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Chandrayaan-3 E-Book For All competitive Exams, Download PDF

Embark on an educational journey through space with our special eBook dedicated to Chandrayaan-3, ISRO's remarkable lunar mission.

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Embark on an educational journey through space with our special eBook dedicated to Chandrayaan-3, ISRO’s remarkable lunar mission. Dive into the depths of space exploration as we provide you with a detailed and comprehensive account of this groundbreaking mission. Our eBook is designed to offer you a complete understanding of its objectives, challenges, and accomplishments. Whether you’re a student preparing for government exams, a science enthusiast, or simply curious about the universe, our eBook is your tool for unraveling the mysteries of Chandrayaan-3’s quest to conquer the lunar surface. Join us as we uncover the incredible story of technological innovation, scientific discoveries, and human determination that define the Chandrayaan-3 mission. Get ready to enhance your knowledge and excel in your exam preparations with this insightful resource. This eBook is your essential guide to Chandrayaan-3. Download it today and start your journey into space!

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The history of chandrayaan-3.

Chandrayaan-3 is the third lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The first two missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, were launched in 2008 and 2019, respectively. Chandrayaan-1 made significant discoveries about the lunar surface, including the presence of water ice. Chandrayaan-2 was a more ambitious mission that attempted to land a lander and rover on the moon. However, the lander failed to land safely, and the rover was deployed from orbit.

Chandrayaan-3 is designed to build on the successes of the previous missions and address some of the challenges that were encountered. The lander will be equipped with a new braking system that is designed to prevent a hard landing. The rover will also be more capable than the Chandrayaan-2 rover, and it will be equipped with a variety of scientific instruments.

The Challenges of Landing on the Moon

Landing on the moon is a very challenging task. The moon has no atmosphere, so there is no air resistance to slow down the spacecraft. This means that the spacecraft must be able to land very precisely and slowly in order to avoid a crash. The moon also has a very uneven surface, which makes it difficult to find a safe landing spot.

Chandrayaan-3 will use a variety of technologies to overcome these challenges. The lander will be equipped with a new braking system that is designed to slow down the spacecraft gradually. The lander will also have a terrain-mapping system that will help it to identify safe landing spots.

The Scientific Experiments of Chandrayaan-3

Chandrayaan-3 will conduct a variety of scientific experiments to study the moon. These experiments will focus on the following areas:

  • The composition of the lunar surface
  • The presence of water ice on the moon
  • The history of lunar volcanism
  • The formation of the moon
  • The environment of the lunar surface

The results of these experiments will help us to better understand the moon and its history. They will also help us to plan future missions to the moon.

The Impact of Chandrayaan-3

Chandrayaan-3 is a significant milestone in India’s space program. The success of this mission will demonstrate India’s capabilities in space exploration and will help to position India as a leading spacefaring nation. Chandrayaan-3 will also inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers in India.

The success of Chandrayaan-3 will also have a positive impact on the future of space exploration. The data and insights that are collected from this mission will help to guide future missions to the moon and other planets. Chandrayaan-3 is a stepping stone to even greater achievements in space exploration.

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Chandrayaan 3

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Chandrayaan 3-Image


GS-III: Science & Technology

  • What is the Chandrayaan-3 Mission?

Parts of the Chandrayaan 3 Mission

Timeline of the chandrayaan 3 mission.

  • What differentiates Chandrayaan-3 from Chandrayaan-2?
  • Chandrayaan-3 vs. Luna-25
  • Significance of the Chandrayaan-3 Mission

Way Forward

  • FAQs on Chandrayaan-3

Prelims: General Science

Mains:   Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenisation of technology and developing new technology

Chandrayaan-3 Mission is the second attempt of the Indian Space Research Organisation after the Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate the capability of India in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. The Lander Module of Chandrayaan-3 carrying the Lander, Vikram and Rover, Pragyan,  made the historic soft landing on the surface of the Lunar South Pole on August 23, 2023 . Thus, India became the first nation to soft-land on the surface of the Lunar south pole and overall the fourth to do a soft landing anywhere on the Earth’s natural satellite. Indian Space Research Organisation launched the Chandrayaan-3 Mission by using the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (LVM3) on 14th July 2023 from Sriharikota.

With the objective to demonstrate the ability to soft landing and roving as well as to carry out experiments on the lunar surface, the Chandrayaan 3 Mission aims to strengthen India's prowess in space discovery and innovation. Continuing the success of its predecessors (Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2), the Mission has brought India into the exclusive elite space club.

assignment on chandrayaan 3 pdf download

What is the Chandrayaan 3 Mission?

