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Sample Letter for UK Tourist Visa Application (2019 Cover Letter Template)

In this article, we are going to discuss how  you can write your UK visitor visa supporting letter in 2019.

This is because your goal is going to be the same whether you are applying for a UK, US, Canadian or a tourist visa for another country – to convince the person deciding your application that you will return to your home country and not overstay .

This is one of the most helpful things that you can do to increase your chances of a successful UK visitor visa application .

After all, the Home Office caseworkers are very suspicious people and you should do everything that you can to persuade them that you are a ‘genuine’ and ‘credible’ visitor.

There is no one set letter template that can be effectively used for all UK visitor visa applications since every application is different and unique to your own individual circumstances.

There are different aspects that your visit visa supporting letter should discuss and we will discuss each of them in turn:

  • An introduction / summary of your visit visa application
  • List of documents that you are including
  • The purpose of your visit
  • Why you will not overstay your UK visa
  • The dependants that you will be applying with (if any)
  • Your ability to adequately maintain yourself during your UK visit
  • Whether your sponsor meets the sponsor requirements (if you have one)
  • Confirmation that you are not using frequent and successive visits to make the UK your main home (if relevant)
  • Potential weaknesses in your application
  • Contact details of other relevant persons



My name is [NAME] and I am [NATIONALITY] . I am applying from [COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE] and I am applying for a standard [6 month/2 year/5 year/10 year] UK visitor visa.

In discussing that I am a genuine and credible UK visitor visa, this letter will cover:

  • A list of the supporting documents that have been submitted alongside this supporting letter

The purpose of my visit

  • Reasons why I will comply with the terms of the visa and why I will  not overstay
  • Information relating to  dependants applying with me (delete if appropriate)
  • My ability to adequately maintain myself [ and any dependants (if relevant) ] during intended UK trip
  • Information relating to my sponsor (delete if appropriate)
  • Why I am not using frequent and successive visits to make the UK my main home [( if relevant )]
  • Potential perceived weaknesses in my application
  • Contact details of other relevant persons you may wish to contact

Why is this section important?

This section provides a clear outline of the things that Home Office caseworkers are most interested in.

By providing a clear and relevant structure , you are immediately letting the Home Office caseworker know that you have a good understanding of the Immigration Rules as they apply to visitor visas.

It also makes it easier for the Home Office caseworker to read. The clearer and easier you make it for the Home Office caseworker, the happier that they will be.


List of included documents

In support of my UK visitor visa application, I have included the following documents:

The Home Office tend to lose documents quite often, unfortunately.

By stating that you list a certain documents, the Home Office caseworker will then know that the document may have indeed been lost on the way.

This increases the likelihood of the Home Office caseworker getting into contact and asking for the missing document .

By having something similar to the above table, you again increase the clarity and ease of reading for this cover letter.

The Home Office caseworker will be able to refer to this table to quickly identify the relevant document when considering your application and it will again provide good impression.


The main purpose of my visit is to [INSERT ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY] .

[Discuss what you intend to do in the UK in more detail here]

I am fully aware of the permitted and prohibited activities found in Immigration Rules Appendix V: visitor rules .

Example Itinerary #1

The main purpose of my visit is to attend my niece’s university graduation .

The following is my itinerary and includes the likely costings of the UK visit:

23rd May (Day 1)

Hopefully, I will be flying to London Heathrow from Bangkok, Thailand. As evidenced by the attached return flight tickets and return flight ticket receipts (Appendix 8 and 9), the cost of return of this flight is £884.

24th May (Day 2)

I will be picked up at the London Heathrow by my sister and will stay at her accommodation, 22b Iverson Road, London, NW6 2HE for two nights.

Please see the attached letter of support from my sister, which has been labelled Appendix 11.

Whilst I expect that I will spend around £30 on airport food, I will incur no costs for accommodation.

25th May (Day 3)

I will attend my niece’s graduation on this day, which is the main purpose of my trip to the UK.

The graduation is taking place at the University of Leeds campus.

We will travel from my niece’s accommodation in London to the University of Leeds by train, the expected cost of which is £80 for a return train ticket (see Appendix 13).

In support of these plans, please see the attached letter from my niece’s university (Appendix 5), confirmation of my niece’s graduation (Appendix 4) and the letter of support from my niece (Appendix 7).

Since the graduation is scheduled to finish at 11.30am, this will give us plenty time to enjoy a nice meal at our favourite restaurant, ‘Almost Famous’ in Leeds.  I will have £50 set aside for this meal.

Once we have arrived back in London, I will again stay at my sister’s accommodation, which will mean that I will incur no extra costs with regards to accommodation.

26th May (Day 4)

My last day is expected to start early in the morning as my sister will drive me to London Heathrow in time for my 8am flight back to Bangkok.

I have set aside £30 for food and drink at the airport.

The total expected cost for this trip is therefore £190 for my 4-day trip, not including the return flight tickets that I have already paid £884 for.

In light of my personal savings account at Appendix 17 that shows savings of £12,200 (as converted by oanda.com), it is therefore clear that I can adequately provide for myself during my 4-day visit to the UK.

Example Itinerary #2:

The main purpose of my visit is to attend my niece’s university graduation.

The purpose of your visit is a key consideration when deciding whether the Home Office should grant your UK visitor visa application.

The clearer that your purpose for visiting the UK is, the more genuine and credible you will appear to be .

Because of this, it is therefore helpful if you are able to use this letter of support to clearly discuss your plans and the costs associated with the UK trip .

In this section of the letter of support, it will be good if you cross-reference your stated intentions with evidence that you submit in your application.

For example: I will be taking the train on the 25th May, 2020 from London Heathrow to Leeds train station, which will cost £80. Please see appendix 13 that shows this .

It will also be good to get letter of supports from family or friends that supports your stated intentions.

For example, if you are visiting a specific family member or friend in the UK, a letter of support from them will also be helpful to include.


Why I will not overstay the UK visitor visa

I fully intend to return to [my home country OR make an onwards journey to COUNTRY] before my UK visitor visa expires.

I have a good life back home and I would absolutely not want to trade it for a life as an outlaw in the UK.

The following are reasons that I would you to consider when deciding my application:

#1 My good immigration history

My unblemished UK immigration history is one indication that suggests that I am likely to comply with the terms of the UK visit visa and return to my home country prior to the visa expiration.

Example : “In 2012, I was issued a UK visitor visa for 6 months (see appendix 13 which is a copy of page 34 of my attached passport). In 2015, I was also issued a UK visitor visa (see Appendix 14 which is a copy of page 36 of my attached passport. In all of the above instances, I left before the expiration of the visa. I also complied with all of the visa conditions.”

#2 My family ties to my home country

My family back home is another strong indication that I will return to my home country prior to the UK visitor visa expiring.

[Discuss family members back home here, especially if they are dependant on you].

Example : My son, Jeremiah (13 years of age) and my daughter, Jodie (15 years of age), will stay in my home country of Bangladesh during my 9-day trip to the UK. Please see their attached passport scans at Appendix 8 and 9. During my UK visit, Jeremiah and Jodie will be cared for by my husband, Andy Jones, as evidenced by my husband’s letter of support at Appendix 14, which includes a copy of his passport at Appendix 15.

#3 My financial and economic ties to my home country

My financial and economic ties to my home country are other factors that strongly suggest that I have no reason to trade my life in [HOME COUNTRY] with a life as an illegal alien in the UK.

My assets and income are discussed in more detail below, under the sub-heading ‘My ability to adequately maintain myself in the UK’.

#4 Other links with my home country

Example : I am currently studying a degree at Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Please see the attached letter from my university at Appendix 6 that confirms this. Please also see the attached term dates for my course at Appendix 7 that confirms that my intended trip to the UK is not during term-time but rather during the summer holidays.

The main reason why visit visa applications are refused is that the Home Office are scared that you will use the UK visitor visa to enter the UK,  disappear and overstay your visa illegally .


Dependants I am applying with (if relevant)

As stated in the online application form, I am applying with child dependant(s), [NAME(S) AS STATED IN PASSPORT(S), AGE(S) & THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO YOU] .

Obviously, if you are not applying with any child dependants, you can ignore this sub-heading .

However, if you are applying with child dependants, it is important that you are fully aware of the additional requirements that will apply.

In summary, you must show:

#1 That you (or your sponsor) will be able to adequately provide for any child dependants that are also applying for a UK visitor visa.

This is obviously linked with your ability to adequately maintain yourself – i.e. by the showing of assets and income.

In order to maintain a clear structure for this letter of support, you should make sure you sufficiently discuss your finances in the subheading ‘My ability to adequately maintain myself during the UK visit’ below.

#2 That all duties of care obligations with regards to child dependants will be met

Simply showing sufficient financial assets and income will not always suffice.

If, in light of all the circumstances, it is not clear how the child’s welfare will be looked after in the UK, it is likely that the application will be refused .

Like many UK visa applications, the child’s welfare is of an extremely high importance .

#3 That parental consent is given

Parental consent is a requirement for children’s UK visitor visas.

This requirement is usually satisfied where the visit visa applications are made on behalf of a child, although i t is important that you are aware of the situations where the requirement will not be met .

If you are divorced with your child’s other parent, the parent with sole responsibility or legal custody must provide parental consent, which can be met via a letter of support.


My ability to adequately maintain myself during the UK visit

I confirm that I can adequately maintain myself [as well the dependants who are applying with me] . To support this, I will now discuss my sources of income and financial assets.

#1 My sources of income

#2 My assets and/or cash savings

#3 My on-going financial commitments

Example : I am employed as a journalist for The Daily Paper Company in Pakistan. I receive a gross annual salary of PKR 3,000,000 and I have permission from my employer to have paid leave for the week that I will be visiting the UK (see Appendix 8, which is a signed letter from my employer). For clarity, PKR 3,000,000 equates to 15,102 pounds sterling, as stated by the closing spot exchange rate found on www.oanda.com . As evidenced by my attached bank statements (see Appendix 3), I saved a total of PKR 1,500,000 over the past 8 months to help fund my UK visit. This is the equivalent of £7,550 pounds sterling. I also own my own house in Pakistan. Please see the attached documentation (Appendix 11-13) for 12 Wahdat Road, Lahore. The property’s worth, as stated on zoopla.com, is PKR 13,000,000 (Appendix 14).

It is crucial that you are able to convince the Home Office caseworker that you have sufficient resources to maintain and accommodate yourself adequately for the whole of your planned visit to the UK.

This includes the additional costs associated with applying with any dependant children.

If the expected cost of the visit is high when compared to your overall resources (or your sponsor’s overall resources), then questions may be raised regarding the genuineness of your intentions .

Unlike a UK spouse visa , there are no set rules regarding the amount of funds that you (or your sponsor) will need to show.

For example, there is no rule saying that an income of £10,000 is required or cash savings of £5,000 or more.

Instead, the Home Office caseworker will look at your circumstances (and your sponsor’s circumstances, if you have one) and your stated intentions and then make a decision based on that.

At the very minimum, it is clear that you have to prove that you can afford:

I) The cost of travelling to and from the UK ;

II) Any costs associated with applying with dependant children ;  and

III) What you say you intend to do in the UK (e.g. shopping or visiting a family in London).

There are a few points to note regarding evidencing assets and income .

Firstly, both your supporting letter as well as the documents that you submit should make the source of cash savings clear.

If your personal bank account shows a sudden and relatively large injection of cash into your bank, this may seem suspicious.

Secondly, you should make it clear that you can access  to the cash savings.


My sponsor (include this sub-heading only if you have one)

I am being sponsored by [ SPONSOR’S NAME ], who is my [ RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT ]. As evidenced by the attached documentation, [ SPONSOR’S NAME ]’s [ASSETS/INCOME] is more than enough to adequately provide for myself [and my dependant children who are applying with me] during my stay in the UK.

I can confirm that the relationship between [ SPONSOR’S NAME ] and I is genuine. Please see the attached documentation regarding this, as well as the attached letter of support from [ SPONSOR’S NAME ] that confirms [ HIS/HER ] intention to sponsor me.

  • Whether the relationship is personal or professional
  • How you met,
  • Where you first met,
  • How often you meet,
  • How often you communicate with each other]


Why I am not using frequent and successive visits to make the UK my home (include this sub-heading if you have previously been issued a UK visitor visa only)


Potential weaknesses in my application

Include this section only if there are any potential weaknesses in your application.

I recognise that [ REASON 1 ] can raise doubts about the genuine and credibility as a visitor.

[Discuss this here and explain why that should not adversely affect your UK visitor visa application]

I recognise that [ REASON 2 ] can raise doubts about the genuine and credibility as a visitor.

