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15+ Key Management Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

Pursuing a career in management gives you many opportunities for professional advancement. To land a management job, it is crucial to include the right skills on your resume. In this guide, we will discuss the best management skills and how to use them on your resume.

Why Should I Include Management Skills on My Resume?  

Any time you are applying for a job, it is essential to tailor your resume for that job.

Thus, it makes sense to include management skills on a resume being submitted for a management position.

Including management-specific skills helps you to relate them to the job you are applying for.

Plus, it is a good opportunity to emphasize key skills found within the job description.

The inclusion of the right management skills on your resume can drastically increase your chances of impressing employers.

If you want to know how to optimize your entire resume, read our career advice article on how to Tailor Your Resume to Any Job in 4 Easy Steps !

What Are the Best Management Skills I Should Add to My Resume?

Before choosing which skills to add to your resume, you should divide them into two main categories:

Interpersonal (Soft) Skills:

‍ Soft skills are those that deal with social interactions and emotional intelligence.

They include skills such as communication, collaboration, and teamwork.

Technical (Hard) Skills:

‍ Hard skills have to do with technical abilities.

Being trained in specific methodologies or knowing how to use specific software or equipment are examples of hard skills.

Let’s look at two skills involved in management: empathy and scheduling.

Empathy is an entirely emotionally-based skill.

It allows a manager to view a situation from either an employee's or a customer’s perspective.

This skill falls into the interpersonal category.

Comparatively, the ability to create a schedule is a more well-defined skill.

Scheduling involves interpersonal skills, such as communicating with your team.

Yet, it ultimately falls into the hard skills category because it is a technical ability that must be learned.

When adding management skills to your resume, you should aim to include both interpersonal and technical skills.

Adding both gives employers a more well-rounded view of you as a professional.

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15 Key Management Skills for Your Resume Soft Skills for Management

  • ‍ Planning: Planning involves a manager’s ability to set goals, develop strategies, and delegate tasks. To have a strong planning ability, you must be able to look at the big picture while also paying attention to minor details.
  • ‍ Communication: A manager’s ability to communicate effectively can greatly affect overall productivity. To be a good manager, you need to be able to communicate clearly with both your team and customers.
  • ‍ Organizing: Organizational skills are a fundamental component of management. Without being able to organize people and resources effectively, creating a strong business plan is near impossible.
  • ‍ Delegation: Delegation is the name of the game when it comes to management. This is a manager’s ability to divide up tasks and distributing them to the appropriate team members or departments.
  • ‍ Empathetic: Being a manager requires you to work with many different personalities and perspectives. The ability to be empathetic and see things from others’ viewpoints is essential for getting things done and solving conflicts.
  • ‍ Public Speaking: As a manager, you will likely need to engage in public speaking often. From training new employees to sharing information with stakeholders, there are many times when having a knack for public speaking comes in handy.
  • ‍ Presenting: Along with public speaking is the ability to create and share presentations. Presentation skills help to keep all members of a team on the same page. Plus, they can be a great way to share changes about business changes.
  • ‍ Leadership: Leadership is more than just being in charge. It deals with your ability to inspire and empower your team members. A good manager will have a well-defined leadership style that is adaptable to many situations.
  • ‍ Mentoring: Many employees come under your wing as a manager. The ability to mentor your team and help them grow is crucial for strengthening the business. Emphasizing mentoring on a resume shows employers your skills in growing a team.
  • ‍ Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are imminent in any business situation. As a manager, you must be able to swiftly and calmly resolve conflicts. This can occur with both employees and customers.
  • ‍ Team Motivation: A good manager will understand the motivation and work ethic of their team rests on their shoulders. The ability to motivate and encourage a team is a crucial skill for anyone looking for a career in management.
  • ‍ Negotiation: Managers will often be responsible for some business deals or contracts. Negotiation is a critical skill to have in this scenario. The ability to negotiate will help ensure the business benefits from the deal or contract.
  • ‍ Scheduling: Creating a staff schedule is no small matter – especially with large teams! Scheduling is a skill that requires both technical and interpersonal abilities to ensure both staff and business needs are met.
  • ‍ Hiring/Onboarding: Knowing how to find and onboard new talent to a business is crucial. Having previous experience in hiring and onboarding is a valuable skill. Highlighting it on your resume will greatly increase your chances of landing the job!
  • ‍ Budgeting and Accounting: Like all higher-level jobs, management involves a fair amount of bookkeeping, budgeting, and accounting. Earning certifications in each of these is a great way to add some extra hard skills to your resume.
For even more skill ideas for your resume, read our guide on 100+ Key Skills for a Resume (with Examples for Any Job) .

Advertising Director

How Do I List My Management Skills on a Resume?

There are two main formatting options for listing your management skills on a resume:

  • Including management skills in your work experience section
  • Creating a separate section for management skills

While you can certainly choose just one or the other, including skills in both these places can be highly beneficial.

The key to using both methods is to highlight different skills in each.

For instance, if you mainly talk about your interpersonal skills in your work experience section, you should use the skills section to highlight more technical skills.

Here is a breakdown of how to use these two formatting options:

1) Include Management Skills in Your Work Experience Section

Work Experience  ‍ Assistant Office Manager, Bay Area Rentals November 2018 – June 2021 • Interpersonal Skills: Leadership, Collaboration, and Conflict Resolution • Technical Skills: Schedule Creation, QuickBooks, and Business Logistics

Why It’s Wrong:

‍ In this example, the applicant has used the descriptive bullet points to list skills.

You don’t want to transform your work experience section into a pseudo-skills section.

Each bullet point should give a clear example of a responsibility or accomplishment from your previous position.

Adding the skills should simply provide extra detail. 

Work Experience Assistant Office Manager, Bay Area Rentals November 2018 – June 2021 • Lead an office staff of over 30 employees • Optimized the staff schedule to reduce operational costs by 10 percent • Managed company logistics including inventory, storage, and transportation

In this corrected example, the bullet points imply the applicant’s skill level by providing real-life examples of how the skill was used.

Plus, these bullet points are much more descriptive and offer quantifiable evidence.

Advertising Director

2) Create a Separate Management Skills Section

Interpersonal Skills • Communication • Delegation • Leadership Technical Skills • Negotiation • Hiring • Budgeting

Why It’s Wrong: Separating your skills into interpersonal and technical categories is inherently bad.

Managers often have distinct soft and hard skills that employers look for.

However, the skills listed are too vague and lack context.

Without a small amount of extra detail, the skills can seem pointless and end up being overlooked.

Interpersonal Skills • Empathetic Communication with Staff • Delegation of Daily Tasks • Leading a Staff of 50+ Technical Skills • Employment Contract Negotiations • Interviewing and Hiring • Creating Operational Budgets

In this corrected example, the bullet points are still short and sweet but provide significantly more context.

Pro Tip: When writing your resume, it is highly beneficial to use active language.

Take a look at our list of 350+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume More Effective for more help brainstorming!

Advertising Director

What Are Some Things I Can Do to Improve My Management Skills

Being a good manager requires many skills.

Learning and improving these skills can have significant impacts on how you perform in the role and your chances of being hired.

If you are looking for ways to improve your management skills, try these 3 tips:

  • ‍ Learn About Different Leadership Styles: Learning about the many styles of leadership is key. Each style involves different interpersonal skills. Over time, you can combine your favorite elements and skills to create a leadership style that is unique to you. ‍
  • Earn Certifications: You can earn all sorts of certifications that can boost your management skills through additional training. This is especially important if you are lacking in hard skills and need to enhance your technical abilities. ‍
  • Find a Mentor: Learning from others in your field is majorly important. Finding a manager you admire that is willing to mentor you can be a great chance for professional growth.

Final Takeaways

Becoming a manager is all about honing and highlighting your best skills.

Here are our top 5 takeaways for including management skills on a resume:

  • Include both interpersonal and technical skills on your resume.
  • In your work experience section, use management skills to add extra detail and context to your job descriptions.
  • In your skills section, provide enough specificity to make your skills highly relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Earn certifications to learn more technical skills.
  • Learn from a mentor in the field of management.

Writing your resume doesn’t have to be a headache.

At Easy Resume, we strive to provide you with all the resume resources and tools you need!

While you’re here, make sure to check out our large collection of free resume guides and career advice articles.

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

Ed is a co-founder of Easy Resume. His background in scaling teams at tech startups over the last decade has given him extensive experience and knowledge around how to hire top talent and build successful teams. He enjoys mentoring, coaching, and helping others reach their career goals. When he's not writing about career-related advice, he's playing with his dog, Lilo, or going on long hikes in upstate New York.

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7 Manager Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

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Best for candidates with 3+ years of experience

With your job experience and a stunning resume layout, recruiters will be ready to give your application the official stamp of approval.

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  • Manager Resumes
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Manager Resume FAQs

It’s not easy being the boss. In management, you help employees advance their careers, improve the business’s bottom line, and juggle priorities without dropping the ball.

While it’s not a walk in the park, you’ve learned to handle whatever corporate life throws at you. Yet, demonstrating your abilities on a manager resume is challenging. How do you showcase experience and knowledge on one page?

We have the  top resume tips  to help you  make a resume you’ll be proud to submit, and we’ll also walk through the manager resume writing process.

These seven manager resume samples are helping managers land their next role in 2024, and they can help you  write a resume  that will catch any hiring manager’s attention.

Manager Resume Example

or download as PDF

Manager resume example with 7 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Start your work experience bullet points with action verbs like “led,” “founded,” “directed,” “oversaw,” and “managed” to immediately convey your role.
  • If you’re a senior manager, tailor your work experience only to include the most relevant positions and technical skills, but if you’re newer to the field, consider adding a  resume objective  to convey your passion and abilities further.

General Manager Resume Example

General manager resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • Strategically placing your MBA at the top of your general manager resume sends a clear message that you’re prepared to help a business run smoothly.

Case Manager Resume Example

Case manager resume example with 3+ years of experience

  • Elevate your case manager resume by harnessing the power of a cover letter maker to weave in different ways you’ve supported diverse populations.

Project Manager Resume Example

Project manager resume example with 10 years of experience

  • While it’s not much different than an objective, this lets employers know your qualifications and your abilities before they even look at your work experience.
  • Even if you have one certification, it’s worth including it in its own area, so it’s easier to pinpoint.
  • Don’t have any certifications? Research certifications available for project managers and start learning. Whether it takes you a lot of time or a little, know that you’re taking a big step toward forward movement!

Product Manager Resume Example

Product manager resume example with 6+ years of experience

  • Whenever possible, state your impact using quantifiable metrics. Even if they’re rough estimates, numbers are the best way to demonstrate your management abilities. 
  • Your product manager resume should explicitly state your role, project goals, and impact for each position listed in your work experience.

Account Manager Resume Example

Account manager resume example with 10 years of experience

  • You can also focus on other important metrics like the number of accounts you opened, the success of your upsells, and how you improved customer retention.
  • When choosing a template, make sure you choose one that allows plenty of room for work experience, skills, and contact information.
  • Using a template doesn’t mean you can’t get creative; feel free to make it your own with color and different fonts to help it look more like  you .