The Chandrayaan 3 Mission was launched using the LVM3 rocket system. LVM3 is the new launch vehicle of ISRO with the capability to place the modules into the GTO (Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit) in a cost-effective manner. It is a three-stage launch vehicle with two solid strap stages and one core liquid stage. The Launcher, LVM3 M4, placed the integrated Modules in an Elliptic Parking Orbit of size approx. 170 x 36500 km (a GTO).

Objectives of Chandrayaan 3 Mission

One of the many goals of the Mission is to look for water ice that could support future human life on the Moon and also for supplying propellants for spacecraft in future interplanetary missions. The objectives of the Chandrayaan-3 mission are:

  • Safe and Soft Landing on the Lunar Surface by the Lander
  • Roving on the Moon by the Rover
  • In-situ scientific experiments by the Rover

LVM3 Rocket

The Chandrayaan-3 Mission consists of two modules - The propulsion module (PM) and the Lander module (LM). The total mass of both the modules is 3900 kg (Propulsion Module-2148 kg, and Lander Module-1752 kg, including Rover-26 kg).

Parts of the Chandrayaan 3 Mission

Propulsion Module

The propulsion module carried the lander and rover configuration till the 100 km lunar orbit. Other than carrying the Lander Module, it also has a scientific payload called Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE).

  • The SHAPE payload will conduct novel spectro-polarimetric studies of Earth from lunar orbit. It will look for smaller planets that could be habitable in the reflected light.

Lander Module

Chandrayaan 3 lander module

The Lander Module consists of a Lander (Vikram) and a Rover (Pragyan). The Lander Module made the soft landing using the Automatic Landing Sequence (ALS), where the Lander started its engine (thrusters) and maneuvered the speed and direction of the Module as well as the position of the landing site.

After the historic touchdown, the Rover inside it ramped down on the lunar surface to carry out in-situ chemical analysis of the lunar surface during its mission life.

  • The total lifespan of the Mission (Lander and Rover) is lunar day (14 Earth days).
  • Both the Lander and the Rover have scientific payloads to carry out experiments on the lunar surface.
  • The objectives of scientific payloads planned on the Chandrayaan-3 Lander Module and Rover are provided below:
  • Launched: July 14, 2023
  • Inserted into Lunar Orbit: August 05
  • Separation of the Lander Module from the Propulsion Module: August 17
  • Deboosting is the slowing down of the spacecraft in an orbit where the Perilune (closest point to the Moon) is 30 km, and the farthest point (the Apolune) is 100 km from the landing site in the South Polar Region.
  • It is required for the proper landing as the speed needed to land is much less than the lander.
  • Second Deboosting on August 20
  • The targeted site on the Moon was around 70 degrees South near the Southern pole of the Moon.
  • If the Lander had missed the target of the commencement of the soft landing, It would have to wait for 1 month.
  • It landed at around 69.36°S and 32.34°E (between Manzinus C and Simpelius N craters).
  • Rover started its exploration on August 24

Pragyan Rover coming out of Vikram Lander in Chandrayaan 3

What differentiates Chandrayaan 3 from Chandrayaan 2?

Chandrayaan-2 failed in the final phase of its mission in 2019 because it could not achieve a soft landing. The main issue for the crash was that the five thrusters on the lander developed a higher velocity than expected. Also, the lander had to take pictures to fix the landing site. All of this made the accumulated errors. Learning from previous experiences, the ISRO had incorporated some advancements to achieve success this time, which are as follows:

“Failure-based design” instead of the "Success-based design":

  • The failure-based design means that if everything, including sensors and electronics, had failed, Vikram would still have made the soft landing.
  •  This was done by identifying and rectifying all the probable scenarios that could go wrong.
  • These included failure of electronics, engine failure, unable to reach the landing spot, sensor failure, algorithm failure, velocity higher than required, etc.

Increase in the landing area:

  • The target area of Chandrayaan-3 was kept at 4km x 2.4km area instead of 500m x 500m targeted by Chandrayaan-2 so that the Lander had more options to choose the best target site on its own.

More fuel to Lander:

  • It was kept to facilitate the Lander to travel longer distances to the landing site and, if needed, to the alternate landing site.

Help from Chandrayaan-2 orbiter:

  • The Chandrayaan-3 mission does not carry an orbiter; it is using the high-resolution images from the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter.

More robust integrated craft:

  • The weight of the payload of Chandrayaan-3 had been kept more than the Chandrayaan-2, with the Lander having most of the extra weight for successful landing.
  • The number of thrusters had decreased from five to four with no central thrusters.
  • The legs of the Lander were made sturdier to ensure that they could land even at a higher velocity.
  • Use of additional solar panels to ensure power generation after a soft landing regardless of the weather on the Moon.

