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cover letter for student visa nz

How To Master a Cover Letter for New Zealand [Examples & Tips]

cover letter for student visa nz

Although you might don’t want to, yet in most cases, you need to include a cover letter when applying for a job in New Zealand. NZ cover letter is similar to other countries; it should show the company why you are the right candidate for the job. Take your time to write a personal and customized letter. Never send the generic one; this can ruin your application from the start.

A cover letter is a monumental part of your job application in New Zealand. A good cover letter should answer the main question, which is why the company should hire you. Additionally, it must provide information on how you can bring value to the company and help them with the challenges. A cover letter should showcase the relevant skills and experience you have.

In most cases, businesses and recruiters in New Zealand will require you to attach a customized cover letter. And it’s a good thing for you. In the end, the cover letter is a claim for the role – it’s your chance to highlight and match your experience against the job description and to clearly state what you can offer your potential employer.

If you are looking for a job in New Zealand, I would highly recommend going through the Job Hunter’s handbook made by

Table of Contents

Is a cover letter necessary in New Zealand?

Unfortunately, yes, you need to include a customized cover letter when applying for a job in New Zealand. Almost  half of the recruiters reject applications without a cover letter. A high-quality, customized cover letter tells the manager you are a dedicated professional. It should be only a page long.

A resume or CV alone can show your achievements and qualifications, but it can’t tell the story and explain why you choose this company in particular. That’s why we need a cover letter. It’s also a great tool to show your personality and motivation. It must show the employer you are an asset to their company.

Are you resigning from your previous job? Read how to write a proper resignation letter .

Resignation Letter in New Zealand (Examples + Template)

Tips and guidance for a winner cover letter

So what is a cover letter, and why it’s so important for your job application in New Zealand?

  • Cover letter is your first point of contact with employers .
  • It should fit on one page .
  • It needs to explain why you want this job .
  • It should relate to your CV .
  • It should describe your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments .
  • It should show the evidence that you have researched the company and that you are the right candidate.

If you follow these simple statements, you should already be able to create a decent letter. Yet, if you want more, read this article to the end and follow the advice.

The winning tactic here is focusing on  them , not just on  you,  which will ultimately make you stand out from other applicants

When writing your cover letter, pay attention to the following:

  • Do very extensive research about the company. Show it in the cover letter.
  • Reflect on the company’s vision.
  • Highlight specific achievements and successes that show you can address the challenges the employer is facing.
  • Show your personality.
  • Prove that you understand the challenges of the company.
  • Explain your motivation and fit for the position.
  • Presents how your skills and experience as a solution for the company.
  • Create a list of job keywords that are mentioned in the job ad. Include them in the cover letter.
  • Address the cover letter to the right person, e.g., the hiring manager or recruiter
  • Be clear and concise
  • Have a structure in the letter – beginning, middle, end
  • Use active words to describe your work – accomplished, achieved, led, created, increased, identified
  • Finish with a call to action and ask for a meeting.
  • Try to be funny
  • Send a generic cover letter — customize each one for the specific job.
  • Forget your full contact details
  • Generic and boring opening paragraph
  • Copy-paste from the CV or job ad
  • Start every sentence with “I”
  • Write more than one page

Looking for a job? Check out the best recruitment agencies in New Zealand .

Best Recruitment Agencies in New Zealand 2024

1. research about the company and position.

cover letter for student visa nz

Your knowledge about the company you are applying to work for is crucial. You must also know all the essential details about the advertised position and how your skills and experience fit in.

When someone reads your cover letter, they must be sure you are the right candidate for this position and for this company. That’s why you must include as many tailored to the job ad details as possible (yet not too many).

So, look for information on the company, its key products or services, its mission, and anything else that gives you an insight into them. Notice the most important details and mention them in the cover letter where appropriate.

You might want to check out the company’s website, its executives’ Twitter feeds, and LinkedIn profiles.

The culture of the organization is vital to note. This will influence your communication style. For instance, you might be more casual with start-ups or advertising agencies but more formal with banks and large corporations.

2. Show how you can help

A company hires you to solve a problem or to help with challenging tasks they are unable to manage. Point out the things you can do for a company and which potential results it might bring. Or maybe you already were challenged with similar tasks? Mention it in your cover letter!

3. Why are you a perfect fit?

The second paragraph of your cover letter should give a clear idea to the reader why you are the one and that you will satisfy the company’s specific needs.

Here you should match the keywords mentioned in the job ad with your skills and experience. You also must show the hiring manager why you want this job, not just any job. Include all the enthusiasm and passion you have.

