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Arts and Crafts Business Plan

Published Sep.30, 2023

Updated Apr.19, 2024

By: Jakub Babkins

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Arts and Crafts Business Plan

Table of Content

So many prospects for artsy entrepreneurs! With proper planning, you can launch a rewarding arts and crafts business. But first, understand this creative industry. It’s huge – over $44 billion in the U.S. alone. People cherish handmade, unique goods. But it’s competitive. Really identify your niche. Research target markets and pricing. An arts and crafts business plan is essential.

Challenges of the Arts and Crafts Industry

Launching an arts and crafts store comes with unique challenges. You need creativity and skill to produce quality work. At the same time, you must handle all the regular business operations like marketing, bookkeeping, and managing inventory or supplies. Some key challenges include:

  • Finding a profitable, sustainable product-market fit
  • Managing irregular cash flow tied to sales volume
  • Competing with mass-produced and low-priced products
  • Building brand awareness and loyalty

However, don’t let these challenges deter you. With proper business plan from business plan specialists , these obstacles can be overcome.

The Value of Arts and Crafts

Art and handmade crafts add tremendous value to society. According to a report by Business Research Insights, the global arts and crafts market size was USD 44120 Million in 2021 and is projected to touch USD 63590 Million by 2031, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.4% by 2023-2028.

Arts and crafts contribute to the economy, culture, and our well-being in many ways:

  • Preserves traditional techniques, skills and cultural heritage.
  • Provides income, employment opportunities for skilled craftspeople.
  • Enriches our lives through beauty, creativity, joy and meaning.
  • Offers an alternative to mass production and consumerism.
  • Allows for self-expression, personal connection between artist/creator and consumer.
  • Creates opportunities for community building, supporting small and local businesses.

There is rising demand for the uniqueness and quality arts and crafts offer. Starting your own business allows you to share your gifts, make a living, and help preserve these valuable creative traditions.

Business Opportunities

The arts and crafts industry offers many business opportunities for aspiring or existing entrepreneurs who want to start or grow their own arts and crafts business. Some of the business opportunities are:

  • Online platforms – Online platforms such as Etsy, Amazon Handmade, Not on The High Street, etc. provide an easy way for artists and crafters to sell their products to a global market. These platforms also offer various features such as marketing tools, payment systems, customer reviews, etc. to help artists and crafters run their business smoothly.
  • Local markets – Local markets such as craft fairs, farmers’ markets, pop-up craft shops, etc. provide an opportunity for artists and crafters to showcase their products to a local community. These markets also allow artists and crafters to interact with customers directly, build trust, get feedback, etc.
  • Custom orders – Custom orders such as personalized gifts, commissioned artworks, bespoke services, etc. provide a chance for artists and crafters to create unique and tailored products and services for specific customers. These orders also enable artists and crafters to charge higher prices, increase customer satisfaction, and generate repeat business.

When starting an arts and crafts business, the possibilities truly are endless. Consider your own talents and interests first. Research the demand for those types of crafts in your local market. But first, you need a solid business plan for investors for your arts and crafts venture. Really think about your niche, target customers, pricing, expenses, and marketing. A handmade business plan is key to turning your handmade products into a thriving business.

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OGSCapital: Your Partner in Creating a Winning Arts and Crafts Business Plan

Turn your arts and crafts passion into a thriving business with OGSCapital’s expert business planning services. With over 15 years of experience, our business plan experts excel at creating customized, comprehensive business plans that cover all key sections for an arts and crafts business. Our team works closely with entrepreneurs to understand their unique goals and craft targeted, strategic plans to attract investors, get loans, and successfully launch arts and crafts businesses.

We also offer other business planning services such as pitch deck, feasibility study, private placement memorandum, and more. Contact our feasibility study consultants today to schedule a free consultation and get started on your sample business plan for arts and crafts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i start my own art and craft business.

To start your own art and craft business, first identify your artistic skills and interests to determine what you want to sell. Build an impressive portfolio showcasing your products. Register as a sole proprietor, get necessary small business licenses and permits.

Is a craft business profitable?

Yes, a craft business can be very profitable if you find a niche market that values handmade, high quality products. Effective marketing to reach your target customers and providing products people want at a fair price are keys to success.

How do I write an art business plan?

An art business plan should cover your products/services, target customers, operations, marketing, and financial projections to show the viability of your business. Outline your competitive advantages and growth strategies in detail.

What is a good craft business to start?

Good craft businesses to start include handmade jewelry, candles, clothing, baked goods, photography, painting/drawing, knitted items, or customized crafts. Choose something aligned with your own interests and skills to be most successful.

OGSCapital’s team has assisted thousands of entrepreneurs with top-rate business plan development, consultancy and analysis. They’ve helped thousands of SME owners secure more than $1.5 billion in funding, and they can do the same for you.

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Art Supply Store and Gallery Business Plan

Start your own art supply store and gallery business plan

NALB Creative Center

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

NALB Creative Center (NCC) is the place where artists meet. NALB is an acronym for “No Artist Left Behind,” with our company by-line stating: “Live Your Art.” NCC is a specialty retail store offering a large array of artists’ materials and supplies, crafters’ needs, a gallery, and an education center. NCC will provide a pleasant facility that will inspire and support amateurs, professionals and crafters in the Big Island art community. NALB will sponsor art shows and competitions, art and craft fairs, scholarships for artists to continue their formal education, and other community events. NALB will facilitate, organize and offer creative workshops and classes in a variety of techniques and media.

NALB is at the forefront in an exciting and growing market. The island of Hawaii currently has only two stores exclusively offering art and craft supplies. Neither of these stores is able to offer education and hands-on opportunities. Neither currently supports the artists community in active ways. They are also not able to give the high level of customer support that NALB can. NALB is the only art supply store on the island that is owned and operated exclusively by artists. NALB Creative Center will tap into the growing number of professional artists in West Hawaii. We will also fill the needs of the growing market of retirees (100% growth in the last three years) many of whom have settled in Kona because of the thriving art community that exists here. NALB will actively market to teachers and students in the growing public and private education systems.

The Organization

NALB is owned and operated by practicing artists. It is founded on the idea that maintaining satisfied customers is essential to the bottom line. With this in mind, NALB Creative Center will be working hard to ensure that all of their customers’ expectations are exceeded in all transactions. To maintain a presence within the art and craft community and close relationships to customers, NCC will be an active member of the local art scene through participation and education. NALB staff will receive training in the most current trends and products. NALB’s owners will both anticipate and set consumer trends in creative work.

Products, Services, and Delivery

NALB will be located in the commercial business park between Costco and Home Depot, in a 3,000 square foot store. The previous tenants were cabinet makers and much of their handiwork remains to our benefit. NALB will have the floor space to offer a wide variety of art and craft supplies. Due to our size, we will also have the purchasing power to buy from manufacturers directly, thus avoiding middle man mark-ups. We will offer discounts to regular customers. We will also offer free delivery in North Kona for orders of $300 or more. NALB will offer Artist’s Oasis holidays to travelers by arranging local accommodations, renting equipment, selling supplies, and offering maps and guides.

NCC will show modest profit from month one. Margins are forecasted to be at 50%, due to the ability to buy wholesale. Sales in the first full year will be slightly over $300,000. We are projecting conservatively a growth rate of 5% the first three years and 20% thereafter, even though existing art supply stores are reporting growth of over 30%. We budget conservatively, but have great vision.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Objectives

  • Customer Satisfaction: To create a shopping environment that caters to the needs of the art and craft community of the Big Island by offering knowledgeable and professional customer service. Customer satisfaction will be measured through repeat business (our goal is that 50% of our customers will return within 6 months for an additional purchase) and multiple sales (our goal is that 30% of sales are accompanied by an additional purchase).
  • To earn 80% market share and become the number one art and craft supplier on the island.
  • To achieve a 50% profit margin within the first year.
  • To be an active and vocal member in the community and to provide continual re-investment through sponsorship of community activities and celebrations, including: supporting art and craft events, hosting classes, providing scholarships.
  • To develop, in year two and three, Artist’s Oasis of Hawaii. In this program we would arrange local accommodations and materials rental for visiting/vacationing artists.

1.2 Keys to Success

In order for NALB Creative Center to succeed we must:

  • Provide for the satisfaction of 100% of our customers and vendors.
  • Advertise and promote in areas where our target customer base will learn about our store.
  • Continuously review our inventory and sales and adjust our inventory levels accordingly.
  • Sell products that are of the highest reliability and quality. We must offer as many or more premium products than our competition offers. Offer loss leaders and other promotions that bring customers into the store to buy goods, explore our line of services, and sign up for future events.
  • Be an active member of the community.
  • Provide in-store classes, demonstrations, and events.

1.3 Mission

NALB Creative Center’s mission is to support and contribute to the community of artists and crafters by offering quality, name brand supplies to accommodate customer needs; by hosting and supporting shows, events, classes and contests; and by promoting the island as an artist’s oasis and destination.

We will strive, constantly, to supply what the consumer is asking for; we will continually review what is available in the marketplace. We will provide new products and services to the areas of need.  We will maintain NALB as a place for artists to gather.

Success will ultimately be measured by our customers choosing us because of their belief in our ability to meet or exceed their expectations of price, service, and selection.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

NALB Creative Center is a start up, to go into business in the Summer of this year. We will offer a large variety of art and craft supplies, focusing on those items that are currently unavailable on this island. The Internet will continue to be a competitor, as artists use websites to buy familiar products. We will stock products that artists don’t necessarily have experience with. We will maintain our price comparisons to include those available on line.