Chandrayaan-2 Vs Chandrayaan-3

Chandrayaan-3 vs Luna-25

Luna-25, Russia's first lunar mission since 1976, has recently crashed in an attempt to get into the landing orbit. It was targeted to land at the South Pole of the Moon, of particular interest to researchers believing that the polar craters might contain frozen water in their rocks. There are some differences between the Chandrayaan-3 and the Luna-25, which are as follows:

Chandrayaan-3 vs Luna-25

Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English 150 Words – India’s Lunar Mission

Published by team sy on march 25, 2024 march 25, 2024.

Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English 150 Words : In the realm of space exploration, Chandrayaan-3 stands as a beacon of India’s unwavering commitment to scientific discovery and technological advancement. Following the footsteps of its predecessors, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, this lunar mission represents a significant leap forward in India’s cosmic journey. The mission’s primary objective is to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface , carrying with it the promise of groundbreaking discoveries about the Moon’s geology, mineral composition, and more.

As we delve into the depths of Chandrayaan-3’s significance and aspirations, this article explores its goals, technological marvels, and the broader implications it holds for India’s place in the global space exploration arena. It is a testament to India’s capability to push the boundaries of space technology and its dedication to expanding the frontiers of human knowledge. Join us on this cosmic voyage as we unravel the essence of Chandrayaan-3 in just 150 words.

Table of Contents

Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English 150 Words – Sample 1

Chandrayaan-3 represents India’s continued commitment to lunar exploration and scientific advancement. Building on the successes of Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, this upcoming mission aims to further unravel the mysteries of Earth’s nearest celestial neighbour.

Chandrayaan-3 is set to be a remarkable venture, designed to achieve a soft landing on the Moon’s surface. It is equipped with cutting-edge technology and scientific instruments to gather crucial data about the lunar terrain, mineral composition, and geology.

The mission’s success would not only enhance our understanding of the Moon but also contribute to India’s growing reputation in space exploration. Chandrayaan-3 showcases the nation’s prowess in space technology and its dedication to pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.

As India gears up for this exciting lunar expedition, the world watches with anticipation, eager to witness the groundbreaking discoveries that Chandrayaan-3 promises to deliver. It’s another significant step forward in humanity’s quest to explore the cosmos and unlock the secrets of the universe.

Know ISRO’s Upcoming Missions

Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English 150 Words – Sample 2

Chandrayaan-3, India’s next lunar mission, stands as a testament to the nation’s unwavering dedication to space exploration. Building on the successes and experiences gained from Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, this mission represents a significant stride forward in India’s lunar odyssey.

The primary goal of Chandrayaan-3 is to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface, demonstrating India’s prowess in space technology. It is equipped with advanced scientific instruments designed to enhance our understanding of the Moon’s geology, composition, and mineral resources.

The success of Chandrayaan-3 would not only bolster India’s reputation in the global space community but also contribute valuable insights into lunar science. It underscores the nation’s commitment to scientific research and technological innovation.

As India prepares to embark on this remarkable lunar journey, the world eagerly awaits the outcomes of Chandrayaan-3. It signifies another step towards unravelling the mysteries of our celestial neighbour, the Moon, and reaffirms India’s role as a prominent player in the realm of space exploration.

Know about Aditya L1 Mission

Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English 150 Words – Sample 3

Chandrayaan-3 marks India’s resolute pursuit of lunar exploration and scientific discovery. Building upon the achievements of Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, this mission signifies India’s commitment to unravelling the mysteries of the Moon.

The primary objective of Chandrayaan-3 is to achieve a successful soft landing on the lunar surface, a challenging feat that carries enormous scientific potential. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and instruments, the mission aims to analyze the Moon’s terrain, mineral composition, and geological history in greater detail.

This mission not only showcases India’s technological prowess but also reflects the nation’s dedication to space exploration and its role in international scientific collaboration. Chandrayaan-3 has captured the world’s attention, raising expectations for groundbreaking discoveries and invaluable contributions to lunar science.

As India embarks on this exciting lunar endeavour, it reinforces the nation’s position in the global space exploration community and symbolizes the country’s unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and exploration beyond our planet. Chandrayaan-3 is poised to continue India’s remarkable journey of lunar exploration and scientific achievement.

FAQs on Chandrayaan-3 Essay

Chandrayaan-3 is India’s third lunar mission. It is a robotic mission that had a soft landing of the lander and rover on the Moon’s south pole. The mission was launched in August 2023.

Chandrayaan-3 is a significant mission for India’s space program. It is the first time that India had a soft landing of a spacecraft on the Moon’s south pole. The mission will help India to become a leading player in the global space race.

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Table of Contents

Chandrayaan-3 has been launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota . Chandrayaan-3 is third mission to the Moon. The mission is a follow-up of Chandrayaan-2 mission, which failed a desired soft landing on the lunar surface nearly four years ago in September 2019.

