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  • Kabaddi Essay


Essay on Kabaddi

One of the oldest and popular games in India is Kabaddi. From Tamil Nadu to international land, Kabaddi has traveled far and long. In this Kabaddi essay,  more about the background, history, and importance of Kabaddi will be discussed. After a significant journey, Kabaddi has made it to the foreign land and is considered as one of the most thrilling games of India that require lots of energy besides strategy. Let’s have a look at everything you need to know about Kabaddi. 

Sports have a big role to play in the development of the students as physical exercise is equally important in the mental growth of an individual. Therefore, Vedantu provides the students with an entire guide on the sport of Kabaddi that will not only teach them its importance but also its rules, history, and much more. This will help the students to cover all the important aspects of the game in one go while also improving their essay writing skills and general knowledge.

History of Kabaddi

Over 4000 years ago, Kabaddi emerged in the southern part of India in Tamil Nadu. It is believed that the game emerged in the Vedic period. It was a game that was played by people to showcase their strength. There have been several essays on Kabaddi stating how thrilling, magical and fascinating the game is. Several documents state that the game was even played by Gautama Buddha for recreational purposes. In 1938, it was included in the Indian Olympic Games and later in 1950 All India Kabaddi Federation was formed. In 1990, it became a part of the Beijing Asian Games and popularized the game as a competitive sport.

A Short Note on Kabaddi- The Sport

While writing a  Kabaddi essay in English, we must make use of resources to gather relevant information about the sport. Kabaddi is a team sport that requires seven players in two teams. The aim of the sport is for a single player on offense to run into the opposing team’s court up to an extent and then tag out as many defenders of the opponent team as possible and return to the respective court anyhow without getting touched. To play this game it is essential to have a wide field of 10-13 meters long. It is played for approximately 20 minutes. Like any other game, the toss-winning team plays first in Kabaddi. The points are given based on the tagged players and also on stopping the raider. It seems like there is nothing more thrilling and exciting than watching a game of Kabaddi. The players, it is to be noted, are selected based on body weight and age. 

An Essay on My Favorite Game Kabaddi

In this section of the short note on Kabaddi, a few names of top tournaments and leagues will be mentioned. Pro Kabaddi League, National Kabaddi Championships, Federation Cup, etc are a few of such tournaments that are worth mentioning in the Kabaddi paragraph in English. The Pro Kabaddi League was launched in 2014 only while the National Kabaddi Championship is the oldest tournament of Kabaddi in India.

Method of Playing- A Note on Kabaddi

In this part of the essay on Kabaddi, how to play Kabaddi is mainly focussed upon. When this game starts, one of the team’s players chants the word “Kabaddi” and tags the player from the opponent team and returns to his court. If the players from the opponent team stop the player in their court, then the player who tried to tag automatically gets disqualified. This might sound simple but it's pretty difficult and requires a lot of energy to play. A similar exhibition of energy and competition is seen in the Kabaddi World Cup which must be mentioned in any 10 lines about Kabaddi or 5 lines on Kabaddi. Kabaddi information in an English essay would include the fact that to date India is the most successful team in this competition.  

As this essay about Kabaddi comes to an end, it is worth mentioning that there are a number of films that depict the importance of this sport and have showcased it as an integral part of Indian culture. 

A Short Essay on Kabaddi

Write a short note on kabaddi.

It takes energy, dedication, and strategy to play Kabaddi, one of the oldest games in the country. This Kabaddi essay will be a short paragraph on Kabaddi that will highlight the game’s importance and several other things.

This essay Kabaddi states the effect of playing Kabaddi. It is a sport that increases blood circulation in our body. Like any other game, it teaches us discipline and increases the sportsman spirit inside us. It also helps in creating a sense of brotherhood. Further, there are a lot of different names of this sport that were given in different parts of the country. Both teams have 7 players in the game and any team that would make the most in twenty minutes is declared victorious. 

Thus, an ancient Indian game that started evolving with time is now being played in countries like Japan and Korea. Also, this sport is regarded as the national game of Bangladesh and is also very famous in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. There are numerous international competitions in Kabaddi that take place in various parts of Asia. Some of these tournaments which deserve a mention in this Kabaddi essay in English are Asian Games, World Cup, SAF Games, etc. 

Advantages of Kabaddi

The game has several benefits, some of which have been mentioned below as:

Helps Overcome Fear The game of Kabaddi helps individuals to access the inner strength that allows them to face overwhelming fears, frustrations, and challenges of everyday life in general.

Enhances the presence of mind To boost productivity, many people multitask to some degree and in the present environment where the pace of life is often frenetic, such people are typically seen as efficient and effective. And the game of Kabaddi calls for the pro-active, presence of mind, team management, physical strength, crisis management, and understanding the opponent's strategy as part of the individual’s attitude.

Paying attention to small things The game of Kabaddi calls for a lot of physical inputs including traits like agility, good lung capacity, muscular coordination, presence of mind, and quick responses. Here, the forecasting capacity and practice help one to understand the situation and act accordingly at the right moment with the right decisions.

Develops Right Spirit The game is justified with winning or losing and one learns to accept all with openness as a player therefore, Kabaddi helps develop the right spirit amongst the individuals.

Some other benefits of Kabaddi include endurance (from breath-holding and moving), Running, Dodging, Kicking, Defensive skills, Never to be underestimated, and such.


FAQs on Kabaddi Essay

1. Who Introduced Kabaddi as a Sport in India?

Sports have been a source of entertainment for humans since prehistoric times. Kabaddi is also popularly known as Hadudu in Bangladesh, Gudu in Sri Lanka, The Chub in Indonesia, Kabaddi in India, and Pakistharaditional outdoor rural sport in Bangladesh.  It is an ancient group game, which is played in most tropical countries. Muhamad Sarwar, Secretary-General of the Asian Amateur Kabaddi Federation sent Prof. Sundar Ram from India to tour Japan. After touring Japan for two months, Kabaddi was introduced in India. The Asian Kabaddi Championship was organized in the year 1980 and India became the champion while Bangladesh became the runner-up.

2. What are the Rules of Kabaddi?

Kabaddi as a game has its playing strategy which is different from most of the other games. The rules of the kabaddi are as follows:

Minimum 7 players have to be there in each team

The duration of a match should be a minimum of 40 minutes, divided into two equal halves. 

The last raider of each half of the Kabaddi match gets to complete the raid even after the completion of the scheduled time.