Operations Manager Resume Example

Operations manager resume example with 9+ years of experience

  • Ideally, you should limit this list to five to seven technical skills.
  • For example, did you collaborate with partners to target a specific goal? Did you launch a new rotation system that improved efficiency?
  • Consider your responsibilities and how you went above and beyond to meet your goals and help others.

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  • Store Manager
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  • Product Manager

Job professional holds "FAQ" letters at desk with potted plants

It may feel like a struggle right now, but we highly recommend you keep your manager resume at one page.

You may have valuable experience in more senior positions, and figuring out what to cut is hard. It’s okay to exclude the job you held in college, entry-level roles, and possibly mid-level roles, depending on how much experience you have.

A good rule of thumb is to include three jobs in your resume, beginning with your most recent position. If you include four to six bullet points for each role, you’ll find it’s a breeze to keep your management resume to a page.

But if you’re still struggling, keep in mind that those details you really want to include will help you write a manager cover letter that stands out.

At a glance, recruiters and employers want to see your management skills and abilities in action. There are so many types of managers, such as project managers, operations managers, account managers—the list goes on.

No matter the company or the profession, your resume job description bullet points should be chock-full of examples of where you led projects and teams successfully. You’ll have a winning resume when you back up your claims with numbers by writing descriptive points like Led and coordinated a project with HR to re-design new-hire training, which reduced average onboarding time by 18%.

If you’re looking to move up the ladder rungs, the best thing you can do in your manager resume is to show how you’ve exercised ownership and autonomy in your experience.

In your work history section on your resume, write about experiences where you headed up your own projects from start to finish , volunteered mentorship or suggestions that left a positive impact , and demonstrated a high aptitude for time management, organization, and problem-solving .

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What are the elements of a perfect manager resume?

[ Click here to directly go to the complete manager resume sample ]

Perfect resume for managers have the potential to get your foot in the door.

Your resume is what will help you get closer to that manager’s job, and it's also the first impression your employer will have of you even before meeting you in person.

Take a look at this sample manager resume to understand what a perfect resume should look like:

  • Enhancing customer engagement by formulating strategies and facilitating the customer support staff
  • Hosting ~10 events in liaison with the Business Head to penetrate new markets and identify potential clients every quarter
  • Streamlining communication with vendors to ensure timely issuance of deliverables
  • Attaining a retention rate of ~45% by maintaining the customer satisfaction rate of >85%
  • Automating communication by establishing a chat support system to communicate with the vendors and customers
  • Achieving a ~60% conversion rate by drawing up strategies to penetrate new market and maximize lead generation
  • Conducting seminars and quarterly meetings for performance evaluations and in-depth analysis of general operations
  • Drawing up growth vs dividend charts and deploying methodologies to track trend analysis
  • Finalizing the operational budget for the northern region and allocating resources for operations efficiency
  • Liaising with independent marketing consultants to generate leads for the sales team to increase the revenue up to 10%
  • Rendering daily leadership & development counseling to the crew members and complying with the company regulations
  • Coordinating with the HR Manager to recognize talent and maintain a superior workforce
  • Led a team of ~50 and maintained the safety & health of the team to uphold an effective workforce
  • Resolved conflicts and fostered the spirit of the team to endorse unity & diversity for better working conditions
  • Coached the newly on-boarded employees and directed seminars to provide assistance in career development
  • Organized one-on-one interviews with the employees for accountability check and regular feedback
  • Received the Fulbright Scholarship
  • Top 15 percentile of the class
  • Languages : English, Spanish, French

Even if you are the best man for the job, it will mean nothing if you can’t display those characteristics on your resume.

Think of your resume as the script for your interview and include all the impressive details on it that will make you look like the best man for the job.

Potential employers will most definitely ask for a copy of your resume and statistics show that they will use this to ask you questions. Use this to your advantage by crafting an impeccable IT manager resume.

Send your recruiters a pdf file, however, check the job description as the format in which they require the resume is mostly mentioned which could be manager resume doc file as well.

Whether you're writing a case manager resume, a case management resume, or an IT manager resume; this blog has got you covered.

Here is a summary of our Manager Resume 2022 Guide:

  • Cut out any hyperbole that you might be tempted to include, be it your job title or responsibilities. These come out in the interview and will not bode well for you.
  • Present your management skills for resume effectively and accurately.
  • Write a resume summary only if you have a minimum work experience of 3 years. If you don't, write a general manager resume objective instead.
  • Keep the resume length limited to one page. But if you have over 10+ years of experience, you can write a 2-page management resume.
  • Quantify your achievements in the professional experience section to make the recruiter aware of your potential.

Furthermore, this blog contains several management resume examples that will help you understand what the end product of your labors should look like.

By the end of this blog you will learn:

  • What is a manager resume and why its needed?
  • What are the key sections of the manager resume?
  • How to effectively write your personal informaiton in your manager resume?
  • How to showcase your professional expereimce in the manager resume?
  • How to provide informaiton about your educaiton on the manager resume?
  • How to write a professioal summary in the manager resume?
  • How to craft a ATS friendly key skills section in the Manager resume?

If you do not have the time to read this blog and need a resume for manager position urgently, you can use Hiration's Online Resume Builder to write an impeccable manager resume.

It comes with manager resume samples that will guide you in writing an impeccable resume for manager position.

Moving on, this is a list of topics that we will be covering in this blog:

Manager Job Description for Resume

[ Back to Table of Content ]

A manager might be entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  • Enhance customer engagement.
  • Host events with other business heads to penetrate new markets and identify potential clients.
  • Streamline communication with vendors to ensure that the deliverables are issued timely.
  • Draw up strategies to penetrate new markets.
  • Conduct seminars and meetings for performance evaluations and in-depth analysis of general operations.
  • Finalize the operational budget and allocate resources for operations efficiency.

Manager Salary


Following are the salaries quoted by some of the major websites for a manager:

  • PayScale : $63,699 / year
  • Indeed : $51,073 / year
  • Glassdoor : $73,818 / year

What is a Manager Resume & why do you need it?

A management resume is a document that holds every piece of important information that an employer will need to consider your candidature for a job.

It includes your educational background, manager resume skills, and your professional history.

Your resume talks about your last job profile and highlights the story of your professional life.

Building a resume is a little complicated than simply putting down all the relevant information. This information also needs to be customized according to the needs of the ATS.

Now, you must be wondering what is an ATS?

An Applicant Tracking System or simply an ATS is a tool used by most companies today to shortlist candidates. Hence, your target is to write an ATS-compliant resume.

We will show you every detail in regards to writing an ATS-compliant resume.

Looking for some tips on how to improve your management resume? Peruse the do’s and don’ts of writing resumes .

Manager Resume Sections

Make sure that your information is organized in a comprehensible manner by packing it into the following neat sections:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

To get started with making your management resume’s section, read Hiration's Guide to sections in a resume.

Getting your resume built by Hiration’s Online Resume Builder is a quick and easy way to ensure that you put your most professional foot forward.

How to write your Manager Resume

Writing a perfect resume for manager position demands that you follow the below-mentioned 3 stages:

  • First Stage: Master resume for managers
  • Second Stage: First Draft of Manager Resume
  • Third Stage: Final Draft of Manager Resume

Master Manager Resume

Drafting your master management resume is the first stage of resume building. In this stage, you need to compile all your information and store it in one source file.

Doing this makes the data needed to build your resume easily accessible.

Building a master draft achieves the following 2 goals:

  • Resume writing in the present: Since you now have readily available information, it will be easier for you to customize your resume according to the job profile you are targeting. Just pick out the relevant information from your master draft and organize this information in your management resume as needed.
  • Resume update in the future: As you have already compiled all your information, you won't have to rely on memory alone when you need to update your resume for management in the future in case of a job change.

First Draft of Manager Resume

In the second stage of writing your management resume, you need to compose the following sections:

  • Certification (if any)

Only add the additional sections if they apply to you.

Final Draft of Manager Resume

The third and final stage of building your resume for management requires the composition of the key skills and summary/objective section.

It is advised that these sections be composed at the end so that there are no discrepancies in your resume. It also saves you time as you don’t have to go back and edit them.

In the key skills section, you have to endorse your manager resume skills and composing it after all the other sections make it easier to identify the management skills for resume.

The summary/objective section is the overview of your resume, hence it should be composed at the very end.

Unsure about your management skills for resume as a writer? Hone them by reading Hiration’s guide on how to write a resume .

Manager Resume: Header

Every section of your management resume is important. The resume header gives your resume a unique identity and is the first thing that a recruiter would see. Your real full name should be the label of your resume.

Here are some tips for writing a perfect resume header:

  • Position it at the top of your resume for management.
  • Use the largest font size when writing this. Ideally, the font size should be in the range of 16-20 points.
  • Initialize your middle name, if you have one.

Need more tips for writing the perfect resume header? See Hiration’s Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header .

Our manager resume examples will help guide you in writing an effective resume head section:

Head Section in Manager Resume

If you are looking to build your management resume, look no further. Hiration’s Online Resume Builder is an easy-to-use tool that will build a shortlist-worthy resume.

It comes with sample manager resume to help guide you.

Manager Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section should only contain your contact details. Provide the following information in this section:

  • Your functional mobile number
  • Your professional email ID
  • Your current location of residence

Divulging more details like your marital status, sexuality, etc. can create unknowing bias so it is better to avoid any such information.

Updated Mobile Number

If your resume for managers is shortlisted and the recruiter is looking to contact you to either fix an interview or for a preliminary interview, they will need your mobile number.

So, provide the number that is always active and ensure that you do not type the wrong number.

Here are some tips for writing the mobile number in the correct format:

  • Use your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number.
  • Put a plus sign (+) before the ISD code.
  • Write your updated mobile number after the ISD code.
  • Eg: +1 37648 21511.

Professional Email Address

Most recruiters prefer this channel to all others when it comes to communicating with their potential employees. So, make sure that your email ID is correctly displayed in your management resume.

Another tip is to avoid using silly or funny email addresses such as ‘[email protected]’. The best way is to use your name while drafting your email address in this format: [email protected] .

Current Location of Residence

When mentioning your current location on your manager resume, you only need to include the current city and state of your residence.

Here are some tips that will help you write the location in the correct format:

  • Do not mention details such as your house number, street number, etc. in your manager resume.
  • Write your city and state name if you are looking for a job in the same country.
  • If you are looking for opportunities abroad, write the city and country name.

Hiration's Guide to composing your contact information will guide you in perfecting this section. So make sure you give it a visit.

Take a look at the manager resume personal information section examples we have spread throughout this guide, and adapt them to fit your own experience and needs.

Personal Information Section in Manager Resume

By using Hiration’s Online Resume Builder, you’ll be ensuring that your management resume is according to the industry standards and ATS-friendly.

Manager Resume: Profile Title

Profile titles communicate your current designation, your functional industry, and your seniority level to your recruiter.

Write your profile title in the second-largest text size by ensuring that the font size is between** 14 and 16 points.**

Looking for a position as a manager? You’ll need the right resume, and our manager resume profile title examples can help.

Profile Title Section in Manager Resume

You can also get your existing resume for managers professionally reviewed by Hiration’s AI-powered Resume Review Service which gives an in-depth analysis of your resume within minutes of uploading.

Manager Resume: Professional Experience

Effective resumes for managers will not bore the recruiter. Zing it with action words.