Match your skills with a job ad

Highlight the key skills and qualities in the ad, e.g.:

  • strong written and verbal communication
  • technical skills
  • analytical thinking
  • team player or teamwork
  • problem-solving
  • time management
  • knowledge of software & tools
  • specialized or technical competencies
  • high level of computer competency
  • ability to work well under pressure
  • enthusiasm and initiative
  • excellent customer service

Include them in the cover letter with real-life examples.

Connections matter in New Zealand

cover letter for student visa nz

About 70% of all jobs in New Zealand are so-called hidden. They are simply not advertised because hiring managers seek candidates within the company, their circle of colleagues, and people they know before they post a job ad. For that reason, having connections in New Zealand is very crucial.

You are more likely to be invited to an interview if you know a friend of a friend and they got a reference they you rather than just based on your qualifications and experience.

That might be good news for some and bad news for others. Nonetheless, it’s highly recommended to start networking as soon as you land in New Zealand. Join groups, participate in social and professional events, work on your Linkedin profile, and just be proactive.

And if you are lucky to know someone in the company you are applying to work for, mention it in the first sentence or two of your cover letter.

Don’t forget to include

Your cover letter shouldn’t miss these small but key elements:

Your personal value and personality

While skills and experiences are indeed critical, New Zealanders love human connection. If they find you an interesting and nice person, they are more likely to move forward with your application.

Try to be personal in your cover letter; tell them more unique things about you and your experience. Avoid being general at any cost.

Reflect on your experience that relates to the job ad and company profile. What challenges have you faced, and how did you solve them? You also want to provide evidence of the things you mention by using concrete examples, situations, numbers, and facts. For example:

“During the last quarter, my company was challenged by the supply shortage of …We have had 200% more orders than we can ever fulfill. To solve this problem, I was on the lookout for new suppliers for several weeks; after dozens of selling calls, I finally managed to sign a contract with our best supplier so far. I will never come across them otherwise.”

Your enthusiasm

In many cases, people don’t get hired because they aren’t enthusiastic and convincing enough. So, it’s not the lack of skills; it’s your desire and how you show it. If you make it as if it was your dream job, you are more likely to be invited. Avoid at any cost writing in a manner as you are doing a company a favor by working for them.

Hiring managers even say, “Enthusiasm conveys personality.” Some tips that help you to point out your enthusiasm include:

  • Show that you have thought about the job and why you would like to work for them.
  • Why is this company so brilliant? What they do the best? How they stand out?
  • Mention their reputation, performance, and product.
  • Remember, it’s about what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.

NZ cover letter structure

Following the formal structure when piecing together a cover letter is as much as important as its content. So, make sure you stick to New Zealand standards. Here is an example:

Dear [Ms. or Mr. Surname],

  • Opening – Explain why you are writing this letter (add an interesting one-liner summarizing why you’re interested in the role and what you’d bring to their business.)
  • Explain your interest in the job, show knowledge about the company and position
  • Demonstrate your skills and experience related to the job
  • Explain why you will fit into this role and which value you will bring to the company
  • Sign off and offer them to contact you

Yours sincerely,

Your name – Andrew Black.

Make sure you check your cover letter via Grammarly for spelling and grammar mistakes!

Cover letter introduction

The introduction sentences will determine whether the hiring manager will read on or skip your resume. Start your cover letter in an unconventional way and hold the reader’s interest. Here are some tips for a stellar introduction:

  • Highlight your achievements in the industry.
  • Display your passion and enthusiasm.
  • Mention some names and numbers.

A no-go cover letter introduction looks like this:

In response to your posting for the Digital Marketing Manager position, I would like to express my interest in participating in the recruitment process. As a digital marketing manager with 8+ years of experience, I am optimistic that I would succeed in this role.

Top cover letter example

Since you already know how to write the header, here is only the main part of the cover letter.

” I am writing regarding the Marketing Manager position you currently have open. As a marketer with over 5 years of experience managing small and larger teams, I would love to take a challenge and work for your company. Marketing is my passion, so it’s to achieve monthly goals, generate new leads & sales, and train the team for success.

In my previous role at (company name), I reached not only the set marketing goals but exceeded them by 80% and, in some months, even 120%. Your company (name) already has brilliant strategies in place, you use paid advertising, social media, and outreach, but I would add other channels to ramp up the reach and revenue. I am experienced and knowledgeable in the SEO scene; hence we can explore new opportunities for your business in this area of marketing.

My previous team of marketing assistants was great! I love to work with people and guide them in our current strategies. At the same time, responsibility for people does not make me stressed or scared but ignites my motivation to bring even better results so we can all be proud as a team.

