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Paraphrase Games and Activities You Should Know

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Paraphrase games and activities teach your students to paraphrase without putting them to sleep. This article teaches and reinforces this skill in fun and exciting ways by using activities and games.

Students must sometimes find solutions or facts from what they’ve read and not merely duplicate the source. We call this “paraphrasing.”

Why does this matter? First, we want to make sure we don’t plagiarize, so we don’t use someone else’s work and call it our own. After rephrasing and rethinking, teachers need to hear what a student says to know if they understand.

Paraphrase games and activities teach your students to paraphrase without putting them to sleep.

Why Play Paraphrase Games?

Teachers must often hear students synthesize and rewrite words to evaluate if they grasp it. Most people aren’t born knowing how to paraphrase. These activities and games teach and reinforce paraphrase.

Most of us aren’t born knowing how to paraphrase, though. Use these games and activities to help your students learn and practice paraphrasing.

1. Paraphrasing Races

The teacher puts the students into groups and gives each group a sentence. They have three minutes to come up with as many different ways to say the sentence as they can. Each good way of putting it is worth one point. The winner is the team with the most points.

2. Fun Question and Answer

At its core, paraphrasing means rewriting something in your own words, so have students start by doing that. Split your students into pairs and ask them questions.

Questions like “What did you do yesterday after school?” Tell me your vacation plans etc.

  • Student A gives a three- or four-sentence answer to the question.
  • Student B rewrites what Student A said.
  • Then, each pair changes roles.

You should show the class how to do this a few times before you start.

3. Quiz, Quiz, Trade Game

This is another version of the “Talk at First” Game. Start by:

  • Giving each student a piece of paper with a sentence on it.
  • Have students find partners.
  • Student A says her sentence, and Student B rewrites it in his or her own words.

The students then switch places. Then, they trade cards and go on to find different partners.

4. The Use of Index Cards

Ask students to take something their parent or sibling says and put it in their own words. Send them home with two index cards. On one, have them write down the original idea and on the other, how they changed it. Share the next day in class.

5. Identify Me

Make index cards with samples of academic text, like a few sentences from your science or social studies book.


Give each group both a set of sample text cards and a set of blank index cards. Have each group choose someone to be the first judge and someone else to be the reader.

The judge picks a ready-made card and reads it out loud. Then, the judge puts it in the middle of the group so that everyone can see it.

Everyone in the group (except the reader) rewrites the text in their own words and writes it on a blank index card.

The card is then put in the reader. The reader reads each quoted card aloud, and the judge tries to guess who authored it. Give points for each right answer. Switch roles and keep playing until all of the task cards are used up.

6. Paraphrase Together

Try rewriting a short paragraph as a whole class. Use your document, camera or write it on the board to show the paragraph. You might want to give each student a copy. Make sure your pupils are aware of the distinction between paraphrasing and summarizing . Talk about the different ways to do things.

The students are to use the Four R’s to paraphrase correctly.

Reword the sentences

  • Students should try to reword the sentences. Use synonyms for words and phrases whenever you can.

Rearrange the sentences

  • Students should be able to change the order of the words in a sentence to make a new sentence. They can even switch the order of the ideas in a paragraph.

Realize that s ome words are unchangeable

  • Students should be aware that some words and phrases cannot be changed. Words such as names, dates, titles, etc., but they can be rephrased in a different way.

Recheck for same meaning

  • Make sure that the meaning of your paraphrase is the same as the original.

Paraphrase games are a great way to practice and develop your paraphrasing skills . They provide a space to reflect on and improve on your writing skills as well as work on teamwork, and creativity.

With a bit of creative thinking and originality, these games provide a lot of possibility for unforgettable moments.

Paraphrase Games and Activities You Should Know

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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Best 5 Paraphrasing Exercises

Read on to see our helpful paraphrasing exercises and tips in this article to get you started.

One of the most important skills you can hone as a student or writer is to paraphrase the words of other academics and experts effectively. Since new knowledge is built upon that which is already known, it makes sense that you’d want to reference the ideas of others in your work. However, this is often easier said than done. Paraphrasing, especially if you want to do it well, can be challenging.

Fortunately, as is the case with most other skills in life, you can improve your ability to paraphrase through practice. For instance, you can improve this skill by regularly doing paraphrasing exercises. As I was an academic for a long time in my life, I thought it might be helpful to those who have little or no experience in paraphrasing if I provided a list of paraphrasing exercises. If you’re such a person, I hope that this article will get you started on your journey toward mastering the art of paraphrasing. Your academic or writing career will undoubtedly be better off for it when you do.

The Art of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing exercises and activities to help you master the skill, 1. broaden your vocabulary, 2. create a word map, 3. paraphrase in small chunks, 4. ways to paraphrase shorter and easier sentences, 5. imagine you’re explaining the source material to someone, helpful tips, 1. avoid plagiarism, 2. summarizing is not paraphrasing, 3. changing word order is not paraphrasing.

Although paraphrasing is an essential skill when writing papers, essays, or articles, it’s one that many find challenging to master. To paraphrase the words of others, you need first to comprehend their meaning, and then you need to express this meaning in your own words. To do this effectively requires a broad and sophisticated range of vocabulary and advanced grammar skills.

As stated in the introduction, you can improve your paraphrasing skills through paraphrasing exercises. Doing this will help you construct meaningful and original paraphrased sentences and increase the speed at which you work. Especially when you’re a student, reading, and paraphrasing the words of other scholars and experts can form a big chunk of your work. Learning how to paraphrase well and at a quick pace will enhance your academic experience and will open up your schedule for other activities, such as sports or parties.

Our paraphrasing vs. summarizing guide might be helpful.

Now that you know the importance of paraphrasing, let’s dive right in and look at some exercises and activities that can help you improve. Remember, as is the case when learning any other new skill, you need to engage with these exercises regularly.

Broaden your vocabulary

Since you cannot paraphrase appropriately without a decent range of vocabulary, it makes sense to aim to add more words to your vocabulary bank constantly. Of course, if you’re an academic, you’ll want to focus on improving your academic vocabulary in your specific field. However, since academic language has a formal tone, you can add general terms to your vocabulary bank to help you express yourself more sophisticatedly. Examples of such words, for instance, are verbs such as “theorize,” “opine,” “constitute,” and “approximate.”

There are various ways in which you can enrich your academic vocabulary. These include:

  • Keeping a word journal: A great way to learn new words is to carry a little book along with you, in which you can write down words that you don’t know. You can write down the word and then look up the meaning when you have time. It can also be helpful to construct your sentence with the word once you’ve jotted down its definition.
  • Highlight words in texts: Whether you’re working with a physical copy of a text or a digital version, it’s good to highlight or underline words that you don’t know. You can then either write a definition of the words in the margin or, if you’re working with a digital copy, you can add a comment. Another good tip is to write by hand – people learn better when writing something by hand than if they typed the same information.
  • Read as much as you can: Although this may be obvious, the best way to improve your vocabulary is to read as many books and articles as you can fit into your schedule. Even if you don’t have the time to look up the meaning of each word that you don’t understand, just seeing the word pop up in different contexts will help you work out the meaning for yourself over time. Apart from reading, you can also listen to podcasts or watch documentaries and news channels.

If you’re battling to paraphrase an original paragraph or sentence into your own words, it can be helpful to create a word map. You can, for instance, write a few complex words or phrases down on a piece of paper. Next, draw a box around each word or phrase, and leave enough space around each so that you can draw and link other boxes. As a next step, you can draw boxes in which you write the synonym of each word. You can also write down the definition of each word if you’re unsure of its meaning.

Next, you need to clarify the relationship between these words or terms. Draw arrows between them indicating patterns, correlation, or cause and effect. You can also add boxes between the original words or phrases in which you add other words, such as verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, or adjectives. Doing so can help you further explain the terms or link them meaningfully. Once you’ve added all the information you can think of, try to create a paraphrased sentence or paragraph from your word map.

A valuable way to learn how to paraphrase when you’re a beginner is to break sentences into smaller parts. For example, instead of paraphrasing a long and complex sentence, which can become overwhelming if you’re not used to this process, you can focus on shorter phrases. Let’s take a look at an example. Here, for instance, is a long and complex sentence:

“ Many impacts are unavoidable and will hit the world’s most vulnerable populations hardest, it warns — but collective action from governments to both curb greenhouse-gas emissions and prepare communities to live with global warming could yet avert the worst outcomes. “

You may find it challenging to paraphrase this sentence as a whole. However, breaking it into smaller chunks makes the task more doable. You can break this sentence up in the following way:

  • Many impacts are unavoidable
  • And will hit the world’s most vulnerable populations hardest, it warns
  • But collective actions from governments
  • To both curb greenhouse-gas emissions
  • And prepare communities to live with global warming
  • Could yet avert the worst outcomes

Remember, the sentence structure of your paraphrased version can and often will look different from the source. This means that you can form two or multiple sentences if this helps you create a meaningful paraphrased version, even if the original is one sentence.

If you want to practice your paraphrasing skills, you can do so by paraphrasing a sentence in two or three different ways. You can practice finding different synonyms, grammar, and sentence structures while retaining the meaning across all versions.