Further, search the duties and responsibilities in the job ad. Then, research your past for evidence. Replicate these in your resume to make your resume both recruiter and ATS-friendly.

Use the reverse chronological format, which is the correct manager resume format while building your resume across all the sections of your management resume.

After you are done making the resume save it as a pdf as manager resume format pdf will not mess up your formatting.

Follow these further instructions while framing the professional experience section of your manager resume:

  • Use the STAR format
  • Frame one-liner bullet points
  • Use bucketing & bolding

Our resume-writing experts have come up with this guide on how to compose the professional experience section in your resume .

Our management resume examples put the candidates’ professional experience details in the spotlight:

Experience Section in Manager Resume

STAR Format

Before you start framing your bullet point, you should have an understanding of the format you must use to write these.

The STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action & Result.

S: Situation - The situation that led to your contributions. T: Task - A task that was assigned to you. A: Action - What action you took to fulfill the assigned task. R: Result - What were the results of this action in the form of an achievement figure.

The STAR format helps each bullet stand out by showcasing your professional capabilities with the help of performance figures.

It also employs the cause-effect relationship thus telling the recruiter exactly what you did and how it helped your company.

Framing Points

People with little knowledge of the recruiting process end up using paragraphs to communicate their achievements and responsibilities.

But, here is a fact, most recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds skimming through a single resume.

Do you think they are going to spend this time reading a lengthy paragraph? No.

Here’s a better alternative, frame one-liner points while employing the STAR format to get the information across in a neat way.

Here are 2 manager resume examples demonstrating this:

Example 1 :

"I strengthened customer engagement by developing strategies and facilitated the customer support staff. I also organized & hosted 15+ events every quarter in liaison with other Business Heads to penetrate new markets and identified potential clients. Moreover, I accomplished a 70% conversion rate by formulating strategies to penetrate new markets and maximize lead generation. I also achieved a retention rate of 50% by maintaining the customer satisfaction rate of 90%."

Example 2 :

Strengthened customer engagement by developing strategies and facilitated the customer support staff Organized & hosted 15+ events every quarter in liaison with other Business Heads to penetrate new markets and identify potential clients Accomplished a 70% conversion rate by formulating strategies to penetrate new market and maximize lead generation Achieved a retention rate of 50% by maintaining the customer satisfaction rate of 90%

Framing Points Analysis

These two manager resume examples show us the following:

  • Example 1 uses paragraph while example 2 uses bullet points. Both manager resume examples talk about the same information.
  • Example 1 is hard to read and most recruiters may not even skim through it.
  • Example 2 uses crisp bullet points making the resume easier to read.
  • Include keywords that were used in your target job description.
  • As most recruiters skim-read resumes, focus on highlighting your most important achievements and responsibilities.

Bucketing & Bolding

Now that you have enhanced the readability of your resume, the next step is to increase the visibility of the most important aspects of your professional experience section.

This can be achieved with the help of bucketing & bolding.

Here are two manager resume examples to demonstrate this:

Vendor Relationship & Customer Engagement Strengthened customer engagement by developing strategies and facilitated the customer support staff Organized & hosted 15+ events every quarter in liaison with other Business Heads to penetrate new markets and identify potential clients Customer Service & Retention Accomplished a 70% conversion rate by formulating strategies to penetrate new market and maximize lead generation Achieved a retention rate of 50% by maintaining the customer satisfaction rate of 90%

Bucketing & Bolding: Analysis

We can draw the following conclusions from the above two management resume examples:

  • Example 2 looks more organized as it has grouped similar points under unique subheadings.
  • By bolding keywords, numbers, or statistics you are highlighting your impact and helping the important information to stand out from the rest of the text.
  • Thus, it is clear that bucketing & bolding hence enhance your resume.

Need help fine-tuning the details? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts at Hiration.

Manager Resume: Education

Your education section is important for your management resume as this particular job will demand a person with a management degree. So, justify your candidature by comprehensively presenting your education.

Your management resume should mention the following details about your education:

  • Name of your school/university.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Date of enrolment and graduation from each course (in month and year format).

Use Hiration's Guide on how to list education on your resume to draft an impeccable education section in your manager resume.

You will want to include perfectly written sections in your resume. The manager resume education examples we have developed will help you attain this goal.

Education Section

Use Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to put together a perfectly fashioned management resume.

Manager Resume: Additional Information

If you have ever indulged in extra-curricular activities, these can be listed in the additional information section, especially if they pertain to your targeted job profile.

Working knowledge of multiple languages is always a desired trait and will add to your job application. Other than that, any relevant hobbies will help enhance your management resume.

The additional information can add immense value to your resume by showing that not only are you a dedicated employee but have individual interests as well.

To see how you can communicate your additional information, view this manager resume example below:

Additional Information Section in Manager Resume

You can also build your management resume with Hiration's Online Resume Builder which comes with 100+ content templates, 25+ design templates, and the perfect manager resume template to guide you.

Our manager resume template comes pre-filled and helps you customize it according to your requirements.

Manager Resume Key Sections

Manager resume: key skills.

Comb through your manager resume and single out the keywords that define your core skills.

Moreover, scan through the job description of the job you are targeting, isolate the keywords used by the recruiter, and input them in your key skills section. However, be honest with yourself and only include the keywords that are justified by your professional experience.

Avoid using filler words in this section and keep it crisp and focus seven if you feel like you haven't listed enough key skills.

The importance of this section lies in its capacity to get your resume parsed by any ATS as they will scan your resume for relevant keywords.

Hiration's Guide on what skills to put on a resume contains up to date guidelines that detail writing techniques and practices you should follow to perfect the key skills section of your resume.

When you’re done building your resume, Hiration’s Resume Review Service will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.

For extra help and inspiration, see our manager resume examples to help you get started:

Key Skills Section in Manager Resume

Manager Resume Summary

A summary is required by those professionals who have 3 years and above of professional experience. It is an overview of your management resume which helps the recruiters understand your potential in just 3-5 lines.

The following points will help you write a management resume summary:

  • Start your summary by mentioning the years of experience that you have which will tell the recruiter if you are qualified enough for the while keeping in mind that the recruiter would spend roughly 6-7 seconds and you need to make it count.
  • Keep your summary crisp by writing it in only 3-5 lines.
  • Briefly describe your experience and sprinkle the highlights of your career so that the recruiter is made aware of your potential in the first glance itself.

Still not sure how to write your manager resume summary? Have a look at Hiration's Resume Summary Guide .

If you want to check out what a great manager resume summary looks like, check out our manager resume summary examples 2022.

Sumamry Section in Manager Resume

When making a resume in Hiration’s Online Resume Builder, just customize the already pre-filled template. Start building your resume here.

Manager Resume Objective

A manager resume objective is written by freshers and professionals with less than 3 years of experience. The motive of the objective is to convince the recruiter that you will be the perfect choice for their organization.

Your manager resume objective must be able to give the recruiter an impression that you are good at what you do so they will be interested to read the rest of your resume.

Struggling to create a management resume with no experience? Here’s Hiration's Guide on Resume Objectives to help you out.

Resume Review

Get your management resume professionally reviewed by our experts at Hiration. The review will be done in compliance with the below-mentioned parameters:

  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

If you want to make sure that your resume is ready to go, get an evaluation today from our experts by using Hiration’s Resume Review Service.

Online Resume Builder for Manager Resume

Our Online Resume Builder is professionally designed to help you curate an ATS-targeted management resume. It comes with the below-mentioned resources:

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • 25+ resume designs
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A shareable link
  • Live resume editor

Land your dream job by building the perfect automotive technician resume now!

Key Takeaways

  • Use the reverse chronological format to write your manager resume.
  • Sprinkle keywords that you can justify throughout your resume.
  • Use the month and year format to write dates across all sections of your management resume.
  • Write the resume header in the font size range of 16-20 points.
  • Write the profile in the font size range of 14-16 points.
  • Use crisp one-liner bullet points to draft the professional experience section of your manager resume.
  • Use bucketing & bolding along with framing one-liner bullet points to enhance the impact of your general manager resume.
  • Begin each bullet point in the professional experience section with an action verb.
  • Use action verbs in the past tense for past profiles and projects, and in the present continuous tense for present profiles and projects.
  • Write a manager resume objective if you have less than 3 years of work experience and a resume summary if your experience exceeds 3 years.
  • Do not provide unnecessary information in the personal information section of your resume like your house number, locality, sexuality, religion, etc.
  • Use your full name to label your IT manager resume.

Through this blog, you can build your case manager resume, case management resume, general manager resume, etc.

With this, you have reached the end of this blog. We are confident that if you use our management resume examples, sample managerial resume, and other advice in this blog, your application would win over your prospective employer.

If, however, you find it too big a task and would rather have your resume ready in 5 minutes, try our Resume Builder .

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

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management tasks for resume

Strong Team management skills: Example Usage on Resume, Skill Set and Top Keywords in 2024

Here are the top ways to show your team management skills on your resume. Find out relevant team management keywords and phrases and build your resume today.

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Is your resume ATS-friendly?

Drop your resume here or upload a file to find out if the skills in your resume are readable by an ATS.

In This Guide:

What are team management skills, why are team management skills important on your resume.

What traits, skills, and abilities help you demonstrate strong team management skills on your resume?"?

How to demonstrate strong management skills on your resume

Team management skills: key takeaways for your resume.

Resume image 1

Team management is a complex coordination of teamwork, communication, goal setting, and performance evaluation. This process is controlled by a team manager who coordinates a group of individuals to complete a certain task. The team manager also addresses any problems or resolves conflicts at the workplace.

A good team manager communicates clearly and is an approachable person. He or she is available for questions and discussions with employees and has high emotional intelligence that helps in solving problems. A leader understands the hearts and minds of co-workers.

The successful team manager is a highly organized person. He or she also knows how to delegate tasks and how to choose the right person for a particular task. Analytical thinking is a must for the position because it is the main tool in evaluating and solving problems.

A manager must have the courage to take decisions, even unpopular ones, for the greater good. A skilled leader knows how to create a positive and transparent working space and be there for the team, but also knows when to draw a line.

Of course, there are different sets of skills needed according to the management style of the organization such as autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, etc., and the method of choice for the team management such as command and control, create and engage or econ 101. Make sure to research thoroughly the organization that you choose to apply for and emphasize the skills that will make sense for them.

If you wonder what econ 101 is, then the perfect example is Henry Ford, who solved an HR problem by doubling wages.

If you are applying for a managerial position, no matter how good job proficiency you possess in your industry, you will not be invited for an interview by the HR officer if you do not show proof of team management skills.

The reason for this is that no matter how well you understand the company's product and production processes, if you are unable to lead a team in a way that will make the best of all team members' skills, then the results will be average.

No employer needs just another employee to try to coordinate co-workers. They need people who can take charge and be the leaders that will help a group of employees to become a coherent unit that completes tasks. The hiring company will only consider applicants that demonstrate team management skills.

What traits, skills, and abilities help you demonstrate strong team management skills on your resume?"?