Besides, my Master’s degree in Business taught me fundamental knowledge about organizations, management, strategy, and agility, which I would be happy to apply when working for (company).

It will be great to talk in person one day. You can reach me at 123456789 any time or via email at [email protected] to arrange an interview. Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to hearing from you.

Cover letter for a visa application

Im most cases, Immigration New Zealand, will request a cover or so-called motivational letter together with your visa application. This is generally a less complex document that you would write for the employer.

Your cover letter for a visa should include:

  • Reasons why you are moving or visiting New Zealand
  • How are you going to support yourself
  • Demonstration of how you meet the criteria for the visa

The content of the cover letter will vary depending on the visa type you are applying for. If it’s, for instance, to join a partner in New Zealand, you should include your relationship to them and explain it briefly.

Therefore, your cover letter should target your visa category’s main requirements. 

When I was applying for a student visa, my cover letter described why I decided to study in New Zealand and what are my plans after my studies. Immigration New Zealand also mentioned in their requirements that the cover letter must include these details.

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Apply for a student visa

You can apply online or use a printed form. Make sure you apply at least 8 weeks before you plan to come to New Zealand.

Gather your supporting documents

You’re likely to get a quicker decision if you supply all the information Immigration New Zealand (INZ) needs when you apply.

Before you apply for a student visa

If you apply online you’ll need to scan your documents before you upload them.

Find out what it costs

The application fees you pay depend on how you apply and where you’re applying from.

Fees, decision times and where to apply — INZ

Apply online

Most people find it easier to apply online.

When you make an online application you have to set up a New Zealand Government RealMe account.

What is RealMe?

Before you start your application, have all your supporting documents ready to upload.

New Zealand Visas (Apply Online) — INZ

Applying for a visa online — INZ

Apply using a printed form

You can also apply using a printed form, but it takes longer to process your application. You need to use the printed form if, for example, you don’t have regular access to a computer ​.

Download the Student Visa Application form (INZ 1012) and guidance to help you complete it.

INZ 1012 Student Visa Application (PDF 450KB) — INZ

INZ 1013 Student Visa Guide (PDF 533KB) — INZ

Submit your application

Even if you apply online, you may need to send your passport to INZ — they’ll let you know if you do. It will be posted back to you once your application is finalised.

Providing your passport for online applications — INZ

If you apply using the printed application form, check where you need to send it and your supporting documents.

Wait for a decision

Most applications are processed in a month. If INZ needs more information they’ll contact you to ask for it. 

How long it takes to process an application — INZ

You can check the progress of your application.

Checking your visa application status — INZ

When you get your visa

If you apply online, you’ll usually get an eVisa.

Print it out or keep it on your mobile phone so, if you need to, you can show it at the border when you arrive. You can ask INZ to put a label in your passport, but you have to pay for this service.

About eVisas — INZ

Before you travel to New Zealand

Get help to plan your trip and find out more about life as a student in New Zealand.

Get ready for NZ — NZ Ready

Study in NZ — Live and Work in New Zealand

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Last updated 26 November 2018

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Date printed 08 May 2024

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How to write a great stand out Cover Letter

Our Job Search Coach Jannie Allen shares her insider tips.

Jannie says:

"The cover letter is a claim for the role – it is your chance to highlight and match your experience against the job description and to clearly state what you can offer your potential employer.
It is a targeted single-page document to the person who advertised the position. It is often your first point of contact with an employer/recruiter to get them interested in reading your CV and interviewing you."

Your Cover Letter should show:

- Why you are interested in the role - Your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments - Evidence that you have researched the company and that you would be a good fit.

Compassion icon

Structuring the Cover Letter:

Before you start the main part of the letter, write your mobile number, email address and Skype ID at the top left-hand side of the letter. Follow this by the date and then write Re: followed by the title of the job you are applying for and a reference number if it’s provided. Check the listing carefully as this reference is often at the end of the ad. Then follow with a greeting, addressing the person by name (if at all possible).
Open with a strong statement giving the reason you are applying for the position.
What you have you been doing, relevant to the role you are applying for. Be skills/achievements focused and focused on what you can bring to the company rather than what the company can do for you.
What kind of person are you (hint: mention your qualities which are aligned to the role)
Your motivation for wanting to settle in NZ and why you want to live in that particular area. Invite the reader to contact you if they have any questions about your application.

Writing the Cover Letter:

Jannie's advice:.

If a contact person is mentioned in the listing, it is recommended that you make a connection, preferably by phoning them, so that you can introduce yourself and ask some questions about the role. That way your application will stand out. ‍

In conclusion, in your cover letter you need to present a strong case for the best matched skills and experience against the job description.