Each team can take time out of 30 seconds in each half of the game

3. When did Kabaddi Originate?

The past tells us that the games have been a part of human life ever since the stone ages and the fact is that the game of kabaddi originated in the state of Tamil Nadu over 4,000 years ago. History tells us that the game includes the Buddha and the princes who played Kabaddi to display their strength and win their brides. Kabaddi has been played at a competitive level internationally. Also, the sport has become a part of the Beijing Asian Games in the year 1990.

4. What is the purpose of the game of kabaddi?

The game of Kabaddi, in general, has no such purpose of play though, the motive behind the same has been to enjoy ourselves while playing the game and challenge our strengths for physical fitness. The main objective of this game, however, from the play is to grab points by raiding into the opponent's court and trying to touch as many opponent players as possible without getting caught on a single breath by the opposition, as one gets caught the layer heads out of the game. Also, each player has to chant “Kabaddi! Kabaddi!” until they are back in their court.

5. What is the importance of the game of kabaddi in India?

The game of Kabaddi is a contact sport, which is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is one of the most popular sports played in India, and mainly among the people in villages. However, after growing in popularity there has been the launch of events like the pro kabaddi league. Also, India has taken part in the four Asian Games in kabaddi and has won gold in all of them. The Four forms of kabaddi played in India include Amar, Suranjeevi, huttuttoo, and Gaminee. For more information about the game the student can visit the Vedantu website and find the details along with other study material for free of cost.

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Essay on Kabaddi

The craze for kabaddi rocketed up in the last few years everywhere as the Pro Kabaddi League started and people got teams of their state. The game of Kabaddi involves two teams who defend themselves from a raider from the opposite team. The game has now risen to international recognition. Here are some sample essays on kabaddi.

Essay on Kabaddi

100 Words Essay on Kabaddi

Kabaddi is a game of two different teams, each team containing seven players. One player is known as a"raider”, and raids into other teams' half courts and tries to touch as many players as they can while continuously chanting "kabaddi” in a single breath.

Kabaddi is one of the most famous sports in the Indian subcontinent and other neighbouring countries with different regional names. Kabaddi has two different variations, namely “standard style” and “circle style”.

Kabaddi is the national sport of Bangladesh. It is the state game of different states in India like Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Kerala, Maharashtra, and Odisha. It is a highly regarded game in Nepal, taught and played in primary schools. It is also the country’s national sport.

200 Words Essay on Kabaddi

Kabaddi is a contact team sport. There are two teams of seven players each, who defend their courts from an offending player, trying to touch as many of the defending players as possible in a single breath. The raider team gets a point for every player their player touches from the opposite team and thereby eliminates them from the game. The defending team gets a point for the successful capture of a raider. Players are taken back into the game for each point scored by the team. This cycle of defending and raiding continues till there's no one left in a team.

Different Names Of Kabaddi | Kabaddi has different names in various regions. It is known as “hu-tu-tu” in the western region, “hu-do-do” in the eastern region, and “chadakudu” in the southern region of the Indian subcontinent. It is known as “ha-du-du” in Bangladesh and “kapardi” in Nepal.

Styles Of Kabaddi | Kabaddi has two different styles of playing depending on the shape of the ground. "Circle Style”, also known as "Punjabi Kabaddi” is a traditional form of Kabaddi played on a circle-shaped ground, and is most famous in rural areas of Punjab, that is, where it originated from. “Standard Style” is played in a rectangular-shaped court, and is widely played including that in various national and international competitions, such as the Asian games.

500 Words Essay on Kabaddi

The origin of Kabaddi goes back to ancient India. It is mentioned in the Sangam literature that Sadugudu (older name for Kabaddi) was practised for ages and was used as a warm-up sport before playing Jallikattu. Another form of this sport originated in Tamil Nadu 4,000 years ago.

Kabaddi was famous among the Yadava people. An Abhang by Tukaram states that Lord Krishna used to play Kabaddi in his childhood.

Kabaddi As A Competitive Sport | India first popularised Kabaddi as a competitive sport, with the first competitions organised in the late 1920s. The All India Kabaddi Federation was formed in 1950. Kabaddi was played as a demonstration sport during the first Asian games in 1951 in Delhi, and made a part of Asian games in 1990.

Rules of Kabaddi

There are different variations of Kabaddi but the basic rules of scoring a point, number of players, and declaring someone out are mostly the same. Let's take a look at the basic rules of Kabaddi.

Each team consists of 12 players from which only 7 players will be on the court at a time and others will be substitutes.

Matches are categorised according to the age and weight of players because of the physical nature of this contact sport.

Each game is played in two halves of 20 minutes with a 5-minute break at halftime.

A raider gets a point for every player of the other team he touches in a single breath. The defending team gets a point for the successful capture of a raider.

Players that are declared ‘out’ while raiding or defending can be taken in with each point scored.

Each team takes turns raiding and defending. The courts are switched after the halftime break.

The game in the same manner continues till the time up. The team that scores the maximum points is declared winner.

Coming of The Pro Kabaddi League

In a country dominated by cricket, the beginning of the Pro-Kabaddi League in 2014 glamorised the sport of Kabaddi in India, and it became the second most–watched sport event after the Indian Premier League. It helped many players from rural India to show their talent at the game at the national and international levels. Kabaddi getting recognised at a bigger level has fetched livelihood and a means of sustenance for many of those skilled at the game.

When I was in school, we used to play Kabaddi just as a pastime and because our seniors usually kept the cricket bat and ball with themselves. Unlike for other sports like cricket, football, and basketball, there weren't many competitions organised for Kabaddi despite there being some talented players around. However, with the beginning of the Pro-Kabaddi League, things have changed. My peers from school who have been good at Kabaddi right from school days are now playing in various tournaments organised by universities and state federations.

Good performance in Kabaddi is even fetching scholarships to these students. Now, I am in college in the capital of my state, and the players who played kabaddi with me in school are playing in various tournaments held by universities and state federations. Some players are even getting scholarships based on the amazing skills that they achieved playing kabaddi during school just to pass time.

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An Essay on My Hobby is Playing Kabaddi [PDF]

Today in this essay presentation, we are going show you the example essay on my hobby is playing Kabaddi.

kabaddi feature image

I love athletics. For me playing sports is fun and exhilarating. I enjoy the social aspect, the competition, and the skills it takes to play just about any game or team sport. My body has become a fine-tuned machine because of the skills I have developed.

Out of all the sports, there are, I enjoy Kabaddi the most. I grew up playing it and despite any disagreements the game never gets old. It is fun to try to tag the other players and run up the score.

