
Experience Certificate Request Application (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional experience certificate request application.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for Experience Certificate Request

First, find the sample template for experience certificate request application below.

To, The [Designation], [Company/Organization Name], [Company/Organization Address],

Sub: Request for Experience Certificate

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], was an employee of your esteemed organization from [Your Joining Date] to [Your Leaving Date] where I held the position of [Your Designation].

I am writing this letter to formally request an Experience Certificate for the tenure I served in your organization. This document is essential for me as it serves as a proof of my skills, abilities and experience gained during my time at [Company/Organization Name]. It will greatly help in my future career pursuits and job applications.

I have always endeavored to give my best to [Company/Organization Name] and I believe that my work was satisfactory during my employment period. I request you to kindly issue my Experience Certificate at the earliest convenience, as I need to submit it for my upcoming job applications.

I will be extremely grateful for your assistance in this matter. Please let me know if any formalities need to be completed from my end.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Employee ID if applicable] [Your Contact Information]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “experience certificate request application” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Experience Certificate due to Job Switch

Application for Experience Certificate due to Job Switch

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address], [City], [State] [PIN Code]

Subject: Request for Issuing Experience Certificate

I, [Your Full Name], had been employed with [Company Name] from [Starting Date of Employment] to [Last Working Day], serving in the role of [Your Designation/Position]. I am writing this letter to formally request an Experience Certificate for the period I have worked in the said organization.

The reason for this request is that I have switched my job and moved to a new organization, [New Company Name]. The Experience Certificate from [Company Name] will serve as a proof of the skills and experience I have gained during my tenure. It will not only validate my professional abilities but also support my career growth in the new organization.

I would be very grateful if you could issue my Experience Certificate at the earliest as it is a mandatory requirement in my new workplace. All my clearance procedures have been completed, and I have adhered to the notice period terms as per the company’s policy.

I have immensely enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and am thankful for the opportunities to grow and learn. The experience and knowledge I gained here have been invaluable and will surely assist me in my future endeavors.

Thanking you in anticipation of your positive response. Please feel free to get in touch if there are any formalities that need to be completed from my side.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Designation/Position] [Employee ID (if any)] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email ID]

Application for Experience Certificate for Higher Studies

Application for Experience Certificate for Higher Studies

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address of the School], [City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Experience Certificate for Higher Studies

I, [Your Full Name], have been serving in your esteemed institution as a [Your Position] from [Joining Date] to [Leaving Date]. During this period, I have performed my duties sincerely, diligently, and to the best of my abilities.

I am writing this letter to kindly request you to issue me an Experience Certificate pertaining to my tenure at [Name of the School]. The purpose of this certificate is to assist me in pursuing higher studies. I have been offered an opportunity to further my education in [Name of the Higher Studies Course] at [Name of the University/Institution] which requires me to submit an Experience Certificate as part of the admission process.

The certificate would substantiate my professional experience and will be of great value to my future academic and career endeavors. I assure you that all the information used from the certificate will be utilized for legitimate purposes only.

I kindly request you to process my application at the earliest as the deadline for the submission of the same is [Deadline Date]. I shall be highly obliged for your prompt action.

Thank you for your kind attention and understanding.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Application for Experience Certificate for Freelance Projects

Application for Experience Certificate for Freelance Projects

To, The Project Manager, [Company’s Name], [Company’s Address],

Sub: Application for Experience Certificate for Freelance Projects

I, [Your Name], have been associated with your esteemed organization as a freelance [Your Profession – e.g., Graphic Designer, Content Writer, Software Developer, etc.] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, I worked on several projects which have significantly enhanced my skills and knowledge in the respective field.

The projects I engaged in were not only challenging but also provided me an opportunity to learn and grow professionally. Now, I am planning to seek new opportunities where my experience gained from these projects can be utilized to its full potential.

In this regard, I kindly request you to provide me with an Experience Certificate for the freelance projects I have completed during my tenure with your organization. This certificate will greatly assist me in showcasing my skills and experience to prospective employers and clients, thereby fostering my professional growth.

I assure you that all the information provided will be used for professional purposes only. I understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality and assure you that I will continue to respect this aspect.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Details] [Your Email ID] [Date]

Application for Experience Certificate for Visa Processing

Application for Experience Certificate for Visa Processing

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address],

Sub: Application for Experience Certificate for Visa Processing

I, [Your Name], working as [Your Position] at your esteemed organization since [Joining Date], kindly request you to issue me an Experience Certificate. I have completed my duties with utmost sincerity and dedication throughout my tenure.

The reason behind this request is for Visa Processing. I have recently been granted an opportunity abroad, for which an Experience Certificate is a mandatory requirement. This certificate will serve as proof of my professional experience and skills, which are essential as per the immigration norms of the country I am planning to travel to.

I assure you that I have abided by the rules and regulations of our organization during my tenure and have completed the necessary formalities upon my resignation. Your prompt issuance of the Experience Certificate will greatly assist me in my future professional endeavors.

I am grateful for all the opportunities and experiences I have gained while working at [Company Name] and anticipate your positive response to my request.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Employee ID (if applicable)] [Your Contact Information]

Application for Experience Certificate for Internship Completion

Application for Experience Certificate for Internship Completion

To, The Manager, [Company’s Name], [Company’s Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Internship Completion Experience Certificate

I, [Your Full Name], am penning down this letter humbly requesting you to issue my Experience Certificate. I had the privilege of completing my internship at your esteemed organisation during the period of [Start Date of Internship] to [End Date of Internship] in the [Department Name] department.

This internship has been an incredible journey where I gained hands-on experience, learned industry-specific skills, and got an understanding of the professional environment. The knowledge that I have assimilated during this time is invaluable and I am certain that it will be advantageous in my future career prospects.

I am in the process of applying for higher studies/jobs (choose as per your situation), and the Experience Certificate would greatly support my applications by authenticating my internship and the skills I have acquired during this period.

I kindly ask you to issue my Experience Certificate at the earliest convenience. I shall be immensely grateful for your prompt assistance on this matter.

Thanking you in anticipation.

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address] [Current Date]

How to Write Experience Certificate Request Application

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with a respectful salutation.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your application in the opening paragraph.
  • Give details about your employment, like job title, duration, and responsibilities.
  • Explain why you need the certificate, such as for a new job or further studies.
  • Politely request for the certificate to be issued as soon as possible.
  • Provide your contact details for any further communication.
  • End the application with a thank you note and your signature.
  • Proofread the application for any errors before sending.

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “experience certificate request application”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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how to write an application letter for certificate

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How to Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate – 16+ Examples

  • Letter Writing
  • March 27, 2024
  • Application Letters

How to Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate : An application letter for a leaving certificate is a formal request to obtain a certificate that indicates that the applicant has completed their studies at a particular institution. This certificate is an essential document for students as it serves as proof of completion of their education and is required for many future endeavors such as applying for higher education or jobs.

Also Check:

  • Intimation Letter Format
  • RTI Letter Format

How to Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate – Steps

Content in this article

Here are some steps for how to write application letter for leaving certificate:

  • Start with a polite salutation: Begin your Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate with a polite and formal greeting such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “Respected Principal.”
  • Mention your details: Provide your full name, class, section, and admission number in the first paragraph of Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate.
  • State the purpose of the letter: Clearly state the purpose of your letter in the second paragraph, which is to request a leaving certificate.
  • Provide a reason: Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate Mention the reason why you need the leaving certificate. This could be for higher education, employment, or any other reason.
  • Give a timeline: Provide a timeline for when you need the leaving certificate. If you need it urgently, mention that in Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate.
  • Provide your contact information: Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate Make sure to provide your contact information, including your phone number and email address, so that the institution can contact you if needed.
  • Thank the recipient: In the final paragraph of Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate, express your gratitude for their assistance and cooperation and thank them for their time.
  • Sign off: End your Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate with a formal sign-off, such as “Yours sincerely,” and sign your name below.

Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate – sample Format

Below is a sample format of Write Application Letter For Leaving Certificate:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Principal’s Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Application for Leaving Certificate

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to request my leaving certificate from [School Name]. I am currently a student in [Grade/Class] and have completed all necessary requirements for graduation/completion of my studies.

I am in need of the leaving certificate for [state the purpose, e.g., admission to a new school, applying for a job, etc.]. Having successfully completed my academic obligations at [School Name], I require this certificate to proceed with further education/employment opportunities.

I assure you that I have returned all textbooks and settled any outstanding fees or dues owed to the school. I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter to facilitate the issuance of my leaving certificate at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this regard. If there are any further steps I need to take or any additional information required from my end, please do not hesitate to inform me.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Customize the placeholders such as [Your Name], [Principal’s Name], [School Name], [Grade/Class], [purpose], etc., with the appropriate details before sending the letter to the principal.

Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate – Sample Format

Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate – Example

Here is Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate:

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits.

I am writing to formally request my leaving certificate from [School Name]. I am currently enrolled as a student in [Grade/Class] and have successfully completed all the necessary academic requirements for graduation/completion of my studies.

I am in need of the leaving certificate for [state the purpose, e.g., admission to a new educational institution, employment opportunities, etc.]. It is an essential document required for further education or employment prospects.

I would like to assure you that all textbooks and library materials have been returned, and all outstanding fees or dues owed to the school have been settled. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at [School Name] and am grateful for the knowledge and experiences gained during my tenure here.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter and would appreciate it if you could issue my leaving certificate at the earliest convenience.

Thank you for your assistance and understanding. Should you require any further information or documentation from my end, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ensure to personalize the details such as [Your Name], [Principal’s Name], [School Name], [Grade/Class], [purpose], etc., according to your specific situation before sending the letter.

Formal format for Application Letter for Leaving Certificate

Here is a Formal Format For Application Letter For Leaving Certificate:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date]

[Name of the Principal/Headmaster] [Name of the School/College] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request a leaving certificate from [name of the school/college]. I have successfully completed my [mention the course or standard] from the institution and now require the leaving certificate for further studies/employment opportunities.

I kindly request you to issue the leaving certificate at the earliest possible. Please let me know if there are any formalities or procedures that I need to complete before I can obtain the certificate. I have attached all the necessary documents required for the application.

Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any further questions or clarifications required.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Formal Format for Application Letter for Leaving Certificate

Request Letter for Leaving Certificate

This is a Request Letter for Leaving Certificate:

Dear [Name of the Principal/Headmaster],

I am writing this letter to request a leaving certificate from [Name of the School/College]. I have recently completed my [Mention the course or standard] from your esteemed institution and now require the leaving certificate for further studies/employment opportunities.

I kindly request you to issue the leaving certificate as soon as possible. Please let me know if there are any formalities or procedures that I need to complete before I can obtain the certificate. I have enclosed all the necessary documents required for the application.

I would be grateful if you could expedite the process of issuing the certificate, as it is urgently required. Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter.

Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate – Template

Here’s a Template of Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Date]

[Name of the Principal/Headmaster] [Name of the School/College] [Address of the School/College] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Issuance of Leaving Certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to formally request a leaving certificate from your esteemed institution. I have recently completed my [Mention the course or standard] from your school/college and would like to obtain a leaving certificate as it is required for further studies/employment opportunities.

I have completed all the necessary formalities and have enclosed all the required documents for the application. I request you to kindly expedite the process of issuing the certificate at the earliest.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with any guidance or assistance required to obtain the certificate. Please let me know if there are any further procedures or formalities that need to be completed.

Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter.

Application letter for school leaving certificate

This is an Application letter for school leaving certificate:

Subject: Application for School Leaving Certificate

I am writing to formally request my school leaving certificate from [School Name]. I am currently enrolled as a student in [Grade/Class] and have completed all necessary academic requirements for graduation/completion of my studies.

The purpose of this request is [state the purpose, e.g., admission to a new educational institution, employment opportunities, etc.]. The leaving certificate serves as an essential document required for further education or employment prospects.

I wish to express my gratitude for the knowledge and experiences gained during my time at [School Name]. I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure here and appreciate the support and guidance provided by the school administration, teachers, and staff.

I would like to assure you that all textbooks and library materials have been returned, and all outstanding fees or dues owed to the school have been settled.

Adjust the placeholders such as [Your Name], [Principal’s Name], [School Name], [Grade/Class], [purpose], etc., according to your specific situation before sending the letter.

Application Letter for School Leaving Certificate

Application for leaving certificate for university admission

Here’s an Application for leaving certificate for university admission:

[Registrar’s Name] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Application for Leaving Certificate for University Admission

Dear [Registrar’s Name],

I am writing to formally request my leaving certificate from [School Name] in order to complete my application for admission to [University Name]. I am currently a student in [Grade/Class] and have completed all necessary academic requirements for graduation/completion of my studies.

As part of the university admission process, I am required to submit my leaving certificate, which serves as proof of my completion of studies at [School Name]. I am excited about the opportunity to further my education at [University Name] and am eager to begin this new chapter in my academic journey.

I would like to assure you that all textbooks and library materials have been returned, and all outstanding fees or dues owed to the school have been settled. I am grateful for the education and support I have received during my time at [School Name] and look forward to continuing my academic pursuits at [University Name].

Adjust the placeholders such as [Your Name], [Registrar’s Name], [University Name], [School Name], [Grade/Class], etc., according to your specific situation before sending the letter.

Application for Leaving Certificate for University Admission

School leaving certificate application for job

This is a School leaving certificate application for job:

[Employer’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Application for School Leaving Certificate for Job Application

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I am applying for a position at [Company Name], and as part of the application process, I am required to submit my school leaving certificate.

I am a former student of [School Name], where I completed my education up to [Grade/Class]. I have recently graduated and am eager to embark on my professional career. The school leaving certificate serves as proof of my educational qualifications and completion of my studies at [School Name].

I have attached my academic transcripts and any other supporting documents you may require. I kindly request your understanding and consideration in accepting this application without the physical school leaving certificate, as it may take some time to procure.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to the team at [Company Name].

Adjust the placeholders such as [Your Name], [Employer’s Name], [Company Name], [School Name], etc., according to your specific situation before sending the letter.

School Leaving Certificate Application for Job

Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate for higher education – Email Format

Here’s an Email Format of Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate for higher education

Subject: Request for Issuance of Leaving Certificate for Higher Education

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this email to formally request a leaving certificate from your esteemed institution as I am planning to pursue higher education in a different institution. I have completed my [Mention the course or standard] from your school/college and would like to obtain a leaving certificate as it is required for admission in the new institution.

I have completed all the necessary formalities and have enclosed all the required documents for the application. I request you to kindly expedite the process of issuing the certificate at the earliest as the admission process for the new institution is time-sensitive.

Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate for Higher Education – Email Format

Request letter for leaving certificate for employment purposes

Here is a Request letter for leaving certificate for employment purposes:

[Principal’s Name / Registrar’s Name] [School/College Name] [School/College Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Leaving Certificate for Employment Purposes

Dear [Principal’s Name / Registrar’s Name],

I am writing to formally request my leaving certificate from [School/College Name]. I am a former student enrolled in [Degree Program/Year] and have completed all necessary academic requirements for graduation/completion of my studies.