Never send out a generic letter as this is one way to communicate that you have not tried to research the role or the company, and that you are not genuinely interested.

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Read more about job searching in NZ:

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Want access to 4x as many opportunities in NZ?

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Anna was worth her weight in gold---she was fantastic at helping me format my CV and search for jobs that suited my skill set. In the end, I got a great job in a great city. Carsten and his team were very thorough and helpful when it came time to apply for and get our visas. They are now helping us with our resident visas, and I'm certain that the process will be the same. I'd recommend them highly.

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The great work done before has surely helped to achieve this quick positive result. NZIC are really professional and know what to do when to do it and how to do it. That is so convenient and efficient! I’m still working with them for the next steps and would like to thank them again for their help and support.  Thank you.  Kind Regards.

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NZIC guided me all the way through getting my first work visa to permanent residency. Their job seeking support was key when I first arrived in NZ, communication was always easy and clear. I'm very thankful for their help and definitely recommend their services.

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Dear Jannie, just want to drop a note to thank for your everything. Your help is much appreciated! You are a wonderful and professional job search coach! I am so lucky to have you supporting me!

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How soon can you migrate to new zealand?

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Statement of Purpose (SOP) for New Zealand Student Visa: Format, Guidelines & Writing Tips

by CANAM Group

  • By: CANAM Group
  • Updated On: Mar 08,2024 01:33 PM IST

Explore everything about the Statement of Purpose to study in New Zealand. SOP is undoubtedly one of the most vital documents during the admission process to New Zealand. A student’s academic journey starts with drafting a compelling SOP. The SOP should be crisp, clear, and concise, informing the university's admissions committee about one's intention to study a course and other details. 

Table of Contents

  • • What is a Statement of Purpose for New Zealand? 
  • • How to Write an Impactful Statement of Purpose?
  • • Guidelines for SOP Writing for New Zealand
  • • Sample SOP for New Zealand Student Visa
  • • Things to Avoid While Writing SOP for New Zealand

This blog helps aspiring students write a compelling statement of purpose for a New Zealand student visa, as per the format, guidelines, and more. 

What is a Statement of Purpose for New Zealand? 

The statement of purpose is a personal essay that describes a student's objective and motivation for studying in New Zealand . It allows applicants interested in studying abroad to explain why they want to study in New Zealand and how it aligns with their long-term goals. The SOP should be genuine, demonstrating a student's commitment to the field of study they have chosen. In New Zealand, a SOP is commonly referred to as a Letter of Motivation. This document is mandatory for all universities and colleges to follow. In New Zealand, only a well-written SOP is required, while some universities abroad require students to submit written or video SOPs. 

How to Write an Impactful Statement of Purpose?

An impactful Statement of Purpose necessitates careful planning, introspective reflection, and explicit understanding of one's goals. Students should prepare an outline before beginning the writing process; always list facts and information that they want to include in the SOP itself. Here are the format and guidelines for creating an SOP: 

Format to Write a Compelling SOP

Following a proper format for SOP is mandatory. Here’s how one can draft a compelling SOP:

Guidelines for SOP Writing for New Zealand

Writing a SOP can seem like a daunting task. However, by following a few guidelines, it is possible to simplify the process. Following are guidelines for SOP writing to study in New Zealand.

• An SOP should not be longer than two pages. It must be written concisely and clearly while also providing a comprehensive description of a student's personality and goals. 

• SOPs are important documents. Thus, only professional English should be used. When creating an SOP, always refer to your academic CV or resume. It not only helps to include all relevant information, but it also explains any gaps or transitions in the CV, such as a gap year or a change of field.

• Keep all supporting documentation intended to be submitted with the student visa SOP. Cover all reasonable charges, including tuition, living expenses, and other expenses. 

• Indicate the total annual family income, savings, anticipated loans, the value of the family's property, and any other pertinent financial information. 

• List the estimated amounts in both Indian rupees (INR) and New Zealand dollars (NZD) for the money required to study and live in New Zealand.

Proofread SOP

One should never underestimate the importance of proofreading. Check twice to ensure that all information makes sense in SOP that there are no grammatical errors. It is also important to make sure that the all the mentioned accomplishments and achievements are relevant. 

Sample SOP for New Zealand Student Visa

Following is the sample statement of purpose for New Zealand Student visa.

I, Harreet Kaur, reside in Bangalore, India. I am writing this Statement of Purpose to describe my plans to study in New Zealand, specifically for the Master’s in Computer Science at Massey University. I completed my bachelor’s in Computer Science from Christ University in May 2023, and my intention to pursue further education in New Zealand is supported by my aspiration to gain global academic experience and to positively contribute to the industry with the skills and knowledge that I have acquired.