One aspect I like is that it is a simple game to play. There are no balls to learn how to dribble or bounce. There is no special equipment outside of the team uniform and there are no walls or other obstacles that you can run into and hurt yourself.

Kabaddi is pure clean fun that allows me to spend time with my friends staying healthy and enjoying the fresh air if we play outside. The lack of equipment means that we have to use our minds, create a great strategy and be able to move fast in order to win the game. Those aspects really appeal to me.

In some ways, Kabaddi is like chess. You use your mind, create strategies and try to move out of danger as fast as you can in chess as well. Outwitting my opponents is far more attractive than trying to beat them physically like basketball or other physical athletic sports.

Of course, the women get the smaller playing field but I do not mind. The extra space to run allows me to stay in top shape and remain healthy. Another aspect I like is that a lot of my friends can play at the same time.

With 7 players on the field, very few are left out of the fun and the action. Of course, some versions have only 4 players but that is still large enough for everyone to enjoy themselves and play hard.

The one difficulty I always have trouble with is holding my breath and shouting all the time I am running. It is a challenge and training to get that right is not always fun. It is hard to say how many points I have cost my team because I just can’t get that requirement right.

Kabaddi is my hobby and there is a good reason for it being that way. I do not think I am good enough to play the game professionally. I would like to but my talents are not fully developed where I can match wits and stamina with those who have played professionally for years.

It would be exciting to have thousands of people cheering for me to get that winning point without sacrificing any. As it stands we have about 20 people cheering us on when we play on the weekends.

That may not be exciting or a large crowd but at least we get to entertain a few friends who can’t play and help them have a great time during the match. Usually, it is just our girlfriends who show up and cheer us on.

For me, that is enough and I am content with making her proud. I may not be a great player but in her eyes, I am a hero and that helps motivate me to practice hard and get better at the game.

Even when we lose she is there to help cheer me and make me feel better. That is one of the best reasons for playing Kabaddi. Having thereafter we finish means the world to me.

The simplicity of Kabaddi does not mean it is a bad sport to pay. Instead, that makes the game more fun as there are not a lot of tricks to master or equipment to fail. It is hard to imagine a better sport to play than this one.

How was the essay on Kabaddi? I hope you like it if so let me know in the comment section.

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Essay On My Favourite Game Kabaddi

  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 4 mins read

There are many different games played all over the world. Everybody has his or her favorite game. My favorite game is Kabaddi . This game is still popular in Indian villages and even in the cities. District-level matches are held in rural areas. It provides entertainment and also gives lots of exercises. No costly equipment is needed in this game.

Kabaddi has been a favorite game of India for a long time. It needs a rectangular ground. There are two teams with 12 players each. The players of different teams wear different colored trousers. However, only seven players are allowed on the field at a time. The best player leads the team.

The game starts with the introduction of team members followed by the toss. The team that wins the toss starts the game. The player of this team crosses the boundary and enters the field of the opposite team. He tries to catch the players of the opposite team. While doing so he has to continuously say—Kabaddi Kabaddi’ … The number of players of the opposite team he touches is declared out and the other team gains that many points.

If the player discontinues saying Kabaddi Kabaddi— while he is in the opposite field, he is declared out and the team loses a point. If a player is caught while in the opposite field and he could not touch the middle line, he is declared out.

Thus the game continues with every player going in the opposite team’s field. The total game lasts for fifty minutes. On completion of the game, a trophy is presented to the winning team.

Kabaddi helps in the overall development of a person. It inculcates the habit of discipline and following rules. The game is gaining popularity in schools and colleges. Now it is being played at the national level too and I am very sure that very shortly it would be an international game.

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History Of Kabaddi

Kabaddi is basically a combative sport, with seven players on each side; played for a period of 40 minutes with a 5 minutes break (20-5-20). The core idea of the game is to score points by raiding into the opponent’s court and touching as many defense players as possible without getting caught on a single breath.

One player, chanting Kabaddi!!! Kabaddi!!!! Kabaddi!!!! Charges into the opponent court and try to touch the opponent closest to him, while the seven opponents make maneuvers to catch the attacker. This is Kabaddi, the match of one against seven, known as the game of struggle.

The players on the defensive side are called “Antis” while the player of the offence is called the “Raider”. The attack in Kabaddi is known as a ‘Raid’. The antis touched by the raider during the attack are declared ‘out’ if they do not succeed in catching the raider before he returns to home court. These players can resume play only when their side scores points against the opposite side during their raiding turn or if the remaining players succeed in catching the opponent’s raider.

The origin of the game dates back to pre-historic times played in different forms. The modern Kabaddi game was played all over India and some parts of South Asia from 1930. The first known framework of the rules of Kabaddi as an indigenous sport of India was prepared in Maharashtra in the year 1921 for Kabaddi competitions on the pattern of Sanjeevani and Gemini in a combined form. Thereafter a committee was constituted in the year 1923, which amended the rules framed in 1921. The amended rules were applied during the All India Kabaddi Tournament organized in 1923.

The All India Kabaddi Federation was formed in the year 1950 to look after the promotion of the game and the Senior National championship started from the year 1952. The new body, Ama¬teur Kabaddi Federation of India (AKFI) came in to existence from the year 1972 affiliated to Indian Olympic Association (IOA) with a view to popularize the game in India & neighboring countries of Asia. After formation of this body, Kabaddi took a new shape and National level competitions started for Junior and Sub-junior boys & girls also

The 1st Asian Kabaddi Championship was held in the year 1980 and was included as a dem¬onstration game in the 9th Asian Games, New Delhi in the year 1982.

The game was included in the South Asian Federation (SAF) games from the year 1984 at Dacca, Bangladesh. Kabaddi was included as a discipline in the 11th Asian Games Beijing 1990 and India won the lone Gold Medal of Kabaddi in the 11th Asian Games Beijing 1990. India is the reigning champion in the succeeding Asian Games held in Hiroshima 1994, Bangkok 1998, and Busan 2002 & recently at Doha 2006 and created history in Indian sports by winning five consecutive Gold medals in the Asian Games so far.

1st World Cup of Kabaddi was organised in 2004 at Mumbai (India), India won the First World Cup by beating Iran in the finals. The second World Cup was held Panvel (India) in 2007 and India once again became Champion.

The First Asian Women Championship was held at Hyderabad in 2005 and India won the Gold Medal. Women Kabaddi was included for the first time in the South Asian Games held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2006.