India’s space program has consistently pushed boundaries and achieved remarkable milestones, cementing the nation’s position as a key player in the global space arena. In continuation of this legacy, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has launched the Chandrayaan-3,

In this article, we will provide informed insights about Chandrayaan-3, its objectives, and its significance. This information will be particularly beneficial for UPSC CSE (Civil Services Examination) and other competitive examinations’ aspirants seeking a comprehensive understanding of India’s space endeavors.

Chandrayaan-3: Important Milestones and Progress

Here is a table highlighting the key milestones and progress related to Chandrayaan-3:

Chandrayaan-3: Objectives and Key Highlights

Chandrayaan-3 aims to build upon the success of its predecessors, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, by furthering our knowledge of the Moon’s surface and its composition. The main objectives of the mission are – exhibiting end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface . The spacecraft is expected to touchdown Moon’s south pole region on August 23. The spacecraft consists of a six-wheeled lander and rover module, configured with payloads to provide data related to the Moon’s surface.

However, the rover on the lunar surface will be doing more than just gathering data. The rear wheels of the rover, named Pragyan, will leave imprints of the ISRO and the national emblem, depicting the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath, on the lunar surface – symbolising its presence and leaving India’s mark behind.

The mission’s key objectives include:

  • Lunar Surface Exploration: Chandrayaan-3 will carry advanced instruments and equipment to study the lunar surface, providing valuable data about its geological features, mineral composition, and potential resources.
  • Sample Collection: The mission aims to collect lunar soil samples and analyze them for a better understanding of the Moon’s formation and evolution.
  • Technology Demonstration: Chandrayaan-3 will showcase India’s technological capabilities by deploying innovative instruments and systems for navigation, communication, and in-situ scientific experimentation.

Chandrayaan-3 Payloads

Lander payloads:  Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment ( ChaSTE ) to measure the thermal conductivity and temperature; Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity ( ILSA ) for measuring the seismicity around the landing site; Langmuir Probe (LP) to estimate the plasma density and its variations. A passive Laser Retroreflector Array from NASA is accommodated for lunar laser ranging studies.

Rover payloads:  Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer ( APXS ) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope ( LIBS ) for deriving the elemental composition in the vicinity of landing site.

Significance for UPSC CSE Aspirants

Chandrayaan-3 holds immense significance for UPSC CSE aspirants as it represents India’s pursuit of scientific excellence and its contributions to the global space community. Understanding the objectives and progress of Chandrayaan-3 can provide valuable insights for aspirants, especially in the following areas:

  • Science and Technology: Chandrayaan-3 highlights the significance of space technology in scientific research and exploration. Aspirants can gain insights into cutting-edge technologies, instrumentation, and data analysis methods used in space missions.
  • International Relations: India’s space program plays a crucial role in enhancing diplomatic ties with other nations. Aspirants can study the collaborations, partnerships, and cooperation frameworks established through Chandrayaan-3 and its impact on India’s global image.
  • Environment and Sustainability: Chandrayaan-3’s focus on studying lunar resources contributes to the larger discourse on sustainable development and resource utilization. Aspirants can explore the environmental implications and potential applications of lunar research.

Chandrayaan-3 represents India’s unwavering commitment to scientific exploration and technological advancements. By shedding light on the Moon’s mysteries, the mission will expand our knowledge of the cosmos and open up new avenues for future space endeavors. For UPSC CSE aspirants, understanding the objectives and progress of Chandrayaan-3 provides a broader perspective on India’s space program and its multidimensional impact. Stay informed and inspired as India continues its journey towards new frontiers of space exploration.

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Chandrayaan - 3 [Latest Updates for UPSC]

India’s third lunar mission, Chandrayaan – 3 made history on August 23, 2023, by successfully achieving a soft landing on the south pole of the moon. With this, India became the first nation to land on the moon’s south pole and the fourth (after Russia, the US and China) to land successfully on Earth’s only natural satellite. In this article, you will learn all you need to know about the Chandrayaan III mission for the UPSC exam . This topic is important for the science and technology segment of the UPSC syllabus.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission

The Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) had undertaken two previous missions to the moon, namely, the Chandrayaan I and the Chandrayaan II. Chandrayaan-1 was launched in 2008 and lasted till 2009 after communications to it were lost. The mission, among other things, tested a crash landing on the lunar surface. Chandrayaan-2 , launched in 2019 attempted a soft landing on the moon but failed. The third mission, Chandrayaan-3 took into account the drawbacks and lessons learnt from the second mission and successfully achieved soft landing.

Objectives of Chandrayaan 3 Mission

  • To demonstrate a safe and soft landing on the lunar surface
  • To demonstrate rover roving on the moon
  • To conduct in-situ scientific experiments

Chandrayaan III Features

Chandrayaan 3 Payloads

Chandrayaan 3 mission’s lander is named Vikram and the rover Pragyan, like those of the second mission.

