential factors in streamlining organisations’ processes. Good leadership results in better performance of any organisation because it gives direction to the business activities under the market conditions and requirements.

Similarly, management information systems are pivotal to any organisation’s success and successfully implementing them can benefit the organisation in many ways. Following are some dissertation topics under the subject of leadership and management information systems;

Topic 1: The Role of Information Systems (IS) in Enterprise Architecture and its Impact on Business Performance

Research Aim: This study will examine the relationship between IS Enterprise Architecture and business performance using technical alignment and IS capabilities mediators. This research will be conducted using quantitative techniques to fulfil its aim.

Topic 2: Exploring The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Employee Knowledge Sharing

Research Aim: This research will use social learning theories and self-determination to investigate the relationship between ethical learning and employee knowledge sharing. The study will be conducted using empirical research techniques.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Relationship Leadership and Social Alignment on Information Security Systems Effectiveness in Private Organisations

Research Aim: This research will use social capital theory as its theoretical foundation to explore the impact of relational leadership on social alignment between business and IT executives. The relational model will study the factors of integrated knowledge, information security system effectiveness, and organisational performance. This research will use empirical techniques.

Topic 4: Examining the Relationship between Operating Room (OR) Leadership and Operating Staff Performance

Research Aim: This research will analyse the relationship between Operating Room leadership and operating staff performance. This will be done using emotional intelligence and collaboration variables to assess staff performance, using recovery numbers. The relationship will also be examined through the mediating role of leadership principles. The data will be collected and assessed using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 5: The Role of Transformational Leadership as a Mediating Variable in the DeLone and McLean Information Success Model.

Research Aim: The research will use the DeLone and McLean Information Success Model to analyse if productivity software implemented in an organisation can improve its performance. However, the research will also evaluate the model and propose modifications to include transformational leadership as a mediating factor in the information success model. The research will be quantitative in nature.

Topic 6: Assessing the Role of Leadership in an Organisation to Help Adopt Advanced Technological Systems

Research Aim: This research will assess the role of leadership in an organisation to help companies realise the importance of innovative, technologically advanced systems. Many companies today are still naive to the ever more important role of technology. Thus this research will aim to help companies adopt innovative technological systems through leadership. The research will be evidence-based in nature.

Topic 7: Evaluating How Changing Business Leadership Impacts Technological Organisational Performance

Research Aim: Changing leadership in organisations can prove a disaster if not handled properly. The transition process is extremely challenging, and companies should have the capability to handle this phase. This research will explore how their decision to change leadership impacts technological and organisational performance and how to optimise the process. This research will be quantitative in nature.

Topic 8: Can Information Systems in Organisations Be Considered a Competitive Advantage?

Research Aim: Information systems, if implemented successfully, benefit organisations immensely. The impact that an information system has and its results help companies stay ahead of their competitors. This research will assess how companies can turn their information systems into a competitive advantage, and most importantly, whether they or not information systems should be considered a competitive advantage.

Topic 9: Understanding the Leadership Challenges of Implementing and Managing an Advanced Information System in an Organisation

Research Aim: This research will help explain the challenges that managers and the entire leadership of an organisation face when implementing an advanced information system. Bringing a change in a company is challenging, and throw in a technology to implement, the process becomes even more challenging. This study will explore in detail all related challenges through quantitative research.

Topic 10: Do all Business Processes in an Organisation need Information System Management?

Research Aim: It is often argued that not all business processes require information systems. However, when talking about today’s world and the technological advancements taking place, it is recommended that business processes in organisations adopt the technology. This research will be a comparative analysis of whether companies are successful and profitable with information systems or without them.

Also Read: Business Dissertation Topics

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Organisational Culture and International Business Dissertation Topics

Organisational culture shapes the work ethics and helps in defining the professional image of organisations. Organisational culture plays a huge role in international business.

Organisations that adopt the country’s culture they are operating in are known to run their operations more successfully. The following topics are related to organisational culture and international business and help students choose an appropriate topic according to their interests.

Topic 1: The Impact of Organisational Culture of Collaborative Networks Influence on IT Governance Performance in Large Enterprises

Research Aim: This research will explore the influence of collaborative networks’ organisational culture on IT governance performance. The study will use a case study to analyse multinationals as they have a wide working network. The purpose of the research will be to determine whether or not organisational culture helps businesses effectively use IT in business operations. The research will be conducted using mixed methods research.

Topic 2: Analysing the Relationship between Supervisor’s Job insecurity and Subordinates’ Work Engagement

Research Aim: The purpose of this research is two-fold. The research will analyse the relationship between the supervisor’s job insecurity and subordinates’ work engagement using a mediator and a moderator. The research will first examine the mediating role of subordinate’s pro-social voice between supervisor job insecurity and subordinates’ work engagement. Next, the research will examine the moderating role of organisational culture between the supervisor’s job insecurity and sub-ordinates pro-social voice. The research will be conducted through quantitative techniques.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Individual Perception of Organisational Culture on the Learning Transfer Environment

Research Aim: The research will be conducted empirically to assess the relationship between culture (as perceived by employees) and the work environment based learning factors (i.e. learning transfer environment [LTE]) in the organisation). LTE is measured using feedback and coaching factors that received resistance or openness to chance, personal outcomes, and supervisor and peer support.

Topic 4: The Role of Organisational Culture on the Development of Psychological Distress in the Workplace

Research Aim: The purpose of the study will be to analyse how organisational culture may cause the symptoms of psychological distress in the workforce. The study will use corporate culture and work organisation conditions as base factors to relate them to employees’ psychological distress. The research will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 5: Analysing the Role of Leadership and Organisational Culture

Research Aim: The research will examine the relationship between organisational culture, leadership and employee outcomes. The paper will focus on the mediator of leadership processes and their impact on the relationship between culture and employee outcomes. The study will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 6: The Role and Relationships among Strategic Orientations, Cultural Intelligence, International Diversification and Performance of Organisations

Research Aim: The research will aim to understand the drivers of the international expansion of globalised firms. The research will explore the relationship between strategic orientations and cultural intelligence as drivers and international diversification and firm performance. Strategic orientations used in the study include international market orientation (IMO) and entrepreneurial orientation (IEO). The study will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 7: Dynamics of Corruption Culture Distance to Core Values

Research Aim: The research will examine how corporate bribery is impacted by cultural distance between multinational enterprises (MNEs) in their home and host countries. The research will also analyse the organisational distance to core value between MNE’s entry into the host country and its headquarters. The research will use empirical data collection and analysis techniques.

Topic 8: Examining Organisational Export Performance by International Business Competencies

Research Aim: The study aims to explore the relationship between international business competencies and export performance. The research will also analyse export performance by singular analysis or combined analysis of the competencies. The research will be conducted using empirical data.

Topic 9: Does Organisational Culture Influence the Leadership Type that a Company Should Adopt?

Research Aim: This research will argue whether companies should hire leaders concerning their culture or not. Organisational culture and leadership are interconnected. Thus companies that do not operate according to their culture struggle to grow exponentially. This research will aim to focus on the possible relationship between leadership and organisational culture. The research will be evidence-based.

Topic 10: Organisational Culture and International Business Competition: Are they Interrelated?

Research Aim: Organisational culture plays a huge role in making a company competitive internationally. When a business’s culture is motivating to all employees and identifies the right culture for its employees, there is every likelihood of rapid growth for both the company and the employees. The research will explore how the two concepts are interrelated.

Important Notes:

As a management student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing management theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The management field is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like operations management , business , business administration , MBA , human resource management and more. That is why creating a management dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field is imperative.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best management dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample management dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Management Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this by your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

For further assistance with your dissertation, take a look at our full dissertation writing service .

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How to find dissertation topics about management.

To find management dissertation topics:

  • Research recent management challenges.
  • Explore industry trends and innovations.
  • Analyze organizational behavior or strategies.
  • Examine cross-cultural management issues.
  • Investigate sustainability and ethics.
  • Consult academic journals and experts.

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Navigating the MBA Research Landscape: Topics, Tips, and Success Stories

Adela B.

Table of contents

Are you an MBA student on the hunt for your next research topic? If so, you're in the right place! Finding a compelling research subject is key to crafting an impactful paper—one that not only earns you top grades but also contributes valuable insights to your field.

Did you know?

  • According to the Graduate Management Admission Council, 89% of corporate recruiters planned to hire MBA graduates in 2022, up from 77% in 2023. This suggests the continued value and demand for MBA skills in the job market.
  • A 2020 survey by McKinsey revealed that 86% of executives found that applying academic research had a positive impact on their company's operational efficiency.
  • According to IDC, global spending on digital transformation technologies and services was estimated to reach $2.3 trillion in 2023, demonstrating the rapid pace of digital adoption in businesses.
  • A Nielsen report revealed that 73% of global consumers would change their consumption habits to reduce environmental impact, highlighting the increasing importance of sustainability in business strategies.

Yet, deciding on the perfect topic can be tricky. You need a subject that aligns with your interests, has enough depth for a thorough analysis, and is relevant to the current business landscape. Don't worry if this sounds daunting—we're here to help!

In this post, we'll explore 50 intriguing MBA research topic examples across various disciplines, from finance and marketing to HR and strategic management. Plus, we'll guide you on turning a chosen topic into a research proposal, and share some inspiring success stories.