We will offer classes in the use of new materials and techniques.

We will build an Artist’s Oasis tour program. We will book local Bed and Breakfasts; provide maps and guides for appropriate plein-air sites; rent easels and materials; sell paint and other supplies and ship completed work to the clients when dry.

We will expand the store into an art center including: A fine art gallery, offering original art at, or near, wholesale prices; Musical instruments/studio space; Classrooms for art/music lessons; Art/Music books; Live music/coffee bar; Do-it-Yourself crafts such as specialty T-Shirts, signs, cards, ceramics for the tourist trade.

2.1 Company Ownership

NALB Creative Center is a subsidiary of NALB LLC, a limited liability corporation equally owned and operated by Callie Graff and VanDyke Brown. Additional subsidiaries include NALB Design (Interior/Web), NALB Fine Art, NALB Music.

2.2 Start-up Summary

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There will be other normal business costs such as a liability umbrella, rent, interior design costs, and opening day promotions.

Current (short-term) assets, acquired during interior build-out, shelving, slotwall, fixtures, signage, display cases, etc., come to $26,000.

The operating capital cash on hand balance will be $31,050.

The purpose of this business plan is to drive the company direction in accord with its vision and to secure a $210,000 loan. This supplemental financing is required to work on site preparation, inventory, and operational expenses. Other financing will include the owner’s investment of $45,000 and a short-term revolving line-of-credit for inventory replenishment during months of high receipts.

Successful operation and the building of a loyal customer base will allow NALB Creative Center to be self-sufficient and profitable in the first full year.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, company summary chart image

NALB Creative Center will provide a wide variety of products of interest to artists and crafters. Our wholesale suppliers will include: Grumbacher, Liquitex, Windsor and Newton, Mabef Easels, Duncan, PrismaColor, Speedball, Masterpiece, Fredrix, Holbein, Rembrandt, and Strathmore. Vendors will include MacPherson and Herr’s. There are thousands of products available, we will offer many that are unusual, or new, as well as the basics that every artist needs on a regular basis. We will offer lines to include bargain, mid-range and professional quality products.

Management will rely on customer feedback, suggestions, and daily sales reports to introduce or eliminate certain brands or products.

In year two we will begin marketing our Artist’s Oasis tour packages, as well as art/craft equipment rental. Rentals will include equipment items that are too bulky to carry on vacation, or too expensive, or used only periodically, for the average artist or crafter to justify purchase. An example would be a Giclee Printer.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

In West Hawaii, the mauka community of Holualoa in Kona, Kealakekua and South Kona, as well as Waimea and Hawi in Kohala are three communities with large artist populations and galleries. In West Hawaii, the Holualoa Foundation for Arts and Culture, the Society for Kona’s Education and Art, the Kailua Village Artists, the Kona Arts Center, the Waimea Arts Center and other well-established non-profit groups offer arts classes and instruction in various media year-round to children and adults.

NALB Creative Center will market to four primary customers:

  • Professional artists.
  • Amateur artists and crafters, including hobbyists.
  • Businesses, such as architects, graphic designers, interior designers, or direct mail advertisers. 
  • Teachers and students.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Average household income has steadily grown with about 36 percent of Big Island households reporting incomes of $25,000 – $50,000 and another 36 percent in the $50,000 – $75,000 range. Predictions for West Hawaii include continued population growth, economic growth and business opportunity.

  • Professional artists. There are currently at least 39 Fine Art Galleries on the west side of Hawaii. Each gallery represents several artists.
  • Amateur artists and crafters, including hobbyists. Many of the amateurs are retirees* with relatively high disposable income levels. 
  • Businesses. Architects (36 companies on island), technical drawing, interior/graphic design (18 companies on island), advertising/direct mail companies (12 companies on island).
  • Teachers and students. This group will include K-12 teachers and students as well as those attending art classes at the store.  (25,000 public school students).

*The total population of Hawaii County has grown by about 20 percent in the past decade, the older segments – such as those from 45 – 54 and those 55 and up have increased at rates of 100 percent and 64 percent, respectively.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, market analysis summary chart image

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

  • Professional Artists. With only one existing art supply store on this side of the island, if the professional’s need for customer service is not met, they will utilize the Internet and mainland stores. The area we can impact most heavily is having the actual products in the store that artists can manipulate, study, etc. This would especially apply to products that a customer may not take a chance on ordering from an Internet site (because of variations in quality, or new techniques/products).
  • Amateur artists and crafters, including hobbyists. In general, this segment has the same needs, desires, and fulfillment requirements as the professional artists. Some will be purchasing from lower and mid-priced product lines, but many are avid in pursuing their avocations, and appreciate, buy and use the professional quality materials.
  • Businesses such as architectural, technical drawing, interior/graphic design, advertising/direct mail companies. Currently, this segment is not served in any way on the west side of the island, except by casual shopping at the existing art supply store. Much of the purchasing by this group is done on the Internet.
  • Teachers and students. This is a much neglected segment on our island. Students and teachers currently have access to products in Wal-Mart, K-Mart, a small school supply specialty shop (open part-time), and the sole existing art supply store. We plan to have a store big enough to accommodate the art supply needs of the education community.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

NALB Creative Center is a specialty retailer filling an underserved niche market on the island.

Currently customers can buy low end art products at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Long’s, and Ace Hardware. The products offered at these outlets is severely limited. Products include: a few small canvases, a small selection of papers in limited sizes, a few paint sets, and writing pens and pencils. The same stores offer limited selections of craft and hobby products as well, usually aimed at general interest and unsophisticated shoppers.

Hawaii Printing Corp. and Kona Coast Office Supply, Inc. stock a limited variety of drafting supplies: pens, pencils and paper products that could be used for arts and crafts but are usually associated with writing.

Art and craft products can also be purchased at Art Supply Hawaii in the old industrial area. This store offers a much better selection in terms of variety, type and quality, but has a reputation for poor customer service satisfaction.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

Art Supply of Hawaii is the closest competitor to NCC. ASH is located in the old industrial area of Kona. It is a small two-story facility of 1,300 sq ft. The store has been in business for 10 years, seven years in Hilo and three years in Kona. They offer a variety of fine art supplies, canvas, paints, stained glass, ceramics, oriental arts, beads, textile arts, crafts, scrapbooking, and children’s craft kits. The store is currently for sale with an asking price of $395,000. According to their advertising, the store serves a growing local artist community, retirees and both public and private schools.

Customers in the educational segment buy at the discount stores, due to the convenience of one-stop shopping for all their household needs as well as school supplies for the kids. We will market directly to the art teachers in the local schools. We will supply order forms to the classrooms, and deliver directly to the schools.

Many professional artists buy from Internet sources due to the still limited selections in the local marketplace in the quantities needed. With a store space nearly three times the size of ASH, we will be able to stock appropriate quantities, styles and sizes, and deliver orders much more quickly than Internet sources. We will provide free delivery to the North Kona area on purchases over $300. We will also provide friendly, professional customer service. We’ll provide a generous return and exchange policy. We’ll provide hands-on access to materials and make NALB’s a gathering place for artists. None of these benefits are available through Internet sources.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

NALB’s goal is to provide products, service and education to the underserved creative community on the Big Island. The current population is underserved due to a perceived lack of customer service in the few existing outlets for supplies.

Our intention is to gain 80% of the market share by focusing on our customer service, niche positioning, convenient location, quality brands, special promotions and becoming a gathering spot for artists. While we will focus on our primary customer segments, we offer products that virtually every artist/crafter requires. We will create an atmosphere that is appealing to the true artist, whether amateur or professional. The balance of customers will come because they will see this as the center of creative people.

The store will merchandise in a manner consistent with our values and the fundamentals of good retail space use. We will provide a bulletin board for all manner of communications among the community. We will provide space for classes and creative hands-on experimentation.

Strategic Assumptions:

  • We will continue to be involved in the art and craft community as participants, suppliers and encouragers.

5.1 Competitive Edge

NALB’s competitive edge involves five areas:

  • Customer Service as priority one.
  • Location . The store is located in the Kaloko Industrial Park, one block from both Costco and Home Depot. The location will attract more customers from out of the Kona area because a visit to the art supply store can be consolidated with a trip to Costco, a store with an established draw on customers from all over the island. The store is also visible from the Queen’s Highway due to signage on the makai side of the building.
  • NALB will be an art education center . We will have a large classroom available for instruction in various media and techniques.
  • NALB will be a gathering place for artists. We will dedicate a portion of the warehouse area to a cafe style lounge where customers can read art magazines, look at the art gallery, drink coffee, listen to music, or visit with other artists.
  • We will provide percentage discounts for repeat customers.

Each of these is a competitive advantage because none is being addressed, by an art supply outlet, in Kona at this time.

5.2 Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy will focus heavily on customer service with loyalty and retention in sales; on sales promotion, and on niche positioning in the market.

In addition to price and item promotional announcements, NALB Creative Center will focus its marketing efforts via several key direct-to-consumer advertising vehicles:

Local and Regional Magazine Publications: (West Hawaii Today, Hilo Tribune-Herald, Hawai’i Island Journal). Each of these papers provide a demographic base that lines up nicely with that of NALB’s.

Direct Mail Postcards: NALB will look to increase consumer awareness, retain the existing customer base and promote increased sales via postcard mailings. These mailings will be targeted around special events, and are intended to liquidate slow moving products or showcase vendor negotiated specials.