If you have time, you can do this exercise with longer sentences. However, it may be good to start by paraphrasing shorter sentences. Doing so will allow you to focus on finding multiple synonyms and different ways to write the same sentence.

Here’s an example:

“ Scientists know that bees are dying from a variety of factors. “

Paraphrased version 1:

“Experts maintain that the future of bees is in danger due to multiple causes.”

Paraphrased version 2:

“There are many different reasons why bees are going extinct, according to scientists.”

A helpful way of practicing paraphrasing while reading through articles or research papers is to recite your paraphrased version of some more complex sentences. Since the first step of paraphrasing is to ensure that you’ve correctly understood the source, repeating what you’ve just read in your own words can help you grasp the meaning of the source material.

You don’t need to use formal academic language and complex terms when doing this paraphrasing exercise. Instead, the aim is to repeat what you’ve read in plain and simple terms. Also, since you don’t need to write anything down for this paraphrasing exercise, it’s something you can regularly do while you’re reading through the source material.

It’s vital that you understand what you’re reading and that all the information is not just going over your head. Doing this exercise, primarily when you find yourself drifting off or having problems grasping a sentence, will ensure that you’ve understood the section you’ve read. At the same time, you get to practice your paraphrasing skills.

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind while paraphrasing.

Even though you’re not using direct quotes when paraphrasing but rather stating another author’s ideas in your own words, you still need to reference their work. Failing to do so amounts to plagiarism, a serious offense, whether you’re producing academic work or an article for a web page.

The format you have to use when citing the work of others varies. For instance, in academic writing, you need to provide in-text citations and a list of references at the end of your essay, article, or thesis. The precise way you’ll write your in-text citations and list of references will be determined by the formatting style, whether this is APA , Harvard , Chicago , or MLA .

Although both tools or techniques involve using your own words to describe somebody else’s text, they are different. You need to retain the original work’s meaning with both techniques while using your own words. When you’re summarizing a work , you’re selecting only the most essential points of the text and rewriting these in your own words. This means that you provide a short overview of what a text is about.

It would be best to remain far more loyal to the source material with paraphrasing. You refer to specific ideas an author has provided to incorporate these into your work. To ensure that you’re not changing the original version too much or skewing the meaning the author intended to bring across, you have to rewrite actual sentences and paragraphs. You can’t just write a summary of large chunks of text.

Although this is a “technique” employed by lazy students, you should be aware that merely swapping around the word order of an original text does not constitute paraphrasing. It’s also not good enough to merely change a sentence from passive voice to active voice or vice versa.

Using either of these as your only paraphrasing method when rewriting somebody else’s words can amount to plagiarism since you’ve not used your own words or demonstrated your understanding of the source material. In such instances, you’d be better off simply rewriting the author’s exact words and placing these in quotation marks.

To learn more, check out our guide on paraphrasing vs. plagiarism .

activities to practice paraphrasing

Bryan Collins is the owner of Become a Writer Today. He's an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work. He's also a former Forbes columnist and his work has appeared in publications like Lifehacker and Fast Company.

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Teaching Students to Paraphrase

Ideas for scaffolding paraphrasing so that students correctly learn this valuable but difficult-to-master skill.

A teacher helping her middle school student with her writing

When discussing text in the classroom, it’s tough for students to shift from utilizing an author’s words (copying) to accepting the challenge to express that author’s idea in their own words (paraphrasing).

But teaching effective paraphrasing is necessary because the use of paraphrasing facilitates important literacy skills : It encourages repeated reading, develops note-taking habits as students track quotes and outline text details, and expands vocabulary as they consider appropriate ways to describe the original text. The skill may seem daunting to students because it takes time to find the appropriate words to reshape a sentence, but that is time well spent.

We also need to teach paraphrasing, of course, so that students develop the skill set required to avoid committing plagiarism unintentionally .

Student Tools

One way to support students is to make them aware of tools that may help when they’re paraphrasing. Think of these as training wheels—students won’t use them forever.

Academic Phrasebank : Ready-made phrases help students organize their sentences when they paraphrase. The site provides sentence starters for defining ideas, comparing and contrasting ideas, describing cause and effect, and explaining evidence to support statements.

For instance, if a student were paraphrasing vocabulary word X, they would be able to find sentence starters such as “The word X encompasses...,” “The word X is challenging to define because...,” and “The word X is intended to....”

Ashford University Writing Center : This website has a five-item quiz to review the paraphrasing process. It allows students to identify examples and non-examples of paraphrasing for a given text.

When examining non-examples, students are shown how replacing or rearranging words is akin to copying and pasting on a computer. Students see examples of effective paraphrasing, including a change of sentence structure or personal elaboration combined with limited quoted information.

Tone Analyzer : This tool allows students to enter a brief sample from a text and receive an analysis of the tone. When using this tool, students can request an assessment of whether the text illustrates anger, joy, sadness, etc. In addition to these emotions, the website includes language descriptors such as confident (used to describe texts that use active voice and/or words such as will , must , etc.) or tentative (texts with words such as seems , appears , might , etc.). This tool is useful in helping students successfully align the tone of their paraphrased material with the tone of the original text.

Student Self-Check Prompts

Students should outgrow the tools above, and teachers can encourage that growth by showing them how to monitor their own progress with paraphrasing. Students can self-check to determine how on track with paraphrasing they are by asking themselves these questions:

  • Can I identify elements of the text that are most significant (and thus appropriate to preserve) when I put it in my own words?
  • Can I recite elements of the text from memory in order to prepare to put it into my own words?
  • How can I adjust the sentence structure to preserve the meaning of the text?

Student Cautions

Because the journey to paraphrasing may involve a few hiccups, it’s a good idea to identify potential student challenges. When paraphrasing, remind students that they should:

  • Attempt to describe the text in their own words gradually, one component at a time (thanks to Doug Lemov and Maggie Johnson for this close reading strategy). For instance, they might first use their own words to describe significant phrases in the reading, and then make an effort to explain one or two key sentences, and finally attempt to paraphrase an entire paragraph.
  • Monitor the similarities between the text and the paraphrase. For instance, after describing specific sentences or paragraphs, they should note how many words are shared. Instead of using the same words as the author, focus on mirroring the same main idea. The Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning at Yale offers easy-to-follow models for how to achieve this.
  • Ensure that there is a sufficient number of word substitutions in the paraphrased material. (Substituting only a couple of words could constitute plagiarism.) Students should focus on changing the structure of the sentence . This may involve converting a simple sentence to a compound sentence or adding a prepositional phrase.
  • Avoid adjusting special language (acronyms, figurative language, jargon, etc.). These kinds of terms are considered common knowledge, so using them in a paraphrase doesn’t constitute plagiarism. Resources such as the Purdue Online Writing Lab can help students figure out whether a particular term is common knowledge.

Teachers can push students to move beyond copying by encouraging them to see paraphrasing as the go-to reading response. When we equip students with needed resources, we make student voice the rule instead of the exception.

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Paraphrasing is finding another way to say something when you don't know how to say it.

Two people looking at items in a market in South Korea

Paraphrasing is not only an essential skill for all speakers but also key to learners developing communicative ability beyond their existing knowledge of language.

Example The learner is describing a photograph of a glider and doesn't know the word, so paraphrases by saying ‘an airplane that uses the wind'.

In the classroom One way to practise paraphrasing is through word games. For example, in a definition game learners have to provide paraphrases, so that others can guess the original word. This can be done in written form in crossword activities as well.

Further links: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/heroes-villains-pride-prejudice-0 https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/windrush-generation https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/green-great https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/creativity-language-classroom  

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How to Teach Paraphrasing to High School Students

Research Writing , Secondary Literacy , Writing

Paraphrasing is a skill that students often learn in elementary or middle school. However, it is important to teach paraphrasing to high school students as well. Paraphrasing is an important writing skill. It encourages students to expand their vocabulary and modify sentence styles. It also challenges them to read closely and analyze meaning.

Paraphrasing is also an essential skill to avoid plagiarism . As high school students begin researching and developing more complex ideas, it is important to clarify the difference between paraphrasing a sentence and plagiarizing an essay.

Teach Students How to Paraphrase

What is the Goal of Paraphrasing?

Put simply, the goal of paraphrasing is to use the student’s own words to rephrase the words of another source. When students use their own words, they demonstrate that they have interpreted the information, made sense of it, and reiterated it to their audience. Thus, the goal of paraphrasing is also to demonstrate the student’s understanding of the source .

Students can also use paraphrasing as a tool to deepen their own understanding of a text . This is especially useful for English Language Learners reading at a new Lexile level. It can also help students reading antiquated texts, like Shakespeare or Beowulf . Finding meaning within each sentence or phrase can act as a stepping stone to understanding challenging texts as a whole.

Finally, an important goal of paraphrasing is to help students avoid plagiarism . Students can avoid direct plagiarism by rewording their sources and reiterating their understanding. Additionally, they can avoid other forms of plagiarism by properly integrating citations into their writing .

What is the Difference Between Paraphrasing and Summarizing?

Knowing the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing is essential for students writing standardized tests , including the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) , the AP Language and Composition Exam, and both the SAT and the ACT.