Understanding the Shifting Business Landscape for Your MBA Research

SUMMARY : Here, we delve into the impact of evolving business trends, such as digital transformation and corporate sustainability. These insights will help MBA students choose research topics relevant to today's dynamic business environment .

The business world is dynamic, with new trends constantly emerging that shape the way organizations operate and compete. It's essential for MBA students to remain up-to-date with these trends as they can significantly influence your choice of research topic.

Take, for instance, the rise of digital transformation. This wave has been revolutionizing industries across the board, from how we market products to how we manage human resources. A research topic in this area could delve into the effects of digitalization on traditional business models or investigate how firms adapt to technology-driven changes.

Then, there's the trend towards sustainability and social responsibility. Consumers are increasingly looking to do business with companies that prioritize not just profit, but also positive environmental and social impact. Research in this domain could explore the strategies companies use to align with these values, or the implications of these practices on a firm's bottom line.

Understanding these trends, among others, provides you with a context for your MBA research. It opens up avenues for inquiry that are not only academically stimulating but also relevant and impactful in today's business environment. Remember, a trend today could be the norm tomorrow, and your research could play a part in that transformation.

List of 50 MBA Research Topics

Navigating the vast world of MBA disciplines can be a complex task, but finding a topic that resonates with your interests can make your research journey more enjoyable and rewarding. Here's a list of 50 potential research topics across various disciplines to inspire your next project:

  • The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on Traditional Financial Systems
  • Risk Management in the Era of Digital Banking
  • Evaluating the Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions
  • The Role of AI in Financial Forecasting
  • Ethical Investment and Profitability
  • The Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing in Today's Digital World
  • Customer Behaviour in the Age of E-commerce
  • Personalization Strategies in Digital Marketing
  • Impact of Social Media on Brand Awareness
  • The Role of Augmented Reality in Consumer Experience

Human Resources

  • The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Retention
  • HR Strategies for Managing Remote Workers
  • The Role of AI in Talent Acquisition
  • Impact of Employee Wellbeing Programs on Productivity
  • Workplace Diversity and its Effect on Company Performance

Strategic Management

  • Strategies for Business Sustainability in a Post-Covid World
  • The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Company Culture
  • Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
  • The Role of Strategic Alliances in Business Expansion
  • Business Model Innovation in the Digital Era

Operations Management

  • The Role of Technology in Supply Chain Management
  • Lean Manufacturing and its Impact on Profit Margins
  • Strategies for Reducing Waste in Production Processes
  • Impact of Quality Management Systems on Customer Satisfaction
  • Challenges of Inventory Management in E-commerce

Information Systems

  • The Influence of Big Data on Business Decision Making
  • Cybersecurity Challenges in Modern Businesses
  • Role of Information Systems in Customer Relationship Management
  • Blockchain Technology and Its Impact on Business Operations
  • Adoption of Cloud Computing in Small and Medium Enterprises

International Business

  • The Effect of Globalization on Local Businesses
  • Strategies for Cross-Cultural Business Communication
  • Impact of Trade Wars on International Business
  • Navigating International Business Ethics
  • The Role of Emerging Markets in the Global Economy


  • The Impact of Startup Culture on Local Economies
  • Entrepreneurial Strategies for Social Impact
  • Role of Innovation in Entrepreneurial Success
  • Challenges of Venture Capital Financing in Startups
  • The Influence of Ecosystems on Entrepreneurial Growth

Healthcare Management

  • The Role of Telemedicine in Modern Healthcare
  • Challenges of Healthcare Management in Low-Income Countries
  • Strategies for Effective Healthcare Marketing
  • Impact of Healthcare Policies on Hospital Management
  • The Influence of AI on Healthcare Delivery

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Impact of Green Marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Strategies for Implementing Sustainable Business Practices
  • The Role of CSR in Enhancing Corporate Reputation
  • Measuring the Impact of CSR Initiatives on Community Development
  • Sustainability Reporting and Its Influence on Investor Decisions

REMEMBER : while choosing a topic, consider your interests, the scope of the topic, and its relevance in today's business landscape. Each of these topics opens up a world of potential for in-depth research and can serve as a starting point for your MBA research journey.

Structuring Your Research for Academic Success

Now that you've chosen a research topic, the next step is to turn it into a research proposal. This proposal serves as a roadmap for your research project, outlining the research question, objectives, methodology, and anticipated outcomes. Let's use "The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on Traditional Financial Systems" as an example to illustrate this process:

Title : Start with a clear, concise title that precisely indicates what your research will cover.

Example : "The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on Traditional Financial Systems: A Comparative Study."

Introduction : This section should provide background information about your topic, why it's important, and the gap in current knowledge that your research will address.

Example : "With the advent of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the traditional financial landscape is undergoing significant changes. However, the impact of this disruption on traditional financial systems remains underexplored..."

Research Question and Objectives : Here, state your main research question and the specific objectives that will guide your study.

Example : "This study aims to investigate the impact of cryptocurrencies on traditional financial systems. Specific objectives include analyzing the effect of cryptocurrencies on banking operations, exploring their influence on financial regulations, and evaluating their implications for financial stability..."

Literature Review : Briefly review existing literature relevant to your research topic. Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of current research and how your study will contribute.

Example : "Several studies have focused on the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research examining their broader impact on financial systems..."

Methodology : Outline the methods you'll use to conduct your research. This could include data collection methods, analytical tools, and procedures.

Example : "This study will employ a mixed-methods approach, including a review of existing literature, analysis of secondary data from financial institutions, and semi-structured interviews with financial industry professionals..."

Expected Outcomes : Briefly describe the potential findings of your research and their implications.

Example : "This study expects to reveal the profound effects of cryptocurrencies on traditional financial systems. These findings may assist policymakers, financial institutions, and researchers in understanding and navigating this digital financial revolution..."

REMEMBER : a well-crafted research proposal not only guides your research but also demonstrates the value of your study to others, such as your professors or potential funding sources. And don't forget, the Writers Per Hour team is always ready to assist, and this is the best website where you can buy research proposal online that aligns with your research ambitions.

3 Inspiring Achievements to Motivate Your MBA Research Journey

MBA research can have a significant impact, both on your career and in advancing your field of study. Let's explore a few success stories of MBA research to inspire your journey:

1. Fintech Innovation

An MBA student's research on "The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Financial Transactions" didn't just earn top grades—it also sparked a startup idea. Leveraging the insights gained from their research, the student launched a successful fintech company specializing in secure blockchain transactions. Today, the company is revolutionizing financial security for small businesses.

2. Sustainable Business Practices

An innovative research project on "Incorporating Sustainable Business Practices in Fast Fashion" led another MBA student to a prestigious internship at a leading fashion company. The company was so impressed by her research insights that they implemented some of her recommendations, significantly reducing their environmental footprint.

3. Effective Leadership

An MBA research on "The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership" not only brought academic success to a student but also made him a better leader. By applying his research insights into his own startup, he was able to create a more cohesive and motivated team, propelling his business to new heights.

These stories demonstrate the potential of MBA research. Whether it's launching a startup, securing a dream internship, or enhancing your leadership skills, your research can lead you down a path of success. And remember, whether it's crafting a compelling research proposal or providing feedback on your paper, Writers Per Hour is here to support you every step of the way.

Choosing the right research topic is a critical step in your MBA journey. It sets the tone for your academic exploration and can pave the way for career opportunities, innovative business ideas, and impactful contributions to your field of study. From understanding emerging trends in business and management to transforming a research topic into a detailed proposal, every step is a milestone towards your academic and professional success.

Don't forget - your research isn't just about fulfilling a degree requirement. It's about sparking curiosity, challenging the status quo, and driving positive change in the business world. Remember, there's always support at hand to guide you through this process. Whether you need help with a custom essay for MBA or the entire research paper, Writers Per Hour is just a click away.

Embark on your research journey with enthusiasm and determination. The world of business is eagerly waiting for your unique insights and innovative solutions.

Additional Resources

To support your MBA research journey further, we have collated a list of helpful resources for you.

Articles from the Writers Per Hour Blog :

1. Master Your MBA Personal Statement - This guide by Writers Per Hour shares effective strategies to create a compelling personal statement for your MBA application, which can also be a source of inspiration for your research topic.

2. How to Write and Format an MBA Essay That Gets Noticed - This post provides valuable tips on structuring your MBA essay, which can also be applied to organizing your research proposal or final research paper.

External Resources:

1. Harvard Business Review - HBR offers a wealth of articles and case studies on the latest business trends and management practices, which can provide useful insights for your research.

2. McKinsey Insights - McKinsey publishes regular reports on various industries and business functions, offering data-driven insights that can inform your research.

3. JSTOR - JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. This can be an excellent place to find scholarly articles related to your research topic.

You can always seek support from pro essay writers at Writers Per Hour throughout your MBA research journey.

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PhD Assistance

How to select an interesting operations management mba dissertation topic, introduction.

Operations management (OM) is the management of marketing practices within an organization to achieve the best quality products and services. It is concerned with transforming materials and labor as efficiently and effectively into products in order to maximize a company’s profit. Operations management teams strive to provide the best level of profitability conceivable by balancing income and expenses. Contact PhD Assistance for Management for MBA Dissertation Topic .

Understanding Operations Management

Operations management entails making use of resources such as people, raw material, machinery, and future technologies. Operations managers procure, create, and make deliveries to customers depending on client requirements and the industry’s capabilities. You can get Best Operations Management Topics from PhD Assistance.