For the first time in the history of Asian Games a separate indoor stadium was built for Kabaddi competition and training in the 15th Asian Games held at Doha [Qatar] 2006. The training/ warming up courts and main field of play was made up of puzzle mats of Korean make. The main field of play was equipped with a giant public screen, which displayed replays and the running score. Two ‘Tissot’ plasma scoreboards, info terminals for the presentation crew, the ceremony crew and the media were provided.

The 15th Asian Games Doha provided an excellent opportunity to showcase Kabaddi to the Europeans and Australians who were in great numbers in organizing the Asian Games. A good many spec¬tators belonging to European countries, USA, Australia, Western Asia, and the Mediterranean countries, who saw the Game for the first time, were very impressed with the simple rules and the thrill of the sport and desired to introduce the sport in their countries. This has given Kabaddi very good and positive exposure for its future development in the continents of Europe, USA, Australia and Africa.

Kabaddi was included in the 2nd Asian Indoor games held at Macau from 25th October to 3rd November 2007. Once again India Won the Gold Medal. Kabaddi Men & Women both was included in 1st Asian Beach Games being hosted by Indonesia in 2008 at Bali, India Won Both the Gold Medals of Men & Women Events.

There has been a gradual but significant change in the trends of the game since the past 50 years. What was once considered a game of brawn is not so now. The introduction of mats, shoes, new tech¬niques & changes in rules has made the sport more interesting and advantageous to skilled players who are now able to defeat heavier players with better skills & techniques.

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Essay On Kabaddi – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Kabaddi For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on kabaddi for kids, essay ‘my favourite game: kabaddi’ in english for children, long essay on kabaddi for children, what will your child learn from the essay on kabaddi.

Inclusive, inexpensive and good for health and fitness, Kabaddi is a favourite pastime for children of all backgrounds, even those who are underprivileged. Along with the limelight on sports like cricket, football and badminton, Kabaddi as a sport has also found investors. Children can learn a great deal about this Indian sport by writing an essay on Kabaddi for classes 1, 2 and 3. To help children learn how to write an essay on Kabaddi in English, one would need to familiarise them with the sport, its origin and its rules.

 Kabaddi is fun to play and requires skill and strength in equal measure. It is easy for children to write an essay about cricket and football as these sports are played widely, and kids are exposed to them more than any other sport. Kabaddi will be an interesting topic to explore for kids.

To teach kids important points on how to write an essay on Kabaddi, you could start with giving them a blurb about the key points to remember when drafting their essay. Below are a few points that will certainly help:

  • Add an introduction about different sports in India.
  • Introduce Kabaddi as a sport originated in India and has found acceptance worldwide.
  • Speak about the rules of the game.
  • Elaborate on the advantages of the game.
  • Write an impressive conclusion and how it can help children.

Children in the lower primary classes are expected to write short and crisp essays in numeric or bullet points. Given below sample can be a good way to teach writing an essay for classes 1 and 2 about Kabaddi.

  • An outdoor game, Kabaddi, originated in India.
  • Kabaddi is usually played in a vast field or land located within the village or outside the house.
  • It is a very physical sport; players are expected to be very sporty and athletic.
  • Kabaddi requires no sports equipment and is a very cheap game.
  • Although affordable, the sport is great for keeping the body and brain healthy.
  • Kabaddi is played between two teams. Each team comprises seven players.
  • The game aims for a player of one group to keep saying “kabaddi” and try to touch the other team’s player.
  • The other team players must try to escape and stop him in their court.
  • A traditional game, Kabaddi, is played as a tournament among the youth in villages in India.
  • Today Kabaddi has become a popular sport played indoors, with many people actively participating.

Contrary to popular belief, Kabaddi is a favourite sport of many young children in India. The game is fun to play and has a sense of thrill and excitement. To understand its importance, children need to know how to write a short essay on Kabaddi as part of their curriculum. The template below could help kids in writing a short and concise paragraph on the sport:

Kabaddi originated in Tamil Nadu and has made its way to international waters today. It is a thrilling game that requires strength, skill, and tact; it is excellent for those who like to stay fit and train their brain equally well. A team sport that requires seven players to play, the game aims for a single player on the opposite side to run to the other side of the court to tag as many defenders as possible on the opponent team. The winner returns to his home court without being touched. The player must chant “kabaddi” continuously until he returns to the home court. Discipline is at the game’s core, and it helps overcome fear, build stamina and energy levels and increase dedication. The sport originated in India but is now the national game of Bangladesh. It is also played in Korea, Japan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The game is also celebrated in international sports tournaments like Asian Games, SAF Games etc. Simple yet thrilling, Kabaddi is a wonderful game for those who love strength and tact.

Children in primary classes and above are expected to know about different topics. They would need to learn to write lengthy essays on various topics like sports and famous personalities, to name a few. To help your child articulate an essay for class 3 on Kabaddi, you could work on the sample below:

Kabaddi is a sport that needs energy, dedication and skill. Playing Kabaddi requires a lot of strength and intelligence. Originated in the rural parts of India, the sport has earned worldwide recognition and viewership. There is a lot to know about the history and origin of the game.

Origin Of Kabaddi

Kabaddi originated over 4,000 years ago in the Southern part of India- Tamil Nadu. The game is said to have originated in the Vedic era. Essentially Kabaddi is played to showcase the strength of participants. The game found acceptance because people realised a certain amount of wit was needed to play and win the game. Research shows that the game was played during the Gautam Buddha period. All India Kabaddi Federation was founded in 1950. The game was a part of the Beijing Asian Games in 1990 and has since gained international prominence. The Pro Kabaddi League is now a famous league for Kabaddi players and hosts many tournaments.

Rule Of Playing Kabaddi

The game of Kabaddi is played between two teams. Each team has seven players. The match is based on the body weight and age of the players. A straight line is drawn in the middle of the court to separate the two teams. The line is called “pala”. The team winning the toss gets to play first. When the referee or umpire blows the whistle, the games begin. A player goes to the other side crossing the pala, and continuously chants “kabaddi-kabaddi”. Post this; he tries to touch a player from the opposite side. The players must try to escape or capture him and keep him in their court. If the opponent team succeeds in capturing him, the player is declared “dead”. However, if the player is successful and returns to his side, his team scores a point, and the player he has touched from the opponent team is declared “dead”. The dead players have to step outside the game and cannot participate in the game anymore. The defending team players can hold their hands like a chain to catch the opponent. The game of Kabaddi lasts for 40 minutes and is divided into sessions of 20 minutes each. There is a five-minute break in between the two halves. The team with the highest score wins the game.