Summarizing involves highlighting the main points of an entire work or idea. A summary includes some of the supporting details, but not all. The goal of a summary is to capture the “big picture. ” In contrast, paraphrasing involves reiterating isolated details within a work or idea . Paraphrasing restates the specific details within a work. It is not necessary to make a connection between these details and the “big picture” of a text.

Teach Paraphrasing in High School ELA

What is the Difference Between Paraphrasing and Annotating?

Paraphrasing and annotating share similarities. For one, both aim to explain a section of a work. Paraphrasing and annotating are also important parts of the close reading process. To differentiate between these two skills, it is best to consider paraphrasing as rewording the text, and annotating as reacting to the text . Deeper analysis, criticism, and opinion are important elements of annotation, but students should avoid including these elements when paraphrasing.

Activities to Teach Paraphrasing to High School Students

Use music to introduce paraphrasing to high school students.

Whether they realize it or not, students are using paraphrasing skills in their everyday life . When sharing information across cultural or generational boundaries, paraphrasing is often necessary. If you’ve ever needed to ask your students to translate modern music or slang, then you’ve essentially asked them to paraphrase! Similarly, if your students have asked you to decode a challenging sentence or paragraph within a text, they’ve also asked you to paraphrase.

A fun way to teach paraphrasing to high school students is to start in their comfort zone. I have had great success with using modern music to teach paraphrasing to older classes. This involves finding song lyrics that rely on slang words or cultural phrases and prompting students to paraphrase each line. Your students will get a kick out of explaining the meaning of these lyrics to you.

Here are some song suggestions for this activity. ( Note that some songs deal with mature themes. )

  • “ 3 Nights ” by Dominic Fike
  • “ Green Eyes ” by Arlo Parks
  • “ Thinkin Bout You ” by Frank Ocean
  • “ Sunflower ” by Harry Styles
  • “ Don’t Start Now ” by Dua Lipa

With the right group of students, exploring the genre of rap can be a productive and engaging lesson for teaching paraphrasing . Unfortunately, rap music is not written for the classroom – even censored versions deal with mature subject matter. Use your professional judgment to determine whether or not this type of activity would be suitable for your students. The following song lyrics offer cultural dialect and a level of complexity that would be an engaging challenge to paraphrase:

  • “ Humble ” by Kendrick Lamar ( censored version )
  • “ Savage ” by Megan Thee Stallion ( censored version )
  • “ God’s Plan ” by Drake ( censored version )
  • “ Oceans ” by Jay Z
  • “ The Season / Carry Me ” by Anderson .Paac

How to Use Song Lyrics to Teach Paraphrasing

Apply Paraphrasing to More Challenging Texts

Now that students have practiced paraphrasing using high-interest texts , you can challenge them with literature outside of their comfort zone. Simply select an excerpt from a text written in Old English and format it on a worksheet with a blank text box next to the text. Students can paraphrase the text line-by-line to decipher meaning . This activity would pair well with any Shakespeare text in your school curriculum.

Alternatively, you could assign an antiquated text to explore as a class . Some options include The Seafarer , Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal , or the epic poem Beowulf . I find this activity especially effective when I divide a text amongst groups of students and assign them the task of paraphrasing different sections.

Model Paraphrasing During Read-Alouds in High School

Teaching paraphrasing can be as simple as modeling it during a read-aloud period in your classroom. This can involve pausing after reading important parts of the text to reiterate the message. You can also practice paraphrasing aloud after reading complex sentences to offer clarification.

After teaching students about paraphrasing, you can also ask them to paraphrase for you during read-alouds. If you haven’t taught this skill yet, you can simply ask students a simpler prompt, like “In your own words, what is this sentence/paragraph communicating? ”

To differentiate between paraphrasing and annotating , you can ask students to keep their responses separate from their reactions to the text. When they begin to offer too much insight, analysis, or criticism, you can coach them to take a step back and focus simply on the meaning .

To differentiate between paraphrasing and summarizing, you can also prompt students to summarize the text after the read-aloud. If you haven’t taught the skill of summarizing yet, you can simply ask students another simple prompt like “ what is this text about? “

How to Teach Paraphrasing in High School

Practice Integrating In-Text Citations to Teach Paraphrasing to High School Students

As mentioned, one of the goals of paraphrasing is to help students avoid plagiarism in their writing. To do so, students must be able to properly integrate in-text citations . These two skills will help students to credit sources and maintain academic integrity.

I teach this skill explicitly to students by practicing in-text citations in class. Mondays Made Easy offers in-text citations practice worksheets to model how to write parenthetical and integrated citations in student writing. These worksheets explore high-interest topics and offer a number of differentiation options , including different Lexile levels and a Tic-Tac-Toe activity to implement student choice.

If you’ve been struggling to teach paraphrasing to high school students , I hope these lesson plans and ideas are able to offer you some engaging solutions. For more activities and advice for the English Language Arts classroom, be sure to follow along on Instagram:

English Language Arts Teacher


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activities to practice paraphrasing

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[…] in-text citations indicate where an idea originally came from. The idea could be word-for-word or paraphrased. As their name suggests, in-text citations exist within the text of an essay or paragraph. They […]

[…] You can incorporate classroom playlists into your English Language Arts curriculum in a number of ways. One way would be to simply have students select a song and write about the author’s purpose. Another way would be to assign students a playlist, have them select a song, and then have them paraphrase the music lyrics. […]

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Paraphrasing and Summarizing Exercises with Answers

Paraphrasing and Summarizing Exercises with Answers

Paraphrasing and Summarizing are two skills that are highly useful for writers. With these two techniques, writers can get help creating their content and providing it to their readers in an easy-to-peruse way.

However, if you happen to be new to the field of writing, you could be a little unaware and untrained in both these skills. But don’t worry. Everyone starts out as a beginner.

In this post, we’re going to be looking at some  paraphrasing and summarizing  exercises along with their answers and explanations. By following along, you’ll get a good idea about how you can use these techniques in your own capacity.

Let’s begin!

What is Paraphrasing and Summarizing?

Before we get to the exercises, let’s digress a little and understand what paraphrasing and summarization actually are.

Let’s start with paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing  is the process in which a particular piece of content is reworded and rephrased in such a way that it looks different from its original version but it has the same meaning and context.

A simple example of paraphrasing would be to change “John likes his cat” to “John adores his feline pet”. Paraphrasing can be as slight as merely changing some words in the text, or it can be as drastic as fully changing the tone, structure, order, and words of the content.

On the other hand,  Summarizing  is the process in which a piece of content is shrunk and shortened to about one-tenth of its original size. In this shortened version, the main idea and concept of the content is provided.

Summarization is usually used by authors and writers when they want to give a brief outline of a book or article to their readers.

Now that we’ve looked at the definitions of both, let’s move ahead to look at some exercises.

Paraphrasing Exercises (with Answers)

The main purpose of providing these exercises along with their answers is to help you understand what these techniques look like when they are implemented. Since we have explained their core definition above, you can try and work along the exercises to improve your skills a little as well.

Related:  Difference Between Paraphrasing And Rephrasing

Paraphrasing Exercise # 1:

Here is a sample paragraph that we will be paraphrasing as an exercise. We’ll write the paragraph alone first, and then provide the answer after a brief explanation.

Sample Paragraph:

"John could not find the butter in his fridge. He went to buy some from the store. On coming back, he saw his cat sitting on the floor, smacking its lips. There was some yellow stuff smeared all around its face. Thus, John solved the mystery of the missing butter."

So, as we mentioned earlier, paraphrasing can be done simply and sparingly, or it can be done drastically.

One of the primary and basic ways of paraphrasing is to simply change some words in the provided content with their synonyms. This is, we reiterate, a very basic level of paraphrasing, and it is often very easy to see through it.

So, for this first exercise, we are going to be doing only that level of paraphrasing as a way to illustrate how it looks like.

Here is what the above paragraph looks like when paraphrased:

Paraphrased Paragraph:

"John could not locate the butter in the refrigerator. He went to purchase some from the shop. On coming back, he observed his cat sitting on the ground, licking its lips. There was some yellow material smeared all around its face. Hence, John solved the mystery of the missing butter."

While we are on this discussion, it will also be salubrious to understand that when changing words with their synonyms for the purpose of paraphrasing, you have to be careful that you pick those that don’t mess up the context and intent of the lines.

Paraphrasing Exercise # 2:

Moving on, let’s look at another paraphrasing exercise. Here is the paragraph that we will be using for this one:

"John’s cat got lost in the forest. He went looking for it in the night time. He heard some movement in one of the bushes. He put his hand in and felt the fur. He pulled the thing out, thinking it to be his cat. After coming home, he realized it was an angry raccoon."

We mentioned in the last exercise that the basic level of paraphrasing is to change some of the words in the given text with their synonyms. And we also mentioned how that sort of paraphrasing can be easily detected.

So, for writers who want to paraphrase something in such a way that it does not resemble its original form a lot, there’s a step further that they can go, and that is to change the sentence structures + phrases.

Essentially, by changing the phrases used in the content as well as the arrangement of the sentences, the overall look of the paraphrased piece looks very different. If someone wants to go even ahead of that, they can shuffle the sentence  order  as well.