  • People skills / HR skills : this is the ability to find, recognize, motivate, retain talent, and be able to distribute tasks to the right people. How and whom to delegate work is a masterful skill sought after by all employers. Micromanagement is not desirable in most organizations. Be sure that your subordinates have all the necessary resources to do their job.
  • Be clear and precise: as a good team leader, you have to be an efficient and consistent communicator. You need to be able to convey a simple message to the employees. Always avoid confusion by explaining processes in detail. The able manager is also giving sufficient and timely feedback to his subordinates so that they can easily align their work to the company's goals.
  • Emotional intelligence: the best way to motivate employees and to solve conflict is to truly understand their hearts and souls. To achieve this you need to be aware of the personal situation and feelings of each employee and to understand them. You need to be empathetic and have the ability to manage your emotions as well as those of your co-workers. An empathetic manager always increases job satisfaction at the workplace. It is also very important that you are an approachable person and your employees know that they can talk to you.
  • Be organized: If you are not organized then the whole team will follow. You have to understand that you have responsibility for the performance of every person on the team. How will you be able to organize people if you are not able to organize yourself? You need to be a skilled planner and organizer to work with schedules, budgets, timelines, etc. A good organization always increases productivity.
  • Be a problem solver: No matter how well prepared you and your team are, problems will come. This is where analytical thinking skills and proactive behavior help.
  • Taking charge: A manager is a leader, not just an administrator and each leader must make decisions, establish priority, allocate resources, etc. You need to be empowered and responsible. Again critical thinking skills are a must in the decision-making process.
  • Command respect: the best managers serve their teams rather than manage them. They lead through example. They can communicate properly and unite the team around a common goal. They are also aware of their ego and do not think that they know it all. They listen, they are transparent and they try to encourage the personal growth of individual employees. But a good team leader also knows when to draw the line. You need to establish yourself as an authority figure and be ready to take disciplinary measures if needed. Your subordinates must very well understand the concept of your position and know where the boundaries are.
  • Use keywords such as “organized”, “developed”, “supported”, “created”, “analyzed”, “improved”, “optimized”, “solved”
  • Make sure to describe what teams you managed, what number of people, and important tasks you completed with them
  • Add if you were responsible for hiring, training, and employee retention. If you decreased employee turnover do not forget to specify by what percentage.
  • List any techniques of team management that you applied and how they helped you improve the team's capacity and results.
  • Mention any major crises that you addressed
  • List specific courses, certificates, and trainings that you have
  • List processes that you improved and systems and workflows that you established
  • List tools that you can use that help you be better organized

The management styles and methods are many and differ from company to company and even from department to department. To be able to create a perfect resume you will need to research the company you apply for and to determine what management processes they use. You need to emphasize these in your resume. The research will also help you to find out if the company is the right fit for your managerial style and personality and if you will be able to show your full potential there.

Below you will find relevant examples that will help you start:

Example 1: Show your team management skills in your experience bullet points

  • • Introduced an expense tracking strategy to stay within yearly budget goals which reduced business costs by $1.2M.
  • • Developed strong cross-functional relationships with big clients and stakeholders across different levels of the business.
  • • Lead monthly meetings with 8 project teams to identify challenges and resolve software development issues.
  • • Conducted post product launch evaluation to identify successful software features and find ways to improve on them

Software project manager resume example taken from from: 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Example 2: Demonstrate team management skills in your resume summary

Healthcare sector project manager resume example taken from : 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Example 3: Use your achievements to make the point

Software development project manager resume example taken from: 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Top related skills to strong team management skills:

  • Public Speaking
  • Team management skills are vital on your resume because if the position you apply for contains “management” in its job title these are the core skills required to perform the job.
  • Do not just mention that you have team management skills. Show the HR officer through your achievements that you have mastered these skills.
  • Be clear. Try to use action and power verbs.
  • Make sure you know the management style of the company and emphasize skills they will value.

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How to Add Self Taught Programmer on Your Resume

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  • Office Manager Job...

Office Manager Job Description (Examples)

5 min read · Updated on August 25, 2021

TopResume Editor

In order to ensure your professional resume will support your goals, use this office manager job description to inform what you should highlight on your resume.

By reviewing job description examples, office managers will be able to identify what technical and soft skills , credentials, and work experience matter most to an employer in your target field.

Office manager job description:

The Office Manager will organize and coordinate office administration and procedures, in order to ensure organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and safety. The Office Manager is responsible for developing intra-office communication protocols, streamlining administrative procedures, inventory control, office staff supervision, and task delegation.

The successful office manager is an energetic professional who doesn't mind wearing multiple hats. Experienced in handling a wide range of administrative duties and executive support-related tasks and able to work independently with little or no supervision. Well organized, flexible, and enjoys the administrative challenges of supporting an office of diverse people.

Office manager responsibilities:

Point person for maintenance, mailing, shipping, supplies, equipment, bills, and errands

Organize and schedule meetings and appointments

Partner with HR to maintain office policies as necessary

Organize office operations and procedures

Coordinate with IT department on all office equipment

Manage relationships with vendors, service providers, and landlord, ensuring that all items are invoiced and paid on time

Manage contract and price negotiations with office vendors, service providers, and office lease

Provide general support to visitors

Responsible for creating PowerPoint slides and making presentations

Manage executives' schedules, calendars, and appointments

Responsible for managing office services by ensuring office operations and procedures are organized, correspondences are controlled, filing systems are designed, supply requisitions are reviewed and approved, and that clerical functions are properly assigned and monitored

Establish a historical reference for the office by outlining procedures for protection, retention, record disposal, retrieval, and staff transfers

Ensure office efficiency is maintained by carrying out planning and execution of equipment procurement, layouts, and office systems

Responsible for developing and implementing office policies by setting up procedures and standards to guide the operation of the office

Ensure that results are measured against standards, while making necessary changes along the way

Allocate tasks and assignments to subordinates and monitor their performance

Assign and monitor clerical, administrative, and secretarial responsibilities and tasks among office staff

Perform review and analysis of special projects and keep the management properly informed

Determine current trends and provide a review to management to act on

Responsible for recruiting staff for the office and providing orientation and training to new employees

Ensure top performance of office staff by providing them adequate coaching and guidance

Remain updated on technical and professional knowledge by attending educational workshops, joining professional associations, building networks with fellow professionals, and reviewing of industry publications

Responsible for ensuring office financial objectives are met by preparing annual budget for the office, planning the expenditures, analyzing variances, and carrying out necessary corrections that may arise

Participate actively in the planning and execution of company events

Responsible for developing standards and promoting activities that enhance operational procedures

Allocate available resources to enable successful task performance

Coordinate office staff activities to ensure maximum efficiency

Evaluate and manage staff performance

Recruit and select office staff

Organize orientation and training of new staff members

Coach, mentor, and discipline office staff

Design and implement filing systems

Ensure filing systems are maintained and current

Establish and monitor procedures for record-keeping

Ensure security, integrity, and confidentiality of data

Design and implement office policies and procedures

Oversee adherence to office policies and procedures

Analyze and monitor internal processes

Implement procedural and policy changes to improve operational efficiency

Prepare operational reports and schedules to ensure efficiency

Coordinate schedules, appointments, and bookings

Monitor and maintain office supplies inventory

Review and approve office supply acquisitions

Handle customer inquiries and complaints

Manage internal staff relations

Maintain a safe, secure, and pleasant work environment

Office manager requirements:

Proven office management, administrative, or assistant experience

Knowledge of office management responsibilities, systems, and procedures

Excellent time management skills and ability to multitask and prioritize work

Attention to detail and problem solving skills

Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Strong organizational and planning skills

Proficient in Microsoft Office

Knowledge of accounting, data, and administrative management practices and procedures

Knowledge of clerical practices and procedures

Knowledge of human resources management practices and procedures

Knowledge of business and management principles

Computer skills and knowledge of office software packages

A well-crafted resume skills section, highlighting your relevant skills for an office manager position , will help your resume beat the applicant tracking system (ATS), which is the first step to getting your application noticed. Use the office manager top skills and proficiencies below to help you effectively write your resume.

Office manager key skills & proficiencies:


Analysis and Assessment

Problem Solving

Decision Making

Planning and Organization

Time Management

Attention to Detail



Developing Standards

Process Improvement

Inventory Control

Supply Management




Proficiency in Microsoft Office


Interpersonal Skills

Administrative Support

Recommended Reading:

Skills All HR Managers Must Have

How to Use Action Verbs in a Resume

How to List Multiple Positions at One Company on Resume

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Task Manager Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Interfaces and coordinates with Government leads with key focus on effective, efficient, and compliant contractor support
  • Executes proper staffing, providing appropriate, qualified, and sufficient contractor resources to meet specified requirements
  • Supervises and communicates program policies, purposes, and goals to subordinates. Formulates and enforces work standards
  • Maintains active liaison with organizations, computer incident response organizations, to resolve incidents and coordinate on situational awareness
  • Performs quality control; ensures contractor performance meets established performance standards. Identifies and promotes process improvements
  • Track and assist in each phase of assigned projects, including planning, execution, monitoring, and closing. Review status of projects, track schedules and prepare status reports
  • Provide regular (daily, weekly, or monthly) briefs based on project stage and status of project status, progression, and implementation issues and resolutions to ensure that ITD is fully abreast of current project executions
  • Analyze project issues and develop recommendations to meet productivity, quality, and satisfaction goals and objectives
  • Develop means for monitoring project progress, risk analysis, impacts and problem solving
  • Assist in developing schedules to meet project requirements and monitor and report performance against plans to ensure that schedule objectives are met
  • Track and monitor the overall outcome of the projects and deliverables
  • Assist the IM Customer Service Branch Manager, IT Chief Strategist, Enterprise Architects, and Technical Project Manager with defining project scopes and objectives by analysis and recommendation
  • Provide project management capabilities to improve functionality, meet compliance requirements, or implement new capabilities on IT projects
  • Monitor development of Work Breakdown Structure, project schedules, project estimates, resource plans, and status reports
  • Support the implementation of projects and ensure that the coordination of deliverables is synchronized as necessary to achieve project system or service release to the Government
  • Close out project documentation, including project paperwork, upon Government acceptance of the system or service
  • Provide project management for system engineering projects that incorporate total system development, requirements management, technical planning, technical risk management, technical controls, and monitoring and providing technical reviews
  • Create implementation plans and system or service acceptance tests based on the project design packages
  • Participates in all aspects of program execution including cost and schedule tracking, technical performance monitoring, quality, inventory management, and ensuring program commitments are met. Has some authority to make cogent and timely decisions related to the project
  • Helps to develop relationships between BAE Systems and the customer program office, suppliers, and key customer stakeholders
  • Recommends tasks that are cost effective to the company and ensures assigned projects meet financial commitments
  • Proactively reviewing the tasks in the various systems used to request work in GTI (WRM, PRIME, EURC)
  • Liaise with Engineering and Operations to ensure technical issues and Obsolescence’s are resolved on orders placed
  • Familiar with Dry Cask storage campaign
  • Provide inspection services across the enterprise on behalf of the organization’s Special Enclave (SE) program manager
  • Accountable for all aspects of requirements and manages the hands-on; day-to-day issues related to operational activities

Professional Skills

  • Experience training/mentoring less experienced personnel
  • Customer Contact Center experience; to include experience in reporting metrics
  • Related experience, including supervisory experience in matrix organizations
  • General business professional experience with project management related experience
  • Have the ability to take individual staff as well as possess superb collaboration skills to work with a team to implement successful learning programs
  • Effective communication skills in both written and verbal formats to a variety of audiences
  • Prior experience as a linguist or media analyst

How to write Task Manager Resume

Task Manager role is responsible for analysis, security, communications, training, finance, integration, compensation, trading, reporting, research. To write great resume for task manager job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Task Manager Resume

The section contact information is important in your task manager resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Task Manager Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your task manager resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous task manager responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular task manager position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Task Manager resume experience can include:

  • Professional work experience that provides the required knowledge and skills
  • Enjoy making use of your existing skills, but also developing new ones
  • Possess the ability to apply creative concepts and methods to effectively contribute to customer vision and strategy
  • Helps screen candidates’ technical skills
  • Experience conducting staff planning, assigning, and directing work
  • Have at least 10 years of relevant work experience to include project management, researching, developing, implementing, and evaluating policies and materials

Education on a Task Manager Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your task manager resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your task manager experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Task Manager Resume

When listing skills on your task manager resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical task manager skills:

  • Effective project and personnel management skills
  • Strong Network Technologies experience, preferably in a Financial Services environment
  • Strong Technical Project Management/Task Management/Delivery Management experience
  • Highly experienced, senior military leader with experience in the A6, N6 or G6
  • Ensures production schedules are met and system resources are used effectively
  • Overseeing high-priority projects, which often require considerable resources and high levels of functional integration

List of Typical Experience For a Task Manager Resume

Experience for project / task manager resume.