I am in need of the leaving certificate for employment purposes. It serves as proof of my educational qualifications and completion of my studies at [School/College Name], which is required by potential employers.

I would like to express my gratitude for the education and support I have received during my time at [School/College Name]. I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure here and appreciate the guidance provided by the faculty and staff.

I have ensured that all textbooks and library materials have been returned, and all outstanding fees or dues owed to the school/college have been settled.

Adjust the placeholders such as [Your Name], [Principal’s Name / Registrar’s Name], [School/College Name], [Degree Program/Year], etc., according to your specific situation before sending the letter.

Request Letter for Leaving Certificate for Employment Purposes

Application letter for leaving certificate for migration purposes

Here is an Application letter for leaving certificate for migration purposes:

Subject: Request for Leaving Certificate for Migration Purposes

I am in need of the leaving certificate for migration purposes. As I am planning to migrate to [Country/Location], it is essential for me to have this document as proof of my educational qualifications and completion of my studies at [School/College Name].

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the education and support I received during my time at [School/College Name]. The knowledge and skills acquired here have been invaluable, and I am grateful for the guidance provided by the faculty and staff.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter and would appreciate it if you could issue my leaving certificate at the earliest convenience to facilitate my migration process.

Application Letter for Leaving Certificate for Migration Purposes

FAQS About How to Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate – Examples

What information should be included in write application letter for leaving certificate.

Include your personal details (name, address, contact information), the recipient’s details (principal/registrar’s name, school/college name), the purpose of Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate (requesting a leaving certificate), and any specific reasons or circumstances necessitating the certificate.

How should I address the recipient in Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate?

Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate Address the recipient (principal or registrar) respectfully, using their title and last name, e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Ms. Johnson.”

Should I mention the reason for needing in Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate?

Yes, it’s essential to mention the reason for needing the leaving certificate, whether it’s for admission to another institution, employment purposes, migration, or any other reason. Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate Providing a clear reason helps the recipient understand the urgency and importance of your request.

Do I need to provide any supporting documents with Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate?

Depending on the circumstances, you may need to provide supporting documents, such as academic transcripts, identification documents, or proof of payment of fees. If applicable, mention in Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate that you have attached these documents for their reference.

How should I end in Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate?

End in Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate with a polite closing, such as “Yours sincerely” or “Thank you for your attention to this matter.” Sign your name below the closing to personalize the letter.

When Write Application Letter for Leaving Certificate may seem like a daunting task, but by following the right format and including the necessary details, it can be a straightforward process.

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Application For Experience Certificate

application for experience certificate

Request for Experience Letter Format | How to Write a request letter for experience certificate | experience certificate request letter

In this article, you’ll learn how to write an application for an experience certificate and frequently asked questions on experience letter/certificate

What is a work an experience certificate?

An experience certificate also known as an experience letter is one of the most important documents for working professionals. An experience certificate certifies your skills, experience, and conduct.

Every employer must issue a valid experience certificate on the day of separation. 

Most employers have already made it mandatory. You’ll have to submit a valid experience letter at the time of joining. 

If you have not received your experience certificate, it’s time to send them an email asking for it. 

In this article, you’ll learn everything about the experience certificate, how to write an application for an experience certificate, a sample request letter for the experience certificate, and other frequently asked questions.

How to write an application for an experience certificate?

Writing an application for an experience certificate is as easy as writing any other letter. Below, You’ll find a professional request letter sample for the experience letter. But you must keep a few things in mind before writing a request letter for an experience certificate. 

  • Choose the right recipient: You must find out who among the HR team is responsible for your experience certificate. Ideally, you should be writing the request letter to your immediate supervisor, The HR Manager, Director, or the proprietor. 

If your immediate supervisor or HR is not responding to your requests, you can direct your requests to a senior authority in the company. 

  • Be polite: The tone of the request letter must be polite and professional. The letter should not disrespect or show arrogance towards the recipient. 
  • Show Gratitude: At the very beginning of the application, you must show gratitude towards the organization for the learnings and experience, and then you should request the experience letter. 
  • Keep it to the point: Always value your recipient’s time. Do not include unnecessary paragraphs. The intent of the application should be crystal clear and to the point. 
  • Check if something is pending from your part: don’t forget to ask if missed out on a formality or exit process. If there is one, offer to resolve the pending issues at the earliest. 

Request for Experience Letter Format

Sample work experience request letter

To: — Email ID of the recipient 

Subject: — Request for Issuance of Experience Certificate

Dear Mr/Ms (Name of the recipient),

This is to bring to your notice that I had served as an Accounts Executive, Employee ID, at Wipro Ltd, from 1st Dec 2017 to 30th Oct 2020 with Purchase Department. I have served my notice period and have also completed my hand over process and exit formalities. I am writing this email to request you to issue my experience letter/certificate at the earliest. 

 Also, I would like to thank you for the learnings and opportunities provided to me during my time with the organization.

 Kindly consider this request on a priority basis, as I’m supposed to submit a copy of the experience letter on or before XXXXXX to my next employer. 

Than you for your time. 

Yours’ sincerely,

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting a fake experience certificate isn’t hard. All you need is a computer, printer and a few more things like a company seal and exceptional skills at copying the signature.  Easy, isn’t it.  Wrong! We strongly advise against forging a fake experience certificate or similar documents. If you really need that job, earn it. Invest your time and efforts in learning the required skills and be truthful to your employer. 

You can, but we strongly advise against it. It hardly takes a few minutes to find the truth. Producing fake experience on your resume or lying about your previous employment can land you in legal trouble. 

Of course, you can.  Only if the employer says yes. Talk to the hiring authority, produce other supporting documents like salary slips, bank statements, and your resignation letter.  If you do not have a relieving letter, speak to your previous employer and ask them to release your relieving letter.  Also, if your supervisor or HR is not responding to your requests, feel free to connect with superior authority. 

No, your employer can not hold your experience letter. Unless you have not completed the required notice period and other exit formalities.  Speak to your employer and check if something is pending on your part. 

No, Why would your employer release your experience letter before your resignation?

Yes, lying on your resume is a punishable crime. 

No. You should never lie about your job experience. A lot a candidates believe that they’ll get away with their lies. However, every company has a verification process in place. Your lies on your resume can land you in legal trouble.

No, experience letters do not include details like salary, bonus or other perks. 

Once you submit a copy of your experience certificate to your new employer, the HR will forward those copies to the HR of your previous organisation asking them to verify the authenticity of the experience letter and other details.  Learn how to write a formal letter , download formal letter format more.

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how to write an application letter for certificate

How to Write a Transfer Certificate Application Letter + Samples

transfer certificate application

Transfer certificate applications or TC applications are letters sent to a school to request a transfer of your certificates. The main reason for sending this letter is to release a student from a current school to enable them to start or continue their studies in another school. 

Without a proper transfer certificate, gaining admission into a new school may prove harder than normal. These letters are necessary regardless of the level of study. This means whether or not you’re transferring from one college to another, you will need a transfer letter from the dean of your current college. 

TC applications aren’t only sent when you need to leave a school in the middle of an academic session, they’re also necessary if you’ve completed your studies in a school and need to further . In this case, your letter would be a “College Leaving Certificate” (CLC), “Migration Certificate,” or a “School Leaving Certificate” (SLC). 

If you have no interest in changing schools, you may not need this letter. But if for any reason, you’re changing locations and therefore need to change schools, a transfer certificate is something you must apply for. 