  • The mission consists of a lander module, a propulsion module, and a rover.
  • SHAPE has the objective of exploring exo-planets for habitability by studying reflected light. 
  • Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE) to measure the thermal conductivity and temperature
  • Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) for measuring the seismicity around the landing site
  • Langmuir Probe (LP) to estimate the plasma density and its variations
  • A passive Laser Retroreflector Array from NASA for lunar laser ranging studies
  • Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS)
  • Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS)
  • The advanced technologies present in the payloads help in conducting scientific experiments on the moon.
  • The mission’s life is one lunar day or 14 earth days.
  • The budget of the Chandrayaan-3 mission is Rs 615 crore.

Chandrayaan 3 Mission Timeline

  • Chandrayaan-3 mission took off on July 14, 2023 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota, A.P.
  • On August 5, the mission entered the lunar orbit.
  • On August 17, the lander module separated from the propulsion module.
  • Deboosting is the slowing down of the spacecraft in an orbit where the Perilune (closest point to the Moon) is 30 km, and the farthest point (the Apolune) is 100 km from the landing site. 
  • This process is necessary for the proper landing of the spacecraft.
  • On August 23, the lander landed at around 69.36°S and 32.34°E (between Manzinus C and Simpelius N craters) on the south pole of the moon.
  • On August 24, the rover Pragyan started its exploration.
  • Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a scientific method using intense laser pulses to analyse material composition.

How is Chandrayaan 3 Different from Chandrayaan 2?

Many changes and improvements were made to the third lunar mission taking into account the lessons learnt from the failed soft landing mission of Chandrayaan-II. Major changes included strengthening the legs of the lander, enhancing fuel reserves and expanding the landing site. Previously, the Vikram lander of Chandrayaan-2 had lost control and communication during descent, which caused it to crash on the moon’s surface. Chandrayaan 3 focused on a failure-based design approach to foresee and prevent potential mishaps.

  • The landing area was expanded giving flexibility to soft-land safely within a larger designated region on the surface of the moon.
  • Vikram was equipped with more fuel enabling it to travel more towards the landing site.
  • Chandrayaan 2 had only two solar panels while Chandrayaan-3 has four.
  • The lander’s speed was continuously monitored by an instrument called Laser Doppler Velocimeter onboard the mission that sent laser beams to the lunar surface to calculate the Lander’s speed.

Significance of Lunar South Pole

Previous lunar missions have focused on the equatorial region of the moon owing to its favourable terrain. The south pole region is more challenging compared to the equatorial region. The lack of enough sunlight and extreme cold conditions (up to -230 degrees C) lead to difficulties in instrument operation and sustainability. The polar regions may contain water according to scientists. Also, experts think that the craters in these regions contain fossil records of the early planetary system.

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Chandrayaan 3 Essay in English for School Students

Essay on chandrayaan 3 for school students: check here 100, 200 words essay on india's latest moon mission chandrayaan 3. students can also use this as a short speech for school assemblies or speech competitions. they, can also check the latest chandrayaan 3 updates to easily edit elements and elongate their essay as per their requirement..

Pragya Sagar

Chandrayaan 3 Essay and Short Speech in English for School Students: Chandrayaan 3 was a gigantic success for India and now its Pragyaan rover has gone to sleep. To commemorate Chandrayaan 3 triumph and the soft landing of Vikram lander on the moon, National Space Day will be celebrated on August 23 every year as announced by PM Modi. Every Indian is proud of the soft landing of Chandrayaan 3 on the moon! In the latest update by ISRO, the propulsion module of Chandrayaan 3 has been brought back into the Earth's orbit.

As per ISRO's other update, t he Rover had completed its assignments and was parked and set into Sleep mode. The Chandrayaan 3 Rover Pragyaan had ramped down from the Lander a while after its landing on August 23rd. Pragyan rover was continuously walking on the moon and sending various details to the ISRO centre.

Related:  Chandrayaan 3: Will Pragyan Rover Wake Up Again? ALL You Need To Know 

In the vast space of our universe, where mythology and science come together so often, Chandrayaan-3 shines brightly as a symbol of India’s astral hope and exploration. It shows India's strong determination to uncover the moon's mysteries. With careful planning and robust designs, Chandrayaan-3 has gotten us closer to landing on the moon and discovering its hidden secrets. In this article, we have provided an essay on Chandrayaan in about 100 and 200 words. Students can easily refer to this essay and come up with their own modifications and tweaks in the essay body. 