Benefits Of Playing Kabaddi

With absolutely no equipment required, the game of Kabaddi has many benefits, as mentioned below:

  • Eradicates fear

The game of Kabaddi helps individuals realise their inner strength to face fears, challenges and frustrations in everyday life.

  • Improves presence of mind

The game helps to multitask by tackling people and saving oneself. It requires players to be proactive, manages a team, and understand the opponent’s strategy and attitude.

  • Enhances the capacity to attend to minute detail

With a lot of physical expertise required, like concentration, lung capacity, muscle coordination, and quick thinking, the game helps to understand minor details that may be very important.

  • Builds team spirit

The game teaches one to blend with others, and celebrate differences and strengths, and it helps to develop sportsmanship between all.

  • Builds physical stamina

By holding the breath, kicking, dodging, defending and running, the game of Kabaddi increases physical stamina.

There is a lot that a child can learn from an essay on Kabaddi. When children spend most of their time playing games over a screen with very little exposure to outdoor sports, an essay on Kabaddi will introduce them to the benefits of inexpensive games that are fun and good for the body. Children will learn about the traditional games played in our country that have eroded over time.

1. What Is The Another Name For Kabaddi?

The game originated in Tamil Nadu, where it was called “kai-pidi”, which means “grip hands”. The game is called Chedugudu in Andhra Pradesh, Kabaddi in Maharashtra, Punjab, Karnataka and Kerala, Hu-tu-tu or Ha-du-du in West Bengal, and Kabaddi in Punjab.

2. What Are The Major Kabaddi Tournaments?

The Kabaddi World Cup, The Pro Kabaddi League, Asian Kabbadi league are some significant tournaments worldwide.

Kabaddi can be called a pastime in the rural parts of India, a game that rests on the tower of team spirit, cooperation, stamina, endurance and tact. With its simple proforma of just players competing against each other, it has become a popular sport among people who wish to stay fit without spending much money.

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My Favourite Game Kabaddi Essay


Most of us would have probably heard players saying ‘kabaddi’ endless times without losing their breath. And we all watch in awe and tension whether the player will be caught or not. The thrill and excitement of playing the game are not exclusive to players alone, but spectators also patiently anticipate what is going to happen next. Kabaddi is all about physical strength and focus. Let us see what makes the game unique and popular in India through my favourite game Kabaddi essay.

My favourite game Kabaddi essay in English will guide your children to write an essay on their favourite sport. Through this essay, we will understand how Kabaddi is played and its importance. Children can write about their favourite game with the help of essays on our website.

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Method of Playing Kabaddi

Kabaddi is an outdoor game played on a big field or school grounds, which requires great stamina and strength. The game does not require any equipment, but it is played in two teams with 7 players each. Each of the teams stands at both ends of the court, and several rounds are played between them within a time frame. One player from the team enters the court of the other team and tries to touch the players, thus making them out of the round. Let us further see what happens in the game through this essay on my favourite game Kabaddi in English.

The fun of the game is that the player must chant the words ‘kabaddi, kabaddi, kabaddi’, continuously in a single breath, and the opposing players must try to catch them, without being touched by the player. If the player manages to reach their court without stopping their chanting, then that team wins the round, and all the players from the opposing team who touched them would be out.

On the other hand, if the team catches the player before they reach their court, and they run short of their breath, then that team wins, and the player becomes out. The game resumes with the remaining players, and points are added to each team for each win. And the team with the highest score wins the competition.

Benefits of Playing Kabaddi

You might have understood how Kabaddi is played from the previous section. Now, let us know the advantages that we get from playing Kabaddi through my favourite game Kabaddi essay in English. As the main highlight of the game is to repeat the word ‘kabaddi’, it will enable the players to increase their breathing capacity. The game requires a strong presence of mind, as a slight deviation of focus will put the game in jeopardy. Hence, Kabaddi will improve the concentration of players as well as enable them to think on their feet.

These traits will be greatly useful for them, even in their later life, as they will be able to concentrate better on their studies and make important decisions about their career. Besides, they will learn essential skills like teamwork , collaboration and leadership through Kabaddi. Kabaddi is a well-liked and useful game for many children, and we can encourage them to participate in the game from their school days.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Favourite Game Kabaddi Essay

How did kabaddi evolve as a game.

Kabaddi has been played for many years, and it originated in Tamil Nadu several years back. It was usually played as a leisure game for entertainment, but now, the game is very popular as a sport of national and international competition. It has also become a part of the Beijing Asian Games in 1990.

Why is Kabaddi a favourite game of children?

Kabaddi is played by many children since their childhood, and the game instils in them a competitive team spirit. It is fun to play the game, and children can destress themselves through Kabaddi. This is why children like to play Kabaddi.

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Essay on Kabaddi | My Favourite Game Kabaddi Essay in English

February 10, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Kabaddi: Kabaddi is a top-rated game which is native to India but extensively played in Bangladesh, Pakistan. The game is played between two teams consisting of 12 players each. Few major kabaddi tournaments include Kabaddi World Cup, Asian Games & Pro Kabaddi League. Kabaddi not only enhances physical strength but also gives boosts our mental power.

This article aims to provide a short note on kabaddi game, that is useful for paragraph and essay writing competitions.

Essay on Kabaddi 500 Words in English

Below we have provided My Favourite Game Kabaddi Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 school students.

“Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.” ~ Marv Levy

Kabaddi is a very popular game in India and is native to the state of Tamil Nadu. Kabaddi is the national sport of Bangladesh and is played extensively in India and Pakistan. It is quite prevalent in the Indian states of Bihar, Punjab, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka. The sport is also known by other names such as Kaudi, Pakaada and Himoshika in different regions. Both; men and women play it. The highest governing body of Kabaddi is The International Kabaddi Federation.

It is played between two teams. Each team has a total of 7 members in it. In every round, a person from one team knows as the “raider” goes to the court of the other team. His or her motive is to tag as many people of the other team as possible, known as “defenders” in a single breath. The raider has to do all of this and come back to his court without being tackled by the other team’s defenders. When a raider returns to his side of the court successfully, he scores points whereas the other team scores a point if they are able to stop the raider.

History of Kabaddi Game

The game kabaddi originated in the Tamil region and was spread throughout south-east Asia during the Tamil Empire. The name kabaddi originates from a Tamil word meaning “holding hands.” This game was said to be played by Gautama Buddha for recreational purposes. The credit for popularising this sport has been given to India. India was the first country to play kabaddi as a competitive sport by organising competitions and was also the pioneer in setting up an All India Kabaddi Federation.