Considering this type of ‘extensive’ paraphrasing, here is the answer to the paragraph given above:

"John’s cat went missing in the forest. He went to search for it when it was dark. He discerned some movement in the hedge. After putting his hand inside it, he felt some fur. Thinking that it was his cat, he pulled the animal out. It was only after coming home that he realized that it was a frustrated raccoon."

Read more: How And Why to Paraphrase Your Content?

Summarizing Exercises (with Answers)

Now that we have looked at the paraphrasing exercises, let’s move on to look at some for summarizing.

Just as we’ve looked at two types of paraphrasing above, we’ll also look at two different types of summarizing.

Actually, it’ll be better if we explain those two types before getting to the exercises.

Basically, there are  two types of summaries . One of them is called  extractive  and the other is called  abstractive .

In extractive summarization, the summary of a piece of content is generated merely by taking out some sentences from it and joining them together. This is usually the type of summaries that you get from automated tools.

When extractive summaries are created, there is no effort to understand the actual meaning and context of the text. Rather, the purpose is only to take some lines from it and join them together in such a way that they make sense.

On the other hand, abstractive summaries are those that are written using a completely new and different set of words, phrases and sentences than the content (that is being summarized). As opposed to extractive summarization, abstractive summarization involves understanding the meaning and context of the text, and then creating a completely new summary that features all those concepts and ideas.

Summarizing Exercise # 1 (Extractive)

In order to demonstrate and explain extractive summarization, we’re going to first write a paragraph here and then provide its summary afterwards:

Sample paragraph:

"John’s car broke down. He stopped by the road side and screamed at people to stop and help him. But no one stopped for him. He continued howling and howling for hours. People kept driving by. After getting tired, he picked up a sheet and wrapped it around himself. Then, he started spinning on his spot. He grew dizzy. He kept spinning and spinning until he fell asleep."

Now, since we have to use the “extractive” summarization technique here, we’ll create the summary using the lines and sentences used in the content itself.

"John’s car broke down. But no one stopped for him. Then, he started spinning on the spot. He kept spinning and spinning until he fell asleep."

Summarizing Exercise # 2 (Abstractive)

For this exercise, we will use the same para that we did above. However, the technique used for the summarization will be different.

Since we will be using the abstractive technique here, the summary will be created using different words and phrases as the original.

"John’s vehicle went phut. But, no one stopped their car to help him. After he was tired, he made himself dizzy by spinning and then went to sleep."

So, that’s about it.

If you were a little confused about paraphrasing and summarization techniques, hopefully you’re a little more confident about them now.

These skills can come in handy for writers in a lot of different situations. If you don’t have the hang of them already, you should try and get it as quick as you can.

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Paraphrase and Summary Exercises

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The exercises in this section provide opportunities for second language writers (ESL) of various proficiency levels to practice with paraphrase and summary writing.

Exercises in this section were developed by Kamal Belmihoub. Last Update May 29, 2014.

Basic-level Paraphrase and Summary Writing


Paraphrasing refers to rewriting a given sentence using your own words. When we need to use a sentence in our writing that someone else wrote, we paraphrase it. That is, we use the same idea(s) in that sentence and write it differently. In addition to using different words, we use different grammar. The main purpose of paraphrasing has to do with being able to use someone else’s ideas while we write our own texts. Of course, it is required that any writer acknowledges the original source using the proper citation format.

This paraphrase has too many words, such as “PayLess is closed because of” are repeated. It is important to use different words and grammatical structure, while keeping the same meaning of the original sentence.

As can be seen in the above example, in addition to using different words, the grammatical structure of the sentence was changed by starting with the second part (dependent clause) of the original sentence.


A summary should be a short version of a longer original source. Its main goal is to present a large amount of information in a short and concise text that includes only the most important ideas of the original text.

Intermediate-level Paraphrase Exercises

Source Material

Inappropriate paraphrase

The inappropriate paraphrase is too close to the original sentence. Several words are the same and the complex structure of the sentence is the same. Deleting some words from the original sentence is not enough to write an appropriate paraphrase.

Appropriate paraphrase

The appropriate paraphrase uses a different structure for the sentence, and most words are different from the original.

Paraphrase Summary Exercises List of Works Consulted

List of works consulted.

“American History Series: The United States Turns Inward After World War One.” Voice of America, 24 Nov. 2010. Web. 1 April 2013.

“Budgets Slash English Classes for Immigrants.” 8 Apr.. 2013. Web. 1 May 2013.

“Bullying.” Science Daily, n.d. Web. 30 May 2013.

“Business English Speakers Can Still be Divided by a Common Language.” Voice of America, 1 Mar. 2011. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

“Camaraderie of sports Teams May Deter Bullying.” Science Daily, 5 May 2013. Web. 30 May 2013.

“Childhood Bullying Increases the Propensity to Self-Harm During Adolescence.” Science Daily, 28 May 2013. Web. 30 May 2013.

“Exposure to Two Languages Can Have Far-Reaching Benefits.” Northwestern, 20 May 2009. Web. 1 May 2013.

“Global Economic Forum Rates Global Risks for 2013.” Voice of America, 11 Jan. 2013. Web. 30 May 2013.

“Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!” Voice of America, 25 Jan. 2013. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

“Lifestyle Habits Lower Heart Failure Risk.” Science Daily, 13 Sep. 2011. Web. 30 May 2013.

“More Wins for TEA Party Activists, but Will They Win in November?” Voice of America, 17 Sep. 2010. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

“Movies Become Big Business in the 1920s.” Voice of America, 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

“New Anti-Cancer Components of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Revealed.” Science Daily, 27 Dec. 2008. Web. 30 May 2013.

“New Hampshire Chinese Language School Attracts non-Chinese Students.” 30 Oct. 2009. Web. 1 May 2013.

“Quitting Smoking: Licensed Medications are Effective.” Science Daily, 30 May 2013. Web. 30 May 2013.

“Soccer Training Improves Heart Health of Men with Type 2 Diabetes.” Science Daily, 30 May 2013. Web. 30 May 2013.

“Tornado Season Returns, Voice of America.” Voice of America. 30 Apr. 2012. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

“What is the Human Relations Commission?” City of West Lafayette Indiana, 6 Mar. 2012. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

“Women Edge Past Men in Getting Doctorates, Voice of America.” Voice of America, 5 Oct. 2010. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

“World’s Population Reaches 7 Billion Voice of America. 4 Jan. 2012. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Injured Celtics big a full practice participant as NBA Finals approach

  • Published: Jun. 01, 2024, 1:13 p.m.

Kristaps Porzingis

Boston Celtics center Kristaps Porzingis (8) gestures to the crowd after scoring during the first half of an NBA basketball game against the New York Knicks in New York, Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Peter K. Afriyie) AP

BRIGHTON — Joe Mazzulla said Kristaps Porzingis did everything the rest of the Celtics did in practice on Saturday as the injured big man continued to move closer to a return to action.

Porzingis hasn’t played since suffering a calf strain on April 29. The Celtics coach said Sunday would be a tougher test as they ramp up preparation for Game 1 of the NBA Finals which is Thursday at TD Garden.

“He did everything the team did. We’ll go significantly harder tomorrow. Today was kind of moderate but he went through everything that the team did today.”

Porzingis averaged 20.1 points per game on a career-high 51.6 percent shooting and 7.2 rebounds per game during the regular season.

Mazzulla declined to be specific on how Porzingis would be initially used when he does return.

“He’s a great player. He’s done a lot of great things for us,” he said. “Just like any other guy, you go through what gives us the best chance to win, what gives us the best possible chance to win this series, this game, these matchups. When K.P. is at his best he’s been tremendous for us. We know he’ll give that to us.”

Mazzulla said he expects Porzingis to reacclimate quickly.

“He’s been through so much in this league that he has a poise and a temperament about him,” Mazzulla said. “He’s been the same. His highs don’t get too high. His lows don’t get too low. He’s got great perspective.”

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2024 NFL OTA updates: Dolphins rookie WR catches deep Tua pass for touchdown; huge storm ends Cowboys practice

A rundown of notable updates as the nfl enters its second week of otas.


Offseason programming is well underway across the NFL , with all 32 teams engaging in some form of on- or off-field preparations ahead of summer training camp. Everyone from big-name veterans to incoming rookies are hitting the grass, signaling the 2024 campaign is fast approaching; only 100 days remain until the official start of the season.

Let's jump around the NFL for the latest news, notes and highlights out of organized team activities (OTAs):

Star wide receivers absent from Bengals practice

Cincinnati kicked off its voluntary OTAs this week, and neither Ja'Marr Chase nor Tee Higgins was in attendance, as ESPN reported . Chase, a three-time Pro Bowler, is under contract through 2025 but seeking a long-term extension. Higgins, meanwhile, has yet to sign the $21.8 million franchise tag the Bengals applied prior to free agency. Absent a new deal of his own, Higgins has reportedly repeatedly lobbied for a trade out of town.