My academic career thus far has provided me with a strong foundation in computer science. I consistently scored in the top five of my class and participated in extra curriculums. My interest in computer science began because of [Insert a personal or professional example] and has grown over time. The extensive course flow strengthened my fundamental understanding of the subject. The emphasis on actual training rather than rote learning was the most intriguing aspect of my institution. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I was involved in several relevant initiatives. [Mention extracurricular accomplishments]. Being friendly helped me improve my social skills, and participating in sociocultural events in high school and college boosted my confidence and sharpened my skills. 

According to the standards established by the New Zealand Immigration authorities, I have sufficient financial resources to cover my tuition, living expenses, and other charges during my stay in New Zealand. I am aware of the student visa conditions and intend to strictly adhere to them. 

After completing my course in New Zealand, I intend to return to [Your Home Country] and contribute to [Your Future Goals] by leveraging my global experience and creative learning. 

To conclude, I humbly request an opportunity to consider my application for a fortunate seat in your university to continue my legal journey towards working for a global social cause. I am extremely thankful to each member of the committee for taking their valuable time to go through my application. I look forward to a positive response soon and can assure you of my best behaviour and efforts at all times.

Yours truly

Harreet Kaur

Things to Avoid While Writing SOP for New Zealand

Every student wants their SOP to be the best. While it may seem hard to write one, it is not. Follow the instructions below, and applicants will be good to go-

• Do not plagiarize. Each SOP must be unique and distinct. 

• Avoid being negative in an SOP; instead, be upbeat and enthusiastic about the plans to study in New Zealand . Avoid any kind of information that is irrelevant. 

• Mention the reason behind applying to the New Zealand study program. Don't offer any information that contradicts this concept. 

• The language of the SOP shouldn't be extremely formal, but it also shouldn't be overly complicated or full of slang. Maintain a balance. 

• Each paragraph should have unique information. A fresh idea should be introduced in each paragraph to avoid repetition. 

• Do not exceed the word limit in any case. A good SOP is always crisp, clear, and to the point.

The Statement of Purpose is an important part of the application for a student visa in New Zealand . It helps visa officers comprehend applicants’ motivations, academic credentials, and long-term objectives. After receiving Canam's professional advice and direction, students might feel more prepared to handle this procedure. Keep in mind that Canam is here to support students through every step of their study abroad experience.

Have questions? we have all the answers. Find out all the information you need about this program, student visa, work permit, and more.

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How to write a cover letter

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cover letter

How to write a cover letter employers will want to read.

What's on this page?

Cover letter basics, make your cover letter easy to read, what to put in your cover letter, cover letter template, find out more.

Your cover letter needs to show:

  • why you are interested in the job
  • how your skills and experience match the job
  • why an employer should read your CV.

Remember to:

  • check your cover letter for spelling and grammar
  • send your cover letter as a Word document
  • also copy your cover letter into the message box of the email.

To make your cover letter look good:

  • use a black, easy to read font in one size
  • use simple language and be warm and friendly
  • use positive phrases like 'I have' and 'I can'
  • use bullet points to list information
  • avoid weak words like 'some knowledge' or 'fairly experienced'
  • avoid starting each sentence with 'I'
  • avoid repeating your whole CV
  • avoid photos or images
  • keep your letter to one page.

1. Contact details

Start with your contact details. For example:

Lizzie Long 1 Short Street Middelsburgh Auckland 9999 09 999 9999 [email protected]

Then the date you send the cover letter. For example:

10 January 2019

Then the advertiser's name, organisation, address and email. For example:

Reginald Farnham ABC Sales 85 Tuesday Road Papakura Auckland 7777 [email protected]

Start with 'Dear ...'. Use the name given in the job advertisement. If there isn't one, call the organisation to find out the name or use the name of the organisation.

Under the greeting put the position details. For example:

 I am writing to apply for the Sales Assistant vacancy (vacancy number 40568) at ABC Sales, as advertised on Trade Me.

3. Explain your interest in the job

In the next paragraph, explain your interest in the job and how you will fit into the organisation. Be enthusiastic and use positive language.

I have been a customer of ABC Sales for several years and have always been impressed by the quality of service I have received. I am enthusiastic and professional, and I believe I would fit well into the company's team culture and contribute to the ongoing success of the sales department.

4. Link your skills and experience to the job

In one paragraph link your experience, skills and qualifications to the job. Use two or three key examples.

Research the employer online and show how your skills can be useful to the employer.