Chandrayaan 3 Essay in English

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Chandrayaan-3 Mission: The Rover completed its assignments. It is now safely parked and set into Sleep mode. APXS and LIBS payloads are turned off. Data from these payloads is transmitted to the Earth via the Lander. Currently, the battery is fully charged. The solar panel is… — ISRO (@isro) September 2, 2023
Chandrayaan-3 Mission: In-situ scientific experiments continue ..... Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) instrument onboard the Rover unambiguously confirms the presence of Sulphur (S) in the lunar surface near the south pole, through first-ever in-situ measurements.… — ISRO (@isro) August 29, 2023
  • August 26, 2023: National Space Day on August 23rd, Announced by PM Modi to mark the success of Chandrayaan 3 on the moon.
  • Chandrayaan 3 touchdown point on the moon will now be known as Shivshakti.
  • Chandrayaan 2 touchdown point on the moon's surface will now be known as Tiranga Point.
Chandrayaan-3 Mission: Here are the first observations from the ChaSTE payload onboard Vikram Lander. ChaSTE (Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment) measures the temperature profile of the lunar topsoil around the pole, to understand the thermal behaviour of the moon's… — ISRO (@isro) August 27, 2023
Chandrayaan-3 Mission: All planned Rover movements have been verified. The Rover has successfully traversed a distance of about 8 meters. Rover payloads LIBS and APXS are turned ON. All payloads on the propulsion module, lander module, and rover are performing nominally.… — ISRO (@isro) August 25, 2023
Chandrayaan-3 Mission: Chandrayaan-3 ROVER: Made in India 🇮🇳 Made for the MOON🌖! The Ch-3 Rover ramped down from the Lander and India took a walk on the moon ! More updates soon. #Chandrayaan_3 #Ch3 — ISRO (@isro) August 24, 2023
  • August 23, 2023: India's lunar mission Chandrayaan 3 has successfully landed on the south pole of the moon.
  • August 20, 2023: The Lander Module is in 25 km x 134 km orbit. Powered descent is expected to commence on August 23, 2023, around 1745 Hrs. IST
  • August 19, 2023: The Lander Module is in 113 km x 157 km orbit around the moon. Second de-boosting is planned for August 20, 2023
  • August 17, 2023: Lander Module is successfully separated from the Propulsion Module. Deboosting planned for August 18, 2023
  • August 16, 2023: The spacecraft is in an orbit of 153 km x 163 km after the firing on August 16, 2023
  • August 14, 2023: The mission is in the orbit circularisation phase. The spacecraft is in 151 km x 179 km orbit
  • August 09, 2023: Chandrayaan-3's orbit is reduced to 174 km x 1437 km following a manoeuvre performed on August 9, 2023
  • July 06, 2023: The launch is scheduled for July 14, 2023, at 14:35 Hrs. IST from the Second Launch Pad, SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota

Chandrayaan History - Chandrayaan 1, 2 and 3

Is chandrayaan-3 successfully landed on moon.

Yes, Chandrayaan 3 has successfully made a successful landing on the Southern pole of the Moon.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission: 'India🇮🇳, I reached my destination and you too!' : Chandrayaan-3 Chandrayaan-3 has successfully soft-landed on the moon 🌖!. Congratulations, India🇮🇳! #Chandrayaan_3 #Ch3 — ISRO (@isro) August 23, 2023

Chandrayaan 3 Photos and Videos

Chandrayaan-3 Mission: 🔍What's new here? Pragyan rover roams around Shiv Shakti Point in pursuit of lunar secrets at the South Pole 🌗! — ISRO (@isro) August 26, 2023

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Chandrayaan 3 report writing for h.s and madhyamik, chandrayaan 3 report writing for all students.

Table of Contents

Chandrayaan 3 Report Writing in English has been presented here for the students who are studying and preparing for a competitive exam. I have given three samples of Chandrayaan 3 report writing. The report writing’s word limits are different. So you can choose as you like. 

Chandrayaan 3 Report Writing in English

Write a newspaper report on the Chandrayaan 3 Mission in about 200 words.

A Historic Mission Chandrayaan-3

By A Special Correspondent

Kolkata, August 24, 2023: India’s third moon mission, Chandrayaan-3 was successfully launched at 2.35 pm on 14 July from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Saiharikota, Andhra Pradesh. It was India’s third attempt at soft-landing on the lunar surface after the Chandrayaan-2 which failed in 2019. The third lunar exploration mission was developed by the ISRO. Landing on the South Pole of the Moon, India was the first country to make history. India would be the fourth country – after the United States, Russia and China. The budget of the Chandrayaan-3 mission was about 615 crores.

The whole Indian people watched the launch on smartphones and televisions. Scientists and officials clapped, cheered and hugged each other as the spacecraft landed and people across India broke out in celebration, setting off firecrackers and dancing in the streets. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that Chandrayaan-3 scripted a new chapter in India’s space odyssey. It soars high, everything the dreams and ambitions of every Indian. This achievement was the result of the tireless dedication and hard work of our scientists. I salute their talents.