Example : In 2016 I was previously refused a UK visitor visa on the grounds that I was not able to adequately show that I can maintain myself. Please see appendix 3, which is a copy of this refusal letter. It was unfortunate that important financial documents, such as employer pay slips and bank statements, were not received by the Home Office – hence not being able to show that I could have adequately maintained myself. In any event, one month after receiving the refusal letter, I submitted another UK visitor visa application. Fortunately, the Home Office received all of the supporting documents and my UK visitor visa application was swiftly approved. In light of this, my previous UK visitor visa refusal should not adversely affect this application as not only have I shown adequate funds to cover my trip to the UK in this application, but the reason for the previous refusal does not apply to my case.

It is important to directly address the potential weaknesses of your application.

This is because Home Office caseworkers are trained specifically to identify weaknesses in applications.


Relevant contact details

I can appreciate that you may want to contact my friends and family.

If you would like to do so, the following are some friend and family member’s contact information:






If you would like to contact any other individuals or organisations and I have not provided their contact details, please feel free to get in touch and I will be more than happy to provide them.

In some cases, the Home Office caseworker may want to contact relevant third parties in your application in order to validate information to help decide whether they think you are a genuine and credible visitor.

Hopefully you found this article helpful.

Spending time writing a comprehensive covering letter is certainly a worthwhile activity as it is the best place for you to discuss relevant pieces of information in detail.

When writing the covering letter, remember:

  • Using simple, straightforward English is best .
  • Try to keep the contents of your supporting letter as relevant as possible
  • When you can, cross-refer to documentation throughout your supporting letter
  • As long as the structure of the letter is clear, it is worthwhile discussing different aspects of your application in great detail .

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Table of Contents

Cover letter for UK visitor visa(5 samples)

personal statement for uk visit visa

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The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter.  The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the subject matter and highly cited published material.

This article will list samples of “cover letters for a UK visitor Visa.”

Samples of cover letters for a UK visitor Visa

When applying for a UK visitor Visa, your cover letter is an opportunity to show your recipient why you qualify. The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows:

  • Address the recipient with a formal salutation. For example, “Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).” If you do not know the recipient’s name, you can refer to them as sir/madam.
  • Write a brief statement about why you are interested in visiting Ireland.
  • Make a brief statement about your purpose for choosing the country. Next, disclose if you have already paid for accommodation.
  • Next, clearly state that you intend to return to your home country after completing your adventure.
  • List the expenses/funds and the documents and items attached to the application.
  • Conclude your letter with a forward-looking statement.

“British Embassy

678 Lincoln Road

United Kingdom

RE: Ms Celine Visitor Visa Application, Passport Number; 457654 Expiry Date; May 20th, 2012

This letter is written with the intention of expatiating on the information on application on myself and on the purpose of me needing a UK visitor visa. So I’m Celine Lawrence and I will be 40 years on the 3rd of Feb 2012. I have been working as an Engineer in landmark construction for about 8 years now. My country is affiliated to the renounced primetime construction and we execute main federal government jobs. I have been a regular employee since after my 6 months probation period of joining the company. I receive an annual salary of $40,000 and my monthly salary is $3500 that is divided in the below categories

For my taxable is $500

Honorarium is $2500

Allowance is $500

I had met my finance on the Badoo dating site on the January and we have just being communicating only via email and chats. Though he has been making attempt to come to Nigeria but his job routine has not allowed that for now. So I’m free now and will be permitted for my leave of work for about 48 days. So I want to use this opportunity to meet up with him.

I will like to leave for the UK on April 10th, 2012  and will return to my country on May 10th. My finance Mr. Tom will be paying all the expenses associated with the trip which includes my accommodation, airfare and living expenses. I have attached to this letter all the documents needed to get an approval.

Yours sincerely

Celine Lawrence”

“Dec 2nd, 2021

Entry clearance officer

British Embassy


Re; Visitor visa for George Job, passport number 66798 Expiry Date; 3rd July 2021

This letter is coming your way to give you additional information that might interest you more about my visitor visa application. My name is George Job and I work as a medical scientist in the US. My company is incorporated in a pharmaceutical company that is based in Japan. I’m a regular worker that receives $60,000 yearly and splitting this into months will make it $5000 per month. This payment includes my taxable income, allowances and other expenses.

I’m trying to visit my friend in the UK, this is why I’m applying for the visitor visa and I want to be there for only 2 weeks. I would have to return to work after the expiration of this period so this confirms that I wouldn’t be staying beyond the time or duration on my visa. I will be taking care of all the expenses associated with the trip though my friend also wants to sponsor the trip. Whichever way, this also confirms that the trip will adequately provided for.

Thanks you for your approval

Yours sincerely,

George Job”

The Entry Clearance Officer,

UK Visas and Immigration

17 June 2018

Cover Letter for Visit Visa Application

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is *** (Visa Application Reference Number: ***, Passport number: ***). I am applying for Family Visit Visa to visit my son in the UK.

Reason for Visit

I miss my son and I wish to visit him. I also wish to explore the beautiful city of London.

My Background

I live in Karachi, Pakistan with <mention family members here>. I am a housewife.

<Insert details of family members here>.

I live with my husband, Tariq Zafar Khan, in Karachi. He runs his business of ***. He is also applying for a visit visa, so he could travel with me to London for this trip.

My Eldest Son

My eldest son, Dr. Naseer Khan, lives in London with his wife. Both he and his wife work as junior doctors at King’s College Hospital, London. He will be my primary sponsor for this trip. I will stay with him in London.

My Second Son

<Details of the second son were mentioned here>.

My Daughter

<Details of the daughter were mentioned here>.

Karachi to London: ** **** 2018

London to Karachi: ** **** 2018

Duration of Trip

Airline Booking

I will buy confirmed tickets when I am granted the visa. I have mentioned the estimated cost of airline booking in this letter.

Accommodation in London

I will be staying in London with my son, Dr. Naseer Khan. He has a two-bedroom flat. He and his wife are more than happy to host me and my husband.

Financial Sponsor

My trip will be completely sponsored by my son, Dr. Naseer Khan.

Cost of Trip to Me

The total cost my trip to me will be zero, as it will be paid for by my son.

Estimated Cost of Trip

Visa fee £93

Airline booking £607

Traveling in the UK £200

Living expenses £200

Total cost of my trip £1,100

The total amount of money my son has £**,***

I would be grateful if I am granted the visa to visit the UK and to see my sons. Please feel free to contact me if need be.

***** ****** ****.

Passport number: ***

Computerized National Identity Card number: ***

Phone number: 00 92 *** *** ****

Email: ***********”

“[Your address in the UK]

Dear Sir / Madam

Application for Family Visitor visa: [Name of family member]

I would like to invite my [type of family member, e.g. mother, father, etc] to visit me in the United Kingdom. [He/she] would like to stay with me in the UK from [date of arrival] until [exit date]. The family member I would like to invite is – [insert name, date of birth and relationship to you e.g. father or mother]

I work as a [occupation] at [workplace] since [month, year], and I have been living in the UK for [number of years] and I am a British [status].

I have enough room for my visitor to stay over at me for the whole duration of [his/her] stay in the UK, at [list your address], which is a private rented property at [list your UK address].

I also obtained a letter from my landlord that gives them permission to stay with me during this period. I have attached it and other documents to support my letter of invitation. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information.

Yours faithfully

Email address

Phone number

To: [Visitor’s name]

[Visitor’s Address]

Dear [Visitor],

With this letter, I would like to invite you, my [relationship e.i. sister, friend, father], to visit me and spend your vacation in the UK. We have talked so many times about taking pictures together in front of the [tourist place] or drinking coffee at [tourist place]. I believe it is about time we make these plans come true. You will also have the chance to meet from close the British culture and experience its lifestyle.

I will be taking care of all your expenses while you are here, including the round trip airfare food, medical insurance, and all your other personal expenses. You will be staying at my apartment in [address] since I have enough room for you.

Herewith I am sending all the required documents for getting the necessary tourist visa from, including documents that prove I am a [status in Britain] since [year], and that I work at / study at [workplace or university].

Host’s name

Full address

Phone Number

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is a cover letter important.

  • Provide information that other documents can’t provide.
  • Speeds up the application process

Is it worth applying for an Irish passport?

The advantages of becoming an Irish citizen and holding an Irish passport include: 

  • You are still considered an EU citizen. 
  • You can travel freely throughout the 28 member states of the EU to live and work. 
  • If you have children, they will be granted Irish and EU citizenship.

If you like this blog post, please leave your comments and questions below.

A Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa and How to Create One
My Mother’s Cover Letter for Visit Visa Application

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Visa Traveler

Exploring the world one country at a time

How much bank statement is required for UK visit visa

Updated: September 8, 2023

how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa

When it comes to how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa, there is a lot of confusion out there. Mainly because UKVI does not provide proper guidelines on bank statements. Not just on how many months of statements, but how much cash should you have, what kind of transactions are allowed, etc.

In this article, you will learn everything about bank statements for UK visit visa.

How much bank statement is required for UK visit visa?

You must submit 6 months of bank statements that clearly show your monthly salary and financial commitments. There must not be any large deposits of cash other than your salary. Total savings must be at least twice your proposed UK trip expenses.

After examining hundreds of UK visa refusal letters from my readers, I have figured that there are a few things that you must definitely satisfy in your bank statements. Let’s look at these in more depth.


Bank Statements for UK Visa - Financial Requirements

The Entry Clearance Officers (ECOs) must make sure that the UK visit visa applicant has sufficient funds to support and maintain themselves for the entire duration of their stay in the UK. Bank statements work as evidence to prove that the applicant has sufficient funds. 

The ECOs pay close attention to the total cost of the trip, monthly income, monthly expenses and any other financial commitments such as mortgage, dependents, etc. They want to see that you are a genuine traveler, you will travel within your means and you will not exhaust all your savings.

The ECOs are primarily looking at the following criteria in your bank statements.

Let’s look at each of these criteria in detail. 

How much money per day do you need for UK visitor visa?

The UK is an expensive country. A hotel room would cost at least £50 per night. Food is about £10-20 per meal. Add transportation, entry tickets to attractions, shopping, etc. So, total expenses can range from £100-150 per day per person.

DAILY BUDGET REQUIREMENT £100-150 per day per person

This £100-150 per day per person is only for the visa. When you actually travel, you can minimize your daily expenses and spend a lot less than that.

How much do you need to earn to get a UK visitor visa?

UKVI does not provide guidance on acceptable monthly income. But, after going through hundreds of refusal letters, I figured that your monthly income must be at least half of your total UK trip expenses. 

INCOME REQUIREMENT Your monthly income must be at least half of your proposed total UK trip expenses

EXAMPLE: Say your proposed UK trip expenses excluding the airfare is £2,000. Your monthly income must be at least £1,000. Anything less than that can lead to ECO assuming that it’s not realistic for you to take this trip.

Make sure your monthly salary is directly deposited into your bank account. This results in a salary deposit transaction in your statements. This proves that you have a consistent monthly income.

If you are paid in cash or check, deposit the cash or check in your bank account on a specific date every month. You can withdraw again from your bank account for your expenses, but that consistent salary deposit every month must definitely be there in your bank account. 

How much do you need to save to get a UK visitor visa?

Apart from monthly net income, your monthly disposable income is also important. Monthly disposable income is basically your savings. If you save too little per month, that’s an indicator that a UK trip is not realistic for your financial situation.

SAVING/DISPOSABLE INCOME REQUIREMENT Your monthly savings/disposable income must be a good percentage of your net monthly income

EXAMPLE: Say your proposed UK trip expenses is £2,000. Your monthly net income is £1,000. Your monthly living expenses are £950. That means you can only save about £50 a month. Even if you have enough savings for your trip, your savings per month (£50) are too small. ECOs will assume that a UK trip is too expensive and not realistic for your financial situation.

How much bank balance do you need to show for UK visitor visa?

You must show that you have sufficient funds in your bank account. As a rule of thumb, you must have more than twice your proposed total UK trip expenses in your bank account. 

FUNDS REQUIREMENT Your funds must be more than twice your proposed total UK trip expenses

EXAMPLE: Say your proposed UK trip expenses excluding the airfare is £2,000. You must have at least £4,000 in your savings. Anything less than that can raise questions and lead to visa refusal.

Again, UK Visas and Immigration does not specify what is acceptable in terms of funds. So this is something I understood from referring to many visa refusal letters. 

What cash saving patterns ECOs are looking for?