Operations management is in charge of a plethora of different issues, such as deciding the quantity of production facilities, project methods of management, and the structure of information and technology networks. Other operational concerns include inventory management, which include work-in-process stages and raw material procurement, quality assurance, material planning, and future maintenance. You can count on the service of PhD Assistance for your MBA Dissertation Topic Help

dissertation manuscript

Research in Operations Management

Operations management entails investigating the utilization of raw materials and ensuring that waste is kept low. To determine how or when large reserves are to be handled, as well as how many securities to keep on hand, operations managers employ a variety of methodologies, including the aggregate planning formula. Operations management research advances operations management theoretical concepts, and makes a significant contribution to operations management in multilateral corporations. It encompasses a wide range of operations management, ranging from production and logistics planning to health care and service processes. Contact PhD Assistance for Thesis Topics in Operations Management.

Why to choose interesting dissertation topics for Operation Management

Selecting a suitable dissertation topic may be the most essential part of the MBA dissertation. Students work on their dissertation tasks for months or even years (in the case of a PhD). As a result, it is crucial to select a research topic that is both intriguing and controllable. Choosing the right topic can also assist in completing the publication to the best standard but within the time frame allotted. For getting interesting Operations Management topics kindly contact PhD Assistance.

Selection of a suitable operations management dissertation topic necessitates that the topic has a recent research interest/popularity in academics. Data must be available to analyze the recent research; to develop a case of research in the form of a step forward (contribution factor). Topic must be manageable with respect to the availability of time and resources. The chosen topic should encourage the students to explore and investigate to further the research in their preferred area. You can count on the service of PhD Assistance for your PhD Thesis Business Management .

How to choose Operations Management MBA Dissertation Topic

Before choosing a topic, highlight the sort of investigation you plan to carry based on your time and financial resources, such as whether to conduct primary or secondary survey and whether to conduct qualitative or quantitative investigations. For instance –, you would perhaps not be capable of conducting a cross-national research study based on primary research because it would be too difficult and time-consuming. As a result, it is critical to choose a topic that you can manage within the constraints of your time and resources in order to generate high outcomes that will ultimately lead to a high scholarly score. Primary research may include interviewing people and/or questionnaires with industry players to suggest the most effective methods and to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of each framework obtained from primary study results. PhD Assistance experts has experience in handling to Operation management in all research subjects  with assured 2:1 distinction.  Talk to Experts Now 

The choice of an appropriate topic is critical for any research project. In essence, the topic determines the objectives for the entire research project. With a perfect topic of interest, the researcher can act swiftly on with the destined research work, making the study attempt a pleasurable perspective. With an unoriginal and mundane research topic, on the other hand, the research journey becomes tough, and he/she eventually has some difficulties in the process. If you are successful in selecting an interesting research topic, you have completed half of your proposed study, and when your proposed plan is completed, you have completed three-fourth of your academic research. Contact PhD Assistance for PhD Research Proposal .

Investigating the topic on an individual basis for the scholar may be a viable option if he or she has months well before finalization of work. It is a prerogative available to scholars who submit their paper or thesis for research purposes only. Hiring our experts , you are assured with quality and on-time delivery.

Examples of Operations Management MBA Dissertation Topic

  • Big data and its role in redesigning online marketplace operations management
  • The AI functions at eBay.com that results in precise stock decisions.
  • How can inter-employee information sharing and effective manufacturing planning boost employee’s productivity determination?
  • What distinguishes banking risk mitigation from other industries?

You can count on the service of PhD Assistance for your PhD Dissertation Writing Services .

  • Mukherjee, J. (2022). Choosing the Right Job: Dilemma of a Fresh MBA.
  • Ahmed, I., Arnott, D., Dacko, S., & Wilson, H. N. (2022). Trying on a role: Mentoring, improvisation and social learning in luxury retailing. Journal of Business Research, 144, 1039-1051.
  • Cabrera, G. A., & Iñiguez, S. (2022). The MBA Is Dead: Long Live the MBA. In Executive Education after the Pandemic (pp. 135-146). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Best Operations Management Topics
  • interesting Operations Management
  • Management for MBA Dissertation Topic
  • MBA Dissertation Topic Help
  • PhD dissertation writing services
  • PhD Research Proposal
  • PhD Thesis Business Management
  • Thesis Topics in Operations Management

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Smart. Open. Grounded. Inventive. Read our Ideas Made to Matter.

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Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

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This 20-month MBA program equips experienced executives to enhance their impact on their organizations and the world.

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Operations Management

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The state of supply chain sustainability

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The fourth annual report documents a wavering commitment to sustainability in lean times but steady pressure from investors and corporate buyers.

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Meredith Somers

From artificial intelligence to supply chains to the future of China’s economy, these books help explain what’s happening in today’s business environment.

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How to wire your organization to excel at problem-solving

Steven Spear

A new book from MIT Sloan’s Steven Spear provides leaders with a blueprint for designing, sustaining, and improving their organization’s sociotechnical systems.

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Build better KPIs with artificial intelligence

Beth Stackpole

AI-enriched KPIs, known as smart KPIs, can better guide organizations toward key business goals.

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Thinkers50 awards recognize 13 from MIT Sloan

Researchers studying good jobs, digital transformation, misinformation, and innovation were nominated for the 2023 Thinkers50 awards.

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Remembering MIT Sloan Dean Emeritus Bill Pounds

An expert in corporate governance and operations management, Pounds championed a new generation of MIT Sloan faculty members and served on dozens of corporate boards.

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4 new insights from MIT Sloan Management Review

Practical advice for leaders on rooting out toxic culture and seeking gains from artificial intelligence and operations improvements.

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The 4 essential choices in a good jobs system

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Top 100 MBA Project Topics [Updated 2024]

MBA Project Topics

Are you an MBA student looking to make your mark with an impactful project? Choosing the right MBA project topic can be the key to unlocking doors to career success. Whether you’re focusing on finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or entrepreneurship, there’s a wealth of possibilities to explore. In this blog, we’ll dive into some compelling MBA project topics across these areas, helping you find inspiration for your next big endeavor.

How to Choose the Right MBA Project Topics

Table of Contents

Now that we’ve explored some exciting project topics, how do you choose the one that’s right for you? Here are some tips:

  • Consider Your Interests and Career Goals: Choose a topic that aligns with your passions and future career aspirations.
  • Evaluate Feasibility and Data Availability: Ensure you have access to the necessary data and resources to complete your project successfully.
  • Consult with Faculty or Industry Professionals: Seek guidance from your professors or industry experts to refine your topic and approach.
  • Importance of Originality: Aim for a topic that contributes new insights or approaches to the field, showcasing your creativity and analytical skills.

Top 100 MBA Project Topics: Category Wise

  • Financial Analysis of XYZ Company: Conduct an in-depth analysis of the financial performance, ratios, and trends of a specific company.
  • Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets: Explore the opportunities and risks associated with investing in emerging markets, providing insights for investors.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Interest Rate Changes on Investment Portfolios: Investigate how fluctuations in interest rates affect investment portfolios, offering strategies for risk management.
  • Financial Risk Management in the Banking Sector: Study the methods and practices used by banks to manage financial risks, with a focus on risk mitigation strategies.
  • Evaluating Capital Budgeting Techniques in Manufacturing Industry: Compare and evaluate different capital budgeting techniques used by manufacturing firms to make investment decisions.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: A Comparative Study: Compare the impact and outcomes of different mergers and acquisitions in various industries, analyzing their success factors.
  • IPO Valuation and Investment Strategies: Explore the valuation methods of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and develop investment strategies for IPO investors.
  • Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance: Analyze how corporate governance practices influence the performance and value of companies.
  • Behavioral Finance: Understanding Investor Behavior: Study the psychological factors influencing investor decisions and their impact on financial markets.
  • Analysis of Credit Risk Management in Banks: Investigate the credit risk management practices of banks, focusing on loan portfolio analysis and risk mitigation techniques.
  • Consumer Behavior Analysis in E-commerce: Examine the behavior patterns and preferences of online consumers in the e-commerce sector.
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses: Develop effective social media marketing strategies tailored for small businesses to enhance their online presence.
  • Brand Loyalty: Factors Influencing Customer Retention: Identify and analyze the factors that contribute to brand loyalty and customer retention in various industries.
  • Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Buying Behavior: Investigate how celebrity endorsements influence consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions.
  • Online vs. Offline Retail: Consumer Preferences and Trends: Compare the preferences and trends of consumers in online and offline retail environments, identifying key differences.
  • Market Entry Strategies for International Markets: Develop market entry strategies for businesses looking to expand into international markets, considering cultural and regulatory factors.
  • Digital Marketing Trends: A Comparative Analysis: Analyze the latest trends in digital marketing channels and their effectiveness in reaching target audiences.
  • Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Hospitality Industry: Evaluate the relationship between customer satisfaction, service quality, and loyalty in the hospitality sector.
  • Product Placement Effectiveness in Films and TV Shows: Study the effectiveness of product placement as a marketing strategy in films and television shows, measuring brand recall and impact.
  • Green Marketing: Sustainable Practices and Consumer Perception: Investigate consumer perceptions and behaviors towards green products and sustainable marketing practices.