Cowboys cancel practice due to severe storm, power outage

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Okay rook ‼️ @Tua ➡️ @tahj_washington pic.twitter.com/pkxNyrA9cK — Miami Dolphins (@MiamiDolphins) May 28, 2024

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. @keoncoleman6 & @_CeeDeeThree linked up for some route training 🔥 (via @DelfonteDiamond ) pic.twitter.com/rwootyEMb9 — NFL (@NFL) May 28, 2024

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  • Open access
  • Published: 28 May 2024

Design and practice of blended teaching of internal medicine nursing based on O-AMAS effective teaching model

  • Anyan Duan 1 , 2 ,
  • Fen Jiang 1 ,
  • Ling Li 3 ,
  • Qun Li 1 , 2 &
  • Wei Chen 1 , 2  

BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  580 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

170 Accesses

Metrics details

Self-directed learning (SDL) ability is the basis for cultivating nursing students’ ability to find and solve problems, lifelong learning, and providing high-quality nursing talents for healthcare. The O-AMAS (Objective, Activation, Multi-learning, Assessment, Summary) model adheres to the teaching philosophy of student-centered, result-oriented, combines the advantages of online and offline teaching, enriching teaching resources and learning channels, diversifying teaching and evaluation methods, and emphasizing integrating and applying knowledge conducive to improving students’ SDL ability and achieving teaching objectives. This study explored the course design, practical, and application effects under the O-AMAS effective teaching model in internal medicine nursing to provide a basis and reference for combining effective teaching models with blended teaching in future nursing courses.

This study is a self-controlled before-after trial. The participants were 76 nursing undergraduates from Hunan Normal University. This study utilizes the O-AMAS effective teaching model to design internal medicine nursing courses and implement blended online and offline teaching. Main links: The overall course design and application are student-centered, after clarifying macro and micro multi-dimensional learning objectives, with online and offline blended teaching environments activated students’ learning behavior and diversified teachers’ teaching activities, then based on instant and dynamic provide effective feedback; finally, students take the initiate to make a brief and potent summary under the teacher guidance. After the course, a unified assessment of the learning effect of nursing students was conducted, including the evaluation of the SDL ability of nursing students, a final comprehensive evaluation grade, and a teaching satisfaction survey.

The nursing students’ SDL ability scores are higher than before teaching, and the results were statistically significant ( P  < 0.05). The final average comprehensive evaluation grade of nursing students was 78.38 ± 7.12. More than 96% of the students are satisfied with this course.

Applying for internal medicine nursing blended teaching integrated with the O-AMAS effective teaching model is conducive to improving nursing students’ SDL ability, academic grades, and teaching satisfaction.

Peer Review reports

The overall purpose of internal medicine course is to cultivate high-quality nursing talents with multi-field adaptive learning ability, cross-field practical ability, and interdisciplinary comprehensive thinking ability to improve the quality of nursing services, meet the increasingly diversified and differentiated nursing needs of people, and achieve the goal of “universal health coverage by 2030” [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. With the rapid update of medical knowledge and technology, nursing students must constantly improve their knowledge, ability, and quality in theoretical teaching and clinical practice, which puts higher requirements for their self-directed learning ability [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]. The self-directed learning ability of nursing undergraduates is the ability of undergraduate nursing students to obtain and master the necessary knowledge and skills of nursing services with meta-cognition and objective human and material resources. Its main components are the three abilities of self-management, information, and learning cooperation [ 7 ]. Self-directed learning ability is a core competence that equips nursing students with lifelong learning [ 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]. Relevant studies show that the SDL ability enables nursing students to enhance their professional nursing values, self-efficacy, meta-cognitive ability, critical thinking, academic performance, academic resilience, time management tendency, problem-solving ability, health education ability, and resilience [ 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 ]. However, because nursing students in the process of learning are still influenced by the traditional teaching concept, nursing students’ learning mainly depends on teachers’ classroom teaching, still a passive accept knowledge role, lack of learning initiative, do not understand discipline dynamic and master essential knowledge, especially difficult to use theory knowledge analysis and solve the problem of clinical practice, the nursing students overall SDL ability and SDL readiness is still at a low to medium level [ 11 , 15 , 18 , 19 ]. Therefore, educators must reform the traditional teaching mode according to the growth law and the learning needs of contemporary students.

O-AMAS, an online and offline hybrid interactive teaching model, was independently developed and launched by the effective teaching team of Nankai University in 2017. The model has five links: Objective, Activation, Multi-learning, Assessment, and Summary [ 20 ]. The model is oriented by learning results and driven by benign interaction. After clarifying multi-dimensional goals, it realizes the teaching objectives and objects are deeply penetrated and participate in the course, advocates student-centered, pays attention to contextualization, gives full play to students’ enthusiasm and initiative, and inspires students to become knowledge builders and problem solvers. The model has been applied in pharmacology, microbial physiology, and community pharmacist training and achieved good results in improving study objects’ self-directed learning ability, academic grades, and satisfaction [ 21 , 22 , 23 ].

In recent years, blended learning strategies have become the most potential teaching strategy in nursing education [ 24 ]. In 2022, China launched the educational digitization strategy, built an online national intelligent education platform for higher education, and an intelligent overpass for teachers and students to teach and learn [ 25 ]. In 2023, China’s Ministry of Education proposed that the digital reform of higher education should pay great attention to content reform and thus provide high-quality educational content to effectively support the steady development of digital education [ 26 ]. Therefore, the Internet-based online and offline mixed teaching mode offers new ideas for promoting the construction of nursing “golden courses” [ 27 , 28 ]. So, this study combines the O-AMAS effective teaching model and online and offline blended teaching to design the internal medicine nursing course. Given the problems existing in the current teaching, analysis and grasp the students learning characteristics and cognitive way, optimize the online teaching resources construction and offline teaching methods, rebuild the internal medical nursing teaching process, use diversified teaching mode, implement effective evaluation and feedback, finally through a brief but potent summary to promote deep learning, fully arouse the students’ learning, improve students’ SDL ability.

Study design

This study is a self-controlled before-after trial.


Through cluster sampling, the study defined participants as 76 second year nursing undergraduates from Hunan Normal University, including 11 males and 65 females. All subjects signed an informed consent form before participating in the study.

Tools and measurements

Self-directed learning instrument for nursing students

Self-directed learning instrument for nursing students (SDLI for nursing students) consists of 20 items, using the Likert 5-point scoring method; each item is 1 ~ 5 points, the total score is 20 ~ 100 points, the higher the score, the stronger the self-directed learning ability. The scale contains four dimensions (learning motivation, learning plan and implementation, self-management, and interpersonal communication) [ 29 ].

Curriculum academic grades

According to the course design, the course team has developed a comprehensive assessment and evaluation system, which combines the process evaluation and final evaluation from online and offline, including classroom performance, chapter test, topic discussion, group activities, clinical internship, and final examination, with each part taking different weights.

Teaching satisfaction for nursing student’s questionnaire

The teaching team of this study designed the questionnaire through an extensive review of the literature, examined other satisfaction questionnaires, interviewed nursing students, consulted with academic experts, and then adjusted it according to the course design and practice. The questionnaire comprises eight items on three options (approval, neutrality, and disapproval); the questionnaire assesses aspects such as increased learning interest, engagement, and efficiency. In the current study, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.916, indicating a high level of reliability.

Internal medicine nursing is a core and practical clinical course in nursing, but learning it is challenging for most students. On the one hand, the complicated and scattered course content, abstract mechanism, and uneven difficulty hindered learners from activating learning interests and focusing on learning objectives; on the other hand, tight class hours, limited classroom learning resources, and learners cannot reasonably arrange learning resources and formulate learning strategies aren’t conducive to cultivate self-directed learning ability and innovation consciousness [ 30 , 31 ]. So this study chooses internal medicine nursing to explore the application effects of the O-AMAS effective teaching model and provide a basis and reference for combining effective teaching models with blended teaching in future nursing courses.

The internal medicine nursing course adopts the O-AMAS effective teaching model to design and mainly includes five parts. The design is summarized in Fig.  1 . Internal Medicine Nursing (6th edition) is the primary textbook, edited by You Liming and Wu Ying and published by People’s Medical Publishing House. Besides, this course quoted Internal Medicine (9th edition) and relevant literature as references, using the MOOC and Chaoxing of online learning applications to assist teaching.

figure 1

Flow chart of the design of blended teaching of internal medicine nursing based on the O-AMAS effective teaching model

Assemble a teaching team

This study’s teaching team includes 1 department head, 2 pedagogy experts, 5 internal medicine nursing teachers, and 1 teaching assistant from the Chaoxing learning platform. The department head is responsible for the overall design, implementation, adjustment, and summary of internal medicine nursing; pedagogy experts are responsible for guiding and analyzing students’ learning situation, integrating O-AMAS effective teaching model and blended teaching method design; teachers are responsible for building online teaching platform, course teaching, communicating with students and course evaluation; the teaching assistant is responsible for the smooth combination of online teaching platform and offline courses.

Combining blended teaching with the O-AMAS model effectively

Design effective teaching objectives.