Transfer certificates can be written by either you or your guardians. This depends on your level of study and the reason for the transfer. If you’re leaving for college, it is normal that you’d write the application yourself. But if you’re leaving in the middle of an academic session due to a relocation, your guardian may need to write this letter on your behalf. 

In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about transfer certificates and how to write them. We will also include some samples to help you write the best transfer certificate applications.

READ MORE: How to Write a Notarized Letter + Samples

Tips for Writing a Transfer Certificate Application

  • Address it to the right recipient: One of the most important things to note when writing a TC application is to address it to the right recipient. If you do this correctly, you’ve crossed the first hurdle. When addressing a TC application letter, you must find out the person responsible for issuing the request. If you are transferring colleges, then your letter should be addressed to the dean. If you are changing middle schools, then the head teacher may be the most appropriate person. 

The letter should be addressed to the recipient using their honorifics and not their names. This means if you’re writing to the Dean, your letter should be addressed as “Dear Dean,” If you’re unsure who will receive the letter, or you’re sending it to the school and no one in particular, you can address it, “To Whom It May Concern,” but this should only be considered as a last resort.

  • Address the school: When writing TC applications, you must remember that it is a formal letter; as such, it should follow all the etiquette necessary when writing formal letters. And addressing your letter to the right recipient is one of these etiquettes. The first thing you should do when writing your application would be to write the address on the top left corner of your article. 
  • Introduce yourself : Your letter should begin with a brief introduction. This introduction should include the relevant information needed to identify you. This can be your school identification number or anything that proves you’re who you say you are. Also, if you’re writing this letter on behalf of someone, you must introduce yourself and the person in question.
  • State the reason : In this section of the letter, you should state the reason(s) you’re requesting the transfer certificate. If your guardian has been relocated and you need to change schools, state this in the letter. If you intend on furthering your studies and a school leaving certificate is one of the necessary documents, also state this in your letter. 

When stating this, do not make the mistake of going overboard with the explanations. Ensure all the facts and relevant information are stated as succinctly as possible.

  • Add relevant documents: If the school requires any documents to be added to the transfer certificate application letter, ensure the certificates are added. Doing this saves you the stress of writing multiple letters and hastens the whole application process. Some document requests may include a copy (or the original) of the student’s ID, if you’re writing on behalf of your ward, you may also be requested to include a copy of a valid ID. The school may also request copies of the student’s results. These are some of the most important documents that are frequently asked for.
  • Specify dates if necessary: Including the dates in your letter passes a sense of urgency to the recipient. Include the dates you’re expected to resume in your new college and ask that the request be handled as a matter of urgency. If you’re no longer in the school, you can also include the year you were in session, making it easier for the recipient to sieve through and locate your information.
  • Write professionally: It is important to remember that this is a formal letter and as such, should be written professionally. This means your letter should be free from grammatical errors, and the details must be factual and accurate.
  • Close and Sign the letter: After writing the letter, the last step should include your professional closing remarks , name, and signature. If you’re able to sign this letter manually, you should. If not, your name and the closing remark will suffice. 
How to Write a Proof of Income Letter (+ Free Samples)

Transfer Certificate Application Sample from Student

Transfer certificate application sample from relocating student.

How to Write Authorization Email to Collect Documents and Samples

College Leaving Certificate Sample Letter

Transfer application from parent.

When writing transfer certificates, ensure to include the necessary details to handle your request faster. Also, bear in mind that the conditions that would require a transfer letter vary, as such, you would need to edit the samples to suit your needs. 

Check out more Transfer Certificate Application Letter Templates and Samples

About The Author

how to write an application letter for certificate

Jim Blessed

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how to write an application letter for certificate

how to write an application letter for certificate

How to write a Letter of Application? (FCE, CAE, CPE)

how to write an application letter for certificate

This article provides information on how to write a letter of application and what it consists of.  Although its content is mainly aimed at Cambridge exams , it can also be used for other purposes of learning English and writing a real letters of application.

Letter of Application: Definition

how to write an application letter for certificate

Letter of application is always formal in style unless the question explicitly states otherwise. Its purpose is to propose  a candidate and outline his suitability, for a particular position. Description (of a person’s character and strengths), explanation and justification are important functions in a letter of application.

Letter of Application: Structure

Fce, cae, cpe, practice, write & improve, letter of application: writing guide, 1. salutation.

Dear Sir or Madam 

how to write an application letter for certificate

If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for letters of application.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Search Committee
  • To whom it may concern
  • Dear Human Resources Manager

Dear Sir or Madam

2. The Introductory Paragraph

Begin by stating the job for which you are applying. Briefly mention how your skills and experience match the company and/or position; this will give the employer a preview of the rest of your letter.

I am writing to apply for the post of Fashion Shop Manager advertised in the ‘News Shopper’ of 14 February 2002.

3. The next paragraphs (the body)

In the following paragraphs, explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications listed in the job posting and explain how you meet those qualifications.

Please see the example structure below:

(2nd paragraph) You might go and list your experience and relevant qualifications:

(briefly introduce yourself first) I am an ambitious and creative 25-year-old who have worked in the retail industry for a total of ten years, first as a sales assistant in a department store and for the last three years as a Section Head and Deputy Manager at Jones the Bootmaker.

(3rd paragraph) You might then go on to mention the particular abilities and skills that you have:

I believe I have all the skills, knowledge and expertise that you are looking for. I have lots of retail initiative, can schedule and prioritise tasks and can work to strict deadlines. I also work particularly well with people and would enjoy leading the team and working with clients and customers.

(4th paragraph) Say why you are particularly interested in this job:

I am applying for this position as I am looking to progress from junior to senior management. I have always been interested in the latest fashion trends and developments and I believe your organisation is a well-run quality fashion business. I would very much like to work for your company.

4. Closing paragraph

how to write an application letter for certificate

You might close the letter with the following formula.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will be able to invite me for an interview.

Yours faithfully XYZ

“Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully”?

“Yours sincerely” is typically employed in English when the recipient is addressed by name (e.g. “Dear John”) and is known to the sender to some degree, whereas “Yours faithfully” is used when the recipient is not addressed by name (i.e., the recipient is addressed by a phrase such as “Dear Sir/Madam”)

Let’s sum it up…

Letter of application: example answers, letter of application sample 1, letter of application subject:.

You have read the following information from a British university, and have decided to apply for a course:

The university welcomes applications to all its courses from overseas students. Please write to the Admissions Officer giving details of the course you wish to apply for and why. Your letter should include an outline of your qualifications and any other relevant information.

Write your letter of application

Student’s Letter of Application Answer:

I am writing to apply for your two-year degree in teaching English at the university level. At present, I am a teacher of English and of Computer Science in the primary school here, in Lutynia.

I am keen to improve my English as this is not only my hobby but also a strong need. I should add that I am already half-way towards achieving my goal. Ten years ago I was a university teacher of Computer Science. Up to now, I have specialized in both subjects. I graduated from Technical University of Wroclaw, Department of Foreign Languages and the Academy of Economics, Department of Computer Science with Master’s Degree.

I have a great deal of work experience that demonstrates my ability in languages. I have undertaken a number of translation projects for doctors, scientists, computer programmers and travel guides. I estimate that my English is at an advanced level and at present, I am preparing for the CAE exam.

I am particularly interested in completing my degree at your university as it is famous all over the world. If you wish Ms.J.Forde can give you a reference.

I hope you will give my application serious consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully (your name)

Letter of Application Sample 2

Letter of application subject:.

A restaurant in your region is to open shortly and the owner has placed the following advertisement in your local newspaper:


…For a busy restaurant located in the main tourist area of this region. We have a number of vacancies available, including: Junior Chef,  Waiter/Waitress, Restaurant Manager. Hours of work: 6 – 12pm, Mondays to Saturdays.