Continually growing savings

You must show that your savings are continually growing and that too consistently. If they are not, then the ECO may assume that you might have borrowed the money to make it look like you saved it yourself. 

EXAMPLE: Say your salary is £2,000 per month. After all expenses, you save around £500 a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less, about usually around £500. You are saving continually but also consistently.

One more thing to keep in mind is that your savings must be large enough or at least a good percentage of your income.

What is funds parking and how to avoid it?

Bank statements for UK visa - Funds Parking

Funds parking refers to borrowing money from someone to show as if it’s your own money. ECOs suspect any large deposits in your bank account other than your salary as parked funds. 

EXAMPLE: Say your ending balance in your bank account has been £4,000 for the last 6 months. That means, your savings haven’t grown at all. This makes the ECO suspect that you might have borrowed money 6-7 months ago just to show that you have sufficient savings in your bank account.

If you had a large cash deposit from the sale of a property, investment, etc., you must provide documentary evidence to prove that it’s your money. 

Also, if you had unexpected expenses such as hospitalization, purchase of property, investment in stocks or fixed deposits, etc. you must explain them properly in your cover letter for UK visa as well. 

What to do if you DO NOT have sufficient funds? 

If you do not have sufficient funds for your UK trip, I suggest the following.

  • Delay your trip until you have saved up enough. If you plan to travel to the UK next year, start saving up from now and you will have enough saved up by then.
  • Shorten your trip to manage within the funds you have. If you plan to travel for 10 days, shorten it to 7 days or even 5 days. Try to cram in more sightseeing every day so you can manage your 10-day itinerary in just 5 days. 
  • Lastly, use a sponsor to cover some of your expenses. Keep in mind that sponsorship from family members and immediate relatives can work well. Sponsorship from unrelated, distant relatives, friends, people who met on the internet, acquaintances, etc. will not work.

What to do if your salary is too low?

Should you put away your dream of traveling to the UK just because your salary is too low? Not really, but here are a few things you can do.

  • Delay your trip until your salary goes up. Yearly salary hikes are common in most places. Or ask for a pay raise.
  • Shorten your trip to manage within your salary limits. If your salary is £500, then plan to stay only 7 days, not more.
  • Use a sponsor. As I mentioned above, sponsorships from family members or immediate relatives work well.

Why do you need 6 months of bank statements?

Bank statements are not just about how much cash you have in your bank. They tell a lot about your financial and personal circumstances. From your bank statements, ECOs can assess your sources of income, financial commitments and current lifestyle. 

This information is extremely important for ECOs to decide whether they can support themselves during their UK trip. At least 6 months of bank statements are necessary to assess this formation. 

If you lay down 6 months of bank statements in front of you, you can clearly see patterns such as your spending habits and saving goals. 

Keep in mind that these 6 months of bank statements must start from the latest and go backward 6 months. Let’s look at an example.

Say you are applying for your UK visa on 14 Nov 2021 and your latest statement was for October. You must submit statements from May to October. 

Does UK embassy verify bank statement?

If UKVI suspects fraudulent bank statements, they can contact the bank to verify the authenticity of the statements. They have built relationships with banks over time and can take the help of third-party agencies to verify such information.

Manipulating or providing fraudulent bank statements will lead to visa refusal and a permanent ban from entering the UK. 

Illegal migration and human trafficking are on the rise. Therefore, ECOs do their due diligence with visa applications. Document verification costs them money and time. There is a reason why the UK tourist visa is the most expensive and time-consuming visa process. 

Is online bank statement acceptable for UK visa?

Yes, online bank statements downloaded from the bank website are perfectly acceptable. Online bank statements are a norm in most countries these days. I assume UKVI has connections with major banks in the world either directly or through third-party agencies. If need be, they can make inquiries and verify the authenticity of your bank statements. 

A mere download of a list of transactions from your account will not work. Your online bank statements must include all the necessary information such as the bank name, bank address, bank phone numbers, full name, address, statement dates, transactions, balances, etc.

If any of the information is not included, you must request bank statements from the bank that include all necessary details.

Keep in mind that providing fraudulent bank statements will lead to a permanent ban from entering the UK.

Do bank statements need to be stamped for UK visa?

UK Visitor Visa Refusal Rates Chart

If you are applying from a country with high UK visa refusal rates, I advise providing certified bank statements. These are bank statements printed on the bank letterhead, stamped and signed by the bank authorities. Sometimes instead of signing and stamping, a cover letter signed by the head of the bank branch is provided.

Certified bank statements help to convince the ECO that your bank statements are authentic.

What if you have multiple bank accounts, one for salary and one for savings? 

If you have multiple bank accounts, you will have to submit 6 months of statements from each bank or account. If done incorrectly, this could lead to document bloat, which means the ECOs may overlook the most important bank statements. 

Try to use only one bank account for salary, expenses and savings. If you have to use two banks or accounts, mention this clearly in your cover letter so ECOs do not overlook important bank statements.

Do bank statements in foreign language need to be translated for UK visa?

Yes. If your bank statements are in a foreign language, you must provide a certified translation of them in English. If you have several pages of bank statements that need translating, it can get quite expensive. This is usually the case when downloading monthly statements from the bank’s website.

One way to handle this is to ask the bank to print the last 6 months of transactions as one statement. This will remove any repeated information such as bank address, etc. that usually appears on each monthly statement. This will reduce the bank statements to only a few pages. Translating and certifying these pages shouldn’t be that expensive.

Can you show joint account for UK visa?

A joint account is acceptable when both account holders are applying for UK visas together. The income and saving limits must also be doubled in that case. This is usually the case with couples, either both or one of them is earning. Either way, you must explain that your account is a joint account in your cover letter to avoid ECO making any decisions with partial information.

If only one account holder is applying for the visa, the ECO may assume that the applicant does not have sole access to the funds and may refuse the visa. Again, this is a tricky situation and must be clearly explained in the cover letter.

How to show bank statement if you are self-employed?

All the above rules apply to self-employed as well. Make sure to get paid from your clients directly in your bank account. If you earn cash, deposit your cash into your bank account first before using it for personal expenses. You can withdraw later for your expenses.

If you receive small cash several times a month, consolidate all the cash and deposit once a week or month. If you have multiple bank accounts, consolidate them too.

How to show bank statements if you are a business owner?

ECOs assume that business funds are for business purposes and not available for personal use. This is especially true if you are traveling to the UK on a personal holiday trip. Therefore, you must have a clear distinction between your business funds and personal cash. 

Make sure to separate your business and personal accounts. Pay yourself a monthly salary into your personal account. Maintain a consistent financial pattern in your personal account. As a business owner, you must submit your business bank statements and personal bank statements for your UK visa.

Alternatively, you can provide a letter from you or any other business partners that the business funds are available for your personal use. In this case, just your business bank statements are sufficient.

Templates for UK visa by Visa Traveler

UKVI does not provide proper guidelines on how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa. After referring to hundreds of UK visa refusal letters, I figured that ECOs are looking for certain patterns in your bank statements. ECOs are primarily looking for your sources of income, spending habits, financial commitments and saving goals. These factors are essential for ECOs to decide whether you are a genuine visitor and have sufficient funds for your trip.

There you have it. Everything you need to know about bank statements for UK visit visa. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. I will answer them as soon as I can.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


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Book your hotel from Booking.com . Booking.com has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

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If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

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  • Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa: How to Write One & Examples [2024 Update]

What is a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa?

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What is a letter of invitation for a uk visa.

A letter of invitation, also known as a sponsorship letter, is a key document in many UK visa applications that helps to clarify the purpose of the visitor’s trip and to demonstrate their accommodation and in some instances financial arrangements. This document is vital for providing assurance to border control officers about the genuineness of the visitor’s intent, addressing one of the more ambiguous criteria of UK visa applications.

How A Letter of Invitation Helps Your UK Visa Application

The primary function of the invitation letter is to detail the visitor’s planned activities in the UK, whether they are coming to stay with family , attend business meetings, or participate in other formal engagements. It should explicitly mention the relationship between the host and the visitor, the duration of the stay, and who will be responsible for the visitor’s expenses. If the visitor will be staying with the host, this should be clearly stated to potentially prevent the need for additional proofs like hotel bookings.

However, depending on what is specified in the invitation letter, the applicant may still be required to present further evidence, such as proof of hotel reservations and sufficient funds for the duration of their visit, to support their application.

The letter should be comprehensive and include details about both the host and the visitor , their relationship, and the specifics of the trip. Including supporting documents like the host’s proof of address or ID can also lend credibility to the claims made in the letter.

While the letter itself is not the sole determinant in the visa application process and is not mandatory, the absence of a well-prepared letter of invitation could cast doubt on the visit’s legitimacy and lead to visa denial, especially in family visits where the applicant is staying with family members or in business visits where the applicant is visiting work associates. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that the letter is detailed, accurate, and aligns with the overall purpose of the visit, as outlined in the visa application.

Tourist Trip to UK

Who Needs a Letter of Invitation and Who Should It Be Addressed to?

A letter of invitation can play a crucial role in the application process for a Standard Visitor Visa to the UK. While not mandatory, including such a letter can significantly strengthen an application by providing additional assurance to the UK Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) about the purpose and conditions of the visit. This is particularly advantageous for applicants who may not have extensive funds or pre-arranged accommodation, as it can help mitigate the risk of visa denial due to financial scrutiny or doubts about the visit’s intent.

For those planning to stay with family or friends, or if financial resources are limited, a letter of invitation can prove essential. It reassures the ECO that the visitor has a place to stay and means of support, reducing the likelihood of entry issues upon arrival. It is advisable for travellers to carry this letter when travelling, as border agents might request to see this document to verify the details of the stay before granting entry into the UK.

Regarding addressing the letter, it should be noted that the invitation letter is intended for the ECO rather than the visitor. The primary purpose of this letter is to outline supporting details such as the personal information of the host and visitor, and specifics about the visit, thereby facilitating the visa application review process by the Home Office. It should therefore be formally addressed to the ECO, typically starting with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ or ‘To whom it may concern’. This approach underscores the official nature of the correspondence and aligns with the formal requirements of visa application documentation.

While it might seem more personal to address the letter directly to the visitor, such as ‘Dear [Visitor’s Name]’, this is generally not necessary unless specifically desired by the host for personal reasons. The official and most effective format is to direct the letter to the authorities reviewing the visa application, ensuring that the tone and content are appropriately formal and informative. For example by addressing the letter to “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern”. 

Requirements and Eligibility for Writing a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa

When writing a letter of invitation for a UK visa, it is essential that the author meets specific criteria to be considered a valid sponsor . Firstly, the sponsor must be living in the UK lawfully. This requirement is crucial as it confirms the sponsor’s legal status to support a visa application.

Secondly, the sponsor must have a personal relationship with the visa applicant, such as being a friend, relative, partner, or spouse. This relationship must be verifiable, as the Home Office requires proof to ensure the authenticity of the relationship. It is important to document how the sponsor knows the visitor in the letter to avoid any ambiguity or issues during the visa application process.

Moreover, the sponsor must provide details about the accommodation they will offer to the visitor. This includes specifying whether the property is owned or rented and ensuring the space is adequate for the duration of the visitor’s stay. If the visitor plans to stay at different accommodations during their visit, such as a hotel during a weekend trip, this should also be clearly outlined in the invitation letter.

The person writing the letter must be fully informed about the contents and be prepared to verify any details if questioned by immigration authorities. Ensuring the information provided in the letter is accurate and truthful is imperative, as any discrepancies can undermine the visa application.

Eligibility to write an invitation letter also extends to those who have sufficient space in their residence to accommodate the visitor comfortably. The Home Office considers these practicalities when assessing the invitation letter as part of the visa application process. Therefore, the sponsor should be prepared to provide proof of accommodation and its suitability for the visitor’s stay.

Essential Information to Include in a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa

Sponsor and visitor details.

The letter should start by clearly outlining the host’s full name, address, telephone number, occupation, and legal status in the UK, whether as a citizen or permanent resident. It should also confirm the host’s relationship to the visitor, which needs to be verifiable to satisfy Home Office requirements.

Similarly, the visitor’s full name and the nature of their relationship with the host should be detailed. This helps in establishing a personal connection and the credibility of the visit’s intent.

UK Visa Sponsor Requirments

Trip Details

Comprehensive information about the trip must be included:

Dates of Visit: While exact dates are ideal, approximate dates can also be provided if the travel plans are still being finalised. For example, stating that the visitor is invited for a two-week stay in a specific month suffices if exact travel dates are not yet available.

Purpose of the Visit: Clearly state whether the visit is for tourism, family time, attending a specific event, or another purpose. If the visitor is coming for a specific event or activity, this should be mentioned explicitly.