The goal of traditional teaching is unclear; most nursing students aim to pass examinations and get a bachelor’s degree certificate, which leads them to neglect often to cultivate their self-directed learning ability. In the long run, it is not conducive for individuals to adapt to the rapidly changing clinical environment and long-term benign development. Therefore, the course team analyzed the students’ learning characteristics and cognitive methods, and under the guidance of the O-AMAS effective teaching model, according to the SMART principles (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) studied and revised the teaching objectives of the internal medicine nursing course, and formulated the macro objectives of the course. The overall teaching objectives of the course: ① Knowledge objectives: Master the basic theory, knowledge, and skills of internal nursing; master the clinical manifestations, nursing diagnosis, nursing plan, nursing measures, and nursing evaluation of common internal diseases; be familiar with the pathologic and physiological change process, diagnostic points and prevention points of common internal diseases; understand the etiology, pathogenesis, and the related frontier research dynamics. ② Ability objectives: Cultivate the ability of nursing students to exert nursing procedures to achieve holistic care; apply interpersonal communication skills to educate medical patients and their families; and learn internal medicine nursing and other related disciplines independently. ③ Quality objectives: Cultivate students’ professional spirit and professional quality; cultivate a rigorous and realistic scientific attitude and an innovative scientific spirit; possess a high degree of patriotic feelings and cultural, legal, moral, and professional literacy.

Based on understanding the course’s overall teaching objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives, this study from six bands, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, to design each lesson gradually ascend from low to high orders and student-centered micro-teaching objectives, teachers focus on diversified teaching activities to help students to learn independently and building knowledge system effectively.

Take the Transient Ischemic Attacks(TIA) section as an example: ① Pre-class self-directed learning stage: mainly the first order of knowledge and comprehension, memorizing the brain’s blood supply, and grasping the disease characteristics of TIA. ② Cooperative learning stage in the class: mainly the middle and high order of application, analysis, and synthesis. Students can observe and make initial evaluations, judge the condition of TIA patients, and cooperate with doctors to actively treat, raise existing nursing problems, implement effective holistic care, and provide health guidance to individuals and families. ③ Consolidation and promotion stage after class. Based on the high-level evaluation, students can use the knowledge to evaluate whether the nursing measures taken for TIA patients are effective. They can find the existing nursing problems and solutions through books, databases, and other resources.

Effective activation to improve students learning interest

Traditional teaching often uses pre-class previews and class tests to activate students, even in some courses that consider the students’ performance an essential part of academic performance. It may have some positive effects, but it also may cause students anxiety and distraction, especially in pure hybrid teaching; students may quickly get answers by intelligent equipment, which not only weakens the students’ interest in learning but can not achieve effective activation. Effective activation requires exciting ways; the activation tools should be closely related to the learning content, and all students participate so that multi-dimensionally activate students’ physical, emotional, and cognition.

This study adopted role-play about clinical reality to activate students’ bodies. Activate students’ emotions by quoting character stories and news reports, such as the diseases that exist in real heroes and ordinary families taking their precious lives, leading to the country and the family loss of talents and relatives to activate students’ empathy; quote positive clinical cases to activate students responsibility, such as healthcare workers save countless patients struggling in disease through solid fundamental knowledge and meticulous clinical work, the teacher praised students’ and created a positive learning atmosphere to activate students’ confidence based on the student’s performance. Presented clinical micro-video and conducted thematic discussions to activate students’ cognition. For example, the leukemia teaching combined with the teaching objectives and content of this chapter, when talking about “acute leukemia,” the teacher through micro-video to initiate a discussion topic, “Does the blood of patients with leukemia turn white?” to motivate student learning interest and enthusiasm, so that students can quickly get into the learning state. The teacher further used brainstorming to guide the students to state whether the blood of leukemia patients will turn white and analyze the causes on the Chaoxing learning platform; the classroom screen will display each student’s ideas to fully mobilize the students to participate actively in the classroom with enthusiasm.

Diversified teaching methods to enhance students’ motivation

Due to the differences between nursing students in personality, learning habits, learning foundation, and learning methods, teachers are required to build new and diversified learning methods to meet the learning needs of most students. This study, based on students’ learning conditions and specific courses, flexibly adopts multiple teaching methods, such as lectured-based learning(LBL), team-based learning(TBL), problem-based learning(PBL), and case-based learning(CBL) etc. A variety of teaching methods are interspersed. At the same time, teachers guided students to experience various learning methods, such as receptive learning, cooperated and explored learning, independent learning, etc. Suppose students must pass the pre-class quizzes to reach the low-order knowledge and comprehension teaching objectives. In that case, the teachers will focus on the class’s LBL and PBL teaching methods, or the teachers will take students as the leading role, application and analysis as the primary teaching objectives, and CBL and TBL as the central teaching methods.

Take acute coronary syndrome and cerebrovascular disease as an example; since students have comprehended the definition and characteristics of the disease, so the teacher took the progressive cases as the main line to present different scenarios of progressive cases gradually. As the disease progresses, it gradually leads to core knowledge points that include the cause of the disease, clinical manifestations, treatment, and nursing measures, etc., and further through teaching strategies such as questioning, enlightening thinking, and group discussion, encourage and guide students to independently explore the implicit knowledge behind the case scenario (such as the causes and inducements of the disease, typical clinical manifestations, and laboratory changes that contribute to identifying the disease, judgment disease of changes, observe treatment efficacy and care adverse reactions), so then guide students to actively participate in the class, more profoundly and systematically understand the internal logical relationship of disease occurrence and development. Finally, according to the feedback from testing, teachers organized students to discuss the frontier or hot topic of clinical nursing. They guided students to track the latest research results and hotspots of nursing. Besides, in the after-class clinical internship, cooperative learning is the primary method; students enter the ward in groups to collect data, and the teachers observe by the bed and give timely guidance and supplements. After the nursing assessment, the students broached the nursing problems and nursing measures according to the case under the teachers’ guidance, evaluated the implementation effect of the nursing measures, and broached the improvement plan. At the end of the internship, the students completed the internship report, which included nursing medical records and experience.

Effective assessment improve teaching effect

The three elements of effective assessment are assessment design, implementation, and feedback. An effective assessment is not a simple score but an effective feedback activity corresponding to the teaching objectives to promote students’ learning effect. This study combines process assessment and final assessment, attaches importance to process assessment and practical ability assessment, continues to assess teaching activities according to teaching objectives, timely adjusts and improves teaching strategies based on students’ feedback, and the assessment runs through the whole online and offline teaching activities. The assessment methods include before and after classroom evaluation, classroom questions and answers, online engagement in the topic discussion, chapter tests, group activities, and clinical internship performance, etc.; the assessment content includes whether the low-order goals (knowledge and comprehension) and the high-order goals (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) can be achieved. The assessment system of internal medicine nursing is presented in Table  1 . For example, this study adopted multiple assessment forms to achieve practical evaluation and feedback, such as group discussion based on clinical progressive cases, topic discussion, and thinking questions. Students can realize how much knowledge they can master in classroom learning and what aspects they need to make up for the deficiencies; it effectively facilitates students to adjust learning objectives timely. Meanwhile, teachers can also analyze the effect of classroom teaching from a multi-dimensional perspective to improve and further promote effective teaching.

Brief summary to promote in-depth learning

This stage is often at the end of a class. After students focus on learning the vital and challenging points of knowledge in class, they tend to become lax at this stage. Therefore, a short and powerful summary is needed to help students connect the key learning content of a class. With students as the main body, teachers guide students in summarizing the classroom content and integrating the learning emphases. Based on the Chaoxing learning platform, it automatically generates summative hot words, or students summarize the teaching content to form mind mapping to help students review what they have learned, further consolidate, reflect, and deepen knowledge.

Statistical data analysis

Entered and analyzed data using the SPSS 23.0 statistical software, measurement information was expressed as mean ± standard deviation ( \(\overline {\rm{X}} {\rm{ \pm S}}\) ), and a paired-sample t-test was used to compare students’ self-directed learning ability before and after teaching. The test level is α = 0.05, 1-β = 0.9,  p -value<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Ethical consideration

Informed consent was obtained from the study participants before they were enrolled in the study. Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Committee of Hunan Normal University School of Medicine before commencing the study. (Ref no 2,023,415, dated 10th February 2023)

Results of final comprehensive grades

In the teaching process, the Chaoxing learning platform, the classroom learning engagement, and the after-class assessment together form the process grades, which combine the final exam score to get the final comprehensive grades. The course passing rate is higher, as recorded in Table  2 .

Results of evaluation of teaching satisfaction

After teaching, using a self-made questionnaire to evaluate the teaching effect, 100% of students gave feedback; more than 90% of students think it is helpful to promote pre-class preview and after-class review and consolidate; more than 80% of students think it helps to stimulate learning interest and enthusiasm, mobilize learning initiative, help adjust learning methods and improve learning efficiency, and teachers can timely feedback; the course satisfaction rate for all students reached 96.1%. The satisfaction results are presented in Table  3 .

Results of comparison of SDL ability before and after teaching

The after-teaching was superior to the before-teaching in the total score of nursing students’ SDL ability ( P  < 0.05). The scores of nursing students’ SDL ability were improved in four dimensions, especially in learning motivation, planning and implementation, and self-management ( P  < 0.05). The SDL ability scores before and after teaching are presented in Table  4 .