Please send us a letter explaining which post you are interested in and why we should consider you for the job. Interviews will be held a week after the closing date.

I am writing with reference to your advertisement for the position of a Restaurant Manager, which was placed in The Guardian on 10 December.

My reason for being interested in this vacancy is that according to what is said by the executives of the companies I worked for (please find enclosed their letters of reference), I am particularly efficient at being involved in projects requiring a great deal of physical and mental energy and also creativity. I would be able to bring to bear these personal qualities of mine for the benefit of the restaurant.

I am sure that I would be successful in this post as I have now gained managerial experience having had work as a Senior Manager for the “Little Chef Restaurant” for 10 years. At present I work for the restaurant mentioned above, where my responsibilities comprise dealing with suppliers and corporate clients, recruiting employees and checking the financial statements of affiliated companies.

My academic background (a Master’s Degree in Tourism & Hospitality) would also prove valuable to you.

Please could you send me an application form and any other relevant details including those of salary, working hours and any additional benefits (such as private health care or social facilities).

I am able to attend an interview on any day from 11 a. m. Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact me on 222333222 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by email at [email protected].

Yours faithfully, name and surname

Letter of Application Sample 3

A tourist company which organises coach tours of your home town has placed the following advertisement in your local newspaper:


Are you an outgoing and sociable person, who has a good command of English and some knowledge of local history?  Take-a-Tour is setting up a branch in your area and we are looking for tour guides to accompany up to fifty passengers a time on our coach tours. Your duties will include welcoming passengers aboard the coach, giving a commentary about the local sights, and taking small groups around the town on foot.

I am writing to reply to your advertisement for a tour guide in The Tokyo Mini Times on 13th January.

I have always been interested in working with tourists and this is one of the main reasons why I am applying for this job. I actually have some experience of guiding foreign people around the town as a volunteer. Therefore, the city council sometimes asks me to take people to some historical places and explain about the background. Once I organised  a sightseeing tour that thirty people took part in. Every time I have a chance to do that, they appreciate my explanations. I think I will be a competent guide.

I have been living in this town since I was born. My ancestors came to live here two hundred years ago thus I know how this town has developed. I think I will manage to give a unique speech to the tourists.

I passed the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English last year, which I believe endorses my English ability. As far as I am concerned, this level is suitable for a tour guide.

I am available to start work on 15th February. I am also available to attend an interview in the afternoon on Monday to Thursday. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

I would be very grateful if you consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Letter of Application: Writing Topics

Letter of application task 1.

The university welcomes applications to all its courses from overseas students. Please write to the Admissions Officer giving details of the course you wish to apply for and why. Your letter should include an outline of your qualifications and any other relevant information.

Write your letter of application to the Admissions Officer.

(CAE 220-260 words – CPE 280-320 words)

Letter of Application Task 2

RESTAURANT STAFF NEEDED… …For a busy restaurant located in the main tourist area of this region. We have a number of vacancies available, including: Junior Chef Waiter/Waitress Restaurant Manager Hours of work: 6 – 12pm, Mondays to Saturdays.

Letter of Application Task 3

TOUR GUIDES REQUIRED Are you an outgoing and sociable person, who has a good command of English and some knowledge of local history?  Take-a-Tour is setting up a branch in your area and we are looking for tour guides to accompany up to fifty passengers a time on our coach tours. Your duties will include welcoming passengers aboard the coach, giving a commentary about the local sights, and taking small groups around the town on foot. 

Write the letter of application.

Practice Tests Online

Letter of application: useful phrases & language.

I’m writing to apply for the post/position of…..as advertised in…….. I’m writing with reference I’m writing in response to your advertisement which I saw…. I’m writing in connection with your advertisement

Qualifications /Experience

I gained some experience while … I am currently working as … I have been working for … for the last four years. I worked part-time for three years as … At the moment| am employed by … My qualifications include … I have a diploma in … I graduated from Barcelona University last year with a degree in …  Please find attached my CV As you can see from the attached CV …

Personal Qualities

I see myself systematic, meticulous in my approach to work….. I have a clear insight of……… I value time and not squander…… I tackle a problem…..

Closing remarks

I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience Please contact me with any queries you may have, I would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient I look forward to hearing from you in due course….

What is your level of English?

Home » Letters » Request Letters » Request Letter for Bonafide Certificate from College – Sample Application for Bonafide Certificate

Request Letter for Bonafide Certificate from College – Sample Application for Bonafide Certificate

how to write an application letter for certificate

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, sample application for bonafide certificate from school.

To, The ________ (Principal/ Registrar), ___________ (Name of the College), ___________ (College’s Address)

Date:__/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for bonafide certificate

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I would state that my name is __________ (Name) and I study in _________(Department) in _______ (Class/ Year), my college roll number is _________ (Roll Number).

Respected, I am writing this letter to request you for issuing the Bonafide Certificate in my name. I need the same for __________ (Scholarship/ Aadhaar /Internship Application – Mention Your Reason).

I request you to kindly issue the same at the earliest as this would be a great help for me and I shall be highly obliged for the same.

Yours Truly, _____________ (Name of the Student), _____________ (Signature)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • You can address them as "Respected Sir/Madam" or use their official title if known, such as "Principal" or "Registrar."
  • Ensure to include your full name, department, class/year, and college roll number. Clearly state the reason for requesting the bonafide certificate.
  • Yes, use a clear and concise subject line like "Request for Bonafide Certificate."
  • End with a polite request for prompt action and express gratitude for their assistance.
  • It's advisable to mention the urgency politely in the letter and request expedited processing if possible.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter to college for bonafide certificate for adhaar
  • letter format for getting a bonafide certificate from college
  • how to write application to the Principal for bonafide certificate

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  • Letter Writing
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  • Application for tc by Parents

Application for TC by Parents │Format and Sample Letters for You

Was your parent recently transferred to another city? Do you have to shift schools? Here is how you can write a letter requesting for a Transfer Certificate. This article will help you with the format letter of the application for TC by parents, and you can go through the sample letters to have a clear idea.

Table of Contents

Writing a request letter for transfer certificate from school – format and points to remember, sample application letter for transfer certificate from school – due to relocation, application for tc by parents for changing school – due to job transfer, how to write a tc letter for school after 10th grade, frequently asked questions on request letter for transfer certificate from school.

As students, all of us would have practised a lot of letter writing and we sure would have written letters to the principal multiple times. Apology letters , letters requesting for OD, attendance, permission letters , etc., are some of the letters we would have definitely written at least once during our time as a student. Like all these letters, a request letter for a Transfer Certificate from school is also written in the format of a formal letter .

A Transfer Certificate is an official document that certifies that the particular student who has been issued the Transfer Certificate is no longer a student of that institution and that the student is free to enrol in any other institution of their choice. When you write a request letter for a Transfer Certificate from school, make sure you mention the name of the student and all information, including the class and roll number of the student. Clearly state the reasons for which you are requesting for a Transfer Certificate.

Sample Application for TC by Parents Format for School Students

Here are some letter samples that you can refer to when you have to write an application for taking TC from school.

5/98, Srinivasa Nagar 2 nd Street

Anna Nagar West

Chennai – 600026

The Principal

Carmel Garden Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Race Course Road

Chennai – 600014

Subject: Request for a Transfer Certificate

Respected Sir,

I am Senthil Kumaran, father of Aaryan Senthil, a student of Class VII B in this school. I would like to inform you that we are relocating to Bangalore and so Aaryan has to shift schools. It has been difficult to get an admission as it is almost the end of this academic year. He has been shortlisted for admission, and it would be highly appreciated if you could issue a Transfer Certificate as soon as possible.