For the past two years I have worked as a sales assistant at a busy shoe store, which has enabled me to develop excellent customer service skills. I am now looking for a new challenge that will provide me with the opportunity to further develop my retail sales career. In support of my application I have attached a copy of my CV. It shows that I will bring important skills to the position, including: time management and strong organisational skills a high level of customer service cash handling and sales ability motivation and dedication. 

5. Ask the employer to contact you

Finally, ask the employer to contact you to talk more about your application.

For example:

I would enjoy having the opportunity to discuss my application with you and how I could use my skills to benefit ABC Sales. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Lizzie Long 

See a cover letter example and try our cover letter template:

  • CV and cover letter templates  
  • Beginner's guide to job hunting ebook
  • Job hunters' ebook

Updated 29 Oct 2020

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Continuing students in New Zealand

Visa information for continuing international students in New Zealand who have previously studied at the University of Auckland.

Before you start your student visa application

You won't be able to study at the University of Auckland without a valid visa, i.e. you can't study on your school or other institutions' visa. It is also often not permitted to study on a work or visitor visa without a Variation of Conditions approved by Immigration New Zealand (INZ).

Before submitting your application to INZ ensure you have all required documentation. If you submit an incomplete application, it will delay processing.

Submit your visa application before your current visa expires. Allow plenty of time to get your documentation organised and expect for the visa processing to take at least four weeks when submitting a complete application.

It is very important to submit your visa application before your current visa expires, even if you are missing documentation. If this is still the case a few days prior to your visa expiring, you should include a cover letter with your application, explaining your situation.

You must  provide a copy of your visa  to the University by the first day of term.

Step-by-step: How to apply for your student visa

Step one - enrol in your courses.

  • As a continuing student who has studied at the University of Auckland previously you will need to enrol in your courses first.
  • You must be enrolled in at least three courses (or a minimum of 45 points) per semester, to be eligible for a student visa.
  • An exception to this rule is if you are in your final semester and only have one or two courses left to complete your programme (this rule exception is permitted only once).
  • If this is your situation then you can still apply for a student visa but you will be required to submit an additional form with your application. Contact us for more information.
  • If you need to apply for a course concession, do so as soon as possible to avoid delays in the enrolment process.
  • Enrolment information
  • Enrolment concessions
  • Part-time visa for international students completing final courses

Step two - Pay your fees

  • When your enrolment is complete, pay your fees including the insurance fees
  • You need to pay fees for a whole year*.
  • Once you have paid, it may take a few days for your payment to be allocated to your tuition fees account depending on the form of payment used.
  • After your payment has been allocated you will need to generate a statement/invoice and save a pdf copy to upload with your visa application. The receipt is not sufficient.
  • If you are a scholarship recipient, please refer to the Student Visa guide and checklist below for further information.
  • Paying your fees
  • Fee payment methods
  • Generate a statement/invoice

*Important notice when applying for a student visa for Semester Two 2024

Due to enrolments for the 2025 academic year not opening until 1 November 2024, you will only be able to enrol in Semester Two 2024. Therefore you should double the amount of tuition fees you are required to pay for the Semester Two 2024, to meet Immigration New Zealand requirements of paying fees for a whole year.

Please provide a cover letter with your student visa application explaining you cannot enrol in Semester One 2025 yet but have paid the estimated fee and are therefore in credit for Semester One 2025. If Semester Two 2024 is your final semester, please note this in your application.

Step three - Request a "Confirmation of enrolment" letter

  • As a continuing student you have to provide a confirmation of your enrolment.
  • To do so you have to request a "Confirmation of current enrolment" letter from the University.
  • Allow at least one week for the letter to be generated.
  • Do not submit your Offer of place/admission that you received when you started at the University of Auckland as this will be out of date.
  • Request a "Confirmation of current enrolment" letter

Step four - Evidence of your progress and attendance

  • To provide evidence of your academic progress, generate an unofficial transcript through your Student Services Online (SSO) account.
  • As the University of Auckland does not record attendance you won’t need to submit an attendance record.
  • How to generate an unofficial transcript

Step five - Evidence you have enough money to live on

INZ requires you to show evidence that you can support yourself during your studies:

  • For a one year enrolment you will need to show evidence that you have funds available  of at least NZ$20,000 or NZ$1,667 per month of study.
  • Refer to the Student Visa guide and checklist below for further information and for acceptable forms of evidence.
  • Evidence of funds to support your study

Step six - Evidence you have enough money to leave New Zealand

  • In addition to the funds mentioned in the previous step, you’ll also need to show evidence that you have funds available covering the equivalent of a flexible flight ticket to your home country.