Existing research results show that the students’ SDL ability is positively associated with health education ability, clinical practice behavior, and learning motivation [ 17 , 32 , 33 , 34 ] and negatively associated with study burnout and academic stress [ 35 ], so improving the nursing students’ SDL ability is beneficial to promote the nursing students’ better master theoretical knowledge and operation skills, integrate into the clinical work, promote professional identity, cultivate consciousness and ability of lifelong learning, improve clinical nursing quality in all aspects, meet the growing social health needs [ 36 ]. The O-AMAS effective teaching model emphasizes the educational philosophy of “student-centered and result-oriented development” in all teaching activities [ 20 ]. This study is based on the digital educational trend, combined with the national Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC), the school Small Private Online Course (SPOC) teaching resources, the Chaoxing learning platform, and the Wisdom Tree Platform teaching tools, which scientifically cover pre-class preview, class teaching, and post-class improve three teaching link, designed and practiced blended teaching of internal medicine nursing teaching based on O-AMAS effective teaching model. Establishing a multi-level oriented multi-dimensional goal in line with Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives; Quickly activating the learning interest and behavior from the three aspects of students’ physical, emotional, and cognitive; adopting multiple teaching methods to guide nursing students learning autonomously based on the needs of diagnostic theory and experimental manipulation; combined with the Chaoxing online learning platform for effective measurement and assessment, multi-dimensional analysis, process evaluation and dynamic feedback on the teaching and learning behaviors generated during the course teaching process, to promote the timely improvement of teaching and learning; finally, teachers take the students as the main body and guide students to generate summarizing hot words or mind mappings, help students review what they have learned, explore the relevant scientific research frontiers, and further consolidate and deepen their reflections, improve the coherence and efficiency of nursing students both in and out of class, reduce the learning burden of nursing students, so as to promote the improvement of learning enthusiasm and independent learning ability.

Blended teaching based on the O-AMAS effective teaching model is beneficial to improve the academic performance of nursing students. After teaching, the student’s average academic score was 78.38 ± 7.12 points, which was higher than the academic score of the previous students. More than 96% of students are generally satisfied with this course, and more than 80% believe it can stimulate their interest in learning, mobilize their learning initiative, and increase their learning investment. Moreover, the SDL ability of nursing students was higher than before class, with statistically significant differences ( p  < 0.001). These results show that the O-AMAS effective teaching model helps to analyze and grasp students’ learning characteristics and cognitive mode, clarify multi-dimensional learning objectives, effectively and quickly activate the students’ learning behaviors and interests, and significantly improve students’ participation in class. The application of the online curriculum platform for teachers and students to communicate has provided more opportunities and diverse methods; while improving feedback efficiency, it can effectively promote the adjustment and improvement of teaching and learning methods. In this process, teachers’ pedagogy improved, and students effectively realized the enhancement of knowledge level and clinical ability. Both sides progress to complete the overall goal of the course and develop a harmonious relationship. Therefore, students achieved excellent academic performance and were given a higher teaching evaluation. In the post-epidemic era, Shen Bingzheng et al. based on the O-AMAS teaching model and flipped classroom, developed an online continuing training program, effectively improved community pharmacists’ SDL ability, professional competence online, and received a high evaluation of teaching satisfaction [ 23 ]; Luo PeiPei et al. adopted the results-oriented effective teaching mode (O-AMAS) to guide the clinical nursing teaching of undergraduates in cardiovascular internal medicine and improved the nursing students of theoretical scores, comprehensive skills test score, and evaluation of clinical teaching effect [ 37 ]. Wang Xiaojun et al. applied the O-AMAS effective teaching model in the health assessment course, which effectively improved the teaching effect, improved the teaching evaluation of teachers and students, and cultivated students’ independent learning ability [ 38 ]. Therefore, the O-AMAS effective teaching model is helpful in improving students’ self-learning ability, academic performance, and teaching satisfaction and is also suitable for nursing teaching in different settings.

This study further found that the self-directed learning instrument for nursing students of the three dimensions’ total scores (learning motivation, planning and implementation, self-management) were higher than before teaching, with statistically significant differences ( p  < 0.05), which can be attributed to that the teaching model expand the cognition of learning from the starting point of teaching, let students get rid of the idea of learning for the sake of examination, and realize that the course of internal medicine nursing can help them master knowledge, improve their ability, and establish good professional ethics, to correct, activate and maintain the learning motivation of learners [ 39 ]; adhere to the student-centered from beginning to end, online and offline, and provides external learning conditions and resources that suitable for students’ learning paths, starting from the activation of existence, then using self-improvement as the intermediary, students to formulate and implement learning plans according to their own situation in the support of rich teaching resources and various teaching methods, finally promote individual self planning and implementation ability [ 40 ]. Besides, combining the online learning platforms of MOOC and the Chaoxing Learning platform to multi-dimensionally analyze, dynamically evaluate, and provide feedback improves students’ ability to actively think, explore, and build knowledge systems. Supervise and manage students’ online learning situations and include usual performances as process assessment data, which improves students’ self-management ability to a certain extent [ 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 ]. Compared with traditional face-to-face teaching and simple online teaching, the blended teaching mode that integrate online resources and clinical case has more positive effects on student’s academic performance [ 45 , 46 ], self-directed learning ability [ 47 , 48 ], learning interest [ 49 ], motivation [ 50 ], and satisfaction [ 51 , 52 ]. It is also worth noting that the interpersonal communication skills of nursing students improved compared with before teaching, but the result did not have statistical significance. In terms of interpersonal communication, when applying the O-AMAS effective teaching model in this course, the teaching process takes students as the main line and teachers as the guidance, but online learning mainly focuses on students’ independent learning, with fewer chapters on peer learning, team-based learning, and learning feedback between peers. Therefore, there is no noticeable improvement in students’ SDL ability in interpersonal communication. In the future, education must focus on cultivating students’ confidence to improve interpersonal communication.

The results of this study show that the design of blended teaching of internal medicine nursing based on the O-AMAS effective teaching model has an explicit level, rich content, a wide range of applications, more than 100 effective interactive methods, and a variety of teaching methods, teaching techniques, teaching organization and management complements each other, which can effectively improve students’ academic performance and SDL ability, further stimulating students’ enthusiasm for learning to encourage students to learn more actively and effectively. Students’ high satisfaction with the course also promotes the establishment of harmonious relationships between teachers and students and the realization of course objectives; the course objectives and teaching objectives are successfully realized and deeply penetrate the teaching process, the teaching objects are deeply involved, the teaching methods have rules to follow, and the teaching effect is visible and controllable. This study has limitations in the number of courses applied, class hours, and sample size, which need to be improved in future studies. Therefore, nursing teaching needs to innovate the classroom teaching mode and optimize the teaching process constantly to promote the development of students’ self-directed learning ability, improve students’ innovation capacity, and lay a talent foundation for the sustainable development of China’s health cause.

Data availability

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. The data are not available publicly due to privacy.


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We acknowledge all the students who participated in the study.

This work was supported by grants from the Teaching Reform research project of the Hunan Normal University School of Medicine.

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School of Medicine, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China

Anyan Duan, Fen Jiang, Qun Li & Wei Chen

The Key Laboratory of Model Animals and Stem Cell Biology in Hunan Province, Hunan Normal University School of Medicine, Changsha, China

Anyan Duan, Qun Li & Wei Chen

Nursing Department, The Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China

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W.C. and A.Y.D. conceived the original idea and wrote the proposal. A.Y.D., W.C., and F.J. designed and applied the study. A.Y.D., F.J., L.L., Q.L., and W.C. organized the data collection and analyzed the data. All the authors contributed to revising the draft of the manuscript, and all the authors read and approved the final draft of the manuscript.

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Duan, A., Jiang, F., Li, L. et al. Design and practice of blended teaching of internal medicine nursing based on O-AMAS effective teaching model. BMC Med Educ 24 , 580 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05588-8

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Received : 07 November 2023

Accepted : 22 May 2024

Published : 28 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05588-8

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  • O-AMAS teaching model
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Pictures of hostages kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas from Gaza, are seen next to an Israeli flag on a building under construction, in Tel Aviv

Four more Israeli hostages died in Gaza captivity, Israel's military says

The Israeli military said on Monday that four more of the Israeli hostages abducted by Hamas on Oct. 7 have died in captivity and that their bodies are being held by the Islamist group.

Portugal's new government swearing-in ceremony, in Lisbon


  1. Paraphrasing worksheets

    activities to practice paraphrasing

  2. Paraphrasing worksheets

    activities to practice paraphrasing

  3. A List of Paraphrasing Exercises That Will Help to Become Paraphrase

    activities to practice paraphrasing

  4. Students will practice their paraphrasing and summarizing skills with

    activities to practice paraphrasing

  5. Paraphrasing worksheets

    activities to practice paraphrasing

  6. Paraphrasing worksheets

    activities to practice paraphrasing


  1. Paraphrasing 101

  2. The Antilia

  3. What Is Paraphrasing And The Rules Of Paraphrasing?(ENGLISH FOR RESEARCH PAPER WRITING)

  4. 👩 paraphrase with me (crime topic)

  5. Best Paraphrasing Tools

  6. Class eight, sub: English Exp: Paraphrasing and Rephrasing, Activities 4.3.1 & 4.3.2


  1. PDF Paraphrasing and Citation Activities, APA Style 7th Edition

    Complete the following activities to practice your paraphrasing and citation skills. Then compare your answers with those from the APA Style team (see pages 6 and 7 of this instructional aid) as well as your classmates or colleagues. In completing the activities, you can type your answers directly into the PDF using the text fields.