Accommodation Details : Outline where the visitor will stay during their visit. If the visitor will stay with the host, details of the host’s home should be provided, including the address and the type of property (owned or rented). If an alternative accommodation is planned for part of the stay, such as a hotel, details should also be included.

sample of invitation letter for uk visa

Financial Arrangements

The letter should detail how the visitor’s living and travel expenses will be handled. Options include the host covering all expenses, sharing costs, or the visitor managing their own expenses. If the financial arrangements vary during the visit, each phase should be clearly outlined.

For instance, if the host will cover accommodation and daily expenses but the visitor pays for their own travel, this division should be clearly stated. 

Additional Considerations

Honesty is crucial in the invitation letter. If there are any unique arrangements, such as the visitor staying elsewhere for part of their visit, these should be openly stated. 

Supporting Documents to Include with a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa

When submitting a letter of invitation as part of a UK visa application, accompanying it with the right supporting documents is essential. These documents validate the information presented in the invitation letter and enhance the credibility of the visa application, ultimately assisting the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) in making an informed decision. Here are the key documents that are generally recommended to be included:

  • A copy of the host’s UK passport or biometric residence permit. 
  • Documents such as a mortgage statement or tenancy agreement.
  • Recent bank statements or other financial documents that show the host has sufficient means to support the visitor throughout their stay. 
  • Copies of itineraries, flight tickets, or bookings for events or activities if already arranged.

Scanned Copies vs. Originals: It is generally acceptable to provide scanned copies of these documents rather than originals, which ensures that all necessary information is provided without risking important personal documents.

Comprehensive Documentation : While there is no fixed list of documents that must be included with every invitation letter, the more evidence provided, the stronger the visa application will be. 

Writing a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa: Sample Templates

When drafting a letter of invitation for a UK visa, it’s crucial to ensure that it contains all the necessary details to support the visa application effectively. Below are three sample templates that illustrate how to structure such a letter, each tailored to slightly different circumstances. These examples should serve as a guide to creating a personalised invitation letter that includes specific, essential information about both the host and the visitor.

Sample 1: Comprehensive Invitation Letter

Your Name Your Address Your Phone Number Your Email Address Date

Application for Visitor Visa for [Visitor’s Name]

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to invite [Visitor’s Name, with Date of Birth] to stay with me in the UK from [Start Date] to [End Date] at my residence in [Location]. [Visitor’s Name] is my [Relationship], and we plan to engage in sightseeing and visiting local areas of interest during their stay.

In addition to staying at my home, we have arranged to spend three days at [Name of Accommodation or Place] from [Start Date] to [End Date], located at [Address].

I am a UK citizen by birth, employed as an [Occupation], and fully intend to support [Visitor’s Name] financially throughout their visit, including accommodation, meals, and internal travel expenses. I have ample space in my home to accommodate them comfortably.

Attached are copies of my British passport, tenancy agreement, work ID, booking details for additional lodging, and a recent bank statement (from [Date]), verifying my financial capability.

If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Yours faithfully, [Your Signature] [Your Name]

Sample 2: Standard Visitor Visa Invitation

Invitation letter for [Applicant’s Name]

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hereby extend an invitation to [Applicant’s Name and Date of Birth] to stay with me at [Host Address] from [Start Date] until [End Date]. [Applicant’s Name] is my [Relationship], known to me for [X] years, and their visit aims to include sightseeing and visiting family across the UK.

During their stay, we will also spend a few days in Brighton at [Hotel Name], from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Please find attached the ticket reservations and accommodation booking confirmation copies for your reference.

I am a UK-born citizen, residing in my three-bedroom home which I rent, and am employed full-time as an [Profession]. Enclosed are my recent pay slips, bank statements, and a holiday request confirmation from my employer, which substantiate my financial readiness and accommodation arrangements.

If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully, [Your Name and Signature]

Sample 3: Simple and Direct Invitation Letter

Sponsor’s Name Sponsor’s Address Sponsor’s Phone Number Sponsor’s Email Address Date of Writing the Letter

Application for Visitor Visa for [Applicant’s Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please accept this letter as my formal invitation for [Applicant’s name and Date of Birth] to visit and stay with me in the UK between [Start Date] and [End Date] at [Host’s Address]. The purpose of [Applicant’s Name]’s visit is [Description of the Visit’s Intention].

As a UK citizen working as a [Profession] at [Company], I will cover all costs related to [Applicant’s Name]’s stay, including food, accommodation, and travel within the UK. My [Type of Property] is fully prepared to accommodate them comfortably for the entire duration of their visit.

Please find attached [List of Supporting Documents].

Should you need more details, please contact me at your convenience.

Yours faithfully,

[Author’s Signature]

[Author’s Name]

These templates provide a framework for creating a personalised letter of invitation that aligns with the requirements of the UK visa application process, ensuring that all necessary information is clearly communicated and supported by appropriate documentation.

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How Much Bank Statement is Needed For a UK Visit Visa

There can be confusion concerning the required bank statement for a UK Visit Visa and what information should be included when applying.

Reach out to our legal advisers for bank statement advice, document check, or application support on  0333 305 9375 . We can help maximise your chances and lower risks of delays or possible refusal of your UK Visitor Visa application.

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What Bank Balance is Required for a UK Visit Visa?

In applying for a UK Visit Visa, the essential requirement is to have sufficient funds for your upkeep throughout your stay.

Although there is no fixed minimum bank balance set by the Home Office, you must have enough funds to demonstrate that you can cover your expenses without using public funds.

If you do not have sufficient funds in your own bank account, you can still meet the financial requirement by showing that your family member or relatives will financially support you during your stay in the UK.

Demonstrating Enough Funds for a UK Visit Visa

Part of the UK Visit Vist application process requires you to provide to the Home Office the following information as part of making a decision on whether to approve or decline your visa:

  • How much do you think your trip will cost
  • How much you earn in a year (if you have an income)
  • The dates you’re planning to travel
  • Where will you stay during your visit
  • Your parents’ names and birth dates (if known)
  • Your current home address and how long you’ve lived there
  • Details of any criminal offences you have committed

There is no set amount of monetary funds required for a UK Visit Visa as it depends on invidual’s circumstances and the purpose of their visit to the UK.

You may be confused about how to meet sufficient funds since the Home Office has made it mandatory for entry officers to ensure visitors’ income or savings are sufficient to meet the likely costs during their stay in the UK and that their expenses are reasonable based on their financial situation.

Based on this, if you’re travelling alone and you think your trip will cost £2,000, the recommended amount in your bank account should be at least £3,000 over the preceding six months. Though a trip may not necessarily cost as much as that, it is advisable to have more funds in your bank account than the estimated cost of the trip.

Again, the Home Office didn’t set a fixed minimum bank balance for a UK Visit Visa but having the recommended bank balance demonstrates that you have sufficient maintenance funds.

How to Meet Bank Statement Requirements for a UK Visit Visa

Providing bank statements that show your monthly salary and financial commitments, is required for a UK Visitor Visa. You need to note that large deposits of cash other than your monthly salary should be excluded from your bank statement.

Although, there is no fixed minimum amount you must have in your bank account. However, you may wish to ensure that your bank statement meets the following requirements to avoid visa refusal:

  • A daily budget of about £100 to £150 per day per visitor, as the UK is an expensive country.
  • Monthly disposable income should make up a significant percentage of net monthly income.
  • Funds should be twice the expected UK trip cost.
  • The monthly salary should at least cover half of the expected visit expenses.

In general, a large bank balance does not mean you have sufficient funds, and a low bank balance means you have insufficient funds.

You will also need to provide bank statements in English or Welsh – otherwise you will need to provide certified translated copies to the Home Office.

personal statement for uk visit visa

What if Your Bank Statement Does Not Demonstrate Sufficient Funds?

If you can not provide copies of bank statements that show sufficient funds for your trip that you may want to conside the following:

  • Manage your trip with the funds you currently have. For example, shorten your trip to the UK.
  • Use sponsorship from a family member or relative to make your trip possible within your salary limits.
  • Postpone your visit until you have sufficient funds to travel

personal statement for uk visit visa

Need to know how much bank statement is required for UK Visit Visa? Contact us for reliable guidance and support.

What is Fund Parking?

Borrowing money from someone to act as if it’s your own money is called “fund parking.” When you deposit large deposits other than your salary in your bank account, the Home Office classifies them as “parked funds.”

However, if your large deposits were due to investments, property sales, or any other gift, it is necessary to provide documentation to prove you are the owner.

In addition, having unexpected expenses like investment in stocks (or fixed deposits), property purchase, hospitalisation, etc., will require a proper explanation in the cover letter for a UK Viisa application.

If you need help writing a cover letter, contact a legal professional. IAS can advise you on what to do and help you prepare your visa application. Call us today on  0333 305 9375  for support in applying for a Visit Visa.

Financial Sponsorship Documents

A sponsor can be a family member or relative. Using a sponsor to finance your trip does not necessarily mean you do not have sufficient funds or are unemployed.

Having a financial sponsor can, indeed, strengthen your application. If you are using a sponsor for your application, here’s what your sponsor should provide:

  • Proof of regular income
  • Bank statements
  • Letter of support
  • Solvency certificate
  • Papers related to proving fixed assets (if mentioned)
  • Affidavit declaring financial sponsorship

You should note that anything you mentioned and explained in your letter of support or cover letter needs to be officially backed up by supporting paperwork.

Personal and Financial Eligibility for a UK Visit Visa

As an individual visiting the UK, you need to show that you are a genuine visitor who will leave at the end of your visit, and that you have enough funds to cover all your expenses.

You must be able to afford your trip based on your financial situation back home before you can obtain a Visit Visa. In demonstrating sufficient funds, you should note that it is not about how much you have in your account; it is about proving the reasonableness of the proposed cost of your trip.

This can be determined based on your disposable income in relation to your trip costs. Before you are allowed entry, UK immigration will assess your financial supporting documents, including your bank statement, investment documents, bond and share certificates, etc.

As well as demonstrating you meet the requirements for sufficient funds you must be able to show you have a genuine intention to leave the UK after your Visit Visa expires.

Evidence You Can Provide to the Home Office

The Home Office may request evidence to show you will not outstay your permitted time in the UK and this can be done in a number of ways:

  • Property ownership  – If you own a property overseas, you can use a title register or letter from a solicitor to confirm you have a permanent residence outside of the UK. You can also provide a long-term rental agreement or lease if you rent rather than own your own home.
  • Family  – If you are visiting the UK and have a spouse, children, parents, or siblings remaining in your home country or outside the UK, you can provide their information and show the necessary evidence. Evidence like a marriage or civil partnership certificate (for spouse) could be provided.
  • It may also be beneficial to include evidence of an elderly parent outside of the UK that you care for in support of your application if applicable.
  • Work/education  – if you are in employment or full-time education outside of the UK, your Visit Visa application may be a strong indication that you intend to leave at the end of your visit. A letter from your employer confirming your employment or a letter from the education provider could demonstrate you plan to return home after your visit to the UK.

Get expert guidance on UK Visit Visa bank statement requirements. Contact us today.

How Can IAS Help?

A bank statement is one of the essential requirements for a Visit Visa. You may be required to show money in your bank account, keep a healthy balance and explain all transactions to avoid entry refusal into the UK.

Having a sufficient bank balance is difficult and confusing, as many factors influence maintenance funds availability. IAS can give you professional advice and make your UK Visitor Visa application successful.

Reach out to one of our team members today to learn how to satisfy your financial requirements and present your case. For more information about our services, call us on  0333 305 9375  or chat with us online.

We offer immigration advice sessions as face to face appointments at all of our UK offices, or via the phone.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to extend my visit visa while in the uk.

Most UK Visitor Visas cannot be extended unless exceptional circumstances exist, like a family emergency or medical treatment. Visitors usually stay for six months.

How much should a sponsor have in their account?

It depends. The estimated total cost of your trip depends on how many days your visit will last. The expenses you’ve shown in your application are what should be in your sponsor’s account.

Can I apply for a Visitor Visa with a sponsor who is not a family member?

Yes. However, your sponsor must provide documents proving your genuine relationship and their ability to support you financially.

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A guide to writing a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visitor Visa

Woman writing a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa.

The Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa, also known as a Sponsorship Letter for a UK Visa and as a Sponsor Letter, allows an individual to sponsor their friend, partner, or family member to come to the UK as part of their Standard Visitor Visa application. Please note that the letter does not guarantee entry into the UK, as the applicant for the visa must also meet other requirements.