  • Experience with developing, managing, and tracking task suspense
  • Experience with supporting Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR), intelligence, or Cyber operations
  • Good working knowledge of cyber investigations and forensic level analytics as well as insider threat programs
  • Dependable and a self-starter with proven problem solving capabilities
  • Emergency Management Experience

Experience For Junior Task Manager Resume

  • Experience o exercise support, design, development
  • Five (5) years of accounting or financial management experience
  • Three (3) or more years of progressive experience in leading business management and/or financial management services projects
  • Experience performing financial statement audits in the Department of Defense or federal agencies and/or preparation of assertion packages
  • Financial Statements audit experience
  • GAAP, GAGAS, ICOFR experience
  • FASAB, SSAC and SFFAS experience

Experience For Services Task Manager Resume

  • B.S. Computer Science, Information System, Mathematics, or IT related field or 5+ more years of Direct Management Experience in IT
  • Experience in management of projects/tasks similar in scope and requirements to current program
  • Demonstrated successful management of 100+ personnel
  • Including but not limited to the planning, coordinating, implementation and tracking of a specific deliverables related to the request
  • Resolving and/or coordinate resolution of Quality Assurance issues identified during draft audits
  • Managing the SharePoint repository for the team's project files

Experience For Senior Project / Task Manager Resume

  • Collaborating with the business functions (Contracts, Finance, Security, IT, Safety) as needed to secure appropriate support for the project
  • Oversee and manage ataff planning, assigning, and directing work
  • Develop thorough understanding of CMMI Level 3 process and assist the PM in developing and maintaining the associated work products
  • Oversee and manage staff planning, assigning, and directing work
  • Author operational reports providing status of work processed, open requests, personnel changes, risks, and issues
  • Plan, direct, and coordinate training and developmental activities for contract linguists in association with the Program Manager
  • Spill control and water permitting and compliance projects
  • Manage multiple projects including management of soil and groundwater investigations
  • Advanced knowledge of Tactical Local Area Network Field Computing Devices (ATAK, JTAK Field Wearable Devices) highly desired

Experience For Operational Task Manager Resume

  • Assists with supervising assigned staff
  • Proficiency in the use of word processing, spreadsheets and other related software applications
  • Supervises and communicates program policies, purposes, and goals to subordinates
  • Formulates and enforces work standards
  • Maintains active liaison with DoS organizations, computer incident response organizations, such as the GFIRST, U.S. CERT, and other government agencies to resolve incidents and coordinate on situational awareness
  • Performs quality control; ensures contractor performance meets established performance standards. Monitors, tracks, and reports on the status of MIRD activities. Identifies, promotes, and implements process improvements
  • Current experience in managing network security monitoring and incident response capability
  • Certification: PMP required, CISSP or CISM desired

Experience For Senior Task Manager Resume

  • Performs all program management functions to ensure the successful completion of the ARCYBER customer mission and performance of the contract
  • Manages two or more subordinate ARCYBER Functional Area Team Leads and up to 25 employees
  • Initiates, plans, executes, monitors, controls, and closes projects that meet or exceed customer objectives
  • Creates clear and attainable project objectives, builds project requirements, and manages constraints of cost, time, scope, and quality
  • Develops the overall project plan and manages project operations

Experience For Project Task Manager Resume

  • Manages and reports on the project stakeholders, project team, project risk, project schedule, project budget, and project conflicts
  • Ensures team members know and execute their respective roles and the roles of the other team members
  • Coordinates resolution of production-related problems
  • Performs quality control; ensures contractor performance meets established performance standards
  • Monitors, tracks, and reports on the status of contractor activities
  • Identifies, promotes, and implements process improvements
  • Thrive in a fast-paced work environment in which many demands are placed on the TM and team
  • Provide overall Project Management (PM) support throughout the performance period using customer’s internal processes consistent with principles outlined in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) PMBOK® Guide

Experience For Project / Task Manager With TS / SCI Resume

  • Respond timely to Data Calls such as financial status, computer or hardware details, technical attributes of the Systems, or security audits
  • Responsible for managing delivery across internal teams and third-party contractors/ consultants as well as be able to identify, assess and escalate issues in order to minimize potential project risks
  • Extensive experience interacting with client personnel at multiple management levels
  • Able to oversee the efforts of direct reporting resources and/or be responsible for the efforts of all staff assigned to a specific job;
  • Define the scope of operational work in collaboration with Enterprise Network Services and Business Unit management
  • Additional responsibilities would include driving process efficiency and on-going development of deployment practices including the Permit to Operate / Change Management processes
  • Project and Budget Planning
  • Issues & Trends Tracking
  • Identified decision points for end-to-end exercise delivery

Experience For GTI Task Manager Resume

  • Process for how exercises are assigned to NEP exercise project managers
  • Process for how exercise requirements for contractor support are developed; and
  • Risk, issue, change, scope, schedule, cost, and quality management for end-to-end delivery of an exercise
  • Program office and admissions
  • Extensive experience with assembling and leading software application development teams of various sizes, including identifying needed resources, team building, assigning individual responsibilities, and developing a schedule for task completion and acceptance

Experience For GTI Project Task Manager Resume

  • Extensive experience with managing tasks orders/projects to successful completion within estimated time frames and budget constraints, including task planning, status monitoring and reporting
  • The TM shall regularly meet with the GTM through face-to-face or virtual meetings. (The GTMs shall determine prioritization of all tasks.)
  • Able to provide both programmatic and technical direction as needed
  • Able to obtain Postal clearance
  • The TM shall establish and maintain close communication between the contractor personnel and the Sponsor's assigned Government Task Managers (GTMs)

List of Typical Skills For a Task Manager Resume

Skills for project / task manager resume.

  • Use critical thinking and analytic skills to process large amounts of information, anticipate risks, problems, and needs, and create solutions
  • Experience planning, initiating, and leading large, complex Agile transformation work efforts
  • Experience planning, initiating, and leading large, complex IT modernization work efforts
  • Experience developing and documenting technical user guides, standard operating procedures, and response playbooks
  • Experience working in a medium to large government contracting environment
  • Experience training and working in a warzone environment
  • Experience with processing and conducting quality control of executive–level classified and unclassified mission and administrative documents
  • Experience managing multiple complex projects in a client-facing role

Skills For Junior Task Manager Resume

  • Ten (10) years of current experience in managing network security monitoring and incident response capability
  • Consistently demonstrate a high-level of engagement within the programs and enjoy mentoring and developing the leaders for tomorrow
  • Experience supporting IT and phone systems
  • Experience/exposure with leading edge technologies (e.g. Cloud, Data Analytics, AI, BI)
  • Experience with data research, analysis, and problem–solving
  • Experience executing all requirements are executed in compliance with the Sponsor’s project management framework

Skills For Services Task Manager Resume

  • Experience developing project schedules
  • Experience managing projects in a fast-pace, technical environment
  • Experience of High Performance/Low Latency Trading Environments
  • Experience managing linguistic services
  • Experience managing personnel

Skills For Senior Project / Task Manager Resume

  • Experience/exposure with cybersecurity projects and initiatives
  • Experience/exposure with anti-fraud detection solutions
  • Strong command of Microsoft Excel, Visio, PowerPoint and Project
  • Experience with open source intelligence
  • Has a strong IT technical background
  • Experience with the Air Force client office and intelligence community
  • Experience managing budgets, project schedules, contractual deliverables, and customer expectations

Skills For Operational Task Manager Resume

  • Experience in intelligence, computer security, or technical analysis with increasing responsibilities
  • Experience in network security with a focus on cyber threat analysis and advanced network security analysis
  • Demonstrated ability to implement and manage repeatable processes and procedures
  • Experience in managing programs of 20 or more personnel and managing multiple tasks, managing resources, and meeting customer requirements
  • Experience managing complex engineering teams and/or service delivery teams while managing milestones, schedule and budget in a dynamic, high-risk environment
  • Experience managing technical teams delivering complex services
  • Previous experience working at AFSOC overseeing day-to-day technical service delivery of multi-disciplined teams comprised of technology professionals
  • Strong understanding of Federal or DoD Cyber, IT and Enterprise-level Policies and Governance

Skills For Senior Task Manager Resume

  • Strong desire to contribute to the success of others and the team
  • Work experience within the Intelligence Community
  • Five (5) years of technical task management and supervisory experience
  • Seven (7) years of technical task management and supervisory experience
  • Experience as a program manager
  • Extensive experience with problem resolution and risk/issue management
  • Experience as a Senior Project Manager

Skills For Project Task Manager Resume

  • Manage and track priorities and tasks levied on the program; ensure requirements are answered in a timely manner
  • Analyzing, developing, and documenting IT requirements
  • Managing personnel /teams to ensure that they are trained, have the resources needed, and are performing according to expectations
  • Participating in IT systems quality assurance and testing tasks
  • Motivating and creating a collaborative environment
  • Assigning and managing tasks
  • Translating requirements into an IT technical design; and
  • Managing multiple, large, and/or complex projects

Skills For Project / Task Manager With TS / SCI Resume

  • Storytelling & Narrative Creation
  • Coordinate project workflow, including assigning tasks and managing the project schedule and budget
  • Included but are not limited to the planning, coordinating, implementation and tracking of a specific deliverables related to the request
  • Relish diving deep into the details surrounding a challenge - and generally doing what it take to support both the customer and corporate mission objectives
  • Has performed as a contributing member of an IT project team, including

Skills For GTI Task Manager Resume

  • Five (5) years in managing 24x7x365 network security monitoring operations of similar size and scope
  • Five (5) years in managing 24x7x365 security monitoring operations of similar size and scope as the DoS CIRT
  • Support staff management, including hiring, compensation and employee performance assessments
  • Align program resources to best respond to tasking and/or respond to breaking events
  • Oversee Enterprise projects ensuring appropriate resources are allocated and tasks are completed on time
  • Coordinate project schedules and tracking action items to successful project completion

Skills For GTI Project Task Manager Resume

  • Facilitate meeting and information sessions as needed
  • Maintain suspense files, records, files for reports, operating procedures, internal memos, and compose correspondence
  • Review and approval of time sheet reporting
  • Five (5) years of working knowledge of forensics analysis tools, investigation processes, and case management products
  • Responsible for operations including security; maintenance and accountability
  • Point-of-Contact for issues - Is authorized to act on all matters relating to the daily operation of the task order
  • Authors and delivers contract reporting deliverables to the customer in accordance with established schedule
  • Ensures proper relationships are established between customers, teaming partners, and vendors to facilitate the delivery of information technology services
  • Provide technical, administrative, and operational management of assigned projects, including subcontractor relationship management

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Task Manager Resume

Responsibilities for project / task manager resume.