Newspaper Report on Chandrayaan 3 For Class-X

Write a newspaper report on the Chandrayaan-3 Mission in about 150 words.

Mission Chandrayaan-3 Launched by ISRO

Kolkata, August 24, 2023: The India Space Research Organisation launched Chandrayaan-3 at 2.35 pm on 14 July from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. India became the first country in the world to set foot on the South Pole of the Moon. India created a new history in space science. ISRO broadcasted live to show this scene. The whole Indian people watched the launch on smartphones and televisions. Scientists and officials clapped, cheered and hugged each other. People across India broke out in celebration, setting off firecrackers and dancing in the streets. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that Chandrayaan-3 scripted a new chapter in India’s space odyssey. It soars high, everything the dreams and ambitions of every Indian. This achievement was the result of the tireless dedication and hard work of our scientists. I salute their talents. All countrymen are proud of this success of the country.

Write a newspaper report on the Chandrayaan-3 Mission in about 100 words.

India’s Mission to The Moon with Chandrayaan-3

By A Staff Reporter

Kolkata, August 24, 2023: India launched Chandrayaan-3 at 2.35 pm on 14 July from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. India has created a new history in space science. Chandrayaan 3’s lander Vikram successfully landed on the South Pole of the Moon. India emerged as the fourth country in the world. However, India became the first country in the world to set foot on the South Pole of the Moon. ISRO broadcasted live to show this scene. The whole Indian people watched the launch on smartphones and televisions. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that Chandrayaan-3 scripted a new chapter in India’s space odyssey.

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Chandrayan Utsav Modules

  •   Our Chandrayaan - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Mera pyara Chaanda - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Bharat’s Expedition to the Moon - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Chandrayaan: Journey Towards the Moon - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Exploring the Moon Mission of Bharat - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Towards moon and beyond - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Exploring Chandrayaan - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Bharat on the Moon - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Bharat's Space Mission - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit
  •   Physics of Chandrayaan 3 - English || Hindi  || Gujarati  || Bengali  || Kannada  || Maithili  || Telugu  || Urdu  || Nepali  || Odia  || Tamil  || Sanskrit


  1. Chandrayaan 3: Know all about the Story behind India’s Moon Mission

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  2. Chandrayaan-3: India's Next Leap Towards Lunar Exploration

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  3. Chandrayaan-3 E-Book For All Competitive Exams, Download PDF

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  4. Chandrayaan 3 Timeline To Reach Moon

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  5. Essay on Mission Chandrayaan 3: Facts and Highlights

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  6. Chandrayaan-3 Rover is Out:: Scientists Behind ISRO Moon Mission and

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  1. India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover is on the move in new footage

  2. Mission Chandrayaan-3

  3. Chandrayaan 3 Mission Explained

  4. India’s Chandrayaan-3 makes space history

  5. Chandrayaan 3 Gk

  6. Essay on Chandrayaan 3 in English for Students


  1. Chandrayaan-3 E-Book For All competitive Exams, Download PDF

    Chandrayaan-3 is the third lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The first two missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, were launched in 2008 and 2019, respectively. Chandrayaan-1 made significant discoveries about the lunar surface, including the presence of water ice. Chandrayaan-2 was a more ambitious mission that ...

  2. PDF Chandrayaan-3

    About: Chandrayaan-3 is India's third lunar mission and second attempt at achieving a soft landing on the moon's surface. The mission took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC) in Sriharikota on July 14, 2023, at 2:35 pm. It consists of an indigenous Lander module (LM), Propulsion module (PM) and a Rover with an objective of developing ...


    Chandrayaan-3, India's third lunar exploration mission is ready to take off in fourth operational mission (M4) of LVM3 launcher. ISRO is crossing new frontiers by demonstrating soft landing on lunar surface by its lunar module and demonstrate roving on the lunar terrain. It is expected to be supportive to ISRO's future interplanetary missions.

  4. PDF Chandrayaan-3 MIssion

    The Chandrayaan-3 mission is a follow-up of Chandrayaan-2 of July 2019, which aimed to land a rover on the lunar South Pole. The subsequent failure of the Vikram lander led to the pursuit of another mission to demonstrate the landing capabilities needed for the Lunar Polar Exploration Mission proposed in partnership with Japan for 2024.

  5. Chandrayaan 3

    Chandrayaan-3 Mission is the second attempt of the Indian Space Research Organisation after the Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate the capability of India in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. The Lander Module of Chandrayaan-3 carrying the Lander, Vikram and Rover, Pragyan, made the historic soft landing on the surface of the Lunar South Pole on August 23, 2023.