Rules of Kabaddi Game

  • Each team should constitute a total of 12 players of whom 7 should play, and 5 should be substitutes.
  • Every match should be looked after by 6 officials: one scorer, two assistant scorers, one referee and two umpires.
  • The duration of the match is two halves of 20 minutes each with a 5-minute break in between.
  • In order to prove that he or she hasn’t taken another breath, the raider has to continuously keep saying the word “KABADDI” from the time he has entered the other team’s court, till the time he comes back to his court.
  • Defenders are only allowed to grab the raiders by their limbs or torso. They cannot hold onto their hair, clothes or any place else.

Major Kabaddi Tournaments

Kabaddi World Cup

This tournament started in 2004, i.e. 16 years ago. It was subsequently held in the year 2007 and 2016 as well. All three times, India stood at the top. In 2016, it was hosted in the city of Ahmedabad. According to the current IKF (International Kabaddi Federation) Rankings, India enjoys the number 1 position. The most recent Kabaddi world cup was held in Malaysia in the year 2019. It was the largest kabaddi tournament ever played. There were a total of 32 Men’s teams that participated in and 24 Women’s teams.

Asian Games

Kabaddi as a sport was introduced at the Asian Games in the year 1990. From 1990 till 2014, the Indian kabaddi team emerged as winners every tournament. However, Iran was the first team to beat India at the 2018 Asian Games held in Jakarta, Indonesia. That year, the Men’s team won the bronze medal, and the women’s team bagged the silver medal.

Pro Kabaddi League

The Pro Kabaddi League sponsored by Vivo was started in the year 2014 and has already completed seven seasons. It was based and influenced on the idea of The Indian Premier League. The first season witnessed a tournament between 8 teams, all owned by famous celebrities, sportspersons and businesspersons. This league turned out to be a huge success and roped in more than 400 million viewers in its first season itself.

Benefits of Playing Kabaddi

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Welcome to the thrilling universe of Kabaddi! A sport that combines physical prowess, tactical intellect, and breathtaking speed, Kabaddi has captivated millions of hearts worldwide. In this guide, we delve deep into the heart of this adrenaline-packed game – from its humble beginnings to its rise on the global stage. We’ll navigate through the game’s intricacies, rules, strategic nuances, and the intense training regimes of the players. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or new to this exhilarating sport, we invite you to explore the dynamic world of Kabaddi and discover why it continues to fascinate spectators and athletes alike. Buckle up for an exciting journey into the compelling world of Kabaddi!

Table of Contents

Information About Kabaddi

Kabaddi is a fascinating sport that requires a unique blend of physical strength, strategic thinking, and sheer tenacity. Often deemed as a sport not for the faint-hearted, it is a game that tests an individual’s endurance, agility, and ability to make quick decisions under pressure.

A typical Kabaddi match features two teams, each comprising seven players. Aspiring Kabaddi players must have the excellent lung capacity for the game demands sustained physical exertion, often in breathless sequences. Muscular strength is another essential requisite, given the sport’s intense physical contact nature. Equally critical is a sharp presence of mind to outmanoeuvre the opposing team and make split-second strategic decisions.

The Kabaddi playing field is divided into two halves, each belonging to a respective team. The teams are divided into ‘antis’ and ‘raiders.’ The ‘antis’ constitute the defensive unit tasked with preventing the raiders from tagging them, while the raiders’ objective is to breach the enemy line, tag as many antis as possible, and return to their half—all in a single breath.

The beauty of Kabaddi lies in its simplicity. A raider is declared ‘out’ if they cross the boundary line, can’t hold their breath while raiding, or if any part of their body touches the ‘lobby’ (inactive area of play). However, it’s the complexity of strategic play, quick exchanges, and unpredictability that truly brings the sport to life.

To ensure fair play and adherence to rules, six officials supervise a match: two umpires, a referee, a scorer, and two assistant scorers. Their collective roles encompass making crucial decisions during the game, maintaining the score, and ensuring that the conduct of the match aligns with the prescribed rules of Kabaddi.

What is truly remarkable is Kabaddi’s rise on the international stage. While deeply rooted in South Asian traditions, the sport has transcended cultural and geographical boundaries. The international Kabaddi arena has standardized court dimensions: 10m x 13m for men’s matches and 8m x 12m for women’s matches, ensuring a universal standard for professional play.

Worldwide tournaments like the Kabaddi World Cup, Asian Games, and the immensely popular Pro Kabaddi League in India have catapulted the sport into the global limelight. From Asia to Europe, and North America to Australia, Kabaddi’s popularity continues to surge, owing to its unique blend of tradition, athleticism, and strategy, encapsulated in its thrilling gameplay. The expansion of Kabaddi stands as a testament to the universal appeal of this electrifying sport.

History Of Kabaddi

Embarking on a journey through the annals of Kabaddi’s history feels akin to flipping through the vibrant pages of an ancient epic. Imbued with intriguing legends, cultural traditions, and historical milestones, Kabaddi’s saga resonates deeply with the historical ethos of India.

The sport finds mention in Tukaram’s Abhang, where it is suggested that the divine Krishna himself indulged in the game, establishing Kabaddi’s connection with India’s spiritual mythology. Yet, a different thread of history ties Kabaddi’s origins to the southern lands of Tamil Nadu. The sport is believed to have emerged over 4,000 years ago, serving as a platform for showcasing courage and strength—traits sought after in a prince by princesses or potential brides.

Kabaddi’s roots dig even deeper into the soil of India’s iconic epic, the Mahabharata. The game is often linked to the valiant Abhimanyu, whose lone battle against a horde of enemy warriors mirrors the gameplay of Kabaddi—a solitary raider, much like Abhimanyu, fights off a group of defenders.

Moreover, Kabaddi’s evolution is intrinsically tied to the traditional sport of Jallikattu, practised by the Ayar tribal people residing in the ancient Mullai region of Tamil Nadu. Here, the notion of a player venturing into the opposition’s half in Kabaddi was likened to taming a raging bull without physical contact, a central theme in Jallikattu. The Sangam literature offers references to this connection, reinforcing the sport’s historical significance in the region.

Another intriguing facet of Kabaddi’s history reveals that it found favour with Gautam Buddha, who is said to have played the game recreationally. This notion adds a layer of serene spirituality to the otherwise vigorous sport.