  • Spring Open House–15% to 20% savings opportunity.
  • Fall Open House–15% to 20% savings opportunity.
  • Holiday Open House–15% to 20% savings opportunity.
  • Annual Anniversary Postcard–promotes in-store design seminars, special events and savings opportunities.

Website Marketing: As we establish our on-line education and gallery segment, we will support the business via search engine marketing, URL links and e-mail marketing on all correspondence. This third channel of business will increase the customer base, sales potential and service opportunities provided by NALB.

  • Direct Calls on professional artists, architects and designers.
  • Word of mouth. By giving first-time customers great service and a fair price, the word is sure to spread.
  • In-store events and celebrations.

All marketing decisions with regard to specific media choices, frequency, size, and expenditures will be analyzed on an on-going basis with careful consideration of returns generated and consistency with our mission and vision. 

5.3 Sales Strategy

NALB Creative Center will approach sales from a relationship basis. We will assist customers in a personal manner, using personal names and displaying our names on badges. We will ask the questions needed to provide the customers with the services they desire. Gathering key customer information and seeking performance feedback on the products and services offered will assist us in the following ways:

  • Targeting our marketing efforts most effectively.
  • Developing product offers and merchandising formats that increase sales.
  • Developing services and perks that enhance the shopping experience.
  • Increasing awareness of NCC within the retail consumer marketplace.
  • Developing future sales opportunities that allow for continued growth of the business.

Key to the sales strategy is direct sales calls on all market segments targeted in this plan. These sales calls need to be made by the owners, by virtue of their background and knowledge of the customers, products and competitors. Experience has proven that the more time we devote to sales, the more sales result. A full-time team member needs to be found and added as soon as possible. Without this person, too much of the owner’s time is deflected away from their major tasks.

We will utilize the POS software with every sales transaction. With each purchase the software will record and maintain in its database the customer’s name, address and purchases. This information will be used with our direct mailing program to focus on our top 50% of customers. This will also make inventory control easier and more effective.

We will offer the best return/exchange policy possible, to build trust with our customers and maintain retention and loyalty. At least 50% of returns will be sent back to the distributor or vendor.

Most importantly, we need to sell our company, not necessarily the products. We will need to push our service, education, and support capabilities. This will be done through relating with customers, drawing out creative dreams and aspirations, stretching customers into new creative arenas, and so forth.

5.3.1 Sales Forecast

The following table and chart highlight forecasted sales. We expect sales to start off conservatively and increase extensively during the holiday season and during the months of July and August as the education systems start their new year. 

NALB has planned for a rate of growth at 5% for the first year as we build name recognition and status in the community. In the second year we project a growth rate of 10%. In the third year we look to see an increase of revenue of 20% as we gain a larger percentage of the market share and increase our customer base beyond the Kona area.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.4 Milestones

The accompanying milestone chart highlights our plan with specific dates. This schedule reflects our strong committment to organization and detail. During the 6-month and 12-month evaluation period, we will complete a detailed evaluation of all aspects of the business:

  • Financials/Bottom Line
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Goals for next period

We will have in place a “Plan-B,” for implementation, should the evaluation show that it is ill-advised to continue the current endeavor. Product diversification, location, advertising, new markets, will be considered if NALB needs to be more liquid.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Web Plan Summary

NALB’s Web presence will be informational and educational with a contact form for requesting additional information. Our URL will be on all print items coming from the store (advertising, sales promotion sheets, letterhead).

  • Customers will be able to search our inventory and place orders.
  • Customers will be able to access a calendar of educational opportunities, and sign up on line.
  • Customers will be able to use the website as a portal for art related research: technical, historical and local. 
  • Customers will be able to view and print coupons.
  • Off-island customers will be able to read about our tour packages, and request additional information.
  • Customers will be able to view our on-line art gallery.

6.1 Website Marketing Strategy

We will direct customers to our website in the following ways:

  • Direct e-mail through addresses given to us voluntarily.
  • Printing on everything that comes from the store (letterhead, business cards, direct mail, shopping bags and wrapping paper, promotional items, print advertising).
  • Links from local business pages and Hawaii Tourism portals.
  • Links from/to national art resource pages.
  • Advertising on all company vehicles.

6.2 Development Requirements

Our parent company website is already in place. Through NALB Design, we have trained staff, domain names, and software in place to build a web presence for NALB Creative Center at nominal cost.

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

NALB Creative Center is managed by the owners/founders.

  • We will open with the two owners operating the store.
  • As our business expands, we will hire additional employees, our projections include six employees, with the owners managing the store and cold-call selling.
  • Employees will be encouraged to work within their creative, physical, and intellectual boundaries.
  • All duties will be divided and delegated according to strengths and weaknesses.
  • At NALB we will expect a high degree of customer service skills and personality as this is essential to our success.

7.1 Personnel Plan

NCC will be operated in the first few years by the owners. Additional part-time help will be provided by family members.

As NALB grows over the next years, we will need two additional full-time sales clerks, and two part-time clerks. This will free the owners to concentrate on building the business, and expanding into the other areas of NALB’s vision (tours, competitions, music, gallery, special events, etc.).

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

  • It should be noted that the owners of NALB Creative Center do not intend to take any profits out of the business until the long-term debt has been satisfied. Whatever profits remain after the debt payments will be used to finance growth, mainly through the acquisition of additional inventory.

8.1 Start-up Funding

NALB’s start-up funds are summarized in the following table:

  • $210,000 SBA loan
  • $20,000 short-term/credit card
  • $45,000 Owner investment

The additional capital is needed to fund salaries, inventory lags and other costs during the first months of the business year.

8.2 Important Assumptions

The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the following table. The key underlying assumptions are:

  • Monthly sales are the largest indicator for this business. There are some seasonal variations, with the months October through January being the highest sales months.
  • We assume access to capital and financing sufficient to maintain our financial plan as shown in the tables.

8.3 Break-even Analysis

Our break-even analysis is summarized by the following chart and table.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, financial plan chart image

8.4 Projected Profit and Loss

We predict that during the second year of operation, our high level of customer service and strong assortment will allow us to generate approximately 5% profit. This will be above the normal two to three year period required for a start-up retailer. Our sales projections are conservative. Should sales increase as we anticipate, the profit-to-sales ratio could be as high as 10% by the end of year three.

The following chart and table will indicate projected profit and loss.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, financial plan chart image

8.5 Projected Cash Flow

Our projected cash flow is outlined in the following chart and table.

Art supply store and gallery business plan, financial plan chart image

8.6 Projected Balance Sheet

The table shows the annual balance sheet results, with a conservative projected increase in net worth. Detailed monthly projections are in the appendix.

8.7 Business Ratios

Business ratios for the years of this plan are shown below. The industry profile is from 2003, and based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5092.9901 for the Arts and crafts equipment and supplies industry.

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DIY Craft Corner

How to Start a Handmade Craft Business

  • Time to read: 20 min.

art and craft business plan pdf

Welcome to the exciting world of crafting and entrepreneurship! Starting a handmade craft business allows you to transform your creative passion into a successful venture. 

This guide will help you understand the important steps involved in building your handmade craft business. From choosing your craft niche to creating a business plan, establishing an online presence, and providing excellent customer experiences, you’ll learn everything you need to know. 

Get ready to combine your love for crafting with the joy of running a profitable business.

Understanding the Craft Market

Envision the craft market as an expansive landscape. It’s ever-changing and filled with opportunities. Each year, the craft world introduces new trends and products. Keeping a close eye on these changes is key to your success.

Research is essential in this journey. Attend craft fairs and explore popular online platforms. Look for what’s trending and selling well. Don’t forget to examine the customers too. Who’s buying what can offer you great insights.

Also, study your competitors. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses can help you stand out. All this knowledge will guide you in crafting a successful business. The deeper your understanding, the better your chances of thriving in this creative arena.

Identify Your Unique Crafts

Dive into your pool of creativity and evaluate what you can create. Unleashing your unique skills is crucial in the vibrant world of crafts. Here’s a list of popular handmade crafts you might consider:

  • Handmade Jewelry: Be it delicate earrings, statement necklaces, or custom bracelets, jewelry always finds a spot in the market.
  • Knit and Crochet Items: Warm blankets, stylish scarves, cute amigurumi toys – the possibilities are endless with a pair of needles or a hook.
  • Ceramic Pottery: Beautiful and functional, pottery items like mugs, plates, or vases can be a hit.
  • Handmade Candles: Scented, decorative, or themed candles can light up someone’s day.
  • Woodwork: From furniture to intricate carvings, woodwork is an attractive craft area.
  • Bath and Body Products: Think organic soaps, bath bombs, lotions, or lip balms that offer a touch of luxury.
  • Paper Crafts: Custom cards, scrapbooks, or origami art pieces cater to the paper-loving audience.
  • Leather Goods: Wallets, belts, or stylish handbags made of leather can be sought after.
  • Sewing and Embroidery: Quilts, embroidered art, custom clothing, or even plush toys could be your forte.
  • Glass Art: Stained glass decor, fused glass jewelry, or hand-blown glassware are eye-catching craft options.

Take time to explore your talents. Which of these crafts do you enjoy making? Where does your craft stand out? Does it fill a particular niche? By asking these questions, you can focus your craft business in the right direction.

Writing a Handmade Craft Business Plan

Setting up a handmade craft business demands a well-thought-out business plan. This crucial document will act as a roadmap, guiding your actions and decisions as you establish and grow your business. 

Follow these detailed steps to create your business plan:

Step 1: Executive Summary: Write a concise overview of your business. Include your business name, the type of crafts you’ll sell, and your business objectives.