The individual sponsoring the person visiting the UK must write the Letter of Invitation themselves. Alternatively, they could download a template, but they would still have to fill in the details themselves.

We shall tell you the important information you need to know about the letter, and how you can go about writing one. 

Who can write a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa?

There are certain requirements that you must meet if you plan on sponsoring and hosting someone to stay with you. 

The requirements are:

  • That you are a UK citizen, or a lawful permanent resident
  • Related to the person you are sponsoring, or are their friend or partner
  • Have a registered place to stay in the UK that you own or rent (a house or flat)
  • Enough space in your home to accommodate your visitor

How do I write the letter?

First, you will need to address the letter to the Home Office, not the person you are sponsoring. This is because an Entry Clearance Officer or UK Consular Officer will be dealing with the application, and so will need to read the letter to ensure everything is in order. 

Since you will not know the name of the person reading the letter, you can choose to start the letter off with: ‘to whom it may concern’.

Ensure that your letter is written in a formal, official tone that is suitable to be read by a government official.

What should be included in an Invitation Letter for a UK Visa?

In your letter, you should include the following information about yourself:

  • Address and telephone number
  • Status in the UK (such as immigration status or citizenship)
  • Relationship to the visitor

Information about the visitor you are sponsoring should include:

  • Relationship to you
  • Length of stay and travel itinerary 
  • Purpose of visit
  • How their expenses will be covered

There may be other details you will need to include. For example, if you and your visitor are going to be staying elsewhere during their trip, then you will need to include the address of where you are staying and the dates you will be staying there for. 

All of the information you include must be completely truthful and accurate. If there are any inaccuracies, then the applicant’s Visitor Visa application will be refused.

Do I need to include supporting documents?

When you send your letter to the Home Office, you will also need to include supporting documents. 

The documents you will need to include with your letter are:

  • Your valid UK passport
  • Evidence of your status in the UK (such as a biometric residence permit)
  • Proof of ownership or proof that you rent your home (such as a mortgage statement, letter from the landlord, or a tenancy agreement)
  • Evidence that you have the financial means to support your visitor (such as a bank statement)
  • Copies of travel, accommodation and or activity documents showing your plans

You do not need to send your original documents, scanned copies will be accepted. 

What reasons can someone use a Visitor Visa for?

As you outline in the Invitation Letter for a UK Visa the reason for the visit, you should know what counts as a valid reason to use the Visitor Visa. 

It can be used for more than just a visit to friends and family or tourism.

The visa can also be used for:

  • Attending an event
  • Taking a short course for up to 30 days
  • Carrying out research for academic, scientific or any other purpose
  • Undertaking a Permitted Paid Engagement , such as giving a lecture or performing as a musician
  • Volunteer for up to 30 days
  • Take an exam or study
  • Attend meetings or interviews
  • Medical reasons
  • School exchange programmes

Additionally, the visa allows you to work remotely from the UK; however, it cannot be the main reason for a visit. 

How we can help

If you or someone you know wants to visit the UK, then we can help.

Our team of immigration experts can assist you with the drafting of an Invitation Letter for a UK Visa, as well as guide you through every step of the application process for a Standard Visitor Visa. 

Arrange a free 10-minute consultation to discuss your needs with a member of our team. After this, you can arrange a longer consultation that can last either 30 minutes, or an hour.

The team member you initially talk to will act as your point of contact in the company, and you can ask them any questions you may have. 

Get in touch with us today if you need any help with a Visitor Visa or the Invitation Letter for a UK Visa. 

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If you have any questions, or want to book an appointment with one of our legal experts, contact Woodcock Law today. Call us on +44 (0)20 7712 1705 or email [email protected].


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UK Visit Visa: How to Prove That You Are a ‘Genuine Visitor’

Aaron Durban-Richardson

The UK visit visa route is one of the most frequently sought after categories of visa, with data recently released by the Home Office showing that there were a total of 1,914,778 visitor visas granted in the year ending September 2023, with visit visas accounting for almost 57% of all entry clearance visas granted during this period. In that same report, the Home Office also confirmed that the Visitor Visa ‘grant rate’ for the year ending March 2023 stood at 77%, representing a decrease from the 87% grant rate in March 2020.

Given the popularity of this route, and the decline in grant rates compared to previous years, it is crucial that individuals ensure that their applications are completed as accurately as possible in order to avoid disappointment. Therefore, in this article, we will be exploring one of the most important visit visa requirements, namely how to prove that you are a ‘Genuine Visitor ’ and the type of documents that might assist in evidencing this.

An Overview of the Visit Visa Route

A standard visit visa allows an individual to visit the UK for the purposes of Tourism , Business , Study (Which lasts up to 6 months) and other permitted activities for a period that usually lasts for 6 months . A full and detailed explanation of each of these visit visa sub-categories is beyond the scope of this article and, in any event, is explained in depth on various pages of our website which can be accessed here .  

It should also be briefly noted that citizens from certain countries (referred to as ‘Visa Nationals’) will need to have made a visit visa application prior to travelling to the UK . A list of the countries that this requirement applies to can be found here . However, there is also another category of individuals (called ‘Non-visa Nationals’) who can apply as a visitor when they arrive at the UK border .

What Is the Genuine Visitor Requirement?

The essence of the genuine visitor requirement is that an applicant must be able to demonstrate to the Home Office that they satisfy the following requirements under Paragraph V 4.2. of Appendix V: Visitor, namely that they: 

(a) will leave the UK at the end of their visit ;

(b) will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits , or make the UK their main home ; 

(c) is genuinely seeking entry or stay for a purpose that is permitted under the Visitor route […]

(d) will not undertake any of the prohibited activities set out in V 4.4. to V 4.6;

(e) must have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to their visit without working or accessing public funds, including the cost of the return or onward journey, any costs relating to their dependants, and the cost of planned activities such as private medical treatment. […]

The relevant Guidance specifies that caseworkers should assess the applicant’s personal circumstances , as a means of determining whether they are a ‘genuine visitor’ and, in particular, should consider an Applicant’s:

  • Previous immigration history, including visits to the UK and other countries; 
  • The duration of previous visits and whether this was significantly longer than originally stated on their visa application or on arrival – (this is not determinative but may be a reason to question the applicant’s overall intentions); 
  • Financial circumstances as well as their family, social and economic background;
  • Personal and economic ties to their country of residence; 
  • Cumulative period of time that they’ve visited the UK for, their pattern of travel over the last 12-months, and whether this amounts to ‘de-facto’ residence in the UK; 
  • Whether, on the balance of probabilities, the information and the reasons for the visit provided by the applicant are credible and correspond to their personal, family, social and economic background.

Likewise, the Guidance also sets out a non-exhaustive list of factors which may cast doubt on whether an applicant is a ‘genuine visitor’ including if they:

  • Have few or no family and economic ties to their country of residence, and has several family members in the UK;
  • Have attempted to deceive the Home Office in previous applications;
  • Have discrepancies between statements made by them and statements made by their sponsor, particularly on points where the sponsor could reasonably be expected to know the facts but does not;
  • Provided information that the Home Office has not been able to verify, despite attempts to do so;
  • Provided information or reasons for their visit that are not deemed credible;
  • Have had their baggage/vehicle searched at the border and that reveals items which demonstrate they intend to work or live in the UK.

What Documents Can Help Show That I’m a Genuine Visitor?

As a preliminary point, documents which are not in English (or Welsh) will need to be accompanied by a certified translation. Applicants will also need to provide a valid passport or travel document which “ must have at least 1 page blank if you use it to apply for a visa ”, according to the Home Office’s Guidance.

Home Office’s guidance also helpfully outlines documents which could be provided in order to demonstrate genuineness. The exact documents which might be helpful will differ depending on the personal circumstances of each applicant, and on the specific type of visit visa that they are applying for. A general overview of the different types of documents which could be submitted is as follows:

  • What you will be doing in the UK;
  • The reason(s) for your visit; 
  • Whether any costs of your trip are being covered by them. 
  • A letter from your employer on company headed paper, explaining your role, salary and length of employment;
  • A letter from your education provider , on headed paper, confirming your enrolment and leave of absence;
  • Any business registration documents or recent invoices that confirm on-going self-employment.
  • Copies of previous passports showing evidence of travel to other countries;
  • Confirmation of your legal residence , if you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport;
  • Financial documents, such as bank statements , building society books or proof of earnings (Such as payslips or a letter from your employer) which show that you have access to sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.

It is worth emphasising that neither the rules nor guidance state that these are mandatory documents which must be provided. In fact, the guidance actually says that submitting these documents “ does not guarantee that your application for a visit visa or entry at the border will be successful ”. Thus, satisfying the ‘Genuine Visitor’ requirement will depend on the quality of documents that you will be able to provide rather than simply providing a set of pre-specified documents.

The Guidance also gives an indication of documents that are considered “less useful” as evidence in visit visa applications. These include:

  • Bank statements or letters issued more than 1 year before the date of application;
  • Credit card statements;
  • Driving licence;
  • Educational certificates that are not listed as required for your visa;
  • Evidence of car ownership;
  • Personal photographs;
  • Notarial certificates;
  • Business cards;
  • Hotel bookings;
  • Flight bookings (unless transiting);
  • Photocopies of bank cards;
  • Certificates relating to leisure activities, for example sports trophies;
  • Travel insurance;
  • Sponsor’s utility bills;
  • Sponsor’s council tax bills.

Again, it is worth emphasising that the rules and guidance do not expressly prevent any of these documents from being provided. Rather, this should be taken as a guide to the types of documents that might not be as helpful (especially on their own) in demonstrating genuineness. However, this does not mean that they cannot, or should not, be provided alongside the stronger types of evidence discussed earlier.

As will hopefully have been seen from this article, the ‘genuine visitor’ requirement represents one of the most important criteria needed to successfully obtain a visit visa. As has been explained, there are several factors which the Home Office will consider in determining if a visitor is ‘genuine’, as well as a range of evidence that could be submitted to evidence this. Therefore, careful consideration of an applicant’s individual circumstances, and the supporting documents that they can gather, will be needed to maximise an applicant’s chances of success.

Contact our Immigration Barristers

For expert advice in relation to a UK visa application or immigration appeal , contact our immigration barristers on 0203 617 9173 or complete our enquiry form below.


To arrange an initial consultation meeting, call our immigration barristers on 0203 617 9173 or fill out the form below.

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Uk spouse & partner visa, applications.


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Our Professionally written Letter Templates will help you to put together essential Cover Letters, Supporting statements, Declarations or Consent letters for your UK Spouse/Partner Visa Application .

Our Templates have been used in hundreds of successful client cases .

Each template has been designed to:

  • Include all of the  critical details that are relevant to your case
  • Provide  suggestions on what to include  in your letter
  • Easily fill in your and/or your sponsor's personal information

personal statement for uk visit visa

For Spouse/Partner Applications made Outside the UK when:

  • Applying to join and settle with your British Spouse / Partner in the UK
  • Applying as a Fiancé(e) to Marry and Settle with your British Partner in the UK
  • Returning with your British Spouse / Partner back to the UK after living together overseas

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For Spouse/Partner Applications made Inside the UK when:

  • Applying to Extend or Renew your current UK Spouse / Partner Visa
  • Converting your Fiance(e) / Proposed Civil Partner Visa to a Spouse / Partner Visa
  • Applying to Switch to the Partner Route from another Visa Category

Why you need to include certain Letters with your Visa Application

Cover Letter and Support Letter Templates

Cover letters are the best way to summarise your case and confirm how you meet all of the requirements for your/your partner's visa, to the caseworker who will be assessing your application at the Home Office.

  • Applicant's Cover Letter
  • Sponsor's Letter of Support
  • Statement from Third Party (your friends & family)

Templates for Employment/Financial Evidence

Depending on you and/or your partner’s financial circumstances, you may need certain letters to satisfy the Financial Requirement of the Immigration Rules.

  • Letter from your Employer
  • Declaration of source of your Savings
  • Letter from your Accountant

Accommodation Letter Templates

Living in rented accommodation or a property owned by family/friends?  You will need either a:

  • Letter from your Landlord
  • Letter of consent from your Family member/friend

How Clients Rate Our Visa Letter Templates

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Letter Templates

Who are these for?

Depending on your and/or your partner's circumstances, you may need to provide declaration, consent, or other letters of support with your application.

These templates will save you and your partner’s time, and provide full peace of mind that you will write and structure the letter(s) to satisfy the Immigration Rules.

Are they appropriate for me and/or my partner?