Human Resources

  • Employee Engagement Strategies for Remote Teams: Develop effective strategies to enhance employee engagement and motivation in remote work settings.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Multinational Corporations: Analyze diversity and inclusion programs in multinational companies, assessing their impact on organizational culture and performance.
  • Talent Management Practices in the IT Industry: Study talent management strategies and practices in the Information Technology sector, focusing on recruitment and retention.
  • Performance Appraisal Systems: A Comparative Study: Compare different performance appraisal systems used by organizations and their impact on employee performance and satisfaction.
  • Work-Life Balance Programs and Employee Wellbeing: Evaluate the effectiveness of work-life balance programs in improving employee wellbeing and productivity.
  • Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture: Analyze how different leadership styles contribute to shaping organizational culture and employee engagement.
  • Training and Development Programs: Impact on Employee Performance: Investigate the effectiveness of training and development programs in enhancing employee skills and performance.
  • Workplace Stress Management Strategies: Develop strategies to manage workplace stress and promote employee mental health and wellbeing.
  • Employee Retention Strategies in High-Tech Industries: Identify and analyze effective strategies for retaining talent in high-tech industries with high turnover rates.
  • Gender Pay Gap Analysis and Equal Pay Policies: Study the gender pay gap in various industries and evaluate the effectiveness of equal pay policies in reducing disparities.

Operations Management

  • Supply Chain Optimization in Manufacturing Sector: Optimize supply chain processes and logistics in the manufacturing industry to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • Lean Management Implementation in Service Sector: Implement Lean management principles in service-oriented organizations to eliminate waste and improve operational efficiency.
  • Inventory Management Strategies for Retail Chains: Develop inventory management strategies to minimize stockouts and excess inventory in retail chains.
  • Six Sigma Implementation in Healthcare: Quality Improvement: Implement Six Sigma methodologies in healthcare organizations to improve quality of care and patient outcomes.
  • Logistics and Distribution Network Optimization: Optimize logistics and distribution networks to improve delivery times and reduce transportation costs.
  • Operations Planning and Control in the Food Industry: Develop efficient operations planning and control strategies for food processing and distribution companies.
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices: Case Studies: Study successful case studies of Total Quality Management implementation in various industries.
  • Process Automation and Robotics in Manufacturing: Explore the use of automation and robotics in manufacturing processes to improve productivity and efficiency.
  • Service Quality Measurement and Improvement in Hospitality: Develop tools and techniques to measure and improve service quality in the hospitality industry.
  • Green Operations: Sustainability Practices in Manufacturing: Implement sustainable and eco-friendly practices in manufacturing operations to reduce environmental impact.


  • Feasibility Study for a Tech Startup: Conduct a feasibility study for a tech startup, analyzing market demand, competition, and financial projections.
  • Business Plan Development for a Social Enterprise: Develop a comprehensive business plan for a social enterprise focusing on social impact and sustainability.
  • Crowdfunding as a Financing Option for Startups: Explore the use of crowdfunding platforms as a viable financing option for early-stage startups.
  • Franchise Business Model: Analysis and Case Studies: Analyze the franchise business model and study successful case studies of franchise operations.
  • E-commerce Market Entry Strategy for Small Businesses: Develop an e-commerce market entry strategy for small businesses to expand their online presence.
  • Innovation Management in Startups: Best Practices: Study best practices for managing innovation and creativity in startup environments.
  • Angel Investing: Strategies and Risk Management: Explore angel investing strategies and risk management practices for investors in early-stage startups.
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership: Traits and Success Factors: Analyze the traits and characteristics of successful entrepreneurial leaders in various industries.
  • International Expansion Strategies for SMEs: Develop strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to expand into international markets.
  • Business Model Innovation: Disruptive Strategies: Explore disruptive business model innovation strategies used by successful startups to gain a competitive edge.

General Management

  • Change Management Strategies in Organizations: Develop change management strategies to facilitate organizational transitions and transformations.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs: Impact Assessment: Evaluate the impact of CSR programs on brand reputation and stakeholder perceptions.
  • Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures: Case Studies: Study successful case studies of strategic alliances and joint ventures in various industries.
  • Crisis Management and Communication Strategies: Develop crisis management plans and effective communication strategies for organizations facing crises.
  • Market Research and Analysis for New Product Launch: Conduct market research and analysis to guide the launch of a new product or service.
  • Project Management Best Practices: Implementation: Study and implement project management best practices for successful project execution.
  • Knowledge Management Systems: Implementation and Benefits: Implement knowledge management systems in organizations to capture and share valuable knowledge.
  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for Organizational Efficiency: Redesign and optimize business processes using Business Process Reengineering methodologies.
  • Strategic HR Planning for Organizational Growth: Develop strategic HR plans to align human resources with organizational goals and growth objectives.
  • Technology Adoption and Integration Strategies: Develop strategies for the adoption and integration of new technologies to drive business growth.

International Business

  • Global Market Entry Strategies for Multinational Corporations: Develop market entry strategies for multinational corporations expanding into new global markets.
  • Cultural Intelligence in International Business Negotiations: Study the role of cultural intelligence in successful international business negotiations.
  • International Trade Policies and Impact on Global Business: Analyze international trade policies and their implications for global businesses.
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership: Challenges and Strategies: Explore challenges and strategies for effective cross-cultural leadership in multinational organizations.
  • Export Marketing Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Develop export marketing strategies for SMEs looking to enter international markets.
  • Global Supply Chain Management: Best Practices: Study best practices in global supply chain management to optimize international operations.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Trends and Analysis: Analyze trends in Foreign Direct Investment and their impact on global economies.
  • Political Risk Analysis for International Business: Assess political risks and their impact on international business operations and investments.
  • Global Branding and Positioning Strategies: Develop global branding and positioning strategies for products and services in diverse markets.
  • International Business Negotiation Strategies: Study negotiation strategies and tactics for successful international business deals.

Information Technology Management

  • Cybersecurity Threats and Risk Management: Analyze cybersecurity threats and develop risk management strategies for organizations.
  • Big Data Analytics for Business Intelligence: Implement Big Data analytics to derive business insights and improve decision-making.
  • Cloud Computing Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities: Study the challenges and opportunities of adopting cloud computing in organizations.
  • Digital Transformation Strategies for Traditional Businesses: Develop strategies for traditional businesses to undergo digital transformation.
  • Blockchain Technology Applications in Supply Chain: Explore the applications of blockchain technology in optimizing supply chain processes.
  • AI and Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics: Implement AI and machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics in business.
  • IT Governance and Compliance Frameworks: Develop IT governance frameworks to ensure compliance and data security.
  • Mobile App Development for Business Solutions: Design and develop mobile applications to address business challenges and enhance customer experience.
  • IT Infrastructure Optimization and Cost Reduction: Optimize IT infrastructure to reduce costs and improve efficiency in organizations.
  • ERP Implementation and Business Process Integration: Implement Enterprise Resource Planning systems for seamless business process integration.

Healthcare Management

  • Healthcare Quality Improvement Initiatives: Develop quality improvement initiatives to enhance patient care and safety in healthcare settings.
  • Healthcare Innovation: Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: Explore the use of telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies to improve healthcare delivery.
  • Health Information Systems: Implementation and Benefits: Implement Health Information Systems to improve patient data management and healthcare efficiency.
  • Healthcare Cost Analysis and Optimization: Analyze healthcare costs and develop strategies to optimize spending and improve financial performance.
  • Patient Satisfaction and Service Quality in Hospitals: Evaluate patient satisfaction levels and service quality in hospitals, identifying areas for improvement.
  • Healthcare Policy Analysis and Impact Assessment: Analyze healthcare policies and assess their impact on healthcare organizations and patient care.
  • Healthcare Marketing Strategies for Hospitals: Develop marketing strategies to promote hospitals and healthcare services to the community.
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) Implementation: Implement Electronic Health Record systems to enhance patient data accessibility and accuracy.
  • Healthcare Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Ensure healthcare organizations comply with regulatory requirements and standards.
  • Healthcare Supply Chain Management Optimization: Optimize healthcare supply chain processes to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery of medical supplies.

Sustainability and Green Business

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Transparency: Develop sustainability reporting frameworks to enhance corporate transparency and accountability.
  • Green Supply Chain Management Practices: Implement green supply chain management practices to reduce environmental impact.
  • Circular Economy Strategies for Waste Reduction: Develop strategies for implementing a circular economy model to minimize waste.
  • Renewable Energy Investment Analysis: Analyze the feasibility and returns of investments in renewable energy projects.
  • Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Consumer Goods: Develop sustainable packaging solutions to reduce environmental impact in the consumer goods industry.
  • Carbon Footprint Analysis and Reduction Strategies: Analyze carbon footprints of organizations and develop strategies to reduce emissions.
  • Water Management and Conservation in Industries: Implement water management practices to conserve water resources in industrial operations.
  • Biodiversity Conservation Strategies for Businesses: Develop strategies for businesses to contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts.
  • Green Building Design and Certification: Design green buildings and obtain certifications for sustainable construction practices.
  • Eco-Tourism Development and Sustainability: Develop eco-tourism initiatives that promote environmental conservation and community engagement.

Embarking on an MBA project is an exciting opportunity to apply your knowledge and make a tangible impact. Whether you’re delving into finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or entrepreneurship, there’s a vast landscape of topics to explore.

Remember, the right project topic can be the launching pad for your career, so choose wisely. Dive into MBA project topics that ignite your curiosity, challenge your intellect, and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Good luck on your MBA journey!

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The Ultimate Guide to Choose the Perfect MBA Project Topic!

Table of contents, key takeaways.