  • The TM is responsible for compiling and providing to the GTMs operational reports that include information on the amount of work processed, status of open requests, personnel changes, risks, and issues
  • Experience working in a medium to large scale business environment
  • Prioritize tasks based on customer guidance and understanding of customer needs
  • Drafting management-related CDRLs
  • Assist the customer in accessing, documenting, and tracking new requirements and follow-on TEMs
  • Enjoy working in the Defense Services market
  • Final editing and delivery of CDRLs
  • Assist and develop training and development programs for clients

Responsibilities For Junior Task Manager Resume

  • Self-motivating, with uncharacteristic ability to motivate others
  • Calm, cool and collected with ability to consistently bring the passion for success
  • The TM or surrogates shall be available 24/7 for urgent needs of the customer, as specified by the Task Order
  • Apply project management controls and processes
  • Maintain communication between Leidos Dynamo personnel and Customer
  • Use management tools and best practices to measure and monitor productivity

Responsibilities For Services Task Manager Resume

  • Develop and maintain open communication with the program PM and Customer representatives to include regular meetings
  • Ensure program collection plan is up to date; develop key elements of collection plan
  • Provide daily administrative and workflow oversight for personnel
  • Collaborate with Program Managers, Task Order Leads and Technical Leads as required to support tasks objectives in support of AFSOC customer. Understand and offer suggestions to solve/fulfill the teams and customer's relevant challenges, risks, and needs while acting as a source of best practices and independent analysis and feedback
  • Provides technical, administrative, and operational management of assigned projects
  • Ensures quality assurance of project deliverables, as required
  • Maintains current knowledge of relevant and emerging technologies, assists in use case identification and white paper development efforts to enhance customer experience
  • Be awesome to work with!

Responsibilities For Senior Project / Task Manager Resume

  • Bring a passion for continuous education and continuous training, and a dedication to delivering best value services for the world’s leading Armed Forces and Federal services communities
  • Familiarity with Department of Defense and Air Force financial management policies and procedures
  • OMB Circulars A-123, A-127, A-134, A-136 and other OMB policies
  • Air Force policies, systems, and procedures for personnel, acquisition, inventory, property and material management
  • Familiarity with JOCAS and FMS, CDFM, or CGFM
  • Site investigation and remediation projects
  • Due diligence and site assessments
  • Knowledge of multiple WAN, LAN, and IT technologies; knowledge of standard software application programs
  • Advanced knowledge and exposure to SOF tactics, techniques and procedures highly desired

Responsibilities For Operational Task Manager Resume

  • Advanced knowledge of information technology and potential use-cases within SOF environments desired
  • Oversees, plans and executes subject areas or subtasks
  • Provide overall direction to assigned project
  • Works directly with the employees and ensures that the project is executed to standard as per contract
  • Provides expert functional and management guidance to employees
  • Meets regularly with client management to discuss status and resolve program related issues

Responsibilities For Senior Task Manager Resume

  • Supervises 100+ employeesManages the activities of a staff that shall execute PEO Soldier’s business plan, developing plans and projects, determining needs, investigating and resolving problems, interfacing with other functions and outside personnel, preparing capital and operating requests, and managing staff
  • Shall act as a senior resource for a specific discipline or function
  • Coordinates efforts with other functions, and direct personnel to achieve objectives
  • Directly supervises employees interview, hire, and train employees
  • Assisting Program Managers with developing and maintaining project plans, schedules, risks, opportunities, meeting minutes & action items for multiple contracts
  • Draft slides for monthly reviews with senior management
  • Provides administrative, and operational management of assigned projects

Responsibilities For Project Task Manager Resume

  • Maintain configuration control of technical documentation
  • Complete knowledge with Government and Commercial Design and Drafting requirements including Drawing Format, Weight Group assignment, General Specifications for Overhaul of Surface Ships and Submarines, Fleet Modernization Program Manual, ANSI/ASME, etc
  • At this level, the position is typically responsible for supervising 15 or more employees
  • Maintain and market department to ensure stability and growth
  • Provide weekly status reporting internally and externally as required- Additional responsibilities would include driving process efficiency and on-going development of deployment practices including the Permit to operate / Change Management processes
  • Has completed deliverables within an IT Waterfall, Agile, and/or Hybrid Systems Development Lifecycle methodology
  • Experience in investigations, computer forensics, or technical analysis with increasing responsibilities. Demonstrated oral and written communications skills
  • Experience in the security aspects of multiple platforms, operating systems, software, communications, and network protocols along with malware analysis in support of incident analysis and response

Responsibilities For Project / Task Manager With TS / SCI Resume

  • Possesses a strong working knowledge of operational cybersecurity processes, procedures and best practices as practiced within the computer network defense (CND) industry
  • Strong background in program, project, relationship, and opportunity management
  • Knowledge of basic IT equipment and software
  • Professional certification – Project Management Professional (PMP) is required
  • Demonstrated hands-on experience with network (LAN and WAN), storage/backup, platforms (Windows/Linux Servers and desktop), virtual platforms, and different security technologies
  • Multitask and complete assignments on time
  • Provide weekly status reports to government and GDIT management
  • Develop new processes to create efficiencies

Responsibilities For GTI Task Manager Resume

  • Improve processes and policies in support of organizational goals. Formulate and implement team policies and procedures to maximize output. Monitor adherence to rules, regulations and procedures
  • Organize recruitment and placement of required staff. Establish organizational structures. Delegate tasks and accountabilities. Monitor and evaluate performance
  • Communicate with various teams internal and external to address issues and coordinate project plans to ensure tasks are completed on time
  • ​Utilizes the ITILv3 processes and additional Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for event; incident; and configuration management on Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and Internet Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching (IP/MPLS) technigues
  • Proactively embrace and lead change
  • Competency in project management skills, including budget management, contractual compliance, client relations and knowledge of client, and personnel management

Responsibilities For GTI Project Task Manager Resume

  • Overseeing financial aspects of the project or program by using Earned Value Management (EVM) techniques to ensure accuracy and compliance with contract provisions
  • Demonstrate a track-record of cultivating relationships with clients and leadership
  • Have background and understanding to assess and conduct data analysis of large datasets
  • Help drive business development
  • Reviews and determines causes for variances to the budget and develop appropriate risk management and communication

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Task Manager Resume Samples

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Resume Builder

  • Applies technical and/or managerial expertise to improve effectiveness and provide guidance to employees in own area
  • Manages professional employees and/or supervisors; may manage business support, technical or production staff
  • Supports business development activities and may serve as a proposal manager
  • Monitors and provides direction and oversight to Task manager level I
  • Manages the performance of employees through goal setting, ongoing assessment and coaching
  • Develops processes and procedures to implement functional strategies
  • Provides technical guidance to employees
  • Task manager shall assist the Program Manager in working with the Government Contracting Officer (CO), the contract-level Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR), the Government Task Manager, government management personnel and customer agency representatives
  • Monitors each assigned task, implements and assures adherence to task level quality and methodology standards, and keeps the Program Manager abreast of all problems and accomplishments
  • Anticipates problems and works to mitigate the anticipated problems
  • Provide technical direction for the complete task effort
  • Reviews and evaluates work of subordinate staff and prepares performance reports
  • May serve as a technical authority for a particular task area. As a staff specialist or consultant, resolves unique and unyielding systems problems using new technology
  • Complete tasks within estimated time frames and budget constraints
  • Contribute to the security planning, assessment, risk analysis, risk management, certification and awareness activities for system and networking operations
  • Review certification and accreditation (C&A) documentation, providing feedback on completeness and compliance of its content
  • Perform highly specialized and technical tasks associated with the most current and cutting-edge technologies
  • Provide expert support, analysis, research, and advice into exceptionally complex problems, and processes relating to the subject matter
  • Responsible for ensuring compliance with recognized standards and practices
  • Support the building of security architectures
  • May serve as a technical consultant to a project or a number projects dealing with area of technical expertise
  • Solid planning & Communication Skills
  • Strong team player
  • 5+ years general business professional experience with 1+ years project management related experience
  • -Ability to convey technical instructions to less technical or non-technical individuals
  • -Demonstrated ability to analyze, troubleshoot, and solve technical and non-technical issues
  • Able to time manage & set own priorities
  • Liaise with Engineering and Operations to ensure technical issues and Obsolescence’s are resolved on orders placed
  • Takes lead in developing technical solutions
  • Conducting project related research at the state and local level (historic data, regulations, etc.),
  • Regulatory correspondences and other project documentation

15 Task Manager resume templates

Task Manager Resume Sample

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  • At least 2 years IT Project Management experience
  • Experience with complex programs, projects, and large cross-functional teams
  • Practical large-scale implementation and operations experience supporting and implementing mission critical infrastructure and/or applications
  • Strong communication skills - ability to work across teams to solve difficult, complex
  • Past experience within an IT organization in the Financial Services industry preferred
  • Bachelor's degree in computer science or related area
  • Minimum 2 years experience interaction with mid to upper level management; Ability to positively influence people at a variety of levels; both internally and externally
  • Excellent consulting / relationship management skills. Ability to negotiate / mediate difficult, complex issues
  • Strong quality assurance / process improvement experience
  • Must have strong issue resolution / problem management skills with ability to intuitively determine the most effective escalation path
  • Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communications skills necessary for various audiences including executive management
  • Significant experience and working knowledge of Technology Infrastructure systems and solutions
  • Ability to anticipate problems and analyze ways to mitigate the risk
  • Excellent Oral and Written communicator
  • Timely escalation of critical and/or complex issues as required
  • Good planning skills, ability to plan multiple team workload and priorities and ability to deliver to agreed schedules

GTI Project Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing tasks or small projects which need the rigor of project management
  • Working on the tasks that have multi tower impact
  • Proactively reviewing the tasks in the various systems used to request work in GTI
  • Develop risk management strategies
  • Strong familiarity with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within project management
  • Strong analytic skills
  • Strong organization and customer service skills
  • Candidate must be comfortable working with technical resources and communicating technical concepts
  • Must take ownership of technical issues and drive to resolution Should be familiar with MS Project, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and other office automation tools
  • The ability to effectively work with technical resources and communicating technical concepts