Step seven - Evidence of your health and character

  • You may be required to submit a chest x-ray and/or medical certificate with your visa application.
  • You may be required to submit a police certificate (or certificates) and a certified translation if it is not in English to show you are of good character.
  • Who needs a chest x-ray or medical examination
  • Who needs to provide police certificates

Step eight - Electronic copies of visa application documents

  • Ensure you have electronic copies available of all the above documents to upload with your student visa application.
  • You will also need to upload a copy of the identity pages on your current passport.

Step nine - Submit your visa application through the INZ portal

Most students will apply under the Fee paying student visa category.  The University is unable to support Pathway student visa applications at this time.

If you are unsure which category applies to you (e.g. if you are holding a government scholarship) please contact Immigration New Zealand.

You may need to provide documents in addition to the ones mentioned above.

Please refer to:

  • Student visa application checklist - continuing international students
  • Student visa guide
  • Students who are under 18 years of age on the first day of the semester

Useful links

  • Submitting group applications

A group of applications can be made online and paid for all at once. The fees and taxes for each individual application will be shown on your invoice.

Applying for your visa online

  • Online visa application process
  • How to create a RealMe account
  • Providing your passport for online applications
  • Sharing your online application
  • Including family in your online application
  • Working holiday visas
  • File formats for uploading documents and photographs
  • Travelling from the Pacific

Submitting a group of applications together

You can combine individual applications into a group so they can be processed together. There are two steps:

Creating individual applications to form part of the group

Immigration Online application screen image - click on 'create new visitor visa application' button

You may choose to indicate the name of the group the application belongs to. If you are working on several different groups at once including a group name could make it easier for you to ensure you submit the application with the correct group later. Indicating a group name is optional.

Complete the application by answering all mandatory questions, uploading all the required documents, and completing the declaration.

Immigration Online application image - On the payment screen, press the 'submit' button

Create and complete further individual applications you will add to your group.

Pull each application into the group and submit

Immigration Online application screen image - Click on 'Create new group application'

All the fees and taxes for the applications included in the group will be added together and appear as one payment on the payment screen. The fees and taxes for each individual application will be shown on your invoice.



    cover letter for student visa nz

  2. [30+] Sample Cover Letter For Student Visa Application Pdf

    cover letter for student visa nz

  3. Cover Letter For Visa Application New Zealand

    cover letter for student visa nz

  4. Mengurus Visa New Zealand untuk Pelajar dan Keluarga

    cover letter for student visa nz

  5. Pin on 2-Cover Letter Template

    cover letter for student visa nz

  6. Cover Letter For Visa Application New Zealand

    cover letter for student visa nz


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  3. New Zealand student visa interview || Real life in NZ

  4. Sample Resume and Cover Letter for New Zealand teaching application

  5. New Zealand Student Visa New Rules



  1. Cover Letter for Student Visa

    Student Cover Letter Samples. Here is a simple example of how you can write a cover letter when applying for a student visa. My name is Hana Bruno (passport number: AL11223344); I am a Macedonian citizen who lives in Skopje, Macedonia. I am a master's student in Psychology.

  2. How To Master a Cover Letter for New Zealand [Examples & Tips]

    Address the cover letter to the right person, e.g., the hiring manager or recruiter. Be clear and concise. Have a structure in the letter - beginning, middle, end. Use active words to describe your work - accomplished, achieved, led, created, increased, identified. Finish with a call to action and ask for a meeting.

  3. Before you apply for a student visa

    Make study and travel plans before you apply. To qualify for a student visa, you'll need: a ticket out of NZ or evidence that you enough money to buy one. Note: The dependent children of people who already hold a work visa or a student visa do not need to be accepted for a course before they apply for a student visa. Dependent Child Student Visa.

  4. Student visa information

    How to find student visas. You can find a visa directly from the 'Search for a visa by name' search field found in the footer on each page. Simply start to type a visa name or key word such as 'student' and after 4 letters a list of visas that match your search will appear. You can then select the visa you would like to view.

  5. Student Visa Application (INZ 1012)

    1 August 2022. Back. Complete this Student Visa Application Form (INZ 1012) to apply for a student visa for New Zealand, if you cannot apply online. Student Visa Application (INZ 1012) PDF 450KB.

  6. PDF Applying for your University of Auckland student visa as a new student

    Website: You can reach out to INZ contact centre for general information from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm NZT, Monday to Friday, excluding New Zealand public holidays. Toll-free from NZ landline only: 0508 558 855. Auckland: +64 9 914 4100.