  2. Paraphrasing Exercise

    3. Of the more than 1000 bicycling deaths each year, three-fourths are caused by head injuries. Half of those killed are school-age children. One study concluded that wearing a bike helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent. In an accident, a bike helmet absorbs the shock and cushions the head.

  3. Paraphrase Games and Activities You Should Know

    These activities and games teach and reinforce paraphrase. Most of us aren't born knowing how to paraphrase, though. Use these games and activities to help your students learn and practice paraphrasing. 1. Paraphrasing Races. The teacher puts the students into groups and gives each group a sentence.

  4. Best 5 Paraphrasing Exercises

    Paraphrasing Exercises and Activities To Help You Master the Skill. Now that you know the importance of paraphrasing, let's dive right in and look at some exercises and activities that can help you improve. Remember, as is the case when learning any other new skill, you need to engage with these exercises regularly. 1. Broaden Your Vocabulary

  5. Teaching Students to Paraphrase

    But teaching effective paraphrasing is necessary because the use of paraphrasing facilitates important literacy skills: It encourages repeated reading, develops note-taking habits as students track quotes and outline text details, and expands vocabulary as they consider appropriate ways to describe the original text.The skill may seem daunting to students because it takes time to find the ...

  6. Exercise : Basic-level Paraphrase and Summary Writing

    Summary. "Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in the United States. And writer Liel Leibovitz says the students are following an example that began in the eighteen seventies. Mr. Leibovitz and writer Matthew Miller joined forces to tell the story of the students in their book, "Fortunate Sons.".

  7. Exercise : Intermediate-level Paraphrase Exercises

    Paraphrase Exercise. Please read the following passages carefully and paraphrase it. "In the United States, about six out of ten students in graduate schools are women. The same is true of today's young adults who already have a degree beyond college. As a result, the Census Bureau expects that more women than men will hold professions such ...


    PARAPHRASING ACTIVITIES . ACTIVITY 1 . Read the original text below. Highlight the words that you think are specialised words or words that . should not be changed. ... Paraphrase 2 is unacceptable because the subject of the first sentence is different from the original, i.e. 'dramatic change' rather than 'the United States, Germany and ...

  9. PDF Test Your Paraphrasing Skills Worksheet

    Test Your Paraphrasing Skills Worksheet Paraphrasing Quotes by HGSE Professors. Before beginning this worksheet you should have completed the Principles of Paraphrasing online tutorial. The five quoted passages included in this worksheet are taken from the writings of HGSE faculty. Now that you have reviewed the rules for paraphrasing, you may ...

  10. How to teach paraphrasing creatively

    Answers: 1. breakfast, dinner/supper 2. orange juice, lemonade etc 3. bath, wash. Many everyday phrases and words can be paraphrased like this. There are certain patterns that students can learn together and they can also create (or least experiment with!) new combinations if we encourage them.

  11. Paraphrasing Worksheets

    Now write an original thought based on what you have read. Make sure what you write keeps the nature and tone the author was originally trying to create. When you complete your paraphrase make sure to include a citation of where the original source is given credit. These worksheets will help you learn how to use paraphrasing in your work.

  12. Keep Your Brain In Shape with These Paraphrasing Activities

    It takes practice to excel at anything, including paraphrasing. You'll need to exercise your techniques to truly grasp them. Doing fun paraphrasing games and activities can help you practice ...

  13. Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing is finding another way to say something when you don't know how to say it. Paraphrasing is not only an essential skill for all speakers but also key to learners developing communicative ability beyond their existing knowledge of language. The learner is describing a photograph of a glider and doesn't know the word, so paraphrases ...

  14. How to Teach Paraphrasing to High School Students

    Paraphrasing is an important writing skill. It encourages students to expand their vocabulary and modify sentence styles. It also challenges them to read closely and analyze meaning. Paraphrasing is also an essential skill toavoid plagiarism. As high school students begin researching and developing more complex ideas, it is important to clarify ...

  15. Paraphrasing and Summarizing Exercises with Answers

    Paraphrasing Exercise # 1: Here is a sample paragraph that we will be paraphrasing as an exercise. We'll write the paragraph alone first, and then provide the answer after a brief explanation. Sample Paragraph: "John could not find the butter in his fridge. He went to buy some from the store.

  16. Paraphrasing Practice Activity (Teacher-Made)

    Challenge students to paraphrase with the help of our Paraphrasing Practice Activity. The four steps of paraphrasing are included to help students as they highlight keywords and then paraphrase the included paragraph. This would be a great independent activity or assessment. This resource addresses the following standards: CCSS W.3.2, W.4.2, W.5.2; TEKS 3.12.B, 4.12.B, 5.12.B.Don't forget to ...

  17. Paraphrasing Activity

    — Paraphrasing — Summarizing — Analyzing — Synthesizing; Educators. OWL Educator Resources — Tips for Using the OWL — Writing in the Disciplines — Assessment Rubrics — How to Embed Activities — How to Create Custom Owlets — Quick Reference Guide — Index of Activities — Site Index; Our Blog. Hoot: The Excelsior OWL Blog ...

  18. 32 Paraphrasing English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    Paraphrase exercise. This is a letter sen. 147 uses. DarbyShaw. modal verbs paraphra. This exercise contai. 5774 uses. luchilasol. Paraphrasing for PET. This activity contai. 4019 uses. beagmeur. modals paraphrases K. Key to modals paraph. 717 uses. AimeeB. Hot Tips For Paraphr. A guide to help teac. 5948 uses.

  19. Paraphrasing Practice Activity (teacher made)

    Challenge students to paraphrase with the help of our Paraphrasing Practice Activity. The four steps of paraphrasing are included to help students as they highlight keywords and then paraphrase the included paragraph. This would be a great independent activity or assessment. This resource addresses the following standards: CCSS W.3.2, W.4.2, W.5.2; TEKS 3.12.B, 4.12.B, 5.12.B.Don't forget to ...

  20. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing involves expressing someone else's ideas or thoughts in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Paraphrasing tools can help you quickly reword text by replacing certain words with synonyms or restructuring sentences. They can also make your text more concise, clear, and suitable for a specific audience.

  21. Paraphrase and Summary Exercises

    The exercises in this section provide opportunities for second language writers (ESL) of various proficiency levels to practice with paraphrase and summary writing. Exercises in this section were developed by Kamal Belmihoub. Last Update May 29, 2014. Please use the navigation bar on the left or the links below to access the individual exercises.

  22. Paraphrasing Tool

    QuillBot's Paraphraser is fast, free, and easy to use, making it the best paraphrasing tool on the market. You can compare results from 9 predefined modes and use the remarkable Custom mode to define and create an unlimited number of Custom modes. The built-in thesaurus helps you customize your paraphrases, and the rephrase option means you can ...

  23. Chicago Bears OTAs: Caleb Williams steals the show in latest practice

    GettyImages. The last time we checked in on Chicago Bears No. 1 overall pick and quarterback Caleb Williams at an open practice of organized team activities last week, reviews from beat writers on ...

  24. MLB All-Star weekend adds prospect skills competition, including target

    MLB All-Star weekend adds prospect skills competition, including target practice, power display The events will immediately follow the Futures Game on July 13

  25. Injured Celtics big a full practice participant as NBA ...

    Boston Celtics center Kristaps Porzingis (8) gestures to the crowd after scoring during the first half of an NBA basketball game against the New York Knicks in New York, Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024.

  26. Deuce Vaughn getting WR reps at Cowboys practice

    Published June 2, 2024 08:02 AM. The Cowboys' lack of activity at wide receiver in free agency drew a lot of attention this offseason, but there is one notable new face working with the group at their organized team activities. Reporters at practice this week noted that running back Deuce Vaughn was taking reps with the team's wideouts.

  27. Detroit Lions OTAs: Biggest takeaways from second open practice

    The Detroit Lions were back on the practice field Thursday for their fifth practice of organized team activities, and the second in which the media was allowed to attend. It will likely be the ...

  28. 2024 NFL OTA updates: Dolphins rookie WR catches deep Tua pass for

    Cowboys cancel practice due to severe storm, power outage Severe storms hit the Dallas-Fort Worth area Tuesday morning, with wind gusts reportedly reaching 80 miles per hour, damaging local ...

  29. Design and practice of blended teaching of internal medicine nursing

    Background Self-directed learning (SDL) ability is the basis for cultivating nursing students' ability to find and solve problems, lifelong learning, and providing high-quality nursing talents for healthcare. The O-AMAS (Objective, Activation, Multi-learning, Assessment, Summary) model adheres to the teaching philosophy of student-centered, result-oriented, combines the advantages of online ...

  30. Taiwan president extends goodwill after China drills, US lawmakers

    TAIPEI, May 26 (Reuters) - Taiwan President Lai Ching-te extended goodwill towards and offered cooperation with China on Sunday following two days of Chinese war games near the island, as a group ...