  • The choice of an MBA project topic is crucial for the success of the project. It should be relevant, interesting, and aligned with the student’s career goals.
  • The topic should be well-defined and specific, allowing for in-depth research and analysis. It should also be feasible within the given time and resource constraints.
  • It is important to choose a topic that is current and addresses a real-world business problem or opportunity. This will not only make the project more meaningful but also enhance its practical value.
  • The topic should align with the student’s area of specialization or interest. This will enable them to leverage their existing knowledge and skills, and also make the project more enjoyable and engaging.
  • It is advisable to choose a topic that has sufficient available data and resources for research. This will make the project more manageable and increase the chances of obtaining meaningful insights and findings.
  • The topic should be unique and innovative, offering a fresh perspective or approach to a business issue. This will make the project stand out and demonstrate the student’s ability to think critically and creatively.
  • It is important to consider the potential impact and relevance of the project topic in the business world. A topic that has practical implications and can contribute to the field of business management will be highly valued by employers and academic institutions.
  • The choice of MBA project topic should also take into account the student’s personal and professional goals. It should align with their long-term career aspirations and provide an opportunity to develop and showcase their skills and expertise.
  • It is advisable to seek guidance and feedback from faculty members, industry professionals, and peers when selecting a project topic. Their insights and expertise can help refine and improve the chosen topic, making it more impactful and valuable.
  • Finally, it is important to approach the MBA project with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a willingness to learn. The project topic should be seen as an opportunity for personal and professional growth, and a chance to make a meaningful contribution to the field of business management.

I. MBA projects are important. Picking the right topic is key. It could be in HR, marketing, finance, or operations management. It must be relevant and interesting. That’s the basis for a strong study and analysis.

II. MBA students have a ton of topics to explore. Employee welfare schemes, marketing strategies, consumer behavior, brand positioning, and more. With in-depth research and analysis, students can find useful insights.

III. As MBA students, they can look into modern topics that match market trends and practices. Analyzing employee retention strategies, or studying the effect of marketing campaigns on customer satisfaction levels. The options are endless.

IV. The Liverpool Business School did a study (source). It showed that the banking and BPO sectors have high attrition rates. It’s clear how important it is to study employee engagement and retention techniques to solve this.

MBA Project Topics in HR

A leading HR consulting firm conducted a study and found that employee welfare schemes improve job satisfaction.

Effective communication between management and employees is key for successful implementation.

MBA Project Topics in Marketing allow exploration of persuasive strategies and consumer behavior analysis. Ideas can help you to  “sell ice to an Eskimo” !

MBA Project Topics in Marketing

Marketing is important for any business. Doing an MBA Project in Marketing can give useful insights into the techniques used by successful firms. Here are some project ideas to consider:

Orange Modern 3 Point Bar Chart Graph 7

  • Brand Positioning Strategies  – Examine the strategies adopted by top brands and their effect on customer opinion and buying habits.
  • Social Media Marketing  – Measure the efficiency of social media for promoting items and engaging with customers, with a focus on certain industries or target markets.
  • Consumer Behavior Analysis  – Compare consumer behavior in different sectors, such as FMCG or consumer goods, to recognize key factors affecting buying choices.
  • Market Research Techniques  – Look into the market research methods employed by companies to gain knowledge about customer requirements, preferences, and market trends.
  • Customer Satisfaction Management  – Investigate the relationship between customer satisfaction levels and long-term business performance, highlighting effective strategies for increasing satisfaction.
  • Marketing Strategies for Online Businesses  – Examine the marketing approaches used by online startups and e-commerce companies to build a strong online presence and draw in customers.

Additionally, you could also explore topics related to branding, digital marketing, consumer awareness, market segmentation, product positioning, and customer relationship management (CRM).

This is a great opportunity to explore fascinating marketing concepts that can shape your future career. Pick a topic that aligns with your interests and ambitions, allowing you to make a significant contribution while improving your skills as a marketer.

Bear in mind that each project topic offers unique insights into the world of marketing. Consider your strengths and interests when selecting a topic so that you can dedicate yourself to the research process.

Take advantage of this chance to create innovative ideas and broaden your understanding of marketing strategies. Start your MBA journey with an interesting and research-oriented project topic in marketing.

Are you looking for MBA project topics for finance? We’ve got you! What’s more exciting than analyzing financial statements and calculating cash burn? Numbers are incoming!

MBA Project Topics for Finance

Hunting for an MBA Project Topic in Finance? Here are some great options:

  • Financial Statement Analysis  – Dive deep into a firm’s financial statements to analyze profitability, liquidity, and solvency.
  • Investment Portfolio Management  – Evaluate investment options and devise strategies to maximize returns while minimizing risk.
  • Cash Flow Management  – Know the importance of cash flow and create plans to manage it for growth.
  • Risk Management in Financial Services  – Analyze credit, market, and operational risks and find ways to tackle them.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions  – Study the effect of mergers and acquisitions on company performance, shareholder value, and industry.
  • International Finance  – Grasp complexities of international finance, exchange rate fluctuations, cross-border investments, and currency risks.
  • Corporate Valuation Techniques  – Investigate methods used to value a company or project, such as DCF analysis or relative valuation.
  • Financial Modeling  – Create sophisticated financial models using Excel or other software to make strategic decisions.
  • Behavioral Finance  – Look into psychological biases and how they affect investor decision-making.
  • Sustainable Finance  – Research sustainable investing and ESG factors when making investment decisions.

These topics offer MBA students a chance to explore finance concepts in various industries. Conduct research in these areas to gain knowledge and insights into real-world financial practices. Don’t miss out – take the opportunity to enhance your skills and make a meaningful contribution!

MBA Project Topics on Real Estate

Are you looking for interesting MBA project topics related to the real estate industry? Worry no more! Here’s a list of special and informative topics to make your research and analysis stand out. Use this as the beginning point to select a project topic that connects to your interests and career goals.

These topics offer great potential for research, analysis, and invention within the real estate industry. Select a unique and fascinating topic to show off your skills and make a valuable contribution to the field.

Pro Tip: Before deciding on the final project topic, check if it meets your academic program’s instructions and objectives. Also, consider selecting a topic that lets you investigate new aspects or suggest innovative solutions to present challenges in the real estate industry. All the best with your research!

MBA Project Topics in Operations Management

It’s important to know that this list of  MBA project topics in Operations Management  isn’t exhaustive. There are heaps more research areas to explore.

Operations Management has changed a lot over the years. It went from being all about manufacturing to covering industries like healthcare, retail, and logistics. Technology, globalization, and consumer demands mean the role of  Operations Management  is even more important in business success.

MBA students can gain useful insights into improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing customer satisfaction when they research Operations Management. They can apply the concepts they learned to real-world scenarios, so they’re ready for managerial roles.

MBA Project Topics in Business Analytics

Business analytics is a must-know for MBA students – it provides useful insights into making decisions with data. Let’s uncover the possibilities!

We’ll start by looking at some MBA project topics in business analytics:

But that’s not all! Text mining, web analytics, data visualization, and optimization techniques are all worth exploring. Students can gain practical knowledge to apply across industries.

Here’s an example of business analytics in action. An e-commerce company used its customer data to improve product recommendations . They used a collaborative filtering algorithm to provide personalized suggestions. This led to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Forget MBA project topics – let’s Google ‘ways to procrastinate for hours’ instead!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are some popular mba project topics.

Popular MBA project topics include marketing strategies, employee retention, customer satisfaction, financial management, business analytics, international business, and operations management.

2. What are some MBA project topics in HR?

Some MBA project topics in HR include employee welfare schemes, employee training needs, employer branding, career progression, leadership, employee engagement, and job satisfaction.

3. What are some MBA project topics in marketing?

MBA project topics in marketing can focus on market analysis, consumer behavior, brand positioning, marketing strategies, social media marketing, consumer satisfaction, and customer perception.

4. What are some MBA project topics for finance?

MBA project topics for finance can include financial performance analysis, risk management, investment options, portfolio management, working capital management, financial statements analysis, and cash burn analysis.

5. Are there any MBA project topics on real estate?

Yes, MBA project topics on real estate can include market research on property trends, analysis of real estate investment options, comparative study of real estate companies, and impact of government policies on the real estate industry.

6. Can you suggest some MBA project topics in operations management ?

Certainly! MBA project topics in operations management can include analysis of business processes, total quality management, supply chain management, efficiency improvement strategies, lean manufacturing, and technology implementation in operations.

What Factors Should I Consider When Choosing an MBA Project Topic?

When choosing an MBA project topic, it’s important to consider the relevance of the subject matter to your career goals and areas of interest. You should also evaluate the feasibility of the project and its potential impact on your field. Keep in mind the need for practical, mindblowing economics project ideas .

We’ve looked into MBA topics, such as  HR, marketing, finance, operations management, and business analytics . We’ve examined the strategies companies use, and their effect on  employee satisfaction, retention, and business performance .

It’s clear that MBA students have lots of topics to research in these areas. Investigating the industry practices and analyzing the market can give students ideas to create new strategies.

A topic worth exploring is the role of  employee welfare schemes  in job satisfaction and retention. Examining the schemes companies use can help students find the best practices for a good working environment.

Research on the effectiveness of marketing techniques used by top brands can also be beneficial. Comparing different brands’ strategies can show successful methods used in  FMCG and financial services .

Reliance is a great example of effective branding  in a competitive consumer goods sector. They focused on a strong brand image and customer satisfaction – leading to them staying ahead in the market.