  7. PDF First-time Student Visa application checklist

    Completed Student Visa application. 3. Acceptable offer of place from a New Zealand education provider. 4. Copy of the identity page(s) of your current passport. 5. If you are in New Zealand when you apply for your Student Visa, provide evidence you have paid your tuition fees, e.g. a tuition fee receipt.

  8. Get a New Zealand student visa

    When you need an NZ student visa. You need a student visa if you want to study full time in New Zealand for more than 3 months. Before you apply for a student visa. Before you start your application, you need to choose your course, check you will have enough money, get the documents you need and more. Health requirements for a student visa

  9. PDF Student visa information sheet: first-time international students

    NZD $17,000 per year if you are studying primary, intermediate or secondary school (years 1-13 at a school) or NZD $1,417 per month if your study will be shorter than 1 year. Accommodation costs, such as homestay, that have been pre-paid to the school can be deducted. Evidence you have enough money could include:

  10. Apply for a student visa

    Apply for a student visa. Apply for a student visa. You can apply online or use a printed form. Make sure you apply at least 8 weeks before you plan to come to New Zealand. Step 1.

  11. PDF Student visa application checklist: first-time international students

    An offer of place from a New Zealand education provider If you are applying for a Pathway Student Visa, you must provide a Pathway Student Visa offer of place or a Pathway Student Visa cover letter from an approved Pathway education provider. For more information visit: Information about Pathway Student Visas

  12. Cover Letters

    Structuring the Cover Letter: Before you start the main part of the letter, write your mobile number, email address and Skype ID at the top left-hand side of the letter. Follow this by the date and then write Re: followed by the title of the job you are applying for and a reference number if it's provided. Check the listing carefully as this ...

  13. Statement of Purpose (SOP) for New Zealand Student Visa: Format

    Explore everything about the Statement of Purpose to study in New Zealand. SOP is undoubtedly one of the most vital documents during the admission process to New Zealand. A student's academic journey starts with drafting a compelling SOP. The SOP should be crisp, clear, and concise, informing the university's admissions committee about one's ...

  14. Making an offer of place

    Marketing to international students. Applying on behalf. Making an offer of place. Guardianship. If you want to study in New Zealand for more than 3 months you must apply for a student visa. To meet the criteria for a student visa, an offer of place from a New Zealand education provider is required, unless student instructions say otherwise.

  15. PDF Current Student COVERSHEET

    How to print a transcript/academic recor. d from Student Services Online 1. Sign into SSO 2. Click the box "Academic Records" 3. Click "View Unofficial Transcript" 4. In the empty box beside "Report Type", Click "Internal/Web Transcript" 5. Click "View Report" 6. You can now view and/or print the PDF document. Tip.

  16. How to write a cover letter

    To make your cover letter look good: use a black, easy to read font in one size. use simple language and be warm and friendly. use positive phrases like 'I have' and 'I can'. use bullet points to list information. avoid weak words like 'some knowledge' or 'fairly experienced'. avoid starting each sentence with 'I'. avoid repeating your whole CV.

  17. Continuing students in New Zealand

    Visa information for continuing international students in New Zealand who have previously studied at the University of Auckland. ... Please provide a cover letter with your student visa application explaining you cannot enrol in Semester One 2025 yet but have paid the estimated fee and are therefore in credit for Semester One 2025. If Semester ...

  18. Student Visa Guide (INZ 1013)

    13 May 2019. Back. Use this guide to help you complete the Student Visa Application Form (INZ 1012) and find information about coming to New Zealand as a student. Student Visa Guide (INZ 1013) PDF 532KB.

  19. Genuine intentions to visit, study or work in New Zealand

    If you are travelling on a student visa, you must have genuine intentions to study in New Zealand. To be granted a student visa to attend a programme of study that will last at least 3 months, you must: ... You can also write a cover letter or statement of purpose explaining why you want to study in New Zealand. This will help us decide if you ...

  20. Columbia students on edge as police presence remains on campus after

    Police remain on Columbia University's campus, even after clearing out student protesters and their encampment. But questions remain about how the university and the students move forward. Tina ...

  21. Fee Paying Student Visa

    With this visa you can. Study full-time at the course stated on your visa — this includes schools, tertiary (study after secondary school) and English language study. Student visa conditions require you to attend the place of study endorsed on your visa. Work part-time up to 20 hours a week while studying or full-time in the holidays ...

  22. Submitting group applications

    For example, if you indicated the group is of Approved Destination Status (ADS) visitors, you can't select work or student applications to add to the group. Upload documents relevant to the group as a whole. This might include a cover letter, or a travel itinerary. Confirm the amount owing and how you will pay (Visa or MasterCard, or UnionPay).