These templates are designed to assist those who want to complete their UK Partner visa process themselves, but need to know how to put together supporting/consent letters to address specific aspects of the application, for example, if you are/will be living in your family or friend's accomodation,  or you will be relying on savings to meet the financial requirement.

How do we use the letter templates?

The letter templates have been structured and designed so that it is easy to incorporate your personal information and situation.

It will be clearly marked where you will need to enter/confirm further info,  in each template.

For example:

Sponsor's Name  has been employed by Company Name  as a Job Title  since DD/MM/YYYY .  

His/Her salary is £ XX,XXX per annum, and he/she has been paid this level of salary since his/her employment commenced.

Is there a the Money Back Guarantee?

No, Refunds are not available for our Letter Templates, once you have downloaded them. 

The onus will be on you: 

  • To decide and purchase the correct template(s) that is/are appropriate for your case
  • Include the correct/relevant information in your actual letter(s). The templates only provide the structure and suggestions of the wording to use in your respective letter.

How Long will it take to receive my Template?

Immediately after purchase. 

Each template is a Microsoft Word Document which comes in a downloadable Zip file.

If I buy a Template, am I allowed to ask you questions about my application?

No, if you would like specific advice about your Visa application, We also offer a 25 minute consultation service for £120 which you can book here .

What format will the letter templates be in?

They will all be in Microsoft Word format packaged together in a Zip file.

Is there a discount if I buy several templates together

No. We have made each individual template as affordable as possibe.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive template bundle, checkout our ' Tailored Checklist and Letter Templates Pack ' HERE

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Uk spouse/partner visa application.

Spouse Visa UK Help | Melanie Wong

We pride ourselves on our High Success Rate for all UK Spouse/Partner Visa Applications we have been fully instructed to take on.

To help you achieve a successful outcome for you/your loved one(s), we have put together a range of Services and Tools specifically for UK Spouse/Partner Visa Applications including Step-by-Step Guides, Templates, DIY Application Packs, Documents Checking Service and More!


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Expert Immigration Advice is the trading name of M Wong Advice Ltd which is an OISC regulated immigration law firm.

Company Number 12773362, OISC Registration Number F202309023

Registered Company Address:

128 City Road, London,

United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

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How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application (5 Min Trick)

Planning on studying abroad read on to know more about what is a statement of purpose and how to write a statement of purpose for a visa application a statement of purpose (sop) is the most important document that could be the deciding factor on whether or not your visa application gets accepted..

How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application

If you’ve been making plans to study abroad , you would have done your part of the research to understand what are the requirements for visa application. Though it may differ from country to country, below is a generic list of requirements while applying for a student visa:

  • A valid passport
  • Proof of funds
  • Passport-size photos
  • Acceptance to a designated educational institution
  • Application fee payment receipt

Statement of Purpose for visa application

  • English language proficiency examination score

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What is a Statement of Purpose?

A Statement of purpose or an SOP is a detailed description given by an applicant which essays their professional and educational backgrounds, their personality traits and personal story. It also needs to give an explanation outlining the reasons for choosing a particular institution in the specific country, the academic course and the career choice thereafter. An SOP is required to be submitted to:

  • The admissions committee at the particular university or college of choice
  • Visa centre 

This is to convince them to accept your visa application to have your student visa issued. A Statement of purpose for a visa differs from that which needs to be submitted to colleges and universities.

Your Statement of Purpose for visa application should essentially cover these following 3 W’s:

  • W ho are you?
  • W hat are your academic qualifications and credentials?
  • Why are you the right candidate?

An SOP is typically an essay that is 1000-1500 words long and should be written in such a way that it reflects your traits and characteristics. It should be unique and specific to you. So if the content of your SOP is copied from someone else’s SOP, you would risk it being rejected. Several professional writing services provide SOP writing services. Companies like Write Right provide exemplary SOP services with their team of highly-qualified writers. 

The importance of a Statement of Purpose

An SOP is not to be mistaken with a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) or a Biodata . It is a rather detailed story that clearly explains and engulfs your profile including the following points:

  • Your life visions 
  • Your desire to study abroad
  • Your career goals
  • Your beliefs
  • Subject knowledge
  • Plans after pursuing a course abroad.

To put it in a gist, a well-written SOP should portray your overall personality and your general outlook. Remember, an SOP is very important as it would be scrutinized by the visa officer and the institution to which you are applying. So take it as an opportunity, like a marketing strategy, where you need to pitch your purpose to the concerned authorities while advertising your story as well as how well you can express yourself with your impressive writing skills. 

Needless to say, there would be tons of applications that you would be competing with. In a subtle, yet impactful way, your statement of purpose for visa application should paint a picture of all the reasons why you should be selected over other applicants. You may think that your academic background falls short of the requisite expectations. But even in such a case, there is no need to lose hope. A well-written SOP could compensate for a slight lack in your academics by highlighting your future goals and explaining how ambitious you are.

Statement of Purpose for visa application is the most crucial part of your student visa application. The Visa officers would only consider your application if your SOP is honest and reflects your true persona and identity explained professionally. If you are planning on studying abroad, it is important to note that most of the countries would require you to write an SOP to be attached to your visa file, like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the USA, and the UK.

Format of SOP

While there may not be a fixed format for a statement of purpose for visa application, it would bode well for you if it is formatted and sequentially written professionally. Below are a few simple pointers that you might need to remember while drafting your SOP:

  • An SOP is written in paragraph form. It should ideally be 5-7 paragraphs long with 150 to 250 words per para.
  • The use of bullet points is accepted but its usage should be kept to a bare minimum and maybe even avoided altogether as far as possible.
  • Follow the general rules associated with essay writing.
  • A standard SOP is ideally two pages long unless otherwise specified.
  • The maximum font size to be used is a 12 point font and should be double spaced in normal margins. So, a standard SOP would be around 800-1000 words depending upon the font type used. The acceptable length could exceed 1000 words, but you need to ensure that it does not go beyond 1200 words.
  • Colourful text, font, and images should not be used. The text should be the default color of plain black and nothing else other than black.

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Structure of Statement of Purpose for Visa

Let us go through the paragraphs as stated below to understand the structure of the statement of purpose. Please note that the below-mentioned structure is not the only way to write your SOP. It is only indicative of how a well-written SOP should be structured.

Start with the top right corner by mentioning your name and your address along with your e-mail address. Below this, on the left-hand side, address the statement of purpose to the visa officer of the particular country for which you are applying.

This is the part where you mention the subject of the matter in your SOP, not unlike the format in which you write a letter or an e-mail. It is a header that needs to mention the subject matter of your statement of purpose for visa application. For example-

  • An SOP for Masters
  • An SOP for Grad school
  • An SOP for MBA

3. Introduction

This should be the starting paragraph, but it is not to be confused with a self-introduction. Instead of using it to describe yourself, this paragraph should be used to give a brief description of what you intend to discuss in your statement of purpose for your visa application. You may adopt various approaches to go about this paragraph: 

  • Talk about your long-term goal and inter-link it with your aspiration of pursuing the course you are applying for.
  • Explain your understanding of your chosen field and also elaborate on how you could contribute to the said field.
  • In about 2-3 lines give a brief about your background and connect it with your future goals
  • To give it more of personal touch you can even mention an anecdote that helped you realize your interest in the chosen professional field which will help. It humanizes your statement of purpose for visa application and the officer might be able to connect with the narration.
  • More often than not, students make the mistake of introducing themselves or talking about their childhood in the first paragraph. But it is very important to understand and realize the purpose behind writing the SOP. It is not about narrating a detailed story about yourself. It is all about expressively and professionally sharing your past experiences, your current aspirations, and your plans, joining all these dots in a sequential flow while also trying to convince that you have a contribution to make to their country just as their country will contribute to your growth.

4. Academic Background and details

This is the second paragraph that should summarize your academic background, qualifications, and accolades (if any). It also elaborates on what you have done so far, what you are currently pursuing,

academic strengths, projects done, or any industrial training exposure. If your grades are not that impressive, fret not. Please make sure that you do not particularly highlight any negative aspects in your SOP, without being dishonest in your approach. Do take note that you have to put across your point subtly and give them the necessary details emphasizing the noteworthy aspects of your academics.

5. Professional Experience

The third paragraph comprises your professional experiences. That is if you have any professional experience it should be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs. This helps in establishing your career progression. An impressive career graph is also a great plus point and would add to your positives.

6. Reasons why you choose this particular Course

In the fourth paragraph, you need to list out the reasons for opting for the particular academic course in question.   In this paragraph, you should elaborate on the reasons for wanting to join the desired specific course and the different modules that you would be covering during this course. You should also discuss the skills you would be acquiring as a result of the course along with the exposure you would gain in this duration that would help in developing and honing the skills that are required to achieve your professional goals.

7. Career Goals and aspirations

This is the most important paragraph and should be the highlight of your SOP. Here you should elaborate on your near-future short-term goals as well as your long-term plans. 

Short-term goal: This mentions your immediate goal of where and what kind of a company you would want to work with right after you graduate from the course post-completion. Do remember to name some good MNCs with a global presence to not limit yourself geographically. Also, make a mention of the designation at which you see yourself working. Simply put, this paragraph should give a brief about the kind of job profile that you aspire to have in your near future.

Long-term plans: This is where you discuss your dream goals and aspirations like where do you see yourself in 10-15 years from the present. Although your plans may change later, you have to give an honest view about what you currently aspire to be or do. Say, for example, you may see yourself working at the top management level of a big multinational corporation or maybe you want to be an entrepreneur and are working towards starting and expanding your own business. You may be planning on contributing to expanding your family business to a global level or you may want to study further, maybe get a doctorate, or even want to become a professor or a researcher.

Whatever your plans may be, it is advisable to briefly discuss your professional goals, principles and core values. But please note that it should not just be about you. You need to ensure that you also mention how you would be able to create a difference while treading on your journey. It is important to be able to portray how you would also influence young aspirants within the industry considering the current industrial and economic scenarios and also guide them to achieve their goals and become better global citizens of tomorrow.

  8. Reasons why you opted for this University

In paragraph number six, you should try and convince the specific University about your suitability of candidature. You should discuss the benefits of the knowledgeable faculty, the course curriculum, research and fieldwork, internship opportunities as well as other activities that are specific to the university. Also, make sure that you mention how all of these things would contribute to enhancing your profile as well as how you would be the right fit for their college and how you could make a contribution to them.  

9. Closing Paragraph of SOP

In this paragraph of your statement of purpose for visa application, you should conclude by stating your passion, willingness, and readiness to pursue your desired course at the college of your choice. You need to ensure that you sound focused on your vision for the future and emphasize your seriousness to follow your dreams. Also, do make sure that you mention your preparedness to face and overcome the challenges that come your way. This para should reflect your zeal and zest to work hard and succeed with the help of your course and your college and also how willing you are to make a difference to your specific industry and the world at large on a global platform.

Is there a difference between a Statement of Purpose same as a Personal Statement?

A personal statement seems to be quite similar to a statement of purpose, except for a few aspects. An SOP would ideally include a two-page essay about your goals, motivation, experience, extracurricular activities, achievements, and so on. A personal statement on the other hand is a crisp, one-page essay about your experiences, motivation, achievements, and so on. A personal statement is usually more personal than an SOP. So a personal statement should be more elaborate about your goals and aspirations. Whereas an SOP is a much more detailed form of a personal statement.

How to write a great SOP?

Here are the three major steps that need to be kept in mind while writing your SOP:

  • Plan your SOP well- The first and foremost thing to be done is to plan your SOP by outlining a structure and accordingly work towards constructing the SOP. A good way to build your introductory paragraph is by quoting an anecdote that piqued your interest in your chosen field. List down relevant pointers and create a step-by-step framework for each paragraph, then elaborate on each of the points mentioned systematically and creatively. Also, most importantly, emphasize your reason for choosing the course and the university.
  • Prepare a draft- Before moving on further, ensure that you create a draft and then re-draft your SOP to eliminate errors. Please note that when you also share your learnings from your professional experiences, it shows that you are a keen learner, which is a positive point. Ensure to use active voice when writing your SOP. Try and limit the use of technical terms and jargon. The introduction and conclusion of your SOP need to be clear and concise that communicates your vision. One point to remember, your SOP should always be written in reverse chronological order.
  • Review before you send your final SOP submission- It’s always important to review your work before final submission. Reviewing and re-analyzing your work will help to rectify any flaws in the order, flow, grammar, vocabulary, long sentences, punctuation, sentence construction errors, and other errors and issues. Please ensure that your SOP is proofread, verified, and double-checked properly before submission. If possible, try and get a second opinion, maybe from your professor, a senior, or a counsellor.