Step 2: Business Description: Outline your business in more detail. Describe your products, your target market, and your unique selling proposition – what sets your crafts apart?

Step 3: Market Analysis: Detail your understanding of the craft market. Who are your competitors? What trends are impacting the industry? Use your research on the craft market here.

Step 4: Organization and Structure: Define your business structure. Are you a sole proprietor, or are you entering a partnership? Describe your role and any key partners or employees.

Step 5: Services and Products: Describe the crafts you’ll sell. How are they made? What value do they bring to customers?

Step 6: Marketing and Sales Strategy: Outline your plans for attracting and retaining customers. Will you use social media, craft fairs, or online marketplaces?

Step 7: Funding Request and Use: If you seek external funding, specify how much you need and how it will be used. If you’re bootstrapping, detail your financial plan.

Step 8: Financial Projections: Provide projections for future sales, expenses, and profits. This section is crucial, especially if you’re seeking external funding.

Building a Realistic Product Pricing Strategy

A sound pricing strategy ensures your business is profitable without alienating potential customers. 

Here’s a step-by-step process using real numbers:

Step 1: Calculate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): This includes the cost of all the materials used to make a product. For example, if you’re creating a handmade necklace, you might spend $10 on beads, $2 on string, and $3 on a clasp, totalling to $15.

Step 2: Determine Your Time Cost: Estimate how much time it takes you to create one product. Let’s say it takes you 1 hour to make the necklace, and you value your time at $15 per hour.

Step 3: Add Overhead Costs: These are the indirect costs of making your products. For example, utilities, rent, marketing expenses, etc. Assume that overhead costs amount to $5 per product.

Step 4: Calculate Total Cost: Add up the numbers from Steps 1-3. For the necklace, your total cost would be $35 ($15 for materials + $15 for your time + $5 for overhead).

Step 5: Set a Profit Margin: Profit margins can vary, but a common margin for handmade crafts is around 50%. So, if your total cost is $35, your selling price would be $52.5 ($35 + 50% of $35).

Step 6: Research Competitor Pricing: Look at what similar products sell for. If similar necklaces sell for $60, your price is competitive. If they sell for $40, you may need to adjust your costs, pricing, or profit margin.

Remember, pricing is a delicate balance. It should cover your costs, provide a profit, and reflect the value to the customer.

Legal Aspects to Consider

Delving into the world of crafts comes with its share of legal considerations. They may seem daunting, but they are a vital part of setting up a business.

Here are some key legal aspects you should consider:

Permits and Licenses

Depending on your location and the nature of your craft business, you may need certain permits or licenses. These could be a general business license, a sales tax permit, or a home occupation permit if you’re operating from home. Check with your local and state government offices to find out what you need. They can provide guidance on the required paperwork.

Liability Protection

If your craft product accidentally causes harm or injury to a customer, you could face a lawsuit. Therefore, you should consider product liability insurance. It helps protect your business in such scenarios. Consulting with an insurance advisor can help you understand the coverage you need.

Tax Requirements

Running a craft business comes with tax obligations. You’ll likely need to pay income tax, self-employment tax, and sales tax. Keep detailed records of your income and expenses to make tax time easier. Hiring a tax professional is a wise move, especially when you’re starting. They can help ensure you meet all tax requirements and even find deductions to save you money.

Labeling Requirements

Depending on your craft products, there may be labeling regulations you need to follow. For example, if you’re selling homemade candles, you might need to include warning labels. If you’re selling clothes, you may need to list the materials used. Check with the relevant federal agencies or a legal advisor to ensure your labels are compliant.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

If your designs are original, consider protecting them with a copyright or patent. Also, respect the intellectual property rights of others. You can’t sell crafts that infringe on someone else’s copyright.

Legal compliance is not an area to neglect. It’s much easier to set up everything correctly from the start than to untangle legal issues later. If you’re unsure about any aspect, seek help from a professional. Lawyers, accountants, and business advisors can guide you through the process, ensuring you’re on the right track.

Choosing Your Handmade Craft Business Name

The process of picking your business name is an exciting journey. It’s a creative endeavor that demands careful thought as it significantly impacts your brand identity. Here’s a detailed guide on how to come up with an unforgettable and unique name:

Step 1: Brainstorm Ideas

Start by brainstorming words related to your craft and the feelings you want your brand to evoke. Is it about elegance, quirkiness, nostalgia, or whimsy? Write all these words down. Don’t censor yourself in this initial stage; let your creativity flow.

Step 2: Combine and Play with Words

Now, look at your list and start playing with combinations. Mix and match words, look for rhymes, or even invent new words. For example, if you’re making knitted goods and want to evoke a sense of comfort and coziness, you might combine words like “Cozy,” “Knit,” and “Haven” to create “CozyKnitHaven.”

Step 3: Keep It Simple

While being creative, remember that your business name should be easy to pronounce, spell, and remember. A name that’s too complicated or long might confuse potential customers.

Step 4: Reflect Your Craft

Ideally, your business name should give some clue about the nature of your craft. A name like “EcoWoodCreations” instantly informs customers that you work with wood and have an eco-friendly approach.

Step 5: Check for Uniqueness

Once you have a list of potential names, it’s time to check if they’re available. A quick online search can help you see if there are other businesses with the same name. You can also check on domain registration sites to ensure the website domain for your name is available.

Step 6: Get Feedback

Share your top choices with close friends, family, or potential customers. Their feedback can provide invaluable insights. They might see connections or connotations that you missed.

Step 7: Legal Registration

After you’ve chosen your business name, it’s crucial to register it. Depending on your business structure, this might be as simple as filing a “Doing Business As” (DBA) statement with your local government, or it could involve trademarking the name.

Your business name is more than just a name; it’s the first interaction a potential customer has with your brand. Take the time to create a name that resonates with your vision for your craft business.

Crafting Your Digital Storefront

A robust online presence is a critical component for any successful craft business today. It’s your digital storefront where customers can browse, appreciate, and purchase your handmade crafts. 

Here’s a detailed guide on creating your online shop using platforms like Shopify, WordPress with WooCommerce, or other similar storefronts:

Step 1: Choose the Right Platform: Decide which e-commerce platform fits your needs. Shopify is a user-friendly option with a range of features, including various themes, secure payment options, and marketing tools. WordPress with WooCommerce, on the other hand, offers extensive customization and flexibility, perfect for those with more technical knowledge.

Step 2: Create Your Website: Once you’ve chosen a platform, it’s time to build your site. Choose a theme that aligns with your brand image. Make sure it’s clean, appealing, and easy to navigate. Use high-quality images of your crafts and provide detailed product descriptions.

Step 3: Showcase Your Craft: Create a compelling product portfolio. Include clear, well-lit photos from different angles. Incorporate videos where possible. For each product, provide details like size, materials used, and care instructions. Also, share the story behind each craft – this adds a personal touch and connects with customers.

Step 4: Craft Your Story: Don’t forget the ‘About’ page. Tell your story. How did you start crafting? What inspires you? This connection can turn visitors into customers and even loyal fans.

Step 5: Set Up Payment and Shipping: Ensure your website has secure payment gateways. Options can include credit/debit cards, PayPal, or Apple Pay. Also, outline clear shipping and return policies.

Step 6: Optimize for Search Engines: Implement SEO practices to increase your site’s visibility on search engines. Use relevant keywords in your product descriptions, meta descriptions, and headers. Create a blog to share crafting tips or behind-the-scenes content. This can help attract traffic to your site and boost your rankings.

Step 7: Launch and Promote: Once your site is ready, launch it and promote it across social media platforms, email newsletters, and craft forums. Regular updates and promotions can keep your customers engaged and coming back for more.

Your online store is an extension of your craft business. It should reflect the love, care, and creativity that go into each handmade craft you create. With a well-crafted digital storefront, you can reach a wider audience and turn your craft passion into a thriving business.

Elevating Your Craft Business with SEO

In the vast digital landscape, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is your compass to guide potential customers to your craft business. Let’s delve into the basics of SEO and how it can enhance your online visibility:

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimizing various elements on your website to improve its search engine rankings. It starts with identifying relevant keywords related to your craft business. These keywords are the words and phrases that people commonly search for when looking for crafts online. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website content, including product descriptions, blog posts, and page titles. This enables search engines to better understand the relevance of your content and increases your chances of appearing higher in search results.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to activities performed outside of your website that can positively impact your search rankings. One crucial aspect of off-page SEO is building high-quality backlinks to your website. Backlinks are links from other reputable websites that direct users to your site. Search engines view backlinks as a vote of confidence and credibility, which can improve your rankings. Engaging in guest blogging, reaching out to influencers, and promoting your crafts on social media can help attract backlinks and amplify your online presence.

Social Signals

Social signals play a role in SEO by influencing search engine rankings. These signals are indicators of your website’s popularity and authority on social media platforms. The number of likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement your craft business receives on social media can have an impact on your search rankings. Cultivating an active and engaged social media presence can enhance your brand visibility, attract more visitors to your website, and potentially boost your search rankings.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous optimization and adaptation. Stay updated on the latest SEO practices, monitor your website’s performance using analytics tools, and make adjustments accordingly. By harnessing the power of SEO, you can attract a larger audience to your craft business and showcase your creations to those who are actively seeking them online.

Social Media and Promoting Your Craft Business

In the digital landscape, social media is a vital catalyst to drive traffic and generate sales for your craft business. 