Over the centuries, Kabaddi evolved, retaining its popularity and cultural relevance. Before the 1980s, it was a cherished emblem of childhood in India, signifying not merely a game, but a celebration of speed, agility, and thrill, along with a testament to physical fitness and mental alertness.

As time passed, the sport experienced an organic evolution, transforming from a traditional rural pastime to an organized competitive sport in the 20th century. While the sport’s modern-day journey and the development of its international competitive structure are remarkable, the heart of Kabaddi remains in its rich, diverse, and vibrant historical roots that span across the length and breadth of India.

Modern Kabaddi

The narrative of Kabaddi unfolds like a captivating tale that seamlessly blends tradition with modernity. Throughout its evolution, the essence of the game has remained constant, while its forms and names have varied across regions. Known as HA-DO-DO in Bangladesh and Eastern India, HU-TU-TU in Western India, Kaunbada in North India, and Chedugudu in South India, Kabaddi exhibits a rich linguistic diversity reflective of its widespread popularity.

Like a river adapting its course over time, Kabaddi has evolved to meet the changing tides of the sports landscape. A prime example is seen in South India, where Kabaddi takes on the form of Veera Vilayatu. These regional variations, each with its unique nuances, contribute to the vibrant tapestry of modern Kabaddi, a testament to the game’s flexibility and adaptability.

From its indigenous roots, Kabaddi has embarked on a global journey, making significant strides on the international sports stage. It has transcended boundaries, weaving its way into the cultural fabric of over 65 countries worldwide, proving that the thrill of Kabaddi is universal. Today, Kabaddi proudly stands as the national sport of Bangladesh.

Despite its global spread, the game maintains a strong foothold in its home region. Its popularity in countries like India, Pakistan, and Nepal underscores Kabaddi’s enduring appeal in South Asia. However, the sport’s charm isn’t limited to this area alone. From the Far East nations of Japan, China, Malaysia, and Thailand, to the distant shores of Argentina in South America, and up north to Canada, Kabaddi has found enthusiasts far and wide.

In Iran, the sport has seen tremendous growth, highlighting the game’s ability to bridge cultural divides. In these nations, Kabaddi is more than a sport—it’s a cultural exchange, a demonstration of physical prowess, and a celebration of strategic brilliance. As Kabaddi continues to expand its global footprint, it carries with it a piece of its rich history, perfectly balancing its traditional roots with the dynamism of modern sport.

How to play Kabaddi (Introduction)

Great! You’re all set to dive into the enthralling world of Kabaddi. Let’s start from scratch, and we’ll have you up to speed in no time.

Kabaddi, a sport often regarded as a form of ancient wrestling, is more than just a game—it’s a dynamic display of strength, agility, strategy, and teamwork. The term “Kabaddi” itself hails from a Tamil word “Kai-pidi,” meaning “holding hands,” which aptly symbolizes the essence of unity in this game. While Kabaddi is immensely popular in India, it also enjoys the status of the national game of Bangladesh.

Now, you’ll find that Kabaddi isn’t a one-size-fits-all game. It has many variations and names across different regions of India, even being called ‘Hu Tu Tu’ in some states. However, it is especially loved in the villages of Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat.

But let’s get down to the basics of how to play Kabaddi:

The game is a contest between two teams, each made up of seven players. The action takes place on a rectangular court, divided into two equal halves. Each team occupies one-half of the court.

The objective of the game is simple: One player from the attacking team—known as the “raider”—runs into the opposing team’s half of the court to tag as many defenders as possible, then return to their half of the court without being tackled by the defenders.

Sounds simple? Well, there’s a catch. The raider has to do all this while holding their breath and chanting the word ‘Kabaddi.’ If the raider takes a breath, the raid is over.

And that’s just the tip of the Kabaddi iceberg! As you get more familiar with the game, you’ll come across more complex rules and techniques. But for now, this should give you a good start. Happy playing!

Kabaddi Game Rules

Understanding the game of Kabaddi is very simple. It is a seven-a-side game where one player from one side chants “kabaddi…kabaddi..kabaddi..” and enters the opposition’s half and tries to touch at least one player of the opposition so that he can go back to his own half safely. On the other hand, all of the seven players try to stop the opposition player to go back to his half safely by trying to grab him and keep him under their control till he loses his breath. If a player touches the opposition player and returns to his half safely then not only the player whom he has touched is out but he can make a player alive from his own side who had been out before him, just in case.

But here’s the twist: The seven players of the opposing team, known as “antis” or “defenders”, will do everything they can to stop you from returning to your half of the court. They’ll try to grab you and hold you in their half until you’re out of breath. If they succeed, it’s their win.

On the flip side, if you, the raider, manage to touch an opponent and dart back to your half safely, not only does the touched player get ruled out, but you also have the power to revive one of your teammates who was previously declared out. It’s a brilliant mix of offence and defence, strategy and strength.

This back-and-forth between raiders and defenders, the adrenaline, the strategy, and the pure physicality, makes Kabaddi a thrilling sport to play and watch. Each match is a test of breath control, agility, speed, and teamwork. Now, with the basic rules in your arsenal, you’re ready to enjoy the high-octane action that Kabaddi promises. Game on!

Training for Kabaddi: A Comprehensive Guide

When we talk about the sport of Kabaddi, we’re delving into a realm that demands strength, speed, and dexterity. It’s a captivating blend of wrestling and tag, brimming with energy, strategy, and, most importantly, teamwork. For those aspiring to excel in this exhilarating sport, a well-rounded training regimen, complemented by a balanced diet, is imperative. As the sport’s popularity grows, let’s demystify the integral aspects of training for Kabaddi.

Common Training Routines and Exercises

Like any other high-intensity sport, from “ kho kho ” to football, Kabaddi requires a dynamic, comprehensive training plan. As a Kabaddi player, your training should not only amplify your strengths but also bridge any gaps in your physical prowess.

Cardiovascular workouts are a must-have in your training arsenal. A strong cardiovascular foundation enables you to sustain the fast-paced, relentless action that Kabaddi matches are renowned for. Short sprints and interval training mimic the game’s explosive bursts of energy, enhancing your raiding efficiency.

Strength training shouldn’t be overlooked. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and bench presses build muscle power, perfect for withstanding tackles and grounding your opponents. For all-around fitness and agility, incorporate bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and burpees.

Furthermore, Kabaddi demands flexibility and balance, making Yoga and Pilates excellent choices. Their potent combination of strength, balance, and flexibility can give you an edge on the court.