Operational Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Five plus years of Voice and Data Network Technologies related experience
  • Five plus years of Operations Program/Task Management experience
  • Network Operations support / SLA management experience a plus
  • Define the scope of operational work in collaboration with ET and Business Unit management
  • Create a detailed execution plan which identifies and sequences the activities needed to successfully complete delivery
  • Assist in determine the resources (time, money, equipment, etc) required to complete the delivery
  • Develop, manage and track to an established (and agreed) schedule while effectively allocating resources to the activities
  • Review the project schedule with management and all other staff that will be affected by the project activities
  • Document project activities to ensure that all information is appropriately recorded - redundant
  • Provide weekly status reporting internally and externally as required
  • Ensure that all new deployments are Operationally sound by leveraging Operational Acceptance Testing (OATS) practices. - Has excellent project scheduling and estimation skills
  • Gathers and documents requirements
  • Matrix-manages core project team
  • Schedules work and negotiates work windows when required
  • Monitors scheduled work as required
  • Escalates technical and procedural issues as necessary
  • Defines/revises operational processes as necessary
  • Defines/revises policies when required
  • Delivers management reports and presentations
  • Creates and/or updates technical documentation as required
  • Is responsible for data analysis
  • Is responsible for cross-disciplinary coordination
  • Helps manage Business Unit communication where necessary
  • Maintains precise, accurate and timely meeting documentation to fulfill audit and regulatory requirements
  • Strong command of Microsoft Excel, Visio and PowerPoint
  • Strong organizational skills, customer service focus, attention to detail, and process orientation
  • Ability to distill and present information to business community in non-technical terminology
  • Business analysis skills, with the ability to forecast implications and provide consultative recommendations and solutions
  • Ability to set priorities, meet deadlines and manage operational lifecycle

Project Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensuring the tasks are being completed on time and to specification
  • Ensuring tasks are being completed in the correct sequential order
  • Working with resource manager to ensure tasks are cross impact tasks are closed in a timely manner
  • Recognize areas for internal improvement and developing plans for implementing them
  • 3-5 years IT Project Management experience
  • Experience with projects in multiple technologies, functions
  • Proven knowledge of systems used to fund, manage and engage resources for the execution of the project. (WRM, B2P, Business Case Tool, Clarity, Datamart, Beeline, SPARC, PRIME
  • Proven experience keeping projects on time and within budget
  • Strong technical capability
  • Experience in projects that leverage technology

Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Program Management Support: Responsible for assisting the Government customer in reviews, analyses, presentations, evaluations, reports, recommendations, and documentation to support program cost, schedule, and performance requirements. These responsibilities shall include the monitoring and or review of prime contractor products or work efforts, but not the performance of normal prime contractor functions such as equipment/system development, software development, integration, or test and evaluation
  • Program Planning Documentation: Provide the Government customer program planning documentation, program guidance documentation and other program management assistance as assigned
  • Program Management Data: Assist the Government customer in the preparation and maintenance of management data such as work breakdown structures, program schedules and briefings, and management reviews and progressive reports
  • Program Plans and Guidance Documents: Assist the Government customer in preparing program plans and guidance documents, including strategic plans and roadmaps that address organizational approach
  • Program Management Analysis: From a management perspective; review proposals, studies, and reports and. analyze the feasibility of accomplishing stated objectives and the impact to on-going and planned programs. Develop a summary of all such reports and studies for management review and assess accomplishment and performance objectives

Project / Task Manager With TS / SCI Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborating across all AIT service lanes to ensure consistent coordination and communication to reach program goals
  • Managing the communications from within the team to AIT Program Leadership and AIT PMO Customers
  • Ensuring adherence to quality standards and reviews team deliverables
  • Professional certification (PMP) preferred
  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related technical discipline, or the equivalent combination of education, technical training, or work/military experience (Master's Degree preferred)
  • 10+ years of experience managing teams providing project management and/or service integration services with at least 2 years of experience on a program that provides infrastructure services including compute, storage, database, transport, enterprise management, and/or desktop services
  • Good communication and customer support skills; must be able to effectively communicate across the AIT Program, with the client, and with other contractors
  • Ability to manage priorities across multiple projects and actively multi-task
  • Ability to work within accelerate schedule timelines while delivering high quality products to the customer
  • Understanding of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes
  • TS/SCI clearance required
  • PMP certified
  • Demonstrated experience with NCE or Mission Partners
  • Communicates with program controls the status task order performance and burn rate
  • TS/SCI with polygraph
  • PMP certification, preferre
  • Ensures work packages are prepared and ready to support installation activities
  • Statuses work package progress
  • Maintains communication with work control centers
  • Arranges and ensures all field permits are in place
  • BS Degree in Project management or Construction
  • And/or 5+ Years of Experience in Operations, Maintenance or Projects
  • Nuclear experience is preferred
  • Leading the team to ensure service lanes are tasked and operating with the proper number of resources to provide the services required
  • 8-10 years of related experience, including supervisory experience
  • 3-5 years of related experience, including supervisory experience and/or service integration services with at least 2 years of experience on a program that provides infrastructure services including compute, storage, database, transport, enterprise management, and/or desktop services
  • CAM experience within GDIT's EVMS, including planning, budgeting, status, risk mitigation, and variance analysis
  • Ability to manage the time charging authorizations, baseline change requests, IMS inputs and forecasting for multiple projects

Project / Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Active TS/SCI Clearance
  • Bachelor's Degree in a related business or technical discipline, or the equivalent combination of education, technical training, or work/military experience
  • 8-10 years of related experience, including supervisory experience and/or service integration services with at least 2 years of experience on a program that provides infrastructure services including compute, storage, database, transport, enterprise management, and/or desktop services
  • Excellent time management skills and the drive to work unsupervised or with a small team
  • Good communication and customer support skills
  • Must be able to effectively communicate with the client, and with other contractors
  • Experience related areas such Configuration Management, Change Management, Risk Management, Quality Assurance, and Process Management
  • Professional certification (PMP) Certified
  • Installation of soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells
  • Elevation surveying
  • Soil and groundwater sampling per EPA Methods
  • Site Inspections
  • Soil characterization
  • Remedial System operations and maintenance
  • General Construction/contractor oversight
  • B.S. in Environmental Science/Geology/Engineering or related field
  • Must be proficient with MS Word and MS Excel to prepare technical reports and spreadsheet data entry
  • Technical writing responsibilities require excellent written communication skills and interaction with staff requires strong interpersonal communication skills
  • 40 Hour OSHA certification
  • 10 Hour OSHA certification
  • 30 hour OSHA Construction certification
  • 8 hour OSHA Supervisor Training
  • DOT/IATA Training
  • CPR and First Aid certification
  • Attends customer meetings and may serve as primary client liaison
  • Professional certification (PMP) Required
  • IAM Level III Certification Required
  • Should have Computing Environment Certification
  • Must be ITILv3 Foundation Certified (Intermediate Level Certification preferred)
  • Must have technical background in field service or helpdesk experience in IT Enterprise Services, managing T1 - T3 technical support, working with multi-national support team, understand/update and execute quality planning procedures, and knowledge in contract management and project management
  • Should have experience managing OCONUS employees in multiple geographic locations
  • Should have experience managing multiple simultaneous projects/ requirements
  • Manage all Spares & Repairs orders
  • Manage ITAR & Export Controls
  • Manage stock, obsolescence & Favoweb requirements
  • Produce customer reports and survey reports
  • Manage tasks allocated by the Service Delivery Managers
  • Supply paperwork as required by the customer
  • Raise service orders and repair orders in line with contractual requirements
  • Progress and report orders
  • Provide feedback to the Programme Managers on the progress of their requirements
  • Liaise with Engineering and Operations to ensure technical issues and Obsolescence’s are resolved on orders placed
  • Prepare quotations
  • Understands the supply chain process
  • Solid planning & Communication Skills
  • Self-motivated, proactive and enthusiastic
  • Team Player, Confident and Persuasive Communicator
  • Able to time manage & set own priorities

Junior Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4 year degree in account of business management related field from an accredited institution
  • CPA or similar professional certification (e.g. CISA, CIA)
  • 5 years of accounting or financial management experience, including 3 or more years of progressive experience in leading business management and/or financial management services projects experience performing financial statement audits in DoD, federal agencies, or commercial Fortune 400 organizations and/or preparation of assertion packages

Senior Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Familiarity with Foreign Military Sales (FMS), SAP or Oracle Federal Financials functionality; knowledge and ability to understand OMB Circulars A-123, A-127, A-134, A-136 and other OMB policies and federal financial management system requirements
  • Demonstrate direct and relevant experience and knowledge Federal financial statements audit, FISCAM, FASAB, SSAC, SFFAS, and GAAP / GAGAS / ICOFR
  • Ability to lead large, complex engagements and teams and develop audit readiness for an SBR or PP&E audit (IAW) FIAR Guidance
  • Review and prepare SBR or E&C assessable unit assertion packages based on (IAW) FIAR Guidance
  • Review DoD financial management policies and procedures, systems and procedures for personnel, acquisition, inventory, property and material management
  • 4 year degree in accounting or business management related field from an accredited institution
  • CPA or related professional certification is required (e.g. CISA, CIA, CDFM, CGFM, etc.)
  • At least 8 years of progressive experience in leading financial management services and related projects
  • Experience performing financial statement audits in DoD, federal agencies, and/or commercial Fortune 400 organizations
  • 5 Years Experience
  • Previous experience with Oil & Gas due diligence project
  • Bachelors of Science or related field
  • Masters of Science or related field
  • Responsible for all phases of planning and execution on medium projects as defined by medium potential risk, complexity, manpower requirements and /or contract value (typically less than $100 million)
  • May have responsibility for multiple projects
  • Establishes and monitors project safety and quality programs
  • Plans, organizes, coordinates, and controls projects in accordance with established policies, procedures, systems, and requirements
  • Supervises project personnel through subordinate leaders
  • Represents the company to client and maintains client relationship
  • Typically has 2-10 years relevant experience
  • Has accountability for managing financial resources
  • Anticipates and interprets customer needs to identify solutions
  • Manages budget for own area and allocates resources accordingly
  • Explains difficult concepts and persuades others to adopt a point of view
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze, troubleshoot, and solve technical and non-technical issues
  • Ability to convey technical instructions to less technical or non-technical individuals
  • Experience training and working in a warzone environment