Let’s explore some of the most influential social media platforms and how they can propel your craft business forward:

With its visual focus, Pinterest is a haven for crafters and DIY enthusiasts. It allows you to create captivating boards and showcase your crafts through high-quality images. Crafters often turn to Pinterest for inspiration, making it an ideal platform to reach your target audience. Create eye-catching pins, optimize them with relevant keywords, and link them back to your website. Engage with the Pinterest community, join group boards, and establish your presence as an authority in your craft niche.

As a visual-centric platform, Instagram provides a seamless way to display your crafts to a wide audience. Utilize the power of striking visuals, thoughtful captions, and relevant hashtags to attract attention. Showcase your products through enticing images and videos, share behind-the-scenes peeks, and tell engaging stories through Instagram Stories and IGTV. Cultivate an active presence, engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages, and leverage influencer collaborations to expand your reach.

TikTok’s short-form video format has gained immense popularity, especially among younger audiences. It offers a unique opportunity to showcase your creativity and craft skills through engaging and entertaining videos. Share tutorials, process videos, and fun behind-the-scenes clips. Leverage popular craft-related hashtags and participate in trending challenges to increase your visibility. As TikTok’s algorithm favors discoverability, there is potential for your craft business to gain significant exposure.

YouTube is an excellent platform for in-depth tutorials, craft demonstrations, and DIY projects. Create high-quality videos showcasing your craft techniques, step-by-step guides, or even vlogs documenting your craft journey. Optimize your videos with relevant titles, descriptions, and tags to increase their visibility in search results. Engage with your audience through comments and encourage them to subscribe for future updates.

While Facebook may not be as visual-centric as Instagram or Pinterest, it still provides a vast audience reach and valuable marketing opportunities. Create a Facebook business page to share updates, promotions, and engage with your audience. Join relevant craft communities and groups to connect with like-minded individuals and potential customers. Consider utilizing Facebook ads to target specific demographics and expand your reach further.

Remember, social media platforms offer tremendous potential to connect with customers, showcase your craft products, and foster brand loyalty. 

Select platforms that align with your target audience’s preferences and invest time and effort in engaging and building relationships with your followers. By leveraging the power of social media, you can create a thriving community around your craft business and drive traffic to your website for increased sales and brand recognition.

Selling Crafts on Online Marketplaces

In the digital realm, online marketplaces open up a world of opportunities for craft businesses. These platforms, including Etsy, Amazon Handmade, and eBay, provide access to a vast customer base and streamline various aspects of selling. Here’s an in-depth look at the benefits and considerations of selling on online marketplaces:

Etsy is renowned as a go-to marketplace for handmade crafts, artisanal products, and vintage items. It attracts a community of craft enthusiasts actively seeking unique, handcrafted goods. By setting up a shop on Etsy, you tap into a targeted customer base that appreciates the value of handmade creations. The platform offers seller tools, such as listing optimization features, promotional opportunities, and analytics to help you track performance. Keep in mind that Etsy charges listing fees, transaction fees, and other expenses, so carefully calculate your pricing to account for these costs.

Amazon Handmade

Amazon Handmade is a dedicated section within the vast Amazon marketplace that showcases handcrafted products. As the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon provides unparalleled visibility and access to a massive customer base. Listing your crafts on Amazon Handmade exposes your products to millions of potential buyers, boosting your chances of sales. The platform offers fulfillment options like FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) or FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) to handle warehousing, shipping, and customer service. Be aware that there are referral fees and other associated costs when selling on Amazon Handmade.

eBay is a well-established online marketplace known for its broad reach and diverse range of products. It caters to both new and vintage items, making it suitable for craft businesses that incorporate vintage elements or offer unique collectibles. eBay provides tools for sellers to create listings, manage inventory, and engage with buyers. However, it’s essential to be mindful of the competition and ensure your products stand out through compelling listings and competitive pricing. eBay charges listing fees and final value fees based on the selling price.

When considering online marketplaces, evaluate which platforms align best with your craft business and target audience. Research the fees, policies, and seller requirements of each marketplace to determine the most suitable fit. 

Additionally, consider the specific features and tools each platform provides to support your craft business, such as promotional opportunities, advertising options, and customer support.

Keep in mind that while online marketplaces offer convenient logistics and access to potential customers, it’s still vital to establish your brand identity and promote your craft business through effective marketing strategies. 

A balanced approach that combines selling on online marketplaces with building your independent online presence can maximize your reach and sales potential in the craft market.

Building a Strong Brand

In the bustling world of craft businesses, building a strong brand is essential to stand out from the competition and forge meaningful connections with customers. 

Here’s a detailed exploration of the key elements that contribute to a robust brand:

Mission, Vision, and Values

Define your craft business’s purpose, vision for the future, and the core values that guide your operations. Your mission encapsulates the impact you aim to create through your crafts, while your vision paints a vivid picture of where you aspire to be. 

Your values reflect the principles that govern your decisions and interactions. Crafting a clear and compelling mission, vision, and set of values will provide a solid foundation for your brand.

Aesthetics and Visual Identity

Your brand’s visual elements, such as your logo, color palette, typography, and overall design, contribute to the aesthetics of your craft business. Consistency across these visual elements establishes a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. 

Consider how your brand’s aesthetics align with your crafts’ style, values, and target audience, as they play a vital role in evoking emotions and conveying your brand message.

Packaging as a Brand Extension

Packaging serves as the first tangible touchpoint with your customers. It not only protects your crafts but also provides an opportunity to leave a lasting impression. Thoughtfully design your packaging to align with your brand’s visual identity and evoke the desired emotions. 

Consider eco-friendly options, personalized notes, or creative touches that enhance the unboxing experience and leave customers excited about your brand.

Customer Loyalty and Differentiation

Strong brands cultivate loyal customers who not only make repeat purchases but also become advocates for your craft business. Deliver exceptional customer service, go above and beyond to meet customer needs, and create a memorable experience at every touchpoint. By nurturing customer loyalty, you establish a solid foundation for your brand’s growth. 

Additionally, identify what sets your crafts apart from competitors and highlight these unique selling points. Whether it’s superior craftsmanship, innovative designs, or a distinctive style, emphasize what makes your crafts special to create a distinct market position.

Building a strong brand requires time, consistency, and a deep understanding of your craft business’s essence. Dedicate resources to carefully craft and nurture your brand identity. 

When done effectively, a compelling brand will attract loyal customers, differentiate you in the market, and contribute to the long-term success of your craft business.

Customer Service in Your Craft Business

Customers hold the key to the success of your craft business. To build lasting relationships and foster loyalty, exceptional customer service is paramount. 

Consider these essential practices:

Responsive Communication

Promptly respond to customer inquiries, whether through email, social media, or your website’s contact form. Provide helpful and informative responses that address their questions or concerns. 

Clear and timely communication builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Issue Resolution

Inevitably, issues or concerns may arise. Approach them with empathy and a genuine desire to find a solution. Resolve problems promptly, striving for a win-win outcome. 

Actively listen to your customers’ feedback, taking it as an opportunity to improve your products or processes. By demonstrating responsiveness and a proactive approach to resolving issues, you can turn potentially dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.

Word-of-Mouth Power

Satisfied customers can become invaluable brand ambassadors. Positive experiences with your craft business can prompt customers to recommend you to friends, family, or online communities. 

Encourage word-of-mouth marketing by consistently delivering exceptional customer service and providing a remarkable overall experience. 

Foster positive relationships, and remember that every customer interaction is an opportunity to make a lasting impression.

Packaging and Shipping Your Products

Packaging and shipping play pivotal roles in enhancing the overall customer experience. Consider the following tips:

Thoughtful Packaging

Design packaging that aligns with your brand’s aesthetics and reinforces your craft’s value. Ensure it provides adequate protection to prevent damage during transit. Consider adding personalized touches, such as branded stickers or handwritten notes, to create a memorable unboxing experience. Reflect your commitment to sustainability by using eco-friendly packaging materials whenever possible.

Shipping Efficiency

Research various shipping options to identify the best balance of cost, reliability, and speed for your craft business. Consider partnering with shipping carriers that offer competitive rates, tracking capabilities, and reliable delivery services. Streamline your shipping process by utilizing shipping software or services that help automate label creation, package tracking, and order fulfillment.

Shipping Costs and Pricing

Factor in shipping costs when determining your product pricing. You can choose to offer free shipping by incorporating the shipping costs into the product price or set separate shipping fees. Conduct a cost analysis to ensure your pricing remains competitive while covering the expenses associated with packaging and shipping.

By prioritizing thoughtful packaging and efficient shipping, you demonstrate your commitment to delivering a delightful experience to customers. 

When their orders arrive promptly and in pristine condition, it enhances their overall satisfaction and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases and positive reviews.

Prioritizing Self-Care

As a craft business owner, it’s crucial to remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your business. 

Here are some essential self-care practices to incorporate into your routine:

Rest and Relaxation

Running a business can be demanding, so make sure to schedule regular downtime. Set aside time for relaxation, whether it’s through meditation, reading, or pursuing a hobby. Allow yourself to recharge and rejuvenate, as this will contribute to your overall well-being and prevent burnout.

Maintaining Connections

Don’t let the busyness of your craft business overshadow your personal relationships. Stay connected with friends and family. Carve out time for social activities and meaningful conversations. Nurturing these connections provides support, balance, and a sense of belonging outside of your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Pursuing Hobbies and Interests

Your craft business is an extension of your passion, but remember to cultivate other interests as well. Engaging in hobbies unrelated to your business allows you to explore new areas, unwind, and find inspiration from diverse sources. It helps maintain a well-rounded life and stimulates creativity in unexpected ways.