Diet and Nutrition for Kabaddi Players

Even with the most rigorous training regimen, you won’t be able to perform optimally without proper nutrition. It’s a vital piece of the Kabaddi puzzle, fueling your body for maximum performance and ensuring swift recovery.

Protein is paramount. It helps repair and build muscles after intense training sessions. Incorporate sources of lean proteins like meats, dairy, legumes, and plant-based proteins into your daily diet.

Carbohydrates are your body’s primary energy source, powering you through those demanding training sessions and matches. Opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Your diet should also include healthy fats. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, and seeds, provide the sustained energy required for endurance sports like Kabaddi.

Staying hydrated is essential, given the high-intensity nature of Kabaddi. Ensure that you’re drinking enough water throughout the day to compensate for sweat loss during training and matches.

Also, consider incorporating practices like Hot Yoga for Weight Loss as part of your routine. It helps maintain a healthy weight, enhances flexibility, and aids in recovery, making it a valuable addition to a Kabaddi player’s lifestyle.

A well-rounded Kabaddi diet should be rich in various colourful fruits and vegetables, ensuring you’re getting a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals.

Mastering Kabaddi isn’t simply about learning the rules or honing the tactics. It’s about embracing a lifestyle that’s centred around fitness, agility, and overall well-being. The blend of the right training, proper nutrition, and consistent practice will set you on the path to becoming a proficient Kabaddi player. Remember, the journey to excellence is a marathon, not a sprint. Here’s to your success in this exciting sport!

International Competitions

  • Kabaddi World Cup : India has come out winners when two different kinds of Kabaddi world cups were held by two different organizers.
  • World Kabaddi League : It is based on Formula 1 and it will be played between August and December 2014 where teams will travel across four continents. The Bollywood actors have purchased a few of the WKL teams.
  • Apart from these two, a Pro-Kabaddi competition or league is also starting in India in which players from various countries are involved.

Kabaddi Federations around the World

  • The Asian Kabaddi Federation – AKF
  • The Asian Amateur Kabaddi Federation – AAKF
  • The Kabaddi Federation of India – KFI
  • Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India – AKFI
  • Pakistan Kabaddi Federation – PKF
  • The Bangladesh Amateur Kabaddi Federation –BAKF
  • The Iran’s Amateur Kabaddi Federation – IAKF
  • The England Kabaddi Federation UK – EKF

Other Nations in which Kabaddi is popular: Chinese Taipei, Nepal, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, and Canada.

In conclusion, Kabaddi stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of sports and athleticism, even as we explore the achievements of the richest sportsmen, the fastest knockouts in the UFC, and the unsung heroes like Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari. With its roots deeply embedded in Indian culture, Kabaddi has captivated audiences around the world with its thrilling gameplay and strategic prowess.

While discussing the realm of sports, it’s impossible to ignore the achievements of the richest sportsmen who have redefined the boundaries of success. Their remarkable dedication and exceptional talent have propelled them to great heights, both on and off the field. However, amidst the glitz and glamour of sports, we must also recognize the humble origins of sports like Kabaddi, which embody the true essence of competition and community spirit.

In the realm of combat sports, the UFC ( Ultimate Fighting Championship ) has witnessed some of the fastest knockouts in history. These awe-inspiring moments showcase the raw power and lightning-fast reflexes of the fighters as they deliver swift, devastating blows that leave their opponents stunned. While the UFC provides a thrilling spectacle, it’s important to remember the diverse array of sports that offer unique experiences and capture the imagination of fans worldwide.

Amidst the excitement of global sports, it is equally important to shed light on the unsung heroes who have made significant contributions. Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari , often referred to as the unsung face behind Indian football, played a pivotal role in the revival and popularization of the sport in the late 19th century. His relentless efforts laid the groundwork for the growth and development of football in India, shaping its future for generations to come. Just like Kabaddi, the story of Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari serves as a reminder that there are countless individuals who have shaped the sports landscape through their dedication and passion.

In the world of sports, each individual and moment carries its own significance, leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory of fans and enthusiasts. From the staggering wealth of successful sportsmen to the heart-pounding knockouts in the UFC, and the inspiring endeavours of figures like Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari, the world of sports continues to evolve and inspire. It is a realm where talent, dedication, and perseverance converge to create moments that transcend boundaries and unite people in the spirit of competition and celebration.

So, as we celebrate the achievements of sportsmen and honour their legacies, let us also appreciate the diverse range of sports that bring joy and excitement to millions. Whether it’s witnessing the unmatched wealth of sports superstars, relishing the lightning-fast knockouts in the UFC , paying tribute to the unsung heroes of sports like Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari, or embracing the captivating world of Kabaddi, the realm of sports remains a captivating arena that continues to capture our hearts and fuel our passion.

Who is considered to be the father of Kabaddi?

Harjeet Brar Bajakhana (5 September 1971 – 16 April 1998) is considered to be the father of Kabaddi. He was a professional Kabaddi player who played as Raider in circle style kabaddi. He was born in Bajakhana village, Punjab, India.

What do you mean by Super 10 in Kabaddi?

The term Super 10 refers to a situation where a raider gets 10 or more points in a single match. These points can be both a bonus and touchpoints. But, these points can never be the ones rewarded to the overall team. (like technical points).

Why is Kabaddi not included in the Olympics?

The biggest reason why kabaddi is still not included in the Olympics is the absence of professional Kabaddi associations and leagues. Apart from that, if a sport has to qualify for the Olympics, it has to be played in 75 countries and 4 continents. This particular reason diminishes the chances of kabaddi being included in the Olympics.

What is the match duration of Kabaddi?

The match duration is different for Men and Women. For Men and Junior boys  The overall match is of 40 minutes. It is then divided into two halves of 20 minutes each. Among both the halves, there is a break of 5 minutes each.  For Women, Junior Girls, Sub-Junior Boys, and Girls  The overall match is of 30 minutes. It is then divided into two halves of 15 minutes each. Among both the halves, there is a break of 5 minutes each.

What is the age criteria for playing Kabaddi?

There is a certain age criterion for playing Kabaddi, For Senior Men and Women: There is no specific age for this category. It is open to everyone. Junior Boys and Girls: The player should be 20 years of age or below that on the last date of the event. Sub- Junior Boys and Girls: The player should be 16 years of age or below that on the last date of the event.

  • kabaddi information
  • kabaddi rules
  • rules of kabaddi

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Pro Kabbadi main Ane ke liye kya Karen?

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