I would like to let you know that all his fees have been paid, and there are no pending dues. I request you to kindly consider my request and do the needful.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of the student


Father of Aaryan Senthil

Class VII B

Roll No. 02

Flat No. 113, Green Villa Apartments

HSR Layout Phase II

Bangalore – 560012

December 20, 2021

Vidya Soudha Matriculation Higher Secondary School

1st Main Road, near Basaveshwara Bus Station,

1st Stage, Phase -1, Peenya

Bangalore – 560058

Subject: Application for Transfer Certificate

Dear Ma’am,

I am Ananth Kumar, the father of Vishnu A. He is a student of Class V C in your reputed institution. I am writing this letter to request you to issue a Transfer Certificate for my son.

I am a Government Servant, and transfers are a part of my professional life. I have now been transferred to the New Delhi office and have been asked to join by the 1 st of January, 2022. I have decided to take my family along with me as it would be a long term service in New Delhi. I have already sent in applications to schools in New Delhi. We will be leaving Bangalore by the 27 th of December, 2021. So, I request you to kindly do the needful and issue the Transfer Certificate at the earliest.

Please feel free to contact me if there are any pending payment dues. I have attached a copy of my son’s school ID card for your reference.

Thank you very much

Signature of the parent


Father of Vishnu A

Roll No. 35

Contact information

Phone: 99999

Email : [email protected]

Attached Documents:

Copy of School ID card

71/129, Friendship Lane

Amala Nagar

Thrissur – 680545

April 15, 2022

The Headmistress

St. Thomas Thope Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Mannunni Road P. O

East Fort, Nellikunnu

Thrissur – 680006

Subject: Request for Transfer Certificate

My son, Aaron Joseph has completed his 10th Standard Public Examination from your prestigious institution. I would like to inform you that he has secured admission for 11th grade in Devamatha CMI Public School, Thrissur. He has been asked to submit all the documents by the 25 th of April, 2022. A member from the school office had informed us that the Transfer Certificates for his batch would be issued only after April 30 th . I would be very grateful if you could issue him a Transfer Certificate on or before the 22 nd of April, 2022.

Thank you in advance.


Father of Aaron Joseph

Roll No. 05

What is a Transfer Certificate?

A Transfer Certificate is an official document that the student is provided with when they leave school or college to enrol in other schools or colleges for various reasons like family relocation, transfer, etc.

What is the purpose of a Transfer Certificate?

The purpose of a Transfer Certificate is to certify that the particular student is no longer an enrolled student of the current school or college, thereby allowing the student to join any other school or college of their choice.

How should I write a letter to request for a Transfer Certificate from School?

The letter should be written like a formal letter. The language used should be polite and professional. The details of the student – class, section and roll number should be mentioned so that it makes it easier for the school authorities to look into the records of the student. Ensure that you have paid all the fees and pending dues and also provide your contact information. Give the reason you are requesting for a Transfer Certificate clearly. Close the letter by thanking them and mentioning when you would like to collect the Transfer Certificate.

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Application for TC (Transfer Certificate): 10+ Samples

Do you need your transfer certificate from your school/college/institute because you have to change your school? If yes, and you are facing a problem that you have to write an application letter requesting a transfer certificate from the principal and you don’t even know how to write an application for requesting TC and also don’t know the format.

So let me tell you that you are in the right place because in this post I have provided more than 10+ Transfer Certificate Application Samples along with a formal application format.

If you are shifting from one school to another, then the transfer certificate plays the role of an essential certificate because you can go from one school to another only with the help of a transfer certificate, if you do not have a transfer certificate then you cannot take admission in another school.

You read all the sample applications given below thoroughly and you can copy the sample which you like for writing your application. Otherwise, you can read the samples and take some ideas and write according to your own.

1. Application for TC from School

2. application for transfer certificate, 3. transfer certificate application, 4. application for transfer certificate, 5. tc application in english, 6. transfer certificate letter, 7. application for tc by parents for changing school, 8. tc application for college, 9. write an application for transfer certificate, 10. tc application for school in english, 11. transfer certificate application, how to write application for tc.

Application for the request for a transfer certificate should be written in a formal manner to the headmaster. This is a formal type of letter which should be written in 200 words. I have explained the entire application letter in small steps for you to understand easily. The steps are as follows:

  • Step 1:- Start with “To, The Principal/Headmaster”.
  • Step 2:- Write the name of your school/college/institute.
  • Step 3:- Write the address of your school/college/institute.
  • Step 4:- Write the date after leaving one line.
  • Step 5:- Write the subject after leaving one line.
  • Step 6:- Begin your application by honouring your principal/headmaster.
  • Step 7:- Write your complete application letter in which you have to give the reason for seeking TC.
  • Step 8:- Finally thank your Principal and mention your details.

TC Application Format

To, The Principal/Headmaster, “Name of your School/College”, “Address of your School/College”.

Date:- Date/Month/Year

Subject:- _____________________________.

Respected Sir/Madam, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


Thanking You, Yours ________ Signature Name Class Section Roll No

To, The Principal/Headmaster, “Name of your School/College/Institute”, “Address of your School/College/Institute”.

Subject:- Application for taking TC from school.

Respected Sir/Madam, I would like to inform you that I am “mentioning your name” and I am a student of your school. I have completed the 7th standard at your school and now I want to change my school from “current school name” to “new school name” because of some personal reasons. I have paid all the due school fees and now there is no due on me. Therefore, kindly I request you please issue my transfer certificate as soon as possible because you know that the TC is required to be admitted to a new school.

I hope you accept my application letter and try to generate my transfer certificate.

Thanking You, Yours Sincerely Signature Name Class Section Roll No

Subject:- Application for TC by parents for changing school in English.

Respected Sir/Madam, My self Mukesh father of Rahul studying in your school in class 6B. I want to tell you that we are shifting our home from Kolkata to Delhi because my jobs have been transferred to Delhi and I want to join soon my job in Delhi. Due to this reason, Rohit will have to leave this school. I have paid Rohit’s fee for the entire month till now.

Therefore, please give me the TC and other documents of Rohit as soon as possible. Rohit will need this in Delhi for admission to a new school. I hope you can do this.

Thanking You, Yours Truly Signature Son Name Class Section Roll No

Subject:- Request application for TC.

Respected Sir/Madam, I will not be able to study in your school due to my father being fired from jobs in lockdown and now my father doesn’t have enough money to afford my school fees. There are 3 more members in my house whose entire expenses are handled by the father. Because of all this, I have to leave your school. My session also ended last month.

Therefore, please issue my transfer certificate to me. So if I want to take admission somewhere in the future, then there will be no problem.

Thanking You, Yours Faithfully Signature Name Class Section Roll No

Subject:- Application for issuing transfer certificate.

Respected Sir/Madam, My name is Ajay Kumar Bisht and I am a student in class 10A at your school. You must know that the 10th board exam is over and the result has also arrived. I have also given my exam and the result is also out. Therefore, I need my transfer certificate from your school because I want to do 10+2 from another school.

I hope you can issue my TC as soon as possible.

Thanking You, Regards Signature Name Class Section Roll No

Subject:- Application to principal for TC.

Respected Sir/Madam, I am Shardha, mother of Rohan, studying in class 6A in your school, and would like to state that we are moving to ________ in our village because ever since the death of Rohan’s father, our financial situation is not good and because of this, I am not even able to afford Rohan’s school fee. After much thought, I decided that we should go back to our village.