Senior Project / Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure completeness and proper authorizations are captured/documented
  • Performs various audits and documents results
  • Host and conduct weekly/daily program technical exchange meetings
  • Participate in design reviews, audits, scheduling, and budgeting for procurement of new equipment and software
  • Receive and track system/process change requests for the program
  • Consolidate team identified change requests, and thoroughly explain those impacts to the government customer
  • Maintain, track, and baseline the program specific documentation
  • Typically requires a BA degree and 4 – 8 years of prior relevant experience or Masters with 2 – 6 years of prior relevant experience
  • Must have a strong capability for planning, organizing, directing and tracking efforts on assigned tasks
  • Demonstrated experience with staffing processes
  • Must be able to interact with customer representatives in an effective manner
  • Prior Project Management training
  • Prior experience with task order proposal coordination/management preferred
  • Develops technical project plans, proposals, reports, and task order and administrative reporting
  • Reviews future project requirements and develops strategies for future work
  • Interacts with vendors, other agencies, and other client staff on behalf of the client
  • 15 years in IT Support Services or relevant professional managerial experience
  • 10 years project management experience
  • 10+ years of experience in the AF ISR enterprise within intelligence operations and training
  • 10+ years of experience with multi–intelligence disciplines, including SIGINT, GEOINT, HUMINT, or MASINT
  • Knowledge of Air Force or service equivalent analytic standards and tenets
  • 4+ years of experience at the MAJCOM or NAF level preferred
  • Experience in working with Air Force Major Command (MAJCOM) staff coordination
  • Experience with ISR operations and weapon systems, including AF Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS)
  • Experience with instructional systems design methodologies and learning strategies
  • Knowledge of DoD and commercially available critical thinking training
  • Consults with the customer to define requirements for complex secure systems
  • Provides technical expertise across projects with regard to secure systems engineering issues and solutions
  • Guides design and implementation and O&M teams in the appropriate technology and methods that encompass multiple engineering disciplines
  • Consults with the client to get consensus on present and future secure systems needs and appropriate technical solutions
  • Develops project objectives and timelines in consultation with the customer
  • Researches available technology and cost constraints to develop recommendations to customer management
  • Has ultimate responsibility for completing projects on time
  • Perform, or review, technical security assessments of computing environments to identify points of vulnerability, non-compliance with established IA standards and regulations, and recommend mitigation strategies
  • Validate and verify system security requirements definitions and analysis and establishes system security designs
  • Design, develop, implement and/or integrate IA and security systems and system components including those for networking, computing, and enclave environments to include those with multiple enclaves and with differing data protection/classification requirements
  • Build IA into systems deployed to operational environments
  • Assist architects and systems developers in the identification and implementation of appropriate information security functionality to ensure uniform application security policy and enterprise solutions
  • Enforce the design and implementation of trusted relations among external systems and architectures
  • Assess and mitigate system security threats/risks throughout the program life cycle
  • Review certification and accreditation (C&A) documentation, providing feedback on completeness and compliance of its content
  • Perform system installation, configuration maintenance, account maintenance, signature maintenance, patch management, and troubleshooting of operational IA and CND systems
  • Apply system security engineering expertise in one or more of the following to: system security design process; engineering life cycle; information domain; cross domain solutions; commercial off-the-shelf and government off-the-shelf cryptography; identification; authentication; and authorization; system integration; risk management; intrusion detection; contingency planning; incident handling; configuration control; change management; auditing; certification and accreditation process; principles of IA (confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, availability, and access control); and security testing
  • Identify and manage network and system vulnerabilities and security events
  • Receive, acknowledge, disseminate, track, report (daily/weekly, and update vulnerability management (VM) alerts, vulnerability assessments, red/blue team events, security incidents, and the VM common operating picture (VM COP)
  • Provide inspection services across the enterprise on behalf of the organization’s Special Enclave (SE) program manager
  • Support or perform global DoD inspections of GENSER and SE (e.g., JWICS) services to ensure compliance to DoDI 8530 standards
  • Identify and report detected events through persistent monitoring and analysis of indications and warnings (I&W) and attack, sensing, and warning (AS&W) indicators
  • Respond to identified network or system cyber incidents Analyze, contain, eradicate malicious code
  • Prepare and disseminate AS&W to enterprise and the CND-SP community
  • Conduct cyber trend analysis as well as malware analysis
  • Disseminate and report cyber related activities and trends
  • Support or conduct CND/CI coordination and reporting to the organization, DoD, and IC
  • Test, implement, deploy, maintain, and administer the infrastructure systems which are required to effectively manage the cyber, IA, and CND networks and systems (e.g., routers, firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems)
  • Ensure that the architecture and design of DoD information systems are functional and secure
  • As needed, design and develop IA or IA enabled products, interface specifications, and approaches to secure the environment
  • Assess threats to the environment
  • Provide inputs on the adequacy of security designs and architectures
  • Participate in risk assessment during the certification and accreditation process
  • Develops new concepts and processes. Analyzes root causes and resolves issues. Supports more junior level technicians and specialists in their activities. Can perform all tasks of lower level technicians or specialists
  • Works individually, actively participates on integrated teams, and may also lead a task, project or team
  • Requires guidance and direction from more senior level technicians, specialists, and managers only when dealing with new, uncertain situations
  • Training/Certifications. DoD 8570.01 compliant: Security +, GSEC, SSCP, or CCNA Security
  • Perform a variety of analytical tasks which are broad in nature and are concerned with the design and implementation, including personnel, hardware, software and support facilities and/or equipment Perform with some latitude for un-reviewed actions and decisions
  • Plan and perform analytical and engineering research, design development, and other assignments in conformance with design, engineering and customer specifications
  • Coordinate the activities of technicians assigned to specific analytical projects
  • Researches and evaluates new concepts and processes to improve performance. Analyzes cross-functional problem sets, identifies root causes and resolves issues. Assists more junior level technicians, specialists, and managers in their activities. Can perform all tasks of lower level technicians, specialists, and/or managers
  • Works individually, actively participates on integrated teams, and leads multiple tasks, projects or teams. Oversees and monitors performance, and when required, takes steps to resolve issues
  • Directs multiple teams through to project completion. Provides guidance and direction to lower level technicians, specialists, and managers
  • Certifications. DoD 8570.01 compliant: Security +, GSEC, SSCP, or CCNA Security
  • Requires guidance and direction from more senior level technicians, specialists, and managers only when dealing with new, uncertain situations. Provides guidance to lower level technicians and specialists
  • 02-03 years w/High School Diploma
  • 03-04 years w/High School Diploma
  • Organizes and maintains all quality assurance and independent verification and validation (IV&V) documentation required
  • Reviews all documentation for completeness, accuracy, and correctness personnel as a witness to testing requirements; presents IV&V results and troubleshoots technical problems; makes recommendations to improve overall quality
  • Certifies that deliverables have met all quality requirements
  • DoD 8570.01 compliant: Security +, GSEC, SSCP, or CCNA Security
  • Training or certification in Agile (Scrum, SAFe), DevOps
  • Experience with any of the following: Junit, Findbugs, Selenium, Serenity BDD, SonarQube
  • Generally recognized as a leader in the industry in their area of expertise; sought out by others in the area of expertise for advice and guidance
  • Serve as technical expert on executive-level project teams providing technical direction, interpretation and alternatives. Expertise is in a particular area of Information Technology (e.g., Cybersecurity, Information Systems Architecture, Telecommunications Systems Design, Architecture, Implementation, Information Systems Integration, Software Development Methodologies, Security Engineering, Communications and Network Systems Management)
  • Coordinate with contract management and Government personnel to ensure the problems have been properly defined and the solutions satisfy customer needs
  • Experience in any of the following: C2S, Cloudera Hadoop and AWS, VMware Ops manager, vCenter manager, HP Openview, Solarwinds, Splunk, EMC

Services Task Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Task manager shall assist the Program Manager in working with the Government Contracting Officer (CO), the contract-level Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR), the Government Task Manager, government management personnel and customer agency representatives
  • Responsible for assembling the task team, assigning individual responsibilities, identifying appropriate resources needed, and developing the schedule to ensure the timely completion of the tasks milestones and final acceptance
  • Must be familiar with the systems scope and project objectives, as well as the role and function of each team member, in order to effectively coordinate the activities of the team
  • Interacts with client management personnel
  • Prepares activity and progress reports regarding all assigned tasks
  • Reports in writing and orally to company and client representatives
  • Associate Degree, Certifications, and minimum of four years of related experience
  • Minimum 2 years working on a service desk similar in size and complexity to Civil

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    Developed new business to push sales revenue from $750,000/yr to $1.1 million in 1 year. Increased staff training to drive lead conversion up 20%. Created annual budgets. Cut inventory costs by 25% through annual trend analysis. Zap. You just stuck your management resume to the job description with superglue.

  2. 15 Manager Resume Examples (& How to Write Your Own)

    Here's an example manager resume summary for you to get a better idea of what we mean: Enterprising restaurant manager with 6+ years of experience managing a high-quality and fast-paced five-star restaurant. Coached 50+ staff members and maintained an employee retention rate 25% higher than industry standard by implementing training programs ...

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    Here's a list of seven management skills that demonstrate you plan effectively to meet objectives, while also devising and implementing strategies to overcome obstacles you encounter in the process. Goal setting. Research. Forecasting. Strategic thinking. Strategic planning. Scheduling. Project management.

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    3. Empathy. Empathy is essential to leading, delegating, and other key management skills. It is the ability to understand how others are feeling and to see things from their perspective. Empathetic leaders and managers are effective because they know when their team needs nurturing or more independence.

  7. Top Management Resume Examples & Skills [2024]

    Quantify whenever you can. Have a look at this management resume example. Job ad asks for: (1) sales manager skilled in digital marketing, (2) someone with strong analytical skills, (3) supervisor with coaching experience. Here's a tailored management job description: Manager Resume Example: Job Description.

  8. Management Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Build Your Resume. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Start Building. 1. Summarize your management qualifications in a dynamic profile. The profile section is where you can let employers know what kind of manager you are.

  9. 7 Manager Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    Use our 7 manager resume samples to prove your skills for a management role in 2024. Resumes. AI resume builder Build a better resume in minutes Resume examples 2,000+ examples that work in 2024 Resume templates 184 free templates for all levels ...

  10. Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    Professional summary for manager resume example: Experienced hotel manager with over five years in the hospitality industry, excelling in operations management within multicultural environments. Possesses a comprehensive understanding of hotel and restaurant management, backed by a four-year degree in the same field.

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    What are management skills? Management skills are the qualities a person has that makes them a great team leader. A good manager has the ability to efficiently supervise and motivate their team. They make sure everyone is meeting the company's goals and stays on task. Also, a manager has the skills to provide guidance and support to employees.

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    Whether you collaborate with colleagues on Slack, track the time you spend on tasks using Toggl, plan projects in Asana, or use one of the myriad other technologies available, it's worth calling out this tech on your resume. 5. Meeting deadlines. This is one of the most critical time management skills for your resume.

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  20. How to Write a Resume for a Job in 2024

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  21. 11 Project Management Skills To Make Your Resume Stand Out

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  22. Task Manager Resume Sample

    Services Task Manager. 12/2007 - 06/2010. San Francisco, CA. Participates in all aspects of program execution including cost and schedule tracking, technical performance monitoring, quality, inventory management, and ensuring program commitments are met. Has some authority to make cogent and timely decisions related to the project.

  23. Task Manager Resume Samples

    Manages professional employees and/or supervisors; may manage business support, technical or production staff. Supports business development activities and may serve as a proposal manager. Monitors and provides direction and oversight to Task manager level I. Manages the performance of employees through goal setting, ongoing assessment and ...

  24. 10 Must-Have Skills To Put On Your Resume In 2024

    9. Negotiation. Sales, partnerships and agreements, and internal stakeholder arrangements all require negotiation skills to some degree. Add this skill to your resume and include some proof of ...

  25. Task Management Skills: Definition and Examples

    Here are some task management-related skills: 1. Efficient scheduling. Scheduling your tasks is an integral part of task management. It helps you arrange them productively. Having a clearly set schedule also helps you maximize your professional time, which may keep you from getting distracted.

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