Here are a couple of tips to write an impactful SOP

  • Please DO NOT COPY the content available on the internet and paste it into your SOP.
  • Please ensure that your SOP is not too long and limit the number of words to 1000-1500 maximum.
  • Keep it brief and concise and avoid going on and on to make your point.
  • Avoid simple grammatical errors in the final SOP. Moreover, try to keep the sentences short and simple.
  • Please do not cook up stories in your SOP. Ensure that everything you mention is authentic and believable. Your honesty will go a long way.
  • Keep the tone of your SOP conversational tone to make it interesting.
  • Try to get some expert guidance that will help you to write an effective and impactful SOP.
  • You are narrating your story through your SOP so write sentences in the first person and not in the second/third person.
  • Make sure you highlight your achievements (academic and extra-curricular).

What to include in SOP?

  • Introduction with an anecdote
  • Professional aspirations
  • Academic goals
  • Personal motivations
  • Reason to choose the particular course or College
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Achievements

What not to include in your SOP?

  • Family background
  • Informal language or slang
  • Irrelevant and unnecessary information
  • Repetition of words or phrases
  • Long, meaningless sentences

Common mistakes that students should avoid while writing SOP

Here are some of the common mistakes that students generally make while writing the SOP:

  • Sometimes students make the grave mistake of taking the SOP too lightly. Please make sure that you give it proper thought and spend enough time writing an impactful SOP.  In the eleventh-hour students often make the mistake of copying and simply pasting it as their work. Do not take that risk and ensure you do proper homework for your SOP.
  • Creating a weak introduction and conclusion could result in the rejection of your SOP. Try to summarize your academic achievements and experiences in a concise form that reflects your overall personality.
  • The use of informal language or slang in your SOP. Ensure that you write your SOP in a formal, professional language.
  • Exceeding the word limit by getting carried away with your story and writing irrelevant information will result in creating a negative impression. Keep it professional.
  • Submission without proofreading your SOP. Reverification and double-checking are very important.

Writing an effective and impactful Statement of Purpose for visa application requires a lot of time, effort, and thought. However, it also depends upon the way you do your research and homework. It is also quite subjective and the time taken to write the SOP may vary from person to person.  But the important thing is that you do not make the mistake of taking it too lightly. This is not like your regular college assignment. A well-written SOP can make or break your dream of studying abroad. And remember, nobody is perfect. Sometimes, it’s a swing and a miss. Yet, you have no reason to give up hope. If your application gets rejected for some reason, you can always try again and this time, do it even better.

Give it your all, work hard, and eventually, the results will speak for themselves. SOP demonstrates an important aspect of your personality- which is your communication. It all depends on how you portray everything. So do not get too bogged down by all the information available online. Be patient, do some research, and spend your valuable time on the right resources.

All the best!

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personal statement for uk visit visa

Q. How many pages should an SOP be visa be?

For a student visa application an SOP should be of 2 pages which means an application should have 1000 to 1500 words for example if the applicant is applying for student visa in Canada.

Q. Is SOP for visa and admission different?

Yes. The SOP for admission means the student is applying for the enrollment in the university for the course. SOP for visa is after an acceptance when the student is called for a visa interview.

Q. Is SOP compulsory for a visa application?

Yes. SOP is very important the applicant have to write an SOP whether it is for SDS or non- SDS. SOP mentions the reason why the applicant is choosing a particular course in the chosen university. So yes, SOP is a must for visa.

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  • UK Global Talent Visa: Example Personal Statement By Successful Candidate

A lot of people are interested in knowing about formatting or example of the personal statement while applying for Global Talent visa. The following is an example from a successful application:

To,                                                                                                   Date: 27/ 06/ 2016 UK Visa & Immigration

Home Office Tier 1, PO Box 496 Durham, DH99 1WQ

Subject: My application for Tier 1 Exceptional Talent (Tech City) endorsement.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The UK is not an alien nation for me as I spent almost five years (2006 to 2010) there. And this was the period that taught me some of my life’s most valuable lessons. The most important one of them was how to survive against the odds. My UK experience included spending cold nights in N98 night bus from Sudbury Town to Trafalgar Square for some brief period of time as I did not have a place to stay at night (No money for paying rent). Back then, my day time was well spent on applying for jobs and attending interviews. I worked at a restaurant – cleaning vessels not for salary but to get food. It may seem wrong but I survived a month of April 2006 – thanks to the online Roulette System of William Hill! London taught me how to live today, keep my hopes alive so that I could fight the odds tomorrow. I discovered the real meaning of  “Hope”  and  “Humbleness”.  Experienced what  “Survival of the fittest”  is (God bless the Charles Robert Darwin for I remotely know of this theory).

“A man is nothing more than the sum of his experiences”  and the UK made sure my balance is positive on count of experiences. Some were good, some bad, and some were the best- all in all, it was a nice bucket of happenings. Had I always been in India in a secure Government (Railway) Job, I could not have possibly gained those experiences. I owe it to the UK big time!

As the great  William James  said: “ Be not  afraid  of  life . Believe that life is worth living, and your  belief  will help create the  fact ”. I relied upon the UK to create that fact, God knows how long I prayed for it and the UK made it happen. Those penny less days were long gone, and I was finally stumbled upon a nice £35k Software Developer job in London. More importantly, I was conferred upon the desperately longed title of  “Software Developer” .

Keeping yourself alive when there are no challenges around is perhaps the biggest challenge one could face. My initial appointment in Railways was as a  Transit Clerk.  Computer programming was never listed in my duty but I fought hard to get it listed for I knew I could not spend 33 years doing only clerical jobs. However, the way things work in India, all ever I did was computer programming, but I had to retire as  Head Transit Clerk  – a title nowhere in the vicinity of computer programming. If, today, I am able to write the word “ Software Developer”  in my resume, that’s because the UK gave me a chance to act as and be accepted that way. The beauty about the UK’s work culture is: People here want to see what you can do with what they have for you to do, don’t worry about your title. I have a special bond with the UK, a very special bond and I left my progressive journey in the UK only to honor my commitment to the Government of India but now that commitment is honored, I believe it’s time to commence the journey from the point I left.

To be very specific, it’s a loud calling from M&M Info-Tech – a dream of Martin and I. I believe in settling my debts before it’s too late and now is the time to honor my friendship with Martin who helped me pass through my thin and thick times in the UK. He believed in me and my weird ideas right from the beginning and never lost a faith that together we are something with technology.

It is obvious that I will work as Director for M&M Info-Tech Ltd. in London (if endorsed) and will be promoting my work especially  MnMVirtualControlFramework  which is innovative and easy to learn. We do require our application base to become much lighter, keeping in mind small screens such as handhelds. The  MnMVirtualControlFramework  can be the right technology to take us closer towards that goal. We aim to target customized component selling by promoting  MnMComponentFramwork.  M&M Info-Tech has an ambition to create jobs and extend the same opportunities (as I received) to the others to be big enough to create success story of their own.

As it must be mentioned in recommendation letters written by my peers, I started my journey from scratch and powered my quest with self-learning, experimentation of ideas and practicing try – error – try methods all these years. Transforming a rustic boy with no knowledge of the English language let alone computer programming to the Software Developer with £35k job in London and National Award Winner System Developer in Indian Railways was not an easy task. It never meant to be so and I never tried to fathom complexity of achieving it. My job was to keep learning and while doing that I ended up developing four vital Data Management Systems for Western Railways during the year 2000 to 2005 before coming to the UK for studies.

I struggled a lot in initial months in the UK until I got a job as part time software developer in 5Tech * 1  Ltd. I developed 5Tech Order Management System to manage stock, order and delivery of Mobile and computer accessories. After leaving 5Tech, thanks to Martin, I got a job in Matrica (Sep 2007). In Matrica, I supported legacy VB6 code while others were busy in Migrating it to VB.net. A bettered opportunity came from EzSystems (Oct 2009) with £35k offer and I grabbed it. I worked as a core dev team member on Membership Management System and handled booking, POS, membership, stock control and reporting. It was sad to resign from EzSystems because I could not commit myself permanently for I had to return to India to fulfill my Government bond. After 2009, not having enough stay in Visa, I was pushed back to work as daily wage worker in Noon Foods Ltd. (not that I did not enjoy it) until I got home (Feb 2010) and re-joined Indian Railways.

I believe success of M&M Info-Tech is imminent not because we are the best but because we can survive those times when even the best might consider quitting. Martin’s and my passion, obstinacy and keep-going attitude will make sure we will achieve what we want. I want to create a success story and want the UK and India to be part of it rather than acknowledging it afterwards. Failures and rejections do not jolt me enough to deviate me from my task. The way I see it: if I do not make it to get endorsement, I will still remain Director of M&M Info-Tech promoting my work, only thing that changes is: M&M Info-Tech will be solely based in India and one day I might be the lecturing guest in TechCity UK delivering some weird and fancy speech about  MnMVirtualControlFramework ! (No laughing emoticon here I place! But showing that I am great admirer of British humour!)

Sincerely yours,

(Mukesh Adhvaryu)

Director, M&M Info-Tech Ltd. UK

1  The fine gentleman as he is Mr. Husnain Juma, the owner of 5Tech, seemed an angel to me when he gave me a job and an advance pay after learning that I did not have proper meal for some days; to him taking a bite of his favorite chicken nuggets was against the Islam if his newly employed employee was hungry. The 5Tech interview was the shortest one! He asked me if I can develop 5Tech Management System and I said “Yes” and he said “then you are hired!”. The next he asked “Salary?” and I said “Should be enough to cover my meals and study expanses” And I was on payroll @ £10 (double the Minimum wages) per hour with laptop to work from home.

This is a re-post of the original article  written by Mukesh Adhvaryu (showing his personal statement) who is a Tech Nation visa alumni. Back then it used to be called Tier 1 Exceptional Talent visa which is now called Global Talent visa.

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Satyajit Das

September 15, 2020

Tier 1 Exceptional Talent

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7 tips for your Personal Statement for the UK Global Talent visa

personal statement for uk visit visa

In this video, I explain 7 tips for the Personal Statement for the UK Global Talent visa.

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  • Move to the UK
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Find Your Visa

Great ideas grow with diverse minds and that is why the UK is welcoming global talent to work and live in the UK.

Introduction to visas

The UK is welcoming top talent in science, research and technology. The UK has a wide range of visas available, whether you want to work, train, study, invest or visit.

Most UK visas allow you to bring your partner and any children under 18 to the UK. You may be eligible for more than one visa. You should read all information in full before you make your application.

personal statement for uk visit visa

Eligibility checker

Global talent visa.

The Global Talent visa is for exceptionally talented and exceptionally promising individuals in research and academia, digital technology and arts and culture wishing to work in the UK. It lasts for up to 5 years in each application and you can extend it. Just under 18,000 applications have been granted under the Global Talent requirements since the route was launched in 2020.


Endorsing bodies of the Global Talent visa

To be considered for entry under the Global Talent visa, applicants must normally* seek endorsement from one of six endorsing bodies engaged by the Home Office.

The research and technology Global Talent visa endorsing bodies are the British Academy , the Royal Academy of Engineering , the Royal Society , Tech Nation , and UK Research and Innovation . These endorsing bodies will make an endorsement decision based on the evidence you provide.

There are three routes to fast-track a science endorsement:

  • if you have accepted an eligible position at an approved UK higher education institution or research institute with responsibility either for academic, research or innovation leadership and development, or for directing or leading an individual or team research or innovation project or programme of work
  • holders of certain individual fellowships
  • research leaders and team members working on a research grant from an endorsed funder approved by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) .

If you do not have any of the above, you can also apply by having your application peer reviewed.

*Holders of certain prestigious prizes can apply for a visa without going through the initial endorsement stage.  The list of eligible awards and further information is available on GOV.UK

After you have received your endorsement, you must then apply for your visa application.

How old do I need to be?

Can I settle in the UK?

May be eligible to settle after 3 years.

Do I need to be sponsored by an employer?

No. You will need an endorsement from a Global Talent endorsing body*.

Do I need to have a full time job?

The Global Talent visa allows applicants to be self employed, in salaried employment, undertake contract work etc. Individuals are able to move employers and / or take sabbaticals during the duration of their visa, without making a new application.

Is there a set salary requirement?

Do I need to prove I speak English?

No, unless you apply to settle in the UK.

Can my family come and work?

Yes, with limited exceptions to the type of work.

How much does the visa cost (£ per person) for those coming from outside the UK?

How much is the Immigration Health Surcharge (£ per person per year applied for)?

Do I need to have additional funds available?