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Top Business Schools for Operations Management 2023

Top Business Schools for Operations Management 2023

An MBA in Operations Management can help students get an overview of this dynamic business area. Indeed, as the world globalizes, the operations functions in many industries, including manufacturing and shipping and others, are becoming more important. An operations manager is charged with overseeing a business' operations by ensuring they're efficient and effective.

To help students understand these processes, an MBA in Operations Management might cover a number of topics, potentially including product development, information technology, pricing, and even sustainability. Increasingly, as operations are more tightly tied to computers and networking, Operations Management MBA programs are delving into how to incorporate technology into systems. 

Some schools offer MBA specializations in Operations, and others offer related programs in fields like supply chain or logistics. For those students who want to explore the field on a deeper level, many business schools offer master’s programs specifically in operations management. 

A generalized MBA program will also most likely include some classes in operations management. 

The best MBA programs in Operations Management may leverage knowledge from in-house research centers, which may draw on ideas form other disciplines, such as engineering or computer science.

Many job opportunities exist for operations-minded MBAs, including positions like systems analyst, logistics manager, and operations analyst.

See below for the 10 best MBA programs for operations management.

ASU - Carey

Typically, around one-quarter of ASU's MBA graduates tend to go into roles operations management or logistics, one of the highest rates of all schools surveyed by FIND MBA. The MBA program's specialization in Supply Chain Management offers a number of operations-oriented classes.

Penn State - Smeal

Smeal's graduates go into operations in droves – some 38 percent of the class of 2021 went into operations, supply chain, or logistics roles, one of the highest proportions of any school surveyed by FIND MBA. The school's faculty includes some key figures in operations research, such as V. Daniel R. Guide, who co-edits the Journal of Operations Management. Although the school doesn’t offer an MBA in Operations Management, it does offer an MBA concentration in Supply Chain Management.

The school’s Center for Operational Excellence serves as a hub for Fisher students seeking jobs in operations management. Students can pursue an MBA major in Operations and Logistics. In recent years, as much as 22 percent of the MBA class went into operations or logistics-related roles, according to the school. Experienced professionals looking for a more in-depth look at Lean and Six Sigma tools can look at the school’s one-year long Master of Business Excellence program.

RSM Rotterdam

The school hosts the uniquely multidisciplinary Center for Behavioral Operations Management, which examines how humans interact with supply chains. Typically, about 10-15 percent of MBA grads go into the operations or logistics fields. Rotterdam is a hub for global operations and logistics.


Through Rutgers' Center for Operations Research, students can pursue a dual-degree MBA / MS in Operations Research and Business Analytics, which covers topics in information technology, analytics, and related areas. In recent years, upwards of thirty-five percent of the schoo's MBA graduates have gone into operations and related roles.

The school offers an MBA concentration in Operations & Analytics, where students can delve into modules like “Data Management and Business Intelligence,” “Operations Strategy,” and “Strategy and Operations Consulting.” This concentration is now STEM-designated, which gives international students the option of extending their post-study work visa to 36 months in total. Typically, around 10 to 15 percent of Vanderbilt’s MBA grads go into operations management positions.

HEC Paris

Although the school does not offer an MBA in Operations Management, the core program’s core curriculum covers a range of topics in the field. The school’s Operations Management & Information Technology department consistently produces relevant research. In recent years, as much as seventeen percent of the school’s MBA class of went into operations management and related fields.

Texas A&M - Mays

Through Mays Business School’s MBA certificate in Supply Chain and Operations, students can study the overlap between these two interacting fields. The school’s Department of Information and Operations Management produces research in the operations management field; in general, around one-fifth of Mays’ MBA class goes into operations or logistics-related roles. 


The Canadian school hosts the ‘Centre for Excellence in Operations,’ which produces a range of multidisciplinary research and puts on events. Alberta MBA students can pursue the innovative ‘Operations & Business Analytics Career Track;’ in recent years, upwards, of 20 percent of the school's MBA graduates have gone into operations management and related roles. 

Purdue - Krannert

Typically, around 20 to 25 percent of Krannert MBA grads went into operations positions. With an Operations Management MBA major and a related student club, it's no surprise that US News & World Report consistently puts the school its top-ten list of best schools for a career in operations or production.

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  • Quantitative Techniques (QT) on Inventory Management
  • Quality Practices & Procedures followed by Indian Companies
  • Promoting Reproductive Rights for Women’s Empowerment(MBA Operation Project)
  • Study of Production Management in Company
  • Study on Material Management in Company (MBA Operation Project)
  • Operations of Ward Management in Healthcare Sector
  • operational Risk Management in Logistic Sector
  • Operational Aspects Of Dietary Services in Healthcare Sector
  • Operation Management Locations for IT Industries in India Production
  • Operation Management Production & Operation Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Analytical Study of Material Warehousing Norms – MBA Report
  • Inventory Classification Techniques for Effective Store Management(MBA Operation Projects)
  • Material Management– FMCG Sector Project Management
  • Manufacturing and Quality enhancement practices-Indian Electronic Era
  • Logistics business proposition for the Logistics Park
  • Inventory Management Genpact (MBA Operation)
  • A Study on Warehousing
  • Study of Operation Management in Company (MBA Operation)
  • Global Trends in Operation Management
  • Study of Quality Management System (MBA Operation Projects)
  • ESCM in the FMCG Sector the Present & the Future
  • ERP Evolution Of Technology Factors behind the Successful Implementation of ERP Systems
  • MBA Operation Project on ECRM Strategies of Indian Companies
  • Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma Implementation in an Organisation
  • Study on Project Scheduling (MBA Operation)
  • Operation Management in Textile Industry
  • Concepts of Operations Management & Measures of Productivity in DaburPharma Operations Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Competitive Advantage through Lean Supply Chain Management
  • Study Of Operations at Retail Industry (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study of Logistic Management in indian Companies(MBA Operation)
  • A Critical Review On Supply Chain Practices
  • Application of Six Sigma in Training and Development (MBA Operation)
  • Study On Productivity And Efficiency Management – Online education System
  • A Study on TQM in Organization (MBA Operation Project)
  • Study Of Supply Chain Management at a Company (MBA Operation)
  • Rail transportation vs. Road transportation- a comparison on feasibility
  • Impact of Just in Time (JIT) on supply chain efficiency of large scale retail outlets
  • Criteria for Qualifying and Short listing Suppliers (MBA Operation Project)
  • Study of Sourcing and Procurement of Laptops in American Express
  • Achieving Operational Efficiency in the Process of Technique (MBA Operation Project)
  • Green Growth Strategies for Oil And Natural Gas Sector in India
  • Study on Effects of IT on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations
  • Study of Lean Manufacturing-Concept, Application, Limitations
  • Study of Distribution & Logistic Management in Consumer Healthcare
  • Comparative Analysis of Tools and Processes as used in Six Sigma(MBA Operation Projects)
  • Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management of Retail Malls in Nagpur
  • Impact of Online Electronic Seller on Local Organized Electronic Retailers
  • Impact of e-supply chain on supply chain optimization of Retail Malls in Nagpur Region
  • A study on Supply chain management of Big Bazaar (MBA Operation Project)
  • Impact of e-procurement on Supply Chain Management of retail shops in Nagpur
  • A Study On Revenue And Utilization
  • A study on Inventory control, procurement, distribution and their interrelationships in India
  • A Study on Material Handling and Inventory Management
  • MBA Operations Project on Issues in distribution of perishable products
  • Study of Distribution Channel of Print Media(MBA Operation Projects)
  • MBA Operation Project on Raw Material Assistance Scheme to Small Scale Industry
  • How To Smoothing the Process of Production, Through Planning and Better Supervision (MBA Operation Project)
  • MBA Operation Projects on Evolution of Technology Factors Behind the Successful Implementation Of ERP Systems
  • MBA Operation Project on Distribution and Logistics
  • Study on Agile Project Management with Reference to IT Company
  • Effects of Information Technology on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations in India (MBA Operation)
  • Study on Integrated Logistics and Value Chain Management(MBA Operation Project)
  • The Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management in Delhi Region
  • Study on Implementation of Total Productivity Maintenance in India
  • MBA Operation Project on Performance Measurement in a Warehouse
  • Study of six Sigma Implementation in Organization (MBA Operations)
  • MBA Operations Project on Production Planning
  • Study of Material Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • A Study On Total Quality Management In Company
  • A Study On Warehousing (MBA Operation)
  • Analysis of Total Quality Management Implementation in an Organization
  • Ethical Issues In Operations Management (MBA Operation)
  • Study of Inventory Management
  • A Study on Container Corporation of India
  • Supply Chain Management & Operation in the Retail Sector
  • Designing & Analysing Materials Database & Giving Recommendations for Optimal Utilization of Resources
  • Critical Chain Project Management approach to Multiple Projects
  • Importance of Supply Chain Management in the Cement Industry
  • Merchandising of Brand Line Exchange
  • Infrastructure & Logistics Issues in BPO Sector
  • Operational Research for Cabs Operation in BPO
  • A Study on Store Management System – MBA Operation
  • The Effect of Inventory on Supply Chain Management
  • Production Planning & Control Activities in Auto Industry
  • Study on Impact of Implementation on IT-Based Services (MBA Operation)

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research topics for mba operations management

  • Leadership Components
  • Treks & Travel
  • Action Learning
  • AI & Machine Learning at LGO
  • Data Analysis & Analytics
  • Manufacturing / Lean Optimization
  • Product Design & Development
  • Research & Development
  • Robotics & Automation
  • Supply Chain
  • Sustainability
  • Systems Optimization
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering

Operations Research

  • Class Profile
  • Meet Our Students
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Career Placement Report
  • Career Statistics
  • Application Directions
  • Financial Aid & Costs
  • Admissions Events
  • LGO Early Admission
  • Give to MIT LGO
  • Alumni Networking
  • Alumni Resources
  • Partner Companies
  • Current Student Resources

The MIT Operations Research Center (ORC) studies the use of advanced analytical methods for improving decision-making in a number topics and applications. Students will graduate with an MBA and an SM in Operations Research. Required coursework will focus on statistics, probability, and algorithm methodology. Graduates will be well-versed in advanced data management and optimization, which will allow them to take leadership responsibility in a growing number of roles that use data to create better processes.