Wellbeing and Creativity

Prioritizing your wellbeing has a direct impact on your creativity and productivity. When you prioritize self-care, you allow your mind to rest, recharge, and access its creative potential. Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and a balanced diet are vital components that contribute to your overall well-being and foster a clear and focused mind.

Embracing Innovation and Staying Relevant

In the dynamic craft industry, staying current and continuously innovating is crucial for the long-term success of your craft business. Consider these strategies to keep your craft business fresh and exciting:

Keeping Up with Trends

Stay informed about the latest trends and shifts in the craft market. Follow industry blogs, attend trade shows, and engage with craft communities both online and offline. Keeping your finger on the pulse of emerging trends allows you to adapt and cater to evolving customer preferences.

Exploring New Techniques

Continuously challenge yourself by exploring new techniques and experimenting with different materials. Attend workshops, take online courses, or join local craft groups to expand your skill set. Embracing new techniques can infuse freshness and uniqueness into your crafts, captivating customers with your innovation.

Lifelong Learning

Cultivate a growth mindset and embrace learning as a lifelong journey. Stay curious and seek inspiration from various sources such as art exhibitions, nature, travel, or even other creative fields. Continuous learning broadens your perspectives, enriches your creative process, and keeps your craft business dynamic.

Taking Calculated Risks

Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take calculated risks in your craft business. Introduce new product lines, explore different marketing strategies, or experiment with collaborations. This willingness to take risks can open doors to new opportunities and set your craft business apart from the competition.

Remember, the essence of your craft business lies in your passion and creativity. Nurture these qualities as your craft business grows by prioritizing innovation, embracing change, and maintaining a sense of wonder and exploration. Adaptability and the courage to try new things will position your craft business for continued success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Popular online marketplaces for selling handmade crafts include Etsy, Amazon Handmade, eBay, and Shopify. Each platform offers different features, reach, and fees, so consider your target audience and business needs when selecting a marketplace.

Social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok can benefit a craft business by providing a platform to showcase crafts, engage with customers, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website or online marketplace.

Customer service is vital in a craft business as it builds trust, fosters customer loyalty, and generates positive word-of-mouth referrals. Promptly addressing customer inquiries, resolving issues, and providing a memorable experience contribute to the success and growth of your business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can benefit a craft business by improving its visibility in search engine results. Optimizing website content with relevant keywords, implementing on-page SEO strategies, and building backlinks can drive organic traffic to your website or online store.

Staying current in the craft business is crucial to remain relevant and competitive. Monitoring trends, exploring new techniques, continuously learning, and seeking inspiration help keep your crafts fresh, innovative, and appealing to evolving customer preferences.

In conclusion, starting a handmade craft business requires careful planning, creativity, and a deep understanding of various aspects such as market research, business planning, pricing strategies, legal considerations, online presence, customer service, packaging, and self-care. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive article, you can lay a strong foundation for your craft business’s success.

Crafting a successful business from your passion requires dedication, perseverance, and a continuous thirst for growth and improvement. Embrace the challenges and enjoy the fulfilling journey of sharing your unique crafts with the world.

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Create a Craft Business Plan

Develop a craft business plan for the upcoming year, and set your business up for success.

This 18-step action plan will guide you through strategic choices and help you become more focused and ready to maximize opportunities as they arise.

When you see the words "business plan" you might immediately think of the traditional kind of plan that requires things like market analyses, organizational charts, and detailed financial projections.

Don't panic!

We're not talking about writing a colossal formal business plan. As a craft business owner, you probably don't need a formal business plan.

You do require a roadmap designed for the needs of a handmade business to help you:

  • create products shoppers will love
  • meet important deadlines (like craft show application closing dates)
  • set smart goals
  • and use your time productively

Woman writing in a notebook surrounded by yarn, thread, and a pincushion.

Create Your Craft Business Plan

Here's what we're going cover to develop a craft business plan that will help set you up for success for the upcoming year:

Handmade business owner writing plans in a journal. Text - January Craft Business Plan. 18 things to do in January to set your craft business up for success.

  • Research craft trends for 2022  - So you can create products that reflect what shoppers want to buy.
  • Set realistic goals  - So you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year.
  • Build effective work habits  - So you can get down to work and get things done.
  • Research juried art shows & studio tours  - So you don't miss important application deadlines. Selling at craft shows requires a surprising amount of advance preparation.

Research craft trends for 2022

In December, companies like Etsy and Pinterest release trend reports for the upcoming year. January a great time to dig into some of these reports, see what customers might be searching for in the coming year, and decide if and how you want to reflect some of those trends in your own business.

Action Steps:

1. Learn about craft trends for the current year

Each year, I review the newest trend reports with an eye toward understanding trends that are most relevant to craft business owners. Check out my article  Crafts That Sell Well - updated for 2022  to see what design trends might impact your sales in the coming year.

2. Find design trends on Pinterest

I follow several companies that publish fashion and decor trends predictions and share their reports on Pinterest, so you can find them quickly.

I have three boards for 2022 - one for color trends, one for spring / summer, and one for autumn / winter.

Here's where you'll find my 2022 boards:

  • 2022 Color Trends
  • 2022 Spring / Summer Trends
  • 2022-2023 Fall / Winter Trends

3. BONUS: Check out some trends reports yourself

If you want to take a more comprehensive look into trends predictions for 2022, go beyond my article and Pinterest boards, and check out the original reports yourself.

I couldn't possibly report on every trend for the year, so there are plenty I didn't cover. You might find something inspiring for your own business in one of these reports:

  • Pinterest Predicts 2022  (Pinterest's report on searches trending for 2022)
  • Etsy Marketpplace Handbook Early 2022 Trends Report  (Report on searches trending on Etsy going into 2022)
  • More Home & Fashion Trend Forecasting  (List of several trend forecasting sources I follow)

4. Decide if you want to reflect any of the trend predictions for 2022 in your business

Do current trends fit with your brand? Would embracing certain trends advance your craft business plans and goals? You'll need to determine for yourself the right balance between trendy and classic for your company.

5. Decide how you will reflect 2022 trends in your business

If you do want to embrace a trend or two, you'll need to decide how that will look. Will you incorporate hot colors? design motifs? a specific type of product? a particular frame of mind or philosophy?

Of course, you can reflect trends in your product design, but there are also other ways to embrace trends. You could reflect trends in your craft booth merchandising, your product packaging, or your communication with customers as well.

Set realistic goals

Realistic, motivating goals that are in line with your values should be at the heart of your craft business plan.

A business plan is a road map to get to a specific destination. Your goals are the destination.

Time spent reflecting on your core goals and values will help ensure you make plans, decisions, and commitments throughout the year that will lead you to create the type of business you really want.

6. Define your priorities

You can't possibly do it all, so you need to decide what's really important. What do you want to do extraordinarily well, and what are you willing to let go of to achieve that goal?

If you  set compelling priorities , you can actually accomplish more by doing less but doing it better.

7. Consider where you want to be long term

When you know where you want your business to be next year, you'll be able to make better decisions about how to invest your time.

With your  ideal business goals  in mind, you can work out the steps you need to take to get from where you are to where you want to be. You'll be better equipped to make strategic decisions to work on projects that support your vision instead of bouncing from day to day on tasks that don't lead to your big picture goal.

8. Tie your goals to actions, not outcomes

For the most part, you can control whether you follow through on a commitment to action. You can not control the outcome. So if you want to stay motivated to accomplish something big, your goal needs to revolve around actions, not outcomes.

The  SMART goal setting  technique is all you need to set realistic, motivating goals that are tied to actions.

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9. BONUS: Reassess your values, priorities, and goals

If you're up for investing some time to make sure you're really building a business that's in line with your values, you need to read Busy: How to Thrive in a World of too Much by Tony Crabbe.

I've read stacks of popular books about setting and achieving goals.

Honestly, I didn't like many of them.

Most other books on the subject assume you have total control over vast swaths of time. You just need to learn to use all of that time well.

I don't have vast swaths of wide open time. I'm willing to bet you don't either.

That's why Busy is the one book about priorities and goal setting that completely blew me away.

The book centers around the assumption that your time is finite and precious. It completely changed my perspective and transformed how I approach life and business goal planning.

Build effective work habits

What's at the heart of achieving your smart goals and following through on your craft business plan? 

Habits will get you further than willpower. Willpower is finite and requires emotional effort and energy. Habits, once established, happen automatically.

Research shows that habits account for a full 45% of our daily behaviors ! If you can consciously develop more constructive habits, you could potentially get 45% of your day right automatically.

10. Determine the habit you want to build

Remember, you can't do everything, and often you can accomplish more by doing less. So choose one or two habits that will have the biggest impact on the goals you set for your business.

Commit to building those one or two most impactful habits.

Stay focused.

Don't let yourself get distracted by other enchanting ideas. You can add more habits in the future once the first one is more firmly established.

11. Use proven habit building strategies

Habits work on a predictable cycle:

  • cue (the trigger)
  • routine (the established behavior)
  • and reward (the benefit from the routine)

If you can recognize and redirect the  habit cycles  that drive your own routines, you have a much better chance at changing them successfully.

12. Manage your motivation

Even with the best habit cycle in place, you'll need a degree of motivation to persist through inevitable low points. Your reasons to continue have to outweigh your reasons to stop.

If you find your motivation is slipping, use some of these strategies to  boost self motivation .

13. BONUS: Learn habit building strategies that Suit You

There's another book in the achievement genre that has actually been extremely helpful to me — Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin.