Therefore, just please provide the TC and other documents of my son. So that Rohan can take admission to any school in the village.

Subject:- Application for TC after 12th pass out.

Respected Sir/Madam, I would like to draw your kind attention to this that till now I have not received my transfer certificate from your school due to which I am not able to take admission in UG level courses. Moreover, the date for taking admission to colleges is also expiring. I have given the 12th board exam from your school this year.

Therefore, please try to understand my problem and provide me with my TC as soon as possible.

Thanking You, Yours Obediently Signature Name Class Section Roll No

Subject:- Application for TC to change school.

Respected Sir/Madam, This side Raghuram Sahu, father of Aarav Sahu, studying in your school in 5 standards. I was transferred to ________ just last week because of this we are shifting to _________. It will be very difficult for Aarav to attend school from our new address as the distance of the school from _________ is more than 50km. Therefore, now we have decided that Aarav will have to leave your school.

So, my sincerest request to you is please issue the transfer certificate for my child. It will be required at the time of admission into another school.

Subject:- Application for TC from college after completing graduation.

Respected Sir/Madam, I finished my graduate degree from your college this year. I was a student of B.Sc in your college. The purpose of writing this application to you is that I have not received my transfer certificate yet. I also talked to the teacher of the administrative department of the college, he said that I should write you an application.

Therefore, I urge you to please generate my transfer certificate because this document will be very useful in my future studies.

Subject:- An application for TC.

Respected Sir/Madam, I am a very honest and sincerest student of your college. I completed my Bachelor of Commerce degree this year from your college. Now I want to pursue a Master of Commerce degree from Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi. I need a transfer certificate from your college because I cannot take admission without a transfer certificate.

Therefore, please generate my TC as soon as possible.

Thanking You, Yours Truly Signature Name Class Section Roll No

Subject:- Application for TC after 10th.

Respected Sir/Madam, I am Amar Rathod a student of your school and I have completed my 10 standards from your school this year. Now I want to do 10+2 that too from the arts stream because I am very much interested in humanities. I am sad that I have to do 10+2 from another school because your school does not have an arts stream.

Therefore, I need a transfer certificate because only with the help of a transfer certificate I can take admission to another school. I hope you can provide my TC.

Subject:- Transfer certificate application for school.

Respected Sir/Madam, Due to some reasons, we have to shift to Pune this month. Due to shifting to Pune, I will no longer be able to study at your school But I want to continue my studies. I will take admission to any school in Pune. But for admission, I need a transfer certificate. Therefore, please generate my TC as soon as possible. I hope you can understand my situation and do the needful.

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2 thoughts on “application for tc (transfer certificate): 10+ samples”.

Hi…. how can I get the TC if I want to change the state after my 9th because my father is no more and i have to shift to another state

If you have registered for 10th board exam then your chances of getting TC are very less as 9th and 10th have to be done at the same school.

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University letters of recommendation: an essential guide

Letters of recommendation can make or break a student’s university application, so it’s important that we get them right

Phillip Wenturine's avatar

Phillip Wenturine

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There are a plethora of documents that go into compiling the perfect college application. From transcripts to predicted grades, activity lists, resumés or CVs, essays, recommendation letters, certificates and more – each element of the application holds a different purpose and separate weight of importance, often varying from country to country and university to university.

By the senior year (Year 13), academics are nearly finalised, so there’s little wiggle room when it comes to improving that element of the application: senior GPA is set and calculated; IB predictions are nearly issued.

But beyond academics, some universities require recommendation letters, and this is where a student can stand out more, highlighting and emphasising their skills, qualities and abilities. 

These recommendation letters can sometimes illuminate the true heart and soul of the student, beyond their transcripts or personal-statement essay. The words in these letters can make or break a student’s application, so it’s important we get them right and tell their story with the thought and effort it deserves. 

Teacher letters of recommendation

In a teacher’s recommendation letter, students are brought to life beyond their grades, showcasing their holistic potential.

Teachers seize the chance to praise consistent academic excellence, to spotlight specific projects or skills, and to contextualise grade fluctuations resulting from personal circumstances.

These letters illustrate growth, revealing students’ readiness for university life. The emphasis is on articulating acquired skills and potential – a narrative far more impactful than grades alone. While an A-grade student may excel in tests, a B-grade student might exhibit invaluable traits, such as grit and resilience, best articulated through personalised advocacy.

Recommendation letter timelines

To support students and teachers, it’s important to highlight the importance of the teacher recommendation letter early on to teachers and students alike. Let students know as early as grades 10 and 11 (Years 11 and 12) that it’s important to build relationships with teachers well in advance of senior year. The best letters come from those teachers who have an excellent rapport with the student in question.

Ask students in the spring of junior year (Year 12) to select those teachers they would like recommendation letters from. The recommendation should ideally come from a core-subject teacher (maths, science, social studies, English) rather than an elective teacher, unless the elective is a field in which they intend to pursue a career.

To support the teachers, we work with students to compile what we call a brag sheet. Students answer a series of questions about themselves, in order to give the teacher the best context for writing the letter.

We tell teachers that if the student does not provide this brag sheet, or if they feel that the student has not performed well enough in their class to deserve a letter, they are allowed to respectfully decline the request to write the letter.

We also remind teachers that they do not need to agree to write any more than 20 letters. It is unfair if students all ask one teacher – who may then end up writing 60 letters – for a recommendation letter, while other teachers only have to write a few.. With that in mind, we also remind students of the importance of being organised and requesting the letter from their preferred teacher early on.

Writing the letters

Here are some examples of the questions we ask students on their brag sheets, which then give teachers a starting point for their letters:

  • What do you hope this letter will show about you that your GPA doesn’t?
  • What was a challenge that you faced in this class, and what actions did you take to overcome it?
  • Describe how this class influenced you, either through academic content or teacher interaction.
  • Give between one and three examples of times when you have exceeded expectations with your communication skills, and also some areas where you can reflect that you may need growth.
  • What majors or careers interest you?

To support the teachers further, we host a writing workshop in the spring of each year to give them examples of strong and weak letters (all confidential). We coach them in "show, don't tell" when it comes to writing about students’ strengths, as well as giving them concrete examples of how best to advocate for students and highlight their strengths.

We review what each different country’s universities desire from these letters, as some universities – such as the US – appreciate a holistic view of the student (for example, highlighting student athletes or detailing extracurriculars). By contrast, the UK is very academic-focused and prefers to read about the student’s abilities when working on class projects, research and outside endeavours in the field of study.

Counsellor recommendation letters

Some universities – mostly in the US – also allow a counsellor letter of recommendation. This letter goes beyond academic ability in the classroom and speaks more to students’ characteristics, personality, outside involvement and external factors helpful for an admission committee to review in the context of other application documents.

The counsellor’s role is to fill in the missing pieces of an application: we help identify and tell a student’s story, covering any hardships, exceptional leadership abilities, impressive commitment to community and so on.

Now more than ever, admission committees are telling us that they trust the counsellor and teacher letters to help give them the full picture of a student, and to help them judge whether or not they will be the best fit for their incoming class and able to thrive on their campus.

We send our students what we call a junior questionnaire, in order to collect the information necessary to write these letters successfully.

Some examples of the questions on the junior questionnaire:

  • What languages do you speak, and to what level of fluency?
  • Please provide some details about your family and highlight any diversity and/or adversity that you have experienced. 
  • Have there been any major circumstances that have impacted on your personal or academic life? 
  • What are three adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Think deeply about this one. 
  • How have you used your time outside of school, and can you elaborate on any particular projects, clubs, work experience, internships, or volunteer work that speaks to consistency in an activity, leadership experience or a particular commitment to have an impact on your community?