Degree Requirements

LGO students completing the MBA and MS in Operations Research take:

  • The LGO Engineering Core
  • Applied Probability
  • Optimization Methods or Introduction to Mathematical Programming
  • Machine Learning Under a Modern Optimization Lens or a suitable statistics subject, as approved by ORC faculty advisor
  • At least 4 more graduate level courses in operations research focus areas, excluding electives offered by the MBA program, as approved by the ORC faculty advisor.

Research Areas

Operations Research candidates are encouraged to take additional OR-related subjects focusing on an application area. The Operations Research Center coursework is organized into seven broad areas that students can pursue:

  • Statistics and Machine Learning
  • Operations Management
  • Optimization
  • Economics and Finance
  • Transportation Systems
  • Applied Operations Research
  • Probabilistic Modeling

Sample of Classes: 2.852 Manufacturing Systems Analysis; 6.231 Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control; 6.867 Machine Learning; 9.520 Statistical Learning Theory and Applications; 18.443 Statistics for Applications; 18.415[J] Advanced Algorithms


LGO ORC students will have unique abilities to both lead complex processes and apply advanced analytics knowledge to a variety of business problems. Interns completing their MBA and operations research degrees will likely complete their projects in a data analytics or systems optimization project.

  • LGO Data Analytics Internships >
  • LGO Systems Optimization Internships >

When reviewing applications, the ORC looks for:

  • A previous degree with a strong academic record in a STEM field with extensive undergraduate level coursework in mathematics, including advanced statistics, probability, calculus, and linear algebra. Previous LGO ORC students had degrees in Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, and Physics.
  • Research interests in operations research applications, and demonstrated ability to apply advanced analytical methods in industry.
  • It is strongly recommended that a former professor write the applicant’s technical recommendation.

If you are interested in Supply Chain/Data Analytics, also check out the Civil and Environmental Engineering department’s Resilient Systems research area. Taking a broad scope to look at world-wide systems, this area highlights issues impacting the entire globe and associated natural and human-made systems. Logistics and supply chain is a very popular research area for LGO students, who take analytics and optimization courses and usually complete an internship in a supply chain or data analysis project.

MIT LGO’s mission is to develop the next generation of operations leaders. Graduates with an MBA and operations research degrees will have extensive opportunities after graduation, in line with LGO’s current placement record.

MBA and Operations Research Careers >

research topics for mba operations management

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Project topics for Operations Management

  • ➤ MBA Project Report
  • ➤ MBA Project Topics
  • ➤ Project topics for Finance Management
  • ➤ Project topics for Marketing Management
  • ➤ Project topics for HRM
  • ➤ MBA Project topics for Information Systems
  • ➤ Project topics for Operations Management
  • ➤ MBA Project topics for Healthcare and Hospital Management
  • ➤ MBA Project topics for Retail Management
  • ➤ MBA Project topics for Total Quality Management
  • ➤ MBA Project topics for Project Management
  • ➤ MBA Project Topics for Supply Chain/ Logistics
  • ➤ MBA Project topics for International Business

MBA Project Topics for Operations Management

  • Concepts and Techniques related to materials management
  • Improving the Effectiveness & Efficiency of Operations
  • Computer and Quantitative models used in formulating managerial problems.
  • Concepts and Techniques of Value Analysis to effectively control costs.
  • Deterministic and Stochastic inventory models.
  • Just In Time Production.
  • Logistics Management.
  • Project Scheduling.
  • Manufacturing strategy.
  • Site and Location Analysis.
  • Application of Quantitative Analysis and Computers for managerial decision making in operations problems.
  • A study on tools and techniques (e.g., CPM and PERT) developed to aid the planning, scheduling, and control of projects.
  • Ethical Issues in Operations Management
  • Quality issues related to enhancing customer satisfaction (both internal and external) to ensure long-term customer loyalty.
  • Studies and conclusions of McGregor, Maslow, Herzburg, Likert, Aggyris, and Blake on Operations Management Behavioral Science.
  • The use of material and supply chain management in manufacturing and service organizations to reduce inventory levels while providing adequate service to customers.
  • Problems encountered in planning, operating, and controlling production of goods and services
  • Tools in project management
  • A study on the methods of planning, organizing, and controlling maintenance.
  • A study on Production and inventory control, procurement, distribution, and their interrelationships.
  • A study on Total Quality Management, human resources, finance and accounting, information systems, and their interrelationships
  • Investigation into computerized production technology
  • Study on Plant layout design depending on type of production system.
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Workforce Management
  • Work study, Method Study and Time Study
  • Modern Trends in Project Management
  • Process Capability Study in BPO
  • A Study on Continuous Improvement Process
  • Challenges in implementation of an ERP system
  • Study of Material Handling – Storage and Packaging – challenges
  • A Project Report on Scope & importance of Materials handling
  • Designing Six Sigma – steps and challenges – A case Study
  • Study on Managing Change in the ERP Implementation
  • Enterprise Resource Planning – Benefits and drawbacks
  • I.T Vendor Management-An Overview

and many more….!

Click to call Us +91-9971164259


MBA Project Guru

MBA Operations Management Project Topics

Latest mba project topics for operations.

MBA Project Guru is No.1 MBA Operations Management Project Topics for final year  providers for all India universities. MBA Operations Research Management Project Report (OR) and Synopsis in reasonable price. We provide complete solutions regarding your mba project. We provide readymade synopsis and report data with unique topic. We provide project report for all India regular and distance universities.

MBA Operations Project - MBA Project Guru

Are you looking for a readymade MBA Operations Project Report your college? We are here to understand your need and have experienced experts who would help you with the same.

MBA Operations Management Project

The MBA operation involves planning, organizing, and supervising a range of productions and manufacturing services of a particular organization. At MBA Project Guru, our professional project writers are very much aware of the nuances of this field, allowing them to create a detailed project report, proposals, ideas, and materials for dissertations and essays. The operation management field is multidisciplinary, and we are very much aware of this fact. We assimilate into writing to deliver quality projects and dissertation papers at reasonable prices. You should get 100% plagiarism-free readymade project writing services that suit your requirements.

Why MBA Operations Project Report from MBA Project Guru?