The book is written around the premise that were are all different, so different types of habit building strategies will work for different types of people.  It shows you how to use practical, actionable strategies that suit you and work with your natural inclinations, not against them.

If you want to take a more comprehensive look at habit building, I think you'll find a lot of value in the strategies that are taught in Better Than Before

Research juried art shows & studio tours

If you're new to selling at craft fairs, January might seem shockingly early to start planning for shows that won't happen for another 6-11 months.

Many shows open up the application process several months in advance. If you want to start selling at a few craft shows this year, you need to start planning sooner rather than later.

14. Find craft shows & studio tours that interest you

Your local arts association or crafts guild will be an excellent resource for finding shows in your area. They probably even publish an annual  craft show directory  for your area. 

15. Note important deadlines and application requirements

A craft show directory is a great starting point for finding shows in your area, but occasionally craft show directories contain mistakes. When you check deadlines, go directly to the show's website so you can be sure you're getting important information directly from the source.

Important craft show dates include:

  • when applications will be available / the first day you can submit your application
  • the application deadline
  • when those who are accepted will be notified
  • booth fees due date
  • show date(s)

While you're checking deadlines, you can also look for other important information about the craft shows that interest you such as:

  • organizer contact information
  • how to apply
  • where to get an application
  • application requirements (be sure to check the requirements for product and booth photos)
  • show location
  • any unusual show rules
  • information about past show attendance if available
  • any information available about types of vendors (e.g. Is the show for handmade items only? Are there limits on the number of vendors allowed in each category?)

All of that information will help you to  assess each craft show  and decide which ones you'd like to attend. 

Art studio tour  organizers also typically start accepting applications for both spring and fall tours quite early in the year. If you think you might like to participate in your local studio tour, start your research now. Your arts association will have information about that event as well.

16. Get fabulous photos of your products

Your product photography can make or break your craft show application. Whether you hire a pro or take the photos yourself,  craft product photography  is no place to cut corners in your juried art show applications, particularly if you're applying to more competitive shows or if you're applying to a competitive category like jewelry or painting.

You might not need to start your applications in January. That will depend on the deadlines for shows you'd like to attend.

Just don't wait until the last minute to  apply to juried art shows  that interest you. Complete your applications thoroughly, carefully, and in a timely manner.

18. Plan to attend as a customer if you won't be a vendor

There may be shows that interest you but you can't attend this year because you're not ready for them, or you were not accepted. Put those show dates in your calendar, and plan to attend them as a customer if at all possible.

You'll be able to check out the vendors, see whose booths are full of paying customers, and learn what works so you'll be ready to apply to those shows in coming years.

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Step-by-Step Sample of a Craft Business Plan

  • Mary Rajotte
  • Categories : Entrepreneurs , Business
  • Tags : Office entrepreneurs topics business planning

Step-by-Step Sample of a Craft Business Plan

Reality Check

Having a passion for arts and crafts is a great place to start, but that does not mean you should completely overlook the importance of having a solid plan to back up your interests.

While being passionate about your product is a great place to start, you need to put a plan into place that will help you to start, build and grow your business. That is where this sample of a craft business plan can help you to focus on your goal of being a small business owner.

After putting all the pieces into place, implementing them is much easier, and your excitement for your passion project will translate into a passion that is reciprocated by your customers.

Photo: Melodi2

Creating a business plan will provide you with a solid basis from which to start your craft business. Generally, most business plans follow a similar format , and this sample of a craft business plan includes the following areas:

Executive Summary

Mission statement.

  • Product/Service Descriptions
  • Marketing Plan

Financial Information

The Executive Summary pinpoints the main bulletpoints of your business, offering a quick glance at the most important aspects of your small business and what you hope to achieve. These can include:

  • contact information for your business
  • a brief description of you & your business
  • your objectives & how you will achieve them

Sparkle Jewelry Designs is a handcrafted jewelry business with a focus on modern styles with an edge.

Our ideal customers are females between the ages of 20 to 40. Our clients pride themselves on wearing fashions that express their individuality and they choose our designs for their creative styles that are both fashion-forward and can be worn for years to come.

The Mission Statement should include your intentions for your company

  • trends and how you fit into the marketplace
  • be specific with your goals & think beyond simply being a success in your target market

Our clients love fashion but they are not satisfied with mass-produced, cookie-cutter accessories. They seek out our brand for our attention to detail, custom designs, and the personal touch that comes with our handcrafed designs.

Product/Service Description

This section should include information on what makes your product special.

  • What is your unique selling point?
  • How is your product different than what is currently available in the marketplace?
  • Do you do something faster, better or in a way that is innovative when compared to your competition?
  • What benefit does your product have for your customers? Does it solve a problem or fill a hole in the marketplace? How does your product uniquely enhance their life?

Each piece in the Sparkle Jewelry Designs line is handcrafted in limited edition batches.

This provides a much sought-after appeal to our pieces, while offering unique designs that are handcrafted to the highest standards specifically for our customers.

This also allows us to apply the highest level of craftmanship to every piece in the Sparkle Jewelry Designs line.

Marketing Plan: Reaching Your Target Market

This section should be completed following a market analysis that will determine the three main components of your marketing plan.

• your target market

• your competition and how you plan to compete

• marketing expenses & how you will market your crafts

A Happy Shopper

Sparkle Jewelry Designs are currently sold via our online website, which receives traffic flow from our various social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

We plan to market our jewelry via these online spaces, as well as through various blogs that our shoppers read. Our sales will be tracked online via Paypal, which we will use to collect payment, as well as run & print monthly reports of all sales & expenses.

Sparkle Jewelry Designs is located in downtown Toronto, which gives us access to various crafts shows, artisan markets and trade shows where we rent space to sell our wares .

Our clients love fashion but they are not satisfied with mass-produced, cookie-cutter accessories. They seek out our brand for our attention to detail, custom designs, and the personal touch that comes with our handcrafted designs.

Photo: Andres Rodriguez

This section should include information on sales, expenses and cash flow expectations .

  • what start-up costs will you have?
  • how will you source supplies?

Since Sparkle Jewelry Designs will be run from our home, our start-up expenses will be minimal. Our expenses will be web hosting, domain registration and minimal advertising costs. We will also need to purchase packaging materials for our orders, and to pay a minimal fee for each sale by using Paypal as our payment processor.

We expect our cash flow to be more lucrative during Fall (for holiday shoppers) and Spring, with a slow-down in Summer months, as online traffic and shopping in general seems to slow down in those periods.

Final Thoughts

While your aim is to make your business plan as professional as possible, don’t think that you cannot be creative with your business plan. Creating a small craft business plan will allow you to see your entire business laid out before you, and give you a snapshot of how you can live your dream and make money doing so.

Inserting your personality and the passion you have for your craft business idea will translate into a compelling document that will help you propel your business forward.

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art and craft business plan pdf

The Handmade Business Handbook: Free PDF Download

In this free book, you'll learn how to grow your handmade business with advice from experts on creating a profitable business, make-to-sell ideas, selling online, social media tips and more.

  • KateHeppell ,

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Download your free PDF book to read successful craft business stories, find make-to-sell ideas and turn your handmade skills into a profitable and fulfilling business.

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Are you looking to grow your handmade business and take it to the next level? The Handmade Business Handbook is a must-have resource for anyone looking to start or grow a successful make-to-sell business. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information and insights you need to succeed in today's competitive market. The Handmade Business Handbook is packed with valuable tips, expert advice, and real-life examples to help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

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Your book includes help and advice for all the important aspects of starting and growing a handmade business, from product creation and branding to marketing and sales. It even includes step-by-step guides to creating handmade products to sell, including crochet, clay, resin, Cricut projects and more. Our experienced authors share their knowledge and insights to help you create a product that stands out, build a strong brand, and reach and engage your target customers.

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And the best part? This book is filled with inspiring stories from successful handmade business owners. Hearing about their journeys, challenges, and triumphs is sure to motivate and encourage you as you build your own business. Plus, you'll learn from their experiences and gain practical lessons that you can apply to your own business.

This book is sponsored by


To support small craft businesses and passionate makers, the UK’s best known and loved arts and crafts retailer has created Hobbycraft Plus . This unique subscription service offers discounts across the Hobbycraft range, an upgrade to next day delivery plus support and advice in the form of expert seminars. Topics include PR, social media, marketing, customer service and even TikTok!

A Hobbycraft Plus subscription costs £80 per year and includes a 15% discount* every time you shop in store and online, upgrade to next day delivery when you spend over £25 (saving £5.95 each time), three seminars focused on helping to grow a craft business (worth £30 each), access to bulk purchases and a range of packaging, seasonal newsletters, regular updates and even opportunities to be featured in Hobbycraft marketing.

Hobbycraft Plus launched in partnership with Untld Project , a PR, marketing and social media agency specialising in supporting creative, crafty and independent brands. Hobbycraft is also working closely with industry experts Folksy and Pedddle , who will offer special discounts to Hobbycraft Plus subscribers!

* Excludes digital craft machines, printers, sewing machines, Made to Measure Patterns, workshops, subscriptions and gift cards.

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should download this free PDF book today:

Valuable make-to-sell insights.

The Handmade Business Handbook is packed full of valuable insights and advice from experienced business owners and industry experts. From marketing and sales to product development and operations, this guide covers all the key areas you need to focus on to build a successful business.


Easy-to-follow tips

The tips and advice in this book are presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for you to follow along and put what you learn into action. With step-by-step instructions and helpful examples, you'll have everything you need to get started.


Up-to-date information

This guide is brand-new for 2023, packed with the latest trends and best practices in the handmade business world. Whether you're starting a business from scratch or looking to take your existing business to the next level, you can be confident that you're getting the most up-to-date information available.