  6. PDF India's Mission Chandrayaan-3

    Here's how Mission Chandrayaan-3 went on as per ISRO's updates: July 14, 2023 LVM3 M4 vehicle successfully launched Chandrayaan-3 into orbit. Chandrayaan-3, in its precise orbit, has begun its journey to the Moon. July 15, 2023 The first orbit-raising manoeuvre (Earthbound firing-1) successfully performed at ISTRAC/ISRO, Bengaluru.

  7. PDF Chandrayaan-3 : India's Imperatives for Space Leadership

    What is the Chandrayaan-3 Programme? About : Chandrayaan-3 is India's third lunar mission and second attempt at achieving a soft landing on the moon's surface. On July 14, 2023, Chandrayaan-3 took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. The spacecraft seamlessly entered lunar orbit on August 5, 2023. The historic

  8. PDF Chandrayaan-3: India's Ambitious Lunar Mission

    As Chandrayaan-3 embarks on its journey to the moon, India's space program stands on the precipice of a new era of exploration and innovation. The world eagerly awaits the mission's outcome and the valuable contributions it will make to our understanding of the moon and beyond. With Chandrayaan-3, India takes another giant leap towards becoming ...

  9. (PDF) Chandrayaan-3: India's Moon Landing Triumph

    Download full-text PDF. Read full-text. Download citation. Copy link Link copied. ... Chandrayaan-3 is India's third attempt to explore the moon, and it has gotten a lot of attention around the ...

  10. Chandrayaan-3 Details

    Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. It consists of Lander and Rover configuration. It will be launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. The propulsion module will carry the lander and rover configuration till 100 km lunar orbit.

  11. The Chandrayaan-3

    The Chandrayaan-3 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Chandrayaan-3 mission successfully landed a spacecraft on the lunar south pole, making India the first country to do so. This was a triumph for ISRO, who learned from failures in Chandrayaan-2 and meticulously scrutinized every aspect of Chandrayaan-3.

  12. Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English 150 Words

    Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English 150 Words - Sample 2. Chandrayaan-3, India's next lunar mission, stands as a testament to the nation's unwavering dedication to space exploration. Building on the successes and experiences gained from Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, this mission represents a significant stride forward in India's lunar ...

  13. Chandrayaan-3

    Chandrayaan-3 has been launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. Chandrayaan-3 is third mission to the Moon. Chandrayaan-3 is third mission to the Moon. The mission is a follow-up of Chandrayaan-2 mission, which failed a desired soft landing on the lunar surface nearly four years ago in September 2019.

  14. Chandrayaan 3

    1 of 7. Download now. Download to read offline. Chandrayaan 3 - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  15. PDF 1 Adda247 Publications For More Study Material Visit: adda247

    3 Adda247 Publications For More Study Material Visit: Mission Design and Approach: Chandrayaan-2: • Chandrayaan-2 comprised an orbiter, a lander named Vikram, and a rover named Pragyan. • The mission design followed a success-based approach, aiming for a precise landing within a targeted 500mx500m area.

  16. PDF Chandrayaan-3

    Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on missio n to Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe. landing and roving on the lunar surface. It consists of Lander and Rover configuration. It will be. launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. The propulsion module will carry the lander and

  17. Chandrayaan 3

    Chandrayaan-3 mission took off on July 14, 2023 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota, A.P. On August 5, the mission entered the lunar orbit. On August 17, the lander module separated from the propulsion module. The first and second deboosting occurred on August 18 and 20 respectively. Deboosting is the slowing down of the ...

  18. Chandrayaan 3 Essay in English

    Essay on Chandrayaan 3 for School Students: Check here 100, 200 words essay on India's latest moon mission Chandrayaan 3. Students can also use this as a short speech for school assemblies or ...



  20. PDF MNRAS 0, L1-L0 (2023)

    Received 2023 July 27; in original form 2023 July 12. A B STRACT. Chandrayaan-3 is an upcoming lunar mission of India aimed at soft landing and. carrying outfirst-ever in situ. investigations at. high-latitude location on the Moon. Chandrayaan-3 consists of a propulsion module, a lander and a rover, thatcarry.

  21. Chandrayaan 3 Report Writing For H.S And Madhyamik

    Write a newspaper report on the Chandrayaan-3 Mission in about 100 words. Chandrayaan 3 Report Writing in English has been presented here for the students who are studying and preparing for a competitive exam. I have given three samples of Chandrayaan 3 report writing. The report writing's word limits are different. So you can choose as you like.

  22. PDF चं यान- 3 एवंगगनयान

    इसरो चंा य न -3 क े सा थ - स ाथ गगनयान परयो जना पर समा नांतर प से काम कर रहा है। ए जसी पहले ही गगनयान के लये एक सला हकार सि म￸त का गठन कर चुक है ...