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  • 100% Guaranteed Project
  • As per university standard project guidelines
  • Varied Specializations
  • For All India universities MBA Operations Project
  • Project Report with Graph and Charts
  • Full Project = Project Synopsis + Project Report
  • Delivery to your Mail-id inbox
  • Cost Effective MBA Operations Project
  • MBA Operations Project in just 24 Hrs
  • Supply chain management in ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • Inventory management & budgetary in ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • Analysis and optimization of ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • Material management of ABC Company - (Synopsis + Report)
  • A study on inventory management system in company (MBA Operations)
  • Study on manufacturing strategy (MBA Operations)
  • Study on Waste Management and its practices
  • Operation Projects on Evolution of Technology Factors Behind the Successful Implementation Of ERP Systems
  • Quality Management Philosophies - Origins and Aspects: An Overview (MBA Operations)
  • MBA Project on Production Planning
  • Study on Project Management in Manufacturing/Operations
  • Global Trends in Operation Management
  • CRM Planning and Implementation - Procedures and Practices - An Overview (MBA Operations)
  • A Study on Revenue and Utilization
  • Study of Supply Chain Management at a Company
  • Study on Production Planning and Control and its implementation
  • Quality issues related to enhancing customer satisfaction (both internal and external) to ensure long-term customer loyalty
  • ERP Evolution of Technology Factors behind the Successful Implementation of ERP Systems
  • Study of Quality Management System (MBA Operation Project
  • Investigation into computerized production technology
  • A study on Production and inventory control, procurement, distribution, and their interrelationships
  • ESCM in the FMCG Sector the Present & the Future
  • A study on Total Quality Management, human resources, finance and accounting, information systems, and their interrelationships
  • Study on Work Study and Method Study and its implementation
  • Study of Inventory Management
  • Ethical Issues in Operations Management
  • Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma Implementation in an Organization
  • Analysis of Total Quality Management Implementation in an Organization
  • A Study on Warehousing
  • Study of Operations at Retail Industry
  • A Study on Total Quality Management in Company
  • Study of Material Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study of Six Sigma Implementation in Organization
  • Study of Logistic Management in Company
  • MBA Project on Performance Measurement in a Warehouse
  • Study on Implementation of Total Productivity Maintenance in Exedy India
  • Study on Integrated Logistics and Value Chain Management
  • Operation Project on Raw Material Assistance Scheme to Small Scale Industry
  • Study of Distribution Channel of Print Media(MBA Operation Projects)
  • Operations Project on Issues in distribution of perishable products
  • A study on Inventory control, procurement, distribution, and their interrelationships at Gedore India ( Operation Project)
  • A Study on Material Handling and Inventory Management
  • How To Smoothing the Process of Production, Through Planning and Better Supervision
  • Impact of e-supply chain on supply chain optimization of Retail Malls
  • A study on Supply chain management of Big Bazaar (Operation Project)
  • Study of Distribution & Logistic Management in GSK Consumer Healthcare
  • Study of Lean Manufacturing-Concept, Application, Limitations
  • The Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management
  • Latest Six Sigma Concept at Larsen & Tourbo Limited (Operation Project)
  • Comparative Analysis of Tools and Processes as used in Six Sigma
  • Impact of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management of Retail Malls
  • Logistics business proposition for the Logistics Park at Palwal, Haryana taking into account HTPL
  • Implementation of TQM and Six Sigma in Jat Metal Pressing Pvt Ltd
  • Concepts of Operations Management & Measures of Productivity in Dabur Pharma Operations Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Analysis of Inventory Management in Neetee clothing Pvt. Ltd
  • Study of Logistic Management in Company(MBA Operation)
  • Study on Project Scheduling
  • A Critical Review on Supply Chain Practices
  • Application of Six Sigma in Training and Development (MBA Operation)
  • Study of Operations at Retail Industry (MBA Operation Projects)
  • ERP Evolution Of Technology Factors behind the Successful Implementation of ERP Systems
  • Study of Quality Management System (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study on Productivity And Efficiency Management In Gradeup
  • Achieving Operational Efficiency in the Process of Technique (Operation Project)
  • Impact of Online Electronic Seller on Local Organized Electronic Retailers
  • Impact of e-procurement on Supply Chain Management of retail shops
  • Study on Agile Project Management with Reference to IT Company Operation Project on Distribution and Logistics
  • Effects of Information Technology on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations
  • Impact of Just in Time (JIT) on supply chain efficiency of large scale retail outlets
  • A Study on TQM in Organization (MBA Operation Project)
  • Rail transportation vs. Road transportation- a comparison on feasibility
  • Criteria for Qualifying and Short listing Suppliers (Operation Project)
  • Study of Sourcing and Procurement of Laptops in American Express
  • Green Growth Strategies for Oil And Natural Gas Sector in India
  • Study on Effects of IT on Inventory Management in Healthcare Organizations
  • Operation Management in Textile Industry of Kirloskar
  • Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma Implementation in an Organisation Operation Project on ECRM Strategies of LG India
  • HCL Six Sigma HCL Study of Six Sigma with Respect to HCL Technology Ltd
  • Study of Operation Management in Company (MBA Operation)
  • Competitive Advantage through Lean Supply Chain Management
  • Infrastructure & Logistics Issues in BPO sector a Study on Barclays Shared Services
  • Critical Chain Project Management approach to Multiple Projects at TIMES Of INDIA
  • Quality Patterns in Dolphin Apparels (MBA Operation Project)
  • Supply Chain Management in Jay Ushin Ltd (MBA Operation Project)
  • A Study on Store Management System of TNT India Pvt Ltd
  • The effect of inventory on Supply Chain management in Infibeam
  • Supply Chain Management at Varuna Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd
  • Production Planning & Control Activities in Lumax Auto Industries Limited Project
  • The Success Of Supply Chain Management In FMCG Sector In India
  • Supply Chain Management & Operation at Pantaloon Retail India Ltd
  • Supply Chain Management at Philips India Limited
  • Supply Chain Management In NTPC
  • Promoting Reproductive Rights for Women’s Empowerment Ford Foundation-Annual (MBA Operation Project)
  • Production Planning & Control Activities In Lumax Auto Industries Limited
  • Study on Material Management in Company
  • Study of Production Management in Company
  • Operation Management Production & Operation Management (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Manufacturing and Quality enhancement practices at LGEIL & SIEL Samsung India Electronic NEW (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Material Management– FMCG Sector Project Management
  • Analytical Study of the Material Warehousing Norms at Om Logistics Ltd
  • Operation Management Locations for IT Industries in India Production
  • Operational Risk Management at Roadrunner Logistic
  • Study on impact of implementation on IT Based Services
  • A Study on Container Corporation of India Limited (A Public Sector Enterprise of the Railways)
  • Whirlpool Feasibility Report of In house Manufacturing of Air Conditioners in Whirlpool of India (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Impact of Private Container Trains Operation & ware Housing on India’s Logistics Industries
  • Total Quality Management –Luxor
  • Inventory Classification Techniques for Effective Store Management at Milma, Palakkad Dairy (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Operational Aspects of Dietary Services at Jaipur Golden Hospital
  • Quantitative Techniques (QT) on Inventory Management
  • Six Sigma – Implementation and Impact
  • Pantaloon Retail India Ltd supply chain management &operation at pantaloon Retail India Ltd (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Supply Chain in Building a Competitive Advantage In Organized Retail Shoppers Stop
  • Six Sigma in American Express (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Study & Training in Production Department Steel Industry
  • Six Sigma – An Implementation for Saving In Power Consumption at Max Healthcare Institute Limited
  • Importance of Supply Chain Management in Cement Industry With Special Focus on Ultra Tech Cement (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Designing & Analysing Materials Database & Giving Recommendations for Optimal Utilization of Resources (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Madison Media Consumption Habit for Madison
  • Quality Practices & Procedures followed by Mahindra Tractors
  • Samsung Olympic Torch Relay even Operation Management & Advertising
  • A Renaissance through Six Sigma Max New York Marketing Operations in Max New York Life Insurance (Recruitment Selling Careers) (MBA Operation Projects)
  • Ranbaxy International Operations (MBA Operation Project)
  • Merchandising of Brand Line Armani Exchange
  • Supply Chain Management in “Nestle” In India (MBA Operation Project)
  • Application of Six Sigma in Training a Case Study of Genpact
  • Operational Research for Cabs Operation in Convergys BPO in NCR Delhi
  • Material Management in Perfetti Van Melle
  • A Study of Six Sigma with Respect to Matrix Cellular (International) Services Ltda

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Operations management project for MBA

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  13. 65+ MBA Project Topics For Operations Management [2024]

    1.The Impact Of Industry 4.0 On Operations Management 2. The Role Of Operations Management In Sustainable Business Practices 3. The Use Of Data Analytics To Improve Operational Efficiency And Effectiveness 4. The Challenges And Opportunities Of Managing Global Operations.

  14. Top 100 MBA Project Topics [Updated 2024]

    Remember, the right project topic can be the launching pad for your career, so choose wisely. Dive into MBA project topics that ignite your curiosity, challenge your intellect, and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Good luck on your MBA journey! Next Post. Discover 100 MBA project topics across finance, marketing, HR, operations, and ...

  15. The Ultimate Guide to Choose the Perfect MBA Project Topic!

    All the best with your research! MBA Project Topics in Operations Management. It's important to know that this list of MBA project topics in Operations Management isn't exhaustive. There are heaps more research areas to explore. Operations Management has changed a lot over the years. It went from being all about manufacturing to covering ...

  16. Top 10 MBA Programs for Operations Management

    Vanderbilt University - Owen Graduate School of Management. Nashville, Tennessee 16 Followers 35 Discussions. The school offers an MBA concentration in Operations & Analytics, where students can delve into modules like "Data Management and Business Intelligence," "Operations Strategy," and "Strategy and Operations Consulting.".

  17. Relevant research areas in Operations Management & Operations Research

    In that it aims for synergy in combining domain knowledge of Operations Management and the decision support of Operations Research. The setting is multidisciplinary and gives attention to the points of view of quality, timely delivery, costs, and organization. ... Research topics are: Operations and logistics management; Production/services in ...

  18. Top 10 MBA Programs for a Career in Operations Management 2021

    5) MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business. Halfway through the list is MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business, whose MBA program earned high scores for both career placements and research strength. An impressive 37 percent of MIP graduates landed jobs in operations management. MIP's full-time International MBA is ...

  19. latest free MBA Operation Project topics and reports

    The Latest MBA Project Topics in Operations is easily available through this category with great ease. The MBA-Operations category is the category that provides the MBA operations project list. ... SCDL, TASMAC, Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Calcutta University, Delhi University ...

  20. MBA Operations Management Concentration

    MBA Operations Management Concentration. Operations Management is concerned with planning, organizing, and supervising the design, development, and delivery of products and services. It provides conceptual frameworks and analytical tools to optimize key decisions in designing and managing operational processes.

  21. Operations Research MBA

    Operations Research. The MIT Operations Research Center (ORC) studies the use of advanced analytical methods for improving decision-making in a number topics and applications. Students will graduate with an MBA and an SM in Operations Research. Required coursework will focus on statistics, probability, and algorithm methodology.

  22. Project topics for Operations Management

    MBA Project Topics for Operations Management. Concepts and Techniques related to materials management. Improving the Effectiveness & Efficiency of Operations. Computer and Quantitative models used in formulating managerial problems. Concepts and Techniques of Value Analysis to effectively control costs. Deterministic and Stochastic inventory ...

  23. MBA Operations Management Project Topics

    MBA Project Guru is No.1 MBA Operations Management Project Topics for final year providers for all India universities.MBA Operations Research Management Project Report (OR) and Synopsis in reasonable price. We provide complete solutions regarding your mba project. We provide readymade synopsis and report data with unique topic.