Free resource

The Handmade Business Handbook is a free resource that you can download and use to your heart's content. When you're watching your bottom line, this guide has everything you need to know to get onto the path to success in the handmade business world.


Build a successful business

Whether you're making jewellery, clothing, home decor, or something else, the Handmade Business Handbook will help you build a successful business that you can be proud of. With its comprehensive coverage and actionable tips, you'll have everything you need to turn your passion into a thriving enterprise.


Download The Handmade Business Handbook FREE

So, what are you waiting for? Download the Handmade Business Handbook today and start building your dream make-to-sell business. With its valuable insights, easy-to-follow tips, and up-to-date information, this comprehensive guide is an essential resource for anyone looking to succeed in the handmade business world. It's packed with valuable information, it's free, and it's available for immediate download. Whether you're just starting out or have been running your handmade business for a while, this book is the perfect tool to help you grow and succeed. Click the download button now and start your journey to a successful handmade business!


Note: You will need to register for a free CraftWorld account to read this book

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  • Local & State

Observe Memorial Day with these events in southern Maine

Tons of towns have parades and ceremonies happening Monday.

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Kids and adults gathered at the Memorial Day parade to honor and celebrate veterans in South Portland. Sofia Aldinio/ Staff Photographer

BATH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at 200 Congress Ave. and concludes at Library Park and will be followed by a wreath-laying service at 11 a.m.

BERWICK 11 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at Berwick Town Hall/Sullivan Square and proceeds to Lord’s Cemetery by way of Wilson and Allen streets. After a ceremony there, the parade will continue down Saw Mill Hill Street with a pause at the Somersworth-Berwick Bridge for a brief memorial service for those lost at sea. The parade ends at Sullivan Square with a memorial service honoring area veterans.

BIDDEFORD-SACO Opening ceremony at 9:55 a.m. Monday at Saco City Hall. Parade starts at 10 a.m. from Saco City Hall and proceeds along Main Street and down York Hill into Biddeford, continues along Main Street, onto Alfred Street and finishes at Veteran’s Memorial Park with a closing ceremony at 10:45 a.m.

BRUNSWICK-TOPSHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Topsham Town Hall, pauses for observances while crossing the Brunswick-Topsham bridge and concludes at the Brunswick Mall.

CAPE ELIZABETH 9 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at the middle school parking lot, turns right on Scott Dyer Road, right onto Route 77 and ends at the village green adjacent to the town hall. A brief ceremony and laying of the wreath will be held at the Village Green after the parade.

CUMBERLAND 8 a.m. Monday. Kids run at Greely High School followed by 5K Run and Remember race at 8:30 a.m. Parade starts at 10 a.m. at Mabel I. Wilson School and ends at the veterans’ monument in Moss Side Cemetery in Cumberland Center, where a ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. Advertisement

FALMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from 65 Depot Road (Falmouth American Legion) to Pine Grove Park, where a ceremony will be held.

FREEPORT 9:30 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Holbrook Street, heads north on Main and makes a right onto School Street, then right onto Park Street, ending in Memorial Park. There will be a small ceremony in the Memorial Park starting at 10 a.m.

GORHAM 11 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Village School (12 Robie St.) and ends at Eastern Cemetery on Johnson Road.

GRAY 11:30 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves the Russell School (8 Gray Park), proceeds to Shaker Road and continues to the Soldiers Monument at the intersection of Routes 26 and 3 for a wreath-laying ceremony. Parade continues north to the American Legion Post (15 Lewiston Road) for a closing ceremony.

LYMAN 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at Waterhouse Road/Mill Pond in Goodwins Mills and ends at the Lyman Town Hall on South Waterboro Road.

NEW GLOUCESTER 9 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Memorial Elementary School (86 Intervale Road) and heads down Intervale Road to Route 100/202 to Veterans Park for a memorial service. The parade will reconvene and go down Peacock Hill Road, then take a left on Gilmore Road. Advertisement

OLD ORCHARD BEACH 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at the corner of Ballpark Way and E. Emerson Cumming Boulevard and proceeds down Saco Avenue, Old Orchard Beach Street to First Street and ends at Veteran’s Memorial Park.

PORTLAND 2 p.m. Monday. The procession starts at Longfellow School (432 Stevens Ave.) and ends at Evergreen Cemetery for a commemoration ceremony.

SANFORD 10 a.m. Monday. The parade starts at the Sanford Armory (88 William Oscar Emery Drive), proceeds up Gowen Park Drive and ends at Central Park.

SCARBOROUGH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Scarborough High School, turns onto Route 114 and then Route 1, past town offices to the Maine Veterans Home and concludes with a ceremony there.

SOUTH PORTLAND 10:30 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Southern Maine Community College parking lot, proceeds down Broadway to the Veterans Monument for a short Memorial Day recognition service.

WELLS 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Wells High School (200 Sanford Road) and proceeds to Ocean View Cemetery for a ceremony and musical performances. Advertisement

WESTBROOK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds down Main Street and will be followed by a ceremony in Riverbank Park.

WINDHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Windham Town Hall and proceeds onto Route 202 towards Windham High School. At 10 a.m., there will be a ceremony in front of Windham’s Veterans Memorial Flagpole at Windham High School.

YARMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Yarmouth High School (286 West Elm St.) and proceeds to the Memorial Green at Town Hall for a ceremony.

YORK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts near St. Christopher’s Church (4 Barrell Lane) and proceeds down York Street to York Town Hall.

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    A well-prepared business plan does several critical things for you: • It helps determine the feasibility of your business idea • It identifies many key decisions you will have to make • It helps you identify, collect, and organize critical information • It helps you make informed decisions Preparation for writing the business plan Consider the reader and your objectives.

  10. Business Plan Art Business: Blueprint to Success!

    Business Plan Artist (Free PDF) An Artist's Guide to Crafting a Business Plan. Download Here. Business Plan Artist: What You Get. How to write a business plan for your art business step by step; How to open an art studio incl. funding and estimated costs; Tips for self-marketing as a freelance artist;

  11. How to write a business plan for an arts and crafts shop?

    Lastly, address any funding needs in the "ask" section of your executive summary. 2. The presentation of the company. In your arts and crafts shop business plan, the second section should focus on the structure and ownership, location, and management team of your company.

  12. PDF Art Gallery Business Plan Example

    The purpose of this free business plan is to raise $100,000 for the development of an art gallery while showcasing the expected financials and operations over the next three years. The Art Valley, Inc. ("the Company") is a New York-based corporation that will provide sales of art from established and up and coming.

  13. How to Start a Handmade Craft Business

    Follow these detailed steps to create your business plan: Step 1: Executive Summary: Write a concise overview of your business. Include your business name, the type of crafts you'll sell, and your business objectives. Step 2: Business Description: Outline your business in more detail.

  14. How to Start an Arts and Crafts Business

    3. Create a business plan. Use a business plan to outline your business goals and the steps needed to get your arts and crafts business up and running. This might be a simple outline or more complex and detailed document. The plan is strictly to help keep you organized, so there is really no right or wrong way.

  15. Create a Craft Business Plan for the Upcoming Year

    Research craft trends for 2022 - So you can create products that reflect what shoppers want to buy.; Set realistic goals - So you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish in the upcoming year.; Build effective work habits - So you can get down to work and get things done.; Research juried art shows & studio tours - So you don't miss important application deadlines.

  16. PDF TEMPLATE Creative Business Private Plan

    Creating a S.W.O.T analysis of your creative business can be extremely useful as a way of identifying potential difficulties and opportunities for your business, and for yourself. • Strengths and Weaknesses are internal aspects of you and your business; • Opportunities and Threats are external aspects of your business;

  17. Step-by-Step Sample of a Craft Business Plan

    That is where this sample of a craft business plan can help you to focus on your goal of being a small business owner. After putting all the pieces into place, implementing them is much easier, and your excitement for your passion project will translate into a passion that is reciprocated by your customers. Photo: Melodi2.

  18. The Handmade Business Handbook: Free PDF Download

    Download your free PDF book to read successful craft business stories, find make-to-sell ideas and turn your handmade skills into a profitable and fulfilling business. ... the UK's best known and loved arts and crafts retailer has created Hobbycraft Plus. This unique subscription service offers discounts across the Hobbycraft range, an ...

  19. PDF Business planning guidance for arts and cultural organisations

    Business planning process A business plan is… A business plan is not… • a clear and coherent plan for action • a guide to the future • a 'live' internal document which is revisited and revised annually • one of the key ways in which a governing body fulfils its duties to set strategic direction and exercise prudent stewardship

  20. PDF AFORA BUSINESS PLAN Facilitates fair

    Leadership. Our team hosts at least four meetings annually, but more if deemed necessary by any member. Decisions are democratically made, and are in accordance with the vision, mission and development goals of the foundation as stipulated in this business plan. This facilitates progress analysis.

  21. Handicraft Business Plan Template: A Step-by-Step Guide (2024)

    If you are planning to start a new handicraft business, the first thing you will need is a business plan. Use our sample business plan created using Upmetrics business plan software to start writing your business plan in no time.. Before you start writing your business plan for your new handicraft business, spend as much time as you can reading through some examples of retail store-related ...

  22. Observe Memorial Day with these events in southern Maine

    Kids and adults gathered at the Memorial Day parade to honor and celebrate veterans in South Portland. Sofia Aldinio/ Staff Photographer. BATH. 10 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at 200 Congress Ave ...