External letters

Sometimes students may wish to have an outside recommendation letter from a coach – for example, if they are a student athlete.

Overall, references should be academic-focused, but some universities that accept more than one letter are willing to receive one from an outside observer, too. In these cases, the person should be someone who oversees the student as the coach of a sport or the supervisor of an internship or work-experience programme.

The external referee should give this letter to the counsellor to send off on their behalf, as all recommendation letters must confidential and never shared with the student. 

Application For Character Certificate

Do you know the importance of a character certificate? If not, let me tell you.  A character certificate plays an important role during admission or a job process. In fact, only reputed people of the community can write it. Therefore, you must know how to write an application for character certificate. In fact, without the correct format, you may end up wasting a lot of time.

application for character certificate

What Is A Character Certificate?

A character certificate ensures that you have good behavior. Above all, it shows that you don’t have criminal proceedings. In addition, it showcases that you also have great moral values. Therefore, you need to write an application for character certificate. In fact, you have to write it to a higher authority. In other words, your can write to the principal/ director/ school/ or college to get one. However, in India, there are some states that have online portals for applying for a character certificate.

Moreover, for writing an application for a character certificate, you need to ensure a few things.

  • Firstly, you haven’t changed your name
  • Secondly, you have a justified reason for applying for the character certificate
  • The third thing is that there is no criminal or civil case pending against you
  • Further, you were never a part of anti-national activities
  • Finally, you have a decent relationship with the people nearby

Guidelines To Write An Application For Character Certificate

#1: Write a short and precise address of you.

#2: Date on which you are writing.

#3: Write the receiver’s address.

#4: Write a compiling subject.

#5: Now address the receiver respectfully.

#6: In the first paragraph of the body, introduce yourself. Also, tell the reason for writing the letter. Explain in detail, why you need the character certificate.

Step 7: In the end, write your signature and name.

Format For Application For Character Certificate

Your address

The Principal

School/College name,

Subject – Application for Character Certificate

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am (Your Name), a student of (Write your class) in your school/college. I am writing this to request you provide a character certificate so that I can submit it to (XYZ).

(Mention the reason). Therefore, I request you to issue me my character certificate asap.

Yours faithfully

(Your Name),

(Contact Details)


Sample Letters

(For School)

Santosh Verma

44B, Park street, Pitampura

Delhi – 110034

St. John High school

Subject: Requesting a Character Certificate

Respected Sir,

I am Santosh Verma, a student of Class X “B” in your school. This is to request you provide my character certificate.

As I am switching, I need to submit it further for my junior college. I was a student in your school for the last 2 years. I’ve never been in any kind of trouble during this period of time. Therefore, I request you to issue me my character certificate. Also, I have attached my school Id card.

At the same time, I request you to provide me with the details of my overall performance in the exam. This is to submit it further.

Santosh Verma,

X “B”


Copy of School ID card

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(For College)

Simi Agrawal

Pratap Nagar

Nagpur- 440010

August 2, 2022

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College

Nagpur- 440013

Subject: Application for a Character Certificate

Respected Madam,

I Simi Agrawal, a B.Sc final year student in your college. This is to ask you for a character certificate. I need it for my higher studies as well as for the job.

Additionally, you already know that for every government job, we need it.

So, please provide me with the certificate as soon as possible. Likewise, I can apply for my further plans.

Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,

B.Sc Final Year Student

Frequently Asked Questions On Application For Character Certificate

Q1. Is character certificate necessary for admission?

Answer. Yes, a charater certificate is necessary for college admission. In fact, it is a proof of your background. Hence it is one of the most important documents.

 Q2. What is conduct and character certificate?

Answer. Both are the same. A conduct certificate showcases your behaviour during the time in institution. In fact, it is also known as character certificate. For instance the institution provide it when a student want to switch.

Q3. Do colleges provide character certificate?

Q4. Is TC same as character certificate?

 Answer. No, TC and charater certificate are not the same. TC stands for transfer certificate. Also, it is the proof that you have left the institution. However, character certificate is the behavioral document.

 Q5. Is character certificate important for job?

Answer. Yes it is necessary. In fact, character certificate defines your background. Therefore, it is necessary for all types of jobs.

 Q6. Is character certificate valid for 6 months?

Answer. To sum up, the validity of a character certificate is only for 6 months. Therefore, you must apply for it when it is required. Also, this is why you need to renew it if you have a gap year.

 Q7. Who issues a character certificate?

Answer. For instance, an institution or a government authority can issue the certificate. However, you can only get it when you don’t have any bad record.

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Letter Writing

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Training.gov.au is the national register of vocational education and training (VET)

Training.gov.au is changing .

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) will soon be rolling out changes to enhance Training.gov.au (TGA). The new TGA is more intuitive and accessible, and will deliver: 

  • improved usability,
  • a streamlined interface,
  • more robust search features, and 
  • enhanced reporting functions.

The department has been engaging with the sector to help stakeholders prepare for the update  and make the most of the enhanced TGA. The update is planned for a late 2024 release. 

More information about the changes can be found here .

What is training.gov.au?

Training.gov.au is the national register of VET, as required by s 216 of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 . Information held on the national register includes:

  • Nationally recognised training   (NRT) : training packages, qualifications, units of competency, skill sets and accredited courses.
  • Registered training organisations (RTOs)  that are approved to deliver nationally recognised training.

The national register is intended for VET sector professionals, including: RTOs, trainers and assessors, regulators, training package developers, researchers, and policy makers. 

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I am looking to choose a vet course and training provider., i want to be or hire an apprentice.  , i want to explore career ideas and occupations., latest news, australian apprenticeship support services rft outcomes announced.

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Early changes to Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)

Early changes to the Standards for RTOs are now in effect. These changes are designed to alleviate p...

Consultation on the VET Workforce Blueprint

The Australian Government, in collaboration with states and territories, is developing a VET Workfor...

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Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion

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About Moderate and Severe TBI

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Preventing TBI

Symptoms of Mild TBI and Concussion

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Where to Get Help

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Facts About TBI

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Clinical Guidance for Pediatric mTBI

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A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is an injury that affects how the brain works. TBI is a major cause of death and disability in the United States.

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    It's the lightbulb moment behind my career change to UX design. I believe I'll make a strong addition to your team because my work has largely put the user front and center, and now I'm interested in focusing on a different facet of that goal. 2. Specify the value of your certificates, courses, or trainings.

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    There are a plethora of documents that go into compiling the perfect college application. From transcripts to predicted grades, activity lists, resumés or CVs, essays, recommendation letters, certificates and more - each element of the application holds a different purpose and separate weight of importance, often varying from country to country and university to university.

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  27. Application For Character Certificate: Format and Samples

    Guidelines To Write An Application For Character Certificate. #1: Write a short and precise address of you. #2: Date on which you are writing. #3: Write the receiver's address. #4: Write a compiling subject. #5: Now address the receiver respectfully. #6: In the first paragraph of the body, introduce yourself.

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    Decide on a CV format and style. Before you start writing your CV, you need to format it properly. Open a new document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and use the following settings: Set ½ - 1" margins on each side. Use a font size between 10 and 12 points. Select a professional font such as Times New Roman or Arial.

  29. training.gov.au

    VDOM DHTML e>Document Moved. Object Moved. This document may be found here.

  30. Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion

    Nov. 6, 2023. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Management Guideline. View clinical recommendations for diagnosis and management of adults with mild TBI. Apr. 29, 2024. Health Care Provider Resources. View resources to manage and prevent concussions. Apr. 15, 2024.