What is the application process for those coming from outside the UK?

Once you have received an endorsement from an endorsing body, you will need to apply for entry clearance within 3 months.

Decision upon application to the Home Office usually takes 3 weeks.

Can I switch from another visa?

Yes, with the exception of some visa types.

Innovator Founder visa

The Innovator Founder visa is for individuals wanting to set up a new and innovative business in the UK. It lasts for up to 3 years in each application and you can extend it.

No. You will need an endorsement from an Innovator Founder visa endorsing body. The majority of applicants will need to pay for an endorsement application. The current fee for a New Business assessment undertaken by an endorsing body that you have applied to is £1,000.

Yes, required to be at your innovative business.

Yes, assessment required.

Yes, £1,270 in your bank account for the last 28 days.

High Potential Individual (HPI) visa

Individuals can come to the UK on the High Potential Individual visa if they have been awarded a qualification equivalent to a UK bachelor’s or postgraduate degree from an eligible university in the last 5 years. It lasts for up to 2 years, or up to 3 years if you have a PhD or other doctoral qualification. It cannot be extended.

Not through this visa type.

No. You will need proof your qualification is equivalent to a UK bachelor’s or postgraduate degree from an eligible university in the last 5 years.

No. The HPI visa allows applicants to be self employed, in salaried employment, undertake contract work etc. Individuals are able to move employers and / or take sabbaticals during the duration of their visa, without making a new application.

£1,032. This cost includes £210 for an application to Ecctis to verify and confirm equivalency of an applicants qualification (which is mandatory) and £822 for the visa itself.

Yes, £1,270 in your bank account for the last 28 days. This only applies if you are applying from outside the UK or have been in the UK for less than 12 months.

You must apply for your visa within 5 years of being awarded your qualification from an eligible university.

Scale-up visa

Individuals can come to the UK to take an eligible job with an approved high-growth UK business with a Scale-up sponsor licence on the Scale-up visa. It lasts for up to 2 years in each application and it can be extended.

May be eligible to settle after 5 years.

Yes, you must be sponsored by a licensed Scale-up organisation.

Yes. The job is required to be on the list of eligible occupations, you must work at the sponsoring organisation for at least 6 months.

Yes, requirement for highest of:

  • £36,300 per year or
  • the ‘going rate’ for the type of job.

Yes, £1,270 in your bank account for last the 28 days unless your employer agrees to cover this. This only applies if you are applying from outside the UK or have been in the UK for less than 12 months.

You can apply for the visa up to 3 months before the date you are due to start working as listed on your certificate of sponsorship.

Skilled Worker visa

Individuals can come to the UK to take an eligible job with an approved employer on the Skilled Worker visa. It lasts for up to 5 years in each application and it can be extended.

Yes, you must be sponsored by a licensed organisation.

Yes. The job is required to be on the list of eligible occupations, and you must work at the sponsoring organisation.

  • £38,700 per year or

You might still be able to apply for a Skilled Worker visa if your job is eligible but your salary is less than the salary requirement above, or your job’s standard ‘going rate’.

Up to 3 years: £719.

More than 3 years: £1,420.

Discounted fees are available if you are being sponsored for a job on the Shortage Occupation List (Immigration Salary List from April) –

Up to 3 years: £551

More than 3 years: £1,084

Yes, £1,270 in your bank account for last 28 days unless your employer agrees to cover this.

Global Business Mobility visa

The Global Business Mobility visa is for workers temporarily assigned to the UK by an overseas business. There are 5 different types of Global Business Mobility visa depending on the purpose of the assignment. Senior executives and specialist Intra-corporate transferees can come for up to 5 years; graduate trainees, expansion workers, and secondment workers can come for 1 year; and service suppliers can come for 6 months or 1 year depending on the trade agreement that relates to the service they’re providing. Extensions are permitted in some cases, but the individual’s stay under this route cannot normally exceed 5 years in a 6 year period.

No, both full time and part time work are permitted on this route as long as the salary requirement is met.

Yes, except for secondment workers and service suppliers coming for purposes covered by relevant trade commitments.

Depends on the type of Global Business Mobility visa applied for.

Yes, £1,270 in your bank account for the last 28 days unless your employer agrees to cover this.

More details






Temporary Work – Government Authorised Exchange visa (GAE)

The GAE visa is for work experience, training, to complete an Overseas Government Language Programme, or for research or a fellowship. It lasts for up to 1 or 2 years, depending on the type of scheme.

No age restriction.

Yes, you must be sponsored by an organisation authorised to sponsor on the particular scheme you have applied for.

Research schemes relevant to research and innovation that are endorsed by the UK Government’s Department of Science, Innovation and Technology include:

  • the Sponsored Researchers scheme, where academics, researchers, scientists, research engineers or other skilled research technology specialists who will be hosted at a sponsoring higher education institution;
  • the UK Research and Innovation — Science, Research and Academia scheme, where UKRI can engage sponsored researchers within its own organisation as well as endorsing public and independent research institutions;
  • and the new Future Technology research and innovation scheme, which allows research interns and sponsored researchers to come to the UK to work on artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, engineering biology, semiconductors, or future telecommunications in eligible organisations. Organisations have been able to apply from 4 April 2024.

Applications can only be sponsored by the organisations listed in Appendix Government Authorised Exchange Schemes against each scheme .

No. All engagements under this route must be supernumerary, meaning that it must be in addition to the sponsor’s regular, required, or standard number of staff that does not fill a permanent position or ongoing vacancy in the sponsor’s workforce, even on a temporary basis.

Yes, you must be in receipt of funding equivalent to at least National Minimum Wage (NMW).

Individuals undertaking work experience or internships may not be entitled to the NMW due to specific legislative exemptions.

You must have a sponsor.

Switching is not generally permitted. The only exception to this is where the individual was last granted permission as a Student and they have completed a recognised bachelor’s or postgraduate degree and are being sponsored to undertake either a professional qualification or an internship.

Temporary Worker visa

All details are current as of 3 January 2024, but are subject to change at any time. This information should only be treated as guidance and does not constitute immigration advice.

If none of these visa types are right for you, you can find more information about other  visa types on gov.uk .

UK Research and Innovation

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    Details. Use this guidance to find out which documents you need to support your application for a standard visitor visa. Published 1 October 2012. Last updated 1 February 2024 + show all updates ...

  3. UK Cover Letter for Visa Application

    Cover Letter for UK Visa Application Sample. Here is a simple sample you can refer to when writing your cover letter: March 2023. UK Embassy in Macedonia. Todor Aleksandrov 165, Skopje 1000. North Macedonia. Dear Honorable Consul, My name is Stojan Nikola (passport number: NM22330011).

  4. Sample Letter for UK Tourist Visa Application (2019 Cover Letter Template)

    SUB-HEADING NUMBER 1. Introduction/Summary. My name is [NAME] and I am [NATIONALITY]. I am applying from [COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE] and I am applying for a standard [6 month/2 year/5 year/10 year] UK visitor visa. In discussing that I am a genuine and credible UK visitor visa, this letter will cover:

  5. Cover Letter For UK Visitor Visa(5 Samples)

    Sample 1: "British Embassy. 678 Lincoln Road. United Kingdom. RE: Ms Celine Visitor Visa Application, Passport Number; 457654 Expiry Date; May 20th, 2012. Dear Sir, This letter is written with the intention of expatiating on the information on application on myself and on the purpose of me needing a UK visitor visa.

  6. Visit the UK as a Standard Visitor: Apply for a Standard Visitor visa

    You can choose to apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa if you visit the UK regularly. This visa lasts 2, 5 or 10 years. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit. If you're ...

  7. How to write a compelling cover letter for UK visa (that will impress

    A cover letter is not a mandatory document for UK visa. But in my experience, it's the most helpful document. The goal of the cover letter is to convince the ECO that you are a genuine visitor. Your cover letter must be simple, short and clear. Break the cover letter into sections, paragraphs and bullet lists.

  8. UK Visa Application Supporting Documents Guidance

    When applying for a UK visa, it is crucial to provide evidence that demonstrates the genuineness of your intentions. This can be done through: Personal statements: A well-written personal statement that outlines your reasons for visiting or staying in the UK, your objectives, and how the visit or stay aligns with your personal or professional ...

  9. PDF Applying for a UK Visit Visa

    You can apply for a visa up to 3 months You can apply for a visit visa if you are: before your date of travel to the UK and should get a decision on your visa. • travelling to the UK to undertake within 15 working days. To find out how any of the permitted activities in long getting a visa might take in the Appendices 3, 4 or 5 to Appendix V ...

  10. How much bank statement is required for UK visit visa

    SUMMARY. $1.95 each. UKVI does not provide proper guidelines on how much bank statement is required for UK visit visa. After referring to hundreds of UK visa refusal letters, I figured that ECOs are looking for certain patterns in your bank statements.

  11. Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa: How to Write & Examples

    Dear Sir/Madam, Please accept this letter as my formal invitation for [Applicant's name and Date of Birth] to visit and stay with me in the UK between [Start Date] and [End Date] at [Host's Address]. The purpose of [Applicant's Name]'s visit is [Description of the Visit's Intention].

  12. How Much Bank Statement is Needed For a UK Visit Visa

    However, you may wish to ensure that your bank statement meets the following requirements to avoid visa refusal: A daily budget of about £100 to £150 per day per visitor, as the UK is an expensive country. Monthly disposable income should make up a significant percentage of net monthly income. Funds should be twice the expected UK trip cost.

  13. How to apply for a visa to come to the UK

    If you want to visit the UK. Apply for a Standard Visitor visa to visit the UK for up to 6 months. For example: for a holiday or to see family and friends. for a business trip or meeting. to do a ...

  14. A guide to writing a Letter of Invitation for a UK Visitor Visa

    The Letter of Invitation for a UK Visa, also known as a Sponsorship Letter for a UK Visa and as a Sponsor Letter, allows an individual to sponsor their friend, partner, or family member to come to the UK as part of their Standard Visitor Visa application. Please note that the letter does not guarantee entry into the UK, as the applicant for the visa must also meet other requirements.

  15. UK Visit Visa: How to Prove That You Are a 'Genuine Visitor'

    The UK visit visa route is one of the most frequently sought after categories of visa, with data recently released by the Home Office showing that there were a total of 1,914,778 visitor visas granted in the year ending September 2023, with visit visas accounting for almost 57% of all entry clearance visas granted during this period. In that same report, the Home Office also confirmed that the ...

  16. Letter Templates for UK Spouse & Partner Visa Applications

    UK Spouse Visa Letter Templates. Our Professionally written Letter Templates will help you to put together essential Cover Letters, Supporting statements, Declarations or Consent letters for your UK Spouse/Partner Visa Application. Our Templates have been used in hundreds of successful client cases. Each template has been designed to: Include ...

  17. How to Write a Statement of Purpose for Visa Application (5 Min Trick)

    1. Address. Start with the top right corner by mentioning your name and your address along with your e-mail address. Below this, on the left-hand side, address the statement of purpose to the visa officer of the particular country for which you are applying. 2.

  18. UK Global Talent Visa: Example Personal Statement By ...

    A lot of people are interested in knowing about formatting or example of the personal statement while applying for Global Talent visa. The following is an example from a successful application: To, Date: 27/ 06/ 2016 UK Visa & Immigration. Home Office Tier 1, PO Box 496 Durham, DH99 1WQ. Subject: My application for Tier 1 Exceptional Talent ...

  19. Uploading evidence as part of your visa application

    Click 'upload evidence' next to the evidence you want to upload and then 'choose file' to select the file you need. If your upload is successful, you'll see it under the 'Files added ...

  20. 7 tips for your Personal Statement for the UK Global Talent visa

    In this video, I explain 7 tips for the Personal Statement for the UK Global Talent visa. Published on: 5 October 2021. A completed #TechNation Visa application form includes a Personal Statement (maximum 1000 words in length) written by you to explain the...

  21. Explore UK Work and Business VisasGlobal Talent

    The Global Talent visa is for exceptionally talented and exceptionally promising individuals in research and academia, digital technology and arts and culture wishing to work in the UK. It lasts for up to 5 years in each application and you can extend it. Just under 18,000 applications have been granted under the Global Talent requirements ...

  22. Financial evidence for sponsored or endorsed work routes

    the sponsor or endorsing body agree to support them financially or pay for their accommodation to at least the same amount. You'll need to show you have: £285 for your partner. £315 for your ...

  23. Visa holders entering the UK under the Ukraine Humanitarian Schemes

    Experiences of visa holders entering the UK under the ... Help us improve GOV.UK. Don't include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details ...